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tv   News  RT  May 8, 2024 11:00am-11:30am EDT

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the the, the russian army gains ground on the front line while you brings conscription method slip, people scratching their heads and 11000 convict self facing moving eyes ation also ahead chinese. and so the leaders may think, rings for the full results with me to an investment, a free trade agreement on student exchange opportunities for hundreds of people on the horizon resources. so i want to think presidency for listening to me. the iron clad friendship between serbia and china will never be broken by anyone. we are very loyal to you for always standing by serbia. when we faced hardships
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fairly actually, 8 years ago, serbia became china is 1st comprehensive, strategic partner in central and eastern europe. today. certainly it becomes the 1st european country to build a community with a shared future little china publisher. over the past decade, our economic union has established itself as one of the independent and self sufficient centers of the emerging multi total. well, the russian president vladimir putin hosts well leaders at the 10th year raising economic union so much in most go on from the 1st official international meeting since his presidential integration master has then it kind of say this with flooring gets quite a bit 19 vaccine from the markets due to come, the actual reason that's off to the pharmaceutical giants, reportedly admitted that the job made for a good life threatening side of the
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the is very welcome to you. this is on. so you international with the latest wells news out date is great. to have you with us this hour, or we start with the latest on the ukraine conflicts the russian army has taken control of another container. but in the doing, he has peoples or public moving the front lines the to the west and troops have liberated the town of kids, loved god, and the hall called the region on the buddha, with new guns. now the defense ministry has also reported launching a group strike the targeted military facilities in ukraine cubes. army lost a german, made less, a tompkins, more than a dozen on the vehicles in the fighting. well, russian soldiers are constantly trained and even if they hold strategic military positions, troops work to most the time to cool combat techniques needed in the sense of the approach seems to contrast how ukraine is handling recruitment for the ongoing conflicts have officials on the right thing to arrest anyone, quotes,
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filming the process of but even at present centers business fast, you created men from service as an estimate. at $11000.00 criminal cases have been paused and those charged on mobilized ortiz marine a cause or if it has the days have. and there is a desperate recruitment to live in ukraine. it seems, and they're doing everything they can to get the manpower they need before a fresh batch of weapons from the west arrives. and this is one of their latest advertising campaigns, whether you liked it or not, you will have to fight. so pictures, fault and your role and get go they, that's the message here. they things up by allowing soldiers to choose where they slides and the how will make them all come running? well, i guess they forget that we live during the time of social media. were bad news travels fast. recruitment efforts have been hampered by reports about show to use of our munition claims of corruption incompetent combined as an inadequate training
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flooding of social media. as well as the lack of leave for front line troops, a proposal to allow soldiers to mobilize off to 36 months was dropped off the army chief sped too many experience troops would leave early next year. it's hardly surprising that the struggling civic fruits and resorts into the classic mobilization tactics, snacks and man off the streets and beaten them into submission. the accidents, reports of disabled and mentally ill. people being forced to serve and some end up dead, like the person who was electrically kidnapped by ukrainian military recruitment officers and had an epileptic seizure wide after a sharp deterioration. and the soldiers health was accompanied by signs of an
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epileptic seizure. emergency medical assistance was immediately called before which military enlistment assistance was provided. the police officers who arrived at the call found biological dest, without signs, as a physical impact, and another called script who died after an epileptic seizure, while he was on the way to a training center. now, the circumstances surrounding this death are still being investigated. now here's a group of people demanding to know where the recruitment officers took their relative yorkie to a former she was one of them was the con, the so look, i think the, some of the things the 3rd year and there are dozens of videos like these so it's only natural that ukrainian men are afraid. i'm not very confident about going into the trenches. the
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crate in military reputation has been changed. it has to say the very least. and those with experience holding the lines, trying to save the amateurs, thousands of trained troops like all looks under irregular upgrade to in the 21st separate make a nice brigade have been fighting for the best part of 2 years without the proper rest. if we go home, he says, inexperienced soldiers might be able to hold the line against the russians, but a lot of them will die. some already wondering whether it's time to let go of done boss instead of a holding on and running the risk of there being no one left to defend the rest of the country, which would not liberty yet. it's obviously unpleasant, painful, offensive. and no one wants to leave any settlements, but at the same time, we should not consider it unknown to notify launch military units or in time formations or an entire army in the future in order to keep some territories. those
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who didn't want to fly to select the country, but they too are now subject to the fresh draft as part of the craze mobilization overall. how it looks like now. a man of conscription age went abroad, showed his state, but he does not care about its survival and then comes and wants to receive. some is from the state. it does not work this way. our country is at war was like poland, the lithuanians have already promised cube that. they'll send back any mail ukrainian refugees of military age. so it's on clear how they're planning to do that. exactly. all the countries, however, like hungary, have a more humane opinion on the matter and refuse to back down hungry will not extradited creating refugees. we're not considering if a green diem, some soldiers are not on the base. supplementary commodity will not allow them to be sent to their deaths. and there you have it's more western weapons on the way, but the crane is still desperate for boots on the ground resorts into dubious
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recruitment methods, which sometimes end up what's called scripts that before even making it to the front line versus circle of bad p r. which only increases that ukrainian death, so as us military is rapidly retreating and depleting all the rest of the offensive shows no signs of slowing down the gentleman, the prosecutor's office has come. so the investigation of a talked german air force officer and leaked audio recording. several jim in service men could be heard in the audio discussing sending tours missiles to ukraine on the possibility to destroy a bridge and try me in the prosecutor's office has said no evidence of an intentional action exists. the investigation was stopped because there was no initial suspicion that would justify starting an investigation. in particular, there was no evidence of intentional action on the part of the accused. any carelessness would possibly be relevant for disciplinary purposes, but it's not punishable as negligent action. let's get more details on this. one
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more correspond to the mama each are doing the meanest studio many thanks for coming in. so i would just bring this up to speed on the latest on this story, please. now because the public prosecutor's office essentially closed the investigation now is set in the hands of the german defense ministry. but it looks like they're also finding problems and difficulties when it comes to dealing with this case. because i want to have actions must be taken and the accused must deal with some sort of consequences because that lead could at least be seen as some sort of violation of official secret that could fall under the military criminal law. and in the worst case scenario, there would be a reduction in rank, this honorable dismissal or salary cuts. so either way, there is always a room for illegal actions here, but it looks like the german defense ministry is taking its time when it comes to this case. i mean the german defense, but as to himself said that too much punishment would be to play in to put his head,
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but then too little would cause out price. but just to remind you of what happened though in march of 2024, a old joe of a conversation between uh durham and officers in the air force the german air force was leaked. and in that or do they were constantly talking about what areas, what locations in russia they could strike well. and one of those locations was also civilian infrastructure, which is the pride, me in bridge. but let's hear it from the german officers themselves. and also this, i came to the conclusion that there are 2 interesting targets the bridge in the east and the munition depots above the bridge. and the east is hard to reach. it's a rather small target, but the tours can do with the ammunition. depos can also be hit if we consider the bridge, i don't think taurus is enough and we need to have an idea of how with mike work
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and for that we need satellite data. i don't know if we can train the ukrainians for such a task in a short time and we are talking about a month the what, what a torres attack on the bridge look like. it's from an operational perspective. i can't estimate how quickly the ukrainians will be able to learn how to plan such an action and how quickly integration will occur. but since we are talking about the bridge and the military bases, i understand they want to get them as soon as possible. is dropbox, not kind of us? yeah. hot. it doesn't matter. we need to ensure that from the very beginning, there is no mention that would make us top of the conflict mind. i'm exaggerating a bit, but if we tell the minister now that we plan meetings and we'll drive by call from poland, so that no one notices that's already participation and we want to do that. now, driven officials did uh confirm the authenticity of the audio later on and they did
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say that it was indeed intercepted and then an investigation is ongoing. the german chancellor himself even called the leak a very serious matter and pledge to ask for that to be investigated. very carefully, but yet here we are now with some sort of salt investigation on the middle, the, as well as being the response from russia. of course, the kremlin responded to the leak and the kremlin spokesman. and dmitri best call said that this is proof of the west hostile policy towards russia. the russian foreign minister, sir gala rob, also uh, talked about this week. and he stated, the german officials are not surprised about the what the conversation was about. what the topic of the conversation was, but they were surprised more so that such a secure line of communication would be not so secure after all. but let's don't deeper into that and hear more comments from the russian foreign ministry. some folks would go through to verify that the german weapons in terms specialist who
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maintained these weapons were being prepared, as well as an attack on russia, including the crimea and preaching emanation depos, as the discussed among themselves, was not surprising for them. they were just concerned about how secure communication network wasn't so secure, and that says a lot of them as a found the right word to legalize. you feel like in the public sphere, at the very idea of sending ground troops of individual native countries are talking about individual nato countries. since you were at the moment 1000000000, i'd be as i'm not what you think, but is obliged to answer the questions you have. what was presented to the world community shows the long time and implant and intention of we make 2 countries, germany to carry out military operations against russia. it was late 3 described step by step, how terrorist attacks on the civilian infrastructure would be carried out. and the speakers were clearly aware that they were discussing the bombing of a civilian crime in bridge. now russia has stated that it was looking forward to learn about the results from the probing to the incident. i mean,
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we know it's no secret that if this was the other way around, if it was russian officers that somehow had a conversation leaked where they were talking about attacking civilian for structuring the was that would be a completely different conversation. so now it seems the german officials are essentially turning a blind eye to this and they're not really comprehending the severity of the situation and a mom. any thanks for coming in with the dates as appreciative of the friendship between serbia and china is i am in class. that's how president alexander viewed chips. on the recent bilateral talks in belgrade, where the chinese presidents, jadrien pink, received a very warm welcome for the trumpet. this was of interest to me. i am glad friendship between sub you have in china will never be broken up by anyone. we are very loyal people, investment to the republic of serbia in previous 10 years increased by 30 times from the people's republic of china. the free trade agreement with the people's
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republic of china is the agreement that guarantees the future of the country. people's republic of china will enable for the $300.00 young citizens of sylvia to study in the people's republic of china, $300.00 young subs that will be able to the not only chinese language. and so many things about chinese culture and work ethics. but they are going to be a bridge between our 2 countries. so that y'all, finally, there's an exchange of views and a cordial and friendly atmosphere about the china, serbia relationship and other issues of mutual interest. we have reached the new important consensus. we jointly announced a bill to china, serbia community with a shared future and a new era which will open up a new chapter in the history of chinese, serbian relations. and john, 8 years ago, serbia became china's 1st comprehensive strategic partner in central and eastern europe. and though the today, serbia becomes the 1st european country to build a community with a shared future with china, of the 2 heads of states,
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serbia and china essentially convened in belgrade to discuss an array of topics including trade relations as well as education. but another matter that was also on the table was the built in road initiative proposed by china. this will essentially provide serbia with much needed projects and development with respect to infrastructure throughout the country. we're talking about will roads, railways, and fundamental infrastructure needed you to, of course, turn it into so essentially a trade in how we understand that china is currently serviced, at least among serbia's largest foreign direct investment partners. this is something that has been welcomed and something that is quite valuable for the serbian government. there's also been the matter of costs at all. and this is a matter of great concern for certainly leadership because more than a decade after the discussion started a new european union especially propose a force of the chapter 35 of the overt agreements essentially demanding. we're asking, in a sense for survey to recognize customers independence. this is
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a matter that sort of your leadership team's unacceptable. and as a result, china has offered good support for, for serve you with respect to its position, into european union as well as the united nations. and this is a matter that the survey leadership values highly upset. i am grateful to president chief of very clear positions regarding kosovo and metal here and territorial integrity of the republic of serbia. i quote the presidency that the republic of serbia will have solid support of the people's republic of china regarding all the issues initiated within the united nations. despite the fact that we are often pushed and impressed by many most powerful nations, we are happy to have a friend like the people's republic of china. as i said today, to our great friends presidency, that's the even being a small country. we're very courageously and bravely confront attempts to revise historical memory and further pressures on the republic of serbia, and that all resistance will be uncomfortably stronger than any one could imagine.
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giovanni gestures are china, support serbia, and upholding its independence and following the development path that suits its own conditions. china supports serbia's efforts to safeguard sovereignty and territorial integrity on the costs of the issue. in contrast to the european position, china is essentially offering serving leadership a win win strategy. here, we're talking about trade relations, bilateral relations, but also what matters relating to its position within the european blog. and the comparatively speaking, it does not necessarily mean that china does not have its own set of expectations. but comparing it to the expectations set by the european union, essentially matters that have been acceptable by survey and leadership. china's position and offer seems a lot more valuable at this time. and it comes at a time when the european block is considering applying further sanctions and terrace on cheap chinese products. this is an important step forward for china as well. when the chinese president egypt thing essentially met with french president
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and money in my cross, they discussed the need for one another and the french present. it was quoted as saying that of friends as well as their european block needs china, in a sense that did not necessarily dismiss, trying this position in the need for china within europe. and by doing so, meeting with the french president, the european commission and meeting with serbian leadership today and following these european visit. the chinese present will meet with the hon, gary and leaders. and they will discuss what needs to be done to ensure that china can protect and strengthen is foothold in europe. the u. k. based pharmaceutical joins. astrazeneca was made in scandal 3 years ago. i for his corona virus, maxine and now it's back in the headlines. the company is with drawer and gets coated 19 job worldwide, as we use weeks off to rated missed the short can cause wet and dangerous side effects. what else does that a good claims that stock state is being removed from the market for commercial reasons. as multiple marianne cove of 19 vaccines have since been developed,
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there's a surplus of available updated vaccines. this has led to a decline in demand for vectors every uh, which is no longer being manufactured or supplied. astrazeneca has therefore, taken the decision to initiate the withdrawal of the marketing authorizations for rex. every of was in europe. you know, those 2 days would have been 0 d, v d. yeah. so the guy isn't a guy anywhere in the newspapers or what the internet, but let me tell you the side effects related to astrazeneca is not something which is new. remembered 2021. the vaccine was banned in several countries in the european union. also in india is neighboring style and also they were complains they were cases, registered a lot floor by the vaccine was at, but instead, but now last is anika, which is me by research as adults with university in the u. k. it is that in line life afterward admitted in the course of the u. k, that it's vaccine can in fact have some rare side effects. blood clots,
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also new police police count. and the south shorter class action lawsuit was filed against the vaccine. saying that if he's 51 people and they had severe injuries for the died because of the administration of the sexy and i was on a golf course. saw the have for me to find to be that the vaccine have schools this rare side effects. it is admitted that the estrogenic vaccine can, in the very rare cases, caused thrombosis was thrombus of the p, a syndrome. the causal mechanism is not known. so officer off, cuz then it goes to the mission of fall the disease. good thing is also the indian for to soon after the call, the go, i had received the same last scene, susanna todd, but of course, in india, the vaccine was administered under a different name. police use the same vaccine after the manufacturer of york by the 6 minister due to india information,
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and it was administered to around 80 percent of the population around 800000000 people in india. i received the last thing i do remember coming up on demick and this i think would last seen drive. and i do remember several people coming to me and telling me about their family members having the laptop problem and not many of them have actually called bogs, from which fully not everyone vendor has the means to take the route. but the indian governments, the health ministry did set up a committee, a committee that looked into and worse effects both immunization and what the committee essentially found was that around 0.006 percent of the people only who receives the vaccine did have the adverse effects false immunization box. there was also report so $26.00 desks in india. now why all of these reports were
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with the world health organization? they continue to maintain that the waxy eats benefits outweigh the risk. and at the point of doing the funds that makes the world be needed vaccines. what astrazeneca seeing use that it's reasons to withdrawal the vaccine, the back, the market authorization, not just from the european union, but also from across the world. he's not related to the lawsuit which has been filed against the company. and that is purely coincidental for the big off div from the world of health. call it acknowledgement and mission, or even you to on, if you, me by astrazeneca i have left millions around the world wide. economic integration on the world's largest continent is a success bounce according to the russian president vladimir putin. as he hosted the tennessee ration, he can nomic union summit in moscow in the shade straight you see to lead to over
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the past decade, our economic union has established itself as one of the independent and self sufficient centers of the emerging multi pulled a well the origin union today is an effective and dynamically integrated framework, the activities of which contribute to the growth of trade and investment exchanges . the intensification of business contacts and the expansion of co operative ties. the economic indicators speak for themselves. in 10 years, the total gdp of the ration union state has increased to $2.00 trillion dollars. tre, turnover with the countries has grown by 60 percent, and the volume of mutual trade has almost doubled. more over, more than 90 percent of payments are already carried out to national currencies. let us get more details on this. this costs live to all correspondence donald casa, now, don't get to see you. so the russian president has given his opening remarks. well, can you tell us about the meeting as well? that's right, nikki, as you said,
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a russian president vladimir putin is just wrapped up his opening remarks at this meeting of the supreme council of the your asian economic union, which is the 1st official meeting actually that the russian president has attended since his an operation yesterday he kept his speech quite brief, but he placed the special emphasis on the fact that the ration economic unions aim is to base itself on mutual respect. and when, when cooperation as well as deepening cooperation across all spear, specifically those of strategic importance now put and also explains why this meeting specifically is so important because it's actually the 10th anniversary of the foundation of the ration economic union. and over this decade, the collective g d, p of this economic block has increased by a whopping 9 trillion dollars on top of that, the trade to turn over between this economic block and 3rd countries has increased by 60 percent. so these are some seriously impressive achievements that have been
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made over these years. the presidents of member states bella roost cargo, stan and tacket catholic stan are all here to mark the occasion as well as well as the armenian prime minister who is actually chairing this meeting. so, and on top of that, we've also seen a invitation sent to the president of cuba and is becca stand as observers to this event. so this is really something that is of serious importance all across the multiple world. though in many things, britain is up to speed that some correspondence on the course of keeping on things . how many, thanks for joining us, this wednesday of next season. lavelle with the latest episode of cross to kendall with a dock with more news in about 30 minutes months from now the the, the,
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the beauty of the story, the luck of the other on the board or storing yourself originally, you spoke to the senior boy mean you will not show any of the gentle facility based in yet periods, which are likely to escape photos than any village industry to look at the ground up steel bundle ski at the at the site. the goal at the smith looked at the new. yeah, that is that satellite is leveled and everything is as see it says that brady, this firm with year of experience of but that will say in nearest the blue bush and you said 90 percent of the time is a budget. so be to pay today. it's nice because you have to just cash the senior. the
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russian state never is as tight as i'm sort of the most sense community best most i'll send send the in the system to progress. be the one else calls question about this, even though we will then in the european union, the kremlin mission, the state on the russians today, and split the ortiz full neck, even our video agency, roughly all the band on youtube tv services. for what question did you say a request which is the or the
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last one i would show same wrong just don't you have to shave house because after kids and engagement equals the trails when so many find themselves worlds of parts, we choose to look so common ground the everybody, advert sanchez, and these are the stories that you need to know about today. mike johnson does an interview where he sounds you almost side of insane. meanwhile,
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a very saying us conservative congressman says it is wrong to police spot and how a dead puppy. yes, a dead puppy has become the most important story in america. i'm rick sanchez. this is direct impact. let's do it the . all right, so here we go. uh, congress has passed the law 320 to 91 different bid anti semitism in the united states. let me clear. really clear. i think. yeah, the semitism is deplorable. i also think racism is the horrible. i think, hating indians is deplorable. heating russians or mexicans, is the terrible it's wrong. but when you pass the law telling me what i'm.


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