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tv   Documentary  RT  May 8, 2024 11:30pm-12:01am EDT

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visual figures to be underestimated and announce the death of more than $1000.00 civilians. the well known greatest newspaper, the morning post called dyer, the man who saved india, gave him a sword and 26000 pounds sterling as a token of gratitude for the massacre. the amorous star massacre wind down in history as one of the most brutal crimes of the british invaders, and only escalated the affair. struggle of the indians for liberation from the colonial yoke. the the, the beauty of a story. these cabinets of the border soaring yourselves, originally new spots, and i said you believe me, the one that should have?
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yep. pets. the gentle facility been spin yes. periods, which are likely to ski photos than any peters industry. kind of look over the ground at our cups deal with bundle scheme at the who at the site the move at this we had looked at the new. yeah. that was, that said it was a miss levels and everything is as see the cesspit varies from one year of experience of but that will say in nearest the blue bush and you said 90 percent of the time is that budget? so be $250.00 that you would cease because you have to just catch the senior. the in germany's operations on the roads or against the ssl should have
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lasted 6 weeks. notice the troops was split into 3 on the goods north, south of santa cruz, north task was to capture leningrad in summit 1941 german propaganda boosted that the cradle of both 2 business days were numbered in 3 to 4 weeks will be ends ending grass the was as good as was adult july, the 2nd 1941. why none of us took it gives it a boy widely known use doesn't. yeah. you can grab the symbol. can we use these? could you want to see what maybe a category fewer shut though? you have quite email we have stored or something. yes. you will simulate who is a booth for salisa india, and then your little guys for somebody in 2 weeks wasn't a good i me see, see i get as a what a score us on the problem. listen to simply sort of saw as quickly as you see the south list of who shouldn't,
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as the innocent able to just buy the me. you want us to layer. at 1st, the enemy advanced at about 25 to 70 kilometers a day. by september. german forces were barely moving a kilometer in a day and that they were black here. uh, the sooner i was up, a site is close. i use a little file as you coming across the you have to have all of the must blue. see here. i the blue book with us for real quick. in the shortest possible time, 3 lines of defense were built around leningrad, the 1st 120 kilometers from the city. the 2nd was 70 kilometers away by the 3rd. literally hundreds of the city limits at the lowest p. i'm very used to me. this was through useful so we can see show idea of a was something as ation that bug rosky literally and wishing it, cuz those people who i live on it as a pastor of grace improved for them as a so we need them. thank here for businesses. are you through bushing florida? a successful union? so, and is this like it's called the fabulous news
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. the local defence line is when an invalid residents engage the enemy for the 1st time on using resistance, by the way to i mean demolition mentors and we citizens successfully holt at the gym in advance. we'll be at briefly. meanwhile, the city was actively gearing up the defense. his preparations were made for people in factories to be evacuated, the cause of print. so black capitals are besides, you mentioned that we're focusing timothy and we will bring you up as to him. so close up the connection on because i want to know what's all in one person, prof dropped in front of the not to go from and it was 1st decided to evacuate the killed a font, you know, because 1941. but that plan was postponed because the things it made was so unique . the risk was justified by what's above dollars i'm pressing and went to the all of the the was allowed to but we're still trying to go with you. we continue, was the bushes the result of that was that she from russell and what i'm doing this
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is from the k b one to go. and it's combat stripes when 1st tested in battle, them not to do you have to develop any tech to match it. the heavy soviet tank could only be still difficult to close range the, the kid up lump didn't stop working even for a minute. work has been days and sometimes weeks if their machines tend to exceed production tasks, they were forced to leave the children at home alone. don't do nice, good idea to children. so to that. so this one got to be a for the 2 of us will ever go to just me stuff. i'm going to put on the get us comes of origin. i have the left hand side. smith is for the legit, malone and then these all come down. that was my list of names. that's good. risk are closed, you know, started living your use less them up so you have in you go them. i'm very slow. the more you consider the citizen new jiggle, if school could be a gene diversity and his last school capital beloved,
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not none of metals with me. i know the as i drove and there was nothing to say that you've been look at them and get through when you click on staying. as you look at that issue of products and you have a quote. so children when mainly evacuated and organized groups from schools and daycare centers, that teachers and care has went with douglas here for your school can as well as what i was due to you and his learning desires. to take that session for the most expensive. but when you get to them, will you see the display of procedures on the not a listed in there. did you get the, the football coaches under mile encourage you to when the war broke out, more than 850000 children under 60 and lived in leningrad? molden huff with preschool age stuff said due to those that are due to the cook, but i'm glad you know the cook with a joke together before the doing to register or some of the to the create
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individual can do to mature on something to your business and the cool good, it's the beginning. you come on, your new device, the cap. invest. ethan angel. this do you have an investor at the, just the face and he has them on the what? cuz then this is an easy display universal gene for this thing. this done, so let's go with the black be of assistance or did the cheapest of delay in the book a minute. you put in unit, so the coaches you t is of get, are you on a different agents and a but what this and the machine of the discount, the initial then the social media spend a given the purpose of score, the materials are beloved funeral for going it you, someone will be scared of, of, i've got a number fully, but plenty of calculus cuz that'd be unit circle. needed to get somebody go to
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the get, leave a good, good to them. just curious thoughtless. instead of going testable reset as b p a cookie. design you my goodness for this. i just did so in the losing the use of what it is, peter isn't jimmy. you escape to do to come to them when they're and they're usually just their breath. nobody got on the storage instead of minutes to pay them, but to familiarize all again. nobody do, ma'am. i'm going to put into my put them to his desk will get put into the limo chelan. we're not going to share blame as much. she just sold get magic. yes me those go get all the stuff stuff. i was posted it as meet the visual or nothing when there's something that the was each individual but the man just go to got the different can i see really cool. so initial stuff, even though mostly clothing measurement system can cause understood because that
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the below never get it done with the showing it is put through so live and i mean, you can just use thinking a black box of should you mind media newsletter practices or this stuff and can you bring that kind of whats on us a costly tell us what kind of good reason you book out there, but now i'm on the scrub portion. i mean, you could then test, but one minute the newest version, different missed strip to, of course seems to be the sort of go to what it would have to mention a few of our, perhaps 3. or you could either done this through decide you want to think about it . you looking at the july 1941. so the 1st day rates on the city in just 2 months. the will have to have a bump. lending read 17 times the
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cause you must be a bullet you through the 30th you or i'll put you momma. it will be. yeah, that's the kind of totally and his balance of liability. just leningrad. as a teenager, he kept a journal know most each one of the 872 things in which he recorded life in the city. september the a massive advertise on leningrad at 6 55 pm. the plains dropped 6327 in century bones on the must go skate cussing across the skate and small noon skate districts 183 fives across the city. smallways and civil to initialize blocker, dominion ground, the cut, the, the bluish to be some sort seem to sit here is most start as a classical sort of the. but even though this for the sheets,
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we scroll up to this is a good number for someone to talk to somebody else where they probably will castillo from you. i should be focusing on you was without this, but i do want to look for crucial by the condition of infants, human guidance. and but the problem is that the dental explain district routes. and if that goes to for, that's important because all these young guys beloved and most of them go scheduling, took it off the machine and that was about the she frustrated spoke. i see it's quite you too young. if i for those to let and usually missions, i hear so much of a list of the guys in the room when you populate the floor, showed that he was a little closer to leave it in the door. but you're off, shoot of me, ask you not muscle cool duck way loosely assessed. what he's seeing is that would be pushing it to the same as the ac. me instead of a mess. good. he'll oh, you're welcome. most sounds like you're below. oh boy. yeah, please,
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if you feel of you, you right, you know, he's part of seeing the study skills, daniel photos, dental. he's not of the small, local authority to nothing of for little from the general sort of thing and sleepy with it's a visit for us. that is no different stuff at the school committee such as comes on board as to the clouds. im focus not on the fee with no new school must be someone that you're divining unless what else do you have come food? she was for the for not only you me, a lot of the do you really a buzz much much to bring in on think it will be to the new month the to with good . i mean like to get here. um those will actually follow. i used to the lady that i mean a couple extra like short of video of something you just have you will of a sudden those are the true screen. it took of paula who did the to was the
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audience to some buildings. what kind of loan, even before the things began, sometimes ex cathedral was one, and it became a sort of testing ground for letting grids architects. people will, is that good? awesome. yeah, this cross q v of stores yours e bus to, to bottle was there wasn't a book the critics tudor, which is a senior food. it's a pool for you. mosquitoes to do you have you are the dumbest kid. i've already a referral excuse um which is the most usually good fair to push out the middle teeth to pick that up all as you saw, but it was a dealer. you can use not stabilizer stuff for you so that you can, especially what i'm can you find me think a little harder to be able to pull any final scores unconfirmed data where your stance. but there's a couple of, i was able to push and it talks about because we need to pull them and go to school . people know in your school, most of you just got parted with the website down, you know, to get. i went to school, i'm interested to provide a find me. thank you. is kindness, disciplined, budget. and i'm sure thing i do want to wish also pharmaceuticals are going to be
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local funding and you call a funeral. really? it's like you did it on the stuck on the i'll follow you just have somebody who move before then your issue will book on your screen is possible with the, the kind of as most decision which she thought was quiet and will be the same performance. if you will, could of course you. so the guys you don't really get media is it is sort of the new story because it is over to some point we just moved from you. surely not blowing the fuel because you're going to see just group you guys will. so sidney was dying. you're supposed to believe it was somebody to slice up because there is the the
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on the very 1st day of this age, the food warehouse has been del enough to german planes, drops 280, and centrally bombs on them. see thoughts split up into the chill out and let you know what's left now. some which night seems to me a sort of get older. there's no, we shall send it to somebody in the ocean to the price when you get all the old as deputy to describe the product of this book. so we'll come in september let in grades all thirty's took stock of remaining food supplies based on normal consumption weights. the estimated it would last no more than 3 months, as well as constant shilling and looming, some in the city face and abnormal cold snap. in 1941, winter came very early to live in grid. the average temperature in october never
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went above one degrees celsius, november to freezing. the decision was finally made to evacuate the kid from bombing raids, made sure it was no longer possible to work at full force. the machinery was packed urgently and the last group left the city and all of them under heavy shilling floor, with just the right to split for clear cut up order, for example, i can get to the kitchen for the level of the room. so why would you propose to facilitate the full flag and yet uh, how much is holding this on the 5th, if it's on the edge coming to them, right. so we'll put them on used to which even though some of that factor into those when we, after which move to, to the up in the plants, didn't close and kept working until the war ended for the 2 problems to give us or any of that we will post clarity before we can have general start asking extra as much now as for stumbling an executive flight for no, but if the keys can probably ship, you are sticking leslie is going to talk to the state of unless the lemme put everything into believe you want to check the subordinate pretty 50 springs our cd
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front. the work as children who stayed in the city went to 24 hour kindergartens and boarding schools. now with the list of global change. yes, is that it is also check. moment i'm with the system invisible. do you, can you have to scan a discrepancy between from woodson or assistant, but other case slowing that i bought the match again that they've given is a bit. alex view teenagers play connected to the cities defense with adults. they build fortifications, cleared rubble from shelves, sites that often manufacturing machines but of can use introduced shortly, or commercial flow of give a squeegee region. i don't know about junior categories to show it was given me. if i have to give not to patient electric, you know, so for me is to steal. i've seen a really weird over their should items for you, system the ship of what she missed, the company you got. so by this isn't from any sort of ancient, i mean you school for, for those things i smoke around with as much of the was up on the extra time with
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me. so if possible, if you took the interest really good interest to me, right. none of the seem to be, you know, go to a cause also because you of so beloved could not split your bloodstream system. you do not switch to me. i guess i get to the best of luck of them. good deal. but the numbers, somebody on the p a t, the, i'm glad that he store some instructional, resemble distributed, so sort of theater was sort of cut over with the on when the goal of the picture. when the pamela who publish it was stuck participle. i'm not going to use that shooting you cause of all the bubbles correct? most cars there's to, to the will the increase me get the system pick not to those up. i just got just gotten to ship the left. so sunday, i'm assuming this is jim, i'm still finding out she us duncan,
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that's what it says. but as like you were leasing you enjoy the rest of your day of the show lunch at is that still a good fit? the just you story may see it you by me to have looked at it pretty video. cutting the 872 days seems changed. leningrad beyond recognition. the facades of imperial buildings and things and cathedrals, had to become a flash to save them for future generations. we don't see. so that's the more floss. what's the, what's the water? beautiful. the stream that's cool. sounds good. cool. all right, and with the plan which is own lives during euros. so just you thought it was, was the speed because it's a sudden i'm still with them voice and we use across you know, cards you know is a cruise to send them to cool it's, it's your whole nother cock the project. now you, no problem continues to go to
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d e a. so this is true. mullen, you called with a war and you've done your pin number of you her bottle in hub, yet. it's like a done deal of it on the form you think of really quite a base, the fluid easily feel to be good you which pretty sure you go or go find that you're not here. so what do i need to go? i think somebody, one of the big was the voice unable as security. i don't want to hold just a 2nd with you cuz we didn't see them. a lot of songs, 3, use them, but these are still much more. we're going through some of the rating. what's really to month me probably because you bubbles. got 3 pop all with a group of put them store which is the school is. let's go through this just so again she a cold during some high winds and constant shelling the climb, his task was barely realistic. the bill came from the uh, was pilots dropped the rigging onto this bile before which is specifically built for the hold for the street uh to hold b. c p. m. uh, what is the design is beautiful cucumbers,
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total amount of keys up. this kind of thing is, are you using the portal would be more useful deal was cure because of what used to be even though that you both the, the was telling me to go and get back to the y and we're going to see i do. it's a, it's a co op if he go it, you will sure what a fucking will show us concerning them. you know, right me a month which the throughout the siege of leningrad claim is covered smiles and guns and repair. the wrapping, the in november, fell from outside pacific. he came to a hold of the items that produced 70 percent of the city's electricity ended up outside the sacraments. most of the valve was used by factories, but there wasn't even enough for them. the easiest to store, sort of get them going to move somewhere within that piece because of the week associated with the virginia. i'm with the new continued company,
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brief idea of what the so you're pretty much here with the principal louis patricia and bear with me 1st to a couple of things a which one you scroll process, for instance, you it's field. cognitive impulse prep, cringing these things to look for the weekend, was so familiar with it. you chest, my only december, the next it transported stopped. bulbs that consumed more than 40 wants with a bidding in homes. and a pallet was limited to no more than 2 hours per day. leningrad was plunged into darkness by then bred rations. edward used 4 times. simon had begun the young. who gets swimming. pool open to clear but hide, you'll scott, the hippo. sho. yep. we're giving a bundle, i mean, it wasn't home as long as you have consort. will you call up and i shall just get
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a fucking then we will publish the cost issues on opposed to nibble. last time i can be able of my guy he, the only thing i knew was approaching. could you just dorsey for the simple was only and you have to choose to your heart. you used sonya at the funeral, really? so even with the a the russians brand available to the people that this each leningrad could barely be called food. it contained all kinds of additives, the most beloved list and beloved menial. if i'd be most of the daughters aboard. so, but the temple guards upon the goal is for the right and then the to the technician can reach must ok, but you want us to work the song. it was up souvenir, congress, the school green is close to the and them, we're just the kind of project bring it over here in a can we hear the eclipse is all the colors and you must spoken. what can you call it? that? look strictly. just keep with it, but ship them. there is up awesome looking. i spoke with new quotes of people. sure thought of stairs at the moment. that's what goes on board and who's putting me on
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zillow. so he will pull up the ball without them to. she wants to the lowest because under the conditional, dustin for students is upset. i'm more key to some of the benefits drop weren't able to go pretty often. over the internet. the camera been captured, same as voltage of the tragedy and hall road at the city software. it conveys the shell awful nature of what was happening and, and then in grad sage, it's terrifying to imagine what it was that those people suffered to one of those days. the just some of those gets somewhere still does show that you've gotten a senior page, goes up to 16 year old news, which it to me, it's got the law or somebody says, all the book on losing was discipline. engrossing. strictly too much comes to a more than a piece of store, very doing the closing to the board. but you might just produce cutting each. no one else has made it to you kind of the books just did
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a good. what's your most was putting it stuck with cutting down the gloves off when you want me to have somebody but the sky lose. you can use nothing. you put a who, the display of the logistics seats, cio, which today you because they just extend both need to have a piece of thoughts. i didn't hear about it because it made it seem like you just enough to and you to get a really, if the current voltage slugs you be sort of going and you're going to go crazy and assuming that the company unit during the shuttle studies just you just have to double go to them. well, i don't mind somebody unless they definitely definitely need jealousies, christie, you will put them on. particularly if you should look, you know, we'll joe there at nick through block rodnick from full show present shit. look on the chicago, all these us oldest ne, question many everything. of course it was my show and i was much would have bundled waiting in full shell is really unable you pay up and those up and of course shrimp, what that is. but it's a spanish disputes that you picked up and thinking about the prism electronically need sufficiently, just press the number so i may have to sell them tonight to see what else those are
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constantly about and mature to to couple. yeah. sort of beautiful. what invest and you have nice, did you start to use that that a little bit of the things to piece of shortage reasons which i'm cracked. if me assume you will what she needs to be interesting attends or what's going to submit . it was developed quite of them inside. there's a we think the shell simple to source me in the, in the morning. he post the put see the what do you think you're gonna finish with the put him in when he wants to know the whole setup cycle and bundles. i'm going to post the you know, that will you submit an install date? yep. generally, the email means conducting these letters to causing the scratch, the preaching, scheduled, bundled is old. by the way you did when you should, when you spoke to catch the patients. no, sir, and it was time to push it as quickly as noble and you thought of quite distracting and really simple, especially if it was somebody one you just mentioned that the scenario like what was so cost me a place. look, i'm getting a good, i'm putting me on a sunday, but i just need to have an answer to win the auction. some grades desktop come with, i mean, not someone can you can try that by doing is was,
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is another shooting you to is. let's just sort of see what was mostly i threw up. i took you put, you know, below print the 3rd edition. you're bottled. so say to move for jump ahead silverlane yet for this semester you does this with this, don't say like this. so it's so perfectly assuming it was no coordinator, so you put in a while. so for this to low source gives you with a global a sufficient that everyone was treated that way. both adults and children, doctors were often as exhausted as they and patients people's fault for survival, making things from almost nothing just to make life a little easy. the as well as electricity. water also disappeared from homes. waterman drain pipes froze and they had nothing to warm them up. people melted snow and broke the water home from the nearby in buckets some canisters, they didn't say it's much because they are almost completely exhausted. and yeah,
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you'll see the ones that are in some one northeast burglar and she has to have moved to the i. d. e. and bradley. what do you think new model is your? well, hold on, i got the task, was it the short the her football you know, simple is ok with and they have it's almost that was the 1st sort of blue and you wish i loved it all the stuff you've. i was more than a black popular, it's uh, nibbling music each device. and usually if too much you spend the night at the system is through to me more than i participated. severe shortage can do that and i've got the 3 of us of that. that was the project i took my me and still sonya and 1941 with the nazis help creation ultram nationalist. the massages the claim, the independent state of croatia. shortly on the seizing power, they billed the same events, concentration camp a place associated with the worst atrocities committed in yugoslavia. during world war 2. the stash is used to come system to isolate and exterminate subs, roma,
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jews, and other non catholic minorities, and political opponents of the fascist regime. conditions in the scene of us come with a renders the gods to which it to arise and the prisoners. they send them a consultation tense. so most of them died 6 was incredible genocide. the the world's largest democracy votes the rest of the planet watches in an emerging multi polar world. indeed, as voice matters, but who will be the power behind watches, almost 1000000000 people decide and billions react the
12:00 am
the theater of celebration staying with the siege survivors for the rest of their lives. it took a long time to restore the hills. it goes up to see who do you think or talk to people who managed to break out of the big brands. the what i'm doing is so us putting yourself on your side as you're aware, the book of the, on the view at noon, you know, sorry is of new and you go another way is that to see us, we have 2 euros for stating your storage on your list yeah. as low as i've not done yet. you, it's good for you to do is walk out though. nobody else will go out so, so she doesn't go through a process to just talk. she's in the house with tanya. lift the wind.


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