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tv   News  RT  May 6, 2024 8:00pm-8:31pm EDT

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[000:00:00;00] the the, the headlines on all the international and celebrations in gaza. that's how boss says it's agreed to a ceasefire, put forward by egypt and cut out. it comes as a israel has been ordering college opinions in the southern city over it. i thought to evacuate the head of a military offense, the rupture or disability. 3 drills involving tactical nuclear weapons kremlin says it's a clear message to the west over its increasing polk, putting boots on the ground, the new price of putting people before politics as india. again and defends as trade ties with russia, saying if it didn't maintain a neutral storms every day,
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indians will be paying the price the and we are pushing back on the main street narratives to get you your news on the filter. this is on the international from most of us. it says it has agreed to a ceasefire proposal brokerage by egypt and cutoff. reportedly, it consists of 3 phases, the 1st allowing displace people back home and the delivery of aid. then we're looking at the potential exchange of 50 hostages and prisoners from both sides of the stages ought to include a possible withdrawal of id of troops from gaza. upon hearing the news, people poured onto the streets of gauze or to celebrate mass gathering scene in the center as well as of the south of the anxiety people expressing hope. the plan would it be implemented and the suffering would finally come to an end. 6 on such a ceasefire, what does the 7 months devastation genocide,
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the houses have been killed on shields or in women? this time for a break, this time for an end to all this madness they have suffered enough. here we've seen it with our own eyes. people have gone through everything they have gone through some of the worst conditions that humanity has seen. so they deserve it. they deserve peace. we want peace and love, freedom and justice. we want to live in our land in peace and security. god willing, the wish will come true and we will return to gaza city. our feeling that the truth has been approved by him, us is indescribable. after suffering for 7 months in this bloody war that destroyed much and god killed children in the innocence and destroyed our hospitals in educational and health institutions. we are very happy with this truth and we support our government in gaza in the approval of this truth. god willing, it will be approved completely by his real and our feeling is indescribable.
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however, the question remains, if this sort of writing to the israel is a security minister strongly rejected the proposal. instead, quoting for the occupational for alpha, with a spokesperson for the idea of says military operations and gaza will continue. and that's no beginning. we examine every answer and reply very seriously and find every possibility regarding the negotiations for the return of the hostages to their homes as a central task as quickly as possible. at the same time, we continue our operations in the gaza strip and we'll continue to do so been off of the sea. so i planted with an owl and stuff people. it's up to the streets and televisions to urge the government to bring the hostages home. earlier we heard from the local journalist mohammed my g, but the west bank he took us through the proposal have minus agreed upon and the reaction it sparked in gaza. it is a significant development buckeye from boss informed the categories and that you've shown it's
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a agreement to the proposal of the research ceasefire and to allow that academy all for that better seen in this list the from the north and got it just something guys to go back to their areas and to if any of us here in prison, us and oliver in thought it was a relief. uh, it's through the guys a be able to, to a stop that instruction. so it is the import and development on the google got us in new places that i'm this, i'm sure it's comes off of this done the 24 hours when they finally stopped evacuating. yeah, it's been a rough a. how to this is best to another area to stop uh, let me try to, oh, but i shouldn't have left the which it was a, a concerns of that. but as you know, what to concerns, that'd be wouldn't guys of the agent of the countries as well as i can say that i could be my to is it both because the is what it was using to stop the war bucks. that egypt shown that united states of that, but that isn't for how much that they would get into that agreement that's available to prevent as well continue with the water off of a,
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an implementation of the basis. so that's i agree with the guns under off the honda, so i saw in social media that they are happy with back i would come back to i'm just getting a little hold off of so more or less and months of suffering to revise that war of guys and the selections that happens to them. so i'm also that is a freight to stop the ground. me for the operation of the that was the case and the, the, the whole day of suffering. so they hopes that this will stop the war and guys, and allowed him to come back to their homes and, and nothing guys. and they'll get to the food supplies. and the music is very lead for the materials and the, the cost of the casa. and while the talks continue, israel says it will send a delegation to quote, exhaust the possibility of reaching an agreement. but at the same time, the government spokesman echoed the id f saying the military operation will contain israel's more cabinet has unanimously decided the israel will continue the
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operation and rasa to exert military pressure and hamas in order to advance the release of our hostages, destroy him us military and government capabilities and ensure the guys that does not pose a threat to israel in the future. meanwhile, even though the homeless proposal is far from israel's necessary requirements, israel will send a delegation to mediators to exhaust the possibility of reaching the agreement under conditions acceptable to israel. meantime, israel has conducted a new series of stripes on about 500000 civilians. and that said he was told to get out becomes ahead of us moving ground incursion into a southern part of the enclave. that remains the shouts of over 1000000 people. the idea fused flyers and phone calls, even the media are as well, the type of tell people to pack up and bail the orders are aimed at those in the eastern part of the city and instructing them to move to neighboring fun, eunice. and that's an area that's been the side of intense fighting over recent
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months. we heard from some of those who fled from alpha and that there is no safety . there is no safety or tools will leave at the mercy of god. the situation is difficult and there is no money. we can't even work for people. there is nothing that should stop the war. take us out of here, take us to know the country. there is no live here. what kind of bad this anymore? for this release, let's at all send them the same time. these really started throwing me sobs that i was from. the plane were left and sled without children. there is no safe place for us to go. whenever you go, there is no safety. people don't see it for themselves, they see it for their children. israel has been wrapping up, it's a tax on the off on numerous bombing campaigns reported at least $22.00 people repeatedly killed and at least one of the overnight strengths, fresh wave coming on the hills are the evacuation orders. i mean, heard from john was outcome. i'll set todd a,
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he says locals are beginning to panic. the general situation is one tens of thousands reducing the hospitals. i collect the area until fit for some areas and to the beach area. and because i since then since then because of some sort. so people are kind of in time to move to use some of these outside the bar, i'm sorry, disputing since j as in if the person closest. ready people live in about 20 blocks from 5, including an area that has a decent roof on more than an area where i'll be use of the in the ductless split. that was the face it and see for us to do. you look on your list and easily dissipation forces provided ads and selective us can see if we can move towards fund moves and fitting points in the areas that are inside the safe. i be isolated, sufficient disobedience are already moving and read the facing from those different
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areas to areas of can use and does us. and i noticed that since the subject is a very deep by spacing a grounds operation, how about people are spin edison defense and hoping they would live next to the roots of their homes. palestinians have no intention to lose the was egypt, and they have been moving for the complete the words for me with this and guys i, since i've had as, as operate just being a witness around the world regarding israel is ongoing minutes reactions and gaza. americans essentially admitted it has lost control of the narrative of message according to us, and that the romany, who suggests social media, is to play the world is screaming about israel. it's like why that screaming about how boss, typically it is really, is a good p r. what's happened here, the motion, the impact of images dominance. and we can, we can't discount that, you know, a small parasitical point, which is some wonder why there was such a overwhelming support for us to shut down potentially tick tock or other entities of that nature. just weeks ago,
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joe biden signed off on legislation that leaves the chinese social media jobs with very few options. essentially, ownership of the american abroad to the company must be sold within 12 months or the states side presence will be wiped out. this comes as last month, us little makers, adopted an $8000000000.00 package for a variety of us initiatives in the in the pacific. the council, what it calls a threat coming from china, beijing goal to move an infringement on itself or, and see how we heard from ulta. michael rectinwald's, who suggest washington is at the end of the day, losing the propaganda will the hey admit that they're losing things narrative or they're actually losing the p r, whereas they call it. which to me is a very simple way of looking at this matter of life or death in the gaza strip. it's dangerous to their narrative controls they through the same sorts of fits. well, i mean, on the need to buy glitter and turn it into acts because they lost one of their
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major propaganda arms. and this is another case where the, this is a propaganda arm, a potential one that's completely out of their control. and that's really what's behind it. i am trying that hasn't done anything they've talked to. this is joseph provocation with china. it is sabre rattling and it has to stop. this is an outrage . it's unbelievable. and i think, you know, as far as the semi conductors go that's, that's ridiculous. we could get somebody can who could make the semi conductors in the united states or get them from somewhere else. so there's no real boots or this that they're just saying an endless war. despite it repeatedly raising the possibility of sending french troops to ukraine, the french president has made clear his country is not at all of social security for the king without security for ukraine, there can be no security for europe. however, we are not at war against russia or the russian people,
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nor do we have an approach consisting of seeking regime change. moscow, we must not reverse the rules. here it is, the russian power which wishes to attack the ukrainian democratic regime and which has continued to expand this conflict. well, that's an awful lot of back pedaling from macro and right the, both his previous words were already heard loud and clear by the russian ministry of defense. so in response, rush as president ordering military drills to ensure the readiness of his new, clear off and all to protect the territorial integrity, the russian federation during the trail, so such as mattress will be carried out to practice issues of preparation and use if no strategic nuclear weapons, the exercise is aimed at to maintaining the readiness of personnel and equipment of units just come by to use as no strategic nuclear weapons for response. and so, i'm conditionally ensure the territorial integrity in silver until the russian states in response to prove up to statements and threats by certain west and officials against russia. well, ukraine's had a tough time on the battlefield. as of late, russia has been advancing in key areas kia has been saying that it's been running
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into supply problems. and as a result, the west has up. it's rhetoric something that the kremlin spokesman dmitri pest golf has pointed out, you're streaming as pressure. thank you for asking me about what statements about western representatives we're talking about. well obviously we're talking of course about the statements of mr. mul, cron and the statement of a british representative. you know, representative of the west center was also, if i'm not mistaken, spoke about the redness and even intention to send arm contingent to create that is infected with native soldiers in front of the russian military. this is a completely new round of escalation of tensions. it is unprecedented and of course is requires special attention and special measures. nope, this golf mentioned the manual mat chrome there and he's no doubt been the most vocal about this very dangerous idea of sending nato troops to ukraine. it's very likely that if they were to be sent, they would replace a troops in the re or as are you more and more ukrainians are refusing to fight as a result of these tighter conscription laws that we're seeing in the country. in fact, key of will soon be able to even conscript the disabled and the mentally ill. so
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it's not really clear just how many of these troops in the rear would have to be replaced by nato troops. if this very dangerous move is carried out, but still it's seriously something that could lead to a disastrous open confrontation between western forces and russia. the company ins books by cygnus is still is talking about not just what the rhetoric coming out with from my current, what are they all the western leaders say? well, we also heard from the british foreign secretary, david cameron, he said, actually just recently as he was in ukraine, that you the t of should have the ability and has the right to strike targets on russian territory using british supplied weapons. let's take a list. they must take the steps we did discuss city, the caviar that we put on all those things. then you create opportunity has the right to strike back it. russia include the inside, right, right. you as the decision for you create and you create has that right? as of now,
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moscow has called upon the investors from both france and the u. k. but we also saw a statement from the russian foreign ministry saying that the british and bastard was actually born that strikes on russian territory using british supplied weapons, would lead to the conflict spilling outside of ukraine. the impact of the was told that the russian side considered cameron's was as evidence of a serious escalation and confirmation of london's growing involvement in the military actions on cab side and best the casey was warm, but the response to the cranium strikes with the use of bridges weapons on russian territory could be on any british military facilities and equipment on the territory of ukraine and beyond. now across the atlantic, we also heard similar rhetoric from us democratic senator, who came jeffreys. he said that us servicemen would have to get involved in the crane conflict. if you have some military fails on the battlefield, we can't let you crane fall because if it does, then there is
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a significant likelihood that america will have to get into the conflict. not simply with our money, but without service swimming down surface man. we can either stop russia and ukraine by continuing our military and economic support for we can face a challenging situation where vladimir fulton and russia are able to overrun ukraine and then threaten nato allies or why they came is just re generating some of the fear mongering among the leaders in the west, in europe, in canada and united states. oh, if russia wins, that is going to, over on the whole of europe put in a set time. and again, we don't have any of those things if that's we want to concentrate to what's happening back home and develop up people and help up people in prospect and so on . let's talk about what's going on now. what do we know about the, the drill, the ministry drills that are, that we have been covering?
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well, these future exercises are set to take place in rushes, southern military district, which now includes the recent territories that joined the russian federation. and they're set to include a ground forces, the navy and non strategic nuclear weapons. other than that, we don't really know that much about these exercises. so we're going to have to keep our finger on the pulse and see how everything turns out. what we address this with a different geo political minutes around, let's come over to his death. now he believes western in publications over ukraine of forcing the russian presidents the 5 c fields us shades off for the statement. the 1st is a new political statement that the sense of the nomination input on the 5th of this time of important is much more strong. but anyway, what did i say? mazda is behind him so that it gives him the authority in the do you particularly prepare the word that he's here to take some, some self decisions?
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if that'd be the case, and the need of the, the 2nd part is it. so it would be kind of dealing, it would be, it happens with all miller, please. some may thoughts. i mean or talk about that. but the, the that sions had been cutting out, such as the sizes over the years. and it has been no problem. what anybody whatsoever, because they actually come on the largest the us mail for you could have been to the on the 3rd part of the shared is that they have been for the look at that. and i believe anybody, any surface, but thing country, which has its own reasons for the water guarantee a time like one between that i stand, ukraine does not want any other input. if i didn't send that to connects emanating from the rest and pause to be able to tell that i shows that they were deployed a long range of systems to strike into the heart enough what i should in mainland, and that too in support of euclid. and while it's lee still remains
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a patron of you crane the room announced the weapons of supply and to keep but not destroy russian territory. i think the idea of sending troops to ukraine is not even on the table. a lloyd salmon, gravitas level c, we not at will with russia. we've always kept telling military supplies, confidential and the parliament was informed objective is that of supplying non offensive weapons. so why would repeated all goal is to send weapons that would be used inside you crating territory. we do not offer weapons to attack russian territory as far as it's least concerned. we don't even need to create a law msm at this moment. we must, what for peace and always say the truth, the witness that will we will not send soldiers to fight in ukraine. i meant the whole coast rather it coming from high rocking friend, sean, british officials, a like italy seems less confused when it comes to propping up the wall. michigan and ukraine will have the story of what you want to contribute to ritual. last i remember a few months ago, there were some rare dissenting voices among western leaders speaking out like from
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hungry and slow back here suggesting that these western global governance summit, so just become giant orgies of delusion over ukraine and how that is all they really seemed interested in talking about no other problems. well, it turns out that the collective mind power and cash, billions of the western world and the laser lake obsession of its leaders are quite getting the job done for ukraine. and the takes that is sending are being rounded up like hunting trophies on the battlefield and set to moscow for a sort of exhibition of what species from nato's cringe wasa, facing, extinction and ukraine. until now, this entire reality was just totally dismissed by the biggest players like france and germany in the us. but now it sounds like, well, they've lost italy to of my being my reality. judging by what the country's defense minister has just said, even in solitude, i've argued that international forms have well speaking with zalinski. when he came to rome that the ukrainian counter offensive would not be successful due to the russian military superiority. and could be detrimental to the outcome of the
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conflict bots. i bought some less than 2. but if we can't even tax web joins that belong to the west, how can we can only stop these countries like brought to the trade with the entire globe in which the west makes up a smallpox? well guessed sections aren't working. that's a shocker. given the, even the sanctioning countries themselves have all been looking for ways around their own sanctions. from the very minute after the slap the mind basically making a little more than a p. r exercise to impress their girlfriends the least each. and now we're hearing this a time minister of defense, yet admitting that behind the big show of unity and cheer leading and solidarity. he was privately happier come to jesus. talk was the wednesday, which really just proves that all this talk of ukraine needing to win at all costs is one big charades, which that's the question is french present in menu. and i call in on this joe, as anyone build them in, because he keeps probably fantasizing about the possible, the sending fresh troops to fight russians and ukraine and talking self into what
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shame we ought to be one master fall back down to earth some day or maybe just the need to jump to say face. this will lock in prime minister, robert vito had to remind my call just recently that ukraine isn't actually part of nato. so there's no obligation to send troops there. and the actually as a matter of fact, miss your slovak yeah, has nothing to do with whatever is going on between ukraine and russia. the neighbors are fighting and see. so really just wants to mind his own business. but my goal is giving interviews the latest one to the economists saying, well, if pressure breaks through cubes, front lines, then sending troops is a real question. like if my neighbors take their flight to the front lawn and leave their house? well that i'll have to just go over there maybe and throw a few punches myself. a by the way, he's been boxing mac. well we know that because he's posed for some glamour shots and which his biceps may or may not have been digitally augmented. so my call is
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really adamant on not shutting off about sending french troops. and he's so adamant that caught the attention of a 4 patio artificial steven bryan, who served as deputy undersecretary of defense who just published a more let's say, flashed out account of my calls fantasy, suggesting that french troops from the 3rd infantry regiment, french for an legionnaires are already over, they are serving and supporting the ukrainian 54 independent, mechanized brigade and stuff. he asked, and the french government is having to react to all this by blasting denials on social media saying that there are absolutely no french troops in ukraine calling it all this information. except that my call keeps saying that this exact same fake news risk actually being real sunday. the difference is that we just don't know exactly when the fake news will become real news. and it's not like they would announce that if it ever did, by the way, we've already been through this whole charade of front denying that friend. some mercenaries were killed in a rush and striking ukraine
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a few months ago. that's using moscow spreading space use on that only for pair us to that have to back track, discuss up to it actually being legit. but arguing that technically, they're not mercenaries because they were conveniently integrated into the training and military. so lots of games being played here and all this to, for the public. but the real risk is that these clowns actually pulling themselves once again rushing off west and pressure as in the sides. it's neutral stones over ukraine is 1st and foremost for the benefit of the indian people, us the message from the nation's foreign minister who's been defending new days, continued trade with most look at the one example. and i think that's what i do. you also mentioned we had this push out on what a show couldn't we let it clear. ok. suppose we had not been clear. suppose we had church, sorry,
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sorry. you are you are. you are saying it very strongly be able to not do what we do, your patrols price would have gone up like bent database because of that, that thing is like so in the past minutes step voting, the record street that would for prizes would have go not had india not been killed on the show you? we war seen the saved up in around $13000000000.00 by importing discount it russian crude oil. now that discount has north where we've been consistent. that discount has fluctuated, but it has to worked out for india to give you a perspective your india is a country that is largely dependent on oil imports for its needs around 83 percent. so the end of the year when in gas to for that last bill, owing bill,
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any discount then you'd hills india also to keep inflation in check. now if the one paying the everybody in india has agreed to, one have been speaking to in the last few years. talk ministers in the government of india. also, senior bureaucrats also need to us from the opposition parties. the mean disagree with anything else that the more the government is doing in total politics or other policies. but if everybody in india has agreed upon one thing that is that if it works for india, if it works with indians, if it works for india is economy, india will continue to buy this, counted russian oil. never mind all the sweats and shows that india has had the west, which is why the wheels cost hasn't come to because india is a country independent country with an independent foreign policy that always does
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what works for india. the best and the last couple of years of the west has been great up by india because of the strong historic ties. 8 shares with most cool. i'm because of the fact that it wasn't to warn you cleaning the stop. see when sanctions on moscow india hasn't come to any. india has continued to, to maintain its song by not from ties with rock shock. in fact, the foreign minister of india, the government has always defended its relationship with moscow. had we not stood out ground about buying energy from russia, solidifying clue all of you would be paying much more for your energy because we would have more countries would have gone into a natural set of suppliers. and actually these, the was the energy pressure. look at this large land loss of that and i think when you'll see the mapping of it, i think that makes sense why india and our shop would work closely together. we
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appreciated the fact that our trade to set an oil is time high. we have crossed $50000000.00, don't know, but last year we expect to exceed dot this you. i think it's very much in the suddenly, in india, national interest, but i would suggest, actually in global interest. but when russia, you know, what's happened today with russia is essentially a lot of doors have been shocked to rush on the west. i think it's makes sense to give brush on multiple options. so you're seeing deals tending foam and in the realize that the west has, we in the india avenue and so for curing, boyfriend is whitlock we're down on. the sanctions bought no more. also to put some data on to the spec to even last a your in india is import box gauge from 2023 april to fend the seal in. doesn't
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voltage around 36 percent rushing to between $21.00 to $20.00. 22. what didn't get in fulton, just about 2 percent. that's around 1700 percent. jump in the oil imports also in the last 9 months so. so india has basically april important i use among board from russia. so whether to buy, washing or, or not, that's never really has been a subject, a topic of debate for india. that story continues online right now at odd c dot com . you can also find out to you across the telegram got rumble and odyssey for the main site from all of us here at the all scenes national mothership in moscow. thank you for choosing
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the 1941 with the nazis health probation out from nationalist view, astonishes the claim, the independent state of croatia. shortly off the seizing pallet, they built the scene of us concentration camp a place associated with the was the trustees committed in yugoslavia. during will go to use dash is use the cam system to isolate and exterminate subs, roma, jews, and other non catholic minorities and political opponents of the fascist regime. conditions in the scene of us come when the gods tortured to arise and the prisoners, they sent them a consultation temps. so most of them died. it was incredible genocide. the take a fresh look around his life. kaleidoscopic isn't just


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