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tv   Lets Talk Bharat  RT  May 7, 2024 4:30am-5:01am EDT

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sorry, goals, they're wanting a virtual site while the country fits. this is the capability of building a nuclear weapons. it has opted not to for some such a problem. and this message is what the one for us to convey during groceries visit to the country usability are to as well for this day with archie international. i'll be back in less than half an hour. wow. now, with the special coverage of the, in all your ration of president flooded or by the right here, the economy is on the brink. now our economy is what are the and the of the world president biden, during his at 2024 state of the union said under his policies, the american economy is literally the envy of the world. what would the cost of every day items consumed by americans as a by 18 percent? since the day you took office for the economic data support president,
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by the way. i know he was it on this edition a story. we're going to discuss the factors which are contributing to this rise, and if it is fair to put the blame on president 5, let's get started. the president joe biden has 2 obstacles standing in his way of re election. his failure at the border and the crippling inflation caused by his self termed body nomics agenda that's by nomics. now central banks around the world are lowering borrowing cost as a global inflation eases for most emerging economies. yup. with most americans paying more for everything they consume on a daily basis and interest rates at a 23 year high economist, r, baffled as to why the american economy is not even in a recession. now inflation stay at 1.4 percent the month bite and took office and
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then sky rocketed to 9 point one percent of june of 2022 all before falling to 3 percent a year later. but it has been stuck near the still elevated rate since presidents critics have also done this phenomenon by the inflation. now record interest rates sitting at about 5 percent. the economy has come to a standstill. inflation is still too high for their progress and bringing it down is not assured. and the path forward is uncertain. we're fully committed to returning inflation to our 2 percent goal. restoring price stability is essential to achieve a sustainably strong labor market that benefits all federal reserve chairman drone . powell claims recent high inflation hasn't made it less likely. we will see interest rates cut in the coming few weeks and months to restrict the recent data have clearly not given us greater confidence and instead indicate that it's likely
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to take longer than expected to achieve that confidence. and initially the fed had predicted 3 rate cuts and for 2024. but the fed was to see inflation lower to 2 percent before they make any more cap of reducing rates too soon or too much could result in a reversal of the progress we've seen on inflation. and ultimately require even tighter policy to get inflation back to 2 percent. without those cuts, mortgage rates or record highs and getting a loan can feel almost impossible. developers are holding new construction. well, business apartment buildings stand empty. meanwhile, food, groceries, gas, rent, and every other day to day items continue to skyrocket, making only a new home and even having children feel out of reach for song making the american dream even more out of reach. meanwhile, there's a legal immigrants are giving luxury contents, credit cards for centrals and free education, or public school system without paying taxes. subsidies like washington dc are now
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allowing those illegally in the country to vote in elections. well, let's discuss joining us now. our political commentator and radio host, garland nixon and tax attorney and chairman of the americans preferred taxation. steve hayes, thank you so much for joining the welcome to the show. today. i want to serve you, steve, on this one because inflation continues to be a big problem in the us. do you think it's fair to blame all of it? i'm president biden. a lot of it, not all of it i, i heard the congress somewhat accountable as well. because even though there is been removed by many republican members and not very many, but freedom congress primarily to reduce spending. there really hasn't been any appetite to bring spending down and then you see that things are being passed through congress to continuation yes, it's less than the president would have liked, but it's still there. but i think you have to look at this great increase in spending federal spending in the debt as
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a large reason. and you've got people paying on an average $12000.00 a year or more. they're having to finance things than they were 4 years ago. you've got prices up in a lot of items, hundreds of items buy over 50 percent. some of the price is a didn't go up. there are fewer of the same do or, or it goes in the package and there were before shrink. you know what i said, right? yeah. so what you guy is a situation where i think a lot of it's coming from the top from the president, but i think we have to spread the blame he fully around because you've got a lot of people who are participating in what i believe is going to be your race to the, the cliff and over the clip. well, that's the thing, darling. do you think a lot of people actually realize this is happening, or we can say inflation sir, do you think they're actually noticing it? because it's just a few pennies here. a few pities here, where do you think people realize that inflation is really taking a large impact,
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like you said, $10.00 to $14000.00 annually out of their normal household budgets? absolutely, because, you know, amongst friends and neighbors, that is the, um, that is the most significant issue that i hear discussed the cost of things, the price of common goods that they need as you know, household goods, fuel, etc. so i think that that is a, it is significant to people. i think that what we're seeing is with the, by the administration and administration that focuses everything on their crazy world hid gemini plan, to, you know, contain china rush or whoever. and that part of what we're looking at is backlash from that, whether it's fuel prices, whether there's issues with china, rather than focusing on how they can make life better for the american people. they are just spending money on the weapons taking actions that are detrimental to prices at home. so you would obviously advocate for more policies here in united states centrally. but is that kind of a pipe dream? do you actually say, democrats or republicans actually putting money back into the american economy?
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when it's so much easier to spend it abroad? what would the fact of the matter is if we're honest, they have completely abandoned the american economy, the ruling elite or at this point have, i mean, politically, ideologically, are not align with their constituents. in particular, i would say more. so the democratic party then the republican party as a whole and, and the, and the element of the republican party that is aligned with abiding administration . they have no focus whatsoever on the needs of the american people. and i think there's going to be some significant prices to pay for that's gone next november. well that's the thing, stay we're the worry all we are an election year. and as you talked about the latest budget bill as up to more than one trillion dollars being added to the us debt, it's been passed by congress. do you think us congress actually knows or even cares about the inflation issue besides just a campaign speech or, or i will tell you what i believe in garland mentioned, this is the leads, you know, the, the payments are not famous. but again, for most perhaps recipes and poll showing that of the leaves, which he defined,
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i believe, is making over 850000 from one of 8 universities living at the metropolitan center . they routinely. it's met in the poll, like 60 some odd percent of the politically active ones. it's ok to cheat on the election. and the reason behind this is because they know better than we do. they're the ones that are revising people because people like you, people like garland people like me. we're just not smart enough because if we were smart enough, we wouldn't question anything they do because it's all being done for us. so i think it grows actually right. the big problem, and it's not even talked about which is funny, but a lot of the people in biasing members of congress are advocates of what's called modern monetary theory. under modern monetary theory, which actually which helped in the early 19 hundreds,
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data sets don't matter. as long as you spend money for infrastructure and things and taxes are only used to control inflation. so you've got a lot of these the leads and they're advising members that are telling them don't worry about the dish. it's ok. don't worry about it. but you see the interest rates going up to finance the data sets. you see a huge shift down in the number of foreign countries that are willing to bet on the us by buying long term debt. we're becoming a situation where the bed is forcing all of us individuals to compete with government bonds for finance. and you know, obviously government puts you kind of be in a much better rate because they're supposedly guarantee what this thing is. i think it's, dave just brought my my next part of this because what role is the fed playing and everything that's going on right now in house, in helping to give us remedies to actually tampered down inflation? we'll see the problem is the said only has one tool. you know,
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it has 11 tool for very, very complicated problem. it can raise and lower interest was in your printer. that's a lot of you all. yeah. yeah. unfortunately, print money. they don't even need that anymore. they just need a keyboard. you just put a, you know, put a, a period and lots and zeros behind it. but i think what we're looking at also is what the government is spending on. you know, if the government actually, let's say they build, they put money in the infrastructure schools, things like that. at least you'll get a multiplier effect. you get a better educated workforce, you know, you get right. but you can transport uh, equipment with that a railroad, but when you only spend it on military like they do one on knows a lot of the american about exactly what the problem is when you make military products you can store or you can blow them up they are a, they are inherently inflationary. so even the spinning they are doing, though, they're claiming that it's going to create jobs. it is inherently inflationary. and might i add, if it were going to create jobs, which it is it to, the jobs wouldn't be in the future because the military industrial complex does not
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have the ability to produce the things that they're purchasing a meaning in the immediacy. so the money goes into their accounts and they say, i will get to this stuff in a couple of years. meanwhile, we'll keep this money and buy back our own stocks or something like that. well, once again, it's just circling back to itself, steve, that's the problem. with all of this, it's like if you're the new, the elite that we were talking about, they are living in a whole different world that i think what most people are having to do. so therefore, do they have a real clue that this is going and do you actually the fed so that they were going to actually cut 3 and 3 times this to your now they're saying they're not using a rate cut of the federal funds would actually help or hurt inflation, considering where we're at today. i think it would have a limited effect, very limited to the fact if it depends on the truck. but i think one of the big problems that's confused the bed. but i think it's fairly simple. is that the reason why we haven't had it in place in which they were all predicting, you know,
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why it is because consumer spending has been so high. you've got record, record credit card yet. you've got record delinquencies, you're running out of that stimulus. i mean, if, if people stop buying things, you're going to see a large moves. i turn in inflation because companies will lay people off. and you will have other people having harder time borrowing money to become more productive, which they are now. because that's the only way they can compete is make coming more productive a care financing now because of the rates. so you've got a really teetering situation. i don't know if it's gonna hit between now and november. but i think the credit card spending speaking. yeah, that's been a primary impetus and you're very card and that one, but the, the credit card does occur, how much can be fed. there's not like a red line of the credit card companies are kind of people off. there's now so many great government programs that you don't work for this credit card will help you
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get this. other one is data part of the issue and have we seen this before and histories? well, what you're saying underlines a structural problem in our economy. the structural prop problem is we the industrialize and we financial lives. so now the money is made off of complex financial tools that are invented on wall street. it's made off with the original rubel live in moscow. we're bringing new special coverage here on our tea international at the bottom. recruiting is preparing to begin his new term as his 5th, an organization is just about to kick off in the russian capital just over 15 minutes from now. you are looking live now in the kremlin ground, the palace for pitt, and we'll be taking that of office here in just a few minutes. the ceremony already underway will see the president walk down the red carpet, the ground crumbling the pallets to place his hand on the constitution and swear an
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oath of loyalty to the russian. people in front of thousands of guests to getting another 6 year term in the power. we will have full details here on our team. and you can see the code of arms of russia in the standard and on the sale or part of the slack the president's name and the dates of his presidential power, which are in great beautiful of affordable suff. and we can see the standard to bob, the 1st building of the kremlin, but worth your residence. so let him go to the coaches and please know it is the uniform. i'll just so whichever is because it brings together few periods of the russian history of my people. i teach at the 3 mind step out for you, i think for the $8.12 minus the soldiers must be in sink and
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bundle. but lucy, very, her soul starts long before the actual ceremony of that allows them to move in scene. and now we can see the soldiers him drink as a st. andrews hall of the granite crumbling. how is it is here in the san kendra, it's cold, we're a vitamin coaching, matched with the the supporters operate the elections for over. but the winning the election is only the beginning of the, of all those victories that russia so much require is now the chance to get out of state student named through college the mean and for his whole of the must kill kremlin. beautiful, beautiful. and i caesar alexander in the 1st to order to build this
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hole, wanted to dedicated to devoted to santana, drew in his own or the for state or a foreigner was established with most of it's time to institute thoughts. so you see, see if he didn't see the constitution, how the russian federation and the presidents that are brought in the morning and another tradition across all the 3 holes as special edition of the constitution and presidents batch are being carried in. the main lump of becomes 3 should be in touch with the times a number of amendments were introduced to the constitution to help to defend the national sovereignty and social values. and the face amendments,
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which is where it's supported by more than 70 to 7 percent of the russian citizens . when the amendments to the constitution were for up to vote, can you can see how the soldiers are marching. 45 saying the meter is about the ground, they should leave their last week in accordance with their rules. and they must look in front of themselves as well as that goes patients who succeed in the kremlin viewing and isn't the kind of please show name of this unit. but before that, it was a regimen of the special education. and now it's of presidents regimen. presidents badge has no co pays, has no replicas. there is only one presidents badge that is used during the day naga ration did that. you can see there on the cross
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that is made out of gold of the highest quality. and now you can see that change that tends the south 17 lanes christmas, and 9 of them see the figs, that code of armies of rochester, cheese and other aid are affecting the mail to the president. and it is being also stored in the kremlin, go up on the links on that of skin solve and now the soldiers not going across the alexandra holes. and you can see paintings on the walls here and depicting the various parts of the history of russia. and again, st. andrew's whole worth them. alexander the secondary examiner, the 3rd nicholas the 2nd word crowned and in the
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used history. they used hold witness 5 in non duration. soon. the constitution and the presidents batch would be placed on special hilders, on the sandals, todd young. ladies and we will get a chance to get a closer look at the constitution. yes, i see. it shows the coat of arms of the russian federation, and it is stored in the presidents administration's library. it is the only deluca co piece that is only used for these very occasions, but you'd see the 2. so if you, if you do not see the de had on the account, pulls up the ration of the federal assembly of the russian federation with the madame valentino. much of the young co, the
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day to day to go through those 3 in the, to the hate house of, of the had the of the state duma beach of the russian federation. lithium. that's us. love the lot in the body to this a good, stupid, so we'll move it has some of the constitutional accord to the russian federation of each. the sort of came by larry zora can the
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alignment the look and see the hands on the boat temporary. so the problem and then the head of the constitutional quarter and the latest entanglement on the please. a look at this screen and she's in the middle at this time. so the much i will add 2nd one, use the beginning of those and we are minutes away from the vice president, the roster being square name and office. and now you can see the office of the head of states and see why they weren't wouldn't have just received the signal. got to know what the condition that i wish it could be that everything is ready was 9. the trends come when, how is when you can, we can recognize these offers, who from the news items with the present has several minutes before he will and her the impulse of the dry and cumberland pallets and we can see the head of state got the do you mind holding a document that he is looking at to cancel the lease. it is in these office. there
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is a table where the head of states regulatory holds them in meetings with the ministers problem. and we say all the rest of the shows you can see from the stand the right hand side on your screen. so that's, and that's the city and not that exception rooms, whatever shape page. and now the coated, or is the holes at the, or the highest was rushing power. the 3rd is on the go to push the court. building of the cram remedies agents get but of time, you know, they match for the president and you smile options are and the small part of the play with things. you can divide it into 2 hops and working part time with the sheets. the data from us can casala fill it up. what you official part of the business board is working for it. you can see it. so if a number of rooms is up last night and the room for the security console is and instead of holding in some meetings, a library on the 2nd floor, there are in meetings for the smart dates. so, you know, working meetings from the, for the nations shall so meetings to the everything looks like most,
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quite simple and you can see a lot of needing some of the walls and we saw the telephones use for it, special and communication that you choose. so the whole you can see here app, so officers grading the president as he is walking along the corridor. the elizabeth went and got a few minutes later and mister cody will be taken when you're looking at those in his mater k to the 2nd one you let you try to calculate in which it is you, how is to be square an n middle school one as the plans have been to, the ceremony will start in a few minutes of them all the hands of the bell chamber itself, the tunnel assembly, and the head of the constitutional court are waiting deep expecting him there is and $1500.00 gas, his dad telling me, i came to the kremlin to witness these milestone event near the, i guess at least with the, with the cost the everyone on lake i thought it was nerd is somewhat anxious. nancy,
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when you watch when you, once they as me because that's truly an amazing and exciting moment and the sound, the mom and get him into what talk with and it's not that. but if you have a chance to see the crown it's quarter, it's every day to watch the president walking from one room to another, living his residence and moving onto another building called the kremlin. and the why not putting support these, those here is cool for and there's the spokesperson of the president couldn't send it so he might be surpass golf. you think mr. put in spends a lot of time there. it seems the beginning of a special military operation and she doesn't use so while you want to put in is walking down the stairs 10, few minutes later, you will, and then the car and be transported to the gran crumbling hall. but i did. so would you mind you've got sold the police again, screw up all side. plays no. tell the presidential regiment troops a solution that is
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a state equitable. so what am i pushing is accepting building. one of the kremlin needs to deal with key. got this to join the motorcade you what's on the, on the for you for supposedly minutes, cuz that's about lose gloves and how it's time. i think we told you about one of the biggest innovations of this every month old re styled or us presidential car. good us cuz it'll bring you from the light still gives me some things i've been told about. it's in the news, but now it's a great opportunity for us to move in therapy to take a look at the new car side is what's good for the re styled upfront the grill was full of leaving a lightweight. to find that a quote only send updates that the amount, $306.00 to view cameras, updated serial system, upgraded brakes, and slight tweaks in the transmission kind of a couple out and have a plus sub. so now they are, us was driving through the modifications to know if the might be in that movie,
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just the room. one o r g. the presidential palace lovely, me in the world, say the silver small zillow for us to do. she was introduced 6 years ago during the 1st, and no gratian ceremony. millions it is much the nauseous one item use that gulshan would say for the innovations don't. and here for the 1st time in the presidential motorcade, we see our us motorcycles. they are completely elected for revenge. now let's see what adjusted for low temperatures. the 2nd that comes in hand, the temperatures like this was not mean you should think they take less than 4 seconds to quote, accelerate from 0 to a 100 g system. and then max speed is 225 kilometers per hour each, each in the middle. now they're driving much slower. pull a gate to see, we just need to see it has dictators like today's the ceremony. out of the middle of the sermon name's yeah, out of the motorcycle it's cold or us. i don't know what the use the stems from 2 words, taurus she is gold,
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said bruce was russia full of us who cut on the? no, they're driving past, but it's our bell computer. so when you couple words on the weather, which is most favorable today, just and that must see what still doesn't stand in the way of the ceremony kind of thought it was done quite in the past, due to those rain drops on the lenses. so if the cameras to the cameras installed across from liquid effects got there, she wanted me to put some decorations with the russian flags. so now the motor cage is driving towards the city to me and driving up to the kremlin site. let's see, to be greeted by the commandants out, let them come and palace. it can see the number place, the presidential vehicles each and the headlights, primarily the metrics type. ok. so the president is greeted by the commander commandant of the kremlin palace. that was put together so you could to get us come right. president of the russian president don't look official it commandant of the
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most cool kremlin extension. 1971. you in a previous fit, the vice president that i see if he did upset that thing tied you to pay attention to that agreed thing. come right presidents as a whole bunch to the soviet traditions. the president, as a whole can of the same is great stairs that runs from the palace the silk histories playing the piece, written especially for the ceremony. and a 6 they succeed says, don't leave the president for the say, most of on hold the troops of the presidential, we regiments extract the presidents, well, practice moments, make sure that a few seconds will be saying the president in the parade holes of the grant
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president show policy in the account of minutes left before the ration ceremony of the president of the russian. detroit she connected to mutual i'm can, i'm pretty good me, cherry c. so i gave per 2nd spain thing was the show comes with us to us with a sword and the real guy from us for an extra school boys he didn't expect you will take that lives out there. that is victory on should score late monday, down up to the beach, has to in these, but for middle school, a lot of. so with all the magnificence thoughts of the kremlin, like alice zillow, see how moses and humble is a or you can see. and it really is the entrance. it is for the president complex. so on this policy is all global that he took the some bullets illegal. but if you took that of constants in doing while we were just a watching there at the inaugural ceremony of lot of air pollutant as it's just kicked off there, we saw him arrive add to the kremlin the the uh of course this is the 5th inauguration ceremony of vladimir, put in russian president vladimir,
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put in the uh and this is after he won the elections in march. uh that took place this year uh, between the 15th and the 17. uh, the, this was actually a very extraordinary uh, presidential election cycle because of lot of our put and actually won over 87 percent of the vote. a record number for the russian president. he's never won that much in any of the presidential elections that he's run for in modern russia. and believe it actually was the highest turn out as well for russian elections in the history of modern russia as well. over 77 percent of the russian population turned out to vote for vladimir putin in these elections that i know, unfortunately because of the war going on, new crane. and they were marred by several attempts by ukrainian forces in border regions to disrupt the elections. and it looks like.


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