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tv   Cross Talk  RT  May 7, 2024 11:00pm-11:30pm EDT

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the the see would you ship the chew so that i get i'm, i'm scared about orders only the lab dot gov. i the good i need save. save. you give us a user. can you send me an image? certainly still great branch and to show us where you want to change gear shift or she will become more of a video for sure. and i'm told to put out the flow. so if i gave you some of your background and that's why there are certain, i mean frontier that wouldn't be able to log in to visit with the printer. could you start to use tortures, paper, port the printer does. she will do things from home and show you know kind of federal or should
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exist for her was in the or layoff courtney church. debris. yeah. we're or to whoever i do or she of or last the know my corners to bills are here. there's are no foreign jewelry, 3 or more armoire. sure. 3 yeah. order same towards does your or who died? i've got to learn how to share natural enough. similar stay. yeah. can i put in your land feel? are you agreeable to hear from you even? yeah. yes. and your loved as much. sure enough for nancy and that can give a nearer runs in the mountain and there she clear. vermont alley. good terms. her words and yours. definitive. turn that on your paragraph. shiver and hit you,
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stacy. several. right, the memory. yes, we're shot one measured for 32 south turn. it can focus practice rates and the, the, the background in the that the model or sure name with in the shows of this yet, i'm a frontier to wonderful to law and i'm always here to serve social readings on the federal or system system that was indeed emilio cory church, the yeah we're, we're our tools are either you or she or are you glad just by the live, the west isn't the know massively new lunches here for me is, dear lady, you have a shame pairs or somewhere for the developments. and then me, me fact, even with sheer one way to go have 7 my ear. no text. oh my goodness. okay, so it's going to show us here for you and i'd share that so that yeah,
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just much let's go here to go to the printer. i she was it was good cause the, the optimization for gabriel started and you know, it's kind of her. sylvester listed just will not charge you to the k one's or move. we're not taylor's or nose a ship. say who you want. you should be to sell the business. yeah. so we usually nearby you me general miles scam model is only the guy that i have you tell us or use a chill to be given me right. that is going that all
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the noise. give me a go 5 feet wide ship. the image charlotte room to dates are. notice i show us where that's where it says i'm going to change gears here for she was from our vending area squared away from the school in a city. sammy settings in a spray sat. so that's gonna be a strategy. what is shouldn't have sleep workforce is the chair there's this and i have the over in the lives on the list and then they get me just as i have set an s mover and that would lead to show them the present life katterfield facility, record square riley, and that is where do change where she is for me as as courtesy i didn't bring them
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to show us where they built their mission so i didn't know a separate offense of pursuing what she's afraid or what's come for us for sure. sure. so same was you know, for on, i bought this not to come with us. yeah, sure through 1st. so there's some of the preferred here's from pushed january and brewing for work most and will phone call when you're not sure to brand going to are sure i'm told we have to put it on the floor tablet as it was a particular church. if she was shooting, it would show vision really is from the printer should go. yeah, from zillow action, me up is brand new. they're not provided to me on you fair. our tvs go to shit. which interviews for pick not to do that since you're so. so just so for the children go to should publish it was one, did it turn on money, put you young. there wasn't really sort of vision, really it or, or share these you can when or where you get are zeros came where you really
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certain that gentleman scale a status. we had to move broad deal with the, with the put all the colors typically get both the maybe i just want to, i just like show man, i need your later by you portions of those things. you're mark them tray or you're worker's trailer. the show from point time to follow the sugar where young structural not theater and figure that you are, can you predict to share your darker, do need to do shoshone, the water for them to the, to george bush. and he was turned on the 2nd the, where she started
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to terminal from getting the credit for thousands of dollars. so you don't, she doesn't boil glass. i don't show any german order. yeah, sure. it will work well with the shit. do you want to go very little fast temperatures or what i thought was, what time to come and they're just getting really well because i was sooner do you suppose meals or reward who were in there? i wonder where you would run your former guy or? yeah, it's just you for william, for the year we will a vision on there for visit the most most of the social media powder show me. i'm a gun. yeah. those who are us know,
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right there will be a little or show me your part of the water is going to wash him. i don't for social so nice to but full. sonya is a clearance creation from of the printer that you're going to get on put on the shelves of a homeowner's is that i can't start surgery or she has no you know sort of deal. if it is, that is, why am i or, or, or, or what for me, it is there and we'll get those out of school for profession or way of what take you to do or you are sure. so here she says, human student, sure. various companies out there which can you, i'm certainly do it. you have some work done according to the course, the default beverage or for the see. and hopefully i will forget i'm no worries.
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we'll start a new um, but what, what time did you guys know where she is on the waiting list for the letter i just sent me little dougherty to let me mail. that's kind of cool. so me could i see my really preferred mcclinton style? it could be rise to that and insure brittany spears and there were for services that happened 11 and 11 or 11 and the day and the error message schumer, lamb this, that are for the year for 2. and then they, they then send them that's up to us. i can't really matter to me. i'm not sure what number x letter from i'm going to ship. so i want to mess with them. story. and then the last is the lab sanders and pay anymore. i'm going to tell you
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name book a needs to come, send me an stroke that are still premier to the total personnel didn't theater sort of in the answer. but those, i feel it's a new story on company in europe and they are here for our company. i ship them and publish them and send it to me right here long as i switch to spend the rest of the children vehicle in the yellow english. i mean the image to send in and then as you go from there to the custom work with what they see something as metal each, the right. so that no, no, no mirror near the cause of my letter, which the
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one were working on her voice from the can stay there her to do here whisker for her to assure you, look for you. sure. there's a check check. okay, try to check the stuff, cover the hole in the come on there. yeah. sure. yeah. all right, your way stores, it's terrible. so fish. sure. sure. well for him to cut or but had you cold? yeah. for the, for jesus case scenario for where it was purchased enough, starting soon, the motor was the interior of 10 grandfather's which is do it like 51 name, but here. same. sure. so check the 2 or 3 is or come on there is heard is each
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there not to do since you know the roofers is hoya who has coefficients k, which notion tons d for his physical notions down to the drivers to try and put a new car young's who are full of them to produce furniture or terms with kind of nation terms. you know, still story, yes, the world for to 1000 to move to for and for you was to the higher issue. so the shows you to have more here. there's just a whole time to come here, not to form or what are you doing here?
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the real part of the over here really mash is still are. so who is the law is clear? sure. let me pull term. is your tablet? reduce your car, cargo cover? jammed, so the city of storage for your frontier was really of the shit hole that go home or when they're going to the air conditioning chicago or she brush yours the, the, the beauty of the story, these cabinets of the board. so i can use valves originally, new spots,
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and i see you boy, new on the show out here as a general facility based in yet periods, which are likely to escape photos than any vision isn't to look at the building and grab a substitute with bundle scheme at the, at the site the move at this me a look at the new. yeah. then as i said, it was a miss. the thing is se assessment brady, this form with years of experience. but i will say your nearest the blue books and you for 90 percent of the time is that you're so busy that you would say because you have to just catch the senior the
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device. right. go to our children from korea from where should i come? yes. there was cold, here from here. i think on it, sorry, it was just doors, please shut the court allows you will go that up from the stores in the near officers found that. so for the, for those and singles insurance for dental sheriffs per force damage concert, thank vision is on your cards. pretty good. i mean, the formulas is here from your parents here to start school with our school. yes. of. so yeah, i remember you guys remotely is that is it for, for me or for the should be in school or there that has some stuff for sure because school failed remote barshan. what is the printer say? well, but also very well we're to be really clear and present to you, but also we'll put that towards an ocean sneeze for
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the phone, which is good. ok. no, no kidding. yeah. missed just to hold a ton of to i have to share his key that has to say, yeah, does it prior to visit with the shop for his tours? no. well, it's just for him to show the, for the month of the month, for the technicians, consumers to shared it. they're forced to trip up on the for the 000. so for sure, for the most of the hold the visual for every minute furniture i plan on crew or horton the way is that fruitful works here. i just refer to the award star so here or stare. so for hope, you're going to put the rich into the rest of
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the sphere separate until thursday. so. so was clear to you. i'm still sort of repeating this here last time here because scheduled, scheduled, scheduled schedules. are you sure. thank you guys. there are, there's only 3 that are trying to ship sources for the come i get on with it for the quarter corrected. i was comfortable deal, but i want the user level or figure out score say the so what's the deal to this quote comes over to the whole. so yeah. so it's not in the present. no, no good over here. where's the show? here's my fears. i should have said, i'm sure for lorraine, it's lesson show us for good or too. and i never was there. he'll be there just for 40 for the day and it was, it was quite different sort of further torsion from from straight to him simply for
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the the booth or surely for the cause of the one to me or well i've heard for instance of call with us not that i did that yesterday about those a ok pretty hortatory. what bill i'm calling because i don't remember is i've had to change or heard of whether or not they don't worry about for i was show small was barely able to let go of the year one year the 0 who started to the new york no start always do try to do to move into the car and we know substantial style. you are the more guarantee we'll use unable to issue talk to them. yeah. especially is where you can all shave. i mean if you ever read a dash,
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a 0 plus polls for both sides, cuz that's probably the most current way of slippery notions failure to appear. but the guy that looked at this instead of torsion, charge here with me on the loose of course trickle going to go as well. so she lives in your picture by state of glasses for g ma'am. so for the 1st thing in the one that we need is a perfect another. the lab issue of failure letter year pad or shift fluoride troops who can create them 1st. yeah, it'd be a mess you said to me when you're ready last year. sure. what time the police didn't need to sort them over to the right. sorry. it just seemed from the 2nd in the summer of younger than me and being in i had been in napa or near our grandma need put in good. yeah. for her is set payable to
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ask us out of the park. i. right. and then you're going to say yes, that motion even though for a living, i'm the parent letter saying that in that sense i said duty initially. and whereas most itself, sorry, again, loveday shalaya, cleaning up single. assume that, that it's, and i read not and i have some so i look for everything spanish and with that problem that prevents the vision. really i have like, don't want her. yeah. or them work because i like the way to do it because she i'm quite stealing ocean that the laptop down machine wash and those and address. sure. yeah. with that because i am us is 1000 a hash as a tight on the election for me. so i have is showing the severe memorize them the ship pack, read certain that visual and share the right the
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bodies much d. e a bill on the, on the, on the step, what is that? i think the ship here was this through questionnaires. will you get in this last or dental or how much more myer boots for us to clean it. we're the garage is usual. now i'm here here. i'm here to wait another 40 choose blue because there are some washers service. some breeches, most of them were affiliated with. there were sure the come in the door instructions are here for the credit score as well as the courtyard will have to go
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there shall come and get a chance to pardon me. i know or your flesh corner 0, but in our question, question are waiting on the technician in the us here call every month or and she lives no more. it probably easier there for her now here right here, right? not see it for me. and that's for a, but i sit there and i, she's in the, the funds to my agree, yes. are you, is it more than what it shouldn't be? if it says you need a one with the white by you little nice. nitty said, you stand in nature or that she h, they didn't really or less and they say it. but then our color me, it is going to pay, you know, very me. and that's the word here. has thought to cheer me or something more little
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. and that is where i live in jail chicago, jane, she waved, she's still in the studio and kind of wrapped from the, from the year. and i should just have let us know. and the 3 here in that area to resend it to the west. and i always let them know to me, so i need my insurance. and when you're going to leslie, not the nation was saying that suddenly patter. and actually for the lc memory, knowing the fear of fact in new, it's in person or you, you remember me 3 chat. i live on history here for her poor, poor for the or even maria and he sure center i was nearest from years only. it's 3 chips, 0 and the condition and not, or here he's arrow and she knew she has kept them done and i drove past for years, them and pressure. i little sure your and i change to it from from
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a silver that is shamore or you were in was there to use for this time when she age and attendance sydney said new this year and she'll have somebody. yeah. and yeah, that's why you so maria, the really nice and that city and i've sat the city maybe i gave my mum send me and that was cheerless, not more than that. or it could be a movie. she might have more stuff that's fair to with my s m. yeah mama where me. ok. you mr. fisher was saying that the flow is she can go as you a certain amount was a 130 full sho. familiar with the airport. you are. you have to share your here with me. i pretty words is good. oh, really? i wonder good. and so we're sure phenomena chauffeur's porter for your
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quarter orders. your bills are here for the for june. 50. ordered to be over here to run your vin through to their mom or so 3. yeah. order santori does your or the not the really no rush and that will be easy to do the dishes fever of them. i cover the views at fairly 70 for the see there for somebody to be a textbook at all, associates new and there aren't any tell you that it's sitting on the account that i'm on the see and i said, no, i wonder you know? sure. lance and i was very sure and that piece from harvey and to share where she
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serves the phone and the rest, the february. i want to know i've never oh, i'll provide no proof of fits. okay. when close your job. but he seems to me because then you're going in that register to rarely to learn more. lender rarely have to to go. he was a started press, he was still previously, i know you're going to call him the money and the solution, right? you see birth see him. yeah. you will lou morris, the pedal, shann doing this, and there are server and their server server. so the i was just cuz today is wanting to do. the super duty is 0, produce your nursing facility starts to turn the air conditioners from you guys. some money you may come on just k who big. com wants to know there's. there's just
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one for you. how old is she has to pull off. i show members in the research such as their own, i don't go to dr. kim brewer here, but i would just share with your discharge and match them or it just allow me to shift. i just stopped. you know, so a trailer because this is the the
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french pennsylvania manual, the ground says he's advocating strategic ambiguity when it comes to the ukraine. this includes sending western military personnel to fight for ts. this is not strategic ambiguity, but rather strategic confusion. the what is part of is it that the employee would post that isn't the the place you wasn't that in the word part? is it something deeper, more complex might be present? good. let's stop without teachers. let's go products. hi, i'm rick sanchez. and i'm here to plan with you whatever you do. do not watch my new
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show. seriously. why watch something that's so different. whitelisted all opinions that he won't get anywhere else. welcome to please, or do they have the state department, the c? i a weapons, bankers, multi 1000000000 dollar corporations. choose your fax for you. go ahead. i changed and whatever you do, don't want my shell stay main street because i'm probably going to make you uncomfortable. my show is called stretching time, but again, we don't wanna watch it because it might just change the way you a rom. just don't you have to shape house to come and engagement because the trail when so many find themselves will support. we choose to look so common ground, the
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the, the beauty of a story that he looked at over on the border. that's what i can use. valves originally inspected and i said you put a new on the show and it's a gentle facility based in yet periods which you likely to ski photos than any vision is going to look up over in grounds of steel bundle ski at the hold that the 2 inside the smears, look at the new. yeah, that is that side of it is leveled and everything is a c assessment ready this form with 0 is principle problem sitting in mirrors.


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