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tv   Documentary  RT  May 7, 2024 2:30am-3:00am EDT

2:30 am
unfortunately, with the support of the people, the states and the tidings and the support from the central government. many all over by me, some of these in the, on the union homeless. and besides the assistive similar, normalizing, slowly and slowly, we need more support from these central government. sometimes soft separately, misers, main types of financial assistance, get most speedy, equity, and reset them if we need more focus on this idea up in this immediately after the election. there be some positive step from the center to get these interested. the money in the western country, manly. the u. s. they're thinking about all the
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all the easiest bass, not on the human, the in the gallery of the things happening in when it comes to these and that he related with the son already lose it. nothing's it is the only routine to said government and the healing migraines from the man we're struggling here. similarly, what they're facing via the in america america has closer to brick walls with the mexican. i'm going to provide me a small but within the media, where in the states, he also would bring something to sab in business people defend tree. where before things, when it didn't be playing to progress and they'll legally, it isn't necessarily their, their decision because i'm, but as a price. so i would do to all of them that all the book entries to people commenting. anything's better to come down here and see the really this,
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then there may i speak a said must i want to see to do stay with archie international. i'll be back with much more news in less than 30 minutes. in the meantime, you can always visit our website, r t. com for the very latest breaking news and updates by the list. this is the, the estimates of the sofa and ottoman. oh, go ahead. oh, well for him to know a diesel that would be one
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d c guess would be uh, i've sent it to send you the most of the seo in columbus for most schools visit for the young tenants. cool. includes the looks of fit on the on the length of. ready ready the, the sicilian, the, the, the government blended at lee is some detestable. from the i'm a government, i'm a sort of fee is to set up for services and the tongue the roost. mine the 10 the time did that. it gives me does fees and i'll be well if it was sufficient, love in the smith to me in washington. i live outside for just the most frequently asked in the most for me unless could hear
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the just cut out the rest of the piano. when it says send the send, it can send it several as a team to somebody as someone was sitting down the o facility fee for the room. the sooner the sooner leo, when uh, side to most of the deal, some of us and i was familiar with the somebody in the 80 the motors. and then if we guess what was the 11th, maybe the 11th go get his most tides. him for fun in the house, and in most of the eclipse for 31 that i, for the students listed,
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the most likely my, who is the, the,
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from soon send the most of the year to the most. and that's the that's so set, the mean gives a bunch of a of the but the door cookie of facility become bad in their mouth. clearly forget the whole better. i'm included a limit contempt to model for am as or less a month in the $50.00 to $2.00 priority. i'm uh,
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not really is now much better higher for most of them as well as the high end because when the consumer is alone, noon danielle on the highway on the name of his product is being made. and i'm not one of the pillows here for bringing out. i mean, the, as a muslim bill, investigative news loves the me a gun father or the house. i'm going to get in the news. the
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different with him. let us may have some muscle. my cancer fee on do us on the for the modem sooner feeling better than that. i'm at 20 percent from anybody this the must some deals store quarterly. does he have that he couldn't the heart of the dresser may have done this of her being in the middle. hold on for the z, my by submitting to have one know what if in the south, a lot of my, the funded the
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billy i've given it for most of them, the head of the boy lifting them to see off that he didn't know when i come a dash ftp of if that's a head cold i, you are the most the hey, not too much for the actual studies must have been muscle and so not enough i tell you the fair enough is i'm on the list. i'm on board. how to do it. it was a sequel to go about the 4 bedroom adoptive mess of my productivity. if the
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telephone interview man must be very at the i'm the senior, the i'm a gaze here. i'm a school on the i'm of for the c. as in uh, the city what, what are the most center for kenneth on us. it is the camera the, the loans would raise. so that's 10 guns and stuff and see whom in fucking fucking be in front of you said the heavy duty, but it's a film to notify the lonely look what the most of the, the very old would. and we're going to look for in the guy in the, by the, comes in santa 0 for definitive dom, i'm in the 0 from the government side to side. the degree of on for started
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this as soon as the eyes of why the, somebody in gun it says in the that about the quadrant. one of the seen the last getting in the, you know, the way, my god, they are being my, the know how you go higher in the bottom, the bottom the back to us and it the say i lose. didn't bag in know, larry, i'm getting the over the my them ivy my the the 100 fault. good. such a math or live that it couldn't affect the site to go out to across the beam or him . it's got the and the bottom left. they can pay more for those, so it's a month to the, you know, kinda when the heads up for besides the city f as in, well i am the,
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the, i'm with us monday. that's it. let you see that then. yeah. and if i can move them soon, facade the new foot, the allowed to and my guy here. what do i have seen in the, in the house and the some of them getting the website or a go for them a demand. this is a 100 a month for them, and i'm assuming you should not have to put in the good news for you and the other
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side definitely on the on the data. so the 2 bits that are getting a sent off a new id, the civilian can numbers. what do you, i'm doing is a on a city of the fighting time. i'm watching the drums when i duty cooling us, i mean i am as a man. can this model for the day charlotte holmes. ready the today is in mind more from us. yes, i did send a team. can nominate mean were sitting so close in the federal move, but the so i uh give them the best to send the most of the me and the substitute to be in by the owner. a can lawyer to do that to tell of it was was own uh unless something for security. the other thing
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is about the send that to somebody. yeah. one or somebody from the city of the soviet really can know 2 more minutes of some. um, let me know how good that's good to go in as early as the to to the so the the deluxe hi be i'm a subdivision of in a groove in a, i'm a little go to a 12 bill. how do you it's all the father gratitude, the set of living in the config, said lou at the i grew up the instant that the, i know they want to know with the set of can be the sort of hers. she was shut off
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. lena yvonne and by his saves enough and says so a mad that's the sort of an exclusive and has to move and um for the for, for based on the beset us. so could i make a who, the victim and the can live sort of and then a, a good buy on from a button, the pilot putting them a whole logan national on 10 megs and i would almost thought, oh, some of us are, would fall positive for head washington with that the should in, according to along z m a die that the sort of and then the, the, the center. and then with the 2 actors live in the center. and i'm going to get a $10.00 scale. attend this sort of memos to file and above. event them for up to one model to go. we can a global it on the line is so from there been about been mostly, mig. why does that mean?
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was it that the phantom that the heart of little survey in pennsylvania would that begin at the heart of behavior? yet when the let them edit the z as polo, but is it to fail the did. and i need, besides, it was a little while i was still there at lucy met them, a lot of civilian. ready ready the yeah, they said 50, do my new phone. so in the community the bought the eggman, sort of the me go ahead to, i should in the i have the ready meant according to the level of law tab on the rama. 100 volts till the 25th of october and the, the had big wash team out of the i should my outside of my nice to mom
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loyalty. when the benet's just some of them are going to be nice to lot of the head of the we need to be put in and i'm good. include in this. yeah, give me the a to next tuesday. it is here. we are the can it so that he receives and then a going to the school, the sort of the, both of us will and there, there are you meet, why do i should in the us and i man, fools with us with well, hey, i'm gonna go to imagine the mob on then the kennedy live, it matches up. you should have the layer so i measure the toilet to the, to the end, we had them in the items just in the new a go. we are those who can live with me. uh, comes out the pin feature and that leaves your new home. so the 10 fi and come with
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the same vendor. so if the shipper is hello, my name is diana. i'm in austin. and my name is diana. mean, go ahead. do i sit in huddle horrible, and what was the single, are you, are you on the team, your new young philippine? usually at the most of the system, but i will just about my mom and good to go in this early enough to how does that send me some sort of little boy, your typically a couple of little, some stuff in as i said the would you, me a list of, of them or would you me a little bit of it, you know what it is like, but the comfortability of the one month is it the only thing that i read no more than that. so i knew a sort of like a demonstration of it may not be who was, who was all, but then mostly when i'm in and mostly more of an intimacy that's i don't guys,
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i may be mount with you. i wonder if i'm of the felt the 1st time because the setbacks that they may come source of in the can i add a mailing? the title is the title is going to lose love the the when i'm assuming that the letter the letter to let them us in the gene can you tell us i but they come sight asia for the, the homework kind of as the mug to sit down you know, to fit this neil focusing on and then the to so we talk settlement to lead and become such as a med dining room there there have you learn more the flag, the one that says the fee literacy, generally on the bottom of the matter of him, those of, mig, what sort of lena mendoza?
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them a would. and then a highly in make this allergies in montebello, where the lam, a buddha helen was moved to mccain when of some about and then the height of domino ok list off in the course of a bad idea. well, to be honest with that, he is a calamity unless i have been them go as fees and um, in my dentist they will call me at lowes. com and reset the color, the sun will bus and migrate the site and get it on my doing it. i'm on the 16 videos shipped most of the stuff to send them some sort of bane from that that have to do with the multiples of the go you get then then the consent. mosel's definitely look, i'm done. i'm for you to try next october. we'll get, i live in the molly slide in the home i, she'll let them know more to them, and then the
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template them venue more into the system. you presently put them stairs, as well as to say, as give me way in the midst of cities to me, he started thinking move addition to this, it seems to fit them. these things that don't go through the visible and you still could never look somebody in the thing. it's a glucose opinion for somebody else who can help you with this because that's what the movie and what the most that it has done yet. so you just give us with the label of this, you do a search set of the solution as meters, the 600. you left a message that he just got out on and it doesn't sound like a section said bother us through enough this to do it. so it's not, i'm busy. so for us to attempt that on the system that are not searching for c g the let me try to make that the us for the subs. instructions can subordinate con as to son,
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j e a c g on those that are the, the, just the distributive stealing that is, she continued on that is inclusive of buddhism and he's doing the sum of gender or so i connect him through the culture of them and be to the point is that i'm sure projection you just have to be across to, to the she's in the russian center of something that i would, it's just just so just to say it was because the carwash each time school a volume scored you nice to get a screen very slightly, assume you the section of this new person doing some psychiatrist after school for
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the piano school in japan. and if it's in the numbers and national split system, which is the message to the groups. i teach cynical critics on video, but they don't sit down and so today it is especially if i continue my group. i'll continue submission due to the if i did it before the incident into this, we can give general richard arrows gives a goes quickly to face. so what's the length of stay on the chipset, just to positions and see sort of seem interesting city in the city of t. jackson guy, which is the, the photo gallery by what the, you know, the mileage, the good wireless who the deal with pretty
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what he found the day of pollution. that's kind of what else do you like to meet with level much, always a chance to see if that was 250 hoops kind of some those numbers since the quote was difficult, but i saw for them for 2 inch the same gives us a view on your cell, so live in a lot of columns and you can get a little bit of a, let me say i'm supposed to pay the amount of i have been having them to slow my that it gets some she has some of the other kind of always eligible, so i kind of, i only, i can move from sense on the other side of the which one can argue the little bit out of the best way to even necessary because we're there to see i'm in a hotel, send the home item or classroom nothing on my desk or how do i deal with them? how in and look into this type according to shape. fairly telling my kids that's all the higher and higher and more of a lot of these from the way it is up to misfire. first on
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the something that some of them, the guy with an open minded, they must have that available to you, the literacy instead of till i get to those a lot of a sudden that i ever got, hey, i'm the little that was a little bit from the how get my me and say no one has to do it. very, very loving, but i was a lot of the x, the x is seduce and then the confetti. there's. i'm so sorry the a cool to skin that a the, with the shaft of it was and the eyes of thought out of market. where is it? ice and there was certainly a go. i don't see uh uh, there was
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a lot acre you on. i'll be back on the demo girlfriend, but her bus 19, i guess nicole often to the civic was at the different society. they get them do then this fund created in the just kind of just so you just want to tell them the money is due to. ready you to miss the port of a gunshot shopping most of it. so it's how, well,
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how can i and who has looked at the list and the they live with the hey i in the, so i'm going to receive for less or to the shop in my through a sub. and i'll be here for the odd in the know josh criminal. i use the shop beauty deal to talk to the high school. if you see on the
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the the,
3:00 am
the let him are put in the test presidential. an aggravation is set to take place in the russian capital moscow later on tuesday. stay tuned for a special coverage of the of that right here on our teeth. israel confirmed taking the guys inside of the raw preprocessing with egypt under the control center. benjamin netanyahu vowed to go on with the operation after rejecting proposed seats bar with some of the chinese president continues his 1st to diplomatic tour of europe in 5 years. and such offer serbia as both countries market 25 years since nato's bombardment, of the chinese embassy inform are you this lobby of the building behind me. of course today serves as a child.


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