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tv   Documentary  RT  May 6, 2024 4:30am-5:01am EDT

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is the specialist c, k is at 90 is all likely to allow the united is a is on the phone. so send soldiers to the country considering the full truck redwood in the saw her region during the january would network periods. i can tell you that because we, we're taking care of the rating we are, we have seen that wherever they want to be as big as not break. i mean, doesn't need the hearts you know uh, change them for change of charge, punches it in a positive way, right? i just brings problems on. there is a new kind of case. so for the shift for us and you know, a little bit strange on the u. s. i b, b, c dot phone 3 are sort of more than most of our clients, especially on this i region. and you'll see the benefits if they've been to our seats, the projects for their own certification. so they're not gonna get there to the reason being that we have presence is so you know what the us and the french ought
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to have. it is still there to be re intelligent. they are satellites can you would want to learn. so pictures are, do you see we me, i'm to see how strongly i'm waiting to stop it. but it is to be brought to see more . we have to see jesse, that'd be mostly intend to have his own lives in socrates future. it's hard to interest. so the question is that the symbol of the after drugs are in a sense or not, where so really shows we have time to be doing work to do with it because of the west. why? in any case, as part of our resources, we only friendship goodness, the job for representative friendship lessons are very feeble, a while around. so this is our annoying and been in a ton on a modus operandi. our next, i will be back up the, the
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hello. i'm manila chan you are tuned into modus operandi. dramatic scenes coming out of haiti in recent weeks, and i one nation descending into k us following the 2021 assassination of president juvenile maurice. now, neo colonial powers planning to intervene today, we'll sort out the facts from the fiction. all right, let's get into the m o the, it's arguably the porous nation in the western hemisphere. it's been played by a corruption scandal after scandal, including the assassination of the president back in 2021. and due to its geographical location, has been hit hard by mother nature, hurricanes,
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earthquakes and the like. and since last year has had no elected leaders sitting in official offices. so what's to become of hades, nearly 12000000 residents who have watched their cities become besieged by criminal gangs and murder rampages. here to break down what's really going on in haiti is front of the show. this is dan cohen. dad is an independent journalist, so maker and founder of on captured media. you can see and support dan's work at on captured dot media and follow him on twitter at dan cohen. 3000, dan. good to see you. great to be with you manila. so you were recently in haiti just before all of this new chaos erupt. it and then suddenly a new phase out of haiti propelled into the spotlight guy called jimmy barbecue
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sherry z a. can you tell us what you know about him and why you think the main stream media and social media voices are characterizing him as this evil and cannibalistic gang leader over there in haiti? i mean, what, or who does such a narrative? even serv to well i and my colleague, kim ives of haiti, liberty are really the only independent journalist to interview jimmy barbecue. sherry's da, who has suddenly become a household name and otherwise it's all mainstream media. so fortunately, we do know exactly who barbecue is. he's known is what his background is, what he's about. and essentially haiti is undergoing a revolution right now. and jimmy barbecue, sherry ca is the leader of that. essentially, he is a former police officer, was an exemplary cop in an anti gang squad. and he was basically
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thrown under the bus by the government at the time in, in 2019 for an operation that went to ride. and that basically radicalized him. and he realized that the system cannot be reformed . it needs to go. we basically have to have a revolution. so hades masses can actually benefit can be able to, to live. and he began a process of not only providing as a social leader in his own neighborhood where he lived, providing clean water after school educations and programming for kids, protection from criminals and programs like that, he began attempting to unite different neighborhoods in hades. slums which are among the poorest in the world in an effort to basically bring these neighborhoods together, that there were fights between them in order to have
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a revolution. and so that is basically what he has accomplished in many ways. there is now a coalition of under groups, neighborhood on groups called div on psalm, which means living together. and this coalition consists of anti crime armed groups that jimmy chevy, z a is the spoke smith and leader of and this is a group called the revolutionary forces of the g 9. and the g 9 has battled against a criminal federation called the j pep, the g people. and so all the time that he's battled against this criminal group, these criminal armed groups of basically from the poor neighborhoods. he said guys would stop fighting and unite. and let's have a revolution against the people who give us these weapons in order to kill each other and burn down businesses and basically make the country uninhabitable and horrible to live in. and so the us solve with this project was before
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i did before, my colleagues that haiti liberty who i the largest haitian weekly newspaper, were kim, i just thing was editor. they saw this before any of us. and so they started demonizing him. they had a smear campaign, very similar to you know, what they do to any leader. they don't like us side to adopt the saddam hussein, madura or anybody they, they come up with these smears against them. they've accused them through the national endowment for democracy, which funds the primary, so called human rights organization. in haiti, davis used to move a series of mass occurs, which we've investigated thoroughly and are there we're not massacres at all. let alone should we use involvement in what went on. so now he's basically stepped into the spotlight and there is a, an effort by the us to get an international, basically invasion into haiti in order to stamp out this revolution that shows you is leading of any d viewers of this program are well aware of them and what about this moniker
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barbecue is that really tied to cannibalism or right if you know or surfing on x, formerly known as twitter, the last few weeks, you'll suddenly see cannibals in haiti, and there was this video that went around because of an actual gang member in haiti eating someone, he had burned, he had burned, his body was burned, and the guy was eating, and it's a horrible video. and that suddenly became barbecue was doing that. and that's how he got his name because he likes to burn people and eat them. but it's totally false that gang, that videos from 2021 and a completely different part of the country, even the capital where service a lives. and he actually fights against his whole front program, has been fighting against criminal games, who terrorized the country like that. so his name barbecue actually got that name when he was a kid because there were a lot of jimmy's in his neighborhood and his mother sold grilled meat. she was like a meat vendor on the street. and so he became jimmy barbecue. that's how we got
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them. now, before we get into the living conditions in haiti, i like for us to talk a little bit about the political situation. they're following the assassination of president job now, louise, back in 2021 of our real on read who movies himself. tap to be prime minister henri was linked allegedly, to louise's murder. he's been in charge. so ever since. and many other nations seemed to simply accept this whole situation. but now was henri out of the country unable to return. is this a signal of the full collapse of the government there? absolutely, the interim prime minister, real henri, who as you said, is a top suspect of in the assassination of the president job anomalies who appointed him as prime minister. 2 days before he was assassinated. and arial henri
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was basically anointed by the united states. so he was never elected, but he became basically the head of state, the de facto head of state and haiti for the last, nearly 3 years. and the government of haiti has now no elected officials and hasn't had elected officials for over a year. so, so called the so called democracy that the u. s. has tried to impose on haiti has become a total sham. the president was assassinated, the prime minister was never elected. and it's, and basically the leads fund, these different armed groups, so called games that you hear about that kidnapped people that terrorized the population in, in very, very serious ways. and so what's happened is those armed groups have gotten out of the control of the sort of oligarchs of the regime. they basically became autonomous to some degree. and that's when share is the
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a was preaching to them. you know, let's unite against these, the real gags. there's the real elite criminals who are running our country and you know, take all of the profits from the sweat shops and by villas, and the dominican republic or in france or canada, or the u. s. and no, they don't actually love hate either. not actually part of this country. they just treat it as a piggy. bank is really what service the says. so let's take back the country for haitians, rather than some kind of transnational elite. so the government is totally in shambles. are real on re, he is the us puppet. she went to kenya, actually of all places kenya, to sign a, an agreement with the kenyan president william rudo, to have kenyan police special forces, come in, invade haiti, and fight the so called gang fight,
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these arm groups. and this is all organized by the united states, kenya is the top vassal in east africa of the us receives, i think, more military aid than anywhere in africa except for egypt. and so basically the u . s. is desperate to find someone to go in and send their troops to fight these on groups to invade, and they couldn't get most countries wouldn't do it or would contribute. maybe a few people. so can you suppose to send a 1000 police forces? can you has a notorious history with death squads that are very, very brutal um and also been in has offered now to send 2000. so it's kind of a coalition of the willing sort of thing where the, the u. s. is desperate to stamp out this revolution. wow. okay. so on re want to ask for intervention. okay, so, as we mentioned a little earlier, you just returned from haiti. you've been many times filming a,
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a multi part doc. you series. what are the living conditions like for the average haitian, i mean, did you, did you see any parts of the country that are still functioning as it did before this, this new chaos and suit? the picture that you get of total absolute chaos in haiti from the media is not really true. i mean, there's still people going about their daily lives. however, what daily life is for, the majority of haitians is poverty. if you go to neighborhoods in puerto prints in the capital, a sly right in and right next to the airport is the slum of seat. the survey which was created in the 1970s by the us back the volume a dictatorship as some kind of as like a of a factory area of factories that are gonna bring prosperity to the masses and, and this kind of thing. but what actually happened is, and you had, you had many,
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many thousands of people leave the agricultural, traditional lifestyle and go live basically in slums and working these factories. and so in speak to so late it's the most extreme form of poverty i've ever witnessed. anywhere. i mean, you have people living below that they live in liberal sewage and 10 checks and sewage every time it rains, sewage from the entire city of port a prince that comes down the hill through these canals floods into their 10 shacks on it. and it's, it's unavoidable. so this is literally almost a daily process because you're in the caribbean, you have, there's no clean drinking water, for example, people collect water to drink from the rooftop on top of these 10 checks. or they're, they big. they dig basically small holes in the ground and water collects in there and they drink that. cholera is very common. i mean, you can imagine if you're just getting water from the ground,
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what kind of pathogens, what kind of diseases are in there? so there's no services from the state, there's no security, there's no anything. these are the most exploited people in the world. and so that's the regular situation that has been imposed on haiti by the us new liberal model. and the people are rising up in rejection of that. and so one of you see it, you see in our documentary, another vision that i made with was kim ives of haiti, liberty. you basically see these conditions. you see how people and also in a, in other reporting actually did for redacted is really where, where you see this stuff. we went into the sums like that and you see the conditions people are living in and you've seen chevy z a. in the documentary, you see here is your going into the swamps and talking to this people and being like, we cannot accept this, this isn't a normal way to live. we have to have dignity. we have to find a way to get food and you know, the only way to do that is to have
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a revolution. all right, coming up next 3 years on. and it's an international who done it case. now the former 1st lady of hating indicted for ties to her husband's murder. we'll discuss it when we return with dan cohen sit tight. the m o will be right back the the unit. when i went to the wrong,
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just don't you have to safe house because the application and engagement equals the trail. when so many find themselves will support. we choose to look for common ground, the the, the,
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the welcome back to the m. o i manila chance dan cohen, founder of on captured media, is back thanks for sticking around with us, dan. so as we were saying in 2021, when german on luis was assassinated in his home, in his own bed, his wife was also shot, but she survived. in the following years, we've seen a multinational web of, you know, assassins of plotters, people in miami to columbia, just this wide ranging who done it case recently, his widow martine she was among the latest bunch of people that were charged with
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juvenile mo, he says, murder so the plot continues to thinking what more can you tell us about this murder case, especially the queen bono? yeah, you described it pretty well. this kind of international web of assassins and hit man, it was actually colombian, the former soldiers who pulled the trigger. and they were among a group who apparently didn't know what was going on. there are the informants involved? um, there is testimony from a former d d, a chief that the ca, you know, knew exactly what's going on. it's pretty hard to believe that the u. s. embassy or ca, basically the intelligence apparatus doesn't know who did it, and they've come up with different fall guys. but the reality is, if you look at who the enemies of job and i'm always were then becomes pretty clear and you know, my sources in elite circles in haiti have have confirmed this to me. that basically,
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the oligarchs were tied to the us in haiti got together and decided to kill job. and i'm always because basically she had turned against them. he was put in the presidency by the former president michelle marcelli, who was, who was himself put in by hillary clinton when she was the secretary of state, and the obama administration. and marcelli tapped job. and i'm always because he was basically unknown in order to do his bidding job. and i'm always was a banana ex, border from the north of the country, not really a politician or from the political machine. and so he was put in as a puppet. and um, you know, we saw that he acted as a puppet at 1st. uh, president trump brought him tomorrow logo to browbeat him into a supporting one go, idaho, and venezuela for example. but drove home always wanted to have some kind of legacy
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for himself to impact the country in a positive way. and so he started looking to create development projects in haiti, particularly in the rural areas that, that he is from. and in order to do that, he needed money, and there was a huge amount of money that was basically disappeared by michelle marcelli and his cronies, called the petro co rebate fund, which was basically a, an interest free loan given by venezuela during, during the chavez and prof all years and that money was gone. so he basically went to the old guards who put them in and said, well, i need some money for these development projects. and they said, no, you don't understand, you work for us. and so job and i'm always began to look at the big contracts they had with, you know, youtube, the utilities where these guys were making huge amounts of money. and he started to prosecute them and in using the courts to go after them. he also began looking away
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from the, the us unipolar order. he began, he went to turkey. um, he had some contact, i think, with the russians through the, through the russian ambassador in venice in venezuela. for example, haiti is also one of the, i think only 12 or 13 countries in the world that recognizes taiwan. so it's very important for it on the uh for, and for a number of reasons. but you politically. so when, when we started to kind of turn away and look elsewhere, he suddenly was murdered. so it's, it's clear that basically the leads of haiti got together and decided to assassinate him and there's no way that us doesn't know about it. but i, you know, they've, they've tried to put a lot of fall guys forward. i think that's what martine louise, his wife, is to, i mean, she got, she got shot next to her husband. you know,
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they were hiding under the bed and she got shot to so that's a pretty uh, a shaky story. i would say that she would have gunman come in, murder, her husband, shoot her too. in order to what benefit in some way, how is she benefiting? but it's, you know, you can, it just says everything that we don't and ultimately know who the intellectual authors of this country are. you can imagine if that happened, you know, in some, in a time in a country type, tied to rush hour in russia itself. had the us media would, would, you know, would seize on this. but the president of haiti gets assassinated by some guys who are probably tied to the us a bunch of mercenaries. and it's basically just yesterday's news. all right, so it sounds like luis, his conscience took over and that ultimately resulted in his desk. and you know, this really shady story surrounding his wife. well, let's, let's dive deeper then into haiti's history. haiti one is independence from france
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back in 18 o 4. but when the us went in with a violent occupation, us stayed there on the island for roughly 20 years into the early 19 hundreds. the us continued to control haiti's, public finances all the way up until 1947. and by then taking some 40 percent of the country's national income to service that's to the west and gets to france, some of that debt to france was reparations to the slaveholders. and how much of that deep history plays into haiti's economic problems today? exactly. haiti was the 1st and remains the only country to be a successful slave uprising. it really set a precedent and let led to the end of chattel slavery in the western hemisphere. so, anyone who's glad to not be in a slavery system today in the americas, including here in the united states, i should o, in part,
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thanks to haiti and ever since then, as you described very well, manila, the us has punished 80 for resisting for refusing to be slaves. i mean, you laid out the history quite well. we can, you know, go even more recent into the 19 a 1990 when a jump or trying i received a theologian priest was elected in a landslide popular vote. the, the country's 1st democratically elected president. and several months later he was overthrown in a us, orchestrated could a talk, and he was thrown into shambles. he was actually put in in 1994. he was put back into power by the clintons in 1994, only to be once again crude by the united states in 2004, 10 years later. so, um, ever since that cool, haiti has been in really
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a downward on the downward spiral where the state has basically been gutted the hades, unable to support itself, its lost, its sovereignty. it, you know, the decisions are made here in washington or in hotel rooms, high in the hills above puerto prints where the masses don't have access. so, you know, so to choose the president assassinated in haiti has just been abused in every single way possible because of what it means to the kind of international system. and so that is exactly what created the conditions for this popular uprising to occur. i mean, if you look at the speeches of airspeed back in, you know, the 19 ninety's, he spoke very similarly to how jimmy sheritza speaks. today he talks about, you know, this, they,
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they both talked about this tiny percentage of the population has almost all of the wealth, and that's an unlivable, that's an untenable situation. but the difference is, aris, deed used, he didn't have weapons, he didn't believe in using arms in order to obtain or to achieve his vision for 80 barbecue does barbecue is a former cop, he's not afraid of weapons. he knows how to use them. and that's basically the difference. so where ever steed was qu twice, and now he's in haiti. he was basically allowed to live by the united states and he lives quietly and there's a university that he runs in, in some way. and, and, you know, it does good things, but, but it's not revolutionary. it's kind of a, of a band aid on the gunshot wound. and so i, so he's kind of basically irrelevant. and now chevy ca steps into the limelight as, let's actually change change this country and you know, we will,
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we will defend our sovereignty, will defend our borders. any foreign force that comes into our country to, to attack us to do horrible things to our population. will fight them. wow. a double co on the same person, i would say that's at least uncommon in world history. all right, dan cohen independent journalist and filmmaker founder of on captured media. thank you so much for your time and insight today. absolutely pleasure. and that is going to do it for today's episode, a modus operandi, the show that dig deep into foreign policy and current affairs. i'm your host middle of chan. thank you so much for tuning in. we'll see you again next time to figure out the m. o. the,
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