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tv   News  RT  May 8, 2024 5:00am-5:30am EDT

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the the a wave of violent protests and goals, the western world where university students are demanding their alma matters to cut all ties to israel and over it, and bombardments of gaza. the details of the children there who are under the age of 2 and a suffering back to you. it's monday edition $1.00 and $3.00 children is suffering from salmon in god's as rafa, according to the un, is comes. israel's ground invasion of the southern most city brings more civilian casualties to the embattled enclave. and cab climbs down on videos of its military recruitment practices. so many ukraine's mobilization officers and action is now punishable. it was up to 8 years in prison as a loving thousands of the countries criminal cases had been put on pods.
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the live in moscow on rachel ruble. you're watching r t international. clashes with police arrest and pro palestine slogans. those are the scenes from major cities around the world, including paris, amsterdam, and berlin, where thousands of protesters have taken to the streets in solidarity with gaza. wow, the police clashed with activists pushing crowds back with shields the tons and tear gas. the parisian demonstrators called on the macro and government to stop back in israel. some protesters organized the citizens occupying buildings in the heart of the city . the
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following the wave of student protests in the us, a group of about 100 undergraduates, blocked at the entrance to the prestigious sorbonne university. in paris, the students demanded the institutions as close as partnerships with is rarely organizations and called for a cease fire. earlier police used to tear gas to forcibly disperse or rally as the lead seance co institute. similar classes took place that universities in amsterdam and for lynn the in new york pro palestine. protestors faced in violent arrests with local police during active as to the ground before detaining them. us law enforcement and say more than 2000 protesters were taken into custody across the country. over the past
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week. the glitz and glamour of the annual met gala in new york was disrupted by pro palestine. protesters outside the venue place, rushed to make a rest of celebrities, politicians, and models posed for cameras inside the metropolitan museum of arts. the,
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there's always, there's always room for a good fashion show, even in the midst of war. i mean, it's difficult to say that they should have canceled the events, i mean with the data they have cancelled at the last couple years or so i'd say because of uh, the warranty brain. so they have canceled it, you know, for the rock for, i mean it's, it's a life will go on. so it may, it may look ugly, but i think that the point is the protesters basically i a given more. so that's a voice in the sense and sprained time and attention because of an event like that . my goal is taking place and their protest outside of it will then bring more awareness to their costs. fundamentally, there is an outrage by, by people not just young people or others that have gathered to try to make their voice heard. and unfortunately, now the narrative becomes, oh, you see, these are extreme as they are, they're being paid by the, by the, you know, muslim brotherhood or whoever it was or us to, to protest. and i think unfortunately,
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oftentimes the message gets lost because of the noise around the idea that they're just only there is paid agitators. this, ron has condemned the violent arrest of student protesters in the west going so far as to offer scholarships to those who were expelled. for supporting pol this time are to set down for an exclusive interview with an official from the rainy administrative science research and technology. your on a monthly basis about these nomic republic is a ron, has tried and is trying to lay the foundation for the rights of those seeking to speak out for the press to be realized. that is especially true for the freedom seeking movement that we see today in many american universities. we hope that the offering scholarships through american and european students is considered a scientific and supported back, as it really is and has been from the start with steve on, within the scientific community and the spirits of academics. all ideas should be expressed without restriction, no checks on different levels for the and behavior such as the crackdown on students that we've seen has no place in
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a scientific environment. such reactions to the opposition voice within the scientific framework should have never happened and we condemn them. we do not have any limitations regarding enrolling students from other nations. today, their international students and universities across iran from around 90 full countries. we have experienced having a population of a full 1000000 university students at the time or the whole now is a one quarter of this number of foreign students receiving scholarship. really go within this framework, freedom seeking movement, sol, around the world can definitely access this environments and their intellect. lots of different options to talk to like we will surely continue this pos and hope other countries will support us and doing this movement with us. this is really things have rolled into guys, the southern most city of ruffled leaving civilians. little hope to escape that says the one chief issued a star warning against israel's so called limited operation in the complex and stricken region. while the international community is warning is really gains,
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dreadful operation. ideas is already acting there, even though indeed it's called limited operation, a to a significant advance. and we'll hear about destruction and casualties on tuesdays road to control over the so called philadelphia, cory door gases only international boulder with egypt, including the roof for crossing for the 1st time since 2005. when israel withdrew from the palestinian and clay is who believes him us and other militant groups based in the gaza strip user to smuggle ammunition and arms and militants. so it is especially strategic form for as well. agents that controls the other side of the boulder has sent a letter of condemnation to each room, asking them not to invade drum and to abide by the 1970 tonight can save it, of course. but last night for i'm going to send it to india who issued a statement saying israel did not have any choice but to go into rafa. because the
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proposal of how much that promised to release $33.00 hostages, dead or alive, was no tangible. and he vowed to continue the operation to illuminates the militants gross with or without to do lots of what yellow, how much proposal was intended to torpedo. the entry of our forces into rough or it did not happen as the war cabinet to unanimously determine how much proposal is very far from leasing israel's necessary requirements. israel cannot accept the proposal that that endangers the security of our citizens and the future of our country. from us, while israel is waving him as spokesperson inside the target chain, rough um painters, negotiation process and cold. the attack on the crossing a crime and a dangerous escalation. but these really leadership is determined and what we see now is just the beginning and we hear that not only from the 10 yahoo, but also from defense minister, they had of the national unity party a and many others. they also say that if needed,
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this limited operation might expand, and that is always something that israel's main ally, the u. s. opposes reports say that washington agreed to this limited operation and rough warning that in case of a baker's, cale israel will say, sanctions and last week, you know, that's washington held up a shipment of american bonds that it's the or is israel might use and a major ground operation and rough uh, that is the 1st search moved from the us since the warrant guys started. meanwhile, the biden administration most supposed to report to congress on whether is real is violation international humanitarian law and gaza. because according to american legislation, washington cannot send arms to violate or states, and we now here from various sources that divide and ministration will miss a wednesday deadline, and the hope to present is findings within days. and they may few concerns over the last sending its weapons to be used in a deadly war in dallas,
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or that's according to local house ministry. claims already more than 34000 palestinian lives and 7 months humanitarian institution, gaza definitely remains dire, end, deteriorates. now indeed, the world house organization alarmed that it would make catastrophic situation. file wars with the world food program, for example, reporting it stocks, wood on the last between $1.00 and $4.00 days for the southern and central parts of guys. and you remember last week israel, we opened address the crossing on the northern edge of gaza for the 1st time since the war started holding the us pressure to increase 8 into the in place. with close the southern care, i'm sure long point after work is attacked as q 4 soldiers and hundreds of trucks who used to cross steering 2 guys a daily. so it was a very vital channel. and now the 8 is only go in for the areas and very crossing roughly 70 trots a day does is others through the fords of i stalls and through air drops. but
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certainly for 2300000 population of java with at least a 1000000 literally starving. this is nothing but 10 trough in the ocean. and last night, the white house folks woman said, israel with open cut them shall on later on wednesday, and would enable the transit of fuel for tripe. now i have to say there is no indication that this is happening. and while we here are some calls from washington to increase a into the in clave. we also see them supporting is ally as well, no matter what. and here's one example in it. a bit cynical, a visual aid is you know, to do this on the day after cindy mccain came up and said, there's a full blown time because of a close, rough estimate close. come on, sat in the clothes, all these things on is that. doesn't that bother you with that, you know, all right, after the head of the world,
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food program comes out and say there's a full blown trying in guys that they want and closed. so i don't think you have to draw a connection between those comments and the closing of this does to get it doesn't matter. meanwhile, they see i, director is expected. and these rel on wednesday for adults with prime minister and it's in the home and it is, it's back to, that's rough, i tack, and for the military development will certainly be on the agenda. and so we have to wait and see what will it change on the ground? palestinian children are at risk of a new, imminent catastrophe. that's according to unicef, which has cautioned against forcibly evacuating miners amid the idea of invasion of the southern. most the guys in the city of rough. um you just have communications officer, his name. oh i see it says a 1000 children under the age of to suffer from malnutrition. over 600000 children are now and they're off the high area and we are really
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listening their lives. and if i may say authoration to be full scale and dropped off. uh these children have many of them have already been a subject to my new nutrition displacement uh, diseases. at the moment, 9 out of 10 of those children have one at least disease. there are a 1000 children there who are under the age of 2 and a suffering acute menu edition says the beginning of the war in october, families across guys of fled to rafa, which the idea of how does ignited as a safe zone more than a 1000000 people now shelter in the enclave and southern most city, half of them children. nearly $80000.00 are set to be incense under the age of to 8 work per se. more than 14000 children have already been killed and causes densely populated territory. and the majority of the surviving palace to mean miners are reportedly in need of psychological support. you know stuff,
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communications officers, the name of weiss emphasized with children and gaza, need most a ceasefire and a sense of security of all the children and the whole. all the guns, a strip of in need of mental health and psychosocial support. and this mental health that you're talking about doesn't start until the actual uh, pause of this stress is over until we have a ceasefire until we have a peaceful moment for these children to try and recover from what they. so what they've been subject to, to unfortunately that's not the reality for them not a ceasefire. they need protection, they need to be just to feel safe to feel that there is still holes for tomorrow. and the impacts of that can. it's might actually continue for the rest of their life,
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and that's what this thing every day that's we are delaying this despite and this hopeful moment of uh, stopping the guns and stopping the explosions around that there's no safe space and also a hand designated area that is being spoken about is even smaller than the off of it off. uh, it doesn't have the same infrastructure that uh, that we have and of all the, even in dropbox, the infrastructure has struggled. a lot of drop off now is the hub of all is gonna tell you in a response and efforts and removing rough uh, from the, from the fixture, it's going to be really diet and going to a place where there are no, there are no basic services we are attempting to think people to death. on the other hand, while every one sent me these children and also vivian's should be free to move. they should not be forced to move from wherever they are. they need to be protected
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wherever they are a they need to be a special protection for children in the house, but also wherever they are in the guns of state as a whole. meanwhile, the us could, with the quarterly suspend all funding for you in agencies. if the general assembly is to recognize palestine as a full fledged member, the world body could lose one of its biggest financial backers. talestine has yet to obtain any voting rights and all you and proceedings. you can get the full story on our website, r t dot com. the chinese president agent paying has arrived in serbia after visiting friends during his 1st trip to europe in 5 years. his visit to belgrade falls on the anniversary of nato's bombardment of the chinese embassy in the former yugoslavia 25 years ago near flagrantly bomb the chinese embassy in the federal republic of yugoslavia. 2 and 3 chinese journalists,
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women never forget this. the chinese people value piece, but that will never allow historical treasury to repeat itself the friendship between china and serve it, which is soaked in the shared blood of the 2 nations has become the common memory of the 2 nations. and will encourage both sides to take big steps forward together . behind me is the chinese cultural center in belgrade. it was at one point in time, a chinese form mission, the same formation that was attached to buying it in 1999 as part of the collective, less campaign against the sloppy. and this has been a matter of great content for those that have been involved. but with respect to serbia and china, this is something that serves as a reminder in the article that was published in the survey newspaper, political chinese president shoes and thing says that they will never be forgetting this moments of history. but more importantly, the chinese further said that they will also never forget this as a matter of great concern for the general european blog. but it also serves as a reminder of considering the vibes of the general campaign has led to
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a great deal around the stations. within the country behind me now is of course, part of the chinese delegation. we expect the chinese president to make his visit to commemorate the events of 1999 for taking a general look at what's going on. the general approach of the people of serbia is that they do not want to join nato, although they are currently a positive number. did you want to go union but just like a church here, which is a very important case study survey has changed. she has a very similar faith, and that is of course, despite many long years of promises, the balkan country has not been a sunset into nato. and the problem is have not necessarily been delivered. and this is where china comes into play. we expect a number of trade agreements to take place between the meetings of the chinese and serving president. i'm a thunder, which is this will take into account the general approach as well. now we understand that the general european stance on china is involvement and investments
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in europe is not something that has been accepted with uh, essentially welcoming arms. but what we do see is a conference. we understood that the chinese president visited funds met with a money on the con, french president, as well as the president of the european commission, 1st of the bundle they. and what we understand is there is a retrospect here. we understand that the agreements assigns between the chinese and the french and the general union blocks are agreements of cooperation or at least to work on the cooperation of existing agreements. it's nothing significant compared to the deals that will be assessed here. we understand that china is currently investing heavily within the countries infrastructure. this is also a matter of great concern because the general european union says that china is trying to infiltrate and floods the market with its own products. whereas if you ask the local serbians, they will say that china is actually doing something that the block should be doing, and it is providing much needed infrastructure. so there's going to be a lot that we understand that there is friction involved. but in the words of how
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gary and prime minister victor urban, he says that the european union is using its positions within the european blocks to impose its own agenda, dictate the policies of domestic nations and influence. the outcome of essentially china's proposal here is as simple as this is a win win strategy. we can provide you that you need. and we can have a central very fair trade agreements and bilateral relations, as opposed to the rhetoric that has been shared over the course of the last few decades on how to ukraine were. officials are threatening anyone who is cod filming cubes, recruitment process with up to 8 years behind bars. the sentence is one of the only things that could spare ukrainian men from service that says the consideration of about $11000.00 criminal cases concerning theft, narcotics, embezzlement, and abuse. of office had been paused in favor of mobilizing those charged ortiz moreno customer have a, has the details, and there is
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a desperate recruitment to live in ukraine. it seems, and they're doing everything they can to get the manpower they need before a fresh batch of weapons from the west arrives. and this is one of their latest advertising campaigns, whether you liked it or not, you will have to fight. so pictures, fault and your role and get go with, that's the message here. these things up by allowing soldiers to choose where they flies and the how will make them all come running. i guess they forget that we live during the time of social media. we're bad news travels fast. recruitment efforts have been hampered by reports about show to use of our munition claims of corruption incompetent combined as an inadequate training flooding of social media . as well as the lack of lee for front line troops, proposal to allow soldiers to, to mobilize off to 36 months was dropped off the army chief sped to many experience troops would leave early next year. it's hardly surprising that they're struggling
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to recruit and resorts into the classic mobilization tactics. snatching him and off the streets and beating them into submission the ad. so this reports of disabled and mentally ill people being forced to serve and some end up dead, like the person who was electrically kidnapped by ukrainian military recruitment officers and had an epileptic seizure wide after a sharp deterioration. and the soldiers health was accompanied by signs of an epileptic seizure. emergency medical assistance was immediately called before which military enlistment assistance was provided. the police officers who arrived at the call found biological dest, without signs of the physical impact. and another called script who died after an
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epileptic seizure while he was on the way to a training center. now the circumstances surrounding this death are still being investigated. now here's a group of people demanding to know where the recruitment officers took their relative yourself to a former she was one of them, was the con, the so look, i think the, some of the things was the 3rd year and there are dozens of videos like these so it's only natural that ukrainian men are afraid, very confident about going into the trenches. the crate in military reputation has been painted to say the very least. and those with experience holding the lines, trying to save the amateurs, thousands of train troops like all looks on the radio,
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a great the in the 21st separate make a nice brigade have been fighting for the best part of 2 years without the proper rest. if we go home, he says, inexperienced soldiers might be able to hold the line against the russians, but a lot of them will die. some already wondering whether it's time to let go of dun boss instead of a hold it on and run the risk of there being no one left to defend the rest of the country, which would not liberty yet. it's obviously unpleasant, painful offensive. and no one wants to leave any settlements, but at the same time, we should not consider it to no one to notify launch military units or entire formations or an entire army in the future in order to keep some territories. those who didn't want to fly to select the country, but they too are now subject to the fresh draft as part of the craze mobilization overall. how it looks like now. a man of conscription age went abroad, showed his state, but he does not care about its survival and then comes and wants to receive. some
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is from the state. it does not work this way. our country is at war houses like poland to lift the way i have already promised key of that. they'll send back any mail ukrainian refugees of military age, though it's on clear how they're planning to do that. exactly. all the countries, however, like hungary, have a more humane opinion on the matter and refuse to back down hungry will not extradited creating refugees. we're not considering if a green diem, some soldiers are not on the base supplementary. humanity will not allow them to be sent to their death. and there you have it's more western weapons on the way. but ukraine is still desperate for boots on the ground resorts into dubious recruitment methods, which sometimes end up what's called scripts that before even making it to the front line versus circle of bad p r, which only increases that ukrainian death. so as us military is rapidly retreating and depleting, while the russian offensive shows no signs of slowing down. and some developments
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on the front lines of the ukraine conflict where another us made abrams tank has been taken down by a russian drone strike. so it is circulating on social media on russian social media shows the armored vehicles to take them. 5 out of the $31.00, nato supplied machines were confirmed as destroyed in mid april. the thermal camera footage shows an f t. v. drought and chasing that tank down the road before heading the back of its tourists. as far as i can do to tackle western tech on the front lines, people across the country are gearing up to celebrate victory. de ortiz, steve sweeney met with world war 2 veterans in the donuts for public to hear how the past relates to current events. right here is you're on a positive center, but friends, on behalf of the service men of the russian army were warm to congratulate you on the great victory day will not allow the enemy to trample our land. the enemy will be defeated. victory will be ours. some 27000000 people across the soviet union
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gave their lives in the fight against nazi germany. don't yet see itself was occupied by the nazis for almost 2 years. finally, being driven out of the city in september. 1943. but it's important to preserve that memory, hey, we have a soldiers who a company serving in this special minute to opperation. we're making that way now to the a total same here in the city of don't yet to pay their respects. and remember those who gave their lives for the freedom of so many people was not too frustrating. you know, what is likely is not only important for our generation because the 5 children's grandchildren and every year i come to this memorial and treated with responsibility. every child should know the croak feed, not only mine, but also of my grandfathers and the ancestors. i'm proud to be the grandson of a great here of the great picture of the core. so just hey, behind me you can see this impressive start to which shows a work and a soldier. the people that defended the city of don't, yes, can those who rebuild. and just here you can see just some of the thousands upon
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thousands of names of the people that were killed here in the past. so it will, they cool the great page you'll say will the 2nd world will and they will say lives here in god. yeah, it's can people come in now to pay their respects those me? she upholding, everyone should remember the feats of the heroes and not forget about their grandfathers who gave their lives for this victory. it is important to remember, and it is important to come, not to forget to lay flowers, otherwise the younger generation will look at us and will forget if we do not come and we will forget the heroes altogether. we must remember, we must come. the next generations will grow up and they will follow us. several, just 60 a veterans of the great pay to i think what we're left here in the don't. yes people's republic. that's why for them it is so important. no, just to remember, but to learn the lessons of history. 97 year old nicole live on of it. she lives here in the corrupt of the district of don't yet. it is an area where he finds
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himself on the front line once more as it comes on to come to some ukrainian shedding or constructivism 0. so it's time to get this thing over with out of the whole street. now we've got to destroyed houses, children with maimed. a go came to visit here, a little girl from crimea. the spine was broken. and this old lady who worked with me in the mines, all their life. women used to work there in the 5060 seventy's. she was made into a house was wrecked. she we built that house, repaired it, and now everything is in ruins. again, just a heap of boards left. how can you sit by and watch this happen over? lots of these out of it. she explained how those a fault alongside is come right in world war 2. and now on the wrong side of history, spoken with russia. and he had a message for the west in buck as of ukraine. so so the, the foot in 1944, they opened the 2nd front, we were united, we were friends, then our troops and the troops met at the elbow. there was friendship. we were
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friendly all the time. america helped us during that time of war and everything was fine. we pray that things get better soon, but now the world is at hordes. we need to see more justice as don't yet ski is up for victory day the link to the post are clear. this is why so many people here support rosters, special military operation, bobbing never to allow fascism to gain a foothold in the region. again. this is steve sweeney fidelity and the don't. yes, are public. and to stay with our to international. i'll be back with much more news in about 30 minutes by the theater of stuff ation. staying with the siege survivors for the rest of them.


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