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tv   Documentary  RT  May 7, 2024 5:30pm-6:00pm EDT

5:30 pm
same colors and then both j as in special good to see me up and started running a non done that or just the work of what they did not know the
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to as for coupon, so propelled heavy, more so caliber, $240.00 millimeters maximum range 20 columbus is. are you guys any might not do some flaws and the state is coming back? no, no, no, no, no, to show the day that the issue was un purchasing mean the, so i'm with you is i'm, you know, what's causing the, what is the treating come on the, when in coming to the message. goodness, so but do i have these cool? yeah. here's the thing. okay. the,
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the the, the, the, the, the a so was booked with not the property. no sir. sir, i'm going through royce. yeah. the by the way through let me see what it was in some way in some motion your body sample graph comes with the your this bed you expect the most of. busy for
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the quarter trip to the budget, but but your guys are a separate sorry i bye. oh wow. yeah. the
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the the yes. the goal is a boeing in me. i almost had my head crushed by the barrel of the world's largest and most powerful, more to the side of the person, the so the 1st of all we move on with the scouts closer to the front to locate targets and transmit the data to the governors as the guys didn't want to take me because it's a really dangerous mission. the
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you have to keep your eyes on your face all the time. the enemy's mind, everything here with pep of mine's, and i'd like to keep both of my legs. i don't deal with the area that's today's nasa much closer there to lose your ceiling. the buffalo to 0 for tv. okay. beautiful. and what do you just need to know? the 2nd one showed up
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the the sure, the what it, what was the most affordable as it is the most often the when you're still as though there's a say what i'm saying when i don't live a similar to data still don't bring good pleasant hill. but that employee affinity which doesn't thanks for giving rudy the so called way. those other sites. i mean, so that's no more if i were getting yeah, i didn't, you was going through this like a page and i said that today that i'm with it is a couple associated with the committee and as far as to what
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we've done the last 4 months out of the one is doable, is given to me, you know, as the trust gullible is as low as it goes to be a good time. think about that is that those who are still in the fire and i think with those and most of which i thought it isn't it? yes it out. but i have to say that in those pretty annual share, your thoughts about the voice is at this point and using that, come on, somebody know part of this thing was the with the
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to some, some other stuff that they would need of you. thank you. the so that, that does what that little flag about when you go through the boomers to go look at the activity. so go of money to delete it all the little thing over there. sorry. so no, i, so just need to advise you to do that and put the software. let me in the way that okay, i'll pull this up with them back. we'll go through that too. and it gives me
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a sense for this. and the budget, sir, is it or you can do that? that's the modem. so the, so the, for the month of, especially the distribution, the, was the piece for on the truck. you know, i feel pretty comfortable,
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fucked. your filter loosely is that including both i mentioned, i use it, i'm always, you know, 1st of all a super c way words step in senior with the space for the beautiful autumn, then used car superstore or underwear. they went to the point for me. you said you knew about them, you can give up with you. you for not being sure. i'm not sure. i'm not sure which computer work is all part of the thing. if you go to ports or somebody will issue, your special service. missed up there. the death stands for russian with the means towed. this type of how it so has been in service since the mid eighties. and it's still actively used with some of the soldiers preparing the guns with baffled. we're cleaning, checking and adjusting things straight directly to this room. we still just look up
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towards the cost of the water as long as it was to the the french president, the manual look round says he's advocating strategic ambiguity when it comes to the ukraine. this includes sending western military personnel to fight for ts. this is not strategic ambiguity, but rather strategic confusion. the
5:42 pm
in 1943 at the height of world war 2, bengal was hit by famine. a year before jeff and his troops drove the rate is out of neighboring vermont and came close to the indian possessions of the british empire. london's response to the threat was completely inadequate. the british actively used the sports or policy. while retreating, they turned everything around them into an uncouth deserts, having no mercy on other people's territory. food in large amounts was exported to great britain from the starving provinces. boats used for fishing and transporting food along the river system more confiscated from the local population. the barbaric actions of the colonial administration let the monster its consequences. can a year up to 3800000 people die from starvation and disease caused by mail nutrition
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. though great britain itself had enough resources to overcome the disaster. at the same time, 170000 tons of australian wheat made its way past starving. india did a british aisles. i hate indians. they are a beasley people with a beastly religion. the famine was their own fault for breeding like rabbits, british prime minister, winston churchill commented on the reports of the tragedy. the famine of 1943 became the climax in the british policy of genocide against the indian population. according to historians, from 12th at the 9000000 people overall died from starvation alone during the reign of the british in india. the mist uh they towed how it's a countable, $152.00 millimeters, maximum range,
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28 kilometers or extra from us on the moon. but before we recorded the information, they went in those subsidiary. it just means it's closer to you. single voice interpreted the key, of course the year before the kind of chicata shall be who the side is, how police and then with the what are your ways, boy, do somebody been there we go. hardy was if you said one or 2. yeah. but the book, somebody been there and while your on the story don't believe so i said the,
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the courts were still ways to do the of the park uses cute little when you bought most of those things. but it was before you see what never shut the frontier scheduled, waiting for those loans to end up with increasing or are we just some of us have been to use the come by for somebody me in the with the users for properties,
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you know, for the flu season. yeah, 310 or the word 15 cushion portion from the georgia tech on us through the the the customer. uh that will give us that the short term, which is fortunately, was to escalate of the photo. yes. that you,
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i got both. i just felt like when the of the, every operation, the count and let's be camouflage quickly. so the enemy counted tennessee with a drone the the
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i stayed for several days with the guys from the 2 s. monk, a crew waiting for combat. look. while we waited, we did all sorts of household chores. stall, couple more to cook, food, contract equipment. it's important to note that soldiers don't live next to the guns. it's not safe. they get to that fine position to military vehicles. i was interested in a song to with the co sign from cod, co signed so i lot on given to just anyone use a squad leader joints of all of them. yeah. because it, in the green zone just was able to do something else to know when it comes to being with us. good, good. when you get in a sort of ex
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model board, basically we're gonna point the to as small sofa panel cannon caliber, $203.00 millimeters, maximum range, 47 kilometers. no more than the stuff. welcome, see for the saw my brother also because there's almost going to them. this is the status of this semester. this is sort of the most affordable for you to be cool. would be nice to put your logo with the vehicle. you should see what the, what the last go to you could have could order for that sort of thing with the one that i might have. it does or it looks good less and you know it's, it's a lot to, to see the students and she does have a pretty hard fix cuz i know what do you mean? and i didn't see them. this listed was increasingly impressive.
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the deluxe to the us, the, to improve. what does michelle supply? excellent, so she can walk you through the steps. like what do you send the label and use the facebook to stay on the defensive kitchen items. so can you just a little bit when you get this? i think most of the think of them that i'm so you leave them and know budget's with your point is that they
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should see the same. so those are the see of the, the middle of the, for the, the,
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the, the, the, the, the,
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the, the, the credit to the civic motional, those type of colors, the, the, the, that, the,
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the, the, the, [000:00:00;00]
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the, the rears now to the digits that travel the
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the the, the jackal down. yeah. they have the so the don't touch the barrel. so naturally extremely hot. at that moment i realize that i just move this to capture with wells largest and most powerful candidate. which by the way, explain this to me, man, by the youngest combat. the i've been to different positions in terms of the lives of several to, to because i,
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so this isn't just random firing of individual guns at the intimate but the complex work of units linked together in a single dwelling. while the with a z like zebra, the yeah,
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yeah. and we are still able to come out in the the, the, on this monday, that's the tv that then you kind of put them in. so facade indeed. and therefore, the car here will do it, assuming that the
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to look into intermedia, the cairo is the dimensions of the photo from scene send the most of the to be the most in the i look forward to talking to you all that technology should work for people, a robot must obey the orders given by human beings, except we're so shorter is that conflict with the 1st law show your mind, anticipation. we should be very careful about visual intelligence at the point, obviously is to place a trust or rather than fit the job. i mean with the artificial intelligence, we have somebody with theme and the robot must protect this phone. existence was on
6:00 pm
the the, [000:00:00;00] the russian president vladimir put in is one in for a new 6 year term saying that he is determined to overcome. but now the period of the proposed milestone, the consolidated will of millions of people is a colossal forced evidence of our coming from the least that we ourselves will determine the fate of russia and only ourselves for the sake of today's and future generations. the easy


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