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tv   Direct Impact  RT  May 6, 2024 2:30pm-3:01pm EDT

2:30 pm
single deal is, was course we would like her children to continue to celebrate in victory day continued to study the history of the history of the family. of thank you. it doesn't multiple country a place for live and we all remember the exploits of our grandfathers and great grandfathers together, the cardboard. every year we gather up the russian house. on may, 9th, we consider it mandatory. we adore this holiday. we are proud of our country and our people from small commentary on that story available for you at all t dot com for the meantime. a lot of updates deposit along to we've had on our breaking news here at the audience and national mothership in moscow. we'll get you the updates when we return and about the, the of the,
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the lift. this is the, the, the estimates of the sofa and ottoman. okay. well, for him to know and do you uh, it would be one the see. guess it'd be uh, i've sent that aside the more extensive inclusive, and did i see you in columbus for most schools because of for the young can it's cool, inclusive to fit on the the one the length of it. ready the,
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the sicilian, the, the, the game at glenn going to lee is on the move from the, i'm a government, i'm a sort of fee is to set up for a set to see some of the time the rules mine the 10 the time did that. it gives me, does fuse and i'll be, well, if it was of sense of, of in the smith to me in washington i have moved upside for just the most frequently asked in the most, for the cooling less. could he just cool the lessons that you on the when it says send the send it can send it several 16. i just somebody somebody sitting down the oh for philip she slipped through the. ringback the sooner the sooner leo, one uh site than most of the deal. some of this that i was familiar with,
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the somebody in the 80 the motors and then you from guess what was the 11 just maybe 11 to go get his most type a more him for her son in the house and in no set of course for 3, when that are for the 30th, when this is done. yeah. then most likely my the
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from soon send the most of the year to the most, and that's the that's so said the v of the people that the cookie of the so they become bad in their mouth. clearly forget the whole better. i'm included the, the limit contempt to model for am mr. less a month in the 50, the, to fire the the come on the news, the fire for most of the minutes when the hand because when the consumer is alone and i'm in general of the high, always on the name of his product is being made and i'm not one of the pillows here all during the not. i mean the resume of the
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investigative news less than me. i've done so far the house and i want to get the news. the news, the let us may have some less. mckenzie fee on do i assume the for the modem sooner feeling better than that? i'm at 20 percent from anybody this the
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must have decreased or does he have that he couldn't the heart of the dresser man doesn't show her pain in the little hold on for the email by submitting a but when i was in the south a lot of my, the funded the, the delay, i've given it for most of them, the head of the boy lift you ma'am, to see off teddy. didn't know when i come a definitely ftp of gift at the heights or are you the most the hey, not too much for that up. actual studies. muscle muscle are in front of you
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the same in the benefits. i'm on the list them on how to do it as a frequently going about the 4 bedroom. i thought if miss so much have given you the telephone interview, william murphy, and he at the i'm at the, at the city of atlanta. i'm a guest here at my school, on the 5th. i'm of the, the c as in the, at the city what, what are the most center for kenneth on us. it, it, it will sit the camera, the,
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it didn't meet the race. so that's 10 numbers to see whom, and that's a fucking be in front of you said the heavy duty, but it's a film to the quote, the most of the, the city your money. and we're going to look for in the guy in the, by the come soon, 70 for the phillips there, ma'am, in the 0 for the gun to save the side of the, the 3 of on for started this. so this is a white glove of somebody and again it says in the that about the quadrant one, the seeing the glass getting in and that's where you lay all the way. my god, they are being my, the my go heinrich i la and above was bugged the back to us and it the say i lose didn't bag and no, no you can, the homeowner will come. uh,
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my done my view, my, the, the 100 folk. good. so i've had math or live in it, according to for the site to go out to the 1st for the more him it's got the and the bottom. i left the cabinet room for those sort of a my did the, you know, kinda when the heads up for the size of the city, if is even want him the,
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the, i'm with us monday. that's it. let you see that then. yeah. and if i could of them, so for, sorry, the, let's put that in my lab to in america here. what do i have seen in the, in the house and for most of the mid federal government mandates is a 100 and the for the civilian to hug necessarily the good news for you and the other side definitely on the, on the data. so the 2 bits that are getting a sooner fluid from the, the, in the city of the fighting home. i'm watching the drums when i duty i am as a man. can this model for the very sound good news. ready the
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today is in mind more from us. yes, i did send a team. can nominate mean we're sitting so most in the federal credit. more but the so i, uh give them the best to send you the most of in the, in the us of being able to open up a can that will to do that to tell of it was was own uh, unless something for security. the other thing is about the southern side of it to somebody. yeah. one door, somebody for one hour the most, the city of the soviet really can know 2 more minutes. i might have some um, i mean the how come at the cost of go in as early as the,
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the over to, to the so the money for a $100.00 on the big one. hi. be, i'm a sub, a victim in a groove in a m a. so the tub, the tub, the tub, gratitude, the set of living and the queen forbade saint lou at the and i grew up the man that listed that the i know they want to know with the set of can be the sort of hers. she will shut off, lena, yvonne and by his saves enough and access to the that's why that's the sort of associates in hudson is in uh for the for, for based on this on us. so could i make a, who, a victim of an a can live sort of and then a, a going by on my part in the pilot, putting them a whole, logan national of 10 megs. and i would almost also sum up us out of wood samples,
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a for a head wash in with the should in, according to, along with them on the data from the side of and then the, the, the center. and then with the 2 actors live in the center, and i'm going to get a 10 to one of the scale. attend this sort of memos to file and above. event them for up to one motto to go. we can a global it on the line is so from there been about been mostly, mig, why does your team was it the phantom that the how to but that those are being done for savannah. would that be kenneth and how to behave within the let them edit the z of polo by the to fail the lead dining room size. it's a little while i was to look at lucy met them a pill. it does have a. ready ready ready the
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what is part of the employee would post that isn't the deepest view of us and that in the word part is it something deeper, more complex might be present? good. let's stop without please. is that scope out of as the watching is why isn't why in this control, if i give vote plenty of the store in this, they should have been a short order for now, i'm not going to say lots of green scale. you know, when i am what i could catch at your desktop session. let's just sean your just
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a bunch of mine is going you sit on the set up on me and the the yeah. they said 50 new new phone. so in the community the bought the eggman, sort of the me go ahead do i should in the i have the that the mentor for him level of law tab on the heart of both to the 25th of october and never had big
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washed in the property, i should my outside of my nice to mom, little teeth cleaned, maneesha. some of them are going to be nice to lot of with you and i'd have to be with you and to be a please. i'm good. include in the share and give me the genetic susanna to share with you. can it seen that he was safe and then a going to the school. the sort of the both of us will the big why do i should in the sun, eggman? fools with the sleeve. well hey, i'm gonna go to imagine the mob on the canada live. it matches of the how the layer. so i measure it only to the, to the be had. i mean, i think just in the
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new, i mean go, we are those who can live with me. uh comes out the pin feature and that leaves your new home. so the 10 fi and come with the same vendor. so if she was hello, my name is diana. i'm in austin. and my name is diana. mean go ahead. do i sit in huddle horrible, and what was the, do you are you on the team? you knew young 13, you repaired at the men homestead. so the cristobelle wayllace to buy my home and good to go into. so really on the houses for some, some sort of little boy your typical way of putting the stuff in. as i said, the, would you, me a list of, of them or would you me the you know, what is the comfortability of the one month? is it the only thing that i need no more than that. so i need a sort of like a demonstration of a maintenance i'll be who is,
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who will be resolved with the mostly what i mean and mostly more limited. mostly that's i don't guys, i may be mon with you. i wonder if i'm on the field. the, from the coughing, the sure, thanks. i had a come source of you can to add a mailing. the title is the title, is can the tool is love the, the one i'm assuming that the us in the gene can you tell us i, but may come fridays or friday, the homework kind of, as the mug does to done, you ma, personnel, personnel, and the to so we talk settlement to lead to become size of as a med dining room there, there hasn't been more divide the one that says the fee literacy generally um, in both of them uh the the, the,
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the mix. what sort of lena mendoza? them a with and then a highly in make this all are sitting in montebello, where the lam a woo the hell in will smith's and mccain well enough to move on and then the height of the window. ok, let's start off in the pressure of a bad idea. wild for you. i said that he is a calamity unless i have been them go as feet. and um, in my dentist they will call me, it was called and they say that the color, the son will bus and migrate the site. and he did my doing it among the dean menu and chub, most of the stuff to send them some sort of bane from that that have to do with the multiples of the go you get then then the consent. mosel's, definitely look, i'm done for you to try next october. we'll get i live in the molly slide in the home. i shield the dental monkey room and i'm in the
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neighborhood. it's cause i template them venue more into the system. new pronouncement, but then we stay is, will mr. so yes, give me way in the midst of cities to me. he started thinking me if this changes that seems to fit them. these things don't go e visible and you still could never look somebody. and then you, it's a good cost opinion for somebody else who can help you with this because that's what the movie and what that is is that me and so you just give us the list of the labels of to should do it. so to set the solution, as we need to is the 600, you left a message that he just got out on and it doesn't sound like this, thanks instead bother us through enough this to do it. so it's not so for us to attempt that i'm not sure so 1st that i send it to c g,
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the judge and me that the us because of the sons and francis can subordinate con side chairs and offensive e c. d, on the set of the, the just additionally if you get this feeling that is she did it on the defendant, jesse religious, and then you doing the center of gender or sectional some through the culture of them and be to the veteran's projection. you just have to be impressed with no interest or cutting the russian sensitive so that i would it's a solution for doing anything i should just use it. so just to say it was going to cost me, you've done school, evaluate the score,
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given our security screen very slightly. assume you used action division. your concerns is doing some psychiatrist at the school for the piano school in japan. and if it's in the advice and nationalist, so it's up to the eclipse. i teach cynical physics on video, but they don't sit down. and so today it is especially for continuum of the new submission due to, to the if i did it before the yesterday and to this. and you've done it, we should say those gives a goes quickly to face those clinton stay on the to, for just just a position and see sort of seem interesting city in the city of t. jackson guy, which is the, the photo gallery. what yeah. was that was the mileage, the good wireless
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the here with pretty a whole lot of from the other 2 guys. and what else do you like to need? what level? much of these are chance to see if that was 216. it was kind of those numbers since the quote was difficult, but i saw for them for 2 inch high. so if you want to sell some living, lot of people get a little bit of a let me say i'm supposed to pay the amount of i have been having them to slow my that is some of some of the other kind of always that kind of i mean, i can come to the phone number, so i don't mean which one can argue the little bit out of the best they time and that's the same to the senior. i need to tell somebody that was the home. are you oh classroom, most of them are just a how do i deal with them? how in and i can start this type according to shape. fairly telling my kids that's all the higher and higher and more of a lot of these from
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a way of to misfire for me that the 1st on the something that was the the, as long as they must have that definitely i'm gonna see the literacy instead of till i get to those a lot of the, hey, i'm the little bit was a little bit for the how get my me in for say no one has to do a very, very loving but i was a lot of the ex ex institution and then that there is the committee there's, i'm so sorry the a cool to spend that a big with this aspect of it. what and i that's out of my way is
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ice. and i do certainly i do want to see uh uh the rest of the day to go on. i'll be back on to all the questions. i have bus 19, i got some great new offers who the total for the survey was attempted to do for the society to get them to disappear. include it in the just kind of just so you just unplug the political and send them the
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money is due to. ready you to miss them down to the port of a gunshot. a shovel must try it, how well the iron homeless look fit to the left and in a uh, a little bit to see whats going on here in the so i'm going to receive this order to the shop and mostly will show, but i won't be in the yard in the asymptote. josh criminal, i u, as job the beauty of deal got to talk to the high school. if you see on the,
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[000:00:00;00] the,
3:00 pm
[000:00:00;00] the, it is breaking news, the sound like you're on the international. and you're looking at celebrations in gaza, of how boss says a degree to a ceasefire proposal before by egypt and cut out. com is that israel's been ordering people in the bank lives southern. most city of dropbox to evacuate, hadn't been expected military offense, the rupture, orders ministry drills including that of, of the technical nuclear weapons. often on the president says it's sending a trade message to the west over the west,


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