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tv   News  RT  May 8, 2024 12:00pm-12:31pm EDT

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the and the approximate stuff, the c i s in s c o and briggs projects please be ready for sleep, but we shouldn't together our closest papers to friends and brothers. is that to me? pretty. yeah, this is all cooperation with the lives of countries. i'm a, b, c i s number of newmont should be a matter of close attention and to call some priority. so please, you know me decision. we have the story, how to move us significant achievements, and we'll go see what we have invested a lot and the use development, jeremy done. surely it is our responsibility for those who haven't develop 1st as yes from 4 to so so that it becomes to, to a truthful become a contraction. yup. so you're in the well system at the moment. i am deeply convinced that this will fit is a realistic in depth. i was using this opportunity. i would also like to have the affinity, get a scoop for beauty, congratulate to everyone beyond. and that's the way you share from us upcoming day
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of victory for the of the soviet people from the great war. is it gonna change and to wish our country suisse and prosperity and conclusions. i like to think, mr. perkins, that we put a you with some end of this colleagues for the yes, that's a great not for me to pretty yeah. organizational this event and for the hospitality move and of course i'd like to the thank you you, let's see and great to use as the move the theater with no the right to president me. can you follow the russian federation? this is your 1st international law scale. international meeting in this capacity and you can count on us for you to be on partners for just the support under the rushes and efforts to strengthen our partnership and are as important as of thank you for your attention some of the root. so thank you. i'm a single question copays and now the floor is given to president of catholic stop. because mr. kites leaves religious peers who will cut you over who does it,
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but it's not journalist colleagues indian sort of festival. i like to assign to the president of the russian federation. a lot of people use us for the splendid organization to me, to all of these, out of a 3 summit, 2 solutions, and for the one year and welcome to thousands upon the 12th using this opportunity . i would also like to add some scratch relate to most, do mr. president figured out. so you're entering the dean's office on your move up to 10 years ago in austin. uh. are you guys used to article treating compel using on the ration economic union? assign northside use throughout this relatively short period. osmond the u has transformed into an important and unpromising integration union. so it means the new c name here, through our joint efforts. here we have a how much you've been looking at, adopted over a 1000 to various or get to regulate tree documents yet. but the end of the fact that we are on the right track is what we found by the performance such as that we
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have shown cause extensive foreign trade with you countries. roots has grown by factor 1.7 door. i expect you to be to an $8500000000.00 when you start exports have driven by a factor of $1.00. i use a substitute for us to buy the cooperation with e. u. countries has that promoted the consistent development of lift cuz expands the economy holloway last year with us. and that our g. p. u show their products and to push it through by 5.20 percent. and when we think this is a good results to the high level of integration cooperation for group that is being compounded by the launch infrastructural project. so you find me industrial cooperation and the shaping of a common services market or was towards your what was used to in order to have your abilities further. developments. not sure if you just want the jew political onset and see how we union must become more flexible and more effective for improvement
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from your own world banks. assessments the indicate they're reporting that's think we should cuz more with like as in the 1st half of the current that could be possibly new. but it's, it can be one of these little, this helps just for you pretty low. and then the last and the 30th, if the international community does not take action at this period, it can be remembered as the decade of last opportunity was of you do reduce go. this is suddenly close. i use a big challenge and you hear me, i'm going to ask somebody, get you, which is a part of the global economy, the cities here. we must use all of our reserves, but he uses that to achieve the goals. so just so what is that one people who need the most established here? it is us, it. first of all, i'm speaking about the fundamentals principals will be using it of freedom near you . most of the movements in the goods. it's just this principle should be implemented in full. everybody really must create a systemic well as opposed to market without barriers. put them in union within the
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union to we must remove the practice. i'm a call for others hidden areas. and it's the most the case by case a solution to some of them. what do you, what are this must be a priority force. the reason you cannot make commission, you mean you're welcome is a venture. another important mission is to restructure union for and trade room, and there was more of those to me. our union has to a new sense potential to expand its nation global market disease. can i mean by suggesting that to instruct the ration economic commission without repeating, you're working out the systemic solutions to increase the external potential of the union. so typically she was worthy of the bully, have to need to create to the us these favorable conditions and that will give me room to, to put on your box mattress pitch house ration products to external markets. 3 is to ensure a smooth transit to the middle where you come of our products to said country senior drivers, east coast. and i mean, as the economy is being transformed, you have a friend and
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a supplement that increasingly important to create what is much see more stable networks of trade with the country sort of no, no, we are empty, which will simplify access to new box for our exporters to integrate them into global. there's found us true and previous transferred here, cuz expand welcome to the decision to stop was a continue go sions with one the goal. yeah. on my new temporary trade agreement as boost going to how does the version system and the big prospects line, the cooperation with emerging markets and it says, global nation of african let the other regents, how's the corporation with the global self is very important, considering the fact that, well, who the agent alone are you just to just keep it attentive? it's expected to have drugs. so gdp of to about 40 percent and markets of the in the golf if the dealers have already offered to see my potential. so user research needs the customer wants, commend you to get new countries with it and support the cause or have been offered
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to take part. and they ask about the agreement to the creation of an international transport chord. who is this tim or not? but it's very important to have a sustainable transport system, which means we have no, i mean, markets going to, to connectivity with external market to science. cuz i think on the coast, great foundation has been picked to late, who is because of the real transport backbone. we have isn't showing smooth transports between europe and nature between north and south. so put it in the coming decade during this time it borders that will be able to wear and tear infrastructure in this region and the mobility of mobile been needed. so to modernize our toyota infrastructure is increasingly important to us to put you down, i'm going to split them different quick protocol that would sit here and say and if it weren't support, nolan was more of this, tim or the more move because it is no just no surprise, but there's a saying that's good usage. wherever there is a railway, there's a way to new opportunities in the middle. so we are a global, i think it assess the 3 to us are doing great new railroads because it sounds good
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to me and i'm part of the one built on drugs here and initiative for me. we will create shopping at the terminal and the compassion. yeah. and it was like city, china and full contain a translator apples, which you probably will also launched far if you're transporter transport and logistics, substitute you time bordering russia, china from, you know, cuz the biggest on his biggest problem is i will pursue more than you, me for the caspian sea must, i'm the mother and he's outside there's, there's a large scale modernization of cloud road, maybe seen. yeah. i'm not happy with those posts of the drug crossings appears or in your developing or sit and you will have this network will be conducive to the expansion of our transport capacity. so going from the rail industry because like stuff which is a short so then you will get a new moments that are worth it because this to me, when you don't want to see it in the creation of a new port. so it's empty. united digital infrastructure and i'm in the east coast and we continue. we plan to use artificial intelligence solutions to what?
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streamline rail, trans humanist it was. you know, this will greatly increase the efficiency and reduce costs for our products. and with this, we must create a simple put you on the seamless logistics that he's going to produce by harmonizing the terrace policies and customs procedures. he's good to go and to, to create a unified who participate in the region transport court on you 3. and you want me to use my, well, did you want me to put the practical time? see if we propose that remote scores or checks for article transfer documents using q ok, codes be introduced and mutual recognition level relevant documentation or as an active user. you reset the number we have mt, larry, it's a and other important steps. fabulous to see what develop our external relations is . so what does use industrial cooperation if it works or not? the region 5 years we can explore to a lot of intermediate girls will transfer you to pros publish, however,
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some of us to praise. what do you mean for the, the increasing the value added level dependent exporting height to goods is on the agenda items here today. so we need to increase those integration. what are the real sec to her cousin, what's a few months or so just starting this year so that there will be financial support center to and then to destro corporation projects. if you want to use the expense of lead you, one of the things are disputed is also important for us to provide or use them for support. to learn a lot of high technology enterprises for peter deal is to smell it was before value as product. and it is us know, i mean can use, mine is be very important to create a transparency mechanism. so somebody's telling me to ensure access to financing political on a spot in kazakhstan world. i'm just going to continue. it's consistent policy to promote integration in the region space. so use it for another city or is that you countries are and is now standing, deliberating cheaper to secure. so we're just over a 100 or various industrial project. give me a scale. what trust me,
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there's nothing great potential in the oil and gas industry go to us, which can be a point of growth service. you keep putting me on a video storage service. okay, you can always welcome to participation of russian product. this is pretty and we will lose production of a police faleen fully proclaimed was for the 3 year period dealer. lots of those 3 was processing plants in the oil sector. you showed me the other important area of that. what is of the strength to think of food security, things for you? what are the security you on the range and regional mcclure? so just put yourself in a resource for you one of the, the most a high potential region, the city that you're in terms of media around these terms of the sector, margaret and considering the limited nature of resources or service in other macro regents. we can supply and of course food. sure. to put it over 600000000 people government. the role of the human ensuring for the security heated with will only
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grow. our strategic phase is transforming the aggregate industrial complex into a high impact sector. and yet it, for me before that to be possible, we must still make a concerted efforts for 0 to adult new technologies based on your p t a. i know you're about external biotechnology. so what and the agro tech estimates is what a lot of times for a month, for a successful digital transformation model. for them, it's becoming school being a key factor. if we cannot make progress super technological solvency. right silica you and not only for individual countries, there's lots for regions. region one i'm going to, we must be one of the leaders in the digital race, globally, the most drug use, which is 0 digitalization. sure. what to do to become a be the driver, someone because of the progress everything. so to for the union, what does this is why? cuz extensive ports, the decision binary ration economic permission to develop the 4 freedoms, pursue,
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meals, and activities of considering the wants. credit lice ation is able to, we are creating one of the fastest growing digital economies our parts of the well very much so we have the money incessantly through them. we are focusing on artificial intelligence because this is the intensity. what was i just switched the why didn't you? what are these computer participate in this course? i use, i mean over the decades of our existence, we have achieved substantial results. and so other areas of our activities, humphreys leaves us, but we still have someone come from who do great on top of the potential. so it does extend will certainly support further information based on the principles of know, but of what was the quality was that i see and the mutual respect and partnership i am the congratulations on the upcoming victory davis. thank you. god bless and thank you for now. the for is given to president of cag, this done such a power of place, which i mean because, but why we charge, i'm as low as we're done with depression on heads of state test. sonya gear
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participants want to see if there's an appropriate sports to allow me to extend a wish to heartfelt readings to all those participating in the meeting of the supreme your region. economic council. since you just help seeing if i did the duplicate of each and anybody on the eve of the 79th anniversary of the victory and the great bay tried to call her the other. i'd like to congratulate towards citizens optimized in the way, but this victory onto the victory was given to us by our friend father's authority . if she's here to lose drawn mothers who fort on the back lines and the from the west on the homefront for you, ma'am. you don't really trust me where you hand in hand with women in midland. i'm not sure if we keep their policy 0 exceed to not, and it was more than the school using this opportunity to i think i would also like kind of lead you to see additional, but i congratulate you mr. put in on behalf of myself and the people of texas. don,
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marcia will be due to now on your entering your to, to terms of office of your victory. you got it. and so we did in the election of a prison. i was a clear sign them off your recognition and support by the russian people is in or through your whole career planning wise course. we didn't get the strength and things of the state of sovereignty and increasing you some of the wellbeing of your people in the country. you and independent cisco are so that's open policy drive, use cars, not on the settle. his, he's come to the field and i would also like to thank all russian friends for that traditional hospitality and the highest level of organization for to, for like was i am when you quote what losing this opportunity. i would also like to wish you the prime minister, did you offer me any missed the bus, you know, if i started successful year of championship disability and to congratulate my colleagues, unions can become kind of a 3. what do i call the signing of the treaty? which took place, where do i make i in 2014, i do 60,
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that's why it was so she's colleagues over the 10 years and ends of its existence, duration, economic uniqueness, reachable. but i do mind if i has become a one of the key. but guess regionals, we were to come integration entities, white, 14, cannot make integration in the name of stability, then up to the office members, economies. and growth sort of must have to some of its people said yes, well being well known site uses, i think many will agree macro economic that we've managed to maintain macro economic stability is apartments as part of a c union to ensure food and energy security in the region for digital exports, we decrease for you. if i do find an employment for them to come, can you guys to knock? it's me and this is confirmed by the data we have is a personal. i'm going to put a little bit in miracles for you are economy has shown control. i mean 2023 while the showing a pretty voice in products and 3.8 send read some gdp results to a with a slow well industrial production grew by really
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a loophole industry point. 7 percent. sort of some, a voice image shift for us and we also had an 8.6 percent growth and in construction. and she's the shares product center in the 6.6 percent growth retail just on the when the capital investments 3 products through buying templates for point 3 percent. a g p over craig as don last year safety grew by 6.2 percent here below google this us a breaking the start goal record in pretty low and it's now 1.3 trillion song. a lot of people show a build on based on investment with 1st quarter results, but it's in the growth, is trudy piece, a to point 3 percent for you to link up into calculus republic in your new just feeling a positive trend money into from its interactions with the uni, installed and external trait affinity. what's the sense of what we're succession and up to 2023. our external trade grew from a level $5600000000.00 to $15700000000.00 volume, or somewhere else, which is a drove by a factor of $2.00,
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the route i see it with the next us group. but what factors to point to draw an impulse, a bite 2 points, 1000000 charges. deborah's, he's committed the for the development of the region to can only go integration model, including the creation of use a common use goods market folks for income in that unless utility and has the creation of the machine. you know, what is what's called an energy markets and yeah, the free flow of labor to have been and still on the priorities, what could i could stop me and if you've done shipping a weight and attempted to continue, well, how did you handle it for luck? they knew a strength and you have to send you a quote and a friendly relations with the united states. what do i mean is collect your colleagues in the whole and is the one that you didn't mutual tray talk to not between member countries is going to access the developer. it is proven, it keeps, i use it throughout the period to it's a participation of the kind of stance. so it's a temp 76 percent growth. i wasn't trained to do
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a lot of dissipating countries even down level from $2.00 to $4400000000.00. the eyes fixed on sex point to 8. you countries cruise speed is by 3 times the door. i do need lots of to the media to the, to on $1.00 trillion dollars just yep. brooks and his input group, i mean out of more than 50 percent from $2000000000.00 to $3000000000.00 a to our committee store is business. most i would like to know that business is unclear to fall further, integrate him more, the more see all of this and said not only adapt to develop, they also are actively contributing to an integration agenda. is the notion supporting the can on the captivity. so with that, you countries are kind of an accidental pasta, as well as a site visit to a thought experiment without consideration of the gold ex model. it's worth a number of 80 percent of our exports go to be you countries, but he has some pretty good. it's really good for us. our export mix has growing
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share of value added products. 16, such as tech styles whose did clothing is plus most of which were of plastics and i do sometimes don't items stored in the status public. it happy that's on the mutual trade of us. that on the i is funds. you mean the biggest down with you countries, as i told them, due to the most a growing issues. what based on the 9 months of 2023 and the group, my invoice is $34.08. so done. we put those out to the lab, so i think about the top of this is in a just supplement. so you're telling example of how our cooperation customers is subbing our interests. what do i mean, the loser friends who to us in the middle of the international situation is still complicated, has so much space and we are still in the process of a major transformation which has been caused by is if you have an external sign factors when you're global and they thought of always the schema price for that have been series deviations in the international stop of the comic system, sir,
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that you cannot make activities shifting from the west of the east. i'm from the north to the south. you'll probably be my fiance, and with this process we must build less refinance. and the financial logistics is sort of in the transport infrastructure and up to models done that just in the simplest you'd see, you know, this requires significant investments. so kind of look out of the box thinking, what's going on, as well as a joint efforts to find the item you are supplying change. also be version or something you're getting a is in this context that you like to stress. how important that is, go to school. we are linking our initiatives with the belt and road initiative promoted by china, which is also helping to promote to reach across the conductivity of countries, including by developing the north south court order for it to me about the best price project. to create, tell you, compete on china could be stand this biggest on the railway the most people found to weigh more. you lose most of most opening news,
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but across single points escapades, and expanding the current to border crossing points with china permit. the loss is also something that we are out of the 1st 3 much during the trip, discuss the finding very much 15th of beneficial community. all available for teens . border crossing points is that is, can i get started is to really get being at the stripling your modernized with and we are fulfilling our obligation. this is what i was looking at at the level in full, not using this opportunity. i would like to think russia and personally president tutoring for the logistics supports and the technical support you provided to our country. this with up to the bus home is what i was with you, the state members efforts to develop, transform logistics and digital infrastructure. i'm going to match digital some of the transport chord. those is a significant resource. and what we see for integration for the site, we lost our efforts to them. instead of countries that come over to this point, noted, to try to lift gate on both of the legislative and regulatory batteries stim,
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spell by the harmonized directive. it is all for regulating authorities to shifting polonium. this is why it's totally kind of transport. formalities to not digital platforms clicked on the thought of separate already to look supplement of stone, slip electronic consignment notes, you should be developed as a priority, including in multi modal transport to those most by telephone. i'm look, i'm with you on web switching. modern digital solutions shouldn't be to drive my little miss paul, for customs yet them. but the tax regulation defined is repeated that you've got to apply the flushing miss rules thrown on the i use. i use the solutions that we have already created. he did not smell that loose telling you an exchange, something based on you. megan is more on a bilateral basis. you know part you must calling mandatory scores were not like the stress that we must makes the fullest use of our unions potential and to take joins most of the of the step. one is the not to improve the cooperation between
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our country. so the 1st thing we must read, you know, a space of not trust a lot on paper. see the fact the slowly disagree efforts to read better conditions and to reduce red tape polls or the movement of goods. you does the a constant, tireless effort to stride him is not the limiting fact. certainly in the developing a mutual and external trade for the user must. is there any other sort of the was because he was that challenges of running a bubbling and mutual settlements and whatnot, which have arisen due to external pressure. so it's not clear to me must work to strengthen a financial interest strategy situation if i did so. but it's support says because the menus pretty all of the market participants economies 12. so you might, these in the trade in economic interaction level goes to the distinguished heads of state street to be good us 2024 is a decisive year. as we tell you what,
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as for our strategic and took it up to developing 3, appreciate lots of the development goals until 2025, but additive. so what are the priorities that we have outlined years as part of the it's a 2025 strategy should not be limited to drafting reports and recommendations. but if there's a budget to, if we have a priority tasks, companies need, they need to be addressed with per concrete sessions, putting it the machine. yeah. last year we related decision got the films, but i to finance, she tires, cooperation projects on the findings. ma, those in the nation, i was it done, you only think that the launch comes to, to the practical mechanism by disk will be beneficial or helpful. the support and ocean incentivize research intensive industries and the task for production board and for the project. this whole thing and don't think the transport sector a lot of this will be beneficial for them not to the movement of goods within the
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union and the problem associates when they have transport to external marketing. and i believe we must continue. uh, what kind of bonded to the priority sector. so the economy, us moments of just as we just thought of over the next, i'd like to note several important points this we should, what's a threat to avoid the constitution exports. universities in late 2023, a whole week. nicole, washington, president, the, the, the 3 insurance company has not come to work for disco, which has to be gives him the renewals are risks to support mutual and ex, federal trade to all of the you smoked, some companies will work with the national insurance companies or the probably to, to incentivize them and help them smoke aside use and it's resources to do as to the external trade. our opponents are part of middle where you, we must continue. i will what kind of to create preferential trade regimes with an interest in the countries based on mutually acceptable conditions with
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a new approach, i'm not sure of the pedagogy of smoking really as i reach any of we have discussed the last thing we go stations, we don't want to go to yes or no, but i think that's probably every month. i would like the commission to minute sure . sort of key elements and involve fee for the referential sufferings agreement items fundamental end industrial cooperation. we like to this. we must timothy eyes . consider the interests of the states expect we shop, i wanna dominated by small and medium providers of goods and services, and i'm, it's not us for sure. products just quotes for some odd yes because couldn't come consumer demand a nation markets, us growing dynamically. a nice think. so the potential of a brit controlling trade with china is still attached to cisco for this, considering the procedures to keep the rest of these kids and then use the admission of agricultural products. but i'll go to that. the probably i mean collective active work needs to be continued to tweak, then you might see it, you know, because the commission in china, as she thought it was to fish lovely me,
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i do mind not at all. i think it isn't time that we are thinking about expanding our services. markets need to know some festivals about some financial services and information services, creative industries, torres and education health care. on those in the on sabrina's from countries, you must feel the incentive available and the support and also to the money and our country's advocate who level we must analyze the capabilities we have in front of the global label. lock it is in a sure to charlie's golfing skills and stuff for the and the unified like the market, use no exception to consider and made our economies lead. highly skilled work is a lot of can produce competitive goods and also competitive services progress. a technological privilege, the progress is very intensive, the move economies big digitized authorities plus and so participants in the labor
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market. and this plan was the best way to assess whether you can, let's get to the new kinds of compensation. so mushrooms to improve labor productivity. so police for the in this regard, how countries plus corporate testing with one of those more training on your soul center of can professionals. we must create a subject joined centers of excellence. and i shall receive the full points to be used as a platform task for joint effort. so this will stimulate and transform knowledge to the modems and skills are totally policies and the migration policies. all the countries will be highly relevant. the success of this endeavor is affordable, and so the developed and developing national level legislation, it should be appropriate, but the very balanced, real smile didn't missed it. the rejection. so most of the labor mobility is of principal importance to our country. so pertaining to any way or a school on countries menissi considered was in order to comply with the treaty. we
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must not allow national reputation to suffer for a middle. and even though i'm comfortable and we must certainly continue our work to create the joint labor market for the meals that conclusion each that i'd like to wish the i mean inside. and then when you come out and you can have somebody come out and they called passion and personally, probably a successful year of presidency at the party was that it still columbus progressed through testing goes to the conclusion. i think all the participants tend to lead is fussy because the study was not productive. what it was. thank you mr. zip are of slow but it just filled out for us. i have given to president of the republicans to buy them. they go see us canal, permit us, please. excuse me, please even say no. let me quote, both the young premier minister louder fully extinguished us or pushing on a new prime minister of a minion, dental to the president of the raising economic union, basically that the well so you know, believe me unfolding, extinguished. and mister philadelphia on the side of
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a prudent president of the russian.


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