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tv   News  RT  May 8, 2024 7:00am-7:30am EDT

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the, the, the waves of violent protests right across the west and blows as you know about that the students develop that all the amounts of ties fit as well as with continued bombardments, the thoughts of the details of the children. there are under the age of 2 and a suffering acute menu. this one and 3 children is suffering from famine and golf as rafa. according to the un. this conference as well as in caution is be southern . most city brings most suffering to them. thoughtful, then the people in prosecutor's office, still the investigation of a german air force officer of and the sort called a scandalous odo. as a heavy discussion about sending me souls to ukraine on the potential is owned by
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ship the a very well welcome to you. this is on the international within the very latest world news update is good to have you with us as always. now our top story slashes with police rests and probably palestine slow goods. these listings were major cities around the world, including paris, to them on the lead west. thousands of protesters have taken to the streets and the show of solidarity wisconsin. the police clashed with activist pushing crowds with seals got phones onto a gas equation demonstrates as cold on the chrome government to stop by think is well, some protest is organized, assistance occupying, building costs a specific way
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. the student protests giving us the balance of $100.00 underground joints, blokes. the entrance to the prestigious sole bone university empowers students to mounted the institution discloses partnerships with his wally organizations. sounds cold for cease 5 earlier police use to a gas to full select, assessor valley. at the end, the sciences po is this is similar. classes took place that universities in sit down on the in new york for how this time protest is faced of violent arrests. with local
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police department police during activists to the grounds before detaining the us lower enforcement save more than 2000 protesters were taken into custody across the country. over the past week is where the times have rolled into gauze as a southern and most city of rafa leaving civilians. little hope of escaping us as the u. n. chief, they should have stopped voting against as well. so called limited alteration in the conflicts stricken region. while the international community is worn and is real again, stressful operation ideas is already acting there, even though indeed it's called limited operation a to a significant advance. and we'll hear about destruction and casualties on tuesdays road to control over the so called philadelphia, cory door gases only international boulder with egypt, including the roof for crossing for the 1st time since 2005. when israel withdrew from the palestinian and clay is who believes him us and other militant groups
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based in the gaza strip user to smuggle ammunition and arms and militants. so it is especially strategic point for as well. agents that controls the other side of the boulder has sent a letter of condemnation to each room, asking them not to invade rough from end to abide by the 19 summit tonight can save it, of course. but last night for i'm going to send it to india who issued a statement saying israel did not have any choice but to go into rafa. because the proposal of how much that promised to release $33.00 hostages, dead or alive, was no tangible. he vowed to continue the operation to illuminates the militants, because we've always out to do lots of what yellow, how much proposal was intended to torpedo, the entry of our forces into rough. i thought it did not happen as the war cabinet to unanimously determine how much this proposal is very far from the single israel's unnecessary requirements of israel candles except little proposal about it
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in dangers the security of our citizens and the future of coming from us while israel is waving him mas spokesperson inside the target chain. rough from hinders negotiation process and cold the attack on the crossing a crime and a dangerous escalation. but these really leadership is determined and what we see now is just the beginning and we hear that not only permanent and yahoo, but also from defense minister, they had of the national unity parties, us and many others. they also say that if needed, this limited operation might expand, and that is already something that israel's main ally, the u. s. opposes reports say that's washington agreed to this limited operation and rough warning that in case of a baker's cale. israel will face sanctions on last week. you know, that washington held up a shipment of american bonds that it's the, or is israel might use and a major ground operation in roswell, that is the 1st set to move from the us since the war and guys have started.
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meanwhile, divide ministration was supposed to report to congress on whether israel is violation international humanitarian law in gaza. because according to american legislation, washington cannot send arms violates or states. and we now here from various sources that provide me spaces on this. i was a deadline and the hope to present that findings within days they may feel concerns over the last sending its weapons to be used in a deadly war in guys of that's according to local house ministry claims already more than $30000.00 pounds. the lies in 7 months human, it's your institution guys are definitely remains dire, end deteriorates. now indeed, the world health organization alarm that it would make catastrophic situation. file wars with the world food program, for example, reporting it stocks, wood on the loss between $1.00 and $4.00 days for the southern and central parts of
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gas. and you remember last week is real sweet and error is the crossing on the northern edge of guys, or for the 1st time since the war started over in the us pressure to increase 8 into the in quite with closed the southern care. i'm sure long point after work is attacked as q 4 soldiers and hundreds of trucks who used to cross their him, 2 guys a daily. so for the very vital channel. and now the 8 is only go in for the areas and very crossing roughly 70 trots a day, dozens others through the fords of eye stores and through air drops. but certainly for 2300000 population of gas with at least a 1000000 literally starving. this is nothing bad to draw from the ocean. and last night, the white house folks woman said israel with open carriage shuttle on later on wednesday and would enable the transit of fuel for tripe. now i have to say there is no indication that this is happening. and while we here are some calls from
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washington to increase a into the in clave. we also see them supporting is ally as well, no matter what. and here's one example in it, a bit cynical, a visual aid is you know, to do this on the day after sending the came, came up and said, there's a full blown time that's, that's a close. rough estimate, close. come on, sat in the close, all these things on is that it doesn't that bother you with that, you know, all right, after the head of the world, food program comes out and say there's a full blown trying in guys that they want and closed. so i don't think you have to draw a connection between those comments and the closing of this does to get it doesn't matter. meanwhile, the director is expected the nice row on wednesday for folks with prime minister and it's in the home and it is, it's back to that's rough, i tack, and further military development will certainly be on the agenda. and so we have to
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wait and see what will it change on the ground? the gentleman prosecutor's office has canceled the investigation of a top jim, an ad force officer, a leak to audio, recording of several durham and service men could be heard in the audio discussing sending tourist missiles to ukraine on the possibility to destroy a bridge in crime. in the prosecutor's office, is that no evidence of an intentional action exists? the investigation was stopped because there was no initial suspicion that would justify start and investigation. in particular, there was no evidence of intentional action on the part of the accused. any carelessness would possibly be relevant for disciplinary purposes, but it's not punishable as negligent action. but let's get more details on the story now from our correspond to name on the each i had going to be in the studio many thanks to come and get him a good to see you. so bring it up to speed on the latest in the story. now because the german prosecutor's office essentially closed the investigation. now it is in
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the has of the german ministry of defense, but it seems like they have been dealing with difficulties when it comes to this case because on one hand, actions must be taken, the accused must deal with some sort of consequences. because that conversation could at least be seen as a violation of secret information, and that's that would fall under a military criminal law. and in the worst case, there would be this honorable dismissal of the officer, or maybe a salary cause or maybe reduction in rank. you would think, but there's so there's always some sort of legal room to deal with the situation. but the ministry of defense now is uh, someone just taking its time when it comes to the situation. i mean, the minister himself mentioned that at too much for the shipment would weigh into for 10 pounds, but to a little would cause some sort of outcry. but just to remind you, a little bit of what happened in march of 2020, for an audio recording of
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a conversation between german air force or air force officers was lead to. and especially they will come to believe talking about what location and ross tried to try. they were specifically talking about civilian infrastructure, meaning be, try me in french, but let's say a more on that from the german officers themselves. and also who came to the conclusion that there are 2 interesting targets the bridge in the east municipal depot is above the originally east is hard to reach. it's a rather small target, but the tourist can do with the i'm a nation depots can also be hit on the if we consider the bridge, i don't think taurus is enough. and we need to have an idea of how with mike work and for that satellite data. you know, i don't know if we can train van craniums for such a task in a short time. and we are talking about a month the what a tourist attack on the bridge look like it from an operational perspective,
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i can't estimate how quickly the ukrainians will be able to learn how to plan such an action and how quickly integration will occur. but since we're talking about the bridge and military bases, i understand they want to get them as soon as possible tomorrow kind. we'll see at heart. it doesn't matter. we need to ensure that from the very beginning, there is no mention that would make us a lot of the conflicts. might i'm exaggerating it, but if we tell the minister now that we plan meetings and we'll drive by call from baldwin from all so that no one notices that's already participation and we want to do that. yeah, i don't know. german officials did confirm the authenticity of the old jew itself, and they did admit that the conversation was indeed intercepted and stated that investigation is ongoing. this was before the german chancellor himself also, uh said that this was a very serious matter and pulled the for an investigation to be done and done very
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carefully. but here we are now with probably somewhat of a sold investigation and a middle. this will kind of respond, so we're getting from russia now. the crumbling, of course, responded to the lead kremlin spokesman emphasized that this was proof of the was hostile policy towards russia. the russian foreign minister surveillance broke, also commented, saying that the german officials are not really surprised of the about the conversation itself and what the conversation was about. but they made me surprise over the fact that such a secure line of communication could be intercepted and not so secure anymore. but let's hear more and does a bit deeper on the statements from the russian foreign ministry of some fun. but because of the very fact, the german weapons in german specialist who maintained his weapons were being prepared service as well as an attack on vasa, including the crime in preaching emanation the post as it this customer themselves, which was not surprising for us to be sure they were just concerned about how secure communication network wasn't so secure, and that says
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a lot of the must have found the right word to legalize. you feel like in the public sphere that the idea of sending ground troops of individual nato countries are talking about individual nato countries. things were at the moment of those 1000000000 ideas on the music, but in is obliged to answer the question. do you have it was presented to the world community shows for a long time and the plans and intention. we make 2 countries, germany to carry out many trio operations against russia, only. it was in the tree described step by step. how terra's detractors when the civilian infrastructure would be carried out, and lewis and the speakers were clearly aware that they were discussing the bombing of civilian crime in brave exit. no rush. i did also say that it was looking forward to learn about the results of the probing to the incident. i mean, if we're going to be honest, if it was the other way around, if it was russian officer is coming up with such ideas as a tremendous ideas and plans, it would be a completely different story. yet. here we are now with the german officials simply
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turn in some sort of blind eye into the severity of the situation. me, i must thank you so much for your coming in with the sounds really appreciate that day. thank you. and well, they are cuz influence continues to wayne around the wells, particularly in muslim majority countries, right. that's according to the 2024 democracy perception index. how is the washington insist that is well, the order is still important. i'll say correspondence not to be a con guy takes a closer look at the decline and us popularity. the u. s. led global or the appears to be unraveling. the policy is alone, parts of the world. i've seen some of the, it was financial crises, decisions, waves of unrest across africa, and the middle east, even my point in price, these quality of political destruction was something else. but at the center of it all is the united states. and amid the song of things falling apart, washington still insists it needs to be in charge. and even the countries that are
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complaining about what we're doing in any given moment or don't like a particular policy still want us. and as we look at it, there's a basic choice. we can continue to engage and we can continue to lead. or if we don't, we know one or 2 things that's going to have someone else will. and probably not in a way that advances are interested values, or maybe just as bad. no one will. and then you're almost guaranteed to have a vacuum. so by bad things before, so by good things, and that will ultimately come back to bite us. meanwhile, in the back and forth backfill for influence, then you was calibrate to will need a survey examining global approval rates. and so is that to be sol superpower assessed with age for end of this illusion, minutes for recent years. so we just call a middle because authority as an international lead has declined, not as a result of challenges like i let international leaders, but as
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a consequence of washington own decisions and actions taken off, for example, with the state basically states america doesn't practice what it preaches me because they even start with a complaint to excel. so you with some best of that. and then it's just it's really surprising home. erica always speaks about human rights solver and jan. freedom of expression. when in reality does not apply those principles, every single decision made in the rocky parliament is a decision of the rocky nation. we do not allow any interference from this and basset, or, or any other for an official. if she wants to speak about human rights, she should talk about posting in children, women, and men who are suffering from the is really american war on garza. and even before that, to be rocky prime minister said if i wanted you is forces all quickly in africa, whether you, if has been attempting to predict military muscle economy, cloud, and cultural interest. it's really the same side. and you see are amongst the
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countries that have toby, has ministry to pack up and the air force has asked the american defense that tashay to immediately stop american activities on the chico, say air base. and we ask you to intercede with the appropriate authorities to inform the americans that we have taken the decision to stop their activity. so you can ensure that popped enough to measure and government progress deserved the american government to deny the solver and measuring people the right to choose their partners and the types of partnerships capable of helping them to truly fight against terrorism. yes, the go moment of new year rejects the false allegations of the head of the american delegation to maintain that it has signed a secret agreement on uranium with this type of group public overall and onto the cynical approach. usually used to discredit them and ice and justifying the threats against states doesn't pass without recalling the example of the secondary rec war . indeed, the syrians and the entire international community still remembered the false evidence brandished by the american secretary of state before the un security council. to justify the american impressions against iraq chat and you see a flaw from being the only countries that want to hear is syria. as equally
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determined to drive the american occupation forces for me to retreat. the syrians, defense ministry, has even accused washington being involved with service. the area targeted by the us attacks and eastern syria is the same area where the syrian era barmy, is fighting the remnants of the terrorist organization isis. this confirms that the united states and its military forces are involved and aligned with this organization, working to revive it as their field arm and syria and iraq through old dirty means . the occupation of us forces and parts of syrian territory cannot continue. many other reasons, washington is critics could name to make a case that the world would be better off without the leadership in ms points is was, it has led to its allies into the read that is extreme is i sit in and so on. and as this list chips, when he gets more and more difficult for washington to convince the world that it's
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2 political role benefits in one box, it's a 3 centuries of us and military involvement in africa have high, has have a catastrophic effect on the continents. now several african stays are choosing an independent good approach to national defense and security full on why it needs as nearly to shift terminates the longstanding security agreement with washington on the cloud is 1000 troops on welcome present. so you can head over to our website, all the, some developments on the front lines of the ukraine conflict with another us mate abrams tank has been taken down by a russian drove the strike. so it's, it's such a nice thing on russian and social media shows the almond vehicles take down 5 out of the $31.00. nato supplied machines were confirmed, is destroyed in mid april. the fem will come refers, it shows an s p v drone chasing the time down the road before hitting the back of
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its tars. as russia continues to talk, a western tech on the front lines, people across the country, a gearing up to celebrate victory day on seas. steve sweeney much with wealth or to veterans. so the don't, yes, we're public. see how the post relates to current events. right here is your on a positive side here, but friends on behalf of the service men of the russian army were warm to congratulate you on the great victory. they will not allow the enemy to trample our land. the enemy will be defeated. victory will be our son. some 27000000 people across the soviet union gave their lives in the fight against nazi germany. don't yet see itself was occupied by the nazis for almost 2 years. finally, being driven out of the city in september 1943, but it's important to preserve that memory. hey, we have a soldiers who a company serving and this special minutes you operation. we're making that way now to the a total same here in the city of don't yet to pay their respects. and remember
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those who gave their lives for the freedom of so many people was not too fussy and you would have likely use not only for to, for our generation 5 children, grandchildren. and every year i come to this memorial in truth with responsibility for every child should know the croak. feet is not only mine, but also my grandfather's and the ancestors. i'm proud to be the grandson of a great year of the great picture of the corner. so just hey, behind me you can see this impressive statue which shows a work and a soldier. the people that defended the city of don't, yes, can those who rebuild. and just here you can see just some of the thousands upon thousands of names of the people that were killed here in the past. so well, they cooled a great deal. think will the 2nd world will and they will say lives here in gold. yes. can people come in now to pay their respects? those me, she upholding is everyone should remember the seats of the heroes and not forget about their grandfathers who gave their lives for this victory. it is important to
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remember, and it is important to come, not to forget to lay flowers, otherwise the younger generation will look at us and will forget if we do not. com and we will forget the heroes altogether. we must remember and all that we must come, the next generations will grow up and they will on the west side. so just 60 a veterans of the great pay to, i think what we're left here in the don't. yes people's republic. that's why for them it is southern fulton no just to remember, but to learn the lessons of history. 97 year old and the co live on of it lives here in the corrupt of the district of don't yet. it is an area where he find himself on the front line once more as it comes on the comes in ukrainian shedding for constructivism 0. so it's time to get this thing over with. so we have to the whole street now we've got to destroyed houses. children with named a girl, came to visit the little girl from crimea. the spine was broken anymore. and this old lady who worked with me in the mines, all the life women used to work there in the 5060 seventy's. she was made into
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a house that was a requisition. we built that house repair that has a a know everything is in ruins. again said that just a few but loads lift. how can you sit by and watch this happen over? lots of these out of it. she explained how those he felt along side his comrades in world war 2. and now on the wrong side of history. spoken with russia and he had a message for the west and buck as if you crazy. so, so the, the foot in 1944. they opened the 2nd from the we, we, we have no idea. we were friends, the list, our troops, and the troops met at the elbow. well, that was friendship. we were friendly all the time. the america helped us during that time of meal and everything was fine. we literally, we pray that things get better soon. a couple of months, but now the world isn't towards the we need to see more just as an in, as don't yet sky is up for victory day. the link to the post are clear. this is why so many people here support rush, especially when it's your operation bobbing. never to allow foss you them to gain
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a foothold in the region. again. this is steve sweeney fidelity and the don't. yes republic rhonda has been holding positive talks with the un. so nuclear, well, it's still grief, according to the countries at atomic energy chase has all the i a has traveled to is behind the negotiations and it to runs. rejection of allegations of a legal nuclear activity correspond to reduce the delani as uh, with the details. a lot of speculation surrounding groceries was it to iran due to its timing less than a months after hygiene intentions between yvonne and the as well including. and he's really, it's connie, as far as nuclear facilities, of course he's with us, revolves around here, was history of disputes with the agency. over 4 locations were choices of highly enriched uranium were detected while 2 disputes have been resolved so far to remain on address ahead of his visit,
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the director general has ward that one is dangerously close to acquiring nuclear weapons. and that's what has top to discussions with evans, atomic cheap would be a game to clear up living during uncertainties about a while as nuclear programs. stations result means that we need to work together to be in a better place, the order to put the cycle. you know there to see how swear return to why your agreement see the form of the case if you're a or any other form that you're on may wish to agree on. following the withdrawal from the 2015 iran nuclear deal with walls towers, these law make rip off like retaliated by scaling back its commitments and wrapping up here, radium. and which meant to an unprecedented 60 percent priority to one has signal. this willingness to return to compliance with the agreements,
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but only if western signatories uphold their end of the bargain with the faith of video. now hanging in the balance to get one and b i a, i've been collaborating outside the j. c. po, a framework to maintain their working relationship. both parties are now working on a document based on the previous agreement for future cooperation on the flows of the slide. make republic oberon are perpetually discontented about the ron and the i a, a ties and want to make doubts and difficulties on the wrong. and the i a and, and the value, the decisions that they make. but mr. gross, the end i recognize the joint statement as a proper cornerstone for the ties between iran and the i. e. a. we continue to be the diesel diesel instrument. it is a clear indication of the area where we need to work the space to 80 concrete steps,
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while progress appears to be on track between one and the atomic agency to one has voice concerns about what is perceived as is wells disruptive role and the processor wants as, as well, has provided, fabricated documents through media on the i, a officials and it, it to tarnish. there was nuclear reputation. everyone says we all use impartiality regarding its nuclear program has been compromised by political pressures from israel and the western world which are pushing for closer scrutiny of it was nuclear activities. i had the opportunity to investigate groceries approach to it was claims about as well as yours. i would you to mitigate the actual external influence is particularly from countries such as well, your professional and our full oversize over here was with the program. we don't hear ideally we, the son my role is to look into the actions that we
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uh, we hear on the agreement. we actually clarify the sell $80.00 that may exist passed because it's my grow seats. where while i have seen him adopt a conciliatory and soft tone towards that one's nuclear program only to shift gears upon returning call. however, there one is hopeful that a draft cooperation document one ensure the a's on the biased assessment of its nuclear program. and she'll the countries engagement with the agency from western and is really madeline, a way to get to have you with this hey, on the see this wednesday of next week, but the latest episode i'll do right. same pods and all the thought was more of today's top stories in just 30 minutes. hope to see you then the
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everybody, albert sanchez. and these are the stories that you need to know about today. mike johnson does an interview where he sounds, you almost shines in same. meanwhile, a very same us conservative congressman says it is wrong to police spot and how a dead puppy. yes, a dead puppy has become the most important story in america. i'm rick sanchez. this is direct impact. let's do it. the . all right, so here we go. congress has passed the law 320 to 91 different bid anti semitism in the united states. let me make clear, really clear. i didn't have the semitism is.


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