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tv   News  RT  May 7, 2024 4:00pm-4:31pm EDT

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the, the russian president vladimir, put in a swan in for a new 6 year term saying he is determined to overcome another period of difficult musket. the consolidated will of millions of people is a colossal force. evidence of our coming from belief that we ourselves will determine the fate of russia and only ourselves for the sake of today's and future generations. the, these are the forces, take the gas inside of the rock, crossing with egypt on the controlled. and that's despite have my saying it is willing to accept the si fi proposal earlier last,
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you have been born. that's the threatening message from us lawmakers to the international criminal port persecutor of a possible arrest warrant for ease rarely officials, the head of the welcome to arch international i. a michael, quite chat with the latest updates. i'm glad to put you in. has been sworn in for a new 6 year presidential time. we've been covering the bronze ceremony of the kremlin on tuesday morning. the . the president put into a kind of host of loyalty to the russian nation in front of thousands of guests in
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the heart of moscow that he promised to overcome the challenging period it had with dignity. and we'd spend the consider, you know, in the holy, middle enough, when we did the consolidated wheel of millions of people as a colossal force. and that's evidence of our coming from belief that we ourselves will determine the fate of russia and only ourselves. for the sake of today's and future generations. you, the citizens of russia, have confirmed the accuracy of the countries. course. this is of great importance now, when we are facing serious challenges. i see in this a deep understanding of outcome and historical goals. the determination to steadfastly defend our choice of values, the freedom and national interest of russia. i am confident that we will pass through this difficult milestone period with dignity, become even stronger and will definitely implement long term plans and large scale projects aimed at achieving the goal of development. the mama still hasn't yet sets
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in here on the, the atmosphere before the, you know, duration was very chat to you do is conversations that were in the, and people who didn't see each of the colleagues for a little, maybe a long time. they had a chance to mangled to rub shoulders and to discuss a mattress in a very friendly and unofficial atmosphere of this time off to the you know, duration it is still very, very, quite here. probably off the, the rule and this thunderous rule of the old, the artillery pieces that wrapped up the parts of the in a new generation ceremony here in the kremlin palace. now we are in the alexander of ski hole, which was the pin ultimate hold on vladimir put these who can brought a short trip from his office, the, the, the
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so he walked over that and he a welcome to the and dr. school on the that he about to can of one more time. it's very special version of the constitution had been boots in that hole just before that. it's a very special edition that is only used for the new if you ration. so then he addressed the nation, of course, of saying that the times that russia facing is facing right now quite challenging. but basically that is something like baptism through fire the even on is costing the whole lava. so that is sort of was the, the idea, at least that's how i decipher. glad to repeat this message. so that was the idea behind his uh, behind his address to the nation. and of course,
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he mentioned how much, how much reliability mass has now for the russians and uh well into. and he once again made a promise to use absolute best to deliver and well to live up to the expectations that had over now to don quarter, who's outside the kremlin, and don to mention, to the west in his speech. not a surprise there. can you tell us more about what he said? first of all, we have to understand what kind of people are invited to this in our gratian ceremony, right, there were people representatives of the russian federation council, the state duma, representatives from various political and religious and social organizations all around russia. really representing the unity of the country behind the new re, re elected russian president. but it's also important to understand something that the fact that a number of foreign dignitaries were invited as well. and according to media were, or the only one that did show up specifically from the west was the french and
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bhaskar. but uh, numerous officials from various western countries received invitations as well. and they decided not to show up this something that the deputy for administer of russia said was a chief move essentially to receive these invitations and just not show up. and you know, it, it kind of goes in connection with something that vladimir putin mentioned in his inaugural speech. he said that russia has got no problem with having good relations with western countries. it's up to the western countries themselves to end this hostile foreign policy towards russia. me really would you agree that we have been and will continue to be open to strengthening good relations with all countries that see russia as a reliable and on his partner, we are not giving up dialogue with western states. the choice is up to them. do they intend to continue trying to restrain russia's development to continue the policy of aggression, incessant pressure on our country for years?
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or to look for a way to cooperation in peace? i repeat a conversation including on issues of security and strategic stability as possible, but not from a position of strength without any arrogance in one's own exclusivity, but only on equal terms, respecting each other's interest, together with our partners in your region, integration and other southern development centers we will continue to work on the formation of a multi polar world or an equal and indivisible security system. now the unfortunate decisions by these western politicians not to participate in the russian presidential inauguration was kind of for shadowed by media reports that we saw across the western media. we saw the sun and the independent calling russia's elections, sham and fraudulent. this is something i mean, it doesn't come as that much of a surprise, especially because even when russia's presidential elections were going on between march 15th and march 17th. and the, do you, regardless of the fact that russian president vladimir put and had won an overwhelming amount of the votes and an overwhelming amount of the russian
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population came out to participate in these elections as long as western leaders continue to take this sort of anti russian foreign policy, hostile fault policy towards russia and the russian government. it's unlikely relations between the west and russia are going to improve very much. now the not duration was attended by many distinguished guests, including foreign envoys of egypt and bass, of a to ross. it was among them and he shared his impressions with us, a lot of them, but that keeps the ceremony suddenly reflects the insolence of frushell and its role in the international arena. we can clearly see that gibson russian relations developing in the best possible way. it's a strong relationship, we sure rush it every posted with prosperity and success. we corporate in many areas and in many directions and strive to develop these corporation in the future . so now we have joint projects and will undoubtedly endeavor to develop them
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further, as well as find new areas for all across the ration attempting to solving guides. and now where the idea is confirmed taking control of the gaza side of the border crossing with egypt. video footage from rafa show as smoke filled skies over city houses in the aftermath of id of showing a calorie views leaf. let's do a lot of civilians remaining in the area and cold for them to evacuate. a warning, not disturbing images to adjust the head shot. the video shows palestinians trying to pull the bodies of children out of the rubble west that have been killed in these ready strikes on rasa. of the local hospital, the reports at least 23 people were killed in overnight. the tax on the area, including 6 women and 5 children, is ready for us is of allegedly target to be only got been hospital in the city,
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as well as of a densely populated areas. witnesses say there were no warnings and the attack on rafa come as a surprise that made me is about see slide talks with him at me. so don't know who was sleeping at home. me, my mother and my siblings. and suddenly we had a loud noise. we had strikes without any prior warnings. they say rough eyes safe, and then these happens and they go to fort hot and all the publicity and people were over joy after news about the ceasefire. everyone felt an indescribable joy. we were surprised to see that it turns out to be a bloody night without joy or anything. they stole our joy. we hold for a ceasefire to last, if only for a few moments for us to save our children, just to give them some time to rest. and in one single moment, our child is skilled, our house is destroyed, our entire world is destroyed and will lose everything in one moment. so if this i
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saw the martyrs with my own eyes, they brought them back in an ambulance. my cousins and my brother in law's daughters children more than 20 people with the rest, all buried under rubble. it's really a lot. this is genocide, it's genocide, not more. we don't want money. we don't want aid. we don't want anything. we want a ceasefire. we want to live in peace with our children, like the rest of the world. yet in the us, we're witnessing continuous is really showing of the eastern areas of rafa at the moment of the air strikes are ongoing. not long ago were planes attacked an area in the east of rafa. as a result, people were injured and were taken to the cool wait hospital. these air strikes are being carried out as part of a military operation near the rough lands crossing the id is targeting all moving objects in this area. and the cordon has been established here as fighting is underway, people are prohibited from approaching the area. numerous residents and refugees have been ordered to leave is really military vehicles are also moving towards the
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philadelphia core door, which separates garza from egypt at the moment of the idea of operation is not only continuing, but also intensifying. judging by the number of wounded people that are being taken to the corporate hospital, the only available medical facility in rafa, after the out in the general hospital, which is located in the comment area was put out of action. this means that we will face serious challenges because the only hospital is treating a large number of casualties. the idea of operation and gaza continues in south western and south eastern neighborhoods in the tail l. how that area is really aircraft carried out, strikes on residential and higher rise buildings attacks continue in the out and regret area. many houses and entire neighborhoods have been destroyed. the albums, their rods, mcgasey and elbow range areas are also being targeted by as rarely rates. meaning that the military operation is intensifying. israel threatens to continue the
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assault palestinian civilians and refugees. and rafa are experiencing great disappointments because just a day earlier, they had hoped for an improvement in the situation. after homeless agreed to the egypt shall cease fire plan. however, all these hopes and joy of the palestinians have been shattered. after these rarely army launched its operation, the roof of border crossing is the only lifeline for the residents of the enclave. and fierce still persist. that famine could hit rafa and northern gaza due to an is really ban on the delivery of humanitarian aid supplies that have been accumulated on the egyptian side. yet many of those wanting to leave gaza, who had registered on the relevant list, had been denied safe passage. all hopes vanished after these really army seized the complete control over the rough outlines. crossing the heavy, we're seeing the humanitarian situation deteriorating. i mean the idea of offensive . however, the political situation remains on certain, as it is unclear whether
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a certain powers will intervene to stop these really assault on rough. i. in the cells of the enclave on tuesday morning is really a military vehicles rolled in to seize control of a g as a side of the roof of border crossing with egypt. and that's after the idea for now is it's operation will continue in what appears to be a rejection of an area truth off of by a mass id of tang. so we're also seen being moved on trucks towards southern gaza through the care himself on the crossing with ease of area. the border was briefly closed after have mass allegedly fired rockets at the sides of the idea of flames. and 4 soldiers were killed and several more. when did that? the curbside longed has been used to transfer all human each year in the aid from various countries into gaza. the idea of has been gearing up for months to invade rafa, claiming that the military operation is needed to destroy my eyes and feel remaining
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hostages. after more than the media and civilians fled to the sovereign. those that govern city. israel began bombing rock despite its own previous sledges. curious how the disaster has been on folding. how much the taxes are i loan october. the 7th to be loans to bore on goes initially focusing is opperation on the north of the palestinian enclave. background, kind of reverse palestinians to go to a quite safe place. we are calling them the civilians to leave guys a go south to safe zones. come us wants to keep them there as a human shield. now it seems that southern garza is no longer safe for the round. 130 hostages still held by hammer stays real. his wont. they will launch a ground defensive own rafa is ready. a prime minister benjamin netanyahu has justified the ref. operation saying it's needed to come back, how much is it to him? israel will fight until it achieves complete victory. and this also includes action
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and rough, of course, for months, palestinians have been fleeing the old but destroyed gauze. the city in the north to the central parts of the enclave displaced people moved to the area of the obama . however, it also faced daily bombardments from his radiant tillery and war planes. so people were forced to move the south to the city of con eunice. but as the tax intensified, the, the displaced moved again to rafa locals feel betrayed by these really claims that the south would be a safe. so i'm a rough osh would be a safe area, but you know, as the is really military spokesman said in his statements. however, the bombing of rafa is daily who is in rough on women and children dying. everything that is said is a lie. and the intention is to a nihilist, the palestinian people. and this is a plan drawn up in advance. and i also know that i was originally displaced from con use. i was told to go to ralph i because they just say we came here, usually safe. i did as a disaster, a residential square measuring half
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a square kilometer has been completely destroyed in august, had to complete it and we'll keep moving from place to place wherever is rarely as instructors to go. we go no the same to one to enter rough on them. so why did they ask us to have to rough? they wanted to occupy it, and so with the where could we possibly go without children's not goes and egypt to separated by boy design, the philadelphia cordele, a 14 kilometer long roots stretching from the mediterranean to israel. their right to border crossings along the strip of gland. rafa. and carol, i'm sure on the last a certainly a commercial goods junction with these rail profit currently is the only way out of the palestinian enclave. thousands of people have been evacuated from gaza through the rapid crossing trucks with vital aid also come into the territory via this way . cairo condemned the planned rock offensive, citing catastrophic humanitarian consequences, and also warned against the false displacements of palestinians, egypt fees. israel will not allow palestinians to return to their homeland,
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i believe, to throw myself. and that's exactly what nothing you know, wants nothing. you know, once to a human at the palestinian people and also eliminate and try to push them outside guys. and uh, it is the responsibility of the united states, which is the data support office i just found out to this plan or the other guys they will be participating in this one crime that it will be the live just sort of crime if at times has come to stop nothing. you don't want them, you know, those and forget about the, the studios not, isn't it, it's all he cares about is to stay in power. i'm to avoid is going to present on the 4 cases of connection. the t is accused of the u. n. a chief of said the plan is really offensive on such a densely populated area could lead to slaughter while the un secretary general himself as also warned against these randy operation by c. c. o. is that to the negotiations for the release of hostages and
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some form of the succession of those to meet these to be successful, to avoid a whole lot. the offense he's over rough with the cost of the mediterranean system is located and that would have devastating cost suspicious, nearly $1500000.00 people taking refuge and breath. i have no other option but to live in tents. united nations has repeatedly found a deal on move acute food and water shortages in the region, as well as a high can risk disease where the attack in each measure taken by is really it is a edging nearer to essentially 11 of 2 things either or expulsion of the palestinians industry and perhaps due south into egypt door,
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who knows more further pressure than both increased further and further until the number of people dying is, is so high that there, that not many people remain in the district. i'm extremely worried about the well, the number that we are very likely to see now policy being sold or not the risk of a new admin and catastrophe. and that's according to units that we just pulled for the mine is not to be evacuated by force. i meant the looming idea of invasion of this, solving those guys, the city of rafa and the organizations executive director says that the civilians have no safe place to go. more than 200 days of will have taken an unimaginable toll of children's lives. rough sighs, noah's ctf children who have no was safe to go in gaza if large scale know to upper race installed multiple and they will children, beatrice from the violence,
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but also from the cares and panic. and then it's time on their physical and mental states already. we can now since the beginning of the war in october, maybe somebody some across the guys that have fled to rafa, which had been the designated, the safe zone by the idea of itself. not more than a medium, people are now sheltering in the english. solving the city. half of them are children. at nearly 80000 has said to be in funds on the age of 2, you have the that now 8 workers say that more than 14000 children have been killed in gathers densely populated territory. and the majority of surviving policy in mind has reportedly in need of a psychological support that we discussed the situation with unicef communications officer sally. my ways who confirms that children in gaza need to cease fire on a sense of security over 600000 children are now in
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a federal fi area. and uh, we are really listing their lives. um, if i made it to a patient to be full scale and dropped off. uh these children have many of them have already been uh, subject to menu menu, attrition displacement uh, diseases. at the moment, 9 out of 10 of those children have one at least one disease. there are a 1000 children there who are under the age of 2 and a suffering acute menu edition. so the more we put them through, the more losses that we are going to face, not only for the nation but the directions to come as well. what do you still you need is really a, the 1st and foremost a ceasefire. they need protection, they needs to be this to feel safe, to feel that there is still hope for tomorrow. and the impact of that can
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it's might actually continue for the rest of their life. and that's what this thing every day that's we are delaying this despite and this hopeful moment of stopping the guns or something the explosions around them dropped off. now is the hub of all is gonna tell you in a response and efforts, and removing rough uh, from the, from the fixture, it's going to be really diet and going to a place where there are no, there are no basic services. we are attempting to think people to death on the other hand, while everyone kind of these children and, and also vivian's should be free to move. they should not be forced to move from wherever they are. they need to be protected wherever they are a they need to be a special protection for children in the house, but also wherever they are in the district as a whole. now women named guys are among those most affected by the
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war. and i'm going to break it down right hand the un estimates the 10000 women had been killed in 7 months. and the 7 months long. he's ready on slot of gaza since the october have mazda attacks. now, among the 80000 gallons injured women make up 75 percent of the un estimates that 63 women they are killed of i every day without on confirm number of women and girls being forcefully disappeared by these riley military on her side. the details. imagine from mass graves recently in this than the gaza strip of a 390 bodies have been discovered at nessa and as chief of hospitals, including of women and children, with many reports and the show and signs of torture. in summary, executions and potential instances of people buried to live. the desk folding guys, a surging not only due to idea strikes,
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but also because of starvation. about nearly a 3rd of guys us population of experience in the highest level of catastrophic hunger with $1.00 and $3.00 children on the 2 years of age. suffering from acute value attrition into norful. the young k limited aid supplies arriving by air and sea don't meet the needs of guides us 2300000 people of the situation is becoming more di each day with the un 4 world food program chief, wanting that northern gas ice. in the midst of a full blown famine, what i can explain to you is if there is famine, full blown famine in the north, and it's moving its way south. i just want to be very clear because what you're saying is significant. and i believe it's the 1st time we've heard it. you're saying there is full blown famine guess in northern gulf? i am yes, i am. and there has not been an official declaration that there is no,
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but you are saying that based on what you've seen. yes, it is based on what we've seen in what we've experienced on the ground. yes. our for provide crossing. it is a close to because of those raise the rate on from saying that the now the modem is completely closed. no more to human nature and needs as getting them. and this is also, will make the situation more dire, because the, for this reason we were citing the casa, is not receiving. they either the humanitarian, he did trust in order to place the people needs. i'm now with this topic that a section of the human historian needs. the situation will be even more worse. and me are saying to the full see more people in the eyes because of the star ration as well as the cloud. the whole system and growled invasion means any attack. dozens of people wouldn't be killed or injured under the same time.
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those who will be killed or injured, they don't have a hospital to receive them because hospital corporation and we're talking about you whole pigeons for a little for each of them. so hospitals don't have some deals to receive thousands of people. dozens of old injuries out of people we've been dying because even there they don't have access to many cultures. the situation is already grown. it is reason will make it to the social things. and not only because of those who would understand because of the dynamics of all. so i will assume that a new military indeed install it will be affecting the human a journey and situation across the old golf spread. well, a convoy of humanitarian aid from jordan has been attacked by these are the extra
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mas off a crust into the occupied westbank. he's running, police say they have a respite. 6 people who assaulted the trucks of the vehicles, stop and surrounded hot to road junction or use ready, nationalists problem to tie as in spilled goods from some of the trucks. crashing with please police officers who arrives to disperse them. they actively say that they all pose the delivery of age. the guys have because have mazda is still holding some of these remedies hostage. jordan has denounced the attack, which is blamed on these ready authorities an alarming letter from us sent it to us telling the international criminal court prosecutor, you have been warned. had been sent, including the threats that he and his family faced sanctions. if he moves the criminal case against these, where the officials for the united states will not tolerate politicize the taxed by
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the i. c c on our allies, target israel, and we will target to you if you move forward with the measures indicated in the report. we will move to an all american support for the i, c. c. sanction your employees and associates and bar. you and your families from the united states. you have been warrant or others comes that made media reports that the i c. c's considering a shooting arrest warrants for ease ready options in the west bank and gaza. the allegations target high ranking officials, including prime minister benjamin netanyahu, who slammed the investigation the international court denalis the threats he has received about the case shortly before the letter by us lawmakers was sent us lawmakers to get completely opposite stance earlier on the icy c actions against russia in 2022, the senate adopted the resolution co sponsored by a republican lawmaker mako rubio who sided
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a threatening letter to the court prosecutor. they called for the launch of a nice se investigation into ross as actions during its military operation in ukraine. and human rights lawyer and pro, published by an active, is gifted with that to a points out that the palestinian don't administration has ever rights to expect its actions. audits. parity to be subject to legal investigation by the court as i have no jurisdiction to function that i associate with regards to the, to the ongoing what kind of been corporate it said by the history of the governments impala sent for somebody. this number one, depart less thing is i'll say nothing about all the information i couldn't have cost. i either become a member in 2015 by the by 2 of the members sheep. they wouldn't decide as much a number or the person i could not quote any, what time the listing on listing, i writes dirty, flat and your 1st time duty is also not good, but i post.


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