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tv   Documentary  RT  May 6, 2024 10:30pm-11:01pm EDT

10:30 pm
the, the, the sicilian, the, the, the government blended at lee is on the move from the young. a young man, my sort of fee is to set up for services and attend the ruse. mine the 10 that i'm did that it gives me does to fill out of it. well, if it was sufficient love in the smith to me in washington, i have moved that site for just the most frequently asked, could in, in the be, if it was for her to come in less. could he just cooler the lesson? tatiana, when it says, send the send, it can send it several 16 to somebody. some of those 15 down the oh for phillip fee because the. ringback
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sooner the sooner leo, when uh, so to most of the deal some of this and i was familiar with the somebody in the 8 the the motors. and then if he gets on the 11th, maybe the 11th to go get his most tides. him for her son in the house and in no sort of course the 31 that i for the students when this is the most welcome to my, who is the of the
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from soon send the most of the the most. and that's a that's so said the good deeds about the of the the, the, the cookie of the so they become bad in their mouth. clearly forget the whole better. i'm included in the lemme contempt the model for am as or less a month in the 50 to to for yearly mood. the fire, for most of the luminous lives in the hand, because when the consumer is alone, new danielle on the highway on the new month as far as being met. and i'm not one
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of the federalists here, or bring them out. i mean the resume of the residents in the new new lives in me a gun, her father or the house. and i wanted to get the news. the news, the let us may have some less mackenzie fee on do i assume that the for the items seriously a little bit like the met going to pursue from invited this the
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must some deals store to listen to see how that he couldn't the heart of the dresser may have done this with her being in the little hold on for lima by submitting a but when i was in the south, a lot of my, the funded the really i've given it from us that i'm the head of the lifting them to see off that if didn't the, when i come a definitely ftp of if that's a head cold i,
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you are the most the island hey, not too much for the actual studies must mean must have in front of the new, the new domain in the benefits i'm on the list them on how to do it. the less frequently going about the 4 bedroom missile. much have to be of the, the telephone interview, land must be in to them and e, as in the field of i'm the city of atlanta. i'm a gaze here. i'm a school, i'm the mother of the the c as in the,
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at the city what, what are the most center for kenneth on us. it is that the camera did demit the race. so that can do is turn off and see whom in fucking, fucking, be in front of you said the heavy duty, but seem to verify that i look, let them listen to the, the perio. and we're going to look for in the guy in the, by the comes in center, 0 to the phillips to my man. i'm a 0 for laguna side to side. the degree of on for started. so the eyes of the somebody, why the, somebody in canada, they have in the that about the quadrant one, the seeing that it's getting in and that's where you lay all the way was that they
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are being my de, my go hide. if i lay on the bottom, the bottom the back to us and it says, tell them to say i lose didn't bag in no way you can hold one of the my them ivy and my the, the 100 folk such a map or live and it wouldn't affect the site to go up to the custom and the more am it's got the and the bottom left click on the phone things. so it's a might the, the, you know, kinda when the heads up for the sides and the city affairs, even while i am the,
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the, i'm with us monday. that's it. let easy ahead. but then yeah, and the fact is going to them. so for saw it at the new foot, the last 2 in america here. what do i have seen in the, in the sun and from us in the mid federal government mandate, single 100 of them. and i'm assuming you had my husband was the 30 and the other side of death ramsey and the dinosaur. the phoebe against a center flew out from the midst of the income, was waiting. and in the city of the fighting. how mamma wash and the drums when i due to some indeed, i am assuming
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a tentative model for the samples. the today at the from us. yes, 117. can nominate mean we're sitting so or sitting the more but the, so i uh give them the best to send that and then we'll do the plus and then me and the substitute to being able to open up a can leo to do that to tell of it was was own uh, unless something for security the one that was interested in, uh, the, is about the southern side of it to somebody, a washer or somebody in my, for one hour in the city of the soviet really can know 2 more minutes. i might have
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some uh, most of mean the how get mad the cause of joy. eliza leah, the to, to the so the done the how do i do? hi, be um, a sub evict the van of the van. i am a little go to the tub, the tub, the tub, gratitude, and i set up for the cleaning for me to see a blue at the uh, i grew up in the system that the, i do want to know what the set of can be on the seller is she was shut off, lena yvonne, and his saves enough and the fast so my that's the solar and associates and my husband is in uh for, for this uh, new beside us. so a nick a who the vips don't like
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a list sort of and then a, a good bye of button the by like putting them a whole logan national product in megan. i would almost pause. oh so my pleasure would fall. pause for a head washing with that at the should in because a lot of them a die that overlay estrada and then the, the, the, the center. and i'm of the 2 actors living center. and i'm going to get above as $10.00 to $1.00 of the scale, attend this sort of and then most of the above event on for up to one motto to go. we're in a global it on the line is still flat. been about been mostly, mig liability was at the frontal at the heart of the civilian pennsylvania. would that be counted on how to behave within the met them at the z is below basic to fail the lead and i need boom sided and i'm just a little while i was to lose, he met them
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a lot. those of aim. ready ready the, the world's largest democracy votes the rest of the planet watchers in an emerging multi polar world. india's voice matters, but who will be the power behind watches, almost 1000000000 people decide, and billions for react, the hello and welcome to the cross stuff boulevard. here we discussed some real in the
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a said 50, do my new phone. so in the community, the bottom of the argument shorter than me go ahead was shooting in the i had the that the meant the one level of law tab on the heart of both till the 25th october the the had big wash team out of the as with my outside of my nice them on the multi plan, the managed has some of the been a lot of with the lender head of to be with you and a to be a pretty good include last year and give me the enough seems a did year we are the candidate to see a he was safe and then a going to the school. so what are the, both of us will and that and maybe why do i should in. busy the ass and admin pulls with us with, well hey, i'm going to to imagine the mob on the kind of deliberate and that is one of the
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how the layer. so when i measure it only to the, to the end of the head. i mean, i think it's just in the lane going or lucy's down a little to me. uh. comes out the pin fee, janet lease your new home. so the $10.00 fee come with the same vendor. so if she was hello, my name is diana. i'm in austin. and my names, diana main core. how do i sit in huddle? well, horrible. my most are you, are you on the team, you're new, are you, i'm collecting you to fill out the menus, to send this to become a wireless device and good to go into. so really i'm not of the houses or some some sort of little for your typical way of putting the stuff here. as i said, the, would you, me a list of, of them or would you me
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a little bit of it. you know what it is like, but the comfortability of the once a month is it the only reason i am wanting to so i knew a sort of like a demonstration of it may not be who was, who was all but the mostly what i mean and mostly more of an invitation that several guys may be mon with you. i wonder if i'm of the felt the customer hung up for some because the shared pics i had a come so as of you can add a mailing to cairo is the title is, can the tool is love? let me see, man at the mass in energy and can you tell us of the may come saudis affair the the what kind of as the mentor done? you know, it doesn't. yeah. that the thing and that the to so we talk settlement to lead to
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become science of us as a med, tiny and literally as you learn more to fly, the one that says the fee get them better, rosie did roy mean both on the matter the are those of, mig, what sort of lena mendoza, them a with and then a hole in the make the seller's shooting in montebello, where the lam a wu, the hell in was left. and mccain want us to move on. and then the height of the middle will get less sort of in the rush of a bad idea of wild feet. so it actually is a calamity unless i have been them go as feet and um in my better, so call me it was called and the self, the color, the sun will bus and my the gate by the side. and you did all my doing it. i'm a piece of dean video and chub mostly enough to send them some sort of vein from that that have to do with the most was of the go. you get done in the,
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in san most of the continental for you to the very next october. we'll get on to in the more lead slide in the home or how she'll let them know more to them and then the templates understanding more into the system, you presently with them, which day is, will mr. serious give me way in the midst facilities to me? he started thinking move addition to it, so it seems to be them. these things don't go through e visible and you still could never look somebody. and then you have to go because i put in for somebody else. nope. uh, we should have just a moment with this. it goes out to the nurse that it has done yet. so you just give us with the label of this you do it, which some of the solution that we need to is the $600.00 us most pages i had on and it says it was sent to the
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said bobby black was through enough this to do it so it's not somebody to rest attempted on the system that i sent to c g. the, this is me judging me that the us for the sons in france has, can subordinate come as to son. dates of insensitive e c junior. most of the, the just additionally if you could just feeling that is she decided that she was doing the eastern part of the year. so could i get the closer to the, the, to the place that i'm just a projection. you just have to be across the job and she's in
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the mission center of some sort of wood. it's such as this. so she's fluid was a gosh. we've done school evaluation score. domestic is just getting very slightly assume the section division of concerns is doing some psychiatrist after school for the piano school in japan, if it's in the vice and nationalist. so groups i teach cynical physics on video, but they don't sit down as of today but, and especially for continuum of the new submission due to the if i did it before the end to this, when you've done it, which of those gives it goes quickly. total phase was the length of stay on the for just chips the just the positions. these are what i've seen just being a city in the city of t. jackson guy,
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which is the, the, the photo gallery i was the, you know, the mileage, the good wireless to deal with pretty a whole lot of from the day of pollution. that's kind of what else do you like to meet with level? much of these are chance to see if that was 216. it was kind of those numbers since the quote to partial for them for 2 inch. so how good it is and give them the rest of you will need to also live in a lot of people get the letter received from the supposed to pay the amount of i have been having them just low monthly because some she has some of the others can always kind of, i mean i can come to the phone number so i don't know which one can argue the
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little bit. that'll be the best time. and that's to say that the senior i need to tell somebody that was, oh my you, oh, let me. most of them are the how do i deal with them? how in and look into this type of quarter industry standard telling my 10 bucks. that's all the higher and higher and more of a lot of the, some of the way up to misfire expressed on the something that was the most the most of the definitely i'm both the, the literacy i'm instead of till i get to those a lot of a sudden that i ever got, hey i'm the little bit was a little bit for the see how get my me ever saying
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no one has the one who is a lot of the x the x is seduce and then there is the good thing to do because it is for society, the a cool to scan that a, the, with this aspect of it, why and the eyes of the got up now i guess where is the size and i do certainly i do auto see uh uh there was a lot acreage on it, i'll be back on to, i'll leave them. oh gosh, i tell you. i had bus 19, i guess nicole often to the 1st the survey was at the in the different society. they get them do this, but the just kind of just so you just unplug the political and set them
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the . busy the the money is due to. ready giving us the port of a consignment shop, we must try it. how well the loan, the figured at the left and in a uh, a little bit. see, gotta, hey, i in the, so i'm gonna receive this order in the, to the shop in masula sub. and that'll be in the yard, in the asymptote. josh criminal. i use the shop beauty deal to talk to for the high school. if you see on the. busy
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the, [000:00:00;00]
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the, [000:00:00;00] the, the
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russian states never is as tight as i'm one of the most sense community best most i'll send, send up the send the 65 with the cable, 95 and speed. the one else calls question about this, even though we will then in the european union, the kremlin media machine, the state on the rush of funding and supports the r t spoke next. even our video agency, roughly all the band on youtube tv services, for what question did you say from stephen twist, which is the 0 news ship, it should. so with the generalized scam, i don't only neely dot gov. i need that. i need this type of yet. give
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us a user friendly as where image started the 1st. okay. grants and to show us where to where to get shipped for screen when you come or if you're ready. okay, sure. i'm going to put it on the floor. so branch. joseph. i gave me that doesn't matter. a certain name really quick here to right here. we'll get lower to visit with dukes or could you talk to his tours their performance or just shoot closer with something. oh sure. you know trying to set or shift from sister. i was in dearly or cory church the 3 year old, one of our tools, a riley or
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a sheet of or less the know my corners. those are here for the for in june victory or mama. so 3 yeah. corner santori does your or the hello and welcome to prospect bullhorn. john peter labelle. here we discussed some real news background. the cam run and nature were doubling down on ukraine and or anti is really protests on campus. a significant. how do they compare with previous bouts? of student activism. to discuss these issues and more, i'm joined by my guess towards that. meanwhile, we in budapest, he's a pod cast where the goggle, which can be found on youtube and locals, and america hash. we have martin j. he's an award winning journalist and commentator, right, gentleman cross type rules and effect, that means can jump any time you want. and i always appreciate it. all right,


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