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tv   Documentary  RT  May 8, 2024 1:30pm-2:01pm EDT

1:30 pm
as you, like you said, you were to go to the neighboring district to visit the ones on the left. this like a on but couldn't go to work. one couldn't board a plane, nothing was possible because that paper called vaccine certification and then the port, i think the government had the adults if you to go to the open page with more than 3, they said that and so now the whole the board will see the complete follow for your 2nd argument, the piece and allow it to be 3rd, but the other heating for admission use it to happen. be got the nation 1st much. i need those push to 4 weeks and that toby's having it all. so we have just waiting that they just keep getting pushed. i mean, that's the way it sometimes supports, but yeah, okay, and the other one for the now we have bass admission for masters and you'll find that perhaps you may get further in the case with this. thank you very much for joining us and thank you for taking a flu. that issue that so that new group along go be done. who's joining us, who's to, to diagnose to having the cobra doing team vaccine back in 2021. well,
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i, thanks very much. for joining us, how not to international as all, we've got time for this hour, but we will be back in around 30 minutes with move your round up of the news across the world. the the more you should be to choose so that i get i'm, i'm scared about orders only dealer dot gov. i got i need save. save. yep. give us a user. can you send me an image survey plus the paper in central to show us where to switch your gear shift or she really hallmark or, or whatever, i'm sure all the people are out there on the floor. so if i gave you some of your background and look at them, what are a certain time with frontier that way? you're able to log in to visit with her,
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cuz he's out for his tours. triple pole. the that are just she will be from whole show, you know, trying to settle or to have a sister i was in the or layoff court a church debris. yeah. we're or to grow heavier or she of or last the know my corners to those are here. there's are no former jewels here to serve walmart so far. yeah. quarter serve towards judge award who died. i've got to learn how to share a crazy match at the end of summer. stay yeah. can i put in your land salary? you or you can put new even an ear from 11 s h u m n for
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nancy. and that can give a name of z from mountain in there, she split your vermont probably get closer work in your spif bernadette turn back on your paragraph. chivalry, you just basis, february the february. yeah, that's what we're actually measured for 32 south turn to consumption. spread the rates and the the, the background in was that the model or sure name with me in the shows of this yet i'm a frontier, the wonderful 2 lawn chairs for the social readings on federal assistance system that was indeed emilio courtney church. the year when their power to arrive, you or she were glad just by the year. so i have so there's no massively new only concern for bramley is dear lady, you have a shame, have
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a prayer center somewhere for the developments and then a new new me fact even with sheer one way to pro that's in my text. i'm like me to go test. this is the score and she lives here for me. and i tell her that so that, yeah, i just want let's go here to go to the she was bush took off the, the optimization for the risk. it's turning and you're not going to sylvester listed just will not charge you to the k windsor move. we're new to the not taylor's or no the ship the say who do you want? you should be to tell b as yeah. so we're leaving. you ready?
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me, general mind scam model is only the guy that i use and she'll be given me right? the, the eps. go on that all the give me a go far ship. the, there's a way to image the roots and to dates i can barely show us way, not worth the change just here for she. when you come are bending. there is fair to wait for the school in a city the settings in a spray strapped to that scene for the information where the shipment has some workforce. the chairs are and i am the only in the lives on the list. and then they sent me an issue because i have set an s and our letter should post them. this
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is this isn't like saturday or facility records. riley, i'm now is where did you change where she is for me is for this young breakdown is yours. where are they there, there? oh rushes or the little a separate offensive, pretty cars in which it's actually it or what's come for a special way. sure, so same was, you know, for on, i bought this another come with a share through 3rd. so here's the preferred here's from pushed in a growing bar i work most and will phone call when you're not sure to brand going to are sure of old. we have 2 parents are coming up for legit brand. so it was a particularly search, excuse genuine, show vision for this, for the renters are good. yeah. from zillow actually. yep, it is brand new there and i'm pretty similar. amc,
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it is cool to ship. what should we pull up? it's not too good since you're so so just so important trailer tow to should publish. it was run this in on monday, but you know, no, it wasn't really sort of the humiliates are for sure. as long as you can, when we are way to get our 0 screen, where you never send them out to get a months gigabyte. scott is we gotta move broad deal with the up with the, put all the data on the go to the bit more. maybe i just want to be able to, i just like show, man, i might, i need your later by you portions of those things. remark, i'm going to put the tray or the workers trailer the show what there should be for a young structure, owner theater, etc, that you are. can you share your doctor, do need to do shoshone of order for them to the,
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to george bush and he was suddenly collecting the where she started to terminal from good credit with our subcultures. so you don't shade his way o'clock that don't show any german order. yeah, sure. it will never go with the shit. do you want to go with a little faster temperatures or what i'm telling someone to come in? there's going to really well because i was so they use the formula or reward who were in there. i wonder where he would warn you from a guy or yeah, she told him. what year we were
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a visual never visited the ship. some of the social media powder show me amazon. yeah, that was what your russell. roger will bill lower for me in your for those are what he is going to to for the account for social so nice and clear to him. but full sonya is that clear? excuse me, from the, from the get on the put on the shelves that are the homeowners, is there to talk to your spouse or if she has no, you know, sort of deal with the videos that is one way or or, or what from it is there and we'll get those out of school for what are shit and where your corporate you the way you are just all here. she says humans to the
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issue for various company dish cuz they've been out there. were scam similar georgine here with some more time. courtney, of course the me of the to phone. nobody to or for the steam referral for the morning. we'll start a new one. he has no one who is on the waiting list for the letter i just sent me lately. selecting people that's kind of cool. so me can i see my really preference style? it could be ready to come out and it took me a spit in the workforce who's at premiere $11.11, more or less than the rest of the day in the one that says show more lab this that are for the year for the were in nearly the event 7 and that's up to us. i can't
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really matter to me. i'm not sure what number fax letter from the ship. so i would the best of the story of the last is the lead sanders and pay your new more agreed to know you need to come suddenly instead of look at are those premier that the total for some of the things that are sort of an answer but those, i feel it's a new story on the printer and they will help our companies that's up to them and publish them on find that to me right here on assess what system that's that's showing vehicles in the english. i mean, the image is what tests found in and then as you go from there for the custom work with what they see something as metal loyce the so math apparently no, no,
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they're never near the outcome of my life. typically. ready the number one we're working on, her voice, and the kids stay there, hutchinson, who here whisker for her to assure there's no point in having to share, kind of try to figure out the stuff cover the whole no longer come on during the initial year or career jewish tours it's through fish sure is terrible for him to go to risk. but had you told you the top part, jesus can't share your role works well for just enough. and i'm starting
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a new motor on the 15th and real 5 is which is do is not to to name but here symmetry. so check the 2 or 3 of the war a combined is h. the step not to do is to ensure who, who is julio horan has professions k always know she's tons do for his tears. you know, she's down to feel free with this is terry young. here's a low cost or hold for him to produce for 2 terms. the terms containing of interest to, you know, still storage near the printer to terms go from here from my show up here for move to form for you,
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your horse to the issue. sort of the shortage to have a huge mess just the whole time become you know, still form or are you good? how are they responded to the over here really matching this device. so to install it is for you to turn this your tablet reduce to car cargo, cover him. so the city of the lot is for your frontier was a really of the shit hole that go home or when they're going to hear their condition, chicago or shame. but sure, the horse, the, the
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more expensive and i'm here to plan with you. whatever you do, do not watch my new show. seriously. why watch something that's so different. whitelisted opinions that he won't get anywhere else. what are the plans that you have the state department, the c i a weapons makers, multi $1000000000.00 corporations. choose your fax for you, go ahead, change and whatever you do. don't want my shell stay main street because i'm probably going to make you uncomfortable. my show is called stretching time, but again, it's not. we don't want to watch it because it might just change the way and say on the move i tried to go to if i sure could hear somewhere. so what was your insured the partners like i'm yes, there was coby over here. i'm coming to you to the source, please refer to as you move it up from the source and probably delmarva area. you stand there still front, you don't want for those singles insurance. so that was just part of source damage,
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closer to version and allow me your thought that it was, i mean the formulas is here from your school with us. cool. yeah, that's fair. yeah. i remember you. yeah. i remember you said it was for, for me or worse here in school for visitors and stuff. for sure because school failed. remember, she wears that up and there's a well but also very well we're to be really for the end presenting 3 are the browser. we'll put that towards on the ocean, sneeze for the down, which is good. ok. no, no kidding. yeah, miss just the whole thing. it's funny to hear questionnaires key that has doors. great. yeah. does it prior to visit with the shop for, for just you know,
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well here's just was initial investment. remember for sure that it is nice to share it if you're forced to to postpone the for the 000. so for sure, for the most of the hold the visual for every minute started. sure. that's clear what the fuck crew are. who are in the way. is that for for works. yeah. i just prefer to they're going to or so yeah. or stare. so hope you're going to what are the rest of the sphere separate from thursday, though? so it is clear to you. i'm so social security is here last time. we're pretty got scheduled, scheduled, scheduled schedules. are there? sure. thank you guys. there are, here's the thing. there is an issue sofas from i get on with it or your quarter
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corrected. i was comfortable doing that. i want the level williams for the day of school to me. ok, so what's the deal to this quote contributors on the on hold. so yeah. so it's not in the present. no. no good over here where if i should use my fears i should have said i'm sure for lorraine it's missing sharon's for good. i don't remember was there he'll be there to just go for it. so, but it was, it was going to sort of pressure to shift from, from a straight answer. but what do you want to be through? i surely for the last 2 years because of the one in there. well, i've heard for instance of call when it's not that i really it is true, but with those a ok, pretty hoarding things already. what bill i'm calling because i don't remember if i
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had to change or whether or not they've done right now, but for the show small was barely shop. here we go. that goes to the near burns near the 0 1st started to the new york necessarily. do try to do to check or we know substantial style viewers a more jersey will use and they will paint issue, talk to them. yeah. especially those are sort of nielsen canal shape. i mean, if you ever really tash sierra plus polls for thousands, cause that was the way of slippery notions figured to appear. frontier guided with issues that have to a shift towards a with me on the most of or circle corner to pay as well. so she lives in your state of glasses for children. and so for the spring and the one bedrooms
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i need is perfect and lower the lab issue of your letter year pad or shift fluoride troops who can create them for a new mess. you said to me or you're ready. let's use some more time police. right . and didn't need to sort them over to the right. sorry. it just seemed it from a 2nd in the camera. hey, i'm good to hear me and being in i had been an actor or near i would do i might need put in their desk for her is check a move? yes, cuz our park every night and you're going to use that machine painter where you live, the pen and letter saying that then so subject to the shooting whereas the sheets of hurry again, loveday, shalaya, clean up. simple. assume that that it's, and i was not and i had some so i look for everything spanish. see i'm with the
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problem. the preventative is really i have left on her. yeah. or at the month because i like the way to do cuz she i'm a place in ocean that the laptop down there. she mush and those and as rush or yeah. with that, because sadly and most is though from a hash there's a tight on the election for that, so i have a showing me. yeah, i so there memorize them, the ship pack. read certain that vision. ready, sir. the bodies much d. e a doing
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pretty good, i mean strongly that i think they should be able to do this through question. holds the june, get in position for dental or vice more or myer boots to still clean it were dropped as usual. now, i'm here here near the way now they're going to choose blue because they're so washington has some bridges. most of them were story and we were there were sure the come in the door and said she are here for the credit score as well as in the courtyard over here 3 of the show. going to get a chance to put me off now or yep. lushu corner 0 waiting on question question or waiting on the
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commissioner open. i hear you sir. all right, right. and that's going to let us know more if i, if, if there for come. now here, right? yeah, right. not see it for me and that's for a but i sit there and i, she's in the, the funds, my friend to my i agree. so you are certainly in the paperwork it shouldn't lease it says you need a one with the white by you little nice lady said you're staring mutual advantage. there's a 1000000 mess and they say if and then our color mini is going to stay, you know, very the investigator name read the word here, has thought the a chair, me or something or a little that is or i live. there's color change ways. she's still in the studio and kind of happened that some a year and now she, she has to have why this can go on the sleep here and there are 2 missing say there
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was some i always at them, the tv, the name one, georgia with in french unless way, not the nation, i say, and then suddenly patter, and actually for the lc memory, nice or effect in new. it's in person or you. you remember me 3 chance i live on history here for her poor, poor pretty or even maria, thank you. sure. center i was nearest from years only it's 3 check you on the condition and that'll give his average in easy as can be of done. and i drove past years, some pressure, a little soil and i changed to a pump from a silver that is shamore only over in was are they used to the uh, pangborn shane and i've been sitting here trying to have somebody there and then checked my you seminary and the really nice and there today and i've sat
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the tv maybe i gave my mum send me and that was cheerless, not more than that's what it could be. a new the see my more staff. okay. very or with my s. m. yeah, mama, where me. ok. you the sca visit was saying that the noise girl is here. the amount was a $130.00 full show. familiar with the airport. you are the whole show you're here may have rewards is don't really or i wonder credential issues, phenomena chauffeur's corner corner corner of the orders. those are in your sugar before in june kitty corner to there over here to run your vin through to their mom or so 3. yeah. quarter santori does your or the,
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the original. and that will be easy to do the produce. just see we're at them. i cover the views at fairly 70 for the senior year for summer, 3 inch. that's the most since checks new. and you never hear me tell you that it's certainly a tough but i'm going to let's see. and i said, no, i wonder, you know, she, lance and i will try to share my piece from harvey and to share read, she says the following, and the rest of the february, i want to know i'm not for all of our programming. no, prof, repeats ok. when you close your job, where he seems to me, then you're going in that register to rarely to bring home or lab there, whether they have to to,
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to sort of started spreadsheet or still previously, i know you're going to call or email me. and the billing address solution where you see both see and yeah, you will leave them as we're covers a federal shan doing this, and that's to our server and their server server. so the, this is just cuz this is going to pay the super duty. is it will produce your nursing facility starts to tell me where the vehicle been here since 29. so when you come on you just care who they want to know there's. there's just one for you. how old is this? just check the show. are busy the reset the such as their own. i don't go to dr. kim but we're here, but we're just showing you the discharge and match for margaret. just allow me
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to ship or just are you busy to shoot sour trailer because this is the the french president, the manual look round says he's advocating strategic ambiguity when it comes to the ukraine. this includes sending western military personnel to fight for ts. this is not strategic ambiguity, but rather strategic confusion the,
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the adoption. if it's a thing, you can put them into a facade indeed. and therefore the window at assuming that the to look into in a minute. the title is the dimensions of the photo i'm seen. send the most of the
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yet it could be the most in the the change over the past decade. our economic union has established itself as one of the independent and self sufficient centers of the emerging multi total will. gladly appreciate how swell means is that the tendency range and economic communion so much and most welcome to the 1st official international me single state presidential integration the chinese and so the lead is meeting brings for full results with mutual investments, a free trade agreement on student exchange opportunities for hundreds of people on the horizon bush. i want to think presidency for listening to me. the iron clad friendship between.


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