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tv   News  RT  May 8, 2024 5:00pm-5:31pm EDT

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the, the, some of the security of systems that we're providing to paula city in protest. this head cold is us defense secretary in congress. as he confirms the pull is of a bomb shipment to is well, not submitted to sol. so let's go from the city of rough or the last, you know me, james gronvold, i'm blowing more you putting students friction methods need people scratching that heads that says 11000 conflicts of facing mobilization. also ahead and after that it says it's we've during it's covered 19 vaccine on the market for
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commercial reasons. as often the pharmaceutical joins reportedly mentioned that the job may trigger life threatening side effects. the bullying needs resign analysis town. all the international coming to life from moscow. it's a pleasure to have you company the us has suspended a shipment of some 3 and a half a 1000 bones to israel. this is over fee is that the munitions could be used against civilians in roswell. now that has been confirmed by pentagon chief lloyd austin as his report defend this as in washington was interrupted by protest as he did the pause as we re evaluated uh, uh, some of the security assistance that were providing to
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so we, we've been very clear senator as you know from the very beginning that that israel should launch a major attack in or off or without accounting for and protecting the civilians that are in that battle space. and again, as we have assessed the situation, we pause one shipment of high, high payload, munitions. it is a stunning move by washington halting a shipment of some 1802000 pound bonds, along with other munitions to is real following. it's a salt on the crucial rafa crossing with egypt. now, prior to the capture of rafa, the fight in administration made clear to be nuts in yahoo that they do not support any action in this region which puts another us ally, egypt in a very difficult situation. rasa is where most aid, the, the food,
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medical supplies, and fuel entre gaza. the white house says it's currently reviewing other proposed arms deals with israel as well as many us lawmakers review the president for such moves, namely senator lindsey graham of south carolina, who pressed the sect, das lloyd austin on his position on this particular matter during a senate appropriations hearing on wednesday and you're telling me you're going to tell them how to fight the war and what they can and can't use when everybody around them wants to kill all the jews. and you're telling me that if we with whole weapons in this spike, the existential fight for the life of the jewish day, they won't send the wrong signal. if we stop weapons necessary to destroy the enemies of the state of israel at a time of great burial, we will pay a price. this is up say,
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it is absurd. give israel what they need to fight the war. they can't afford to lose. this is here, ashima and nagasaki, all steroids. now that exchange between graham and austin went on for several minutes. the pentagon bos, visibly an easy on how to approach each answer, defaulting to his job, being that of supporting and executing the wishes of the commander in chief. now the defense secretary and the new chairman of the joint chiefs of staff charles brown were testifying before the committee about the d. o. these fiscal 2025 budget pentagon brass are requesting a one percent increase in the budget, putting it at a staggering roughly $850000000000.00 mark. lawmakers then raise the question about what is happening to pentagon presence in the share. now this comes some weeks after the once a government in these year cancelled a 12 year old security agreement with the us and ment no words demanding that the
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approximately 1000 us troops leave their country. you mentioned that we were forced to leave new here. i uh, we will leave new jersey, senator, but uh, as you know, what we do in order to go. terrorism thrives and non govern spaces. and what we typically do is to try to help a country each develop their own capability to, to control their, their, their savage based. and of course, what are the biggest parts of the pentagon budget concerns ukraine and ongoing us support there? lloyd austin again reiterating his boss, jo biden's fund commitment to a ukrainian victory. we have drawn down some of our stocks and provided the weapons and, and vehicles to ukraine will replace those weapons with newer models and, and all of that work flows through our industrial base. and it will effects on 30
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different states in the country. and that creates good jobs. good, a good paying jobs for, for americans and, and we were my and excited about that. and while the bite in whitehouse continues to rubber stamp all 8 bills going to ukraine, it has recently been met with some resistance coming from a small contingent of g o. p. lawmakers, here in washington. well, human and labor rights lawyer done, co blake says the boynton administration is apparently pretending to care about civilians in gaza amid mass raleigh's for palestine across the us. one, i think it shows the power of protest. i think this is in response to the student. protests throughout the united states, which i applaud. in the same time, i fear it is not enough. israel's proceeding with its attack on rasa. it is shot the border to all 8 paul goods into rob, and of course,
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is preventing people from leaving. this is what the by an administration has been doing all along. it's been feigning, concerned for the civilians of guys are a bite with bite and claiming he's told netanyahu to protect civilians. and yet the us continues to support israel, even as is, you know, murder civilians, murders, children, stories, hospitals, destroys universities. it doesn't change the u. s. as policy towards israel. and so is roles taken that is a green light and it is a green light for what, what is your doing? and so this is just the, it or binds is trying to placate his base by doing the least amount possible to show that he cares about the civilians and guys. but i don't think you really guys . meanwhile, the pensive goals, top of full office has said that in washington,
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you should look to its own track record of killing civilians. in other countries. before trying to criticize is well for doing the same. we all get some prices and i wish people in massive numbers, innocent people with nothing to do with women. joe morris. terrible say, it's incredible that he would acknowledge the us as a long history of war crimes to somehow defend israel's war crimes because you know, we've never applied that logic before. it's very strange, but it does show how the us unconditional support of israel has just turned the, the, the, you know, the us into this kind of babbling entity that, you know, it's
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a unit now applies pretzel logic, the things to, to try to defend israel. there's just no defense of what's happening. and frankly, to the extent that us has been involved in war crimes and it has then it should stop supporting war crimes in palestine. and that's pretty obvious. the u. n. refugee agency for palestine is sending the alarm of a disastrous holt of humanitarian aid supplies the gaza. this comes to me these rarely assault on rasa. when not receiving any agent to the gaza strip, the roof across an area has on go imagery operations that have been continued bombardments in this area throughout the day. no few little age has entity garza and this is disastrous for the communitarian response. is our claim. it is reopened one of the crossings kareem shalom. and she, she monetary and supplies full garza and it says that the board to actually remains
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closed and no aid is being allowed to cross coming shalom was shut down 4 days ago off the how much work its point killed several of the troops that according to unload the roof of crossing to dogs or from egypt also remains closed and is on the full is a military control. however, when the grills about the situation by a palestinian janice for us state department spokes person has claimed that the borrowing of the border crossing is not leading to funding in gaza in it. a bit cynical of these ratings, you know, to do this on the day after cindy mccain came up and said, there's a full blown time in the us have a close, rough day, close. come on, sat in the close. all these things on is that it doesn't that bother you with that, you know, all right, after the head of the world, food program comes out and say there's a full blown trying in guys that they want and closed. so i don't think you have to
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draw a connection between those comments and the closing of this does to get it doesn't matter. one of as well as a full, my top military commanders says the country must take to mountains having concerns into account before invading wafaa, a. d i. d f band spouted the limited, the gratian the name of alpha on mainly the and eastern file to fix a lot faster and around there, the area i'll say a lot faster passage. and the purpose so fail for diesel duration. a i would say is, is mainly eh, and leverage the negotiation process. and we'll take that. certainly the battery may be a couple of weeks taking under consideration that the, that means that the, the passages built. so of course, a means also the,
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there will be a many things and problems of providing food and many other things that the good thing to, to do guys options the passage. and these are last to take that under consideration . i mean we, we supply that the food, the deck, the americans often thing though, all through the they are the entrances, the form of use with but the, i've seen that seat seat on the account, the, the standing thing and use honest. the 30 folded down, all the they going back to the situation will say, you know, i shut the door when you tell me i know for salvation or don't seeing, this is not going to david's. let's turn now to the latest news on the ukraine conflict. this is, as the russian army has taken control of new because lynn of which is up that in the next people's republic moving the front. i now further to the west troops of
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also liberated the town of his move. okay. which is on the border with lou ganske. now the defense ministry has also reported launching a group stripe it targeted military facilities in ukraine, chips, army last jim and made left the tank and more than a dozen almonds vehicles in the fine thing. now, russian soldiers are constantly training even is that whole thing strategic military positions. the troops work to my says tactical combat techniques needed in every defense. if the approach seems to be in contrast with how ukraine is handling it, would create which way it's ongoing conflict. care of officials all threatening to arrest any wouldn't court filming the process, but even a prison sentence doesn't display ukrainian men from service. it's an estimated
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$11000.00 criminal cases about shipping paused, and those charged. so instead being mobilized ortiz marine, a customer of us has the details that there is a desperate recruitment to live in ukraine. it seems, and they're doing edwards, and they can to get the manpower they need before a fresh batch of weapons from the west arrives. and this is one of their latest advertising campaigns, whether you liked it or not, you will have to fight so picturesque balls and your roll and get garbage. that's the message here. they think that by allowing soldiers to choose where they flies and the house will make them all come running, i guess they forget that we live during the time of social media were bad news travels fast. recruitment efforts have been hampered by reports about show to use of our munition claims of corruption incompetent come on, does an inadequate training sweating of social media as well as the luckily for front line troops. a proposal to allow soldiers to mobilize off to 36 months was
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dropped off the army chief sped too many experience troops with the early next year . it's a hardly surprising that they're struggling so with fluids and resorts into the classic mobilization tactics. snacks him and off the streets and beaten them into submission. the accident reports of disabled and mentally ill people being forced to serve and some end up dead, like the person who was electrically cut that by you crazy and military recruitment officers and had an epileptic seizure wide after a sharp deterioration. and the soldiers health was accompanied by signs of an epileptic seizure. emergency medical assistance was immediately called before which
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military enlistment assistance was provided. the police officers who arrived at the call found biological dest, without signs, as a physical impact. and another called script who died after an epileptic seizure while he was on the way to a training center. now the circumstances surrounding this death are still being investigated. now here's a group of people demanding to know where the recruitment officers took their relative yourself. to a former, she was one of them, was the con, the so look, i think the, some of the things, the premier, there are dozens of videos like these. so it's only natural that ukrainian men are afraid. i'm not very confident about going into the trenches. the crate in military's reputation has been painted to say the very least. and those will
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experience holding the lines, trying to save the amateurs. thousands of train troops like alexander in radio agreed to in the 21st separate make a nice brigade have been fighting for the best part of 2 years without the proper rest. if we go home, he says, inexperienced soldiers might be able to hold the line against the russians, but a lot of them will die. some already wondering whether it's time to let go of done boss instead of a holding on and running the risk of there being no one left to defend the rest of the country, which would not liberty yet. it's obviously unpleasant, painful, offensive. and no one wants to leave any settlements, but at the same time, we should not consider it unknown to notify launch military units or in time formations or an entire army in the future in order to keep some territories. those who didn't want to fly to select the country, but they too are now subject to the fresh draft as part of the craze mobilization
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overall. how it looks like now. a man of conscription age went abroad, showed his state, but he does not care about it. survival and then comes and wants to receive some says from the state. it does not work this way. our country is at war was like poland, the lithuania have already promised cube that. they'll send back any mail ukrainian refugees of military age. so it's on clear how they're planning to do that. exactly . all the countries, however, like hungary, have a more humane opinion on the matter and refuse to back down hungry will not extradited creating refugees. we're not considering if a green diem, some soldiers are not on the base supplementary commodity will not allow them to be sent to their deaths. and there you have it's more western weapons on the way, but ukraine is still desperate for boots on the ground resorts into dubious recruitment methods, which sometimes end up what's called scripts that before even making it to the front line versus circle of bad p r, which only increases the ukrainian death,
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so as, as military is rapidly retreating and depleting, all the rest of the offensive shows no signs of slowing down. i mean, the advance of the russian military and those fresh talking. some countries about sending weston troops to ukraine. we'd been speaking to a polish judge who fled persecution in his country over his views, and he's now residing in belarus. this is thomas schmid. to told us the rule, so is waiting deeper into war against the will of the polish public. he was interviewed in minsk biopsies, corresponding constantine pretty by low. i mean for cell phones is building up, it's measured power with 4 percent of did it be spent on the, on me. we're also talking about nuclear weapons as opposed to citizen. well, you're afraid to realize that the authorities are dragging poland into some kind of
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war. babbled up. it's true. that's why i came here to tell you about it. and indeed, there is such a threat and it is enough to listen to what micro on a saying, there was a danger that the countries that support needs open will answer ukraine under their own flags. now, of course, there must know is, are there. but there is such a danger that troops will be brought in officially. we do not want to work with the green or with bell roof or with russia. it's, i'm talking about ordinary people, not about the authorities. this will address a lot. so it seems that the polish government does not reflect the real mood of the people. i agree that's the way it is, but we don't have a lot of political choices. we have to main box the so called conservative b i s party. and those parties that have corporate, that with it and the civic platform party, both parties are in favor of escalating the conflict. they are in favor of poland being dragged into this conflict. the u. k. by east us to is that it was why didn't scandal 3 years ago where it's corona virus,
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maxine and it's now back in the headlines. the pharmaceutical jaren's is withdrawing. it's coby pointing, jap, will wide. now this comes this week soft through to admitted the short can cause red and dangerous side effects astrazeneca the claims that is vaccine is being removed from the market for commercial reasons. as multiple marietta cove and 19 vaccines have since been developed, there is a surplus of available updated vaccines. this has led to a decline in demand for vax every uh, which is no longer being manufactured or supplied. astrazeneca has therefore, taken the decision to initiate the withdrawal of the marketing authorizations for rex. every was in europe. you know, those 2 days have been 0 d, v d. yeah. so the guy isn't a guy anywhere in the newspapers or what the internet. but let me tell you the side effects related to astrazeneca is also something which is new. remembered 2021. the vaccine was banned in several countries in the european union, also in india is neighboring,
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silent off. so they were complains they were cases registered a lot floor by the way the vaccine was at but instead, but now last event, which was me by the such as some golf would university in the u. k. it is that in line life off to it admitted in the course of the u. k, that it's vaccine can in fact have some rare side effects. block clubs also new police police account. and the south sort of class action lawsuit was filed against the vaccine saying that if he's 51 people, they had severe injuries or they died because of the administration of the sexy and i saw that a call for saw the have but which it find to be that the vaccine has holes this rare side effect. it is admitted that the asked presented to vaccine can in the very rare cases cause thrombosis was thrombus of the p, a send them, the causal mechanism is not known. so after off,
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cuz that it goes with the mission of father for disease. good heating is also standing for to soon after the call, the go ahead receive the same last scene, susanna called but of course in india, the vaccine was administered under a different name. police use the same vaccine for the manufacturer of york by the state minister due to india information, and it was administered to around 80 percent of the population around 800000000 people in india, i received the co received vaccine. i do remember coming up on demick and this i think would last seen drive. and i do remember several people coming to me and telling me about their family members having the laptop problem and not many of them have actually discovered from it fully. not everyone vendor has the means to take the route, but the indian governments, the health ministry did set up a committee, a committee that looked into and worse effects both immunization and what the
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committee essentially found was that around 0.006 percent of the people who received the vaccine did have the adverse effects, full scale united nation, but there was also report so $26.00 desks in india. now why all of these reports were with the world health organization? the continued to maintain that the waxy eats benefits outweigh the risk and at the points during the fence, damage the would be the need exact, see what else is in a cause. the use that it's reasons to withdrawal the vaccine, the back, the market authorization, not just from the european union, but also from across the world. he's not related to the lawsuit which has been filed against the company. and that is purely coincidental. so the big updates in the world of health, call it acknowledgement admission, or even you to on, if you,
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me by astrazeneca i have left millions around the world. canada should stay, i would to induce territorial business. that's according to new daddy's. i'm boss of this at all to a very slow. i'm the north american country support for the secret separatist movement storage in is the lack of understanding of and gas concepts. unfortunately, that had been issues and this is nothing new decades or issues which have resurfaced see much. so the flooding is having if i can call it a, rely on the duty to really good deal. if indeed, that is a figured i'd like for us indians with decide what will happen during the engines will decide the fate of and not the for the nurse is also condemned. the canadian
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government for endorsing pro, calling stoney raleigh. 6 separate. this want to establish the boy to a states in such schools, the can. so the terrorism in india, but also supported by onto a canadian employment. and suggesting trio, recently came under course the system for speaking it to seek separatist, riley and to rome. so we've been getting reaction from veteran indian diploma. rajiv delta or other does fabulous to to do this thing like it's for jay who says, i must wait but it was so you have to pay for using the pesky stuff or because of that that is not call relations are connected, but good to match. it then piece to the fees that he must do that you must thing. otherwise he lost the next 2 mixtures. he has already bought
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the stone. this was shaking, hands, holding, and then v a brother. this is to, i don't think so because you're only be you can this direction, but it isn't being in a spot for canada. other people because already moved from level extreme is what you intended to. and then charge me for the b service, b one, b, one there. we won't be starting this other sub in canada, just these 5 patients gathered up these the fees. then you can start the other go. sure. who's, who seems to be a new, mature for vacation, realize that me is the thing that i don't know very, very tricky. and i like watching,
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i didn't get his fuck memorial so many has been held into wrong to own a 7 military personnel who are killed in and is rarely asked like on the rainy and cold celeste and syria, back in april among the victims with 2 high ranking generals, all these i make revolution, read gone, cool. the groups commend the praise the rain ne, in response to this pack the so hundreds of missiles and rooms 5 is well of the time for all this operation show that this densest air defense area in the world which the united states, bronze u. k. and unfortunately, some of the arab governments that have made their land, the origin of their operation, couldn't withstand a limited strike, only with one target without any surprise and is vulnerable. the us wants to falsely present itself as the defender of human rights and democracy. but it brings
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only in security, fostering dictators killing democracy, deprivation of freedom of nations and massacres to the nations on april 1st. and these really strike destroyed any reigning diplomatic building in the syrian capital. this killed a total of 16 people, 2 weeks, 8 to iran hate back to mocking its 1st direct attack f a on his way to the territory. however, new casualties reported that, and most of the reigning missiles and williams were allegedly short time before they even reached as well. so we renewed as of now, so threatened to take fresh action if the nation is targeted again. but allow me to call us and the occupying these real must have known by now that iran cannot forget the kidding of as children, and unable to conduct a teeth for debt to ration in response to an east valley. strike voss. today we see that americans design this and then and mississippi slum know that it's such an
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incident ought to be repeated and we'll continue. the subject republic will give an even stronger response of these authoration true promise was a small punishment to miss turned into a private use of the imminent tamales of the occupying zionist regime. this was the result of the killing of those 7 boxes in syria and the other marked as to the blog was not spilled in vain. it marked the beginning of a new era that can be divided into 2 areas in history, one before the mountain and one off. that's all about by that. so that's what we'd be back for news for you at the top of the next hour until then we've got another thing document free for you with a 2nd was more flavor this victory day. it's loving god unbreakable uninstalled. the .


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