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tv   News  RT  May 8, 2024 3:00pm-3:31pm EDT

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to react the change over the past decade, our economic union has established itself as one of the independent and self sufficient incentives of the emerging multi photo will. gladly appreciate it, ours will reduce the tendency range and economic union. so listing most go smoking the 1st official international meeting, all the his presidential immigration. also they found some of the security of systems that were providing to the policy going for justice had told the us defense secretary in congress, this is out c, confirm. suppose over the voltage shipments it is well, i mean it's the soul on the golf and the city of rockland the
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chinese is certainly this meeting readings. 3 full results with mutual investments, the free trade agreement, and student exchange opportunities for hundreds of people on the horizon for the presidency. for listening to me. the iron clad friendship between serbia and china will never be broken by anyone or we are very loyal to you for always standing by serbia. when we faced hardships, certainly actually 8 years ago, serbia became china is 1st comprehensive, strategic partner in central and eastern new york. today, serbia becomes the 1st european country to build a community with a shared future. will china the bringing me the news you need to know this is all the international life. last, do you do is a most go great to have the training in this our or what we're going to start with . a lot of me,
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a person who is hail the dynamic economic integration taking place on the world's largest continents. his comments were made during the tendency ration economic union summit, which is taking place here in moscow. the potentially trade you see to you, to over the past decade, our economic union has established itself as one of the independent and self sufficient centers of the emerging multi pulled a well, the origin union today is an effective and dynamically integrated framework. the activities of which contribute to the growth of trade and investment exchanges. the intensification of business contacts and the expansion of co operative ties. the economic indicators speak for themselves. in 10 years, the total gdp of the european union state has increased to $2.00 trillion dollars. trade turn over with the countries has grown by 60 percent, and the volume of mutual trade has almost doubled. more over, more than 90 percent of payments are already carried out in national currencies.
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the blood of your opponent kicked off the speeches with his own words talking about just how much the economic union has deepened, cooperation throughout the world. specifically, he mentioned iran, indonesia of vietnam, but these are countries that are already going through a series, deepening of cooperation with the economic block and also regional partnerships. vladimir putin set are very important uh, specifically with organizations like the shanghai cooperation organization. and that's and connection to another thing you mentioned specifically specifically about china, which of course, is among the most important of the strategic partners of this economic union. now, in terms of what the other leaders in attendance at this meeting mentions, there was a special emphasis placed on digitize ation of the economy. specifically, by the presidents of both catholic stand and, and bell roost. they mentioned that this is going to be necessary to raise the
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standards of businesses, or rather the level of businesses in the your, your ration economic union to modern standards and artificial intelligence was mentioned as in, very important in achieving that as well. alexander lucas shank, of the presence of a bell the roost had a lot more to say as well as specifically about how the economic union should go about further expanding its dialogue with 3rd parties all around the world to you mentioned that africa and south america are you know, because still be targets of deepening neil colonialism throughout the world and there because there are targets of video colonialism by the same people that are basically geo political opponents of the multi polar world of russia right now. and that means that the are the ration economic union needs to start working more with a countries both in latin america and africa, and deepen dialogue with them as well. we also heard from the armenian president,
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rather of the armenian prime minister, who is actually chairing this meeting. he said that it's going to be very important for the economic union to continue developing towards its goal of creating an internal, a free market within the blocks. it is obviously not something that can be accomplished over night, but it's something that all countries of the block should work harder towards. so that's basically a rundown of some of the main points that were made by some of the members and the leaders of this meeting. they suspended a shipment of a sudden the 3 and a whole 1000 bones, the israel. this is a phase they munitions could be used against civilians. in rafa, that's been confirmed by pentagon chief lloyd austin. this is asked, he's report to sentences in washington was interrupted by processes. he did pause as we re evaluated, uh, uh,
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some of the security assistance that were providing to so we, we've been very clear senator, as you know from the very beginning that that israel should launch a major attack in or off or without accounting for and protecting the civilians that are in that battle space. and again, as we have assessed the situation, we pause one shipment of high high payload, the munitions well let's get more and this story now in close life to schumann and labor rights lawyer done. com valid, done thanks. very much for joining us, having all the international uh, some pretty incredible scenes there in the us as really, dustin was making that announcement. he says that they now posing that building
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delivery to israel to re evaluate the situation. what do you make of that? well, one, i think it shows the power of protest. i think this is in response to the student protests throughout the united states, which i applaud it the same time. i fear it is not enough. israel's proceeding with its attack on rasa. it is shut the border to all aid all goods into rafa. and of course is preventing people from leaving. the us has been regularly supplying garments, including heavy arguments to 1000 pound bonds, israel throughout this conflict. and um, the just spending one shipment, i don't think will make the difference more over is he makes clear to suspension while they consider israel's conduct. um, it's not
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a total cessation cessation of military support, which i think i it needs to happen and as it should have happened a long time ago, you mentioned that this is just the suspension of one shipment. we're talking about 3 and a whole 1000 palms. what we know that every day the idea is reported to be dropping thousands of bottoms on goals. so i'm not really much of a difference then in the way that the us is making out perhaps to be a bigger deal than it is. yes. well, this is what the, by the ministrations been doing all along. it's been feigning, concerned for the civilians of guys uh uh, bye with bite and claiming he's told netanyahu to protect civilians. and yet the us continues to support is role even as is, you know, murder civilians, murders, children, stories, hospitals, destroys universities. it doesn't change the us as policy towards israel. and so
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israel's taken that as a green light and it is a green light for what, what israel's doing and so this is just speed or bind is trying to placate his base by doing the least amount possible to show that he cares about the civilians and guys, but i don't think he really does that during that report on capitol hill, we heard the secretary of state for defense, the secretary for defense, and those things coming into some pretty fiery criticism from send that to is this included republican lindsey gray and i just want to bring in so we can all have a have what lindsey graham had to say, and you're telling me you're going to tell them how to fight the war and what they can and can't use when everybody around them wants to kill all the jews. and you're
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telling me that if we with whole weapons in this spike, the existential fight for the life of the jewish day, they won't send the wrong signal. if we stop weapons necessary to destroy the enemies of the state of israel at a time of great burial, we will pay a price. this is up say, it is absurd. give israel what they need to fight the war. they can't afford to lose. this is here, ashima and nagasaki. all steroids. so senator lindsey graham, the saying you do you called stop the shipments you need to give as well the weapons that it needs to make of such rhetoric. and what sort of pressure does that, that full pops put on the bite in the demonstration to keep the weapons flowing? i don't think anything lindsey graham says, or doesn't say puts any pressure on by the, by an administration. but i think lindsey graham speaks for many rational leaders,
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both democratic republicans, he's waiting for his next sex from apax. he wants to posture a, as a super supporter of israel. that's what he's doing here. and it's interesting is reference to nagasaki in a row sham. i'm not exactly sure how he means that, but what we know is it is use drop a multiple, you know, bombs equally, multiple the nuclear bombs are of the type that were dropped on now. now get started. funeralish that's, that's it. now you talk to you and rogue schuman the chat here? um, so i think i, i can't take him seriously. he doesn't mean what he says. israel is under x a central threat, but not for the palestinians. it's under existential threat because of what it's doing to the palestinians. they've lost all of the orleans a support
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in respect and they've done it to themselves. you know, the wife has done is saying that it opposes the killing of any civilians in gaza. i think the numbers we're talking about now close to $35000.00 civilians killed since october the 7th. and you know, so hundreds, thousands, it's being killed on a monthly basis. was a bite and as when distraction that has continued to spend shipment off the shipment off the shipment to the audi, ask what has changed right now? why are we having this brief pause? i think the student protests or would change things. i think that by and sees that he has lost the support of his base. i mean, these students that are protesting or liberal students, they are people or other about otherwise vote for by mid november. and now they probably won't. they'll probably sit out the election or vote for 3rd party and he
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knows that his re election bid is slipping away because of his policy. and i think that's what's making the difference here. a lot of people are taking the i just want to talk about. another thing that we heard, the pentagon chief touching on this is the withdrawal of american troops from west africa. let's just talk listening to what lloyd austin said on not doing his speech . a capitol hill. you mentioned that we were forced to leave new here. uh, i uh, we will leave new year senator, but uh, as you know, what we do in order to go on terrorism drives and non govern spaces. and what we typically do is to try to help countries develop their own capability to, to control their, their, their savage, based in new jersey. so be a new country and not region that is essentially showing the us troops the duel.
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they're also having to pack up and leave shad. what is your take on these particular developments and then what we're hearing in terms of rhetoric from washington about this what we're seeing is a major uh, movement by the colonized or historically colonized countries against the western colonized of france has also been kicked out of a number of african countries and i think frankly they've been inspired by the palestinians. this is an anti colonial movement of the type we saw in the sixties and the seventies and um, yeah, the west claiming that it brings the ability to countries delta and by terror. what country is it, stabilize? it goes around the stabilizing countries like libya, iraq, afghanistan, and then even, and at times,
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supporting terrorist like the ones in syria. and in the people of the global south, notice the u. s. as in bringing stability and democracy to anyone. it's doing just the opposite and the people who are standing up for themselves and saying that they're tired of this well done thanks very much for your time and talking is through those issues. that's a human and labor, right. so i've done a couple like much appreciated. thank the the partnership between serbia on china is i in class. that's how the president alexander would check, summed up that by logical talks in belgrade. this is where the chinese president changing parent received a very warm welcome. i was hoping that this was of interest to me. i'm kind of friendship between so if you have in china will never be broken up by anyone. we
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are very loyal people to sort of your investment to the republic of serbia in previous 10 years increased by 30 times from the people's republic of china. the free trade agreement with the people's republic of china is the agreement that guarantees the future of the country. people's republic of china will enable for the $300.00 young citizens of sylvia to study in the people's republic of china. $300.00 young serbs that will be able to the not only chinese language and so many things about chinese culture and work ethics. but they are going to be a bridge between the 2 countries, the same that y'all finally, there's an exchange of views and a cordial and friendly atmosphere about the china, serbia relationship and other issues of mutual interest. we have reached a new important consensus. we jointly announce to build a china serbia community with a shared future in a new era which will open up a new chapter in the history of chinese, serbian relations. and 8 years ago, serbia became china's 1st comprehensive strategic partner in central and eastern
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europe. and though the today, serbia becomes the 1st european country to build a community with a shared future with china, of the 2 heads of states, serbia and china essentially convened in belgrade to discuss an array of topics including trade relations as well as education. but another matter that was also on the table was the belt and broad initiative proposed by china visual, essentially to provide serve you with much needed projects and development with respect to infrastructure throughout the country. we're talking about will roads, railways, and funded much infrastructure needed to, of course, turn it into essentially a trading hub. we understand that china is currently serve us for at least among serbia's largest foreign direct investment partners. this is something that has been welcomed and something that is quite valuable for the serbian government. there's also been the matter of costs at all. and this is a matter of great concern for certainly leadership because more than a decade after the discussion started a new york unit especially propose
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a force for the chapter 35 of the overt agreements essentially demanding or asking in a sense for survey to recognize cost most independence, this is a matter that survey and leadership team's unacceptable. and as a result, china has offered good support for serbia with respect to its position, into european union as well as the united nations. and this is a matter that the survey leadership values highly upset. i am grateful to president chief of very clear positions regarding kosovo and meto here and territorial integrity of the republic of serbia. i quote the presidency that the republic of serbia will have solid support of the people's republic of china regarding all the issues initiated within the united nations. despite the fact that we are often pushed and pressed by many most powerful nations, we are happy to have a friend like the people's republic of china. as i said today to our great friend presidency, that's the even being a small country. we're very courageously and bravely confront,
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attempts to revise historical memory and further pressures on the republic of serbia. and that all resistance will be uncomfortably stronger than anyone could imagine. long just are china support serbia in upholding its independence and following the development path that suits its own conditions. china support serbia's efforts to safeguard sovereignty and territorial integrity on the costs of the issue. in contrast to the european position, china is essentially offering serving leadership a win win strategy. here, we're talking about trade relations, bilateral relations, but also what matters relating to its position within the european block. and comparatively speaking, it does not necessarily mean that china does not have its own set of expectations, but comparing it to the expectations set by the european union. uh, essentially matters that have been deemed unacceptable by survey and leadership. china's position and offer seems a lot more valuable at this time. and it comes at a time when the european blog is considering applying for their sanctions and
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terrace on cheap chinese products. this is an important step forward for china as well. when the chinese president agent thing essentially met with french president the money in my crone, they discussed the need for one another. and the french president was quoted as saying that of friends as well as the european block needs china, in a sense that is not necessarily dismissed, china's position and the need for china within europe. and by doing so, meeting with the french president, the european commission and meeting with serbian leadership today and following these european visits, the chinese present will meet with the hon, gary and leaders. and they will discuss what needs to be done to ensure that china can protect and strengthen its foothold in europe. well, political unless done senior fellow at the time go all institution. this is shouldn't do. she says beijing in belgrade maintain a relationship of mutual respect while west and you were attempts to, let's judge china or the chinese side and you know,
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the principle of from the nation relationship, you know, among nations. the visa ecology is a mutual respect. he's also respective for the core atria, so each other folks sample serbia follows a strictly. this is a wind tunnel principle. the bad to china and taiwan is part of the china and also a ton of respects. uh, you know, the fact that it costs a whole remains remaining parts of what certainly got the terms of the territory integrity and the national storage. if you look at the, of course, like a yorkie, oh yorkie countries. by that, why fi, you repeat countries in particular that you are appealing to machine, but you cut out the site and they all, st. paul, in the, you know, in the tone of alexi, you the rest of the world with your email, including the chinese here in this case. this is unfair from transponder view. this is the, you know, you, we want to do for each page of, you know, free trade is a fair trade. when the con, when they are not able to compete, they say, oh,
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we need a fair trade in books. we need to balance stuff which way. and so it's really another way of saying that to be comp computer that may come to protectionism bible . i had a long press conference, you know, she talked about it over capacity basically taking off the word used by washington . you know, okay, so based on inside the u. k. base downstairs that it was more than scandal 3 years ago, but it's corona virus, maxine and now it's back in the headlines. the pharmaceutical joint is with touring . it's cobra 19 job world wide that this comes week. so it's admitted the show can cause a rash on the dangerous side effects astrazeneca claims is maxine, is being removed from the market for commercial reasons. as multiple variant cove of 19 vaccines have since been developed. there's
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a surplus of available updated vaccines. this has led to a decline in demand for vectors every a, which is no longer being manufactured or supplied. astrazeneca has therefore taken the decision to initiate the withdrawal of the marketing authorizations for rex every uh, within europe. you know, those 2 days have been using vd. yeah. so the guy says that a guy anywhere in the newspapers or what the internet. but let me tell you the side effects related to astrazeneca is not something which is new. remember 2021. the vaccine was banned in several countries in the european union also in india is neighboring silence. also, they were complains they were cases registered a lot floor by the exact same was administered. but now last event, which is me by research as and off would university in the u. k. it is that in line life off to it admitted in the course of the u. k, that it's vaccine can in fact have some rare side effects. lots, lots also new police police account. and the south sort of class action lawsuit was
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filed against the scene, saying that if he's 51 people does, he had severe injuries or they died because of the administration of the sexy and i still got a call for saw the have but which it find to be that the vaccine have schools this rare side effects. it is admitted that they asked presented to vaccine can in the very rare cases caused from bosis was thrombus of the p. as in durham, the causal mechanism is not known. so auster opposite. it goes with the mission of father for disease. good thing is also standing for to soon after the call, the go ahead receive the same last scene, susanna todd, but of course, in india, the vaccine was administered under a different name. police use the same black c i so then a go manufactured here by the 6 minister due to india information and it was administered to around 80 percent of the population around 800000000 people in
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india. i received the co issue last thing i do remember coughing up on demick and this i think would last seen drive. and i do remember several people coming to me and telling me about their family members having the laptops problem and they're not. many of them have actually discovered from it fully. not everyone vendor has the means to take the route, but the indian governments, the health ministry did set up a committee, a committee that looked into and worse effects both immunization and what the committee essentially found was that around 0.006 percent of the people who received the vaccine did have the adverse effects, full screen, united nation, but there was also report so talk the 6 deck in india. now why all of these reports were with the world health organization? they continue to maintain that the vaccine eats benefits outweigh the risk,
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and at the point of doing the funds that makes the world be needed vaccines. what astrazeneca seeing use that it's reasons to withdrawal? who vaccines the back, the market authorization, not just from the european union, but also from across the world. he's not related to the lawsuit which has been filed against the company. and that is purely coincidental. so the big updates in the wall of health, call it acknowledgement admission, or even you to on, if you, me by astrazeneca i have left millions around the world wanted. i always spoke with the new go full on going to vineyard, who blamed disasters and because vaccine for his daughter's death. during the pandemic in 2021, he says the company should have come clean much sooner. my daughter,
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bob, to be a t. a disease called might be system inflammatory syndrome, which is an adverse event of special interest as listed in but i can follow the ration documented of this 4 weeks back seen basically that manifestation hyphened in uno mas signed or to be a inflammation in the past. the limbs are kind of micro blog thing, makes it unable to walk. it's a very serious and very the, i mean very, you don't know how to put the gruesome face to go to basically, she wasn't hospitalized for nearly the 4 weeks. and then uh, we lost it actually, and one of the problem is because the doctor's been all under the impression vaccines best be because none of them very compared to the b. i was the bins and the protocols depaulo actually this is a very important mission here. actually, i would say an image of like we shouldn't because it's the truth. so i mean, we have known that from 2021 onboard spend the little distracted, people who are dying, people are dying from the black clouds. so he'd say,
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i admission, which was he never to blame to latex, we, i would say, uh, somebody with connections. and it's a, it's a 2 company, a morgan healthcare and really charitable people. yeah, you would have done this to 3 years back and take whatever you save so many lives. but they are, they were all more do entered the people and they just been hard to get through to the forward as long as they could. i never bothering you, but from face to present now we're at least 95 people have died. the 131 remain missing due to floods that have devastated the south of the country. a 150000 people have been displaced by the disastrous flooding. this is in the brazilian state of rio grande. the sole and the civil defense authorities are reporting the heavy rains all set to continue until the end of the week. and
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they may exacerbate the emergency in not range and homeless. the volume is struggling to find food safe drinking to on basic supplies, while many times remain isolated. find water locals are afraid. the looting may come next. understand close to that homes we've been hearing from some of those who have been struggling with it. you'll never get q by took shelter on the food bridge because of the things the water would ever get these high. the rest to work is a bring us food, and there are doctors treated people who are sick, but the lights from over to gather the charlotte stuff for the we were forced to leave because everything had been washed away by the flood. and we tried to wait as long as we could, but there was no chance. the army came and rescued us in our dogs. we even saved the kid and the people left. we're going to stay here because we're close to home. while we arrive at the time of this hour, but for more all the stories that we've been discussing on so much more through how to but to our website all see don't cold, lots of use and analysis,
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but i won't be back with the fresh update for you and the top of ex, that one on the, everybody. advert sanchez? and these are the stories that you need to know about today. mike johnson does an interview where he sounds. of y'all no size insane. meanwhile, the very same us conservative. congressman says it is wrong, the police thought and how a dead puppy. yes, a dead puppy has become the most important story in america. i'm rick sanchez.


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