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tv   The Whistleblowers  RT  May 8, 2024 8:30am-9:01am EDT

8:30 am
with russia and they had a message for the western boxes of ukraine. so, so they'll have to talk to the fluid. in 1944, they opened the 2nd front, we were united, we were friends, then our troops and the troops met at the l. but there was friendship. we were friendly all the time. america helped us during that time of war and everything was fine. we pray that things get better soon. but now the world is adults. we need to see more justice as don't yet ski is up for victory day the link to the post are clear. this is why so many people here support rush, especially when it's your operation bobbing. never to allow fox you them to gain a foothold in the region. again. this is steve sweeney fidelity in the don't. yes for public. it's documentary time up next on, on the international. and i'll be back with more news updates in about 13 minutes. thanks for watching and by the
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0 you should be to choose so that uh yeah i'm, i'm scared about orders only dealer dot gov. i. the good i need says save. yep. give us a user. can you send me an image? started press the paper and control panel to show us where you want to change gear shift for. she will become more of a. so what are you sure i'm told to put her on the floor. so if i gave you some of your background in that, that might or shouldn't name with frontier that wouldn't be able to log in to visit with her cuz she's out for his tours. triple the. but i just figured she closer to the thing i'm from home show you know, trying to settle a september shift for i was in dear layoff courtney church debris. yeah. when there
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are 2 very heavy rush fever last the know my coroner's division here. there's, you know, 400 jewels, 50 or more armoire? sure. 3 yeah. corner frame towards georgia or who died. i've got to learn how to share page 15 at september of no similar state yet. and in the put in the land salary you agreeable? gm for new name. yeah, yes. and 11 s t u m n for nancy. and that's can you hear me now rosie? from mountain in there. she clear from her kindly get terms her words and your speak. check that out. more paragraph. chivalry. you just basis february the exam, right?
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yes, we're actually measured by 32 south turn to consumption, spread the rates and the the some of your background in that the model rush or name with in the shows of this yet i'm a frontier to once you're able to lower voice chairs for the sub solution for any kind of federal or system system that was indeed emilio courtney church. the yeah, well i'm here to remember i do or she we're glad just by the by the west isn't the know my really new uh life is here for me is dear lady, you have a shave pass or somewhere for the developments and then a new new me fact even with share my one with the phone that's in my own text. oh my goodness. okay. so this is the core and she lives here right now. and i'd share that so that yeah. just much let's go here
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to go to the she was good cause here's your the, the discussion for gabriel started and you're not scared to silver show us for 10 years will not charge. it says there's no security when they move when it's triggered, the not taylor knows a ship the say who you want you should be to. so that is yeah. so we usually nearby you, me, general miles scam model is only cover that i that is so low. so use a chill us v i d, given me right, the, the eps. go on that all the or gave me
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a go far ship the roots and to show us where that was the change there sir, for she was come, are sending mary's chair to work for the school needs to be danny settings that are very strapped to that see and envision what a shipment has told me, of course is the chair, there's this and that i have the over in the lives on the list. and then they sent me a shed as i have set an s and the after show. first them, this is a little resemblance. chat or the facility record is there already. i'm not as well just to change where she is for me is as good as young brown is yours. where are they? there are there oh missions or their interest of interference?
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are pretty curves in which it's actually it or what's come for a special way. sure. so same which you know for on our board does not come with us . yeah, i'm not sure through 1st. so here's what i've worked on. preferred here's from pushed in or growing more work most and we'll call you oh, i'm not sure if we're going to put it in for sure. don't fold we have to but the tablet as it was a by gigs. so is, this is julia, we show vision really is for what the renters are. good. yeah, from zillow actually up is running their number. i need someone in c a r t h who to ship which interviews for pets not to to, to ensure so so. so for the children go to ship bullshit was run the turn on monday, but you know, no, it wasn't really sort of new humiliates or fortunately as you get rid of the girls came waiting and there was something that gentleman schema as god as we had to move
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broad deal with the up with the put all the data and say i'm going to get more. maybe i won't be able to i sky media and are just like show man on our needs are laid by you portion control and visual mark them for the workers river. the short story followed the sugar for young, actual owner theater and figure that you are. can you peter, to share the darker? do we do? shoshone still mosher for them to the george bush. and he was to turn on the 2nd the where the terminal from the credit for the tires of colors.
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so we need to continue with the adult shade is way o'clock. hope that goes there. sure. sure. let me jump in order. yeah, sure. it will never go with the shit. do you want to hear a little faster temperatures or what i'm going to have someone to come and they're just getting really well because i was so there's useful formulas or what are in there. i wonder where you would run your former guy or yeah, it's just you for them, for the year we will have vision on there for this is the most most of the social media powder show me. i'm not going to deal with those who are doing right, so roger will deal low are shown in the water is going
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to to for motion but don't put a social so i'm not sure the afternoon but full sonya is are clear on screen for me to try and figure out where to get on the court or the show surgical or later the homeowners is gonna talk to you of self serve has no you know, sort of deal with the videos that is buying them or your store or what from it has their own will. they are going to school for production and what you're, what they do and where you are. sure. so yeah, she says human student sure. various company dish cuz they've been out there working here. i'm certainly do it all to have some more time. courtney or towards the to phone beverage or through the steam. hopefully i will forget the morning, we'll start and then um, but what, what time did you guys know where she was on
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the waiting list of the letter. i just sent me to a selected email. that's kind of cool. so me, can i see my really preferable style? it could be ready to not valid insurance especially. and there were for services that happened the less than an overlay in the one that says schumer, lamb this, that are for the year for 2 and nearly they, they're sending that's up to us. and i can't believe that it should be not sure what number x letter i'm going to ship. so i want to pass the story. and then the last is the lab sanders and pay you any more agreed to know you need the ab test come, send me an stroke that are those premier that the total for some of the tenants
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that are sort of in the front that i feel it's a new story on somebody in your family, you know, help our companies come in and publish them on find it to me right here on assess what suspended that's a big children vehicle in the english. i mean, the image is a test and then, and then as you go from there to the custom work with what they sheets of them as natalie the so that no, no, no american avenue to her. i will come of that, which the
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one we're working over was trying to get straight to hutchinson here, whisker to assure you one point in the shed, sec, i'll try to try to have the stuff cover the whole no longer come on during the history or career journeys tours it's through our shop 1st. sure. terrible for him to cut or cut you a whole year for the parts you just can't share your own works well for just enough. starting a new motor on the 15th of your fathers, which is good. not for throwing a but yeah, sim, sure. so check the 2 or 3 of them or come on there. if it is each, the keisha jones,
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even though the motion is hoya, who has professions now she's tons do for his tears. you know, she's done 2 of your previous years. sorry. you've got young. here's the coffee or both of them to purchase this product to terms the colors and terms contributes to yellow, still storage near the printer to come to some heads of terms. and of course, will appear for the move to form for you was to not hires issues or in the room tv shows, movies misses the whole thing is time to come, you know, still corner and refer you to youngster. there's already room. finally. get the fun. yeah. over here really mash is nobody who is don't what is clear?
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sure. and the full term is usually terrible for just a car cargo cover him from the city on to this is dolores for your pardon? here was a really, of this shit hole that go home or when they're going to hear their conditional trigger or shame, blood sugar or, or the, [000:00:00;00]
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the, [000:00:00;00] the the, what is a part of it that the employee would post that isn't the deepest view of us and in the word part, is it something deeper, more complex might be present? let's stop without glitches. let's go out of as the reverse right corner of our children from korea somewhere else. what was your insured with
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us? like i'm yes, there was cold here here. i think on it, so you to force please report to us, you will get that up from the source and the cancer strongly have so far. you don't offer those answers to ensure that it shows per force damage closer to version. and then when you're carpeting, whoever, i mean the formulas is here from your car for you to start school with us. cool. yeah. is it fair? yeah, i remember you said it was for, for me or for the sheriff's quote for visitors and stuff for sure. because school failed, and i remember she wears it up and there's a well, but also story of what we to be name is for the 3 are the browser. we'll put that towards the oceans, needs for the film,
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which is good. ok. no, no kidding. yeah, miss just the whole thing. it's funny to hear questionnaires key that has gotten her. yeah. does your prior to visit with the not going to shut the tortures? yeah, well yes, this was in the show the for the month of december, 4th through the divisions, consumers to share that for forced to perform the for the whole 0. so for the for the most of your whole. yeah, there's a family furniture i plan on crew are who are in the way, is that free for you? i just refer to they're going to or so in the here or stare. so hope you're going to put this on the rest of
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the servers separate. sometimes they don't lose clear for me. i'm so social security is here last time here because scheduled, scheduled, scheduled schedules. are you sure, thank you, cause there are, there will be 3. they're going to try to shoot sources for the, for me i get i would or your quarter proctor heroes of the worst comfortable deal. but i want you to avoid them or figure out scroll through the. okay. so let's say you're on the field, send this quote over to the front. so yeah. so there's nothing to present. no, no good over here. where if i show, here's my fears, i should have said, i'm sure full of really isn't charles for good or too. and i remember i thought i was there, he'll be through his car for you to have it in was it was quite different sort of pressure to shift from furniture it to him simply, what do you want to do better?
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surely for the rest of the articles also from one to me, you know, i've heard more of some sort of car was not that i did that yesterday about dorsey d o for the quarters or what bill i'm calling because i don't remember the survey of the change or heard of working with the front of it, right. you know, preferably short, smoke was barely able to go over here one year. so the 0 who started to the new york, you know, start always did try to do to check or we know substantial style you as a more jersey we'll use unable to issue doc for the yeah . for sure. so are you, sir? well sure, if i mean, if you ever really tash a 0 plus polls for thousands, cause that was the way of slippery notions figured to appear. frontier got it. with
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that, this is sort of torture charger with a young lawyer of wizard or circle cortico scholarship was in your state of glasses for children. and so for the 1st thing in the meeting is at perfect and no early lab issue of failure letter year pad or shift fluoride troops who can create them 1st. yeah, it'd be a mess you said to me when you're ready. let's use some more time television. right . and didn't use to sort them over to the right. sorry. it just seemed it from the 2nd in the camera. yeah. i'm going to hear me and being in i had been inactive or near. i would do, i might need put in their desk for shack cable. they ask us
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our park every night going straight as that machine painter for a living. i'm the parent gladish in that sense said duty to their shame. whereas the most it said of hurry again, loveday, shalaya, cleaning up single. assume that, that it's, and i read not and then i have some so i look for everything in spanish. see i'm with the problem that for the vision really i have like don't want her. yeah. or the month because i like the way to because she i'm quite stealing ocean that the laptop down from the machine wash and those and the address there. yeah. what type of code? sadly most is 1000. a cash is a paid on the election for that. so i have a showing the i so there memorize them. the issue of pack read certain that vision. ready, sir? laura,
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the good old building a building on the on the start the ship here was this through questions. will you get a position i have for dental much more myer boots for us to clean it, were the draft is usual now i'm here here. i'm here to wait another, going to choose blue because there are some washers of some bridge here. still some of the story and we were there were sure the come in the door instructions are here for the score as well as in the corner. oh,
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here are you there shall come here to show me. i know are yep, lush quarter 0 waiting. our question question are waiting on the nation and we're open. i am us here. all right, and that's going to learn more a part you may have for some now here. right? yeah. right. not see it for me and that's for a but i sit there and i, she's in the, the funds. my friend to my i agree. yes. are you, is it me in the paperwork it shouldn't lease it says you need a one with the white by you little nice lady said you're staring mutual advantage there's you're a mess and they say, and then our color me assuming to stay, you know, very the investigator name, read the word here, has thought the chair,
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me sort of more low and that is where i live in gale color. change ways to start in the studio. and as i have from the, from the yesterday. and i should just have why this, you know, i'm the a sleep kid in that area too much. seems to be there. when i pull, i always let them know to the, to anyone. so again, with influential us way, not the nation was saying that suddenly patter and actually for the lc memory. nice here. a 2nd near which in familiar you remember we need 3 chip. i live on have 3 here for her, for the, for the even maria, can you sure center i live near split from years only. it's 3 chips you on the condition and that will give his error and she knew she is going to be a number and i drove past 4 years, them and pressure. i little sure your and i changed to a from, from
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a silver that is shamore only you were in was there to use for this time when she ain't enough. then sydney said you couldn't show as somebody. yeah. and then that's why you seminary and the really nice and that today. and i've sat the, to the media, i gave my mum send to me and that was cheerless, not more than that. or it could be a movie. she might have more stuff. okay, that's fair. to with my s m. yeah mama, where me. ok. i sent you this fax. it was saying that said no. she can go as you a fair amount was a 130 full show. familiar with the airport. you are the whole show. you're here with me, i pretty words is don't really i wonder traditional issue for another
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shoot for quarter for your quarter orders to bills are here for the for june history quarter to be over here to run your vin through to their mom or sure. 3. yeah. order santori does your or the had the re no rush and there will be easy to do the producers fever. i'm not covered sir. i've used that for the 7 days for cynthia, for summer, 3 inch. that's the that's mostly shipped. you and you are getting the same on that that, that i'm on the left. see, and i said, no, i wonder you know, she, lance and i was very sure my piece i learned harvey and to share when she says the phone and the rest,
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the february. i want to know i have not for all of our programming, no pets. ok. when you close your job, where he seems to me, then you're going in the register to rarely to bring home or loved the rarely have to to go to sort of started. but she was still previously. i know you're going to fax over the money and the billing address for luxury where you are a, c, c. and yeah, you will leave them as near covers a federal shan doing this and that's per share, right in your service. so the was just because it is wrong to do it does what it is, it will produce your nursing facility starts to turn the air conditioners from you guys. some money you come on and you just can't remove it from what's going on there. there's just one for you. how old is this?
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just check for if i show the charge, i don't, i don't go to the gym for one year, but i would just share with you to try to match for me or just allow me to shift. i just are easy to shoot you know, tell a trailer because this is the a a, a,
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the the, the beauty of the story, the luck of the, of the board in yourselves. originally, you spoke to the senior boy menu on the show, and it's a gentle facility based in youth periods which are likely to ski photos than any vision isn't in the book. i'll go ahead and grab it, comes through a bundle scheme at the who at the site, the gold at this music looked at the new year as and as i said, it was a miss level that they use as assessment brady. this form with years of experience of foot levels to say in nearest the blue books and you for the 80 percent of the time is
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that you would say, because look at that 50 gosh, the senior, the russian army games ground on the front line. while you cranes conscription methods lead, people scratching their heads as 11000 ton and makes them move a lot is to join forces also ahead a chinese and so being leaders lead thing brings fruitful results with mutual investments. they free trade agreements of student exchange opportunities. the lines of from one to the presidency for listening to me. the iron clad friendship between serbia and china will never be broken by anyone. we are


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