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tv   News  RT  May 8, 2024 6:00pm-6:30pm EDT

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[000:00:00;00] the, the, some of the security of systems that we're providing uh, to the palestinian purchases had called the us defense secretary in congress to see components of pools of a bottom shipment as well. i mean, it's a sofa with gulf and city of rafa. sure you check the city to over the past decade, our economic union has established itself as one of the independent and self sufficient centers of the emerging multicultural world. plug may appear to hers. world lead is up the tendency range in economic communion. somebody's a most go mocking the 1st international official meeting off to his presidential.
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it'll grace and ask if there's any car says is with during is covered 19 vaccine from the market for commercial reasons as of to the pharmaceutical joint. and they said that the job may trigger life threatening side effects, the disability international. thank you for joining us. base out. we've plenty of nice then these for you, but the usaa suspended a shipment of some 3 and a half 1000. bolton's fit is wireless for face and munitions could be used against civilians. in rafa, that's been confirmed by pentagon, chief floyd austin, as his report to census in washington, was interrupted by protest as. and he did pause as we re evaluated some of the security of systems that were providing to
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them. so we, we've been very clear, senator, as you know from the very beginning that that israel should launch a major attack in or off or without accounting for and protecting the civilians that are in that battle space. and, and again, as we have assess the situation, we pause one shipment of high height uh uh, payload, the munitions. it is a stunning move by washington halting a shipment of some 1802000 pound bonds, along with other munitions to is real following. it's a solved on the crucial rafa crossing with egypt. now, prior to the capture of our off, i'd be by that administration made clear to be being that's in yahoo, that they do not support any action in this region which puts another us ally egypt in a very difficult situation. rasa is where most aid the, the food, medical supplies,
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and fuel enter gaza. the white house says it's currently reviewing other proposed arms deals with israel as well as many us lawmakers review. the president for such moves, namely senator lindsey graham of south carolina, who pressed the sect, das lloyd austin on his position on this particular matter during a senate appropriations hearing on wednesday. and you're telling me you're going to tell them how to fight the war. and what they can and can't use when everybody around them wants to kill all the jews. and you're telling me that if we with whole weapons in this spike, the existential fight for the life of the jewish day, they won't send the wrong signal. if we stop weapons necessary to destroy the enemies of the state of israel at a time of great burial, we will pay a price. this is up say,
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it is absurd. give israel what they need to fight the war. they can't afford to lose. this is here stream, and nagasaki, all steroids. now that exchange between graham and austin went on for several minutes. the pencil gone boss, visibly an easy on how to approach each answer, defaulting to his job, being that of supporting and executing the wishes of the commander in chief. now the defense secretary and the new chairman of the joint chiefs of staff charles brown were testifying before the committee about the d. o. these fiscal 2025 budget pentagon brass are requesting a one percent increase in the budget, putting it at a staggering roughly $850000000000.00 mark. lawmakers then raise the question about what is happening to pentagon presence in the share. now this comes some weeks after the once a government in these year cancelled a 12 year old security agreement with the us and ment no words demanding that the
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approximately $1000.00 to us troops leave their country is off. i need to go through the, the american presence of the territory of the republic of new jersey illegal. it violates all the constitutional and democratic rules which would require the silver and people, notably solely to elected officials to be consulted on the installation of a, for an army in its territory. you mentioned that we were forced to leave new here. uh, i, uh, we will leave new year center, but uh, as you know, what we do in order to sort of terrorism thrives and on govern spaces. and what we typically do is to try to help countries develop their own capability to, to control their, their, their cyber spaces. and of course, one of the biggest parts of the pentagon budget concerns ukraine and ongoing us support there. lloyd austin again reiterating his boss, jo biden's fund commitment to a ukrainian victory as we are drawn down some of our and stocks and provided
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a weapons and, and vehicles to ukraine will replace those weapons with newer models and, and all of that work flows through our industrial base and it will effects on 40 different states in the country and that creates good jobs. good, good paying jobs for, for americans and, and we were my and excited about that. and while the bite in whitehouse continues to rubber stamp all a bill is going to ukraine, it has recently been met with some resistance coming from a small contingent of g o. p. lawmakers here in washington came in labor rights lawyer, done. cove likes as a bite and as ministration is apparently pretending to care about civilian st. garza, amid mass raleigh's for palestine across the us. the one i think it shows the power of protest. i think this is in response to the student protests throughout the united states,
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which i applaud it the same time. i fear it is not enough. israel's proceeding with its attack on rasa. it is shut the border to all aid all goods into rob. and of course, is preventing people from leaving. this is what the by an administration has been doing all along. it's been fading concerned for the civilians of guys a to buy it with bite and claiming use told netanyahu to protect civilians. and yet the us continues to support israel, even as is, you know, murder civilians, murders, children, stores, hospitals, destroys universities. it doesn't change the u. s. as policy towards israel. and so is roles taken that as a green light and it is a green light for what, what israel's doing and so this is just be it or by just trying to placate his
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base by doing the least amount possible to show that he cares about the civilians and guys, but i don't think he really does. meanwhile, the pensacola, top of formal officer has said that washington should look to its own track record of killing civilians in other countries before trying to criticize as well for doing the same. a 4 wheel drive south and i wish lot of people in massive numbers, innocent people with nothing to do with joe morris. it's incredible that he would acknowledge the us as a long history of war crimes, to somehow defend israel's war crimes because you know, we've never applied that logic before. it's very strange, but it does show how the us unconditional support of israel has just turned
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the, the, the, you know, the us into this kind of the abilene entity, the, you know, it's, it's now applies pretzel logic, the things to try to defend israel. there's just no defense of what's happening. and frankly, to the extent that us has been involved in war crimes and it has then it should stop supporting war crimes in palestine. that's pretty obvious that you in refugee agency for palestine is sounding the law, move dissolved. stress holds a few monetary and 8 supplies to gaza. that comes and made these wearing your soul tone rough. uh why not receiving any agent to the guns this trip? the roof across an area has on go imagery, alterations that have been continued bombardments in this area throughout the day. no few little age has entity garza and this is disastrous for the giving you
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a tear into response. please row claims it has. we opened one of the crossings. this is kareem shalom to humanitarian supplies for goes up. but it says that and thoughtful to actually remains closed and no aid is being allowed to cross the room shalom was shut down 4 days ago. off the home us for work at strike, killed simple idea, troop say, according to an rather awful crossing to gauze from egypt is also still closed and under the full is wally military control. however, when grilled about the situation by a policy and in june, unless the state department spokesperson is claimed that the following of the border crossings is not leading to a farm and even java image a bit cynical, a visual 80, you know, to do this on the day after cindy mccain came up and said, there's a full blown time that's, that's a close. rough estimate. close. come on,
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sat in the close. all these things on is that. doesn't that bother you with that, you know, all right after the head of the world feed program comes out. and so there's a full blown trying in guys that they want to close that. so i don't think you have to draw a connection between those comments and the closing of this does to get it doesn't matter. well, this comes in many days, rails relentless bombardment of that offer as the id ask is up for full scale invasion of the 7 most girls and city face criticism of the assault is pouring in from countries across the globe. more than 1000000 displaced palestinians have been sheltering. you and i for for months, majority of them living intent. camps with extremely images, access the basic necessities, some of the civilians, the say they have no was left to run and will stay in the city despite the escalating fighting. if i'm on this and i'm so far, we won't leave all the displaced is not an easy thing. we will stay here. and if
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these really young man to hear somebody because there's no safe place to go on, in fact there is bowman everywhere. i mean, last on these really all may ask us to go to rough on that because then it has to monitor and nate and it's a safe place. and now the answer is rough. uh, hold on them. personally, i will not go anywhere. i will stay here for about with tired to be moved. had the parents need a new chapter of the displacement store will be open to new. most of the anyway, i don't know where to go, but we have such a lot, even though with children is the horrible things and me so it's pointing to while we're being displaced, they've been tang so not far from us. you can see them with you about eyes. all the children are traumatized. and now we're here with these brothers haven't entered from east and rough on. and that if it's up to you, the situation here in rafa has changed dramatically due to his really air strikes and the military operation, which is now and it's 2nd day is really forces are advancing towards rafa from several eastern directions,
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trucks bringing some minutes here and aid or trade goods have not arrived in gaza for 2 days in a row, and people's lives are under threats. fears fighting by palestinian forces has erupt, it, especially in the eastern part of l. shocked with city and also in the house. the alarm area is really air strikes, have intensified and there is showing in l. chuck y l cell, manero and jenny. all these areas came under fierce air, fire overnights and in the morning is really military ships, also fired heavy machine guns at a refugee camp in the early morning. at the moment, the city of ralph eyes being attacked by his really forces and air strikes had been constant since the evening. this has resulted in a large number of casualties and many wounded who have been taken to the elk weight hospital located in the city center and another hospital i will use of calling the shar, is completely out of service. the situation has also changed in areas these really forces have left behind, especially hun. you near where refugees from ralph i have passed. it's to be moved
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. the military operation is spreading throughout garza not only in the city of rafa, which is the focus of attention now due to the masses of refugees, severe destruction, and the great suffering of its residents. the humanitarian situation is terrific, leaving residents, no choice, but to flee to western regions or to the alamo was the area in hon. eunice. even there and there, targeted by is really planes resulting many debts and injuries among the refugees. the operation also continues in central regions around l. mcgruther. how's a wide uh, new state route al mcgasey. all of them have been exposed to systematic and continuous showing western and southwestern areas of kansas city have been subjected to error strikes and showing during these really military operations since yesterday evening. the same is happening in the north of guys, a city and the bates a he or region. so is really striking everywhere in all provinces. not just the city of rafael. we're all eyes are now turned. these really military operation continues and expands, despite talk of
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a truce and the delegations meeting in cairo to try and stop the fighting and is rarely prime minister benjamin netanyahu has reportedly decided it should be expanded even further, especially in wrap up. the plug main page and has have the dynamic economic integration taking place on the world slow just continents. his comments were made during the 10 to ration economic union summit in moscow in the shade should you see to you to over the past decade. our economic union has established itself as one of the independent and self sufficient centers of the emerging multi pulled a well, the origin union today is an effective and dynamically integrated framework, the activities of which contribute to the growth of trade and investment exchanges . the intensification of business contacts and the expansion of co operative ties. the economic indicators speak for themselves. in 10 years, the total gdp of the european union state has increased to $2.00 trillion dollars.
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trade turnover with the countries has grown by 60 percent, and the volume of mutual trade has almost doubled. more over, more than 90 percent of payments are already carried out in national currencies. we heard a lot of important points from the participants here at this meeting of the supreme council of the region economic union, vladimir putin kicked off these remarks with his own words, specifically emphasizing just how important it is for this union to continue to develop cooperation with 3rd parties, and this is already going under underway, according to the russian president with countries like serbia, iran, indonesia, and vietnam. he said that regional cooperation with organizations like the shanghai cooperation organization is no less important to. and it goes without saying that china is among some of the most important trade partners of the economic block. while in connection to that, the russian president also emphasized that the belt and rhode initiative has
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yielded some very positive results in the truth. but the most, you're going to build up with somebody's reading the work on linking integration processes through the european union. and china is built in rhode initiative is using real results. agreements on free trade with serbia. iran and vietnam have also been enacted in agreements of being prepared with countries that offer great economic potential such as egypt, indonesia, and the united arab emirates is a draft decision has been prepared for today's meeting to start negotiations on concluding a temporary trade agreement with mongolia we also heard a lot from bella, russian president, alexander lucas jenco, who stressed specifically the importance of digitizing the economy of the ration economic union to bring it up to modern standards. on a political note, he said it's in very important for the union to look at how it's going to further cooperate with countries in latin america and africa will continue to struggle with
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colonial list aggression from the west, commuters proving neither g d p growth nor an increase in really incomes would it be possible if we were a part a full fledged trade agreement has been signed with around mutually beneficial cooperation and the format of the 5 with friendly countries is being strengthened. africa needs a wide range of our goods, works services and technologies of africa like lots in america, has had enough of colonialism from the respective countries. the president of catholic stand shared location co sentiments when it comes to the digitize ation of the economy. mentioning this specifically critical importance of artificial intelligence in that process, he also said that further cooperation with mongolia and the global south are good indications for the economic unions future. because there's some boost loaner cars . exxon certainly welcomes the decision to start negotiations with mongolia on a temporary trade agreement. there are great prospects for cooperation with the
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rapidly developing countries of asia, africa, and the middle east. cooperation with the global south is of particular interest given the expected contribution of asia alone to the current 60 percent growth in global g d p. we invite our fellow members states of economic union to join the ask about agreement on the creation of an international transportation court. or today, the your agent transport framework provides an effective trade link between europe and asia, north and south. although cuba is not in the ration sphere, the president of the island was invited to this meeting and he spoke about how history has taught the island socialist nation, how important it is to cooperate and develop relations with the rage and economic union. he said that a multi polar world can only be built through fair cooperation between its uh, income, income and state. so this meeting, this 10th anniversary of the supreme council of the region economic union and the
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ration economic union itself has been an a tremendously important event for leaders all across the multi polar world. the european union is spending too much money on one, also enough on its own needs. that's according to the slovak appointment is the who oppose this feeling. the conflict in ukraine is where it's come, is the new is agreed to use billions of viewers in profit. some photos and russian assets to help fund kids who machine is all take contributors, rachel most and with her take a so lucky, a prime minister robert feet. so gave an interview to advertise on a t v. during his very 1st visit to back who and he was asked, how does it what you said, look, your president is a pregnant test. and so my and i don't stick my nose and the other countries business. so as advisor on basically you do you, he did say that the deal was in the works for as or by john to supply gas to so back. yeah. because the you isn't hands on cutting russian pipeline gases like yeah
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. or you crane. keep in mind that some of that gas has actually been sent back from slovakia into crazy to supply you crazy. so nice active sell owning there. anyway, so you told me that totally on prompted comment during the sit down saying that he quote, wanted to speak out about the european union, but i think they won't like it. hey, you never know. let's hear what do you have to say. they do repeat, a union isn't locked with itself, it has been visited, sel does it is the best place in the world and has the right to instruct all those . however, all the countries can be better than us. sometimes i think that up what she does is in the european union, a slowly runny nose, was trying to understand what is normal and what is abnormal in the european union . were promised by 20 to 35. so already stop producing fuel power to cause. we spent a lot of money on one ukraine. we can spend it for the european union notes on edge because respectful, sovereign,
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an independent salt is being lost. if your base you will be left alone, no problem. but if you express independent thoughts, you will face problems. so he seems to have an issue there with the use diversity problem or lack. there are specifically in the realm of diversity of thoughts and that is diversity equal strength. well then, that use lack of it in the area of ideas with a strict adherence to darma narrative and the greater interest of solidarity. and unity would go a long way and explaining the use current in securities, which really are manifested by this constant need to lecture everyone else friday about european values, even as the same european establishment tasted in the polls for the upcoming you election, suggesting that your people maybe just don't share those same values that they keep talking about and really failed to adhere to regularity. in the last example, the blocks leadership is trying to go full steam ahead and getting everyone aboard
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the pending train, reco russian assets, seizure and they're persisting with this even though euro clear, which is the brussels based financial holding company that's managing these frozen assets under generated revenues and might have a bit more of a pragmatic approach then a bunch of virtue signaling establishment politicians is completely freaking out. hey, we have a much more fundamental problem. this is a question of legal stats and see such a decision would have a very negative impact, not on the on your a clear, but also on the financial markets. in general, if our clients feel that the law is no longer respected and their assets can be confiscated, it opens pandora's box. this could lead matcher international investors to turn away from europe. but hey, what is 0 clear? no, it's only their entire bread and butter instead. what is number one, just invest aldersgate and for example, the german chest are all that shows is apparently worked it all out on the document . at the end of the bonus tag cafeteria, we have
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a consensus in europe that we want to use the winful prophets from the russian frozen assets. this is a significant amount which amounts to several 1000000000 a year. and then understanding has also been found the, which is currently being finalized that we also want to use about 90 percent of these funds for ukrainian defense purposes. okay, so it turns out that you and passengers have also agreed in principle to use revenues from russia's frozen assets to find ukraine's recovery. so how much are we talking about exactly? a whopping $486000000000.00 us dollars of the next decade. that's a, according to yes and well, there are only $300000000000.00 us in solver, in russian assets blocked in the west in total. so unfortunately for them, the math 8 method. but inside the content doesn't really matter because 2 plus 2 equals 2 or 2 chairs. the answer sounds good. the vs has the representatives, has a overwhelming
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a rejected motion to ask for public and speak to mike johnson. the move was bought by a fellow jerry payment, but marjorie taylor green of declaring the office of speaker of the house of representatives to be vacant. the, this is for you and a party for the american people watching for 43 it will make is including 11 republicans back the motion, but 359. others voted against it. miss green had made a list of to mullens, including mike jones. so no longer sent 18th crane this year, only put bills on the full that the majority of republicans agree with and move to defend any justice department investigations into donald trump. green had even brenda jones at free to, as she's, she's been with collaborating with the democrats,
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the republicans speak to recently pushed through in $95000000000.00 in for ne bills, including $1.00 fee requiring that most republicans voted against. however, johnson failed to secure a deal to look down the us border with mexico and stopped the mess influx of banquets for sure. what to close a to read the you k based astrazeneca was my than scandal, 3 years ago versus corona virus. maxine and now it is back in the headlines. the pharmaceutical joint is withdrawing its cobit 19 job world wide. now this comes weeks off the 8th admitted the show can cause red and dangerous side effects astrazeneca claims. its vaccine is though being removed from market for commercial reasons. as multiple variant codes 19 vaccines have since been developed. there's a surplus of available updated vaccines. this has led to a decline in demand for vectors,
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every of which is no longer being manufactured or supplied. astrazeneca has therefore, taken the decision to initiate the withdrawal of the marketing authorizations for rex. every i was in europe, you know, those 2 days that have been 0, d, v. d. yeah. so the guy isn't a guy or the way in the newspapers or what the internet's but let me tell you the side effects related to astrazeneca is not something which is new. remember in 2021, the vaccine was banned in several countries in the european union also in india is neighboring, silent off. so they were complains they were cases registered a lot, floss by those that seen was ad, but instead, but now last is anika, which is me by research as adults with university in the u. k. it is that in line life asked to it, admitted in the course of the new key that it's vaccine, can in fact have some rare side effects. lots, lots, also new police police count. and the south charter plus actually yours was filed
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against the scene, saying that if he's $51.00 people is he had severe injuries or they died because of the administration of the sexy and i was in a call for saw the have but me to find a lease that the vaccine has schools. this rare side effect was turned off because then it goes to the mission of father for disease. good. india is also approached in indian for to soon after the call, the go ahead receive the scene by scene, so that a god. but of course in india, the vaccine was administered under a different name for we see use the same vaccine. i. so then a go manufacturer of york, but assume institute of india in me and it was administered to around 80 percent of the population around 800000000 people in india receive the holy sheet. last thing i do remember solving step on demick and this i think would last seem drive. and i
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do remember several people coming to me and telling me about the family members having the laptop problem. so the big updates and the word of help call it acknowledgement and mission, or even you to and if you me by astrazeneca i have left millions around the world white. we spoke with the new go for long galvin dunn, who blames asters and because vaccine for his daughter's death during the time that making 2021. he says the company should have come clean much to now my daughter bother b a t. but does the store might be system inflammatory syndrome, which isn't a good even to special interest us listed in, but i can follow patients documented off before we go back. seen basically that money 1st is hyphened in euro losses signed or to be a inflammation in the past. the limbs are kind of micro blog thing makes it unable to walk. it's a very serious and the lady, the, i mean very,
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i don't know how to put the gruesome this a face to go to basically she wasn't hospitalized for nearly the 4 weeks and then uh, we lost it. actually, i'm the, one of the problem is because the doctor's been all under the impression vaccines best be because none of them very compared to the, the list events and the protocols to follow. actually this is a very important mission here. actually, i would say, and he knew it to be like we shouldn't, because that's the truth. sorry, i mean, we have known that from 2021 onwards, spend the little distracted, people who are dying, people are dying from the blood clots. so it's a admission which was he never to listen to latex, we, i would say, uh, somebody with the functions. and it's a, it's a 2 company, a morgan healthcare, and really charitable people. it would have done this to 3 years back and it wouldn't be saved so many lives. but they, they have it all more,


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