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tv   News  RT  May 7, 2024 7:00am-7:31am EDT

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in existence was long exist, the russian president vladimir, whose it is holding for a new is 6 years time saying he said sub and to have a come another difficult milestone period. the consolidated will of millions of people is a closer. evidently, we ourselves will determine the fate of russia and only our sales for the sake of today's and future generations. as well as the guns and inside of the rafa crossing with egypt as now on the rates control does also have benjamin netanyahu rejects that st proposal and valves to push on with his military operations celebration of in gaza as a mom says, it's agreed to receive via put forward by agents in paso,
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all these really even tel aviv goes to the street to uh, to put up and then to bring the house. this is a very warm welcome to the international with the world news update. it's good to have you with us this now, and what we saw in the house of moscow is not demand. putin has been sold in for a new is 60 a time at a kremlin ceremony on tuesday morning. so with us as we cover the events throughout the day here on the see, the before officially being sworn in as president for another term, vladimir putin. it took an oath of his loyalty to the russian people in funds of
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thousands of guests. he promised to overcome the challenging period ahead with dignity and swim consider hutto in the woodland video. and if we do the consolidated wheel of millions of people as a colossal for evidence of our coming from the lease that we ourselves will determine the fate of russia and only ourselves for the sake of today's and future generations will view the citizens of russia. we have confirmed the accuracy of the countries cause this is of great importance now, when we are facing serious telling day as much union even i see in this a deep understanding of outcome and historical goals. the determination to steadfastly defend our choice of values. the freedom and national interest of russia on stay, which i am confident that we will pass through this difficult milestone period with dignity to become even stronger and will definitely implement long term plans and large scale projects aimed at achieving the goal of development deal. vladimir
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putin, he entered the palace and he walked along its holes. he woke from my left following the red carpet and the to my wife entering the graves q, where he took a nose one more time, placing his hand on the constitution. and that was a very special edition of the constitution that is used only for in new durations. hundreds of people have showed up to witness the event as they received know, basically they received the invitations and so they were allowing that up along the red carpet and it was people's old vladimir group. as you walk through the palace was abroad. cost on the tv screens, it was very easy to tell where he is and to tell to so well just to expect his approach. because the wave of applause was rumbling through the holes, getting closer and closer and closer until finally only hundreds of. well, he is started clapping, lack of food, and will to through the doors to my left. now vladimir putin officially, uh, is uh,
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once again, president of russia. and you mentioned that people who will, over the world watch the new duration. that is indeed so, and apparently the latest figures show that the ukraine more than 40 percent of the population june then so really shows that the key of narrative of the people just being oblivious to what's going on in russia that is simply not true. and also all the threats and all the crackdowns on the ukrainian population. if the, when it comes to anything that might link them to russia, still almost half of, of, of you crazy is decided to which the new duration of the russian president. so indeed, this event all the attempts at isolating this event in the media sense. well, they have obviously failed. all right, let's head over now to don quarter, who's outside the kremlin and onto a mentioned at the west in his speech. not
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a surprise there. can you tell us more about what he said? we have to understand what kind of people are invited to this an operation ceremony right. there were people representatives of the russian federation council, the state duma, representatives from various political, religious and social organizations all around russia. really representing the unity of the country behind the new re, re elected russian president, a number of foreign dignitaries were invited as well. and according to media reports, the only one that did show up specifically from the west was the french ambassador . but numerous officials from various western countries received invitations as well. and they decided not to show up this something that the deputy for administer of russia said was a chief move essentially to receive these invitations and just not show up. and, you know, it kind of goes in, in connection with something that vladimir approved and mentioned in his inaugural
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speech. he said that must have gotten no problem with having good relations with western countries. it's up to the western countries themselves to end this hostile foreign policy towards russia. me really would you agree that we have been and will continue to be open to strengthening good relations with all countries that see russia as a reliable and honest partner. we are not giving up dialogue with western states. the choice is up to them. do they intend to continue trying to restrain rushes, development to continue the policy of aggression in assessing pressure on our country for years? or to look for a way to cooperation in peace. i repeat a conversation including on issues of security and strategic stability as possible, but not from a position of strength. without any arrogance in one's own exclusivity, but only on equal terms, respecting each other's interest, together with our partners in your region, integration and other southern development centers. we will continue to work on the formation of a multi polar world or an equal and indivisible security system by the enforcement
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of decisions by these western politicians not to participate in the russian presidential inauguration. this is something i mean, it doesn't come as that much of a surprise, especially because even when russia's presidential elections were going on between march 15th and march 17th. and the 8th you, regardless of the fact that a russian president vladimir put and had won an overwhelming amount of the votes and an overwhelming amount of the russian population came out to participate in these elections. regardless of all that, the german chancellor, all off schultz refused even congratulate vladimir putting on his election victory . so it looks like, you know, as long as western leaders continue to take this sort of anti russian foreign policy, hostile fault policy towards russia and the russian government. it's unlikely relations between the west and russia are going to improve very much hello. correspond that he goes, donald spoke to state that do my deputy andre caught the pulse and he expressed his confidence that a bright future for russia. a plus
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a thankful example. where is the least affected by the blank card of the western countries? it is their problem that they behaved in this way, but this pressure is great. self sufficient countries are present, but he's going to ration ceremony today. or commander in chief. our leader knows what he's doing today. the homework people is precisely that they make the right choice of march, and therefore every single day we can a certain absolute from confidence that the initiative post tactical in practice is in the hands of the armed forces of the russian federation. for example, yesterday there were advances in more than 50 directions. some further away, some little closer would stick to tackle directions to the law. makes the enemy frantically try to block walls, try to maneuver it's mika reserve. so sooner or later this pressure we police role . and of course, capabilities that the armed forces have to day, which in many respects are absolutely superior to western arms model, which you can see on the decline. that garage also do their job. and of course, it is, are fighters or soldiers or officers who carry off the task to continue not knowing what they're doing and what they're finding for the signing to southern guns. that
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where the idea is confirmed. taking control of gauze, the side of the boat across thing with the agent of the is waiting on the vehicle was, was saying rolling into rafa. the video shows idea of the time making the way it's through ralph on these 5 people on a report to they've been killed as a result of overnight strikes on guns of southern most fizzy was supposed to be idea of announced his operation would continue basically rejecting and the true sofa by hum us all tease middle east bureau chase, maria, from ocean to hospital on monday evening news came of tags and her in rough, fun. thousands reported about heavy fire. dozens of casualties have been also reported. yet the idea of coals at at ltd operation that focuses only on the eastern part of the city,
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the army keeps promising that the large scale operation is coming. i d. f is releasing photos of preparations with chief of staff confirming israel's military intentions. israel earlier said that people now sheltering in rough and gas of south at least 1200000 of them should started by creating the idea of sent out leaflets. messages made calls even to encourage people to move to my why the and area next to hun eunice in the center of the street where they for many terry and zone has been expended. and israel vows to prepare this area accommodation, food, water matter thing to embrace most of gaskins from the south, although even washington says it's still didn't see a solid evacuation plan. it has requested from israel before. it cannot support an operation in rasa as it is currently envisioned. we have made clear the secretary made this clear in his conversations with prime minister netanyahu and other members of these really government last week that we have not seen
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a humanitarian plan. that is credible, and that is implementable prime minister benjamin netanyahu. the problem isn't a draft, so would happen with or without an exchange deal with him as unclear how though, as the do currently on the table that have mass accepted includes the ceasefire. the do have mass accepted include 3 phases, 42 days of truce during the 1st stage with her mouse where these things 1st a 3 hostages against is really a release of hundreds of security palestinian prisoners. currently, housing is rarely jail's also idea of partially withdrawals from guys i'm and allows free movement of displace palestinians from south to with all the streets. phase 2 includes additional $42.00 days of pros, agreement to restore a sustainable. com. that's a quote to guys of the language offered by israel to avoid using the wording. permanency is fired complaints. withdrawal of israeli troops from guys. i'm with
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him. us releasing his rarely soldiers and mail hostages in exchange for release of additional palestinian prisoners by israel during the final stage decides supposed to complete the exchange of the bodies of the hostages and more palestinian prisoners, the implementation of reconstruction of gas. them under the supervision of egypt caught her and un begins and is rarely blockades of the guys. us 3 ends not clear what points off they still. israel particularly disagrees with, but our sources involved in negotiations till the excitement on tuesday have mazda negation. suppose to come to cairo where they will hand their official acceptance to agent and off to that the document will be sent to israel and only then the reason official decision of these really war cabinet. then it will take another 2 or 3 days. so there is still hope, but we have to wait and see the news of her masses. positive response gains,
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much international attention and most they also have positive iran. for example, welcome to the move call in a significant achievement of the political intelligence of the palestinian resistance. but while welcoming her master's acceptance sends me the 8th, or is i for as many remain skeptical. i have to say, as israel continues with rough foot plans, saudi arabia condemned to move george's king abdullah warrant that the operation would lead to a new last occurrence. jordan in for administer assessment, then yahoo is risking ceasefire by all means rough or to moss has put out an offer . if netanyahu genuinely wants to do, he will negotiate the offer in earnest instead to he is jeopardizing the deal by bombing rasa. we also see since here is reaction from the united nations, the organization's high commissioner for human rights describes israel's calls to evacuate the rough people. as in humane adding, it contradicts international humanitarian law. un spokesperson,
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inside the decision, will only worsen visitation of the civilian population of been clave. and here is what the lens change has to say. i made today a very strong appeal for the governance of israel. and so the sheep of the mos, in order to go next to the mines, to met the allies in the agreement that these episode weekly fights. although this is an opportunity that cannot be least 10 to get on the invasion, each officer would be keen foldable for us because of its devastating you meditative consequences. and because if it's this, that be lising feedback and so again, the reach we have also saying the comment of china is leader and deer in his 1st and 5 years states visit to friends where he calls to end the hostilities. and also heard about discussions and brussels to sanction israel for its actions against guidance. so the international community is welcoming the ceasefire efforts,
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of course, but is very much concerned that is rose operation and rough um will ruin it. of the sci fi plans were announced. people to take to the streets of tel aviv thing, the easiest way to government to bring the hostages home is believed that around 1000 people protested outside the defense industries. headquarters is at least 100 people. it's much towards the apartment just as residents in jerusalem, a $132.00 hostages, all still being held captive by him. the families of the whole seduce, continuously cooling the government to take action to and so when the loved ones home, the laws haven't changed. a whole that the easier any government with a big deal and not find excuses to fail. they do like the previous ones and these to say maybe on the small green
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our loved ones back home, bring my son back up. so we go back to the right decision to make video if they've got to go tonight or tomorrow, the hostages will be dead. and the war even without the if it's with a village, get the hospital back. just finish up this horrible. in the, in the phone, so then place people pull down. so onto the streets of garza to celebrate announced the greeting to the day of last gatherings was seen in the center as well as the south of the place. next best hopes that the time it will be implemented, ending this suffering time giving the most has agreed to receive spire. we are very happy for ourselves and for the palestinian people, god willing we will return home. if i salute him us on accepting the truth because
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frankly, the population can not there anymore. we have defeated israel and we will return to our homes. i hope we will what we hope that the intended truth will last and that a complete and thorough ceasefire will be implemented because we are tired of these wars enough with the wars. enough. a uni, ben miller can at least on the military, expos saves the id, say, is waiting for the oldest one, the political top ross to occupy even more territories and rough. and what do we know is that, that and also the idea of confirms that that the, these really forces to go over the rough of crossing. and now the every burying ad for, for the moment, the political action loans to move in. okay. you find the rest of the school in the philadelphia employee. do we choose a 14 q moment this long a long these really a, the guns i each of their pulled up here,
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which he's when claims that on the read are a few diagnosed that the use to some under weapons from egypt. the 2 brothers 3, i think that the user is very limited in each section in the russell are and what we saw, and the only limit through the operation improved by the megabyte in administration, which is taking over the rough crossing bus is full of you buying all of the russell area and the city overall easily the refraining from doing so because of the american pressure. every country is responsible for the killing of palestinian doctors, both according to the cousin of ap, non out bush, one of gauze of leading doctors who died in his way, the cost of the public city in prison. the advocacy groups, the permanent dr. died of torture, of the full months of detention, and is wells on foot prison? the head, the old, the all the pay the department all valid?
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see for hospital with the titans along with 10 other medical workers by the i. d. as in december, his cousin moving shed, his story with us are gonna cause mostly that can mean a month to month. the occupier set up an ambush and all to a hospital when they enter the facility. they directly called out for doctor on board, telling him to come down immediately or they would destroy the building. this is very important points. then dr. bush went down so as not to cause the hospital to get struck. for to be the reason for that. and they arrested him and a large number of doctors with him. we understood from some witnesses that it was a very beautiful gesture by doctor bush. they say that he was brought in unconscious, showy, severe signs of torture, heavy beating, and humiliation. the occupiers made him sit on the ground on his knees, then placed his hands on his head for what they called an interrogation session. it was actually a very uncomfortable squatting position that an ordinary person could not normally
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send through for even a few minutes. he was forced to sit like this for hours. we didn't know anything about him. he was an old fair prison. it is a disgusting place. i know how the prisons are managed. maybe after 17 days, the red cross comes. you get visits and people find out everything. what since october the 7th to this day, nobody knows anything about them. and the red cross is not allowed to visit them. we heard that a lot of prisoners have been released even the director of all ship a hospital doctor. i'll be so mia was released along with many young people, but dr. odd non portion has never been released. and those who saw him in the interrogation cells said he was subjected to severe torture by electric shocks or by pulling his hands back or by strikes to his face. the occupiers didn't ask him for much,
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but what we understood through witness testimony is that they wanted him to talk about the relationship between the hospitals and the resistance, which no one would agree to do. and he said they can do whatever they want. but she wouldn't speak about our cause and harm the dignity of the palestinian people. well, this is not an isolated case. health work isn't going to say they live in confidence, the stress and anxiety as they continue to treat patients since the beginning of the war, as well as low as mold and full 100 attack phone medical facilities in gauze of putting most of them out of service 24 hours of gauze is $36.00, hospitals have been destroyed while the remaining ones are only partially functional. according to palestinian health ministry, almost $500.00. how's the work is has been killed in the region since october, the 7th. many of them of also being kidnapped, you in special russell to on human rights in the occupied palestinian territories commented on the situation with the l. c. for adults his death and she adds the
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diplomatic community to protect palestinians. no palestinian is safe on the israel's occupation today. how many more lies will have to be taken before you one member states, especially those demonstrates and genuine concern for human rights globally hacked to protect the palestinians. let's take a look at some statistics on the imprisonment of palestinians in his rainy jails. well, there are no precise figures on how many dollars since they've been arrested by the ideas more than $9000.00 palestinian detainees all held in is wally prisons, a 3rd of them a help without charge or trial under as well as administrative detention policy, according to multiple reports that held in harsh conditions and may be subjected to physical punishments, humiliation, and insults. but we now or state to that, the world silence is responsible phase cousins. death or what is there is for manny,
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the mercy or justice in this world. i hope there is a trial for those criminals, but who are they coming to have it for those criminals? and what is it? the investigator who interrogated dr. off non bush knows him. sometimes they come with the numbers and names and they don't make a decision. always design this authorities say that they carried out an interrogation, but there was no conclusion. i like sharing all bu auckland, who killed her and where is the investigation into her killing? and they brought the bullet that was fired by a soldier, and they did not name the soldier. but why did they not name him when the items? well, now, the one responsible for killing dr. bush is the silent world. the one responsible for killing him is every president, for every king, for every official cannot offer anything. the one responsible for killing dr. bush is the health of ministries of the entire era world,
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but did not send new members or delegations, or even armies of doctors were forced to enter gaza. every country from its sides is responsible for killing dr. on non bush and dozens of doctors like him. they are, the us administration were presented by the criminal president biden and his criminal government. let's see, here's the speaks and donald with peace phrases and big phrases, a part of love for humanity and human dignity. while they see real human being killed in gaza. she is a doctor, we have not heard any condemnation or denunciation, so we do not expect anyone to be tried or even arrested. these are the national elections. the agency will present the results of the countries elections in 15 days, that's according to politicians. solid tubs, aldo, following the mondays, that presidential po, and when we say we had democrats, we respect the laws of the republic to the end. we must wait patiently. we wouldn't
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have the results tonight or tomorrow, but the national elections agency will give them in 15 days. time. big on counseling votes on monday evening across multiple posting stations. the polls, commas, the end of the transitional period in the country following the 2021 killing of president interested a boot during the classes with the rebels. 10 tons of its participates in the elections, including mahal, not each with debbie, a transitional presidents of the state. now, he knows it is that the election is wilma, to return to constitutional laws. this is the commitment i made before god in the child in peoples as organizing. within the i agreed upon timeline elections, which was a mock you return to constitutional rule and external. elliptical professor, i the mean, the university of virus and mclaren told a says the elections will allow the face of the country to be determined. or the
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importance of these elections lies in the return to constitutional order. in other words, we were talking about the formation of new institutions. because so far we have a transitional period. and these elections will allow us to elect someone who will determine the fate of chat and the next 5 years. this will be a democratically elected president, will complete a nearly 3 year transition period. in my opinion. it was the charge that demanded the withdrawal of american troops and special forces. i think there are 75 to 80 of them, but i'm so chad as the united states to withdraw its special forces and now the united states has softened its position, given the upcoming elections and the results. this is the commitment i made before god and the chatty and people that have organized in the agreed upon timeline elections, which will mark return to constitutional. the international atomic energy agency. chief rafael grossi is now in iran. he's meeting with several
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and radiant officials, including the foreign minister, several issues on the agenda, including toppling, quote, drifting a policy relations between the agency on the is nomic with public all teeth use of july the brings mole on the nasa. as comfortable as ease heater over runs atomic programs, it will be one nuclear watchdog, profile gross pay them much on dissipated visits of the country. both to take part in a conference center was new, clear in this way, cheaper and resolve a dispute over runs. you ain't even which meant surpassed the $3.00 or so the percent get set out for the 2015 weekly or deal reaching 60 percent fewer to the director general of the international atomic energy organization holder for this. and we trip level is just a few technical steps, a way for me to show how data based on the reports consistency provided by the i a integrated $23.00. the level of inspections conducted the e mail and nuclear facilities is 22 percent of the entire on this as well as the
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volume of always salacious is only 3 percent of the total global is all, you know, your police level of inspection has historically never been conducted in any of the country, i hope that's, that's on the agency can play its role as an independent international m. c, and fall from political pressures. so that by the way, it's 100 which hosts the audio chief expenses sensitive nuclear facilities, which recently came under attack by his rail following around his retaliatory strike on the country. no policies was wrong comes as the west website pressure on the i a to keep a closer watch on the bonds nuclear operations series to one would be nearing. but say, facility of developing a topic. what that's the point is that the wrong has been typical of the approach adopted by the i e and it's cheap. it believes that at times they try to adopt a political approach rather than a technical one. unfortunately, we have been seeing that the, uh, the agency have been somehow impacted by,
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you know, some of the, some powers tensions. we see the a heavy on the wireless as former us president donald trump unit naturally withdrew america from was dealing with world powers in 2018 system and one has abandoned all restrictions outlined the, the core as obstructed. the i use effort to keep tabs on your progress, like spelling, some inspectors turning off surveillance cameras of nuclear sites to rom believes that the atomic, the, or the agency needs to of, to be strict, i guess is really is because they are not a member to the uh, and bt and the they have also, uh, conducted, uh, acts of sabotage, i guess, even in nuclear facilities. they have all also open the uh, threats into targets you ran, nicks or facilities,
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has consistently is sorted that as nuclear program is intended for peaceful purposes, over image escalating tensions with his royal following. there was missile and jones tried some kind of, you know, or do you see official issued a controversial for us? so just think it wouldn't be we consider it's nuclear doc for an event companies. wally, it's this statement quickly. fuel speculation about it runs potential pursuit of nuclear weapons, particularly as we all use inspection mission, as was significant baker tail to home dismisses western concerns about its nuclear program as an attempt to will things out of proportion. that one has been expanding to civilian applications of its nuclear industry, including particle accelerators, for medical purposes, as well as radio medicine and showcasing it's medication to non military goals. they're wanting and people say one of the country possesses the capability of building a nuclear weapon. it has opted not to for some such a problem and this message is what the one for us to convey to.


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