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tv   Documentary  RT  May 7, 2024 9:30pm-10:01pm EDT

9:30 pm
the, the estimates of the sofa and the ottoman. okay. that works for him. the diesel. uh, the one the si guess would be uh, i've sent that aside and a must have a good deal. i see you in columbus for most schools because of for the am, can it's cool, inclusive to fit on the on the length of the, of the sicilian, the, the gym at glen glen lee is on the move from the i'm a young man, my sort of fee is to set up for set the fees and attend the ruse. mine the 10 the time did that it gives me does fees and that'll be well if it was have
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sent over the smith to me in washington, i have moved that site for guess more frequently as could even in the most for me. and that's pretty cool. though the lesson, tatiana, when it says, send the send, it can send it several as a team to somebody is somebody sitting down the o facility fee, they slipped through the. ringback sooner the sooner leo, when uh, side to must see the on some of this and i was familiar with the somebody in the 8 the, the computers. and then if we get to see the
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unfair love this, maybe that isn't going because most tides, really you more him for fun in the house and in no sort of course, but cleveland that i for the 30th when this is done. yeah, that was when i can pay my bills the the
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from soon send the most of the, the the, the so said the v of the the, the, the cookie of the so they cut bad in their mouth. forget you had
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a little bit of them included the american top 2 model for hey, i'm missing some of the 50 to 2. if i added the news, the most of the limits as well as the high end, because when the consumer is alone and i'm in general of the highways and the name of his product is being met. and i'm not one of the fellows here or bring them out. i mean, the resume of the investigative news loves me a gun farther or in the house, and i want to get the news. the news, the
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different one and let us may have some us mackenzie fee on do i assume that the items you're feeling better than that? i'm at 20 percent from anybody this the most of the store. clearly does he have that he couldn't the heart of the dresser may have done this, of her being in the little hold on for the lima by her sibling a. but when i was in the south, a lot of my been funded the,
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the delay, i've given it from us and i'm the head of the boy lifting them to see off getting to know when i come a doctor if could be of if that's a head cold i, you are the most the hey, not too much for that up. actual studies must mean must have in front of you the. ready the in the benefits, i'm on the list, i'm going to do it the less frequently i go on. my gosh,
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i have 4 bedroom adoptive mess. so much have to be of the telephone. it must be the i'm the city, the i'm a gaze here much food and the, the amount of to for the c as in the, at the city. what, what are the most center for dennis on us? it is the camera, the item, it's a race. so that gen done boosted off and see whom and that's a fucking be in front of you said the heavy duty, but it's a fee and that will probably look what the most of the, the, the very old in we're going to look for in the guy in the by the new come soon,
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70, the defendants dom, i'm in the 0 for the gun. it save side of the, the 3 of on for started this as soon as the eyes, this a new id of somebody. and again, it says in the that about the boyfriend, one of the seen the last getting in and assuming you know, the way that they are being my, the my go highly, highly and above the by the back to us and it the say i lose, didn't bag and know larry i'm getting the homeowner will come. uh madame, i've used my da dominic phone. so i've had math or live that it wouldn't affect the site to go after the 1st of the more am it's got the and the bottom left. they can pay more for those sort of a my did the, you know,
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kinda when the heads up for the size of the city, if is even want him the the, you know, have done with us monday. that's it. let you see that then. yeah, i don't know if i can let them sit facade the never put them in my lap to in my car here. what do i have seen in my. ready in the sun and the some of them get in the mid federal government demand,
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basically i'm gonna look for them and i'm assuming you should not have to put in the 3 you and notice i had the for them z and the data. so the 2 bits that are getting a sooner fluid meaning the civilian cameras. what are you doing today? i'm going to sit here fighting home. i'm watching the drums when i due to some i am as a man. can this model for the sound, the rooms the today is in mind more from us? yes, i did send a team. can nominate mean were sitting side or sitting the more but this way uh to move us to send the most of the media and the substitute to being able to open up a can
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a lawyer to do that to tell of it was was own uh, unless something for, for can e, the same thing. uh, he is about to send that to somebody. yeah. one or somebody from the city of the soviet really can know 2 more minutes of some. um let me know how good that good stuff go in as early as the the over to, to the so the the how do i do? hi, be michelle. evict the vin of the vin, i am a little go to the tub, the tub, the tub, groceries, and i set up for the config to reset the blue at the i grew up, the is still the,
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the, i know they want to know what the set of can be the shut off as she was shut off, lena yvonne and has saved enough and access to the and my that's the solar and associates and my husband is in uh for, for based on the beside us. so could i make a hu victoria look at live sort of and then a, a good buy on. i'm a button, the pilot putting them a whole logan national of 10 megs and i would almost pause. oh, so my pleasure would fall. pause for a head washington with that i thought i should in, because a lot of them a die that overlay estrada and then the, the, the center of the 2 actors move into the center. and i'm going to get a $10.00 scale. tell this sort of a memos to file and above. event them for our 12 model to go. we can
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a global it on the line itself. not been about been mostly, mig. why does that mean? was it that the phantom that the heart of that that does have an intern for savannah? would that be gentle on how to behave within the let them edit the z of polo, but is it to fail to read? and i read boom sided a little while i was to look at lucy math. i'm a phillip those of a. ready ready ready take a fresh look around his life. kaleidoscopic isn't just a shifted reality distortion by tell us to do vision with no real opinions. fixtures, design to simplify will confuse really once a better wills, and is it just as a chosen few fractured images presented to this,
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but can you see through their illusion going on the ground? can the the the yeah,
9:45 pm
they said 50 do my new phone. so in the community the bought the eggman surely may go ahead was shooting a heavy body meant according to the level of law to on the heart of both to the 25th october the the had been washed in front of the i should my outside of my nice to mom loyalty, when the benet's just some of them opened up in a lot of with the lender had of to be with you live at the blue m good include last year you gave me the a to next tuesday to share with you can see that he was serious and then a going to the school. the sort of the, both of us will know that and you meet why the shooting then the last and i'm of course with us with, with hey i'm, i'm good to imagine the mob on the kind of deliberate matches hold off the hell,
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but layer. so i measure it only to the, to the end we had many attempts just in the new a go we 0. so you can live with me uh, concert the pin feature on that please uh your new home. so the 10 fi come with the same a vendor. so if she was holding the money in toyota, i lost the sticker. my name is diana. mean, go ahead. go use it in huddle. horrible. and what was the single, are you, are you on the new young the men home special do cristobelle, wayllace deluxe. my home is good to go in this area on the, on the of the houses that send me some sort of little for your typical yeah. of course, a little bit of stuff here. as i said, the, would you, me a list of,
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of them or would you me the, the, the comfortability of the one month. is it the only thing that i need no more than that. so i need a sort of like a demonstrator for maintenance. i'll be who is, who will solve with the mostly one of in and mostly more of an embassy. that's i don't guys, i may be mount with you. i wonder if i'm on the self the from the coughing, the shared pics. i had a come so severe it again for intermediate in the cairo is the title is, can the tool is love the, the when i'm assuming that the us in the gene can you tell us out of the come side age of friday, the homework kind of as the mother of 2000, you me to get this in here for you and then the to so we talk settlement
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to lead to become science of as a med, tiny little. yeah. as you learn more, divide the one that says hook the fee literacy. generally, um, in the book on the ship, those the mix, what sort of lena mendoza? them a would and then a highly in the make the seller's shooting in montela, where the lam a with the highlander goldsmiths and mccain want us to move on. and then the height of domino ok list off in the issue with the, the wild feet. i said that he is a calamity and i say it's been them go as fee. and the mean mother sort of told me that i was called and this is the color to send him a bunch of modification by the side. and he did all my doing it and she's the dean video and shed. but most of the doctors send them some sort of bane and then if
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they do with the multiples of the go, you get then when the consent model is definitely look, i'm done a for you. ringback to that training next october, we'll get on to in the more lead slide in the home or how she'll ability a little more to them. and then the, there was a template them venue more into the system, new president. but that was the is, will, is to so yes, give me way in the midst of finished to me. you started thinking move additions. and so it seems to fit them. these things that don't go as a bonus to connect with somebody in the new. it's a group of stuff in it for somebody else who typically just give money to reduce it because that's what the status has done yet. so you just give us a flavor of to should do to each set of the decision that we need to is the
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$600.00. you left a message that he just got an extension and said robin love us through enough this to do it. so it's not somebody this so for us to attempt that i'm not sure that i some notes to see if there was some interest to me that the us for the sons instructions can subordinate son jason center, e a c d on. instead of the, the sisters issue just doing this sheet and did it on the guidance in case you were buddhism, i need doing some kind of give them a or so i could get some through the closer to them and be to the place that i'm so projection is just simply
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a process of the shift for cutting the ocean sensitive, some number of which should be hutchins. i just use especially fluids. we'll say it was a gosh. we've done since school evaluate the school gymnastic is just going through the slides. assume the section division concerns is doing some psychiatrist schools of the piano school in japan, and then the advisor national just thoughts sensor to groups. i teach cynical physics on video, but they don't sit down so that i sit and especially for cutting, you submissions, you took the, the just, i did it before the into this where you've done the richard. those gives a goes quickly to face. so what's the length of stay on the to for just chipset? just a positional seatbelt, assuming just being a single t jackson guy,
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which is which was the, showed in the photo gallery i was the you know, the mileage, the good wireless, the deal with pretty a whole. what if somebody or other to fix guys or what else do you like to need? what level much, always a chance to see if that was 250 hoops. kind of those numbers, physical digital parcel for them for to wrench. so how good it is. and get him to has a view on himself. so leaving them a lot of people get a little bit of a let me say i'm supposed to pay the amount of i have them just low monthly because some of some of the others can always go sign kind of the census on the other side of the and was not controlling the id,
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the best way to even though the senior i need a hotel, some of the home item or classroom, less than a letter. how do i deal with them? how and? and again that this type according to shape. fairly telling my 10 bucks, that's all the higher and higher and more of a lot of these from a way of to misfire for me that the 1st of the that's something that's us. some of the the, as long as they want to have that available to you, the literacy instead of till i get to those a lot of a sudden that i ever got, hey, i'm the little that was a little bit from the how get my liam to say
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no one has to do it very, very nothing but i was a lot of the ex, ex institution and then there is the company. there's a good cause for society. the a cool to scan that a be with this aspect of it. why and i that's out of my way is and size, and i do certainly i do want to see uh uh there was a lot acreage on, i'll be back on to i was indeed the most and i had bus 19. i definitely call you're welcome. to the, the survey was something in the different society to get them and then this fund created the that's correct. yes, it is unplugged the drums probably are going to sell them the
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the money is due to. ready you to miss the port of guns. uh, shopping must try it. well, the ship looked at the lift and in a uh, a little bit to get a hey, uh and the so i'm gonna receive this order in the, to the shop with my through a sub. and i'll be here for the, uh, the the know josh can no, i you the shop beauty deal to talk to for the high school if you see on the. busy
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the, [000:00:00;00]
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9:58 pm
the, the french president, the manual look around says he's advocating strategic ambiguity when it comes to the ukraine. this includes sending western military personnel to fight for ts. this is not strategic ambiguity, but rather strategic confusion 0. you should, it should. so with the generalized scam i don't only neely combine in that,
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i need this dive yet. give us and use the condition where image surely pressed ok grants and to show us where they give sit pushing when you come or sure. absolutely. we have to put it on to our terminal for all right, so if i gave me the director and that that might or a certain name really quick here to raise your bill to lower need to visit with dukes or cuz you talked to his tours. there performed the or does she close of business or something? oh sure. yeah. i know trying to start or september 5th or i was in deer late. well corey church, the year when their power tools are heavier or cheever. right. so there's no more corners. those are near there before in june. they think they're mom or they're 3.
10:00 pm
yeah. corners, santori does your or the the borrower, buddy. i'm rick sanchez. and these are the stories that you need to know about today. india has a us style corruption problem. a big one, bizarre handshake between the crohn and the presidency. one that you have to see also a, a dead puppy, a dead puppy, a dead puppy becomes the country's most important new story right now. yeah. it is . this is direct impact. let's do it. the . so india has a corruption problem, it's getting a lot of news these days,
10:01 pm
you want to see what it looks like by the way. i just this, this video, this, this,


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