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tv   News  RT  May 6, 2024 2:00pm-2:31pm EDT

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on the the breaking news this, our life went off the international celebrations and got a come up says it has agreed to a cease fire proposal put forward by egypt and cut out. it does come as israel's been ordering people in the enclaves self and the most city of what i find to evacuate ahead of an expected ground in touch. the rupture orders manage materials involving tactical nuclear weapons. the kremlin says it's a clear message to the west over it's increasing talk of putting boots on the ground in ukraine. meantime, writing down tara on belt. although ukrainian drone a tide killed 7 civilians in the region and it does come off of the u. k. gain the
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node at 6 p if you just westland stripe russian territory. that's what he gets people 1st as india again defends his trade relations with russia, saying if it didn't maintain a neutral stones, indians themselves would be paying the product, the quality case of a lot of the robins to pass along to you with this, our life for months going out to you international, the developments are as follows. as it is breaking news to kick office our how i'm us says it's agreed to a cease fire proposal put forward by egypt and i thought we don't have the exact date. busy yet, but we're hoping to find them out if we could, can across the iraq now to john list and correspondent guest joining us here. a 100 g or not the international joining us live in the west bank about 9 p. m locally. where you all tonight, mohammed, this is potentially big news now. i know i just said we don't know the details of the proposal. i'm kind of hoping you might know more than me. yes,
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i said as to what it is. i was taking it from the from boss informed the categories and they, you've shown it's the agreement to the proposal of the visa ceasefire, and to allow that academy. oh, for that product. and then this list from there, nothing. got it. so you guys have to go back to their areas and 2 or 3, they want us to imprison us. and i love the inside of the a relief. uh it's through the guys of people to stop the session. so it is the important development on the people to gather some places that i'm the associate comes off of and this done the 24 hours when they finally stop evacuating . get a rough uh, this advance to another area to stop the military. oh, but i should never which it was a, a concerns about us, you know, what do concerns that people in guys, the region of countries as well as the american space. so it has that important on is that from somebody? no, that is why i like no didn't response to the about i give you month,
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i will do that. i agree much about that, but i guess the so delta that's very certainly right. you still have to be out. governors will agree to that. they think also invest movie, they bloom into the 1st phase of that very much looking through the notes and then on the hour of june and go i had with the water in the higher that i give you month to is both because the it was using to stop the water flux, that egypt shown, but i can space of that. that is the quote from us that they will guarantee that i give you my back to be able to prevent that as well. when can you with the water off of a implementation of the pieces? so that's a good one. uh huh. well, i'm going to be honest, if i made it to be so good, if you just stick with us here on this breaking news live on, on the international view you mentioned just now, is rails looming, ground offensive this military incursion that is set for the south and the town over off for the do you think i the thread perhaps so the y radio piece is riley
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and cushion instead of about 5 might have influenced this decision now between hum us egypt and caught that if they were concerned about that because it was a cause i couldn't do it started, i guess the more than me doing on behalf of a senior. so we have to solicit from nothing guys to 2nd guess advertising small a over across the city. and you also concern so they, they close the by you. so much look, so a good event about this thing is the, this expression of the egyptian both us the what, the easy because a we can sound um but and many casually this could be funded. i will investigate video. so i must like to show it back because it's most of it, but as long as give some positions to because they agree to the fight, but after that the given to them. but they jeep shows that tomorrow. i've integration for them. how much will i do a title? one thing of the discussions they've got this issue, but right nowadays,
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what is the difference of all that? there is i, if i could say, is that i need to talk how much and confirm how much that they wouldn't guarantee that brand new edition of this. i give you my just how much i agree then how much know agree that they hope that based on the government will agree on base thought. maybe the limits of the agreement as a given that because it provided by the addictions mama joining us from around my load about 5 past 9 in the evening, locally that you're about 80 kilometers also from the main central part of gaza. but do you have any details about how the people of god should have been reacting to this new sofa? yes, the guns on the roof behind those. so i saw in social media that they are happy with back. i would come back. i'm just getting hold off of so less than a months of sufferings, to revise, that war of guys and the destruction that cabinets have been so. and also that is a freight to stop the ground, me for the operation of that will and the care and the, the,
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the whole day of the software. so they hopes that this will stop the war and guys and allowed him to come back to their homes. and, and nothing guys to get to the food supplies, the musical is the relief for material and the equal stuff to the guy. so this isn't both a, to stop this stuff. what i so they for sure. so the great is that, i'm happy with that also from us. it said the statement to show assignment goes back to they did that to a decrease the product of the people and the smallest. i think you need to add just right closer. sions to make it this type of, um, the, to as for the lord and the sake of best buy, pick so far as of the 2 boys to see me on the scene. that's inc as a. well, how many? what do you, what do you thing, how, how's been you? i mean, you know, doing these days it seems to me the pressure continues to mount washington dc right now, perhaps scaling back on his weapons deliveries to tell a v meantime, of course, blinking was that and the last week or so trying to tell them yeah,
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i would not the go ahead with other off offensive. and you think that in your you you think he's feeling the pressure these days mohammed yes of the news reported that this evening. good. if i do cause nick on the whole, on the wall and the problem is that gonna certificate costs plus us all, but it's an old version of the hon. this is that, that deal with from s 23, the appraisal not statewide reason. this is important. this solution and that's the assess is very much concerned about that either. the 2nd is the interest of google . if i think it means that, and we post to a is a l. if it is something you own, the, the people, uh, is he is it goes this prostate. okay. yeah. do what do they said that to be sent to the collections to do the suspicion after that would come off so that he will implement the 1st phase to guarantee the 3 of these really present has been you may continue the more, i guess because of the how much leader says if they continue with the collections
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in the negotiations will be solved as they will. not. that really meant that the, that is what it is, a space that this is a distinction by how boss to show that it is the fox who refused the deal it by i could do that. but right now that is what we can show the reaction from the government to what, how much the agreements with that you can defy the proposal. all right, so it is potentially good news. we will certainly see how this pans as we await the response and reaction from televi for i local. joining us will have an idea of live in the model. i thank you very much for joining us. appreciate the updates on this breaking news. thank you. or well, in the mean time, israel has ordered about a 100000 civilians in order i find to evacuate. it comes a head of its lumen, ground offensive when the southern part of young clay, if it's not with shelter for over a 1000000 people have the idea of use flyers. phone calls in the media to tell
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people to pack it up. the orders are aimed at those in the eastern part of the city, instructing them to move the neighboring fun, eunice. but that's an area that's being the side of intense fighting and bombardment over the past months. or israel has been ramping up. is a tax on the roof? $522.00 people remotely killed and overnighted strikes. fresh wave of his riley rates are coming on the hills of the evacuation notice. and we heard from john as a crown outside todd and he says locals are beginning to panic. in the general situation is one tens of thousands. ringback austin's i to with the area i'm to head to some areas i'm from umus and to the beach area in the us. and then since our cause of symptoms. so people are kind of in the last time to move into that do use and the sound that is outside of the bar, i'm sorry to secure them since j, as in the professional process. so it'd be so it's asking people live in about 20
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blocks from 5 different areas, including an area that has a decent to roughly more than an area where i'll be use of an adult hospice that is the face it and see for us to leave look on your list and easily dissipation forces provided ads and selective us can see if we can move towards fund moves and bidding points in the areas. that's excellent, sir. that's as far as the as rated, sufficient distributors are already moving and read the facing from those different areas to areas of can use and does us. and i noticed that has to be subjected to a very do by state and grounds operation. how about people are sitting at a seem defense and hoping they would live next to the. ringback their homes, palestinians have no intention, so nice to was egypt and they have been moving for the 5th leaf, the words funded with this. and guys, i sense i've had all the time. did you know, divide and administration is reportedly slammed the brakes on his weapons and supplies to as well. that is, according to media report sizing, various is really officials. and while there's been no confirmation from washington,
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the us house speaker was outraged at the a parent decision. this is holly, unacceptable. israel. our closest allies in the middle east is under attack, but the by the ministration is yet again kevin to the pro homeless swing of his party, administration must end this pause immediately. and now washington has, if not repeatedly raised, the red flag over its allies, planned the offensive, and the secretary of state repeatedly tried to stop it during his trip to the country that was just about last week. israel has repeatedly being accused of using us supplied weapons and strikes that have killed civilians. and a vast number of humanitarian workers reported by the guardian says that was exactly the case. and one of and one of the attacks that killed 7 health workers that was back in 11 on and back in march. the white house has also found the self and hot water of humanitarian aid, the guys that because last week, 86 house democrats signed a letter accusing israel of restricting supplies,
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not get this. american legislation prohibits sending weapons to any country that does that. on sunday, the world food program will and the full blown famine already in the north of the enclave, is now sweeping self. organization also accused is rather preventing un aide from reaching casa israel has repeatedly allowed to continue, was offensive in gaza. or until a mouse is wiped out in 5 minutes and then you know, it was that the country will fight on, even if it has to do so. a lot in the terrible holly course that would great will leaders who stood by oddly, they for the 1st less than to the holocaust is if we do not defend ourselves, nobody will defend us. and if we need to stand alone, we will stand alone. according to the cradle news outlets, esteban cutting you oh, he believes that ro, alteri and motives to washington's sudden hesitation of on supplies to israel, happen to some for yourself. a, just a weeks ago the us congress ended,
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but president approved these uh, 6070000000 dollar weapons package for israel here today, but the neighbors have the costs then. so i, i, at this point i feel like it's just uh, make sure it's the same phase is something for p r. you know, you have the university process. you have joe biden, trading behind donald trump in the, in the falls ahead of november elections. they need to show that they're willing to do something, but the thing is, are they actually willing to stop there? what the shipments right, know, just hold some, i mean, nation not just and maybe smaller bonds instead of the very big or, you know, bunker, buster bombs, i think is just a desperate measure so that some of the pressure is released from the white house because the moment is real, the size to into rock and they will into rock pop is a likely that the united states is going to stand aside uh, aside from then even the big capital building is in ruins a. so we use ro is going to continue by the acetic himself, if there is no ease or we need to cause to build a new israel. so yes,
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this is just, you know, the things are going to continue as they are, even though it's wrong. you say, you know, we need to stand by the user of this is not a matter of democrats versus republicans. this is a matter of how much control those are for and country law. we have over your political system despite repeatedly raising the possibility of sending french soldiers to ukraine, the french president knew about chrome has made it clear his country is not at war . social security for the claim without security for ukraine. there can be no security for europe, however, we are not at war against russia or the russian people, nor do we have an approach consisting of seeking regime change. moscow, we must not reverse the roles. here it is, the russian power which wishes to attack the ukrainian democratic regime and which has continued to expand this conflict. yeah, quite a lot of backpedaling, right, that from macro on the previous was frankly lar hood, loud and clear about the russian defense ministry. so when the response rush as
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president has ordered military drills to ensure that right, who knows if it's a nuclear arsenal, to protect the territorial integrity of the russian federation during the drills. so such as measures will be carried out to practice issues of preparation and use if no strategic nuclear weapons. the exercises aimed at to maintaining the readiness of personnel and equipment of units just come by to use as no strategic nuclear weapons for response and so on. conditionally ensure the territorial integrity and silver until the russian states in response to prove up to statements and threats by certain west and officials against russia. well, ukraine's had a tough time on the battlefield. as of late russia has been advancing in key areas . kia has been saying that it's been running into supply problems and as a result, the west has up. it's rhetoric something that the kremlin spokesman to meet your pest golf has pointed out, you're streaming as pressure agent. if you're asking me about what statements about western representatives we're talking about, well obviously we're talking of course about the statements of mr. mul, cron and the statement of a british representative. you know,
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representative of the west 7th was also if i'm not mistaken, spoke about the redness and even intention to send arm contingent to create that is infected with native soldiers in front of the russian military. this is a completely new round of escalation of tensions. it is unprecedented and of course is requires special attention and special measures. nope, this golf mentioned the manual macro on there, and he's no doubt been the most vocal about this very dangerous idea of sending nato troops to ukraine. it's very likely that if they were to be sent, they would replace a troops in the rear as a more and more ukrainians are refusing to fight as a result of these tighter conscription laws that we're seeing in the country. in fact, key of will soon be able to even conscript the disabled and the mentally ill. so it's not really clear just how many of these troops in the rear would have to be replaced by nato troops. if this very dangerous move is carried out, but still it's serious sleep, something that could lead to a disastrous, open confrontation between western forces and russia. the company ins books by
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signal is still is talking about not just what the rhetoric coming out with from my current, what are they all the western leaders say? well, we also heard from the british foreign secretary, david cameron, he said, actually just recently as he was in ukraine, that you, the key of should have the ability and has the right to, to strike targets on russian territory using british supplied weapons. let's take a list, they must take the steps we did discuss city, then kathy asked that we put on all those things, then you create opportunity has the right to strike back it. russia include the inside, right, right. you as the decision for you create and you create has that right? as of now, moscow has called upon the investors from both france and the u. k. but we also saw a statement from the russian foreign ministry saying that the british investor was actually born that strikes on russian territory using british supplied weapons, would lead to the conflict spilling outside of ukraine. the impacts the was told that the russian side considered cameron's was as evidence of
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a serious escalation and confirmation of london's growing involvement in the military actions on cab side and best the casey was born. but the response of the cranium strikes with the use of bridges, weapons on russian territory, could be on any british military facilities and equipment on the territory of ukraine and beyond. now across the atlantic, we also heard similar rhetoric from us democratic senator, who came jeffries. he said that us servicemen would have to get involved in the ukraine conflict. if you have some military fails on the battlefield, we can't let you crane fall, because if it does, then there's a significant likelihood that america will have to get into the conflict. not simply with our money, but without service swimming down surface man. we can either stop russia and ukraine fly, continuing our military and economic support for we can face a challenging situation where vladimir fulton and russia are able to overrun
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ukraine and then threaten nato allies or why they came is just reiterating some of the fear mongering among the leaders in the west, in europe, in canada, and united states all if russia wins, that is going to, over on the whole of europe put in a set time. and again, we don't have any of those things if that's we want to concentrate to what's happening back home and develop up people and help up people in prospect and so on . let's talk about what's going on now. what do we know about the, the drill, the ministry drills that are, that we have been covering? well, these future exercises are set to take place in rushes, southern military district, which now includes the recent territories that joined the russian federation. and they're set to include a ground forces, the navy and non strategic nuclear weapons. other than that, we don't really know that much about these exercises. so we're going to have to
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keep our finger on the pulse and see how everything turns out. so we were discussing these a nuclear drills with a ministry on list, our condo drove it data. now he believes that western publications of ukraine are actually forcing the president's hands. i have a listen to this, a variety of fields us shades of for this statement. the 1st is a new political statement that the sense of the nomination in 5th or the 5th of this time, president fulton is much more strong. but anyway, when did i say mazda is behind him so that it gives them the authority in video particular rather than to build a word that he's here to take some, some decisions if that'd be the case and the need of the on the 2nd part is it so it would be kind of a deal and actually we'd be, it happens with all miller, please. some may thoughts. i mean, or talk about that. but the, the, i shouldn't have been getting out such a sizes uh over the years and it has been no problem what anybody whatsoever,
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because they actually come on the largest the us mail for, you could have been to be on the 3rd part of the shared is that they have been for the located and i believe anybody, any surface but thing country, which has its own reasons for the water cutting fee at times like one between the stand ukraine does not want any other interference and that connects emanating from the rest and pause to be able to tell that i shows that they were deployed a long range of systems to strike into the hard enough what i should in mainland, and that full in support of euclid. that one man's being killed in a young girl, a wounded officer, ukrainian drone hit, a residential building and rushes belgrade region. so i was off to another deadly attack in the area left. 7 dead and 40 wounded. so corresponded, explains, or at least 7 people had been killed and faulty. wounded in the latest. you cried in a tug on rushes belgrade region. that's according to local officials who said the kamikaze
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drones had struck passenger vehicles including those taken people to work in the early hours of monday morning. now, emergency services on the scene at the moment, so that casualty figures always casualties that goes, could indeed arise, rushes investigative committee has over the case into what has been described as a terror attack. now this was just one of a number of attacks that took place across the belgrade region over the paul's 24 hours with the video and home civilian infrastructure targeted and damaged and a number of civilians among those wounded belgrade regional calls say it's on the board with ukraine that is being subjected to an increased number of attacks as it intensified over the last few months. these have included those drones strikes of miss all strikes and attempted incursions along with the downing of the aisle
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$76.00 passenger transcript playing, which was making his way to ukraine this paul to integrate prison the swamp. now these lights, his attacks came just a week off to the british. foreign minister, the other elected paid little david cameron effective the green light to the attacks inside russian territory. and it comes also a report by russian human rights organization, which said it had leaked information, senior nato officials night to come on, does with directing and come on in the operations in ukraine. this includes general antonia, due to who's being described as the shadow. come on, does the crating on full season in the wake of the sacking of general was a notion, you know, according to the report, it is him that has been planning on coordinating attacks on the belgrade region. his policy is planned to wreak havoc saying that they're all new civilians. only the enemy is now. we side in the a city of the is the russian safety on sunday. now some of the early hours of
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monday morning residents that received a text message from the local authorities warnings over the imminent you ivy attack . so the free a is now that with nato, his blessing, we're going to see more of these kind of attacks on most of really and casualties. once again, brushing off western pressure as india says it's neutral stance over ukraine is 1st and foremost with the benefits of indian people. so the message from the nation's foreign minister has been defending new dallas continued trade with most look at the one example. and i think that's what i do. you also mentioned we had this pressure on what a show couldn't we? but clear. ok. suppose we had not been clear. suppose we had checked saudi, sorry you are, you are. you are saying it very strongly be able to not do what we did
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your pro price would have gone up by current database because of that, that thing get on the pass minutes step voting. the record street that would for prizes would have go not had india not been killed on the show you we war, seen the saved up around $13000000000.00 by importing discount it russian 2 boys. now that discount has not told we've been consistent. that discount has fluctuated, but it has to worked out for india to give you a perspective your india is a country that is largely dependent on oil imports for its needs around 83 percent. so the end of the year when in gas to for that fact, bill wouldn't be any discount then you'd hills. india also have to keep inflation in check. now, if there's one thing that everybody in india has agreed to have been speaking to in
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the last few years, talk ministers in the government of india. also, senior bureaucrats also need to us from the opposition parties. the mean disagree with anything else that the more the government is doing internally, politics or other policies. but if everybody in india has agreed upon, one thing that is that it works for india. if it works with indians, if it works for india is economy, india will continue to buy discount dude or russian oil. never mind all the sweats and shows that in the has had from the west, which is why the wheels cost hasn't come to because india is a country independent country with an independent foreign policy that always does what works for india. the best. and the last couple of years of the west has been re upped by india because of the strong historic ties eat shares with most cool. i'm because of the fact that it wasn't to warn you cleaning the stop. see when
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sanctions on moscow india hasn't come to any. india has continued to, to maintain its song by not from ties with rock shop. in fact, the foreign minister of india, the government has always defended it's relationship with moscow. had we not to the ground about buying energy from russia? very frankly, all of you would be paying much more for your energy because we would have more countries would have gone into a natural set of suppliers. and actually these, the was the energy pressure. so got this large land mouse out there and i think when you'll see the mapping of it, i think it makes sense why india and our shop would work closely together. we appreciated the fact that our trade to set and it was time high, we have crossed $50000000.00, don't know, but last year we expect to exceed dot this you. i think it's very much in
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the suddenly, in the indian national interest, but i would suggest, actually in global interest, that wind, russia, you know, what's happened today with russia is essentially a lot of doors have been shocked to rush on the west. i think it's makes sense to give rochelle multiple options. so you're seeing the outstanding foam and in the realize that the west has, we in the india i've been use of procuring oil from and this is a lot of wood on, on those sanctions box. no more also to put some data on to the spec to either last a your in india is import box seats from 2023 april to fed. this seal in doesn't voltage around 36 percent rushing to got to 2021 to 20. 22. but didn't get in fulton just about 2 percent. that's around 1700
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percent. jump in, the oil imports also in the last 9 months. so. so india has basically a pool imported the high use among ford from russia. so whether to buy russian or, or not, that's never really has been a subject, a topic of debate for india. remembering full and heroes. the model regimen of march was held in eastern india to on a soviet forces who defended them other lines in world war 2, among the participants by russians who live in india, as well as local to receive education in our russian. and sophia universities. those taking part in the a model regiment module, shred stories about their relatives who contributed to the victory over nonsense. besides calcutta, some of the monitors were held in other cities across india to commemorate the victory day in russia on the 9th of may. and we spoke with some of those in attend
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dealing with course we would like how children to continue to celebrate in victory . they continued to study the history of the history of the family. of thank you. it doesn't match the old country a place for live and we all remember the exploits of our grandfathers and great grandfathers together, the cardboard. every year we gather at the russian house on may, 9th, we consider it mandatory. we adore this holiday. we are proud of our country and our people in small commentary on that story available for you at all t thought. com for the meantime. a lot of updates to pass along to we've had on our breaking news here, the audience a national mothership and most guys will get to the updates when we return in a box off the the.


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