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tv   Direct Impact  RT  May 8, 2024 11:30am-12:01pm EDT

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meanwhile, a very sane us conservative congressman says it is wrong, the police thought and how a dead puppy. yes, a dead puppy has become the most important story in america. i'm rick sanchez. this is direct impact. let's do it the . all right, so here we go. congress has passed the law 320 to 91 different bid anti semitism in the united states. let me make clear, really clear. i think. yeah, the semitism is deplorable. i also think racism is the horrible. i think, hating indians is deplorable. heating russians, or mexicans, is the terrible it's wrong. but when you pass the law telling me what i'm not allowed to like, aren't you also telling me what i have to like?
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isn't that really the same thing? passing a law that says you're not allowed to hate something. if think about that, think about that for a minute. as you listen to this guy right here, i'm going to play and for you, there's a guy, he's a republican congressman, his name is chip, roy. conservative dude, don't always agree with them. i do here. he also does not agree with his colleagues in congress, the ones who just passed the anti semitism long yet again today on the floor of the house of representatives, we had another so vote to make people feel good about themselves by passing a bill that says the anti semitism at the time when we want to insert the government into what you're thinking and what motivates you, your empowering that which should never be empowered. the ability of the government to believe, thought dubois speech. 2 boys, your views,
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the not the views the carry out, then the actions i gotta tell you, he is a 150 percent. correct. the idea that any government would pass a law, i'm telling you what you're allowed to think. that's like practical law that says you're not allowed to be stupid or you're not allowed to like the color blue more disliked the color red. that's crazy. once you start going there, can you really call yourself a democracy? i mean, pardon me for getting worked up about this, but i mean, we're really treading on some dangerous turf right now. by the way, they didn't listen to him. they passed the measure $320.00 to $91.00 and now goes to the senate and then it goes to the president. you're going to guarantee the sentence, gonna pass it and you know, damn well sure that the president of the united states is going to pass this as well. since it's basically his, his rhetoric, everything he's been saying, to try to get re elected. let me bring my colleague manila in here. when you hear
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chip roy, say these, you can't police stop, isn't me right. what do you say? yeah, he's absolutely right rick. i mean we talked about this the other day, right? but you cannot legislate out how somebody feels you can't place laws to make anybody like or dislike. yeah. hate or love you can do that. but more importantly, we have a constitution here in the united states. i know they don't have that in, in the much of europe, like in the u. k. but we have a constitution. the 1st amendment right secures that for us to like, and a spouse what we like. and more importantly, a spouse is what we hate. and this is what congress or at least the lower chamber is trying to impede on. last time i checked, it's called the 1st amendment, and there's a reason. it's 1st, it's not the 2nd amendment. it's not the 3rd amendment. it's a very 1st thing that the people found in the united states of america decided to put at the very front of the constitution. they said,
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this is the most important thing. congress shall pass. no law, in fact, is what they wrote. by the way, believe it or not, we now have a congress that's led by some guy named mike johnson, who says, just the opposite of what you and i are talking about. he's saying the only reason people are protesting and that we need to get rid of these people and the rest of them is because they hate the jewish faith. let's listen. this is not who we are as americans. this is not an expression of the 1st amendment. this isn't an exchange of ideas, this is, this is threats and intimidation of violence against the jewish students for who they are for, for their faith. and that's a terrible trend that's going on in the country right now. by the way, one of the reasons that is so ridiculous is they have found that there are as many jewish students, protesting as there are no non jewish students in many of these protests. so to say that these people are only protesting because they like jews doesn't make any sense . if you consider that some of the protesters are jews themselves. point to most of
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these people are protesting the foreign power, think of a nation called israel, which has nothing to do with people's religions. but before i go to human ella, i want you to hear this next one. here's mike johnson. now he's asked, and by the way, yesterday i think on this newscast i was blasting cnn for some of the stupid things that they do and have done here. you know what, i'm giving them props. this is an interview. he sat down and did with cnn, and they actually ask them some pretty tough questions. here, mike johnson as asked why they should be, what, why these people who are protesting should be expelled or arrested if all their chan thing is. we palestine listen to his response. the main thing they were chanting was free palestine. how is that anti semitic? well, what's anti semitic is that how mos endorsed this protest today. living within the last 2 hours, they issued an endorsement statement and harold did the students here and said
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these, this is the next generation of leadership in america. if you're getting endorsed by how mos, that's not a good luck, it's not a good science. some of these students apparently are unaware of the atrocities of october 7th, where they're denied. they denied that women and children are brutally raped and murdered, that infants were placed in the ovens and cooked a live manila to wreck. i mean, i mean, in his statement there was peppered with false hood. it's like the whole big headed babies. the babies cooked in ovens, you know, like, like some, some grim grimm's fairy tales. right? like this is, this is exactly what my johnson is espousing. and this is the speaker of the house . again this to your point, use that incorrectly. a huge number of the people protests protesting and saying free palestine. first of all, it is their 1st amendment, right to say what ever the hell it is that they want to say number one, number 2,
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a lot of them are jewish. people themselves on that side of the argument, any real time when the name of the, of the drum, the drum know, can be wrong. you can what trump you can think from so many of you can like that and you can find it is an idiot. that's where we start passing laws. say, no, you can, you've got to like this guy, you've got to hate that guy. oh, my goodness or new trouble, right. what mike, mike johnson is on the ropes and the only people saving his hide are the democrats . and as we know, the democrats are very much so backed by a pack. and the atl and other groups that are very, very pro zionist. so you know, if you, you gotta make sure that you keep your gamble, then you better make those people happy. and what's happening is the democrat party are the ones that have said, so they are saving him from getting expelled from being house speaker. let me let me get to see these others and then we'll get to the next comment. but up,
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johnson has asked about the 324-0000 dead palestinians, including the 15000 or so children, and the journalists and the aid workers that have been killed to which she responds . there had been civilians murdered, but that is not the fault of israel is the fault of the terrorist, the loss operators and soldiers. the tear is to have use these people and put them into harm's way. israel i'm convince is doing its very best to prevent civilian casualties, but this is a war and their finding for their very existence. and they are not the aggressors. it is the other side. some of the people here seem not to understand that. and i, i think that's a real problem. we can debate the merits of all these things. but what they're doing here is intimidating jewish students. that's the thing that is so problem that so it's about a city is, are basically deserved to be killed and everything they're doing is because they want to be killed. this is amazing. let's go to the next one. when johnson is told, not a single jewish person has been physically harmed, injured,
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or attacked. during those the disturbances in columbia, he says it's not about them physically being attacked. it's about their emotional wellbeing. here it is, you have to speak to these jewish students who are in figure their lives were carrying in their apartments right now who are not coming to class. in fact, the administration recognize the threat with so great they canceled classes. now they've come out with the what we interrupt this program to take. you live it to the russian president. as we know, president pearson is chairing the economic b. it tends to your ration economic union summit in moscow earlier, we heard his opening speech less listening live now to see what he has to say, a sparrow. what do you mean? yeah, cuz that means that only me funny to cosign even the ones on this hasn't been very effective encountering the legitimate, the sanctions by the end of the mattress, which you haven't shaking the foundations of international trade as well. we are
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constantly, fine to name was one of the mechanisms of the used and i mentioned that which allows us to develop dynamically or global despite some of the crisis phenomena. i said we're seeing and in the global the economy has been, you know, we have achieved the concrete results, were done up in ensuring a favorable investment climate security. so in a few countries give us a little this was helped by joining decisions on the protect the gutter, into businesses, movies and the temper knows the rights of yeah. but it, using it for them, we send the guy did a and then put the senior, you have successfully helpful and you just go through that and you do that as we strengthen us over and see just was at both comically, after the, technologically to the last year at the initiative of the russian presidency, looking on a mechanism for you to a finance interest. lima. the research intensive project was launched to create the meetings from the roses. for you countries of are you able to use come saves you these me and that would you look great focus has been that was doing the
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consistently placed on food security. it is the most developing the agro industrial complex about states which appears now through coming efforts. some of these have been able to and that was members and show in dependent supply of food products and a vital use what types of agricultural products on the domestic market. certainly most of the country suite it to ask for pick where depending on the size in transport and logistics of you, it was that you met with a good race of it. let me know that it was, i mean it's not my goal of growth and the shipments what it really showing you, which has certainly been helps. and that the, for the expansion of capacity at the border crossing points with these 2, which is really good for you. but of this board was today when you the coordinated it was a given way to treat like a common transport system that has been successful. and the look at you to really see that the north and south international court door for the new electrics to them
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is ensuring the flow of goods from a countries to persian gulf and indian motion is up to the ports. to me it is important, but you need to make sure that it transport and infrastructure of the products. you can just use the state of the a key. usually when you control it was that person to have the qualities available to track the safety and security of cargoes that we're using. the, not the only technology is available for me and city and for lead issuing digital consignments notes and other kinds of documentation for the audi q digitalization has been the priorities beyond the integration agenda. increments will may cease to the 8 you is developing a common digital system you accumulate and hold on the ease of data on if you took enrollment activity and foreign trade in the me, the unified standard signal data exchange being devised and implemented previously coordinated rules for digital comment, sewage, these not being put into effect on the premium mix,
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celebrating the business processes, and we're making them the same, the more safe and effective. and we're going to be helped by mutual recognition of moving you some electronic signatures. and i will union provide you countries that was issued to a cause, a few cities measures to protect the environment. you just end up fight, climate change. you and your experience definitely has also been relevant to it. but we'll definitely issue a new we have a started elaborating joint approaches significantly to sell the most pressuring industries in this area to, to feel as colleagues in pc games is as i have underscore time. and again, to go to and the, the ration economic union encourage. and the integration agenda is a little, have been attracting to this new stakeholders. it's much about new international class, you know, sort of many international group need a potties into this group to do that. like nation states and regional entities such as a seals the subsidies, the commonwealth of independent states, the shanghai corporation, organization, and the association of south to the south. if you didn't see in the eastern states,
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that would be what you would have for you all could do in the past. this point of view for less and trade partnerships are blooming at the end of the trade agreement, the width of the china is want examples of what you need. you're gonna use integration processes that you need so that you can always have been linked with a b on this throat, and the bill is initially reduced with w i. c, it'd be either on a visa, iran. yep. um. so let's also countries a little bit between what size of being expanded to columns from the there's some great, you know, we can potentially have, you know, working with indonesia and the you, you will use symbols. this is in your book, got thrown in for that issue and your we have prepared a draft for this session. but even though that was the luxury of this month, which was a concluding, temporary trade agreement with the ongoing. yes, yes ma'am. which is closely linked with a new country suite you can reach the country, enjoys good neighbor, ship them for the state, and the close trade contact as much. i mean, we also have a number of other decisions in our agenda. so this anniversary meeting of the
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supreme you to gratian economic council. so it is not just a time students taking strong share of the work done openly that kate will define. also in a concrete step to deepen our corporation further, which it won't get me. i particularly last year in st. petersburg. i mean, we outlined prospect until 2030 and until 2045 going out to that's what it could be, but we've adopted a declaration product which is now being fleshed out. so do you sure. i don't think practical arrangements just include this in conclusion, i would like to think all those participating in this meeting for even these 3 that supports you as we troll corporation. i'm sure that's what you found coordinated efforts. what it would allow us to do is go say, reach you hines, are in the work, the ration economic union is slower and that means the menu help individual states . now look at the floor to prime minister of on media. i think of pushing out and see that who will be the let me just go say your chair of this meeting as the
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president of the reason of the council this year, this one. thank you with the gods. who was our next president think he's had some delegation set. this was a happy to welcome you here. as of the 1st meeting of the supreme duration economic council. this year is not the 1st of all, i'd like to express my gratitude to russia for the splendid organization of the events that is i also welcome to the i had so few states and invited associated with concise privacy. with this, as soon as we already noted this meeting, be new, but be sign your boss is to go through my other with the students, the mocking the 10th anniversary, a is of the signing of the you try and st is can awesome out. i just click on this draws as good as the reason you reason you cannot make union that has become just number e and then pulled into platform. and just for the can only cooperation by not enough to tween member state bozza is the regulatory framework. the use is taking shape of
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this and this process and because we're still underway, economy, but it's far from being completed. the task of this process is guided by my senior economic logic fucking out of by mutual respects between posit countries, a 3 chairs looking full, constructive solutions in which corresponds to the interests of every states. this is the only way forward and the only way to state effective that not so we consider it necessary to focus on efforts to, to tell them that click on the on because that has to be to factoring in the social economic priorities of states as done is to ensure development russell, so it was published, we must permit on businesses and assets that say that's uh helped they've got their wellbeing and was very more testing prosperity was. i'm and to boost national economy, destiny buses and the up their colleagues. this keep you mind going back to the agenda for shifts than those i, i must noticed,
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but i'm in the process of being so using the cc me and me performing a common market city with the unified to energy regulations on us by pneumonia. my most surprising has become rather lengthy, is small to sort of leaves us our media, who understands the middle of the factors involved and emphasize store done the upsets and pushing the deadlines forward. this process can not make as of an endless this week. and so that's not mutually howard, is to be reasonable. got the timeframe, excuse me. we have new to do some simple times. the media is ready to engage in dialogue, trying to reach a consensus, but also on the outstanding issues from sonya other line. yeah. and they look for it and they'll get to school to insure yes, a properly functioning d u energy markets. so the new problem, we placed special importance on creating what the legal framework, se ensuring of my trade in economic interests to move on to printers. with them
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come from all of our countries. let me send this context a little and i think it is important that we have signed douglas with us from explaining to a treaty on vietnam. and electronic exchange of information will be able to, in your countries and see if not on the new, which will allow us to spend a tray of about positive or get the comment. armenia, also some quotes to the definition of the impact your documents back to know the vice, the providing a start, and congratulations with them at another time and go there. such as an important agent. ponder bonds that are seeing a federal disagreement. will that give us new opportunities to expand the trade to can only control peroration or interaction with colleagues to develop into the transport infrastructure about them will boost, but i'm afraid to turn over the rest of us not have between countries in the privates. his hat and disregard me, i would like to know to because of the project. so you've got to think you have
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a lead so so i will trust rhodes. legacy skills for promoted by media names to create logistical conditions. it looks to me to promote to so i'm afraid and economic ties between countries. important thing is based on mutual respect for software and c, test the body and the relevant jurisdictions. because of the senior matress to assuming their power to the prices of the army inside has consistently advocated to go shopping. tip of for, invest over the, adhering to the fundamental principles of most the you treat this and is up to me ready to cooperate, to meet with the member states, to loop them in the interest economies of our commons. economic. it was a corporation and developed by to be the thank you for your attention, and i would like to give the full to the president of others, alexander percussion, was that my colleagues trust me to not sure this is done. you participants support
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them or so, but at least with the worst of we have met today to get us view to the ability to take stock slaves of the development of the region. you cannot make union for them up of the last decade and the 2 doesn't perform determine the full max. i can put some of our integration to beautiful the future price for the 1st decade. here's this has been the frontier, secure solutions possible with that. and it's a good result. so that's a strategic we have started implementing the, the 2025 strategy whom of course, and the measures that we have taken. we have a deductible contributed to expanding the trade between the countries bureaus so, so spaced on the results of 2023. we saw a growth of books, almost 105 percent loose, which is about $90000000000.00 in absolute terms. this is the growth that i'm talking about for you. so for me, and this is despite or be assisting complex situation in global markets funding,
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most importantly we've uterus planned. you really to, to listen to hold to misleading and yeah, but you, because neither gdp has to be moved, growth nor real income growth would be possible if we were separated to double. if we weren't together, we really need to a silly business. so little good hope everyone will be able to keep the sovereignty briefly weren't to get the place to mention your style. there are still many challenges in the process of integrations to illustrate trustworthy to me, i will give a few telling examples for some capacity from the meantime, committee for a new phyllis finance we adopted a fundamental decision, lost the opportunity to support industrial corporations to view as we are to list these despite the efforts we haven't seen significant activity from businesses start up with a will for some soon. i'd like to know to once again, not working on the sections. pressure specifically requires you to this from the
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quick cause of a casual decision for you, for your leaders of your dissipating countries. need you to mostly take such decisions and the core data is leaders through the designs. deleted the sessions. i'm not always implemented here quickly enough, so you'd like to draw your attention, right? so let's move on to the fact that this looking slower speed for the reflection on the financial to, to form and so to inquire enterprises future and the leads. so trust them to move wouldn't be for a great competition from other countries. considering the mechanism, we need to support industrial cooperation like the us, the commission to reduce be involved in this work more closely. i'm to organize cooperation between industries. you need to send the involving business associations, send the government from kansas city, which is probably you, would you really, you moment that have to be a significant allocation to least to promote that these project time. they need to be used efficiently and government center commit. and the commission are
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responsible for this, this goes above next. we have most of them show up on them system right. much to be on top of that access to state procurement was which for to skip this are market of the both button $200000000000.00 lawn to for knows as the supply that zip is low points to the market with goods and services to be able to control the market since, you know, probably, and they determine the way to dispute the channels to solve procurement. if we are in charge, we may do, ma'am, is to ensure the proper access to the stores. we come in those areas where you products can be of a good source social system noted. so before governance needs are on this to limit just reflect. there is still protection is missing, place is to market is not protected from the country is supposed to be of which account for about not from 2 thirds of the waters of ritual mentioned in our union
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. i'm not sure what sales but from the goods produced in the you cause this. everyone is protecting their own markets from the pods is doing well for us, toto free and i'm confident us there was a good deal, but that doesn't look good to know what is shared. this issue, this must be solved as, and he showed you it's or from a guess each it has to do with the import substitution of technological sovereignty . if i'm not sure it is a plus you and i'm sure he's like, generally speaking it through this a matter of our security. so for the results next move less than so digitalization issue is 9. we must focus on accelerating the mutual recognition of digital signatures. this is something that we have emphasized for years. the multi channel agreements have been reached, but no progress has been made totally to dispute needs. and the problems on the little cold in nature stores from the purely technical team. but a year to year will show you what we schools do. you have the technical battery
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because of success to the participation of duration businesses, your presidents, each other's economy. this assignment, you're very sure, but i think it is necessary to complete this work. as soon as possible for you've security, what are you doing next to the technical regulation? it is an marion closely connected to the previous item. what if any mazda 5, she started definitely took to these technical works. it's almost completed storage . it's different. i work for a month, we just need to view to digitize the technical regulation process specifically. so i don't think so could be to anyone who needs to be, but it does start, it's not sure which one is convinced it's and there was dentist to go to this regulation. progress in 4 would simplify development certificates. well, he's been going to facilitate this done that standardization for all of our country from could to folks to put it to the next. if we go is a transport services. if it took me to fill in florida on the board to cook them, supplement dimensions in the introductory remarks on them. now we need to,
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to galvanize the what looked like national. and let's start with supranational level. we've managed to find a alternative solutions to supply goods. it seems to be leaving a quite a gloss about moving forward and being agreements going to put in place temperature arrangements for some of the transport time logistics of human issues. but the commission needs to have a permanent contact with seo countries, including china, to cover the 1st of all china. this is required to move up to ensure that's called cargo flows for stores and to optimize border crossing operations. done the theater should the next presume is food security to the pool and you should cut see 3, we must improve the 1st year. what being done because as we put up to standardize requirements and the agriculture product was cool with them, correct. and it is a very important, i'm not sure what site uses that to, but we can solve some appraisals
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a provide. i'm with the most products. so in the union, i'm not sure a grad to cover our needs may be something agricultural sectors. sumunah for this to be possible. our agricultural producers need to have high quality season. yeah. yeah. next, mostly guilty, get used to political opponents are with us, are trying to isolate the union from the previous state of the technologies and from premium markets from that trying to contain law development for the government despite these efforts. but we're consistently moving forward. we have signed is the trade agreement with the ron sort of more promoting mutual cooperation to me the the 5 formats done is with the front of the countries on the front of middle such as indonesia, buick e. a long ago we have stuff to the government. we are so glad for launching. but that's a trade negotiations with the body shop today. troops actually split spots on establishing partnership relations with the country system,
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which is 2 course needs to be. let me just quickly. i live often lives in the conference. he cannot make realities, we must have a clear understanding of which countries i didn't want them to sequence for both within which time frame skim is but we will be creating a good a free trade agreement. and which part is not only your model on the warranty corporation and the form of memoranda the symbol use? i use uh file. we have a focus on dialogue with the african continent. true africa has a name in a wide range of products and technologies look use for the services provided by the union, africa, and latin america. so 3 of our fed up with colonialism from the leading countries that we know about. and this is the time when we must come to africa to buy it from that are also great benefits in the parallel participation of the apartments at the c, i s in seo and bricks projects,
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the bullets loose very seriously spent. we shouldn't together our closest papers to friends and brothers. is that to me pretty, you know, if the fall cooperation with the lives of countries i'm a, b, c, i s number of newmont should be a matter of close attention and to call some priority. so please you know me decision, we have the store, show them how to move us significant of achievements and we'll go see what we have invested a lot and the use development, jeremy done shouldn't have it is our responsibility for those who haven't develop 1st as yes and for them so, so that it becomes, it's a truthful, it'll become a contraction. yup. so you're in the well system at the number. i am deeply convinced that if it is a realistic in depth, i was using this opportunity. i would also like to try to get the affinity get a scoop. i did. i congratulate to everyone vaughn and that's the way you shift enough.


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