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tv   News  RT  May 7, 2024 4:00am-4:31am EDT

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the the flooding, repentance, present presidential and all your ration is set to take place in the russian and the capital moscow in an hour. stay tuned for special coverage of the event right here on our team. israel confirms taking the guards inside of the raw for crossing with the egypt under his control. that's after benjamin netanyahu vowed to go on with the operation. after rejecting a propose to cease fire with him on the chinese president continuing his 1st diplomatic tour of europe in 5 years and set to offer serbia as well as country market 25 years and tomatoes from bergman to the chinese embassy in former yugoslavia. the building behind me, of course, today serves as a chinese cultural center. but the 3 missiles that need to do is to attack, the embassy did 23 chinese journalists,
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the live in moscow. this is our t international. i'm rachel ruble. this is a non duration of president vladimir putin is set to kick off in an hour in the russian capital. the president will walk down the red carpet of the ground. the kremlin palace placed his hand on the constitution and swear an oath of loyalty to the russian people in front of thousands of guests beginning a 6 year term and power r t will cover the event and throughout the day. stay with us. the, as well as press live now to our t, corresponding eager span of reporting from the heart of moscow. the kremlin eager
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tell us what we can expect from today's big events will absolutely, every will welcome to you from the glistening confines of the crumbling palace and indeed gets off looking to the venue. in fact, everybody who you can see behind me the people who are here to visit and witness the ceremony. now of course, it is very different to what we observed back in 2018 because a number of the western politicians, they decided to boy quote, the event. in fact, most of them have in terms of the representation from the european union. for example, only the french ambassador is expected to make a show here, but looking behind me, this is anything but a no show because all these people, as i've said, i guess in fact the media attention has been well, it has been very heavily focused on today's integration as well, if you look behind me, you can see colleagues who couldn't find a bunch of support and they have to work in our shadow. it really says
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a lot about the attention that this event has the true and, and now just to walk you through the ceremony, a little bit, lot of my food and will be shortly sure, arriving to the kremlin palace. and then he will go through several of which holes versus the one where i'm standing at right now is the pronouncement one, it's the, it's called, the alexanders will like sandra ski, hold. what's interesting about this place is in fact it was demolished and destroyed back to the times of the soviet union. it was only rebuild basically from scratch back in the 199. so you certainly looking at all the grand just around me, it's hard to tell just that it's was decorated with the pink marble of all things. and you can see the sheer amount to overall gold placed the details all around itself was the and the it ceiling. now as it is a very befitting of a palace,
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lot of the food will be working along the red carpet. and as i've said, this is the put notes in the hallway, the penultimate holes on his live journey throughout the criminal palace. i know that he will be saying an os it will be the 5th time platinum approved will say the words and pledge his allegiance to the russian constitution to the russian people and to russia as a whole. and this is what everybody here have arrived to witness. and of course i will be here as well. we're excited to see the russian president and, well, i will be bringing you all the latest as it happens, right. we are expecting that in the less than an hour now very exciting our tea correspondent, yards down our reporting for us from the very aptly named grand kremlin policy. our thank you for turning it to a southern gaza where the idea of has confirmed taking control of guys the side of
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the border crossing with egypt after israel are israel, your armor vehicle is we're seeing rolling into rafa the the video shows idea of tanks, making their way through rough uh, at least 5 people have our portal, they've been killed as a result of overnight strikes on guys as the southern most city. and so for the idea of announced its operation would continue basically rejecting an earlier truce offer by hum us arteries, middle east bureau chief maria from ocean. i have more on monday evening news came of tags and her in rough fun gases reported about heavy fire. dozens of casualties have been also reported. yet the idea of coals at at ltd operation that focuses only on the eastern part of the city. the army keeps promising, but the large scale operation is coming. i d. f is releasing photos of preparations
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with chief of staff, confirming israel's military intentions. israel earlier said that people now sheltering in raf funds and gather the south at least one point. 2000000 of them should started by creating the idea of sent out leaflets. messages made calls even to encourage people to move to my why the an area next to hun eunice in the center of the street where they for many terry and zone has been expended. and israel vows to prepare this area accommodation, food, water matter thing to embrace most of gatherings from the south, although even washington says it's still didn't see a solid evacuation plan. it has requested from israel before, from going to serve benjamin antonia who promised earlier. and you heard, he repeated now or again the draft. so what happened with or without and exchange deal with him as unclear how though, as the do currently on the table that have mass accepted includes the ceasefire.
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military activity comes when the reason the vibing data of a major breakthrough in the air, often weeks of back and forth anticipation of negotiations from us. finally agreed to as these 5 proposal on monday. but we already started hearing from is really officials that to the terms of the current proposal not to meet their demands, positive response gain much international attention and mostly also positive iran, for example, welcome to move call in a significant achievement of the political intelligence of the palestinian resistance, but while welcoming her masses acceptance and mediators efforts many remains staff to go. i have to say of israel continues with rough foot plans. so i'll do a waiver, condemned to the move jordan's king abdullah warrant that to the operation would lead to new massacre. jordan, in for administer assessment and yahoo is risking ceasefire by bombing rafa moss has put out an offer if met him, yahoo genuinely once a deal,
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he will negotiate the offer in earnest. instead, he is jeopardizing the deal by bombing rasa. we also see some tiers reaction from the united nations, the organizations high commission, or for human rights described israel's calls to evacuate russell people. as in humane adding, it contradicts international humanitarian law. un spokesperson inside the decision, will only worsen dissertation of the civilian population of been clave. and here is what the lens change has to say. i made today a very strong appeal to the governance of israel. and so the sheep of the mos, in order to go next to the mines, to keep met serializing agreements that sees absolutely invites. all of these is an opportunity that cannot be missed. and a good on the invasion is rasa would be keen foldable because of its devastating you meditative consequences. and because if it's this that be lising feedback and
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so again, the reach and what about israel's biggest and most important ally, washington while saying is reviewing the guys as these 5 proposals, stating that the talks on now at the crucial stage expressed is concerns over israel's rough operation, 3 to rating it opposes the invasion. you cannot support an operation in rasa as it is currently envisioned. we have made clear the secretary made this clear in his conversations with prime minister netanyahu and other members of use really government last week that we have not seen a humanitarian plan. that is credible, and that is implementable. we have also seen the comment of china as leader a deer in his 1st and 5 years states was a to friends where he calls and the facilities. and also heard about discussions and brussels to sanction israel force actions against guidance. so the international community is welcoming the ceasefire. offers of course, but is very much concerned that israel is operation and rough um will ruin it as
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well after the csr plans right now, as people have been to the streets of tel aviv urging the is really government to bring the hostages to home. it is believed that around $1000.00 people protested outside the defense industries headquarters. that's as at least 100 people march toward the prime minister, his residence in jerusalem. 132 hostages are still being held captive by hum us families of the hostages. have long been asking the government to take action to the end of the war and bring their loved ones home. their demands have not changed . only hold that the easier any government would except they do not find excuses to fail. they do like the previous ones and the score say maybe all and the small dream, our loved ones back home, bring my son back up. so we go back to the right decision
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making video. otherwise, if it's going to go tonight or tomorrow, the hostages will be dead. and the war even without the pics, with a village or get the hostages back. to finish up this horrible. over in the embattled enclave, people poured out onto the streets of garza to celebrate him off agreeing to the deal mass gatherings that were seen in the center. as well as to the status of the enclave. people expressed hopes that the plan will be implemented, ending their suffering the government has agreed to cease fire. we are very happy for ourselves and for the palestinian people, god willing, we will return home. if i salute him us on accepting the truth because frankly the population can not there anymore. we have defeated israel and we will return to our
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homes. i hope we will, of what we hope that the intended truth will last and that a complete and thorough ceasefire will be implemented because we are tired of these wars enough with the wars enough. the only been matching middle east and military expert says, adf is waiting for further orders from the political top for us to occupy even more territories in rasa. what do we know is that, that and also the idea of confidence that, that the, these really forces to go over the rough of crossing and now there are a pretty, very good for, for the moment, the political nation loans to move in. okay. you find the rest of what the school, the philadelphia it, corey door, which is a 14 p moment, this long a long these really a, the guns i each of the older a which here he's when claims that on the read are a few knows that the use to
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a smart new weapons from egypt, the to go to sleep. i think that the user is very limited in its action. i mean, there are also say are, and what we saw is only a limited operation approved by the may bite in administration, which is sticking over. the rough crossing bus is full, occupying all of the rough uh, area, and the city overall easily. these are refraining from doing so because of the american pressure every country is responsible for the killing of palestinian doctors. that's according to the cousin of a non l bush, one of guys's leading doctors who died in his really custody. i'm staying in prisoner advocacy group, say the prominent doctor died of torture after 4 months of detention in israel's over prison. the head of the orthopedic department of else chief, a hospital was detained, along with 10 other medical workers by the id up in december. his cousin moving
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shared his story with us, are gonna mostly the can mean a month to month. the occupier set up an ambush, an all odd well hospital when they enter the facility. they directly called out for dr. od non bush telling him to come down immediately or they would destroy the building. this is very important point. then dr. bush went down so as not to cause the hospital to get struck or to be the reason for that. and they arrested him and a large number of doctors with him. we understood from some witnesses that it was a very beautiful gesture by doctor bush. they say that he was brought in unconscious, showing severe signs of torture, heavy beating, and humiliation. the occupiers made him sit on the ground on his knees, then placed his hands on his head for what they called in interrogation session. it was actually a very uncomfortable squatting position that an ordinary person could not normally sit through for even a few minutes. he was forced to sit like this for hours. we didn't know anything
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about him. he was an old fair prison. it is a disgusting place. i know how the prisons are managed. maybe after 17 days, the red cross comes. you get visits and people find out everything. but since october, the 7th to this day, nobody knows anything about them. and the red cross is not allowed to visit them. we heard that a lot of prisoners have been released even the director of all ship a hospital doctor. all bu sole. mia was released along with many young people, but the doctor on board has never been released. and those who saw him in the interrogation cells said he was subjected to severe torture by electric shocks or by pulling his hands back or by strikes to his face. the occupiers didn't ask him for much, but what we understood through witness testimony is that they wanted him to talk about the relationship between the hospitals and the resistance,
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which no one would agree to do. and he said they can do whatever they want. but she wouldn't speak about our cause and harm the dignity of the palestinian people. the health workers in gaza say they live in constant fear, stress and anxiety as they continue to treat patients. since the beginning of the war, israel has launched more than 400 attacks on medical facilities in gaza, putting most of them out of service. 24 out of guys 36 hospitals have been destroyed while the remaining ones are only partially functional. according to palestine and health industry, almost $500.00 health workers have been killed in the region since october 7th. many of them have also been kidnapped. you in special repertoire on human rights and the occupied palestinian territories commented on the situation with the l. c. for doctors desk. she urged the diplomatic community to protect the palestinians. no palestinian is safe on the israel's occupation today. how many more lies will
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have to be taken before you one member states, especially those demonstrating genuine concern for human rights globally to protect the palestinians. let's take some, a look at some of the statistics on the imprisonment of palestinians and is rarely jail's law. there are no precise figures and how many gods since had been arrested by the idea of more than 9000 palestinian de tanny's are held in his rarely presence. now a 3rd of them are held without charge or trial under israel's administrative detention policy. according to milton reports, they are held in harsh conditions and may be subjected to physical punishment, humiliation, and insults between abortion stated, the world's silence is responsible for his cousin's death. what is there is to manage each mercy or justice in this world. i hope there is a trial for those criminals. who are they? who are those criminals? is it the investigator who interrogated. dr. od non bush, who knows him?
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sometimes they come with numbers and names, and they don't make a decision. always design this authority say that they carried out an interrogation, but there was no conclusion like sharing all bu auckland, who killed her. where was the investigation into her killing. they brought the bullet that was fired by a soldier and they did not name the soldier. but why did they not name him? well, now the one responsible for killing doctor bush is the silent world. the one responsible for killing him is every president, for every king or every official cannot offer anything. the one responsible for killing dr. bush is the house of ministries of the entire era world, but did not send the members or delegations, or even armies of doctors were forced to enter gaza. every country from its side is responsible for killing. doctor ogden on porch and dozens of doctors like him. they are, the us administration were presented by the criminal president biden,
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and his criminal government that sees hears speaks and toddles with peace phrases, and fake phrases about a love for humanity and human dignity. while they see real human being killed in gaza. he is a doctor and we have not heard any condemnation or denunciation. so we do not expect anyone to return. 7 right, or even the rest of the paris to belgrade, the chinese president continues his 1st diplomatic tour of europe in 5 years and sets off for serbia as both countries mark 25 years since nato's bombardment of the chinese embassy in the former yugoslavia. archie corresponding 2nd brings us more the tiniest president choosing things visit to serbia will mark a historical moment between the 2 countries relations. and it's the 1st visit since 2016, but also march the 25 year anniversary. since nato attacked the chinese embassy, the building behind me, of course, today serves as
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a chinese cultural center. but the 3 massages that nato used to attack, the embassy did to 3 chinese journalists, and the reaction from washington was nothing but insincere. the general approach, of course, of washington refer to the attack as a mistake at blink faulty maps. and the chinese authorities back in 1999 called to the attack, criminal and barbaric and called on the western block to take account and responsibility for the itself. in the early morning of may 8, aging time nato led by the united states, raising the use my styles to attack the chinese embassy in the federal republic of yugoslavia, causing casualties and serious damage to the embassy building. this criminal act, which violated international lower norms of international relations arouse great indignation among the chinese people. the chinese government issued a solemn statement that morning severely condemning the ball barrack atrocities committed by nato, led by the united states and demanding the nato,
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the full responsibility for this general approach. the relationship between serbia and china seems to be one that is evolving. the 2 countries are growing closer together and as a result, it is boring many within the european union. but the serbian president refers to the chinese president as his friend, highlighting the level of trust and the level of relationship that the 2 states currently share. like to see president c, because we consider him as a true friend and the a l. c. dedicated approach that we love on sort of young people with us. china has always been on the side of international public law. all is being supportive to us as we have always been supporters of training. the sacrament shared by the serbian president is a sense of been shared by many doing business with china. however, the general european union does not share that same sentiments because according to many, within the european block, they suggest china has a hidden agenda,
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chinese comments, the amount of time trend with massive subsidies more that it is selling due to its own weak domestic demand. this is leading to an over supply of chinese subsidize goods, such as electric vehicles and steel, that is leading to unfair trade. europe cannot accept such market disposing practices that could lead to the industrialization in europe. in response to these statements issued by the european commission president, she's your thing essentially said, no matter how you look at it, there is no such thing as the over capacity problem, particularly with respect to china. and then we take into consideration, of course, the fact that the chinese president met with the president of friends as well as the european union and the discussing i'm number of matters that are especially important for the european block. and this comes at a time when of course, the european union is questioning its reliance and dependency on the united states . and this is what china comes into play, which is why the fear exists within the block itself. but this also comes at
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a time when serbian hungry are essentially referred to as nations that are close with china. they are essentially labeled close allies of the russian president vladimir putin. and taking all of this into consideration, of course, there is a level of distrust within these member states towards the general blog degree the featured to be finally as long as we expect to get the money. why is the money the only reason or
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the need so taking everything into consideration from the general it stands to us and its allies have imposed on other nations, particularly those within the european union and of itself. but the general approach, a post war, the sentiments and the resentment is still there. and many nations disagree with the general approach of the united states and its other allies. and this is why many countries are seeking an alternative. this is what china comes into play. china is especially offering a win win strategy, and this is something that countries like, so it'd be like hungry are taking into account and it will in one way or another act as some sort of a balancing mechanism between the united states. and this is where china comes into play, offering that balance international atomic energy agency to fulfill grossey is now in a ron. he is meeting several rainy and officials, including the foreign minister. they discussed several issues,
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including tackling quotes, drifting apart and relations between the agency and the sound like republic, our teasers of till all he brings us more on the matter. us. as controversies heat up over runs the atomic progress, it will be one nuclear watchdog. profile grossi paid a much anticipated visit to the country, both to take part in accounting for us on to of was nuclear industry achievements and resolve the dispute was overruns uranium enrichment, which also passed the 3.6 to so the percentage of care set out for the 2015 nuclear deal, we think 60 percent purity, the director general of the international atomic energy organization or your war. but this and we trip level is just a few technical steps away from a nuclear bomb show. how is that based on the repulse consistency provided by the i a in 2020 a 3. the level of inspections conducted, you know, nuclear facilities is 22 percent of the entire world. this while the voice of always salacious is only 3 percent of the total global volume. this level of
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inspection has historically never been conducted in any of the country. i hope that's given all cooperation with the i a and the media and psychological propaganda against all nuclear program is that on the agency can play its role as an independent international entity and far from political pressures big sorted by the west. and that one is that's is wrong, has been critical of the approach adopted by the i e and it's cheap. it believes that i times they try to adopt a political approach rather than a technical one. unfortunately, we have been seeing that the, uh, the agency have been somehow impacted by, you know, some of the, some powers. so how do we chose the cheapest one so sensitive nuclear facilities, which recently came under attack by israel following it wrong, as retaliatory strike on the country?
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no groceries was a to iran comes as the west website pressure on the i a to keep a closer watch on the bonds nuclear operations fearing to what may be nearing but say, facility of developing a topic, what that's tensions between one of the i a have you on the rise, this former us president donald trump unit naturally withdrawn america from that was nuclear deal with world powers in 2018. so it's been that one has abandoned all restrictions outlined to the court as obstructed. the i use effort to keep tabs of it, some clear progress, like spelling, some inspectors turning off surveillance cameras at nuclear sites. and recent months, grossi has issued multiple warnings indicating that their one now possesses enough english uranium to potentially produce quotes several nuclear weapons. if it chooses to do so over it, one individuals have refuted these allegations as unfounded. the emperor as the one nuclear watching octo, apply equal pressure on these, well, we say claim has open these trucking to use nuclear weapons in gaza. rom, please,
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uh uh, the atomic, the or a agency needs to of, to be strict, i guess is really is because they are not a member to the uh, and bt. and the they have also. busy uh, conducted uh, acts of sabotage, i guess, even inactive facilities that also open the, the sweats into target's, he ran into existence. societies has consistently is sorted that its nuclear program is intended for peaceful purposes. however, image escalating tensions with his royal following. there was missile and jones tried some kind of, you know, or do you see official issued a controversial for us? so just think it wouldn't be we consider it's nuclear doctrine and event companies . wally, it's this statement quickly. fuel speculation about it runs potential pursuit of nuclear weapons, particularly as the all use inspection mission. as was significant, they curtail the statements made by the r g. c. official in mid april. drew
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a lot of attention in and outside. the one says these monica public has time and again emphasized that it remains committed to its longstanding religious principles . unequivocally prohibits the use of weapons of mass destruction, part of those remarks, but even in the fissions that they march, which instead of the doctrine, meaning focusing on the civil aspect of the next activities was meant to act as a preventive. you know, factor if you will, and sees that it is up benefiting from the next a deal and it is, you know, going this way unit actually. so that status go cannot continue for long distances, western concerns about its nuclear program as an attempt to blow things out of proportion. that one has been expanding the civilian applications of its nuclear industry, including particle accelerators, for medical purposes, as well as radio medicine and showcasing gets medication to non military goals.
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they're wanting and people say one of the country possesses the capability of building a nuclear weapon. it has opted not to for some such a problem. and this message is what they want for us to convey during groceries visit to the country. usability our to as well. but do stay with our 2 international. i'll be back in less than half an hour. wow. now, with the special coverage of the and all your ration of president flooded or by the the right here, the economy is on the brink. now our economy is what are the and the of the world president biden, during his 2024 state of the union said under his policies, the american economy is literally the envy of the world. what was the cost of every day items consumed by americans as a by 18 percent. since the day you took office for the economic data.


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