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tv   News  RT  May 6, 2024 3:00pm-3:30pm EDT

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the the it is breaking news, the sound like you're one of the international and you're looking at celebrations in gaza. a come off says a degree to a ceasefire proposal put forward by egypt and cut out. com is that israel's been ordering people in the bank lives southern most city of dropbox to evacuate, hadn't been expected, made a treat offense, the dropship orders, ministry drills including that of, of the technical nuclear weapons. often on the pregnant says it's sending the tray a message to the west over the west, increasing pool of putting soldiers on the ground, a new price at people, the full politics was india again defends its trade relations with russia, saying they didn't maintaining neutral stones every day indians will be paying the
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price, the other 10 pm locally here at most, go to a ton of updates for you this. our, of course, this is on the international. we kick it off now with breaking news for you right now. as her boss says, it has agreed to a cease fire proposal that's being broken by egypt and cuts out a deal repeatedly consists of 3 phases. the 1st one uh, including allowing despise people back to the homes as well as the delivery of aid . it's also reported to include the exchange of 50 hostages, held by how boss will search the same number of palestinian prisoners as well. and the further stages to include more exchanges, as well as the cessation of hostilities under withdrawal of idea of troops from gossip. while upon hearing the news people poured onto the streets to celebrate. now israel has yet to make any official statement, although a security minister strongly rejected. the proposal at washington state is
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reviewing the agreement and has called the ceasefire a priority. i know it just as i say, 5 plan was agreed by somebody. so israel conducted new strikes on around 500000 civilians by the way, in that city, the previously being told to evacuate our comes ahead of a looming ground defensive in the southern part of yang clay of this. now a shelter for well over a 1000000 people. now the idea of was using flyers phone calls in the media to tell people to pack up and go. the orders are aimed at those in the eastern part of the city and instructing them to move the neighboring con eunice. that's an area that's been the size of intense fighting. i'm bombardment over the past months. israel has been wrapping up. it's a tax on the rough uh $22.00 people killed, an overnight strikes. a fresh wave of his ready raids comes on the heels of evacuation. notice we heard from john as a come else, a toddy. he says locals a beginning to panic. in the general situation is one
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tens of thousands of us listed here, years until fit for some areas on from umus and to the beach. and yet it does have since then since then because of some sort of people and it didn't last time to move to use this outside the bar, i'm sorry for disputing since j as in the professional courses have. ready austin, people live in about 20 blocks from 5 areas, including an area that is a decent area where we use up in the ductless split. that was the face it and people were awesome. you look on eunice and easily dissipation forces provided ad in selective us can see if we can move towards fund moves and fitting points in the areas that are the ones that say 5 d as a very proficient disabilities are already moving and read the facing from those different areas to areas of community and doesn't notice that says the subject to
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the bi spacing grounds or what i said about people arson, edison defense, and hoping they would live next because it was the hall's kind of thing. this have no intention. so nice to was egypt and they have been moving for the least the words funded with this. and guys, i, since i've had this conversation for the here and i'll change the national across the live house, the local journalist shot the bill of the document who's joining us here on the program during this breaking news. shoddy grid and get you on real quick. we, we know that there are what 3 potential phases of this proposal that her mouse has agreed upon. can you, can you give us the details as far as you know, the sharpie? a harsh. thank you for having me. uh, according to the details which was the bill that just made honey uh, has uh contacted the principal also and i know that they approved the a plan which was proposed earlier to potter and to uh, a bypass around the kitchen. uh,
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according to the news which we have is that they uh they are still some points on some uh eh, comments from us on the plan. but this initial approval is a big step forward. and i believe that uh nothing. y'all didn't expect us approval . that's why the thing you know and use go on is know, is facing a difficult decision because in a previously they had the, uh like the reason i was saying the come off is no big shifting any plans. but now the, i, i believe that the ball is in there, big on the, on the one who should be, uh, selling, uh there is a big problems going on in, inside the government as well, between being a, be a small page and, uh, all the jo ministers who are not accepting any kind of ceasefire or any kind of, uh, swap land between come off and this will do you think,
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do you think shoddy that this uh, how much the agreement has any, any kind of link to the looming, military encouraging the ground defensive of israel wants to launch into or i find g g, g thing by hamas saying yes, we agree to this in a way it's stymies or it's kind of stops israel from, from going for the input alpha i believe it is. why is this? i mean, uh, is there a, was it giving all the reasons for hamas not to accept the plan by bombing the bombing if i didn't stop already. and the message which was sent already to the us deals since the morning that you have to evacuate so far. and this is like our or trying by the way displacing or is it really is. so they were sending the message, i'm not in the same time, i think that's how most of the time to study and discuss between the their insides and also i need to ship it to the,
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to find the best solution for their goals. and this is my believe that i don't think that maybe design is trying to put some pressure on there. but the goal for is where it is not for a master except the plan. the goal is to, to hear more crimes. but again, it's a blessing and people, but as far as from us, i guess that their time has gone. it was a normal time to uh, days, 2 days for discussions. uh huh. all right, that point is or other meantime, not officially responding though it security minister strongly written jet teen the cease fire a you surprised by that and why do you think the rejection this is the internal security minister is bankruptcy. again, bankruptcy and it is uh, is consider a, the more with the most radical, i already mentioned. his name was small, rich, the treasury, minnesota, as well. who them, they already spoke with, uh, disney,
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all but being abused specifically he had a meeting with them. you know, and they were talking about the drop off and he should be in the entering off off if you're buying drop off. i'm making them having their municipal patients with all i know for going to be read. he said before in public does he doesn't care about the business about today's rainy prisoners without might seek is more about the story in your mouth. and by just throwing them off with news, more crimes against the videos and more crimes in rama. this is what he's looking for diesel. really trying to grab that patient all the time by making a lot of the, the problems into his bank by himself. he a trying to enter into the a lot some rules. so being a, be a situation is well known to everyone. yeah, i believe no, the government is in the big problem between themselves because the, we know that this government was form with
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a very few are of the go. if i do use the bloss liquid and if any part you withdrawal from this government government when full and can answer directly and they have to go from you or the actions. and that's why the thing you know, also is not in favor for any kind of deal because it means that it's going to take him to the cold and are done back to square number one when he was accused with. gotcha. so i believe that from the is very side, there are no intentions to uh for this, seized by a view to, to be a success. wow. live from cairo with john, with the shot, the ability to rock them on here. we're not you as a national grid to have you on the program. thank you very much, a bodily ministration. this slammed the brakes on his weapons supplies to his royal . that's according to a media report. so i think is ready. officials why there's been no confirmation from washington. the us house speaker was outraged at the apparent decision.
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this is holly, unacceptable. israel, our closest ally in the middle east is under attack, but the vitamin ministration is yet again kevin to the pro homeless swing of his party, administration must end this pause immediately. washington has raised the red flag over its allies, planned defensive in the profile of the secretary of state. even tried to stop it. he was out there in the region, visiting the country just last week. israel has repeatedly being accused of using american supplied weapons and strikes that have killed civilians on humanitarian workers. report by the guardian says that was exactly the case and an attack that killed 7 health workers and 11 on back in march. and the white house has also found himself in hot water over the humanitarian aid crisis, the gaza. because last week, 86 house democrats signed a letter accusing israel of restricting supplies and get this us legislation prohibits sending weapons to any country that does so on sunday. the world food program going to the full blown fireman already in the north. the bank wave is now
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sweeping south. the organization also accused israel of preventing un aide from reaching casa israel has repeatedly bound to continue was offensive in gaza until hamas is wiped out. i mean, it's the and then yeah, it was that the country will fight on even if it has to do so. i live in a terrible holocaust. that would great will leaders who stood by idly, they for the 1st lesson to the holocaust is if we do not defend ourselves, nobody will defend us. and if we need to stand alone, we will stand alone to the cradle and use outlets. esteban cut, he'll cut a yard should say, uh, he believes there are potentially altieri a most of the washington's southern hesitation of supplies to israel, haven't listen to yourself. here is 2 weeks ago the us congress sunday, but president approved these uh, 6070000000 dollar weapons packaged for use. reality is the day that the neighbors have the costs then. so i, i, at this point i feel like it's just, uh,
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make sure it's a safe space. it's something for p r. you know, you have a university process, you have a job id and trading behind donald trump in the, in the falls ahead of november elections. they need to show that they're willing to do something. but the thing is, are they actually willing to stop there? what those shipments, right, know, just hold some, i mean, nation not just and maybe smaller bonds instead of they've already be there in a bunker. buster bombs, i think, is just a desperate measure, so that some of the pressure is released from the white house because the moment is real decides to enter wrong. and they will and say, i'm lucky that the united states is unassigned. aside, aside from them, even if they got big old building using ruins a so we use ro is going to continue by to instead of consolidate. there is no ease or we need to cost to build a new israel. so yes, this is just, you know, things are going to continue as they are, even though it's wrong. you say, you know, we meet this, that might, these are, this is not a matter of democrats versus republicans. this is a matter of how much controls those are foreign country law. we have over your
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political system, but that's the address, the issue all for example, the potential bon on tick tock. of course, i think, you know, china is not too happy about this. send it is on capitol hill in washington dc. they want to get rid of it. they want to buy it out, actually have a listen to us and it's a mid roll me right here. the world is screaming about israel. it's like why not screaming about how boss, typically the israelis or good p r. what's happened here, the motion, the impact to the images um dominance. and we can, we can discount that, you know, small parasitical point, which is some wonder why there was such a overwhelming support for us to shut down potentially tick tock or other entities of that nature. or just wait to go to abide and sign off on legislation that leaves the chinese social media drawn with very few options. essentially, the company must be sold within 12 months sort stateside presents. we wiped out as
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comments as the last month us lawmakers adopted in a $1000000000.00 package for a variety of us initiatives in the in the pacific, the council would have coals of tract from china, beijing called a moving infringement on us suffering today. you want us to try and have this conversation further with michael. reckon a world is the author of google archipelago of the digital gulag of a simulation of freedom, which is a really an outstanding piece of writing. i michael, it's great to get you on the program here. thank you so much. what do you think of it as a us officials? a they say the narrative is getting away from the image is making the rounds on social media. evidently, hold more weight than what they want us to think. i mean, how will people guess, how will they sleep knowing people have access to this kind of information? yeah, they admit that they're amazing the narrative war. they're actually losing the p r, whereas they call it, which to me is a very cynical way of looking at this matter of life or death in the gaza strip. so
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yeah, they're losing the p r where this is real, not. this is the real motivation behind the shut down of tick tock. it is nothing to do with china. i don't believe. i think it has to do with the narrative control that they're losing over tick tock, things to the imagery, and the reaction to the imagery. a blanket is correct, there's a tremendous and horrible amount of imagery that is circulating widely on tick tock and they're getting billions of hits for that uh for those images. and they just must get rid of this particular outlet because they're losing the propaganda. we're all together all but michael, hold on a 2nd. no, no, hold your horses, make us lawmakers a tick. tock is a platform. you to an espionage line to operations hall being vulnerable, americans and even us government posts. so now i mean, come on, michael. it's dangerous. right, it's dangerous to their narrative control. uh,
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you know, do they, they, through the same sorts of fits how many alarm i need to buy twitter and turn it into acts because they lost one of their major propaganda arms. and this is another case where this is a propaganda arm, a potential one that's completely out of their control. and that's really what's behind in china. it hasn't done anything with it. talk to see the bill. there's no evidence, however, that they've used this for any kind of estimating loss or surveillance on us citizens or data collection. well, i mean, it's always the easiest way to get rid of something is that is your site is a threat to national security. and then america does what it needs to do. i mean, it's the same, the same, all the same old game time, day and day out. let me ask you if i may. uh, michael biden, recently and acting 8 bill in dollars to count a china or in the in the pacific. it seems like this never goes away. you've heard the rhetoric for years now. you've also heard, had certain guys the pen to go and say, get ready for war with china by 2025. i think that's going to happen depending on simply doesn't have the i'm a necessary, but why?
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why america is seemingly so adamant about creating a rivalry with china, whether economically, whether socially, politically, and also of course g, a strategically in the south china sea. and it's really an abomination and a terrible set of policies that they're undertaking here with reference to all 3 of these potentially all cedars of war, israel, ukraine, and not china. so they seem to be bent hell bent on having the 3 conflicts underway at the same time. it is unbelievable. so yeah, they've funded taiwan. and this last bill, this $100000000.00 bill would be in dollar bill, which gave i think some 8 or $10000000000.00 to taiwan. this is just a provocation with china. it is saber rattling and it has to stop. this is an outrage. it's unbelievable. and i think, you know, as far as the semi conductors go, the, that, that's ridiculous,
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we can get. so we can, we could make the semi conductors in the united states or get them from somewhere else. so there's no real get through this, that they're just being an endless war. well, i was just, you know, you, you know, there are the endless. well, i was just going to say forever was, you know, we've heard them talk about, it happened where you, you know, where the, where the behind close to was a note in langley, virginia, american love was the whole idea of for revo will was keep the world in conflict, and so it in a hot spots flaring off and then you can maintain your hedge him on by maintaining it what 900 military base is all around the world, michael rest and well, the full, the new york university professor and a very intriguing offer as well, thank you very much for joining us here. we're not going to thanks. thanks for right. thanks for having me. thank you. well, the spot repeatedly raising the possibility of sending french troops to ukraine. the french president has made it clear his country is not at all of social security for the time without security for you cream,
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there can be no security for your ultima. however, we are not at war against russia or the russian people. and nor do we have an approach consisting of ceasing regime change moscow, we must not reverse the roles here. this is the russian power which wishes to attack with ukrainians, democratic regime and which has continued to expand this conflict. a lot about settling right, that from across, that was previous was warehouse loud and clear by the russian ministry of defense. so in response, russia's president has ordered military drills to ensure the readiness of his nuclear arsenal, to protect the territorial integrity of the russian federation. during the trail, so such as mattress will be carried out to practice issues of preparation and use if no strategic nuclear weapons. the exercise is aimed at to maintaining the readiness of personnel and equipment of units of combat to use of no strategic nuclear weapons for response. and so i'm conditionally ensure the territorial integrity and silver until the russian states in response to prove up to statements and threats by certain west and officials against russia. well, ukraine's had
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a tough time on the battlefield. as of late, russia has been advancing in key areas kia has been saying that it's been running into supply problems. and as a result, the west has up. it's rhetoric something that the kremlin spokesman dmitri pest golf has pointed out, you're streaming as pressure agent if you're asking me about what statements about western representatives we're talking about. well obviously we're talking of course about the statements of mr. mul, cron. and the statement of a british representative on the, you know, representative of the west center was also, if i'm not mistaken, spoke about the redness and even intention to send arm contingent to create that is infected with native soldiers in the front of the russian military. sorry, this is a completely new round of escalation of tensions. it is unprecedented and of course is requires special attention and special measures. not this golf mentioned the manual macro on there, and he's no doubt been the most vocal about this very dangerous idea of sending nato troops to ukraine. it's very likely that if they were to be sent, they would replace a troops in the rear as more and more ukrainians are refusing to fight as
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a result of these tighter conscription laws that we're seeing in the country. in fact, key of will soon be able to even conscript the disabled and the mentally ill. so it's not really clear just how many of these troops in the rear would have to be replaced by nato troops. if this very dangerous move is carried out, but still it's seriously something that could lead to a disastrous open confrontation between western forces and russia. the company ins books by signal is still is talking about not just what the rhetoric coming out with from my current, what are they all the western leaders say? well, we also heard from the british foreign secretary, david cameron, he said, actually, just recently as he was in ukraine, that you the t of should have the ability and has the right to strength targets on russian territory using british supplied weapons. let's take a list. they must take the steps we did discuss city, the covey as the we put on all those things, then you create opportunity has the right to strike back it. russia include the
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inside, right, right. you as the decision for you create and you create has that right? as of now, moscow has called upon the investors from both france and the u. k. but we also saw a statement from the russian foreign ministry saying that the british ambassador was actually born that strikes on russian territory using british supplies weapons would lead to the conflict spilling outside of ukraine. the impacts the was told that the russian side considered cameron's was as evidence of a serious escalation and confirmation of london's growing involvement. and the military actions on cab side invested casey was born. but the response of the cranium strikes with the use of british weapons on russian territory could be on any british military facilities and equipment on the territory of ukraine and beyond. now across the atlantic, we also heard similar rhetoric from us democratic senator, who came jeffries. he said that us servicemen would have to get involved in the ukraine conflict. if gm's military fails on the battlefield,
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we can't let you crane fall, because if it does, then there is a significant likelihood that america will have to get into the conflict. not simply with our money, but without service women, l service man. we can either stop russia and ukraine by continuing our military and economic support for we can face a challenging situation where vladimir fulton and russia are able to overrun ukraine and then threaten nato allies or why they came is just reiterating some of the fear mongering among leaders in the west, in europe, in canada, and united states, all if russia wins, that is going to, over on the whole of europe put in a set time. and again, we don't have any of those things if that's we want to concentrate to what's happening back home and develop up people and help up people in prospect and so on
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. let's talk about what's going on now. what do we know about the, the drills, the ministry drills that all that we have been covering? well, these future exercises are set to take place in russia's southern military district, which now includes the recent territories that joined the russian federation. and they're set to include a ground forces, the navy and non strategic nuclear weapons. other than that, we don't really know that much about these exercises. so we're going to have to keep our finger on the pulse and see how everything turns out. we were discussing this without, you know, political military, unless colonel overall hit data. now he believes weston qualifications in ukraine of forcing the russian presidents i see a few of us shades off for the statement. the 1st is a deal for them to go statement that the sense of the nomination input. on the 5th of this time, president fulton is much more strong. but anyway, when did i say mazda is behind him so that it gives him the authority in the do you
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particularly prepared of the lord that he's here to take some, some tough decisions? if that'd be the case and the need to be on. the 2nd part is it so it will be kind of a brilliant activity. it happens with all miller trees. some may thoughts. i may not talk about that, but the, the, i shouldn't have been getting out such a critize is uh, over the years. and it has been no problem what anybody whatsoever, because they actually come on the largest the us mail for you could have been to the on your code part of the shared is that they have been for all of your data. and i believe anybody, amy said prospecting country, which has its own reasons for the water guarantee, a time like one between the stand. ukraine does not want any other interference. and that connects emanating from the less than 5 to be able to tell that i shows that they were deployed a long range of systems to strike. and it will be hard to know what i should in
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mainland and that full in support of euclid. it's like once again brushing off west and prussia india, so it is, it's mutual stones over ukraine is 1st and foremost for the benefit of the indian people. as the message from the nation's foreign minister has been defending new dallas continued trade ties with mosque. let's look at the one example. i think that's how did you also mentioned we had this pressure on what a show couldn't we but clear. ok. suppose we had not been clear. suppose we had search, sorry. sorry. you are you are. you are saying it very strongly be able to not do what we did your pro price would have gone up back brent database because of that that's in the past minutes step. bolting the record street. that's what for prizes would have go. not had india not been killed on the show you. we
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war cbs saved up in around $13000000000.00 by importing discount it russian 2 boys . now that discount has not told we've been consistent. that discount has fluctuated, but it has to worked out for india to give you a perspective your india is the country that is largely dependent on oil imports for its needs around 83 percent. so the end of the year when india has to for that fact, bill owing bill, any discount then you'd hills, india also have to keep inflation in check. know if the one paying that everybody in india has agreed to. one have been speaking to the last few years, talk ministers in the government of india. also. senior bureaucrats also need to us from the opposition parties. the mean disagree with anything else that the more the
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government is doing in total politics or other policies. but if everybody in india has agreed upon one thing that is that if it works for india, if it works with indians, if it works for india is economy india, we continue to buy discount dude or russian oil. never mind all the sweat sense the right shows that india has had from the west switching deal. why the wheels cost hasn't come to because india is a country independent country with an independent foreign policy that always does what works for india. the best. and the last couple of years of the west has been right up by india because of the strong historic ties. 8 shares with most cool. i'm because of the fact that it wasn't the one you created in the south sea. when sanctions on moscow, india hasn't come to any, india has continued to to maintain its song by lots of ties with rock
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shot. in fact, the foreign minister of india government has always defended its relationship with moscow. had we not stood out ground about buying energy from russia, very frankly, all of you would be paying much more for your energy because we would have more countries would have gone into a natural set of suppliers. and actually these, the was the energy pressure. so you'll get this large land mouse out there and i think when you'll see the mapping of it, i think that makes sense why india and our shop would work closely together. we appreciated the fact that our trade to set an oil is time high. we have crossed $50000000.00, don't know, but last year we expect to exceed dot this year. i think it's very much in the, certainly in the indian national interest, but i would suggest, actually in global interest, that wind rush off. you know,
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what's happened today with russia is essentially a lot of doors have been shocked to rush on the west. i think it's makes sense to give rochelle multiple options. so you're seeing deals tending foam and in the realize that the west has, we in the india avenue was a flooring boy from municipal to were down on the sanctions bought no more. also to put some data on to the spec, to even lost in your, in india, in port box seats from 2023 april to fend the seal in. doesn't voltage around 36 percent. all russian cute got to 2021 to 2022. but didn't get in fulton just about to $0.04, that's around 1700 percent. jump in the oil imports also in the last 9 months so. so india.


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