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tv   News  RT  May 7, 2024 5:00pm-5:30pm EDT

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the, the russian president vladimir, put a new one in for a new 6 year tub, saying he's determined to overcome another period of difficult mazda bill. the consolidated wheel of millions of people is a colossal force. evidence so far coming from belief that we ourselves will determine the fate of russia and only ourselves for the sake of today's and future generations. the he's ready for face, take the gavin's side of the rob across, that would be just under control. and that's despite him as a get as willing to accept the fees by a proposal elia the
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. 6 of press wave of pro palestinian and protest dropped in the parish has to borne university students, chrysler police, while raleigh. and so the director with guys. the invite is midnight in moscow. welcome to our team to national reaching you live from our new center. i have mike for quite a lot of important has been sworn in for a new 6 year presidential time. we've been covering the ground cetera. money have it crumbling. on tuesday morning, the
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president puts in, took an oath of loyalty to the russian nation in front of thousands of guests in the heart of moscow. i had promised to overcome the challenging peer of the head with dignity and with stress is considered you know, in the holy, middle enough, when we did the consolidated wheel of millions of people as a colossal force as evidence of our coming from belief that we ourselves will determine the fate of russia and only ourselves for the sake of today's and future generations. you, the citizens of russia, have confirmed the accuracy of the countries. course. this is of great importance now, when we are facing serious challenges. i see in this a deep understanding of common historical goals. the determination to steadfastly defend our choice of values, the freedom and national interest of russia. i am confident that we will pass through this difficult milestone period with dignity,
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become even stronger and will definitely implement long term plans and large scale projects aimed at achieving the goal of development. the mama still hasn't yet sets in here on the, the atmosphere before the, you know, duration was very chat to you do is conversations that were in the, and people who didn't see each other colleagues for a little, maybe a long time. they had a chance to mangled to rub shoulders and to discuss a mattress in a very friendly and unofficial atmosphere of this time off to the you know, duration is still very, very, quite here. probably off the, the rule and this thunderous rule of the old, the artillery pieces that wrapped up the parts of the in a, you know, gratian ceremony here in the kremlin palace. now we are in the alexandra of sky hole, which was the pin ultimate hold on vladimir put these who can rob a short trip from his office the
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so we walked over that and he, i walked into the and draped school on the that heat to can ok, one more time, it's very special version of the constitution had been boots in that hole just before that. it's a very special edition that is only used for the new ration. so then he addressed the nation, of course, of saying that the times that russia facing is facing right now quite challenging. but basically that is something like baptism through fire the, the even on is costing the whole lava. so that is sort of was the idea,
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at least that's how i decipher glad my boots as much as that was the idea behind his uh, behind his address to the nation. and of course, he mentioned how much, how much reliability mass has now for the russians and well into. and he once again made a promise to use absolute best to deliver and to live up to the expectations that had over now to don carter who's outside the kremlin and onto a mentioned to the west in his speech. not a surprise there. can you tell us more about what he said? first of all, we have to understand what kind of people are invited to this in our gratian ceremony, right, there were people representatives of the russian federation council, the state duma, representatives from various political, religious and social organizations. all around russia really representing the unity of the country behind the new re, re elected russian president. but it's also important to understand something that
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the fact that a number of foreign dignitaries were invited as well. and according to media reports, the only one that did show up specifically from the west was the french ambassador, but uh, numerous officials from various western countries, received invitations as well. and they decided not to show up this something that the, a deputy for administer of rush, i said, was a chief move essentially to receive these invitations and just not show up. and you know, it, it kind of goes in connection with something that vladimir putin mentioned in his inaugural speech. she said that russia has got no problem with having good relations with western countries. it's up to the western countries themselves to end this hostile foreign policy towards the russia. we really will you agree that we have been and will continue to be open to strengthening good relations with all countries that see russia as a reliable and honest partner. we are not giving up dialogue with western states.
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the choice is up to them. do they intend to continue trying to restrain russia's development, to continue the policy of aggression, incessant pressure on our country for years, or to look for a way to cooperation in peace. i repeat a conversation, including on issues of security and strategic stability is possible, but not from a position of strength without any arrogance in one's own exclusivity, but only on equal terms, respecting each other's interest, together with our partners in your region, integration and other southern development centers we will continue to work on the formation of a multi polar world or an equal and indivisible security system. now the unfortunate decisions by these western politicians not to participate in the russian presidential inauguration was kind of foreshadowed by media reports that we saw across the western media. we saw the saw and then the independent calling russia's elections, sham and fraudulent. this is something i mean, it doesn't come as that much of a surprise, especially because even when russia's presidential elections were going on between
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march 15th and march 17th and do it regardless of the fact that a russian president vladimir put and had won an overwhelming amount of the votes and an overwhelming amount of the russian population came out to participate in these elections as long as western leaders continued to take this sort of an anti russian foreign policy hostile fault policy towards russia and the russian government. that's not unlikely. relations between the west and russia are going to improve very much i a european parliament member found the alternative for germany party going to bank says that there is a growing rift within the u on how to deal with russia, edits, leadership. this certainly differences of opinion is that uh perhaps it touched most of the septic voltage. i was there, take street, the ideological, the european commission is one of the institutions
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the most strong. ready criticism of russia and sadly, and i'm set say it's of goals headed by a job and the services on the line is perfectly line with the attitudes taken by the best extreme members of the job and government. it's an extremely impressive, a. m c a here, but obviously these circumstances, it's a welcome distraction for the government to say on the dross science behind all this. russia is provoking all the rights we pop into this game. it actually support. so again, and i think it's maybe a distraction from the imperfections of a crazy to infections and rather presley to adverse. yeah. it's taking root here. the are p and use and turning to solve. and guys are now where the adf is confirmed, taking control of the god, the side of the border crossing with egypt. a video footage from rafa show smoke
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field skies over say the houses in the aftermath of the idea of showing kind of we've used leaflets to a lot civilians remaining of the area and cold for them to evacuate a warning or disturbing imagery. so i just, the head of the video shows, palestinians trying to pull the bodies of children now to the rumble. who was said to be, have been killed and he is ready strikes on vasa. the local hospital reports, at least 23 people were killed and overnighted strikes in the area, including 6 women and 5 children. these are the forces of allegedly targeted the only government hospitals in the city, as well as of a densely populated areas. witnesses say that there was no warnings and the attack on java k mazda, a surprise that made news about sci fi talks with him, us a miss a, but i know i'm going to sleep in his home, me,
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my mother and my siblings. and suddenly we had a loud noise. we had strikes without any prior warnings. they say roughly he's safe . and then these happens on a gun, a foot hot and all the police city and people were overjoyed after news about the c spar. everyone felt an indescribable joy. we were surprised to see that it turns out to be a bloody night without joy or anything. they stole our joy. we hold for a ceasefire to last, if only for a few moments for us to save our children, just to give them some time to rest. and in one single moment, our child is skilled, our house is destroyed, our entire world is destroyed and will lose everything in one moment. so if this i saw the martyrs with my own eyes, they brought them back in an ambulance. my cousins and my brother in law's daughter's children more than 20 people with the rest, all buried under rubble. it's really a lot. this is genocide, it's genocide, not more. we don't want money. we don't want aid. we don't want anything. we want
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a ceasefire. we want to live in peace with our children like the rest of the world . yet in the process we're witnessing continuous is really showing of the eastern areas of rafa at the moment of the air strikes are ongoing. not long ago were planes attacked in the area in the east, the rafa. as a result, people were injured and were taken to the cool wait hospital. these airstrikes are being carried out as part of a military operation near the rough outlands crossing the idea of his targeting all moving objects in this area. and the cordon has been established here as fighting under way. people are prohibited from approaching the area. numerous residents and refugees have been ordered to leave is really military vehicles are also moving towards the philadelphia core door, which separates garza from egypt at the moment. the idea of operation is not only continuing, but also intensifying. judging by the number of wounded people, the are being taken to the way to hospital the only available medical facility in
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rafa. after the elements your hospital, which is located in the comment area was put out of action. i mean, this means that we will face serious challenges because the only hospital is treating a large number of casualties. the idea of operation in gaza continues in the south western and south eastern neighborhoods and to tell how area that is really aircraft carried out to strikes on residential and high rise. buildings. attacks continue in the l. mcgraw area. many houses, an entire neighborhoods had been destroyed. the elements, their rods, mcgasey and elbow range areas are also being targeted by israeli raids. meaning that the military operation is intensifying. israel threatens to continue the assault palestinian civilians and refugees. and rafa are experiencing great disappointments because just a day earlier, they had hoped for an improvement in the situation after homeless agreeing to the gyptian ceasefire plan. however, all these hopes and joy of the palestinians have been shattered. after these really
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army launched its operation. the roof of border crossing is the only lifeline for the residents of the enclave. and fierce and still persist. famine could hit the rough uh, and northern gaza due to illness, really bad on the delivery of humanitarian aid supplies that have been accumulated on the egyptian side. many of those wanting to leave gaza, who had registered on the relevant lists, had been denied safe passage. all hopes vanished after these really army seized complete control over the rough outlines. crossing the heavy, we're seeing the humanitarian situation deteriorating, and then the idea of the offensive. however, the political situation remains uncertain. as it is unclear whether a certain powers will intervene to stop these really assault on, roughly in the cells of the enclave. my clash here, so please arrest them po, palestine slogans. those are the scenes in paris where hundreds of students of
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variety to full born university. and so the dar do, we have guys a the. 6 the french students also spoke out in support of their fellows in the us fire or forward. these have been tracking down protests footage from the feed in paris show please office is valid and lead detaining activists as hundreds rallied for palestinians in the bottles of the city of rafa. a french demonstrator say, and they want democracy, government to stop backing israel. and this comes just days out. this old one university was briefly occupied by dozens of students on this and the less slogans the
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about 18 students to cove of the friends universities like to whole setting up a tent camping ride on top of the tables. the sit in protest was forcefully despised by police, and office is reportedly evicted all the activists from the university grounds. with some of the demonstrators now under investigation. they had occupied the lecture hall for around 2 hours the while in the united states, the glitz and the glamour of the annual met gala in new york had been disrupted by pro palace bind protest as outside the various police last to make arrests while the fashion models was showing off inside the metropolitan museum of on the
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. let's now discuss this with american political analyst on the filmmaker, sean stone. sean is good to have you join me now. what are you may called the met gala, please for the taking place while out read crowds protested, just outside is a really good time for such a fashion show. well, it's, there's always, there's always room for a good fashion show, even in the midst of war. i mean,
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it's difficult to say that they should have canceled the event. i mean, would they should they have cancelled at the last couple years? and so i'd say because of uh, the warranty brain. so they have cancelled that, you know, for the rock for, i mean it's, it's a life will go on. so it may, it may look ugly, but i think that the point is the protesters basically i a given more. so that's a voice in a sense. and spring time and attention because of an event like that, my goal is taking place and their protest outside of it will then bring more awareness to their costs. now, do you think such protests actually helped raise awareness about the us government all being of use? well, i met the war in gather that did it, did it properly, situates the message? i don't know if it's what the actual effect of these protests has been in a positive sense. for example, we've seen a cap as protests taking place last few weeks that have been a tremendous in terms of turn out. um,
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unfortunately all it seems to have done is to have triggered uh and then remove the bill that the congress has passed. basically making anti semitism, and even more flagrant offense and even broader terms and definitions of anti semitism that i think can, can be potentially dangerous. because again, no criticism of israel or is really is really government can, can be considered anti semitism. i suppose even certain interpretations of the bible can be considered anti semitic, so it's very dangerous. when you use these protests to justify an increase police state, you can call it. and also, as we saw with the protests, there's been a yes, i'm sure there's been some money from, from sorrows groups and guitar and places like this. but fundamentally, there is an outrage by, by people not just young people, others that have gathered to try to make their voice heard. and unfortunately, now the narrative becomes, so you see these are extreme as they are,
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they're being paid by, by the, you know, muslim brotherhood or whoever else or us to, to protest. and i think unfortunately, often times the, the message gets lost because of the noise around the idea that they're just only there is paid agitators. all right, now the match guideline has traditionally being a fund raising event. so how much of that money do you think can be sent, are considered for policy being people this year? uh oh, i mean to make l itself as sending money to, for example, to the palestinians. is that what you're asking? the exactly. do you think that will be considered a should? i mean certainly could be considered. i don't know that they would have that would be shocked if they, if they actually did making some kind of outreach and they get it. you have to be clear because, you know, i understand the,
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the concern about the wanting to avoid getting money to home off, for example, and wanting to make sure that the money gets to disability. and so the people that are, that are starving that are being, you know, terrorized and there is always a difficulty when it comes to wars and getting the a to the people that need it. and so i understand that concern, but i would be surprised at them that actually did make donations towards this cause it's all right, we have to leave you here. now, american political analyst in the field and my gosh on stone. and thank you for your opinion here. thank you. it's chinese presidents, aging thing has arrived in serbia, from fronds that made his 1st trip to europe in 5 years. has been hosted in bel grayed by his counterpart, the alexander, which at this comes on the 25th anniversary of the nato bombing of china's embassy and the sub in capital. judging thing is said, his nation will never forget the atrocity that killed 3 chinese journalists argue, corresponded yesterday. and ken is in the bel grade with more details. tony's
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president, choosing things visit to serbia will mark a historical moment between the 2 countries relations and it's the 1st visit since 2016. it also marks the 25 year anniversary since nato attacked the chinese embassy . the building behind me, of course, today serves as a chinese cultural center. but the 3 missiles that nato was used to attack, the embassy did kill 3 chinese journalists, and the reaction from washington was nothing but insincere. the general approach, of course, of washington, referred to the attack as a mistake at blank faulty maps. and the chinese authorities back in 1999, called the attack, criminal and barbaric and called on the western block to take account and responsibility for the itself. in the early morning of may, 8th paging time, nato led by the united states raising the use ms. charles to attack the chinese embassy and the federal republic of yugoslavia,
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causing casualties and serious damage to the embassy building. this criminal act, which violated international lower norms of international relations, aroused great indignation among the chinese people. the chinese government issued a solemn statement that morning severely condemning the ball barrack atrocities committed by nature led by the united states and demanding that nato beth full responsibility for this. the general approach and relationship between serbia and china seems to be one that is evolving. the 2 countries are growing closer together and as a result, it is boring many within the european union. but the serbian president refers to the chinese president as his friend, highlighting the level of trust and the level of relationship that the 2 states currently share. like to see president c because we consider him as a true friend and the a l. c. dedicated a pro 10 that we love serve young people because china has always been on the side of international public law. all is being supportive to us as we have always been
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supportive to train. the sacrament shared by the serbian president is a sentiment shared by many doing business with china. however, the general european union does not share that same sentiments because according to many, within the european block, they suggest china has a hidden agenda, chinese commentary mount effect trend with massive subsidies more that it is selling due to its own weak domestic demand. this is leading to an over supply of chinese subsidize goods, such as electric vehicles in steel that is leading to unfair trade. europe cannot accept such market disposing practices that could lead to the industrialized nation in europe. in response to these statements issued by the european commission president, she's you, thing essentially said no matter how you look at it, there is no such thing as the over capacity problem, particularly with respect to china. and then we take into consideration, of course, the fact that the chinese president met with the president of friends as well as
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the european union and the discussing i'm number of matters that are, is especially important for the european blog. and this comes at a time when of course, the european union is questioning its reliance, independent, safe on the united states. and this is where china comes into play, which is why the fear exists within the block itself. but this also comes at a time when serbian hungry are essentially referred to as nations that are close with china. they are essentially labeled close allies of the russian president vladimir putin. and taking all of this into consideration, of course, there is a level of distrust within these member states towards the general blog degree reachable to be finally as long as we expect to get the money the money. ready so the
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only reason or we need so taking everything into consideration from the general sense to us and it's allies have imposed on other nations, particularly those within the european union and of itself. but the general approach, a post war, the sentiments and the resentment is still there. and many nations disagree with the general approach of the united states and its other allies. and this is why many countries are seeking an alternative. this is what china comes into play. china especially offer a win win strategy, and this is something that countries like, so it'd be like hungry are taking into account and it will in one way or another
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act as some sort of a balancing mechanism between the united states. and this is where china comes into play, offering that balance or that the news. now you can check our to, to come from over all day to see you again in about 30 minutes. thanks for watching the previous tours of duty. i often heard the phrase on tennessee is the god of war, which is repeated and is often seen on military chaperones. the was stuck in my head, which is a mean really, i was wondering and while these soldiers are like, what will they do? and how they handle that powerful weapons tackle down here, by
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the way, through the
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5 am a motion with the guys to the fine position for a combat. tasks going at around 40 kilometers an hour. and there's probably nothing to hold onto here. the, as we drove my attention was attracted by soldier with unusual cause sign on his baseball cap, tangerine civilian life. he was a ship mother that was monday. me i but as i've only been, that's a couple hours and then both j as in special but good to me.
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i'm sorry to sit down in the morning and done that or just the parts of what they did not know the .


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