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tv   News  RT  May 8, 2024 10:00am-10:31am EDT

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site for ts, this is not strategic ambiguity, but rather and strategic confusion. the chinese on silvia leaders meetings bring fruitful results with need 20 investments, the free trade agreements and students exchange opportunities. the hundreds of people on the horizon you must be associated with the people. it is, i want to think president c for listening to me. the iron clad friendship between serbia and china will never be broken by anyone. we're very loyal to you for always standing by serbia. when we faced hardships, certainly i totally from was 8 years ago. serbia became china is 1st comprehensive, strategic partner in central and eastern europe. today, serbia becomes the 1st european county to build a shared community with china. west africa, security, food supplies, and clear energy, the russian on see already own foreign ministers. comment those talking points
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during the most i may say whether visited congratulating taste on demand to turn on his way or that we can continue to engage. we can continue to lead fox the respirator. washington insist with a well need some direction, guidance, defined data showing that it's declined in a positive perception. i'll see you with the a very warm welcome to you. this is all to international with the lights as well as news update is great to happy with us this our as well a top story and there's our see already on foreign minister has congratulated president putin on his re election. the top diplomat was amazing with his russian counterpart during a visit to moscow. they discussed a wide range of issues including nuclear energy cooperation on the security
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situation in west africa. get ready to push it through it. so we discussed the situation in this a harvest of health regions. molly, looking at fossil share, chad, we're interested in west african countries, remaining focused on safeguarding their sovereignty. an interest in dealing with international partners, elimination of the colonial and neil colonial vestiges which are still visible due to the presence of some former settlers on the african continent is also in our interest. today we conducted talks on this matter. and of course, we are interested in seeing the principle of african solutions to african problems put into practice. there are many conflicts in crisis in africa. sometimes foreign players while trying to offer assistance primarily pursue their own interests, withdrawing, consistent with the interests of africans themselves. and they also spoke about the need for the russian federation to support c ever unit units aspiration for for the security update. my colleague and i spoke about the need for prussian investment
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and sort of the on at the moment. if this investment is almost minimal, we want to use all political cooperation all by lot to her relation to heighten our economic possibilities. today i'm here, we also spoke about almost to that tra, corporation. well, let's discuss this further now looking for us live to china. bah, see already owns minister of information on civic education. many thanks for joining us on. the program today is very nice to see you. i appreciate your time. so yesterday that was a meeting between the russian and see already on foreign ministers. a lot of things were spoken about. i'd like to ask for your assessment of this meeting. well, thank you for having me. i think it's a, this was a very productive, needed see, and it's based on a very long relationship between sir and you on and russia has spared. you has to benefit from a mutual diplomatic relationship that's been very beneficial over the years since 9 some of the 663. and this was an opportunity to retain, do,
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and friends and goes by lots for our relations. and that's the foreign minister said they really focused on aspects that are beneficial for both countries. so looking at global piece security issues, but also attracting investments and say your and it continued to process cheaper on areas of education, which has been areas of collaboration in the past, but also back to like investments in energy. so we'll have hardwood by this meeting . we're grateful for the opportunity to and gauge. we thought we'd outcomes a box in russia and offering me to staff. it's, it's, it's, it's very interest by the possibilities from, from that conversation. and how could be opening of the russian embassy comments with you to new projects between the 2 countries. as i said, we're really over the years since 1963 we've, we've, you know, we've benefits and from a call operation we thought our russian concept opposite of us. but that has stalled because we have not had enough people to the point exchange. we have no
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benefits from having the presence of the russian embassy countries to the reopening of december. seas really pick welcome use it in shows that our tires will be spent and then show that we can stick which one the beneficial project. we can explore opportunities for investments that will contribute start countries development. but also, sir, you can make all one word, s, contributions to swell to desperation. so the russian people, so you know what i mean? what do we do? we now i, sir, as a leader, as a man, but the security council on for the peace and security issues between our region. it is really just an opportunity to strengthen our size and to post to, i'm gonna try goals. we see great strides being made in new relations, new partnerships, as we're seeing with this particular meeting. but it's still a very contentious time for russia. and i'm wondering whether you have any concerns that you'll country might face western press. so even sanctions is due to
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a strengthening relations with russia. and i think the all our partners understand that sir and the old and as always, being as a meet set to be in session on the line and session. our principles respect the solvency of for about 5000. we engage and we'll see the best interest of our country based on these global goals and, and global body systems. so we're capable of having these sets of different conversations and we're happy to work on any international partner that's interested in investing in our country. and this is not about, it's not a a buying are you still going to need out for? i think sir lewis and a position where we believe we can engage, hold on boxes based on these principles that's. i've been long defined. and sessional engagement, i like to say this is not a new relationship. we have enjoyed this relationship with russia since 963 because as you have some important certificate and 6 for the investments in our country and
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to 6 things that we continue to advance. the president deals vision for our country, which is to, to move this country forward. and that's what we'll continue to do. and i have found the area of interest to speaking with moving forward is that information technology? how would you assess the cooperation between the 2 countries in this particular field and i want new agreements that could we expect to be signed in this area? i'm very happy. you mentioned these sparrows. president b is big 5 to both kinds. agenda is uh, around really transforming a digital footprints. i information from technology suspended our country. and we know that russia has what the expertise by the technology and information will be useful for our country. it is one of these areas of composition. it's what we're expecting. and hoping for not just investments, but also exchanges. people to people, exchanges extend just in technology exchanges, equipment and things like that. so where, you know, everything is on the table. this was a, this was a, a grid composition. and, and,
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and, and as you know, the minutes about for, you know, she has upset or doing himself benefits it from about 5 to shoot from you as a go, if you studied in, in russia. i mean, just of mind. so this is not new. we have a whole set of, he does not country who can speak the language, who can continue those exchanges. and we're hoping to re, multiple benefits included in the area else information that technology. i am an interesting move being made by some african countries right now is to block west and me, the claiming that is engaged in the state, propaganda and disseminating extremist ideas. do you consider these claims to be fat and where would you consider the line to be between free speech and national security? but one of the holding lots of pressure going to use the leadership really had speed. he's coming spencer free speech. all right, this is the prison that came to power, right? and decided that's an old little that's uh, in both criminal sanctions on when jot is really far speech should be expunged. and
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he has continued to expand a space. the reason for too much information, press freedom index that came up. so say i didn't come in to make a very big progress on that index. and i think we'll continue to stick on his, you know, off i'd policy to walk that we do is by these lead and those bodies of a class that were committed to the principles of freedom of information. freedom of opinion, the freedom of the press. and we will, you know, make sure that that is obviously, but obviously time national security interests. but instead of doing, we find you press freed up and we want to continue to engage in the bottom of ideas and, and, and how we move our country forward. that something is, we're very proud of a solid guess. so how would you assess the, the role of west and media enough. okay, do you think they are objective, do ask for can view was the use, the source, they need their source of information to the uh, western media. i enjoy uh as,
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as very specification money based on august the as of complex history and then that saves you money. uh, you know, is pretty dominance and the voices. i important, i think what, what we wanna focus on is how we can send out one star is how we can expand us while the media space, or we can make sure we have people have access to all the time. if he's in a box access to the fact all we're know now you want him to spend that everybody has a little bit of an angle, but we don't want to focused on whether or what they're doing is bad of good. it's the app and something we have to do with it and we wants to see how we can invest and build our own space as well. so we can compete and, and, and have all excited use. so this brings me to uh, online well, is because the most, the, one of the companies that control the internet as we know, are located in the west. so what kind of impacts do you think that has own citizens a big label south who of course, use the internet, i think is the same thing as i just said. i mean that if you start from a premise of, well, we're going to investigates where all the tools we use,
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whether it's the, you know, the media added technology and all of these things and what the impact of the, how to do. so i think you're gonna end up in a place that we don't want to to go we, you know, we welcome invite you to different opportunities of technologies that will continue to benefit from a will understand that these are not necessarily neutral. that we have to see what we can get out of them, how best we utilize them for our own good to advise people to about inside the democracy, to advance development of our country. and that's what we're going to focus on. and that's why i present that said, how do we leapfrog, how do we benefit from the sticker? does that exist? how can we be pop up that? and how can we also, ex time the of any of what's is available to us and different technologies and different things from all over the world. because that's what's gonna help us to, to get the advantage that we need to, to be able to thrive into elite, asking what are present max to talk about the 4th industrial revolution coming back
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to the international media. what do you think so many african cries? these do not receive enough attention in the international media and thinking about just one particular example that they all say, which is we faithfully under reported enough as one of many across the continent. why do you think they to gain the attention they deserves? so that's a, that's a, it's a very legit some it's uh a problem. it's a challenge that we have and you know, until we're able to tell our stories. and so we're able to, you know, break through, as i said, nothing is necessarily neutral, right? people have about specs even sometimes. uh, stories are not staying us. what would he of being reported or making the front pages. but i think at the end of the day. ready we want to focus on it and what i think our focus should be is we need to set our own stories. we need to create a right kinds of partnerships to an amplifier and started the west or different parts of the world and different media. they're going to have their own um
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preferences based on often, sometimes it's like what the audience is once a year or what fits into a very specific narrative. as i've said, this is all it's, it's, it's not neutral as a whole history. and we, we don't have all the time to go into all the history and politics that feeds into why that's the representation that we have. but it's true that our stories are not told, but i also don't want to spend so much time leaving all the people from attending aust service. i think we need to continue to invest in opportunities to amplify intel on studies as well. i just like to ask one quick question before i let you go and why do you think the number of the russian tv channels has been blocked in the west think and including all of us, of course, considering how it values it for a speech. i mean, i think we can, we can spend a lot of time, again talking about i just, you know, the, the,
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the products of some of the challenges we've seen in, among kind of western democracies, different power structures in the world. and officials that exist somehow that somebody fed in different conflicts and different attitudes to the values that to be all set for ourselves by, you know, i think we certainly one focus on what we, what opportunities exist, how we can continue to engage with those opportunities and as i said, we are coming to the 1st present no media houses binding saturday when we hope the rest of the all wheel from the lights are pulling on that it's been an absolute pleasure speaking to you. thank you so much for your time today. we've been talking to turn over information on civic education minister all see every year and thank you so much pleasure. thank you. well, the friendship between serbia and china is on clouds. that is how presidents alexander view change some of the reasons bilateral talks in belgrade where the chinese lead she's been paying received
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a very warm welcome to the trumpet. this please me just so to me i am kind of friendship between so have you ever in china or you will never be broken up by anyone. we are very loyal people who are sort of re investment to the republic of serbia in previous 10 years increased by 30 times from the people's republic of china. the free trade agreement with the people's republic of china is the agreement that guarantees the future of the country people's republic of china that will enable for the $300.00 young citizens of silvia to study in the people's republic of china. 300 young serbs that will be able to the not only chinese language and certainly these things about chinese culture and work ethics. but they are going to be a bridge between the 2 countries. the so that y'all, finally, there's an exchange of views on a cordial and friendly atmosphere about the china, serbia relationship and other issues of mutual interest. we have reached a new important consensus. we jointly announce to build a china serbia,
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communities with a shared future and a new era which will open up a new chapter in the history of chinese, serbian relations. and john, 8 years ago, serbia became china's 1st comprehensive strategic partner. so in central and eastern europe though, the today, serbia becomes the 1st therapy in country to build a community with a shared future with china. now the matter that was also on the table was of the belt and wrote initiative proposed by china. this will essentially provide serbia with much needed projects and development with respect to infrastructure throughout the country. we're talking about we'll roads, railways, and fundamental infrastructure needed to, of course, turn it into a so essentially a trading help. and this is another matter of concern because we're taking into consideration trying this position in europe. we understand that china is currently serve us probably some months serve as largest foreign direct investment partners. this is something that has been welcome and something that is quite valuable for the serbian government. we also understand that the country in and of itself is
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a member account, attended a member to join the european union and in 2009. certainly initially proposed its bid and for the better part of more than a decade, the talks and discussions have been ongoing. but there's also been the matter of costs at all. and this is a matter of great concern for serving leadership because more than a decade after the discussion started a new european union especially proposed or forced of the chapter $35.00 of the over at agreements essentially demanding. we're asking, in a sense for serve you to recognize the cost of those independents. this is a matter that serbia leadership seems unacceptable. and as a result, china has offered it support for serve you with respect to its position, into european union, as well as the united nations. and this is a matter that the survey leadership about use, highly above many things above everything else. and there's also the matter that's the serving leadership is of course, grateful for china is position. and during the meeting between the 2 heads of states they issued their gratitude pursuant. aroma, yes,
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i'm grateful to presidency for very clear positions regarding kosovo and metal here and territorial integrity of the republic of serbia. i quote the presidency that the republic of serbia will have solid support of the people's republic of china regarding all the issues initiated within the united nations. despite the fact that we are often pushed and impressed by many most powerful nations, we are happy to have a friend like the people's republic of china. i said today to our great friend, president sheet, that sub you even being a small country. we're very courageously and bravely confront, attempts to revise historical memory and further pressures on the republic of serbia. and the resistance will be uncomfortably stronger than any one could imagine. joseph, i'm just your star, china support serbia and upholding it's independence and following the development path that suits its own conditions. china support serbia's efforts to safeguard sovereignty and territorial integrity on the costs of the issue. that in contrast
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to the european position, china is essentially offering serving leadership a win win strategy. here, we're talking about trade relations, bilateral relations, but also what matters relating to its position within the european blog kind of comparatively speaking, it does not necessarily mean that china does not have its own instead of expectations, but comparing it to the expectations set by the european union essentially matters that have been deemed unacceptable by survey and leadership. china's position and offer seems a lot more valuable at this time. and it comes at a time when the european block is considering applying further sanctions and terrace on cheap chinese products. this is an important step forward for china as well. when the chinese president egypt thing essentially met with french president and money in my crone, they discussed the need for one another. and the french president was quoted as saying that of france as well as the european block needs china, in a sense, it did not necessarily dismiss, trying this position and the need for china within europe. and by doing so,
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meeting with the french president, the european commission and meeting with serbian leadership today and following these european visits, the chinese present will meet with the hon, gary and leaders. and they will discuss what needs to be done to ensure that china can protect and strengthen is foothold in europe. the america is influence continues to wayne around the well is particularly in muslim majority countries, spouse, according to the 2024 democracy perception index. however, washington insists that his guidance is essential onto correspondence to the icon. gay takes a closer look at the decline and us popularity. the reputation of the united states has suffered globally between the spring of 2023 in the spring of 2024. this dropping positive attitude towards the u. s. is particularly stark. in the muslim majority countries surveyed as well as many european countries. 2024 democracy perception index. so you estimated global appears to be unraveling. the policy is
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the loan pulse of the world. i've seen some of the, it was financial crises, decisions, waves of unrest across africa, and the middle east, even my point of crises, call it to your political destruction, to something else. but at the center of it all is the united states. and amid the song of things falling apart, washington still insists it needs to be in charge. and even the countries that are complaining about what we're doing in any given moment or don't like a particular policy still want us. and as we look at it, there's a basic choice. we can continue to engage and we can continue to lead. or if we don't, we know one or 2 things that's going to have someone else will. and probably not in a way that advances are interested values, or maybe just as bad. no one will. and then you're almost guaranteed to have it back to you, so by bad things before, so by good things, and that will ultimately come back to bite us. meanwhile,
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in the back and forth back. so for influence, then you was calibrate to will need a survey examining global approval ratings. so is that to be sol superpower assess with age for end of this illusion missed the recent years. so we just call a middle because authority, as soon as the national lead has declined, not as a result of challenges, but i let international leaders, but as a consequence of washington's own decisions and actually take a lot, for example, with the state basically states. america doesn't practice what it preaches, lawmakers, they even start with a complaint to excel, so use some best of that. and then it's just a go there. it's really surprising home. erica always speaks about human rights, sovereignty and freedom of expression. when in reality does not apply those principles, every single decision made in the rocky parliament is a decision of the rocky nation. we do not allow any interference from this. i'm baset or, or any other for an official. if she wants to speak about human rights,
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she should talk about posting in children, women and men who are suffering from the is really american war on garza. and even before that, to be rocky prime minister said defunct, i want to do is forces all quickly and africa with the u. s. has been attempting to project military muscle, economy, cloud, and cultural interest. it's been the same side. and you see are amongst the countries that have toby, has ministry to pack up and the air force has asked the american defense that tashay to immediately stop american activities on the g co say air base. and we ask you to intercede with the appropriate authorities to inform the americans that we have taken the decision to stop their activity. so you'll often have to measure and government progress deserved the american government to deny the solver and measuring people the right to choose their partners and the types of partnerships capable of helping them to truly fight against terrorism. yes, the go moment of new year rejects the false allegations of the head of the american delegation to maintain that it has signed a secret agreement on uranium with this type of group public over run onto the
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cynical approach usually used to discredit them and ice and justify threats against states doesn't pass without recalling the example of the secondary rec war. indeed, the syrians and the entire international community still remembered the false evidence brandished by the american secretary of state, before the un security council to justify the american aggression against iraq chat . and you see a fall from being the only countries that want to hear is solved syria, as would be for the to come in to drive the american education forces from its territory. the syrians, defense ministry has even accused washington being involved with service. the area targeted by the us attacks and eastern syria is the same area where the syrian era barmy is fighting the remnants of the terrorist organization isis. this confirms that the united states and its military forces are involved in the line with this organization working to revive it as their field arm in syria and iraq through old dirty means. the occupation of us forces and parts of syrian territory cannot
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continue. many other reasons, washington is critics could name to make a case that the world would be better off without leadership. in this point, this was, it has led to its allies into the read that is extreme is i sit in and so on. and as this list shapes of what we get to and more difficult for washington to convince the world that it's due for the google benefits in one box, it's on the announced the latest on the ukraine conflicts the russian army has taken control of nova, catalina, and it'd be done yes, peoples of public move in to the front lines. the to the west and troops have liberated the town of kids. love got in the hawk of wage and on the boulder with new guns. but the defense industry is also reported launching a group strength of targeted military facilities in the a crane keeps on the last. the german made left the tank and moving a dozen on with vehicles in the fights. a russian soldiers constantly trading,
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even this they hold strategic military positions. troops was to last a tactical combat techniques needed in the offensive. the approach seems to contrast how ukraine is handling recruitment for the ongoing conflicts have officials us the right thing to arrest anyone. quote, film in the process, but even a prison sentence doesn't spat, ukrainian men from service has an estimated 11000 criminal cases have been closed. and those charged on mobilized all safe. marina caused her as a household. this house for us. and there is a desperate recruitment to live in crane. it seems, and they're doing edwards, and they can to get the manpower they need before a fresh batch of weapons from the west arrives. and this is one of their latest advertising campaigns, whether you liked it or not, you will have to fight. so pictures, fault, and your role and get go. but that's the message here. they think the by allowing soldiers to choose where they flies and the house will make them all come running.
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i guess they forget that we live during the time of social media were bad news travels fast. recruitment efforts have been hampered by reports about show to use of our munition claims of corruption incompetent combined as an inadequate training sweating of social media, as well as to luckily for front line troops. a proposal to allow soldiers to mobilize off to 36 months was dropped off to army chief fed too many experience troops would leave early next year. it's hardly surprising that they're struggling to recruit and resorts into the classic mobilization tactics. snacks and man off the streets and beaten them into submission. the
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accident reports of disabled and mentally ill people being forced to serve and some end up dead, like the person who was electrically kidnapped by ukrainian military recruitment officers and had an epileptic seizure wide after a sharp deterioration. and the soldiers health was accompanied by signs of an epileptic seizure. emergency medical assistance was immediately called before which military enlistment assistance was provided. the police officers who arrived at the call found biological dest, without signs of the physical impact, and another conscript who died after an epileptic seizure, while he was on the way to a trading center. now, the circumstances surrounding this death are still being investigated. now here's a group of people demanding to know where the recruitment officers took their relative. did you, you, did you did your show you a form or she was one of them was the con, the so look,
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i think the, some of the things the per year and there are dozens of videos like these. so it's only natural that ukrainian men are afraid. i'm not very confident about going into the trenches. the crate in military's reputation has been changed. it has to say the very least, and those will experience holes in the lives trying to save the amateurs. thousands of trained troops like alexander erie do agree to in the 21st separate, make a nice brigades have been fighting for the best part of 2 years without the proper rest. if we go home, he says, inexperienced soldiers might be able to hold the line against the russians, but a lot of them will die. some already wondering whether it's time to let go of dun boss instead of a hold it on and run the risk of there being no one left to defend the rest of the
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country, which would not liberty. yeah, it's obviously unpleasant, painful offensive. and no one wants to leave any settlements, but at the same time, we should not consider it unknown to notify launch military units or in time formations or an entire army in the future in order to keep some territories. those who didn't want to fly to select the country, but they too are now subject to the fresh draft as part of the craze mobilization overall. how it looks like now. a man of conscription age went abroad, showed his state, but he does not care about its survival and then comes and wants to receive. some is from the state. it does not work this way. our country is at war houses like poland to lift the way i have already promised key of that. they'll send back any mail ukrainian refugees of military age. so it's on clear how they're planning to do that. exactly. all the countries, however, like hungary, have a more humane opinion on the matter and refuse to back down hungry will not extradited, creating refugees. we're not can see.


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