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tv   News  RT  May 7, 2024 2:00am-2:31am EDT

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the, the israel confirms taking the gods inside of the raso crossing with egypt under its control. that's after benjamin netanyahu vowed to go on with the operation after reject the proposed states. far with how much celebrations in gaza as a mas says, as agreed to a cease fire put forward by egypt and to tar while, as rallies until a vive, go to the streets, to urge the government to bring the hostages to building right behind me. now serve as the chinese cultural center and it pays homage to be attacked, carried out by nato jordan at $11999.00 as page and bell gray mark 25 years since nato's bombardment of the chinese embassy in former yugoslavia. the
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chinese leader is set for an official visit to serbia and indian prime minister to run remote and cast as vote that as the countries pulled open for the 3rd voting phase out of 7 in the world's largest general election. the are watching r t international. i'm rachel ruble live in moscow. we'd again in southern gaza where the idea of has confirmed taking control of gaza side of the border crossing with egypt after is really armored vehicles were seen rolling into rafa. and this video purportedly shows an id f tank on the guys inside of the crossing with egypt . at least 5 people have reportedly been killed as a result of overnight strikes on or off. i does as southern city as after the idea of announced this operation would continue basically rejecting an earlier truce
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offer by him us egypt, and to top broker to the proposed to deal the more cabinets unanimously, decided israel will continue its operation buffer in order to apply military pressure from us, so as to advance the release of our hostages and in chief the other object is for the war. after the safe for our plans were announced, people took to the streets of tel aviv urging the as really government to bring the hostages home. it is believed that around $1000.00 people protested outside the defense ministry's headquarters. that's as at least 100 people marched toward the prime minister's residence in jerusalem. 132 hostages are still being held captive by how most families of the hostages have long been asking the government to take action to end the war and bring their loved ones home. their demands have not changed. only hope that the easier government would accept visa do not find excuses to fail. these do like the previous one and this will
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say maybe all and at least a dream. our loved ones back home, bring my son back up. so we go back to the right decision to make video otherwise, if they've got to go tonight or tomorrow, the hostages will be dead. and the war even without the so if it's with a village or get back to finish up this horrible. over in the embattled enclave. people afford out onto the streets of garza to celebrate her mazda agreeing to the deal. mass gatherings were seen in the center as well as the south of the enclave. people express hopes the plan will be implemented, ending their suffering. the government has agreed to a cease fire. we are very happy for ourselves and for the palestinian people,
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god willing we will return home. if i salute him us on accepting the truth because frankly, the population can not there anymore. we have defeated israel and we will return to our homes. i hope we will what we hope that the intended truth will last in order to complete the master will cease fire and be in time to the end because we are tired of these orders got enough with the up enough. let's get more now from our cheese, middle east bureau chief, maria for a notion of reporting for us from jerusalem. maria, 1st off, the idea of have confirmed the taking over does the side of the roof or crossing with egypt. what can you tell us about this development? yes indeed. good morning to you. on monday evening news came of tags and her in rough, fun guidance reported about heavy fire. dozens of casualties have been also reported . yet the idea of coals at at ltd operation that focuses only on the eastern part
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of the city, the army keeps promising that the large scale operation is coming. i d. f is releasing photos of preparations with chief of stuff confirming israel's military intentions. israel earlier said that people now sheltering in raf funds and gather the south at least one point. 2000000 of them should started by creating the idea i've sent out leaflets. messages made calls even to encourage people to move to my why the an area next to hun eunice in the center of the street where they for many terry and zone has been expended. and israel vows to prepare this area accommodation, food, water matter thing to embrace most of guidance from the south, although even washington says it's still didn't see a solid evacuation plan. it has requested from israel before prime minister benjamin netanyahu promised earlier. and you heard, he repeated now again, the draft,
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what would happen with or without an exchange deal with him as unclear how though, as the do currently on the table, the time mass accepted includes the ceasefire. back to maria, we have seen big developments in the much needed states fire deal between our mazda and israel, but the proposal seems to be stuck in limbo. what's the holdup it is all that rough. our military activity comes when the reason vibing data of a major breakthrough in the air of to weeks of back and forth anticipation and negotiations have miles. finally agreed to his these 5 proposal on monday, but we already started hearing from his really officials that's in the terms of the current proposal to not to meet their demands. the do have mass accepted include 3 phases $42.00 days of tros during the 1st stage. with how mass relieving specially 3 hostages against is really, really needs all hundreds of security,
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palestinian prisoners, currently housings really jails. also idea of partially withdrawals from guys and allows free movement of displace palestinians from south to north of the street. phase 2 includes additional $42.00 days of truce agreement to restore a sustainable com. that's a quote to guys of the language offered by israel to avoid using the wording permanency fire complete withdrawal of israeli troops from gaz. i'm with him, us releasing his rarely soldiers and male hostages in exchange for release of additional palestinian prisoners by israel. during the final stage decides suppose to complete the exchange of the bodies of the hostages and more palestinian prisoners. the implementation of reconstruction of guys are under the supervision of egypt caught her and un begins and is rarely blockades of the guys us 3 ends not
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clear. what points are they still? israel particularly disagrees with, but our sources involved in negotiations till the excitement on tuesday have mazda negation. suppose to come to kyra where they will hand they are official acceptance to each of them off to that the document will be sent to israel and only then the reason official decision of these really war cabinets. and it will take another 2 or 3 days. so the reason still hope, but do we have to wait and see, maria, what spend the reaction like a to z? oh yeah. the news of her masses, positive response gains, much international attention and mostly also positive. iran, for example, welcome to the move call in a significant achievement of the political intelligence of this how the student resistance. but while welcoming her masses acceptance and mediators efforts many remain skeptical. i have to say, as israel continues with rough foot plans,
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so i'll do a river condemned to the move jordan's king abdullah warrant that the operation would lead to new massacre. jordan and for administer assessment, then yahoo is risking cease fire by bombing rafa. let's take a listen to mos has put out an offer. if net in yahoo genuinely wants to do, he will negotiate the offer in earnest. instead, he is jeopardizing the deal by bombing rasa. we also say some few yours reaction from the united nation is the organizations high commission of full human rights described israel's calls to evacuate drop for people. as in humane adding, it contradicts international humanitarian law. the un spokesperson inside the decision, will only worsen the situation of the civilian and population of been clay. and here is what the lens cheese has to say. let's take a listen. i made today a very strong appeal for the governance of israel. and so the sheep of the mos,
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in order to go next to the mines who met the allies in the agreement. that these episode, we believe, i mean fights of these is an opportunity that cannot be released. tend to get on the invasion is off a would be keen foldable dropbox because of its devastating you meditating consequences and because if it's this, that'd be lising impact. and so again, the reach and what about israel's biggest and most important ally, washington, while st. it is reviewing the gather cx 5 proposal, stating that the talks are crucial stage now expressed as concerns over israel's rough or operation rates are rating. it opposes invasion, that's they can listen, cannot support an operation in rasa as it is currently envisioned. we have made clear the secretary made this clear in his conversations with prime minister netanyahu and other members of these really government last week that we have not
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seen a humanitarian plan, that is credible, and that is implementable. we have also seen the comment of china is leader during his 1st and 5 years stay to visit to friends where he called to and they has to, it is i also heard about discussions and brussels to like sanction israel for his actions against guys. and so again, the international community is like the reaction is divided from one hand to countries. a welcoming mediator is efforts and sees fire average. but at the same time, very much concerned about these roles. plans and rough uh like to you right. arteries, middle east, bureau chief, maria, from ocean and maria. thank you. peace activists and officer of the free high for blog. you of hype, always says israel is tightening the screws on the enclave. as people have no means of escape. there is no place sold that they could fall, tanya and they said guide the way down to find you on this because most of the
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found better the houses are stored and there is no infrastructure. and just saying that about the other areas in my work, i see beach, your also who understood most of the 1000000 grow and now's outlining, go on paper and form off of the event. great to my in my life. so actually i need to know the plan for that question. he just says. ringback ready to go? i there and population. so i'm a race i'm going to produce as well. they have no basic conditions for leaving. so you and then many as a land g i was and the tv station. so whoever is active in guys i is crying. so i and, and these islands the shooting guns and for me so. so is it time just yes. today is a controlling costs info. oh, money down. yeah. get paid. so it was, it's use drive is buying to accept. so, but it's the situation of the disagree, the and population every country is responsible for the killing of palestinian
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doctors, and that's according to the cousin of altamont. al bores one of the guys leading doctors who died in is really custody palestinian prisoner advocacy groups and say the prominent dr. died of torture after 4 months of detention in israel's over prison. the head of the orthopedic department of else chief, a hospital was detained, along with 10 other medical workers by the id up in december, his cousin. but we shared his story with us. a gonna cause mostly that can mean a month to month. the occupier set up an ambush and all to a hospital when they entered the facility, they directly called out for dr on on board, telling him to come down immediately or they would destroy the building. this is very important points. then dr. bush went down. so as not to cause the hospital to get struck for to be the reason for that. and they arrested him and the large number of doctors with him. we understood from some witnesses that it was a very beautiful gesture by doctor bush. they say that he was brought in
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unconscious, showy, severe signs of torture, heavy beating, and humiliation. the occupiers made him sit on the ground on his knees, then placed his hands on his head for what they called interrogation session. it was actually a very uncomfortable squatting position that an ordinary person could not normally send through for even a few minutes. he was forced to sit like this for hours. we didn't know anything about him. he was an old fair prison. it is a disgusting place. i know how the prisons are managed. maybe after 17 days, the red cross comes, you get visits and people find out everything. but since october, the 7th to this day, nobody knows anything about them. and the red cross is not allowed to visit them. we heard that a lot of prisoners have been released even the director of all ship a hospital doctor. i'll be so. mia was released along with many young people,
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but dr. odd on force has never been released. and those who saw him in the interrogation south side, he was subjected to severe torture by electric shocks or by pulling his hands back or by strikes to his face. the occupiers didn't ask him for much, but what we understood through witness testimony is that they wanted him to talk about the relationship between the hospitals and the resistance, which no one would agree to do. and he said they can do whatever they want. but she wouldn't speak about our cause and harm the dignity of the palestinian people and health workers and gaza. say they live in constant fear, stress and anxiety as they continue to treat patients. since the beginning of the war. israel has launched more than 400 attacks on medical facilities in guys of putting most of them out of service. 24 out of guys has 36 hospitals have been destroyed while the remaining ones are only partially functional. according to
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palestinian health ministry, almost $500.00 health care workers have been killed in the region since october 7th . many of them have also been kidnapped you in special proper tour on human rights and occupied palestinian territories commented on the situation with the all she for doctors death. she urged the diplomatic community to protect the palestinians. no palestinian is safe from the israel's occupation today. how many more lies will have to be taken before you one member states, especially those demonstrates and genuine concern for human rights globally to protect the palestinians. all right, well let's take a look at some of the statistics on the imprisonment of palestinians and is rarely jailed. well, there are no precise figures on how many causes had been arrested by the idea of more than 9000 palestinian detainees are held in his really presence. a 3rd of them are held without charge or trial under israel's administrative detention policy. now, according to multiple reports,
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they're held in harsh conditions and may be subjected to physical punishments, humiliation, and insults when a war stated that the world silence is responsible for his cousin's death. what is the rich man of the mercy for justice in this world? i hope there is a trial for those criminals. who are the, who are those criminals? is a theme investigator who interrogated dr. odd, not, of course, you know. so sometimes they come with numbers and names and they don't make a decision. always design this authorities say that they carried out an interrogation, but there was no conclusion to like sharing all bu oxley, who killed her and the one where is the investigation into her killing. they brought the bullet that was fired by a soldier, and they did not name the soldier. why did they not name him stone? well, now that's the one responsible for killing dr. bush is the silent world, and that's the one responsible for killing him. is every president for every king,
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reverie, official who cannot offer anything? the one responsible for killing dr. bush is the health ministry. is that the entire arrow grades that did not send members or delegations for even armies of doctors were forced to enter gaza? every country from its side is responsible for killing dr. ogden on porch and dozens of doctors like him who might be they are the us administration represented by the criminal president biden. and his criminal government that sees hears and speaks, and toddles with peace phrases and fig phrases, about a love for humanity and human dignity, while they see real human being killed in gaza. he is a doctor and we have not heard any condemnation or denunciation. so we do not expect anyone to return. 7 ride or even arrested from paris to build the chinese president continues his 1st diplomatic tour of europe in 5
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years. and so it's off for serbia as both countries mark 25 years since nato is bombardment of the chinese embassy in the former yugoslavia. r t. corresponding essence, again, brings us more of the chinese presidency shipping's visit to europe and then of itself as a matter of great concern for many western allies. but looking into the finer dynamics, of course, this is important for many of the countries that the chinese cards of the business visiting and serbia is among them. the visit does coincide with the 25 year anniversary of the nato bombing of the chinese embassy. the building right behind me now of course, serves as a chinese cultural center and it pays homage through the attack carried out by nato during the week. give us a lovely, 811999. but the general approach, of course, of the united states as a result of the attack wasn't very heart warming. the reasoning or the excuse behind the attack was just as bad as the attack in and of itself. citing that it
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was a mistake, and it was blamed on faulty maps. but since that, of course, the general approach between serbia and china has lived strong. and the chinese president's visit is a testament to that. but more importantly, of course, what we're looking at right now is a difference in the approach because dating back to the attacks of the chinese leadership called the attacks barbaric and called. it's essentially insulting. and it's called on the united states and its allies, the general native lock to take responsibility, which it has failed to do. in the early morning of may, 8th paging time, nato led by the united states raising the use ms. charles, to attack the chinese embassy in the federal republic of yugoslavia, causing casualties and serious damage to the embassy building. this criminal act which violated international lower norms of international relations, aroused great indignation among the chinese people. the chinese government issued a solemn statement that morning severely condemning the ball barrack atrocities committed by nato, led by the united states and demanding nato,
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the full responsibility for this. what we're expecting now between the meeting between sir b as in chinese, leaders is going to be a matter of great concern. they're going to be taking into consideration diplomatic ties. they're going to be taking into consideration trade as well. but back in 2016 when the chinese president last visited belgrade of the chinese president and visited the site of the attack, the chinese cultural center behind me was one of the 1st sites visited by the leader. and we can expect to the same protocol to take place this time around, but relations between china and serbia have strengthened over the years as well. so much so that the serbian president has referred to the chinese leader as his friends, essentially highlighting the trust between the 2 nations who like to see president c because we consider him as a true friend. and the a l. c. dedicated approach that we love on sort of young people with us. china has always been on the side of international public law. all is
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being supportive to us as we have always been supportive to try and believe this was a to create beautiful opportunities for sort of young people regarding about 10 rows initiative created by president sheet. we found ourselves in a middle of that way and we try to stills stills, striving to find happiness within that initiative. and they're very happy that we became a part of that initial to end. the big send is coming to serbia and i'm one of them from lips to host. and came that statement from serving president alexander law judge, highlights of the resentment that is visible and exist here today with respect to the united states. but it also highlights an important directive direction for the people of serbia for the leadership in, in of itself. and that means that serbia is interested in pursuing its own past essentially taking into consideration china is approach which is upfront matic
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approach to dealing with one another as opposed to focusing on the differences that exist within donations. but of course, this will also take into consideration that the visit will highlight a number of trade agreements. this has been a matter of great concern for the european union and of greater western block, essentially highlighting that the chinese leadership has been essentially trying to overtake and overflowed the market, providing and a great deal of issues for domestics producers and manufacturers. and the chinese response to that of course, has been one of great concern, but the european union has been essentially citing these claims and launching investigations with respect to the trade agreements that are currently in place. chinese comments, the amount of fact trend with massive subsidies more that at the sell and due to its own weak domestic demand. this is leading to an over supply of chinese subsidize goods such as the electric vehicles on steel that is leading to unfair trade. europe cannot accept such market distortion practices that could lead to the
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industrialization in europe. the visa marks were held at a trilateral conference between china, france, and the european union. and as a result of that, of course, the chinese leadership responded to the claims by the european union as um, essentially unsound. and the official response has been that there is no such thing as china is over capacity problem. but what this also highlights is the importance of european nations within the block uh to seek all of the alternatives to alternatives to the united states and its other allies. because many nations, whether that serbia or hungry, which is also on the present, it shows you things list of countries to visit. it will take into account the pragmatic approach of trade relations between these countries. because many countries, including hungry as well as the leadership with living hungry, suggests that the united states, but most of the european union is using its power and authority to influence policies within other states. and this is something that has led to
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a great deal of resentment within these nations and within these lots. but this is also important because now it seems that there are the states and leaders within the european block in and of itself that are seeking alternatives to us dominance. and this is what the leader of hungary had to say without respect decrease. finally, as we expect the migration or and the
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so taking everything into consideration from the general stands to us and its allies have imposed on other nations, particularly those within the european union and of itself. but the general approach of postwar, the sentiments and the resentment is still there. and many nations disagree with the general approach of the united states and its other allies. and this is why many countries are seeking an alternative. this is where china comes into play. china is especially offering a win win strategy, and this is something that countries like, so it'd be like hunger. we are taking into account and it will in one way or another act as some sort of a balancing mechanism between the united states. and this is where china comes into play, offering that balance. i'm trying to india now where poles have opened for the 3rd round of the countries. 7 phase election, 11 states are now voting for 93 seats and the looks of by india is
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a lower house of parliament. the 1st 2 phases took place in april with voter turnout, surpassing 66 percent. fremont is starting to run remote. he has already passed his boat and the world's largest general election. he's taking a 3rd term, confronting more than 2. does an opposition parties survey suggests he will win with a comfortable majority. the results are expected to come out on june. 4th, building has already wrapped up in several states, including in north eastern, mount a poor. well, here is a short reminder of the current situation in the area a year ago in may, violence broke out between 2 major ethnic groups. the cautious costs, at least 219 people their lives and more than 60000 were forced to leave the area that comes amid an ongoing migration crisis. as mine are poor shares a border with me and are also gripped by internal conflict. a party got an exclusive interview with the chief of india's men, of course stage. the official shared his take on a number of topics,
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including migration policy, the indian general election and bilateral relations with russia. he referred to them as unbreakable i personally very follow. bless you plenty, we're the, you know, a very important that i was very saw. plans are descending, was the close. i used to see the scenario and i met of, you know, putting is a manage the site admin. uh you know, the list and see between. yeah, and that's yeah is, you know, i don't think it will fit on the way i've seen it funding the leaders i bring with the this in a comment in spite of having so many disabilities. so many traits from the
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western countries of this. i appreciate the needs of steve and i also have the money for my be a far as part of the in yeah. but even the, even the it us yeah. kendra light and again have a listen safe in business in any fields. and they even, even, even, even the sports in process that they can do in a minute duties. i'm a set the or back in rosie you said, you know what i said as well as was, i wouldn't be very, very exact for to be a governmental russia, if it can be centralized to the government of india and that it can operate and they can do something here and instead of money the people did not speak did the election could be held here due to the unwilling conflicts of the top me. but fortunately
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with the support of the people of the state and the tidings and the support from the central government manual overpayment. some of these in the, on the union homeless that of massages, similar, normalizing, slowly installed it. we need some more support from this central government in terms of separately misers and a non soft financial assistants get more speedy equity and reset them if we need more focus on this. and i did up in this immediately after the election. that would be some positive stip from the center to get these interested the money the western country mentally the us. they're thinking about
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