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tv   News  RT  May 6, 2024 3:00am-3:31am EDT

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my show is called direction time, but again, it's not, we don't want to watch it because it might just change the way in the, in the absence of austin. recognize that it is not the premiums who are more they are only as to their bodies mean. nothing, but for the size of the was, has a method to using key wasn't sold the 5 percent of the grand for the people with physical disabilities, ad mental illnesses into the i'm going to increase the numbers for you and, and do now is, is, is well decisions expelled the new protocol. so how does the finding the contact page, the outlet, click on the line is what is in good shape. lataria is needed is on his bus official told him you're in 5 years, fall 12 increase access to tar as markets in the same. so i'm in tennessee is
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really from prison to find the very well welcome to you from the entire all the, the national news to me coming to you live from most of that is taking a little. so is this out. we start with the breaking news from a russia's belgrade region near ukrainian border. 6 people were killed the modem for a few wounded in a plane drone a tankless policy in vehicles used by an accurate cultural company. allows, according to local authorities, will bring in more as the story develops. i was taught with it, but it says it is not the ukrainians who are what brought the collective west is using them as a tool and the proxy confidence gains rush. i he points out the western powers that no longer told me about a supposed victory over russia. they were only seeking to prevent themselves from
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being defeated. the reason i knew it got the dish as much listen as we are now. hearing western figures admit that things are getting harder and harder and ukraine . this is a rather eloquent characterization of the fact that they're lying to inflict extra feet. and as the savings on pon rusher is doomed to failure. to turn on the most far sighted and just plain smart and serious politicians in the west realize this is picking us up with the weapons that are going to ukraine are being assembled literally all over the world so that you know more than 50 countries are involved in this work, suppose you had of the pentagon lloyd austin said a few days ago that they would never be defeated to. that is they are no longer talking about defeating russia for fun about them not being defeated securely. and in essence, often recognize that it is not the ukrainians who are more wisdom. they are only a tool to reach their bodies. mean nothing else. the we, the west constantly emphasizes said it will not let its own citizens, diane,
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that's on bass folks, maybe do which is possible. so the fewer ukrainians die ended on bass. the best way to do that is races. logical. i do not even want to talk about it, but as a new process is continuing to advance, i gave some credit of forces on the front lines with territorial gains, further pushing back cubes, full troops. now this position was brushing as strikes on you claim id supervision list of fired by how have you coped the crew failure faces in your future nicely, even more russian victories on the battlefield. first, ukraine is, is in a hole, and it's in a hole in no small part because it does away in the us being able to provide it. and it will take time to dig out of that hole. so i do expect to see continued rushing advances in the coming period, because you can't instantly flip the switch and they've got
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a essentially re capitalize their force with the material we're sending into them to be able to reverse some of the losses that have happened over the course of the months, the facing side going to process the plan has been seeking to repair. this is ryan slide, has something men with physical and mental illnesses gives you the allow see what was h i v. tuberculosis. i'm kind of as a, as what a substance abuse problems to be drafted into the minute dream. all i see is my shop rubles of the quine leaders who over through the government 10 years ago, are now wondering how come ukrainians are we in the country. and such massive numbers when you purchase a brand new. my 1st question is how did 6 hundreds of 50000 people of draft age going into the european commission, leave the territory of ukraine to do it. and it was born for those people who by law full on the mobilizations criteria, it is a very undignified to go
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a new great for lead the country that they're leaving. this time, the former ukrainian prime minister is speaking from an undisclosed location that he used to be much closer to the people when he promised them so much for me, you know, they can just bought was totally presidential elections. and then what is your p and government in ukraine, which will sign an agreement with a european union? i will make the life of every you, credit and citizen descend to your opinions successful. and most importantly, with confidence in the future from signing the e u agreement to assign a one of the toughest military conscription laws in the world. it's a venue ukrainian government just a decade starting this monitor having h i v tensor mental disorders and even just one kidney are not excuses. a ukrainian citizen can use to avoid service in the countries on sources and according to the u. back to coordinate human rights watch dog. all of these new
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implementations i completely ok. in fact, they've even added that people dealing with alcoholism or drug addiction are also subject to conscription. so it was the individuals with different types of addictions, including to alcohol and drugs, or recognizes eligible or temporarily eligible for non combat formations. these are, we are guard logistical assistance and medical assistance services. the message from ukrainian leaders through their citizens is clear, go when to or no matter how on the well you feel. and it doesn't matter that can script in people with physical and mental illnesses sounds like a violation of b. one convention on the rights of persons with disabilities, and in 2019 the un security council emphasized once again how vital protecting these people is. the counsel emphasize the need for states and impunity for
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criminal acts against civilians, including those with disabilities and to ensure they have access to justice and effective remedies and as appropriate, reparation. despite the hundreds of thousands already fighting on the front, he gives new rules just highlight it's this operation and more and more videos are going viral show when you're cleaning authorities flores fully dragging people from the streets to ship them to the front lines. the, as for ukrainians of age live in abroad. well, they're not safe either. just recently a 3rd is decided to suspend con solar services for their citizens abroad. so let's say
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a ukrainian citizen resided outside of ukraine needs to renew his passport. well, he cannot do that instead, he will have to go to kits and never get out because once you're there and you are eligible for conscription, why would they let you go? you member states need to make a joint decision on repub, creating ukrainians who are dodging the country's military draw. so we definitely need a uniform european decision on this issue. it looks all the ukraine is bleeding while young people have managed to leave and do not support that country. these new mobilization changes have been on the raid are for a while though it almost gives some sort of vision of this life. when us, senator lindsey graham bluntly said that, well as long as the us keeps on supporting ukraine, t if will keep on fighting till they have no more people left. as long as the way up ukraine with the weapons, they need an economic support. they will fight to the last person, get in a web service and equipment from the west is not enough. you need people firing
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those weapons, all parade in this equipment and big in the trenches, if you crazed already failed to the faith rush. so when it has a lot more healthy people willing to fight, you can make your own bed as to how it's going to go. now they're going to come, i know is the leader of the us house of representatives had seen jeffreys recently said, washington might send to the phone lines to face russia. if ukraine is defeated, we can't let you crane fall. because if it does, then there is a significant likelihood that america will have to get into the conflict. not simply with our money, but without service women, l service man. we can either stop russia and ukraine by continuing our military and economic support. or we can face a challenging situation where vladimir fulton and russia are able to overrun
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ukraine and then threaten nato allies. we have a michael move full of a senior security policy on his, at the pentagon. he thinks that or if he can support the crating since the very beginning of the conference has been request, i would say anything on a sustained basis that can be poor. this will not help them because the risk that there is no ability to be for this to be a sustaining effort to continue supplying the ukrainians, the industry so of all of europe. and even the united states is not geared up for a war time manufacturing capability. and as it is, the united states is pretty much exhaustive. its own stock piles. and that's why that and the majority of the about 80 percent of that 61000000000 going for ukraine is actually going to do the defense industry to make a new stuff to port,
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to, to replenish your own stock files. the entire episode of the us backing of this entire experience of helping ukraine locks and attack against russia was ludicrous from the, from the start. and that was under the, by the administration. and this just shows you the very core caliber of leadership that we're experiencing in this country today. they have no strategic game. there is no, there is no end to this. all that these people are doing or are also kind of a suicide mission to advance more into your proper. and if that's what they want, that's what they're trying to get. but it's got to be there doing. it is a because bruship provoked it suddenly major western investors to lend money and see where and then now we're looking to get repaid by so far as black hoffman pin co report recently is to meet with the put any officials, keith, to solve,
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paying interest on the line, this story i'm many of us are on our website up to the club as well. have conducted overnight slides on several locations around the city of rafa. result in numerous people killed, wounded or missing under the rubble. it is as of and intensify as of science on rafa. tried to have a slice hit moving a dozen homes and the southern part of does the media to vote say many of those killed would show them about as he was they've been putting casualties out of the february from the distorted households. the civilians evacuated from some parts of rafa. ahead of a printing ground invasion, news will cost, so i will do 0 has then now as well as a decision to drive it from the country that look says the measure is a form of
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a criminal suppression of information as it is one of the main sources of information about the war in gaza. the decision came is an incitement aiming at obliterating the truth as i'll just euro is one of the leading media outlets and conveys the truth about the consequences of this war on civilians and citizens or specifically in the gaza. strip oh yeah, there's learning have a lot and say the, let's just say it's an old. why is it temporary buying and equipment cultures, cation of any media outlet that may cost issue a threat to national security. now this footage, yeah, you can see over my shoulder shows is running police radio. there's, there's jerusalem bureau, isabel enabled as 0 as i'm inside the engine. and it seems that of having connections to how most united nations and all the advocates full for the speech of harshly criticized this incidents. as were greg cabinet decision to close elders
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who were in these real freedom. independent media is essential to ensure in transparency and accountability. now even more so given types, restrictions for reporting from gaza. freedom of expression is a key human right, or government to overturn bad media. censorship is a sign of desperation especially. well, i'll just, sarah has provided some of the most fearless and critical from the line for bolting of the gaza genocide. the committee to protect journalists condemns the is rarely cabinets decision to shut down. alj a 0 is operations in israel and warrants that the vote could set a dangerous precedent for other international media outlets. work in israel. now let's have a look at some facilitates about the dangers of the judge for the full thing on the gauze, the conflict mules. i'm a 104. we'll see, gentleness of being killed in god. those since the beginning of israel's event fee is sold last year according to the gaza media office according to data from the committee to protect and journalism,
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approximately 75 percent of media professionals killed world wide last year was killed in gaza. and so it's easy to is assessing a history of class a problem, and i'll do 0 ripples of how do we spoke with a sure look, a 5, and she's a journalist and a member of the past seem journalist syndicate. she believes that is well, charges against the media outlets are unfounded. it's actually this is very, very astonishing to hear that a i called 3 a government addressing do i need the in the word that they are doing? they are really reckoning their security. we have never even seen any during the scan. it was the port and what, what day to get that information. and this is that i need to and then there's a need your organization to deliver and then go information and use that is happening to be the threatened and to be seen as if the information
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is is really a problem and is with security. it doesn't like this because it's, it's easy to believe is the, is the opposite of what is what it is saying that this is a war against terrorism. and again, as an incentive defense. and also gillian is mean you've heard. so uh, this is actually phase wasn't just doing another challenge like yours and other children's that i'm working from the grow the show that this is and i, and that is what it is doing. probably think a general side against children then women as people and the whole god and know is what it really wants to sign a since i just, you know, what i am worried about is that this, that way be followed by more crimes. that is the ones to do
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to add all the rides that she's doing in god, and she doesn't want anybody to cover it. so i further to see if anything has landed in paris to get you all please us. you have been diplomatic, done in 5 years, the visit to see if anything comes as the you increase in price fell on china ledger the assist in russia and circumventing you've been sanctions. so as far a size presidency using very intensive visit sub a. i'm hungry. opponents visit the signing of this for asset bathing will always be a voice of peace, but frequently during the ukraine conflict. winter's done, the upheaval that ukrainian crisis is causing for europeans. china is not at the origin of this crisis, nor is it a party or participant in it. but we've also played a constructive role in promoting the peaceful settlement. the longer the ukraine crisis drugs on the grid harm which will do to europe and the world. affonso seeks
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to increase it, some of the foot put in the in the pacific region. the opportunity to income 5 is raising arises out of time. me place funds onto plan stated earlier this week the they will begin discussions on a reciprocal co operation. japan with a similar agreement and they'll say i'm the united kingdom is also regarded as the location of the law just close inflation of the us admitted fees overseas we had from joseph grocery mahoney, professor of politics. i'm international relations at east china and only of the state in shanghai. he believes that falls is know this about washington military dominance in japan. as we have seen, france expanding naval patrols in the south pacific with the explanation that france needs to be present or risk or relevance. and even that france may provide a buffer between august and china, or other potential complex that couldn't turn a spiral out of control and further in peril of the global economy. and so,
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you know, european relations and therefore, further diminished perhaps, france. now i believe that france is nervous about american military dominance in japan. i think basically realizes that france is not taking no direct conflict or even to provide a substantial support to america's antique china containment efforts. rather, uh, it seems more likely to print skills, pressured to stick with its allies. please talk your degree approaches, perhaps seem skits or to us, especially in a world that increasingly seems to demand a choosing one side or another exclusively. but we also seem a chrome, you know, going back and forth on ukraine and gaza, at least rhetorically. and so is this a responsible diplomacy struggling against, but also within a new cold war paradigm? or is it just a ham handed attempt to play both sides? it's not clear quite a set of all sizes now to africa, a number of high ranking and i do. and officials as representatives of civil
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society groups assigned an open lives into the country as president, closer to him about hosting american ad, french soldiers in the west african country. and there's widespread apprehension to the signing of the peg by nature, a wide range and implications for defense and internal security of the country. the american and french troops were expelled because their presence did not serve any useful purpose. instead, they were using the defense bank, took care of surveillance operations in the region to serve their ju political, strategic interests. as a result of this expulsion, the gulf of guinea countries, especial nigeria are being pressured to compromise their sovereignty. by harboring this foreign troops, they call lisa and of civil society groups and prominent statesmen in my 2 areas. fence warning notice and its concerns were clear. years of us and french military interventions in africa, didn't little to no good. so the continent about the move could potentially divert the government's attention and resources away from portion on local agents. like
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education, health care, and infrastructure development. the latest development on a mid, any reason, resentment of western interference in africa. last week, the us with through troops from shops following a government's demand. there is also a similar pattern with french troops in missouri or jennifer also. and we can confirm the safe and orderly relocation of approximately 60 us forces from shad to germany where they will continue their work. this temporary step as part of an ongoing review of our security cooperation, which will resume after the may 6 presidential election. united states has been sending troops to africa for nearly 2 decades with affiliate aim of helping to combat terrorism for the police on. and it's let us fighting data from pentagon described a place of western forces in the region as for flights unimpressive. if not a complete failure and quote,
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a 2023 global terrorism in tech support says debts from terrorism in oscar. so how region increase the tremendous 2000 percent over the last 15 years with the fossil rack and 2nd among countries most in fox advice always looked at molly ranch for my gerry i was a reserve was tim business. i mean, you can see the american presence in the territory of the republic of new jersey illegal. it violates all the constitutional and democratic rules which would require this over and people, notably, so it's elected officials to because all that on the installation of a, for an army on its territory. us ties with south africa has also been trained by divided positions on these rally palestinian conflict. south africa has accused of washington to close. all i use all of committing genocide in gaza. in a case of the international court of justice. the u. s. has rejected claims and despite the blow,
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when dissatisfaction with washington's policy is an offer for us believes it is the best partner for the confidence we think with the best we think we offer opportunities consistent with african style, ease of freedom and democracy. and so we want to be the partner that you choose to work with what all these words work. similarly, plaza and rhetoric, we gauge the opinions of so my jerry and to get by without. but if you do, for my freak out, if what is offered you, i don't want to, i forgot to be awkward so that they know that because i don't think they have done much if i may say, especially dental secretary before they have to, they know that this dental benefits from you don't start to gain don't have i have to. so i think most of the i had some works is c as cat most time. joseph. that yes, if his interest as african mesa is get tired of an old system,
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some are turning their attention to russia which has repeatedly fledged, it's even as to pursue mutually beneficial relations with the content a one way to. so that was last year when the black sea reign deals broke off russia . sense times of free rain and fertilizers to isaac in countries most in need seems 20 to 22 most cuz image in africa has improved even more than china's roger has seen double digit increases in age countries and the equivalent decreases in just 2, but supports remain strong nest in countries in this house commodity paula, while it emerges, developing countries are demanding their fair share and the real forces are well to west the willing to accept for new realities. a well asked of nations continue to turn to russia for a stronger partnership. c o, p, 's, arts and materials that we're going to try to see with vision. so outside of
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a global affairs, i own this as well as a truancy in conflict with a listen, especially to see things that nigeria is likely to allow the united states ad fonts to send soldiers to the country. considering the pool track record. in the sy, homepage, the nature of january would not work for me. i can tell you that because we, we're taking care of the rating we are. we have seen that wherever they will choose that they do not break. i mean, it doesn't, it doesn't hurt, you know, uh, change them for changing sort functions in positive way, right? i just brings problems on there. if you look at the kids, so for the shift for us and you know, little bit french on the u. s. b c country, part of so far more than most other point, especially sir richard. and you'll see the benefits of the rent to our seats, the pointers for their own certification to the 13th. the reason being that your
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presence is so you know what the us on the french ought to have. it is still, there should be, are intelligence they have satellites because we would want to learn. so terry's i do see we me, i'm to seattle. so i'm just waiting to, to stop it, but do this to people to see more. we have to see jesse, that'd be mostly intend to have his own lives in south issue. that sort of interesting. because that's the symbol of the africans. that's a lot of these are not where so really shows we have time to do work to do with it because of the west is a storage resources really friendship. ready drive for representative friendship lessons. are there people in dignity, in the face of colonial oppression as well as of the us, the use of a i and often government processes. these are the focal point. and so the
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discussion in the latest episode of let's talk about products, the hose on know, palm canada, is joined by india. the company's composer m m kit of audit who says a, i is not a necessarily threat to us, is as long as they can control it. so what is the full episode today here on all the international but his other exit, as i said, anything to do with the government is like, uh, it's on, on this website because it's a tool that got mixed up speaking of ought to be official intelligence akin i was shared my family experience with just recently we had a holiday with one of my family members. she was pregnant. she's living in a single me with the mailing. the agenda is not a crime. so the doctor had it at the end and gave it in a bit. but as for the parents, we should have a lot of family members of my we want to have more than 30 and i need to talk to 5 members what they're just trying to put it out. how did it along with this good,
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you know, school who are, who are all and just waiting it to be a good bush that the way i think this me and the other way. what and so i think a boy who just is like, i guess what, i talk to writing a plan. i'm thinking low and dedicating it to the spanish and then the mother and father wouldn't be me. so i just asked a charge a, b, b, and he would, i don't blame, i'm thinking blow me because they're gonna land in the 2nd step. okay. and i modify the plan, are they moving some lamps and adding something that's beautifully. i did the some kind of fucking, i present or explained to them, but it seems very happy. so i'm going to check on how quickly you do it. you did, you did the light on it. was it compared to? so i said the id uh to evaluate a plan in the check engine on pink and blue and data capture to the band was on my
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car. it shouldn't, we've never done but any a me at all. never. so what to do is all the way. so you don't want to send me how to do is a the file that as of this is our rick sanchez is on direct impacts on the night. so i will be back in about 30 minutes. the the,
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the, this is a daily show. it's very different. hi everybody. you know why it's different? we hold no punches. so look for the truth. bob. number one. how the o j simpson trial changed america to file number 2. was it all about? vengeance trip? i'm number 3. is race forever going to be a part of who we are.


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