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tv   Documentary  RT  May 7, 2024 6:30am-7:00am EDT

6:30 am
how much does the ceiling so i'm this for most coolest is of for the young tenants. cool. includes the looks of fit on the on the length of. ready ready the, the sicilian, the, the, the government blended at lee is unpredictable from the and the government must what a fee is to set up for the fees. and the ton, the rules mine the 10 the time did that it gives me does to fill out of the well, if it was sufficient over been smith to in washington, i looked outside for just the most frequently asked in the most for me and that's pretty cool though, the lesson tatiana,
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when it says send the send, it can send it several as a team to somebody. some of those 15 down the oh for phillip fee for the room. busy just sooner the sooner leo went. oh so to most of the deal, some of us that i was familiar with the somebody in the 8 the the motors. and then if we just sort of the dilemma was made in the lives in school does use tides. really, you know him for her son in the house and in no sort of course. but the one that i, for the students list at the most likely my, who is the of,
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of the,
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from soon send the most that of the, the, the most. and that's a that's so said the deeds of the of the pallets, the total of 50 of the so they become bad and they're not going to forget the whole better. i'm included that the limit can attempt to model for am missing or less a month in the 5th period. so if i added some, uh,
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not really is now much better, higher for most of the business lives in the high end. because when and then the consumers alone noon daniella the higher we on the name of his product is being made. and i'm not one of the fellows here. all during and out . i mean, the resume of the investigative news lives in me a gun, her father or the house, and i wanted to get the news. the news, the
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smith from us mackenzie fee on do i assume that the for the modem sooner feeling better than that? i'm going to proceed from invite this the must some deals store to cool. does he have that he couldn't the heart of the dresser may have done this with her being in the little hold on for lima by her sibling. the hey, but when i was in the south for a lot of my been funded, the
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really i've given it from us that i'm the head of the list ma'am, to see off getting to know when i come, a definitely ftp of if that the headboard i you are the most the hey, not too much for the actual studies muscle muscle in front of you the same noise and live benefits. i'm on the list. i'm going to do it the less frequently going about the 4 bedroom. i thought if miss arkansas must have given you the
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telephone, it must be the i'm the city of atlanta. i'm a gauge here. i'm a school. i'm the mother of the from the c. as in the, at the city. what. what are the most center for kenneth on us? it, it will sit the camera, the race. so that's 10 envoys turn off and see whom and that's a fucking be in front of that. you said the heavy duty, but it's a fee and they will try to look what the most of the, the city your money. and we're going to look for in the guy in the, by the comes incentive to rental for defendants to my man. i'm a 0 for the gun, it say the side of the degree of on for started as soon as the
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eyes of why the, somebody in gun it says in the that about the blood. and one of the seeing that it's getting in and i'm assuming you know all the way, my god, they are being my, the my go higher in the bottom, the bottom the back to us and it and tell them the say i lose didn't bag in know where you can hold one of the my done my view, my da, dominic focus. so i've had math or live in it couldn't affect the site to go out to the 1st. and the more him, it's got the and the volume electric unit in the front though. so it's a mother the, you know, kinda when the heads up for the sides of the city, if there's any more i am the
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the, you know, have done with us monday. that's to let you see the thing. yeah. i don't know if i can move them soon. facade the new foot the here. what do i have seen in the, in the sun and the muscle in the mid federal government mandate and my left for the civilian to hug my husband was the good news for you and the other side. definitely and z and the data. so the 2 bits that are getting a set off a new id, the civilian count numbers. what are you doing today?
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i'm going to sit here if i can come mamma wash in the drums when i due to the last time. indeed, i am the man kenneth model for the day shopping rooms. ready the today at the, from us. yes, i did send a team can normally, i mean we're sitting sir or sitting the more but the so i uh give them the best to send that and then we'll do the plus and then me and the substitute to being able to open up a 10 minute video to do that, to tell of it was was own a, a something for security. the other thing is about the was this doesn't sound familiar washer,
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or somebody in my, for one hour, the most, the city of the soviet a general few more minutes for labs, most of the main, the how get mad, the course of go, a little alia, the the over to, to the so the, i'm done the deluxe hobby, but i'm a sub, a victim of in a groove in a, i'm a little go to the tub, the tub, the father, groceries and i set up for the queen, forbade saint lou at the and i grew up the system that the, i know they want to know with the set of can be a really the sort of hers she was shut off. lena yvonne and his saves enough and the fast so my,
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that's the solar and associates. and how soon is in uh for, for based on the percent off. so could i make a whole uh, big store like a list sort of and then a, a good buy on more button to buy like putting them a whole logan national product in megan. i would almost pause. oh so my pleasure would fall, pause a full head washing with that at the should in because a lot of them on the diet that overlay is sort of and then the the, the, the center. and i'm going to act as live in to the center, and i'm going to get above is 10 to one of the scale, attend this sort of and then most of the above incent them for a 12 model to go with the global it on the line itself not been about been mostly, mig, why does your team was it that the phantom added the heart of that that also being done for savannah? would that be kind of them?
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how to behave within the met them at the z of polo basic to fail to read. in the movie side of the alphabet on was to look at lucy met them. but to let those have a. ready ready take a fresh look around his life. kaleidoscopic isn't just a shepherd, reality distortion by tell us to do vision with no real opinions. fixtures designed to simplify will confuse really once a better wills, and is it just as a chosen for you. fractured images, presented as 1st can you see through their illusion going underground? can the russian
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states never as one of the most sense community best most all sense of the, in the system must be the one else holes. question about this, even though we will ben in the european union the kremlin mission, the state on the russians cruising and split the ortiz full neck, even our video agency, roughly all the band on youtube tv services. for what question did you say, even closer to the
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yeah, they said 50 new new phones. so in a community he bought the item in shorter than me go ahead, was shooting in the i had the ready meant the one level of law tab on the horrible installed on the 5th of october. well, never had big washing out of the i should my ultima nice to mom loyalty when the benet's just some of them opened up in a lot of with the lender have to be within and a to be a clue and i'm good. include in the share and give me a to next tuesday to share with you can see that he was safe and then a going to the school the sort of the, the sort of and that he made was shooting. busy then the last and i can pause with this with, with and hey, i'm gonna go to imagine my boss then the kind of deliberate and that is one of the
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how the fed layer. so i measure it only to the, to the end. be your head. i mean, i think it's just in the new i go, we are those who can live with me. uh comes out the pin feature on that lease. uh your new home. so the $10.00 fee come with the same vendor. so if she was holding the money in toyota, and most of them are my name is diana mean, go ahead. do i sit in hannibal? horrible. i most are. you know, you're on the team, you knew young collecting. you looked at them in almost as of the fist about our list to buy my home and good to go in there. so really on the of the houses or send me some sort of little for your typical way of putting the stuff in. as i
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said, the, would you, me a list of, of them or would you me the you know what it is like, but the comfortability, the once a month is the only thing that i need no more than that. so i need a sort of like a demonstration of it may not be those who will resolve with them. mostly what i mean, and most of them will have it in most cases. that's i don't guys, i may be mon with you. i wonder if i'm on the field the from the coughing the shared books, i had a come so as of you can either mail cairo is the title is, can, the tool is lost? the, the, i'm assuming that the letter then after the letter to let them us in the team, can you tell us out of the com site age of friday, the homework and of a sudden balloon mug. the done, you, me to fit this in the, for sale in the to so we look them into lead to become science
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of the med and continuum there there. have you learn more to fly? the one that says hook the fee, get them very low. see, did roy mean both on the ship, those, the mix? what sort of lena mean those here them are with and then a highly in make this all or should he in montela where the lam a, with the hell in will smith's and mccain. when of some about and then the height of the middle. okay. list sort of in the issue with the, the blog for you shouldn't, he is a calamity. i'm not saying it's been them go as fees and um, in my dentist they will call me, it was called and they set the color to send him a bunch of money to go by the side. and he did all my doing it and sees the dean renewal chubb, most of the doctors. and there's some sort of bane from that that have to do with
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the multiples of the goal. you get done in the consent most lives the book. i'm done a for you to the very next october. we'll get either in the more lead slide in the home or how she'll let them know more to them. and then the label is cuz i have templates. i'm spending more into the system. you pronounced me, but that was the is, will mr. so yes, give me way in the midst of cities to me. he started thinking me of fissions, and so it seems to fit them. these things that don't go as a bonus to could never look somebody in the thing. it's a good cause i put in for somebody else who typically scheme of you with decent goes out. that is done yet. so let's give us a label of this. you do a search set of the, the solution as we need to is the city some gives us
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a most betty just add on and it doesn't sound like a sense instead bother us through enough this to do it. so it's not, i'm busy this. so for us to attempt that on the system that i some notes of the c g, the image that to me, that the us because of the subs in france was, can subordinate son j e a c j m. instead of the, the sister did, she gets this feeling that just she just did it on that is inclusive of buddhism and he's doing the eastern part of give them a set of notes and through the culture of them and be to the place that i'm so
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projection, you just have to be impressed with no interest in the russian sensitive someone from which it's just, just to say it was curious because you've done the school evaluate that score. domestic interesting, very slightly assume you see that's the vision concerns. it's doing some psychiatrist school for the piano school in japan, and if it's in the vice and nations thoughts so groups i teach cynical physics on video, but they don't sit down and so did i sent you the ship a continue mode for cutting the submission due to the, if i did it before, the incident is where you've done it, which it always gives, it goes quickly to face those clunkers play on the chipset. just to this is sad to see sort of seem interesting to jackson guy which is most was because of
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the, the moment everybody's going by what the, you know, the mileage, the good wireless the here with pretty a whole lot of from the day of but which is that's kind of what else you like the what level much always a chance to out of t j. that was 250. it was kind of those numbers since the corporate difficult partial for them for to lunch. so how good it is and give them the rest of you will need to also live in a lot of people can the little that it was supposed to pay the amount of i have been having them just low my that it gets some she has some of the others kind of always that kind of, i mean i can move from since on the other side of the and was not going to argue
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the little bit out of the best way to even though she said that the hotel, some of the home are you oh classroom, most of them are just a how do i deal with them? how in and look into this type supporting the shape fairly telling my kids that's all the higher and higher and more of a lot of these from the way it is off to misfire. first on the something that some of the the no one seems to have that available to you, the literacy instead of till i get to those a lot of a sudden that i ever got, hey, i'm the little that was a little bit for this is how i get my media,
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but no one has to do it very, very lovely, but i would love to access into something around that the company is to do because they are so savvy, the a cool to scan that a be with this aspect of it. why and the eyes of the out of market, where is it? ice and i do certainly i do, i don't see that. uh there was a lot acre you on. i'll be back on to all the questions i had best man, i definitely go to the the survey was temper and the different the society they get them and then this fund created the just kind of just see the progress on political and sell them
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the for him to the middle to. ready you to miss the port of a gunshot shop, we must try it. how well the iron, who is the printer listed in a little bit, see the hey, i am the somebody who sees the list or in the, to the shop with my through a sub. and i don't be in the know josh criminal. i use the shop beauty deal to talk to for the high school if you see a the. busy
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the, the high acceptance and i'm here to plan with you whatever you do. you do not watch my new show. search like why watch something that's so different. listed of opinions that he won't get anywhere else. welcome to please, or do you have the state department, the c, i a weapons, bankers, multi 1000000000 dollar corporations. choose your facts for you. go ahead. change and whatever you do. don't want my shelves to stay main street because i'm probably
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going to make you uncomfortable. my show is called stretching time, but again, you probably don't want to watch it because it might just change the way you the look forward to talking to you all about technology should work for people. a robot must obey the orders given by human beings accept. we're so charters at conflict with the 1st law show you live in just in case we should be very careful about our professional intelligence at the point, obviously is to trace a trust rather than to the various job with artificial intelligence. we have somebody with theme and the
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robot must protect this phone existence was alexis the russian president vladimir, whose it is holding for a new, a 6 year time saying he said sub and to have a come another difficult milestone period. the consolidated will of millions of people is a close look for evidence we are so it's will determine the fate of russia sales for the sake of today's and future generations as well as the dogs and inside of the rafa crossing with egypt is now under control that's also benjamin netanyahu with jackson st. proposal and valves to push on with his military operations.


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