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tv   Lets Talk Bharat  RT  May 6, 2024 3:30pm-4:01pm EDT

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well, and that's when russia, you know, what's happened today with russia is essentially a lot of doors have been shocked to rush on the west. i think it's makes sense to give brush on multiple options. so you're seeing the outstanding foam and in the realize that the west has, we in the india, i've been use of procuring oil from municipal lot. we're down on the sanctions, but no more also to put some data on to perspective in the last a yard. in india's import box seats from 2023 april to fed. this seal in doesn't voltage around 36 percent of russian cute. got to 2021 to 20. 22. what didn't get in fulton just about 2 percent. that's around 1700 percent. jump in, the oil imports also in the last 9 months so. so india has basically april
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important i use among ford from russia. so whether to buy russian oil or not, that's never really has been a subject, a topic of debate for india. all these other 100 and shut them out right, that you can see more. what from our on telegram on the website odyssey. meantime from legal research, i the entire new team here, the change and not home ownership. and most of the, i mean, does it happen if you don't mind that you want to know as an in front of the shingles. you like to see helpful to you to as storing a farm out destructive sponsor for graffiti extended india is an extended family kind of saying that it becomes an issue. she's never in going through some of the
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shapes the was hello and welcome. i'm on with them kids in the i bought a building landscape on the 21st century. the focus no more than ever is on india. on the show, i read talking to some of the most influential in the a g was from all walks of life. we bring people a unique view on india is culture, politics, history and the influence and imprint this nation is leaving on the globe and stage . i guess this week is one of the most accomplished music composers and produces he has worked in him the vailable and dominant him industry and he has no storm. the western world, as his did not do not go from the block list, the odd odd as one, the golden gold and oscar, or the best, or the, you know, the song on is the most expensive indian film and the made it budget of
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$49000000.00 the films bought revolves around to indian revolution, reese and that's fine to gets colonial british rule. giovanni beat us public davis taylor swift and brianna to win the prestigious awards lawsuit. and also it was the 2nd the indian number to win the academy award for best original songs off the job . however, from danny boyle slam dunk millionaire in 2008. the global accolade gave time the indian recognition to the celebrated film compose that when they come to the show, mister and them good money. oh, it's so strange to talk to you formerly known you now for the last few months and i've known you inside out. i think that i understand human nature. you're like a scent and i'm seeing it with my knowledge. we come and yet you produce music which is not so calm. for example, take the oscar best order in the song,
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not to not the . i would like to know. how did the idea of that song come up? that song was intended to shift guard one's own dignity and respect, which is being attacked by some body knows what happened in the song is proudly displaying one's own. at mister d, as in a beach and a quarter, i think it does a lot of time for me and i believe the times the morality was not happy. you will not happy or the money was not half past. your money was unhappy said yeah, i wasn't happy advance. so it's a lot of fun. i've talked to the songs and so what was not working, the one which is the leaves and all the blame and i believe was the 1st to issue.
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oh. so you had come up with the 1st to the bestbuy if one has the privilege of having options and then the us for options and the other one is more different and that busses me. so he wanted the best word. he had the luxury of having some of the promotions on starting something even more. more than that, more than 20 uh, less than starting to finally does the unplug the special, so we worked it out. so there are many of us enrolling in this process. like this is the line producer that, that produces my blow ramos, my son, who sang the song and spend any more than 10 to 15 people with that. okay, so we have to get us out to this demo, going to see also something about the process of working process. has it been tough for you to uh, establish yourself even being so brilliant. yeah,
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them on said you're in under richard. you should get much more recognition, but you under under that are they didn't need an oscar daughter, golden globe, or all the other a lot from best buy people to philadelphia. oh, you felt it did not make any difference. sometimes it makes it different. every step. what a, i mean, it makes a difference in the perception of the perception only and not in the video content was the same. and i am the same dumbest of creation i could do with mine. so they would think. so i've got a level but any other a, what is just uh, it's like so focusing some light on and objects to me focusing light on an object, a lot to the the what the of the mention of the, of $50.00 there. absolutely. because there are other things that you are able to see that best of them. so let's say, let's say
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a large at one time did not make any meaning to you because according to you are, the bottom one was never given an award. and that made you made you upset. it was never given that particular and watch. yes. yes. next i yeah. see a size. yeah. 56, a lot of different of the number of different b s hm. but the board was not given to everyone as it should be given, but which was uh, i opened up a shocking to the i lacked in, in the 2000. so the, the moment i, their life, the fact i all those i watch later. uh they were there looking like a just a matter of me, i know some people approach me to and then i'll put in a word and then we are asking, are you in the district to come in to see? and then i also mention the proceeding recipients of the la last year we gave designs on us before that we were trying to decide the standard
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of their work. and that's what i as young from dave presentation. and if i do, but i'm one of us and i give them and i was that's i think that a lot. but besides the standard of their work. so then that is the standard of a lot of to be very low on how does 0, why should i keep it in my house anymore? that's what i thought, and i just bought it. so the same organization which we have to act up out of guns . no, it's not at this appointment. and in addition to that, that is so the same organization now that'd be talking about this gave me my last award from that arguments in 1999. it's been 24 years and i have done my best book and i've not gotten single award from the best of luck. yes. well, it's not going to love reading this day, especially to abuse, crush me to buy his etc, etc. so it took me a lot of time and i like about who doesn't like stuff exactly. i don't i, i don't pretend that i don't like about i lo it's, it took me
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a lot of time to just this part of that. it's okay. that they don't deserve the vehicle ready to submit it. that's the way to look at it. but now you've a 4th civilian award admission fee that makes a lot of sense to you. that's a government recognition. said anything to do with the government is like, uh, it's an honest that's i because it's a tool that got mixed up. and i had lots of folks upload stories and uh, read this and i was actually, i was actually, i mean an artist on a black. yeah. i was a c. uh, i think a condition a support from the king. okay. it's a great us on us. yes. because will that back we have ruled by i can even in democracy this hierarchy is that yes, so to get assuming there was and that is the highest is going to mission. yes. so
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you how to on on it and it is good to on of a what you come from. i'm going to back it on your father. i went and visited his his house. so it's a family of amazing artist with nutrition and people. does it surprise you or because it's going to have so many people now that's amazing. not to. not ordinary . yes. thank you so low that you uh you about the topic of my father, but it is simply an indian feeling good as being modified. so yes, and in many ways then lots of changes are happening. yes, but example attempting suicide is normal to claim me. that's what i write, that the read defining many times like a who's considered as a chain. so there are a lot of things happening in every plus sense. the assumption on the view or
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mindset, every person will have his own thing, of course, in my assumption, the biggest crime i'm getting comic is vargas philip. us them is the biggest guy. now the 2nd biggest crime will be in my opinion, is being ungrateful really. so i tell you this is at the time of my oscar acceptance speech. and i was given for 2 seconds to respond and express my gratitude and happiness for the bagging the water. so you just are sufficient on the 25 2nd season, i think so i wanted to thank many people who had for me come this way in my jenny as a music composer and majorly. uh it would be my, my father's, he's the one who encouraged me to a super easy to sing, compose a land to play instruments. and then all of that he was
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a student of a button vegas with a fox. and he or she thought is, is a blake right to painted on the lights play? i'm trying to songs him. i'm a 56 i'm we're just going to knock this to you that i'm flipping the sold off his wishes to make movies. oh, but he's likely to name is very different from his ambition. you need me things other than producing i better think moving here and we're coming. he's on a me a having davis a aspirations. so that's a different story. but whatever i'm and i'll major leave because of my father. do you seek his approval? we do put a lock many thank the best the best that i believe in this thing that i, i, they probably do, but i respect your opinion that there is the highest form of civilization before i
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respectfully and with this stuff and expedite each other. if you have put in by one quality of your father, but feel that quality be that you would say, i want to have that quality of getting others actually giving you on. so anybody else that he gets up under boss, any of others are the next. when it to you progress it and he speaks my mother didn't want to keep anything in mind, but i'm not the person i want for it. i think i to store things in my mind for a longer time. good things, bad things, which i don't like myself. i wish i could be like my father. yes, i got a legged thing. thanks. and who want me? happy new. happy. but what is the story about your name? so there is a m cutting. let's get out any that is modern. got the money. so my name was uh, named after about that data barney and barney, in hindustani. uh,
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style and fanatics. i know both the plastic and stripes. it is. it is a garden, the same name, some names, some of us have different names in the book without us. so since we have an international audience on the show, so maybe you can explain to the audience, what is different drivers means you don't want to use a minus gibson. it's mostly use the in the middle east. ok. it goes like this? no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no. it's actually serious. ok. it's the scape, it's about to a scale is extensively used in background school to extract the emotion and the seriousness, right? attention grandma, when it is mixed in with all the sudden notes and it's going to give you that
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little thing feeling like that. it's going to be was what or minus and the direction. happy song social. okay. it's a but it's logically, it is a cedar skin despite the most it, he likes it off of somebody is i'm uh he, that's the name of me after the class and i haven't able to try to get my name is that is my name, but it has got a but if it's got a matter of the money market, the money is that i am an amateur. uh huh. in income in monica, the money is uh it is, had more money for you, miss. okay. bought it. and then who gave me break for mine and somebody in to see he wanted to keep the money and ignore the 2nd, the middle name. and that's how i got my other name, which was part of my name on me. okay. i had this fantasy name, green green, uh, this, uh, uh, in spite of it, the king,
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the popular heart of fiction beta. he had a sort of managed richard back. okay. so i'm going to find a game and you have an image under your name becomes subject to your inputs, a fresh city for us. but people want to, how are, was a new things. people want to see different things that they often change. the lot of people have a good mobile phones and some people gen 3 times today, they're not happy, they call it looks, it's like order, right? and you bought those things. green, the new name is nothing but the new boxes. okay. dollars based sometimes you base, you're a very good story to tell you how bad did you learn the art of storytelling. i like to uh, read shots story. so the 1st of a shock showed it was very impressive. was the line and the dog leo does tight.
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uh, famous admissions i type in in a zoo. uh, yeah, it was given uh as aids for daily foot and the dog was given me. but the dog, the smaller one is smaller. one is actually to stay and uh, if i still make transferred with the land under the complex of the fuel, this the log base. and this line to stop eating food and the sitting by the side of the dead dog. not letting anybody inside. they tried to compensate with another dog on the line just above the dog at the same order because it's missing a suspend. it stops to that. that's the end of this i. it's a simple story. yes. but the story when i, when i read, i believe, is the story it, you can just the, i mean, some kind of a morgan ocean. i mean, he have the line dog up. i can be replaced by anything of dollars that will sort of
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there is no, but i don't know, but the boss between the land, but it's very deep. my says is that in this place later thought it was finished. i started reading lots of shots choice, but i don't have patients to leave big knowledge about like short stories that i study most trending for 4 to 5 biggest bags. and 15 base, do you still write the diety? and i 90? when did you start doing that? why did you start that? i don't know. i as dr. site is associated with a maintenance on to when i was 17 years old. i don't know my instructor and i don't know the purpose of so, but it has to be good with have except sometimes i'm gonna forget to how my tablets a brush my teeth on how my lunch. but i want sluggard writing, and i do revisit that is sometimes there's not a time is very vicious that i haven't been anything sort of but i really just
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randomly. i name is my baby. what happened? is it the same? the be as bad upset that you get with it about the future of music. so because that is artificial intelligence coming and speaking of ought to be operational intelligence akin. i was shared my family experience with just recently we had a holiday with one of my family members. she was pregnant. she's living in a single me with the mailing. the gender is not a crime. so the doctor had it at the end and gave it in a bit. but as for the better solution, there are a lot of family members of my life. more than 30 i need to talk to 5 members. what that just kind of put it out. how did it, i don't get this good news. what, what, what all, and just waiting. it'll be a good me dish that the way to think this me and the other way. what i'm sweating, a boy and just it's like, i guess what? i talked to writing a plan, i'm thinking blew me,
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and dedicating it to the finish button and the mother and father wouldn't be me. so i just asked a charge a, b, b, can you? and i don't blame, i'm thinking blew me because they're gonna land it within seconds to okay. and i modify the plan, removing some lamps and adding something that's beautifully. i did some kind of fucking i present or explained to them different, very happy. so i'm going to check on how quickly you do it. you did, you did the light on it. it was it going to show me. i said the id uh to write a plan in this package and i'm think i'm a little under to get you to the bed and most of my it shouldn't be never done, but at any a at the never. so what to do is always you don't want to show me how to do is a big wouldn't be taken care of
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a. so as long as this rock to do and how to do 2 separate things and then there's no need to worry about a, there is no effect for them any. yeah, it's, uh, it's in human control, i guess, asian. yes, no matter how efficient is a, but it could never compete with the human being. the bank is the most powerful thing on it and the, and the universe. absolutely. what does part of me and when i, what i think about product, i got a one good feeling and i got a one back really. let me talk about bad feeding person that actually didn't get stuck in my uh, janelle, to a 63 is, i'm 62 stuff right now and i'm going to see many countries for different purposes. most mostly for spending my holidays. but i feeling really bad when i have like travel internationally because of the very fact that i don't know what to explode.
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i've seen, i just visited many places in like a one country. and so far i forget the campus in my own state. now i, i'm living in setting us to another district many places and i feel i want to extra to do that for that feeling is because it's like, if you guys happen to feel my that. okay. you, you want to know what your mother did as a chain as and understand as an infect august you look like to see 100 photograph. it's assuming that the feelings of want to know how india looks of how people uh, how people interact on people receiving a given company. what, what do they eat? if anything of the people in india cost me to come have somebody at the top of that face, the irish of traveling between india and i don't want to travel at underwater. some i want to traveling within india if time permits, and diamond treatments, but much that's what i'm planning to do. it is on this. and the good thing about
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the ottoman, i think of the bottom part of main, i'm instruction to invest some stuff in this document. because i think about my own little bit after that i draw seconds. that's comes to my family next coming to my extend our time and then next my friend and then my son works very well to say, i believe in decent glazing a lot. and the problems are the what about productivity? everything, if it needs be centralized, it looks very much like in the beginning is when i take this one is worthy of the wellness of benefit of my family. my surroundings, my silence, my friends, my customer, see i've, i feel very happy about it because that's the way you, how to pick it up with the, you know, it on grand, out of your, on the soundings. the big noting that without being able to do that,
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you cannot think about other farms that about china. d. and what if anything at all it is remotely, is that if you wish, not still it is your country only. but within your area, the people, you know, people you a minute for, so i, they put a, go ahead and put you in. uh hu, money order. let me shift. you have to think about that. that's right, that's your contribution. and it's got that mixed. if you're a energy and time and money, everything permits, then that keeps expanding. so that's how people become proficient. i'm not intending to become one manipulator, it's just a process. so i want you to grow and taking this one is for the and helping the site. do you live in a bureau and a flattish, you go as storing a part of the whole destructive sponsor, the sucker keeps extending. so india is an extended family and i've seen that it
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becomes an issue. it's never ending things that appreciates the word. so they go with the one they say it's a set goes on. but there's that they must go. that's why i want to talent in india, and that's before i they, that's the my major program. so i'm in the committee of, uh, lots of 75 years of it. one day i was everybody having a meeting, a lot of actors. but they showed that some of these had something very interesting . he said, we must travel to the the borders of the country because they are not the end of the country. they are the beginning of the country. yes. you have to have a little bit of a book, especially about india. what is it that makes it different? and b, i have not emerging on so many levels to be either monday and we are emerging on some notes about the student. we cannot compete with the, on the fuel an option, a few things like scientific and we are also a young country,
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young country. so back i let i what i see in india unit cussing india, the strength of india, ears, and unions. all that is and i guess that's right. i q i qx an outage and dentist. i goes much, much higher than what i inductor with 5 minutes and it's as a very high. so the land fost the most of any subject very, very fast that the brain while it is very high. so indians brain is very sharp and then that way they're capable of landing anything very fast. and most of the one and units that i need to take in a lot of pain without uh, getting i think that and talents because of the less we really wanna take a lot of most of you. but we didn't really like you said you're so young developing
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young country have a lot of the oldest civil other civilizations. yes. that h in addition and eviction study. and it has the many the many things most weakness many of us. thank you so much. it was a pleasure talking thank yourself and honor talk. this is thinking of another oscar very so. thank you to join us next week for another intimate finalization as we taking a look into doing that. i wonder if i'm can do next week. let's talk about it, the, [000:00:00;00]
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the the, to take a fresh look around as
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a life kaleidoscopic isn't just a shifted reality distortion by power to division with no real live indians. fixtures, design to simplify will confuse really once a better wills. and is it just as a chosen few fractured images presented to this, but can you see through their illusion going underground can when the world's largest democracy votes, the rest of the planet watchers in an emerging multi polar world, india's voice matters. but who will be the power behind watches, almost 1000000000 people decide and billions for react,
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the hello, and welcome to across the board. here we discussed some real in the headlines your analogy international. you're seeing it right there. it's celebrations and god have us. so it's, it's agreed to a ceasefire, put forward by the japan cuts up. it comes as israel has been ordering palestinians and the southern, the city over about 5 to evacuate. a head of a massive victory effect. the military drills involving tactical nuclear weapons. the president says it's a clear message to the westover, it's increasing talk of putting soldiers on the ground with you print also in the program, people before politics as india again defend this trade ties with russia. think if


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