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tv   News  RT  May 9, 2024 1:00am-1:31am EDT

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[000:00:00;00] the, [000:00:00;00] the big 3 day celebrations kicked off and russia eastern reason for the main parade in moscow. the surface starts in 2 hours, all that coming up in our special coverage. meanwhile, you praying appear to have its own vision of celebrating the victory over naziism by striking residential areas that the russians to the of belgrade the and the us has suspended a shipment of some american weapons to israel,
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acknowledging for the 1st time the bombs are killing innocent civilians in guns, civilians have been killed in causes consequences of those bombs and other ways in which a crafter population made it clear that if they go into rock, applying the weapons as our menu store credit deal with the you're watching r t international. i'm rachel ruble live in moscow. it is a special day for russia and the world marking the 79th anniversary since the red army defeated naziism in the great patriotic war. today we commemorate the unwavering courage and resilience of the soviet people whose triumph over fascism came at the cost of colossal sacrifice and loss. the victory parades are traditionally held all across russia will be bringing you our
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special coverage from the most important one in the very heart of moscow, red square in just 2 hours. well, in russia's eastern regions, military celebrations have already kicked off the . this is a parade and rushes far eastern. the city of lot of us stuck, which is also the home base for the country. specifically as why there are so many marine presence. the women freshman also took part in the event alongside the legendary 2nd world war sylvia t. 34 main battle tank as well as tank destroyers. modern russian military vehicles wrapped up the event with the very latest field giants, the sun during it. so the eastern city streets, also remembering the heroes of the great patriotic war at the freight, are service men and women taking part in today's military operation in ukraine. final preparations for the parade and moscow are in full swing. you can see
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military vehicles rolling into the center to take part in the event over 9000 people in the 70 units of military equipment, as well as a the ation will take part in the celebration ortiz and senior correspondence and rug does do. you have to sneak peak at the vehicle, is getting ready to roll through red square here on the streets, just a 150 meters away from the red square of the vehicles that will make up this parade . raid information often early morning means of and these ease a change you morning, snow full in may in moscow. unusual. even in these parts, those are the sort of the vehicles, a raid behind me ready to go with the appointed time. all of the engines, massive engines, the power of these huge vehicles will turn on and rev up simulate, daily. see the parade will of course be led as is tradition. but at this point by
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this t 30 full time was the cause of the red army. and the war to defeat it less holds less vehicles of on display here that will be driving through red square. i'm much reduced in variety this year due to the fact that the heavy stuff that you guys use the um it does the interest in for g fighting vehicles? well, the much more useful on the front lines were closer to the front lines. the reason, however, a variety of new vehicles both brand new, when relatively new visa and personal carriers. these are also almost vehicles, medical evacuation vehicles and the jobs intercontinental ballistic. nissan launches the things that hopefully will never be used. it won't
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be needed in these codes. it to be conflicts, i tool level of this the uh, the buffer formation is it so to speak array behind me, ready for the order to go to drive and well through the red square. and these may, 9th parade, here in moscow. victory day, a day of immense celebration, but also reflection. knowing that triumphs came as such a colossal cost. 1418 days of a titanic struggle between good and evil light and darkness in a fight in which so many surrendered their lives. so that others could live in freedom and on this momentous occasion, technology is allowing us of virtual bridge in the past. so that today on the 9th of may 2024, we can send all the way back in to 1945. and most of the final days of the war when the soviet people from victory to the world, although paying an immense price for that privilege. on the 1st of may, 79 years ago,
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the soviet victory banner was raised over the reichstag signaling. the end of nazi germany. by that number land was barely recognizable once the beating hearts of the 3rd ranks of painful years of war. less than a shattered or ruined soviet soldiers had taught $35.00 street house to buy house. as the nazi army tried to hold on with everything it could still muster. up in the sky. you can see the illusion, ill to round attacked, plains, buzzing by. they quickly became known as the flying along side as round based counterpart. this toby, at 234 battle tanks, both became iconic symbols of the great patriotic war. and the eventual victory super off $36.00 was just one of the t $34.00 tanks to roll for the streets and the german capital during the battle for berlin. it wasn't until the 9th of may moscow time when the nazi regime officially capitulated. when the sylvia army marshal george, as you call this time to the active military surrender in a suburb of berlin,
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it's impossible to overestimate the total taken on the soviet people of what is the deadliest war humanities ever witnessed. $26600000.00 or soviet citizens pay the ultimate price. the end during reason victory day means so much to so many sacrifice that will not and cannot ever be forgotten. a russians around the world joins so cold in mortal regiment, events to commemorate their ancestors deeds during the great patriotic war. they probably carry portraits of the soviet here. busy who died to protect the world against nazi germany. the event is traditionally held in dozens of countries worldwide on the 8th or 9th of may though, some european states have found public display of russian or soviets symbols in recent times. exactly a year before the 1st victory day on the 9th of may, 1944, sylvia troops liberated the service,
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toppled during the crate. me in all sense of some estoppel is the main naval base of the black sea fleet. so this was one of the key military turning points in the defeat of nazi germany are to correspondence ers down offerings us more of the city of civil stapo was among the fast to be battered by bombing campaigns of to nazi germany invaded the soviet union. 2 factors made crime me at a prime talk. it. angels headless, a genocidal emissions was one. he planned to, to enslaved the locals and pre populate the peninsula with actually the germans. another fact, it was purely strategic soviet control of cry. me a jeopardized oil fields and refineries in romania which the nazis were heavily dependent on in 1941 general, munch dana expected to sweep through the peninsula slow. it was a week into the defense of civil stop and some estoppel point hard. but the balance of power was not in favor worth to the stump of the residents to say the least because the black sea fleet was absent, the army that was to defend the city still haven't reached it. so the people that
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defendants have a stop and work at that school mechanics and technical stuff of the nearby airfield suited for the task. and at the main line of the break through the were only a few marines and a political officer, 5 people altogether at the expense of their lives. they prevented 15 tanks from breaking through the entire 250 day. defense of civil stapo is admitted with such acts of individual heroism. the germans sped, no resources. this is the goose stuff gone. a move in a 3 story high. really how it says it made it to cry. mia in 1942, specifically sent to demolish the besieged civil stapo, along with its garrison. it shows weight 7 tons each in its shadow. other german artillery monstrosities like the gamma for the call failed. in general, in the 2nd world war, the germans never achieved such
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a massive use of artillery as in the siege of sylvester. it's mike supposed to be on slow too. it was good that counted over 200000 soldiers, thousands of motors and guns, hundreds of aircraft and tanks me while the bleeding remains of a soviet army pulled out of the besieged city over desktop, had to rely heavily on the help of volunteers. the people of small heroic balaclava are working and fighting side by side with the red army on the front line. mines and shells are exploding in the streets but risking their lives every 2nd balaclava patriots are working hard and vegetable gardens pruned. vineyards, fishing and providing 1st aid to the wounded, supplying the civil stapo garrison was an immense challenge with the soviet come on . the city citadel was cut off from the mainland, and ships were routinely sung by nazi bonus. so every pair of hands, massive, those who didn't know how to fight helps dig fortifications. actually,
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it was terrible. bombs were being dropped all around. it was scary. this was not a war, but something else. something indescribable, difficult. we were there all the time and loosely built and defensive structures. everyone worked there for morning till evening. no days off. iron metal sheets were spread out and crushed. stone, sand cement was poured on them and water was added. concrete was made this way and the girls would carry all this on stretchers. further and further back. it was something like a cycle. but mounting logistical challenges and found box unprecedented, the sold, eventually brought and then to the roy, $250.00 day defense of the crime in city its loss, defenders had to flee on, make shift rafts with hopes the sea would be. must have for little did they know in 2 years time they would once again set foot in the city, they should blood to protect. so just so that the soviet soldiers literally had to inch for them to buy metre moving forward. and when supporting welcoming was
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already taken, but service stopped, it was not yet liberated. panic was already beginning among the german soldiers. and this panic was due to the fact that they had no words runs and nothing to evacuate, and it was not possible to storm silver stopped immediately because of a very well prepared line of defense. that's the 1st reason. secondly, it's the effect of old equipment than men. power of the german army and the allied forces was concentrated himself estoppel and the surrender of several stop of threatened to damage the morale and the credibility of the entire german army. it was 1941 all over again, but oh, have the tables turned the nazi germany that was already evacuating wasn't panic? the decisive push began on may the 5th within 2 days, so the troops captured mount supported, the terminating height of the gateway to serve a stop on one day for school was over for the nazis on the 9th of may, the resistance was already broken because in the mind of the occupier,
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smelter action was no longer the priority, but rather this thought of escape. and of course, at 5 o'clock in the evening, the guardsmen of the 2nd guards army begin to 4th. the northern bay, or assistance of the knots as in this area was already broken. by the evening of the 9th of may, after the 3 days of decisive assaults, our troops liberate itself was stopped. at 1 o'clock in the morning on may, 9th, a festive sort of 24 salvoes was set up in moscow in honor of the with the ration of the city. something great happened yesterday in your life and in my life, i didn't the lives of old people. we return to semester polls. we drove the germans out of black c capital. we liberated the sea. we liberated your father sacred graves to day service. stop all is back to buff edits home as a decade zone, russia is upholding that and that sacrifice the, on the eve of victory day of photo exhibition dedicated to the events of the great
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patriotic bore, was organized in ethiopia. the exhibition was arranged that the russian house in the open capital to memorize the joint efforts of both countries. the photos were shown ticket that so you'll see in ministry of defense. one of the most famous works presented at the exhibition was the battery of victory over the reg stipend from may 1945, opening the expedition rushes and basset, or to ethiopia noticed that celebrations in the capital video to take place at a special time as a few days ago, the country marked with the victory day of the opium patriots in the war over fascist italy. meanwhile, the cadets of the countries ministry of defense expressed a gesture of support the opium cadets for messages for russian soldiers fighting in the dawn best. but while africa remembers and honors the victory in that war, some countries, especially in the west of seemingly struggle to remember the history lessons of the
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past, are two's marina coast rate, but has more over the years, the western world has been brainwashed into believing that they were the want us to defeat nazi germany, and this idea has penetrated every level of society who won world war 2. well, united states was part of that. there was other countries involved. we could start with uh, it's been a while to one. yeah, it's a, i guess it depends or us, but the allies, we did, we did. we did. i guess russia did at the time as well. i don't know. the us the allied forces, russia, russia, the united se scraper in. um, i guess france came from hong and russia american america. clearly there is an awareness issue with history across the pond. lab, shut all. what else are people supposed to think? when even in the movies they watch kind of firm that's false narrative,
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you heard about us, you probably heard we ain in the fraser taking business. we in the feeling that oh yes, yes, yes, of the. well, the russians no, were to be found in hollywood, also likes to portray one particular battle. as the decisive one, hollywood continued to tow now to move them, said touched upon the de, they've all been overshadowed by steven spielberg saving private ryan, by centering on my mol, her beach. however, the film caused considerable controversy by focusing mainly on their connectivity. hollywood mythology, around world war 2, probably started right when the war began. well, i don't think there were ever any films. maybe it's the more maybe in, in the, never during the war itself. there were some things maybe that, that one's acknowledged. the soviets, in a way that was more positive, but i can't really think of the top my head of,
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of any films about world war 2 that ever showed the soviets, in a positive light, with world war 2, world war 2 is clearly good versus evil. narrative and it's difficult to, it's difficult to like adolf hitler and the nazis. right. so it's very easy to create the narrative of the americans of the good guys, nazi. so the bad guys in 2004 ross tested side by side with the allies to mark the 60th anniversary of the norm and the line for the very 1st time, thoughts by then, the majority of americans and europeans have shifted their position on whose role was the game changer here. it is just the most to win the war. us apparently definitely in their view and lots of most of their allies. and here's another poll which really shows the evolution of this brain washing what after the war ended, 57 percent of the french thought must go have contributes of the most to the war efforts fast forward the few decades. and it's most scope which
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a southerly replaced by washington. well, let's just pause and remind ourselves over the casualties the soviet union last at least, 20000000 people during the great patriotic war, which is how world war 2 is referred to in russia. almost every household was effected, which is why most russians know the story. so well, as it has been recounted by each generation, especially those who actually lived it, it was the western allies extreme of good fortune to the russians and not themselves paid almost the entire butch's bill for defeating nazi germany. excepting 95 percent of the military casualties of the 3 major powers of the grand alliance. but those 5 sub being broke off said maybe it's the after effects of the cold war or a long term strategy for to europe's approach. which is most shocking as countries
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there are actively trying to erase and destroy anything that will contradict the west narrative monuments honoring soviets. soldiers are being torn down across the e. u and the latest assembled area. even though the monument owners soldiers, who liberated the country when it was allied with nazi germany, or some would argue that's disrespectful as this respectful, assigning it into law, which is exactly what be a sodium prime minister wants to do, so that they can dismantle anything. sylvia, that seems it's particularly show to the memorials, to the solar eclipse, dead low to factor side, so much to say god, this again, functions are much better shopping that those are know the targets. you know, this is a, an enrollment side geological, a wall that is being waged by those who support metal, the, the, the capital estate, there's quote,
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when you're taking the leads in the destruction of wall memorials, the kind of noise ation. so you can call it that of a function, collaborators in various countries, which is and even though the west frequently accuses rush off propaganda, they are the masters who invented it. just think of an american dream, hollywood, the land of the free democracy. everyone falls forward at one point or another, but it's incredible how they can seduce even the country, the ones bones. there has been no apology to japan. they did get to pay for craze, though from former us president brock obama, which they have on display at that here. ocean were peace memorial museum. and it seems that was enough because they have a new and let me russia continues to threaten the use of nuclear weapons which has continued to add to world wide concern. that's yet another
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catastrophe. but i knew 3 away from use is a real positive, very quick reminder. the only time nuclear weapons have been use in warfare was by the united states against japan. so let's talk about that right. or the fact that the bowman was unnecessary, tens of thousands of japanese civilians killed and maimed. the official narrative is a lie. the military leaders knew that the atomic bonds were not necessary and knew that japan was effectively defeated. that japan was looking for a way to end the war. truman knew as an american intelligence saying that a, so we do invasion, which began on august a do that, that was gonna force the end of the war. and in fact, it was the soviet invasion of manchuria and beyond that did force the japanese leaders to surrender. likewise, it seems the west wants us to forget about the red armies and norma sacrifices
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during world war 2, and it's up to russia and it's allies. now to ensure that history is not river, it's an or for gotten but honored and acknowledged to make sure to follow our special coverage of the victory day celebrations throughout the day will be bringing you all the updates of the key de, commemorating the unwavering courage and resilience of the soviet people in the great patriotic war and as the whole country celebrates the anniversary of the defeat of naziism, you print in forces haven't shelled the russian city of belgrade ended suburban areas. shells struck residential areas in the city setting fire to civilian vehicles and hitting residential buildings. no deaths were reported, but 8 people were wounded including an 11 year old girl. medics and emergency services were sent to the scene of the attack. the v was,
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has suspended the shipment of some 3500 bonds to israel, of her fears the munitions could be used against civilians. in rough up that's been confirmed by pentagon. chief lloyd austin. as his report of the 2 senators in washington was interrupted by protesters, and he did pause as we re evaluated some of the security of systems that we're providing to so we, we've been very clear, senator, as you know from the very beginning that that israel should launch a major attack in or off or without accounting for and protecting the civilians that are in that battle space. and again, as we have a assess the situation, we pause one shipment of high height uh uh, payload, the munitions. it is a stunning move by washington halting a shipment of some 1802000 pound bonds,
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along with other munitions to israel following it's a salt on the crucial rafa crossing with egypt. now, prior to the capture of our off, i'd be by that administration made clear to be nuts and yahoo, that they do not support any action in this region which puts another us ally, egypt in a very difficult situation. rasa is where most aid, the, the food, medical supplies, and fuel entre gaza. the white house says it's currently reviewing other proposed arms deals with israel as well as many us lawmakers review the president for such moves, namely senator lindsey graham of south carolina, who pressed the sect, das lloyd austin on his position on this particular matter during a senate appropriations hearing on wednesday and you're telling me you're going to
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tell them how to fight the war and what they can and can't use when everybody around them wants to kill all the jews. and you're telling me that if we with whole weapons in this spike, the existential fight for the life of the jewish day, they won't send the wrong signal. if we stop weapons necessary to destroy the enemies of the state of israel at a time of great burial, we will pay a price. this is up say, it is absurd. give israel what they need to fight the war. they can't afford to lose. this is here, ashima and nagasaki, all steroids. now that exchange between graham and austin went on for several minutes. the pentagon bos, visibly an easy on how to approach each answer, defaulting to his job, being that of supporting and executing the wishes of the commander in chief. now the defense secretary and the new chairman of the joint chiefs of staff charles
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brown were testifying before the committee about the the are these fiscal 2025 budget pentagon brass are requesting a one percent increase in the budget, putting it at a staggering roughly $850000000000.00 mark. and while the bite in whitehouse continues to rubber stamp all 8 bills going to ukraine, it has recently been met with some resistance coming from a small contingent of g o. p. lawmakers here in washington. meanwhile, the pentagon's former top officers says washington should look to its own track record of killing civilians in other countries before trying to criticize israel for doing the same. all we all get and then i wish people in massive numbers, innocent people with nothing to do with their limited show morris. it's incredible that he would acknowledge the us as a long history of war crimes,
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to somehow defend israel's work crimes because you know, we've never applied that logic before. it's very strange, but it does show how the us unconditional support of israel has just turned the, the, the, you know, the us into this kind of the abilene entity, the, you know, it's now applies pretzel logic, the things to try to defend israel. there's just no defense of what's happening and frankly to be sent to us has been involved with more crimes and it has then it should stop supporting more crimes in palestine. that's pretty obvious. meanwhile, in an interview to cnn president joe biden stressed that if the idea of goes into rafa, he would hold some of shipments of american weapons to israel as they are killing civilians in does
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a civilians have been killed in gaza. so consequently those palms and other ways in which they go after populations are made it clear that if i go into rafa i haven't gone on roughly yet. if i go in or off or i'm not supplying the weapons that have been used to store credit is due to do with a study said deal with the problem. a mean law that lays strikes continue to head, gaza. almost $35000.00 palestinians have been killed during the ongoing war since october 7th. as, according to the health ministry and does up 1500000 people are displaced with most buildings reduced to rubble. however, earlier idea of strikes were described by us officials as self defense. israel has the right to defend itself when you have thousands of rockets finding the, your territory. israel has the right indeed the obligation to defend itself. and to ensure that this never happens again. israel has the right and the obligation to
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defend itself combined cooperation between the, between partners and allies, to, to work together to make, but it a bit easier for israel to defend itself. all right, let's cross live now to steve gil radio host and the political commentator. steve, i'd like to hear your thoughts on what you think prompted washington to stop sending weapons to israel. i think joe biden has created 2 major problems for himself. first of all, while he talks about being rock solid and in backing is real, holding back the weapons, they need to continue the end. how boss to free the hostages that may still be alive and remaining. and the weapons he is pausing are the precision weapons the in a, in a conflict. reduce the collateral damage of more civilians as more civilian cartridge . so the weapons sees withholding are what would help is real actually do the job with less death among the civilians. and the reason he's doing that is quite simply,
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he's trying to answer to the anti semitic anti american protestors on college campuses. and the error muslim population in chief battleground states and his re election like minnesota and michigan. he is literally sacrificing lives, including perhaps the 5 american house in and putting his political agenda ahead of, of doing the right thing. it is really the other problem and you heard was ground out. he has is that he put together this package to put a to is really these weapons in order to shoehorn is 62000000000 for ukraine. and the package of what was going to is real, to give him the 62000000000 and he wanted to get to the less the values reneging on the part or for is real busy use to get the money for your brain and, and they have park receive a few complaining about this real using weapons. american weapons that cause some


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