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tv   News  RT  May 7, 2024 1:00pm-1:31pm EDT

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[000:00:00;00] the, [000:00:00;00] the russian president vladimir putting this one in for a newspaper. you're saying he determined to overcome another period of difficult moscow. the consolidated will of millions of people is a colossal force. evidence of our coming from belief that we ourselves will determine the fate of russia and only ourselves for the sake of today's and future generations. the, is there any forces, take the guys inside of the roof, across the egypt on the control and nots. despite him,
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i say it is willing to accept a c spot proposal. earlier you have been drawn access, threatening message from us lawmakers through the international criminal court prosecutor of a possible arrest warrants for ease ready officials. the that we're continuing our coverage of the latest trends shaping the world right now because these are the international i a michael question that we start the our with the heart of moscow. ready as ludovic putting has been sworn in for a new 6 year to modify crumbling ceremony tuesday morning. stay with us if we cover
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the day's events carol knology to national the day before officially being sworn in as president for another time, allowed them to put into a can o's of all of loyalty to the russian people in front of thousands of guests. but he promised to overcome the challenge in period i had with dignity and stress. are considered, you know, in the middle enough when we do the consolidated wheel of millions of people as a colossal force. when that's evidence of our coming from belief that we ourselves will determine the fate of russia and only ourselves. for the sake of today's and future generations, you, the citizens of russia have confirmed the accuracy of the country's course. this is of great importance now, when we are facing serious challenges. i see in this a deep understanding of our common historical goals. the determination to steadfastly defend our choice of values, the freedom and national interest of russia. i am confident that we will pass
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through this difficult milestone period with dignity, become even stronger and will definitely implement long term plans and large scale projects aimed at achieving the goal of development. the mama still hasn't yet sets in here and the, the atmosphere before the no duration was very chat to you. do is conversations that were in the, and people who didn't see each other colleagues for a little, maybe a long time. they had a chance to mingle to rub shoulders and to discuss some matches in a very friendly and unofficial atmosphere of this time off to the you know, duration is still very, very quiet here, probably off the, the rule and the thunderous rule of the all the artillery pieces that wrapped up the parts of the in a, you know, gratian ceremony here in the kremlin palace. now we are in the alexandra of ski hole, which was the pin ultimate hold on vladimir proteus, who can rob
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a short trip from his office the so he walked over that v a warranty to the end drapes. fuel on the heat to can ok one more time. it's very special version of the constitution had been brought in that whole just before that it's a very special edition that is only used for the new duration. so then he addressed the nation, of course, of saying that the times that russia facing is facing right now quite challenging. but basically that is something like baptism through fire the,
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the even on is costing the whole lava. so that is sort of was the, the idea, at least that's how i decipher vladimir peters message. that was the idea behind his uh, behind his address to the nation. and of course, he mentioned how much, how much reliability matches now for the russians and well into. and the once again made the promise to do these absolute best to deliver and to live up to the expectations that had over now to don quarter, who's outside the kremlin, and don to mention, to the west in his speech. not a surprise there. can you tell us more about what he said? first of all, we have to understand what kind of people are invited to this in our gratian ceremony, right, there were people representatives of the russian federation council, the state duma, representatives from various political, religious and social organizations. all around russia really representing the unity of the country behind the new re, re elected russian president. but it's also important to understand something that
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the fact that a number of foreign dignitaries were invited as well. and according to media reports, the only one that did show up specifically from the west was the french ambassador, but numerous officials from various western countries received invitations as well. and they decided not to show up this something that as the deputy foreign minister of russia said, was the chief move essentially to receive these invitations and just not show up. and, you know, it kind of goes in connection with something that vladimir putin mentioned in his inaugural speech. she said that russia has gotten no problem with having good relations with western countries. it's up to the western countries themselves to end this hostile foreign policy towards russia. me really would you agree that we have been and will continue to be open to strengthening good relations with all countries, betsy russia. as a reliable and on his partner,
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we are not giving up dialogue with western states. the choice is up to them. do they intend to continue trying to restrain russia's development to continue the policy of aggression, incessant pressure on our country for years? or to look for a way to cooperation in peace? i repeat a conversation including on issues of security and strategic stability as possible, but not from a position of strength without any arrogance in one's own exclusivity, but only on equal terms, respecting each other's interest, together without partners in your age and integration in other southern development centers we will continue to work on the formation of a multi polar world or an equal and indivisible security system. now the unfortunate decisions by these western politicians not to participate in the russian presidential inauguration was kinda for shadowed by media reports that we saw across the western media. we saw the saw and then the independent calling rushes, elections, sham and fraudulent. this is something i mean, it doesn't come as that much of a surprise,
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especially because even when russia's presidential elections were going on between march 15th and march 17th. and the deep here, regardless of the fact that russian president vladimir put and had won an overwhelming amount of the votes and an overwhelming amount of the russian population, came out to participate in these elections as long as western leaders continued to take this sort of an anti russian foreign policy, hostile fault policy towards russia and the russian government. it's unlikely relations between the west and russia are going to improve very much i for now the ceremony attracted a large number of distinguished guests to the crime lane. and archie spoke with the russians. they do most deputy chapman at the event who set the lot in and put in his leading russia towards victory. this means that russia was developing and becoming stronger. it means that russia will not turn away from its historical pos, is a separate civilization, not belonging to the western world or to the eastern well, which is
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a separate lodge civilization. answer when our president talks about national goals, how the country will develop. and when we see people rallying around the national liter voting for him with a high result, we believe that this is the key to russia's further development along this paul fruits and is leading russia to victory. that's what you should know. victory is when britain, in particular, in the west, is a whole realize that russia was a superpower, the 2nd in the well, and will recognize national interest, including the interest of all country security. the earlier today, my colleague nick here on sat down with archie senior correspondent, broad guys, do you have who attended the non duration? and she had these impressions. this is not your 1st night boots integration that you've attend it. how did today is it feel different? see one that was a sense of purpose. i honestly there is no other what this does
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a sense of purpose compared to the loss mitigation 2018, which was also present that of the, you know, is it was considered more of a full mileage. this was considered more the statement. one of the things that surprised me, this is what are the 3 holes, the parts of that. so the order gives, can you hold top of it was what was cordoned off for international diplomats. that is, bassett is deputy bassett, isn't and the like. and when to boss to us is, this is the 1st cool. the key key will to are they? she is the ambassador, as you can see, just as loud, if not louder than the russians. i mean, you can even watch the video today, they will have the cell phones out, they will protein, they would, they, they would clap and live with cherry. and these are international ambassadors, perhaps the most challenging point in rushes more than a street at a time when the west will,
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you is passing itself on the back for isolating washer and you have all of these are baset is sharing provings re election. i know that you've been named as a trusted representatives of the presidents and based past election. that sounds like quite a big deal. what exactly does that entail? well, for starters, i by little, by russian, go i, i had to take us a bicycle, so take unpaid me from work which i did because ultimately you are affiliated now with a cabinet. it's essentially boost campaigning. it was arguing why people is better than the communist. well, the new people, the liberal party labels, democrats out of the bad and trying to convince people why they should boots off to also all this time. so many is a proof of why they should vote for proven again, and i can tell you, it was a. so when we add to those, say, look at the state of russia. look back on the states of russia 20 years ago. when
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those very we're very real risk of collapse when the countries in the doldrums, when the country depended on the humanitarian aid to feed itself. a new combustion that russia, it is, is changing to a magic of the people. this is among the people, the system only leads the leads are following the will of the people and goals and with the what people said is i have given you this. yes, it is difficult. yes. also just died. yes, much of the west and loved wants to see is problem, but we have to follow through. you have a 1000 year history. if during which all abscess does persevere, they, they will be taped in some mountable challenges. and what are you all for you now? is this a good pause with victory and but with puss, events at the end of the person speaking earlier, he's think talks about moving forward with dignity and strength. so his 5th touch. how might this play out in your eyes? do a politically speaking. you, you see this is this hobby,
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i'm on less than 2 and that's right, right? criminal knology. and which they try to guess what must has thinking, what people's thinking, what, what they're going to do. and it's a choice. it's always a fake. what they come up with. it's always wrong. because they, they do run the start button and psychology. what do i promise today in a very short integrations page, is essentially the road map for the next city. is that gonna sit there in washington and london, downing street and g, c, h q, and in australia in every way. and they're going to try to guess what does he mean? he meant what he said that we will overcome. but nevertheless, we have one complex. now the bowl is in the west sport. if it wants to stop, if it wants to come to it senses and bring you cranes, i q. the offers that it is that simple, but it'll take them over coming in gray and in grain and all, i would say
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a patronizing attitude towards arrest. the will where they would actually have to can see the offers that equals broadway now being joined by gwinnett back, european parliament member from the alternative for job the party academy and lawyer. good. nice, good to have you join me write down. now, why do you have faith in the most western power decided to boycott the president put in all your ration? less thoughtful nat. well, i suppose it relates to the conflicted ukraine's and it being a surface forces. if you grade, they wanted to send another signal that they don't paged uh to russians. road in the codes. what we say friends, hungry and slovak, actually did send their own voice to moscow for put it into the gratian. why do you
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think those 3 countries decided to go, we guess the trend among the rest of the west? well, i should say, i welcome the decisions that they've always decided that it's very cool too because of circumstances, to keep talking and to keep communication line. so, but unfortunately may uh, the government does my own country job a date to get another decision. i do think that's very helpful. so i think from the other 2 countries that did the right fee in the circumstances i did. so it gets helpful if we applied kotik subset. i'm of these, hold on just what sort of divisions among western powers do you now see when it comes to a joint policy on dealing with russia and it's leadership. i think division maybe
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uh at the slide, the strong road. yeah. but this certainly differences of opinion is that uh, perhaps it touched most sympathetic and to others that take street the ideological . unfortunately, my own country eh, eh, has recently adopted the very model listed. the idea of logic for the page foreign policy, which leads to intransigent fronts on many occasions to please go to waste consistently is more pragmatic. i think pragmatism is more helpful for me. all right, i mean, you commission spokesperson said that the brussels would not stand. it's delegation to put things in all your ration, but declined to expend. why? what's your take on this kind of diplomacy as well? the european commission is one of the
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institutions, at least fast. we needs criticism of russia and sadly and upset say it's of course headed by a job and so just to respond to mine is perfectly live with the attitude. take it by the best extreme members of the job and government. uh, she's always on the track at her ranch that you do. ready to be on the kinds of democratic crusade. so that's when i'm talking about the democratic to say the tooth is, the european union is very eager to, you know, falls into the system of government. but it's older, more incentives to create decides, apparent falls abroad. so it's also a way of deflecting from the men. very many economic and other difficulties. the d e was currently experiencing as so many other states organizations before it
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shows this foreign policy, the dimensions to district from providence and economic decline. it to right now on the evil which ends in all grace and john the recorded and backed it up from russia for consultations over in the late hoc i tag. what do you may call that decision? and it's timing, particularly a good start. the 1st time, i mean that constant complaints rest size, it just be at a, well i as a john will be more concerned about the job and got some interest said he, you know, he will actions then the russian government, this is a whole, this is a big hoax, again, another at distraction from the atmosphere and to join you from the campaign trail. uh no. it was a no books. and there was
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a huge propaganda machine in place against policy such as my own, being vilified, did the be the 24 hours a day to the bike court order. it is possible to refer to any of our politicians by editing the adjective, fascist, or right. we get the stream is, it's an extremely impressive atmosphere here will be speed. it'd be circumstances. it's a welcome distraction for the government to say with russia is behind all this. russia is provoking all the rights we populate this game. it actually support. so again, and i think it's may be a distraction from the infection, so vague crazy to infections and rather oppressive atmosphere. it's taking groups. yeah. the other p and use a lot of the jo. okay. we have to living here now. gonna back here, appear in parliament member from the alternative for germany applied to your
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academy. good lawyer. thank you so much for your insights. you a muscle good bye to grey and turning to solve and gather. now where the idea of his code for taking control of the gods a side of the border crossing was egypt. now the video footage from rafa shows smoke failed the skies over 60 houses in the aftermath of the ideas shouting, tel aviv use leaflets to a lot. citizens and civilians remaining in the area and cold for them to evacuate. but local witnesses say about the un no. ready the mornings or the when the warnings and the a tank goes off a k mazda supplies, a big news about sci fi tools. there's some us and some, but i know i'm going to sleep it at home. me, my mother and my siblings. and suddenly we had a loud noise we had strikes without any prior warnings. they say roughly he's safe . and then these happens on a gun, a foot hot and all the publicity and people were overjoyed after news about the ceasefire. everyone felt an indescribable joy. we were surprised to see that it
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turns out to be a bloody night without joy or anything they stole our joy. we hold for a cease fire to last. it formed it for a few moments for us to save our children, just to give them some time to rest. and in one single moment, our child is skilled, our house is destroyed, our entire world is destroyed and will lose everything in one moment. so if this i saw the martyrs with my own eyes, they brought them back in an ambulance. my cousins and my brother in law's daughters children more than 20 people with the rest, all buried under rubble. it's really a lot. this is genocide, it's genocide, not more. we don't want money. we don't want aid. we don't want anything. we want a ceasefire. we want to live in peace with our children, like the rest of the world. the a that he's ready i'm owed vehicles,
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west c enrolling into rafa in the morning. not least 5 people have reportedly been killed in the overnight strikes in gaza solving most city. and that's after the i d f. and now it's, it's oppression will continue in what appears to be a rejection of an early a truce off of by a mass policy and showed in the heart at risk of a new admin and catastrophe. and that's according to unicef, which has cold for the miners to be evacuated by force. i made the looming idea of invasion of the sovereign most gather city of rafa are the organizations the executive director says that the civilians have no safe place to go. more than $200.00 days of will have taken an unimaginable total of children's lives. rough size, noah's seats, you have children who have no was safe to go when gazda is large, scale military operates installed, multiple new will children, beatrice from the violence,
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but also from the cares in panic. and then it's time on their physical and mental states already weakened. now since the beginning of the war in october, many families from across the guys that have fled to rafa, which had been designated as a safe zone by the idea of itself. not more than the 1000000 people the hard now shells within the enclaves problem, most city and half of them are children. they give you the, the, the steady state right in here. nearly 18000 of them are set to be in funds out of the age of 22 years. as certain as usual. big guy, that's a tax on the densely populated enclave. more than 14000 children have been killed in gaza while almost all of the surviving palestinian miners are reportedly in need of psychological support. my colleague, nikita, of, on this cost this situation with units of communications officer sally my ways. who
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confirms that children a guy that need a ceasefire, and a sense of security over 600000 children are now and they're also high area and we are really listing their lives in this i need to a patient to be full scale and off of uh, these children have many of them have really been a subject to menu menu, tristan displacement uh diseases. and at the moment, 9 out of 10 of those children have on one at least one disease. there are a 1000 children there who are under the age of 2 and a suffering like to it's monday through some of the more we put in to the more losses that the are going to face. not only sort of isn't the nation, but the generations to come as well. what do you still you need is really a 1st and foremost a ceasefire. they need protection, they need to be just to feel safe to feel that there is still hope for tomorrow.
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and the impact of that scan, it might actually continue for the rest of their life. and that's what this thing every day, that's the, are the lane. this is spice. and this helpful moment of stopping the guns and stopping the explosions around them when it comes to soak overseas. why we saw people in, in dogs is celebrating on the streets because there was a dilemma of how some were spies from the desk for a moment that and even though we, as well as said, it's a distribution at least slates and science telling people the incursion into rough uh, was imminent, many people that we spoke to, so they have no idea they thought that was going to be a trace. so having said that, what is people like the idea and say they should be fleeting from vast thought where exactly what are they supposed to go? i think that's the, that's the $1000000.00. plus soon as they say,
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there's no safe space in the honda civic needed area that is being spoken about is even smaller than the of of i it doesn't have the same infrastructure that uh, that we have. and in the old or even in dropbox, the introduction has struggled. a lot of dropped off now is the hub of ols. give it to you, in a response, and efforts, and removing rough uh, from the, from the fixture. it's going to be really dire. i'm going to a place where there are no, there are no basic services. we are center. think people today on the other hand, while everyone sent me these children and, and also the dns should be free to move. they should not be forced to move from whoever they are. they need to be protected wherever they are a they need to be a special protection for children in the hotel. also wherever they are in the guns,
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a step as a hold on alarming lights from us senators, telling the international criminal court prosecutor, the you had been wand has been sent, including a threats that he and his family faces sanctions. if he moves the criminal case against the israel officials of ford, the united states will not tolerate politicize the tax by the i c c on our allies, target israel, and we will target to you if you move forward with the measures indicated in the report. we will move to an all american support for the i c c. sanction your employees and associates and bar. you and your families from the united states, you have been warrant. so there's problems that made media reports that the i ccs considering issue being arrest warrants for ease ready options in the west bank and gaza of the allegation strong at high ranking officials including a problem and it's that big. i mean it and yeah. who, who slammed to the investigation at the international court denounced. right. so he
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has received about the case shortly before the light to abide. us lawmakers was thanked us lawmakers to get completely opposite stands earlier on the i c. c. actions against russia in 2022, the senate adopted the resignation co sponsored by a republican lo make up marco rubio, who signed a threatening letter to the court prosecutor, a cold for the launch of a nice se investigation into russia's actions during its military operation. in ukraine and global affairs, alice and nixon temple describe the washington's approach to the i, c. c. as a hypocritical policy of double standards in the us has demonstrated the disdain. and for those but the international law. forgetting its own misgiving across the world between now forgotten eastern and to be in,
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in the middle east, all in europe for that matter. now you have to look up now the double standards that the united states apply in terms of, uh, the application of international law for us to have to make noise. for example, about a russia and presidents letting me putting over the issue of the, of the key issue of which is going from the don't bustle region being taken to a safer, safer place. whereas in the us then and use of the, the issue we see to then a women being bombed, being created by us to supply the weapons, us to supply the missions and us a glance at the fits the system including the a won't play yet. they do not want to be had the account. do you see it clear this
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side of double standards and the lack of respect for the national metal, right, they made the states. well, that's the of the best out this time, both stories at the top of the house, the again, thanks for watching the the,


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