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tv   News  RT  May 7, 2024 3:00pm-3:31pm EDT

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or the, the russian president vladimir, put in his swan in for a news. thanks for your time. say, you have determined to overcome another period of difficult mazda. the consolidated will of millions of people as a colossal force evidence of our coming from belief that we ourselves will determine the fate of russia and only ourselves for the sake of today's and future generations. the easily forces take the gathering site of the golf across thing would be due on the control and that's despite have by saying it is willing to accept this c 5 proposal. earlier you have been one invested threatening message from
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us low lakers to the international criminal court. persecuted of a possible arrest warrants, voice, rally officials. the what does is onto international reaching you from the rushing capital. welcome to the latest updates. i have michael port you now we started this our the hodge of moscow. as lot of it put in has been sworn in for a new 60 or to my, the crumbling sir monday, tuesday morning. stay with us as we cover the days events here in archie, the the
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before officially being sworn in as president for another to let them be put into can o's of loyalty to the russian people in front of thousands of guess. he promised to overcome the challenging period ahead with dignity edward spent consider hutto in the woodland video and when we did the consolidated will of millions of people as a colossal force evidence of our coming from the lease that we ourselves will determine the fate of russia and only ourselves, for the sake of today's and future generations you, the citizens of russia, have confirmed the accuracy of the countries. course. this is of great importance now, when we are facing serious challenges. i see in this a deep understanding of outcome and historical goals. the determination to steadfastly defend our choice of values to the freedom and national interest of russia. i am confident that we will pass through this difficult milestone period with dignity, become even stronger and will definitely implement long term plans and large scale
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projects aimed at achieving the goal of development. the mama still hasn't yet sets in here on the, the atmosphere before the, you know, duration it was very chat to you do it's conversations that were in the, and people who didn't see each other. colleagues for a little, maybe a long time. they had a chance to mangled to rub shoulders and to discuss a mattress in a very friendly and unofficial atmosphere of this time off to the you know, duration is still very, very quiet. here probably off the, the rule and this thunderous rule of the old, the artillery pieces that wrapped up the parts of the in a, you know, if you ration ceremony here in the kremlin palace. now we are in the alexander of ski hole, which was the pin ultimate hold on vladimir, these who can rob a short trip from his office the
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so we worked over that and he a welcome to the andrea school and that he to kind of one more time it's very special version of the constitution had been boots in that hole just before that. it's a very special edition that is only used for the new ration. so then he addressed the nation, of course, of saying that the times that russia facing is facing right now quite challenging. but basically that is something like baptism through fire as a the even on is costing the whole lava. so that is sort of was the idea, at least that's how i decipher. glad to repeat this message. that was the idea
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behind his uh, behind his address to the nation. and of course, he mentioned how much, how much reliability mass has now for the russians. and well into and he once again made a promise to use absolute best to deliver and to live up to the expectations that had over now to don carter who is outside the kremlin. and onto a mentioned to the west in his speech. not a surprise there. can you tell us more about what he said? first of all, we have to understand what kind of people are invited to this. and our gratian ceremony right. there were people, representatives of the russian federation council, the state duma, representatives from various political, religious and social organizations all around russia really representing the unity of the country behind the new re, re elected russian president. but it's also important to understand something that the fact that a number of foreign dignitaries were invited as well. and according to media
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reports, the only one that did show up specifically from the west was the french ambassador . but uh, numerous officials from various western countries received invitations as well. and they decided not to show up this something that the deputy for administer of russia said was a chief move essentially to receive these invitations and does not show up. and you know, it, it kind of goes in connection with something that vladimir putin mentioned in his inaugural speech. she said that russia has got no problem with having good relations with western countries. it's up to the western countries themselves to end this hostile foreign policy towards russia. maybe the more you create that we have been and will continue to be open to strengthening good relations with all countries that see russia as a reliable and honest partner. we are not giving up dialogue with western states. the choice is up to them. do they intend to continue trying to restrain russia's
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development, to continue the policy of aggression, incessant pressure on our country for years, or to look for a way to cooperation in peace. i repeat a conversation, including on issues of security and strategic stability is possible, but not from a position of strength without any arrogance in one's own exclusivity, but only on equal terms, respecting each other's interest, together with our partners in your age and integration in other southern development centers, we will continue to work on the formation of a multi polar world or an equal and indivisible security system. now the unfortunate decisions by these western politicians not to participate in the russian presidential inauguration was kind of foreshadowed by media reports that we saw across the western media. we saw the saw and then the independent calling rushes, elections, sham and fraudulent. this is something i mean, it doesn't come as that much of a surprise, especially because even when russia's presidential elections were going on between march 15th and march 17th. and the deep here, regardless of the fact that
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a russian president vladimir put and had won an overwhelming amount of the votes and an overwhelming amount of the russian population came out to participate in these elections as long as western leaders continued to take this sort of anti russian foreign policy, hostile fault policy towards russia and the russian government. it's unlikely relations between the west and russia are going to improve very much now from a russian presidential candidate nichol. i caught a ton of was among the big mysteries of big kremlin today. and we caught up with the veteran communist politician for his stake on flooding and put into leadership all the nation during this turbulent times. the with a special mich reparation underway. so 2 years now, the presidential elections were held according to the constitution. everything was objective democratic and fair. the villages have made the choice of all the 12, legitimate, with the native block led by the united states is trying to escalate everything. we
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know other words, it is trying to economically and physically exhaust russia. it's useless. but all of these young europeans, not the children, but the grandchildren of those who suffered defeats on the battlefield before need to understand, wants and full. anyhow, the people would never have manage such a huge territory that i'll address this left to us. one of the multinational russian people are capable of doing this very for all of is pro minutes. it will suddenly be solved. victory will be on all fronts. and one of mr. put ins, most hot warming congratulate. 3 messages came from his former school teacher, vera greevich, and the president will well come to the woman with the bouquet of flowers that is crammed in residence. and he was frequently named the educator as a passing who has had a great influence on him. and earlier today, week my colleague, nicky air on sat down with our 2 senior correspondent,
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morag gasdio who attended the non duration and shed. he's a impressions. this is not your 1st, that's my personal gratian that you've attend it. how did today is it feel difference? see what for one that was a sense of purpose. i honestly, there is no other way this there's a sense of purpose compared to the loss mitigation. 2018, which was also present that of those, you know, is, was considered more of a full mileage. this was considered more the statement. one of the things that surprised me, this is in one of the 3 holes, the positive that so the order gives, can you hold top of it was what was cordoned off for international diplomats. that is, i'm bassett, is deputy bassett isn't and the, like. i'm going to boss to us is, this is the 1st cool. the key key will to are they, she is the basset,
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as you can see, just as a loud, if not louder than the russians. i mean, you can, you can watch the video they, they will have the cell phones out, they will approve thing. they would say they would clap and live cherry. and these are international ambassadors. perhaps the most challenging point in rushes more than a street at a time when the west will, you use passing itself on the back for isolating washer and you have all of these are back to this cheering provings re election. i know that you've been named as a trusted representative of the president and this past election. that sounds like quite a big deal. what exactly does that entail? well, for starters, i by little, by russian go. i have to take us a bicycle to take unpaid me from work, which i did because often who you are affiliated now with a cabinet, it's essentially boost campaigning. it was arguing why people is better than the communist. well, the new people, the liberal party labels,
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democrats out of the bad and trying to convince people why they should boots off the author all this time. so many is a proof of why they should boot for proof. and again, and i can tell you, it was very soon when we add to those say, look at the states of russia. look back on the states of russia 20 years ago. when those very we're very real risk of collapse when the countries in the doldrums within the country depended on humanitarian aid to feed itself. and look at blushing. that prostrate is, is changing to a magic of the people. this is among the people. the system only leads the leads are following the will of the people and goals that would be what people said is i have given you this. yes, it is difficult. yes. also just died. yes. much of the west and loved wants to see is crumble, but we have to follow through. we have a 1000 year history, enduring withdrawal ads as dispose of it. they,
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they will be cape in some mountable challenges. and what are all for you now? is a difficult part, but victory and but with positive it's at the person speaking earlier he's think talks about moving forward with dignity and strength. so his 5th touch. how might this play out in your eyes to your politically speaking? you, you see this is this hobby, i'm on less than just now. right. right. criminal knology. and which they try to guess what buses thinking, what people's thinking, what, what they're going to do. and it's a choice. it's always a fake. what they come up with. it's always wrong because they, they do run the start button psychology. what the problem was today in a very short integration speech is essentially the road map for the next 6. is that gonna sit there in washington and london downing street and g, c, h q, and in australia in every way, and they're going to try to guess what does he mean?
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he meant what he said, but we will overcome. but nevertheless, we don't want conflicts that the boy is in the west sport. if it wants to stop, if it wants to come to a census and bring you cranes, i q. the offers that it is that simple, but it'll take them over it coming in gray and in grain and all i would say a patronizing attitude towards arrest the will where they would actually have to can see that offers. that equals that we also heard from kerry nestle from austria and the foreign minister, and they had all the g o r k i sent to st. petersburg state university. she said that if it's a shame to see most west and officials ignore invitations to president put into the not duration in this total absence of good met us. i would say i try not to over into and read for the some strange emotion or $11.00 is to make another symbolic
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gesture that's too much symbolism that the west is anyway doing. and it's fond policy from sanctions to this kind of not diplomatic behavior. what comes to my mind is an added adult by a former yugoslav, president of my shows due to she sat in a simple phrase, something that applies very well to what happened today. namely, i quoted him, the best diplomatic academy can never replace basic education at home. and i would say these people simply lack a education, good manners. lemme see is about such things. you're representing the country and you are accredited to, to the had of stays of all kinds of, of the country where you are posted russian federation. so when you get such an invitation to the integration of the head of state, of course you attempt, uh, this is a basic rule of the austrian legal obligations. it's really about the week of
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vacation to fulfilled this neutrality policy. it's due on the part of neutrality status. it's totally different from switzerland. so not knowing how to act and not knowing how to, to conduct a, a new trust policy. uh, i think uh, in the long run it would be to the detriment of the country because a lot of privileges are connected to acting as a neutral country. this means being bolt, it's a national organizations and i want the, um, uh, what would be the. ringback the, the ultimate outcome of all that and turning to 7 guys. and now where the idea is kind of taking control of the guy, the side of the, with a crossing with egypt. video footage from rafa shows smoke filled skies over city houses and they often mass with the idea of shelling. tel aviv use leaflets to
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a lot civic civilians remaining in the area and called for them to evacuate a warning or disturbing and may do so just ahead to feed them. of the video shows palestinians trying to pull the bodies of children. how to the rumble, who was said to have been killed in these really strikes on java, of the local hospital, the reports at least 23 people were killed and overnights, they attacked on the area, including 6 women and 5 children. these really forces of allegedly targeted the only doctor and hospital in the city, as well as of a densely populated areas. witnesses say that there were no warnings in the a type of golf. i came as a surprise that made news about sci fi talks with him. i don't know. i was sleeping at home, me, my mother and my siblings. and suddenly we had
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a loud noise. we had strikes without any prior warnings. they say roughly he's safe . and then these happens on the go to foot hide and all the publicity and people were overjoyed after news about the ceasefire. everyone felt an indescribable joy. we were surprised to see that it turned out to be a bloody night's without joy or anything they stole our joy. we held for a cease fire to last. it formed it for a few moments for us to save our children, just to give them some time to rest. and in one single moment, our child is skilled, our house is destroyed, our entire world is destroyed and will lose everything in one moment. so if this i saw the martyrs with my own eyes, they brought them back in an ambulance. my cousins and my brother in law's daughter's children more than 20 people with the rest, all buried under rubble. it's really a lot. this is genocide, it's genocide, not more. we don't want money. we don't want aid. we don't want anything. we want a ceasefire. we want to live in peace with our children,
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like the rest of the world. still not on the bus. we're witnessing. continuous is really showing of the eastern areas of rafa at the moment of the air strikes are ongoing. not long ago were planes attacked an area in the east of rafa. as a result, people were injured and were taken to the cool wait hospital. these airstrikes are being carried out as part of a military operation near the rough lands crossing the idea of his targeting all moving objects in this area. and the cordon has been established here as fighting underway. people are prohibited from approaching the area. numerous residents and refugees have been ordered to leave is really military vehicles are also moving towards the philadelphia core door, which separates garza from egypt at the moment. the idea of operation is not only continuing, but also intensifying. judging by the number of wounded people that are being taken to the quite hospital, the only available medical facility in rafa after the out in the general hospital,
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which is located in the comment area was put out of action. this means that we will face serious challenges because the only hospital is treating a large number of casualties. the idea of operation in gaza continues in the south western and south eastern neighborhoods. and the tell l how area is really aircraft carried out strikes on residential and high rise buildings attacks continue in the out and regret area. many houses and entire neighborhoods had been destroyed the elements, their rods, mcgasey and elbow range areas are also being targeted by israeli raids. meaning that the military operation is intensifying. israel threatens to continue the assault palestinian civilians and refugees, and rafa are experiencing great disappointment because just a day earlier, they had hoped for an improvement in the situation. after homeless agreed to the egypt shall cease fire plan. however, all these hopes and joy of the palestinians have been shattered. after these rarely army launched its operation,
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the roof of border crossing is the only lifeline for the residents of the enclave. and fears the still persist, that famine could hit rafa and northern gaza. due to illness, really ban on the delivery of humanitarian aid supplies that have been accumulated on the egyptian side. many of those wanting to leave gaza, who had registered on the relevant lists, had been denied safe passage. all hopes vanished after these really army seized complete control over the rough outlines. crossing heavy, we're seeing the humanitarian situation deteriorating, and then the idea of the offensive. however, the political situation remains uncertain, as it is unclear whether a certain powers will intervene to stop these really assault on rough uh in the south of the enclave. then on tuesday morning is ready military vehicles rolled in to seize control of the guys inside of the roof of border crossing with egypt. and that's also the idea of finality. it's operation will continue using what appears
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to be a rejection of on the area truth alpha by him us a residential of guys that city told us that based on the situation on the ground. these ready government is trying to push through a deal with a mass on its own terms. i think the sad ducks haven't complete the collapse, but the disconnect of the tip condition and so that, that as an occupation is booking motor brush up on the steam that existence in order to get more positions of from eh, it's the those i think that it and that then yeah, whole a fee the, the of the feet he sees that to, i mean seems fire without that. it needs of dallas to give and destruction of how much the abilities and, and think it's fluid and gaza. would be close to that. a big defeat for him, and this was bit booked up into his but it can eh, kerry it,
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it is so that the he, the exit sign of it without it getting out, caught up, completing it without the accomplishing gives a cause. but this was not, it had been because he has been trying to do this for 7 months, but he couldn't. and the, if it's not me, he'll see this at all, unless expense as a, the american admission expense alongside with the better student expense on the ground. he didn't, and he couldn't, and he wouldn't be able to do the outcome of it goes, eh, so that at the end he, we agree except as he's for that on the conditions of the thing that is, if the on the alarming letter from us senators, telling the international criminal court prosecutor, you had been one,
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has been sent, including a threat that he and his families face sanctions if he moves the criminal case against these ready officials for in the united states will not tolerate politicize the taxed by the i. c. c. when our allies target israel and we will target to you, if you move forward with the measures indicated in the report, we will move to an all american support for the i c. c. sanction your employees and associates and bar, you and your families from the united states. you have been warned. not those columns that made media reports by the i. c. c's considering issuing arrest warrants for each really actions in the west bank and gaza. of the allegations target high ranking officials, including 5 minutes that been gave me nathan yahoo, who slammed the investigation the international court, denounce the threats he has received about the case shortly before the latter by us lawmakers was sent a us lawmakers to get completely opposite stands earlier on icbc actions against
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russia in 2022, the senate adopted the resolution co sponsored by a republican lawmaker, marco rubio, who signed a threatening letter to the court prosecutor. he pulled for the long show of on the icy c investigation into russia's actions during its military operation in ukraine . of global affairs analyst nixon cut him both described the washington's approach to the icy c, as a hypocritical policy of double standards in the us has demonstrated this dave and for this, but the international law. forgetting its own misgivings across the would be to know, forgotten eastern and to be in, in the middle east or in europe for that matter. then you have to look up now the double standards that the united states applied in terms of the application of
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international law for us to have to make noise. for example, about a russia and presidents letting me put to over the issue of the, of the key issue of which you learn from the don't bustle, region being taken to a safer, safer place. whereas in the us then and is that the issue, we see to that a women being bombed, being created by us to supply the weapons, us to supply the missions and us a glance at the fits the system, including the a won't play yet. they do not want to be had the account. do you see it clear this side of double standards and the lack of respect for the national know by the united states now in the us itself. big big thing drama. busy of the annual max gallery new york has been disrupted by pro palestinian or published time protests
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is outside the venue. please ross to make arrests while fashion models way showing off even inside the metropolitan museum of on the moving on. now you ron has been holding positive pulse with the you and nuclear
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watchdog group, according to the country's atomic entity chief at the head of the i. e. a has traveled to east east stefan to a for negotiations i made to ron's rejection of your allegations and the legal nuclear activity are to use use of july. here's bear with the details. there's a lot of speculation surrounding groceries was wrong due to its timing less than a months after hygiene intentions between yvonne and the as well including and he's really, it's uh on his for hogs nuclear facilities course he's was that revolves around here. was history of disputes with the agency over 4 locations were choices of highly enriched uranium were detected while 2 disputes have been resolved so far. 1 to remain on address ahead of his visit, the director general has ward that one is dangerously close to acquiring nuclear weapons. and that's what has top to discussions with airlines, atomic cheap,
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with the aim to clear up living during uncertainties about the airlines nuclear progress stations. as a result means that we need to work together to be in a better place in order to put the cycle. you know there to see how swear return to why your agreements in the form of the case. if you're a or any other form that you're on a wish to agree on, it's following the withdrawal from the 2015 or ron nuclear deal with walls towers. these law make republic retaliated by scaling back its commitments. and wrapping up here, radium, which meant to an unprecedented 60 percent priority to what has signaled its willingness to return to compliance with the re mentor. but only if western signatories oppose their end of the bargain with the faith of video. now hanging in the balance,
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they want to be all yeah. i've been collaborating outside the j. c. po, a framework to maintain their working relationship. both parties are now working on a documents based on the previous agreement for future cooperation on the photos of the islam make republic, oberon are perpetually discontented bounty, iran and the i a, a ties and one to make doubts and difficult to use on the path of the wrong and the i a and the value, the decisions that they make. but mr. grossey and i recognize the joint statement as a proper cornerstone for the ties between iran and the i a, a visa instrument. it is a clear indication of the a as where we need to work the space to a concrete steps. well, progress appears to be on track between one and the atomic agency to one has voice concerns about.


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