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tv   News  RT  May 9, 2024 2:00am-2:31am EDT

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or tried to preserve west to the hague. again, my name a, the victory day celebrations, take off in russian eastern regions. was the main trade in moscow. set to start in one hour and all that coming up in our special coverage. yeah, that's right. in the victory day 2024. can you imagine this being 7 to 9 years today? is that the feet of na, susan, and pastors and what can cause special location now for, for 3 days out of ration here in the us international role research i and we're sunny by for the parade that is kicking off at 10 am shop. the meantime, we are actually more detail. meanwhile, ukraine appeared to have its own vision of celebrating the victory over nazi as and
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by striking residential areas of the russian city of belgrade. and the usaa suspended a shipment of some american weapons to israel acknowledging for the 1st time that farms are killing innocent civilians in gaza. civilians have been killed in gaza. consequences of his palms and other ways in which they go after population. i made it clear that if i go into a roof or a mark supplying the weapons, those have been used historically that deal with the i'm rachel ruble live in the russian capital. you're watching r t international. it is a special day for russia end of the world marking the 79th anniversary of the red armies defeat of naziism in the great patriotic war. today we commemorate the unwavering courage and resilience of the soviet people whose triumph over fascism
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came at the cost of a colossal sacrifice and loss. the victory parades are traditionally held all across russia will be bringing you our special coverage from the most important one and the very heart of moscow, red square in just an hour. meanwhile, in russia's eastern regions, military celebrations have already kicked off on the well, this is a parade and rushes far eastern city and a lot of us to us, which is also the home base for the country specific place. that's why there are so many marines presents. the women's regiment also took part in the event alongside the legendary 2nd world war soviet t. 34 main battle tank as well as take destroyer's. modern russian military vehicles wraps up the events with the very latest steel giants thundering through
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the eastern cities. 3, also remembering the heroes of the great patriotic war. the parade are service men and women taking part in today's military operation in ukraine. the final preparations for the parade and moscow are in full swing, you can see military vehicles rolling into the center to take part in the event over 9000 people on the 70 units of military equipment, as well as a nation will take part in the celebration our 2 senior correspondent morag guys to have took a sig, pick up the vehicle is getting ready to roll through red square here on the streets, just a 150 meters away from the red square. the vehicles that will make up this parade hall will raise information off in early morning needs of and these, these a chevy morning snow full in may in moscow. unusual. even in these parts, though, the soul of the vehicles are arrayed behind me,
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ready to go with the appointed time of the engines, the massive engines, the power of these huge vehicles, will turn on and live up samuel de me see the parade will of course be lead, as is tradition, but at this point by this t 30 full time was the cause of the red army. and no more to defeat. it less holds less vehicles on display here that will be driving into the red square. i'm much reduced in the rights you this year due to the fact that the heavy stuff that you guys use the um it does the interest in for g fighting vehicles? well, the much more useful on the front lines were closer to the front lines that were used. however, a variety of new vehicles booth brand new wouldn't relatively new visa alma pass and l carriers. these are also almost vehicles, medical evacuation vehicles,
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and the yards intercontinental, ballistic me. so launches the things that hopefully will never be used. there will be needed in these conflict to any conflicts i to level of this the, the buffer formation. is it so to speak, array, behind me, ready for the world? is it to the drive and well through the red square? and these may, 9th parade, here in moscow, a victory day, a day of immense celebration, but also reflection. knowing that tribes came of such a colossal cost, 1418 days of a titanic struggle between good and evil light and darkness, and a fight in which so many surrendered their lives so that others could live in freedom. and on this momentous occasion, technology is allowing us a virtual for engines the past. so that's
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a day on the 9th of may 2024. we can set all the way back into 1945. and the final days of the war when the soviet people from victory to the world, although paying an immense price for that privilege. on the 1st of may 79 years ago, the soviet victory banner was raised over the reichstag signaling the end of nazi germany. by then, berlin was barely recognizable. once the beating hearts of the 3rd ranks of painful years of war had left the shattered or ruined. soviet soldiers had fox, 3 flights street house by comments as the nazi army tried to hold on with everything except so muster up in the sky. as you can see, the illusion ill to round attack plains, buzzing by they quickly became known as the flying along side as the ground based counterpart, the soviet t 34 battle takes both became iconic symbols of the great patriotic floor and the eventual victory. super off $36.00 was just one of the t $34.00 tanks to roll for
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the streets of the german capital during the battle for berlin. it wasn't until the 9th of may moscow time when the nazi regime officially capitulated. when the sylvia army marshall your days, you called at times the active military surrender in a suburb of berlin. it's impossible to overestimate the toll taken on the soviet people of what is the deadliest war humanities ever witnessed. $26600000.00 soviet citizens pay the ultimate price. the end during reason victory day means so much to so many the sacrifice that will not and cannot ever be forgotten. russians around the world to join this so called immortal rushman events to commemorate their ancestors deeds during the great patriotic war. they probably caring or traits of the soviet heroes who died to protect the world against nazi germany. the event is traditionally held in dozens of countries worldwide on the 8th or 9th of may. though, some european states have banned public displays of russian or soviet symbols in
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recent times. all right, let's 1st live now to my colleague very shan, his special coverage from our studio at the very heart of moscow. very ok. thanks very much, rachel. yeah, indeed. and they were trying to stay a little bit warm here this morning. as we're waiting for the parade to kick off at 10 am shop. this is a big 3 day 2024, and a very thank hello to you from all of us. say we got a lot of camera guys down here. a lot of the on the teams down here in the heart of moscow getting ready for the big v day commemoration and celebration. of course the parade will be kicking up soon enough in our correspondence. scott that across downtown, most of the heart of moscow to bring you the very latest from the times, from the s 4 hundreds, from the iconic couple starns of red square victory day. it has to be said, it means so much to russia. in fact, the pole was recently held here in the russian federation, asking people,
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what is the most important day of the year for you? is it new? yes. is it the orthodox christmas on trying to to the 7th, or is it may, 9th, may day 3 day the overwhelming majority of people voted for victory day may 9th, as the most significant date of the year. it tells you something, i mean literally even today, 79 years later, there's still a lot of family left on affected by what happened in the 2nd world war. it's known as the great past real if it was here and the russian federation went over well over about 20000000. soviets died in the great patio table, of the numbers range all the way up to 28000000. and we'll, we'll discuss that a bit later. in, in the special coverage or not you international, but i want to introduce our gas because we're very lucky to be joined by undergrad, lucida, and a tale. and we'll correspondence you've just left new guns to come up here. it was $23.00 degrees. was it? yeah, last last week it was a 23. it was nice and warm down the list and we've got you up here. i must go maybe suffering a little bit,
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but you're looking good. you tell me your chuck is good for me minus 10. it's only minus one right now, so we're going to be okay. tell me something andrea, you'll hear for a very significant day. as the russians say, is the most important day of the year. how are you feeling? what are your expectations on and why are you here today? i am very on order to be here today. this is a very important day, not only for us on, on, for our consideration. it's an important day for or europe and or free people into worth this they, we, or we are celebrating. the victory over 1st is for and this is and the victory of freedom against these, i'm sorry, but what are you in our history and the i think it's very important that also in some parts of europe this day we'd be celebrate. that's what's, what's go. so we can just say, well, what's going on in europe today in italy as well? you know, their, their celebration plans, commemoration events. yeah. and roman and milan today, uh,
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the more coverage your mental will be celebrated. and also the big 3 dates also because the more the, uh, 5000. so this part is on a participate in the british award. natalia during the non 0 patient of itself. and this is a very special episode, and they tell you, i'm sorry. and then the story of it, the italian professional and obviously you're paid a very high price during the 2nd world war. many of the european countries was told in, in days and weeks in just a few months of the soviet union. i'll get into it later. basically held out for 4 years and the face of naziism and fascism do you when you look at the state of the world today, is when it comes to geo political events in the world today. do you think we're in a good place right now, j politically speaking, because when you look back 79 years ago today, president food and i said
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a number of times towards professional pop. those please let us not have any one allow for the mistakes of the past to be repeated. and yet we do find ourselves in a tenuous position today. and yet we should be able to look side 79 years ago, an old be in solidarity with each other. the fact that you had the allied forces, they would, they was a consensus. they would have sony daugherty. they stopped sense still around today . do you think here? yes, definitely. i think we are in the right place in a jail political perspective. definitely. yes. and the, uh for me it's very important. that's a, in our space in this bar. so the war, they started coming memory of the 7th and the 2nd war war, the victory they still to beat. celebrate that because the, you know, that maybe in germany we can see the difference between west germany and he's your
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money. and today in the he's germany and believes especially the police thrice abundance at one o symbols that are connected with the rock shop. why like san jose or avon. so saga, florida flag, or russian flock and victoria smart. why what, why, why is that on today? i think this is a problem about the story from memory about the also that's a i think the west wants to use politically make it. they wants to me to use the, the history of the victoria. i didn't structure but it's impossible. the sonya to him beat the victory with more than 20000000. also the law says it's impossible to forget this, but someone, it's trying to forget this. some, you know, some people say that that history is written by the victors. and i've been thinking about that quote, and i'm starting to disagree with that because sometimes that seems to be the history is written by those who are in control of the media establishment. those
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who are in control of the publishers, for example, because at the end of the day, the serbia union, the russian federation, as you say, well i have a 20000000 people last they, they say is 27, even 28000000. that's a military and the civilian casualties. but if you look at the united states, for example, the military and civilian casualties are 420000. the u. k. the great, great, great britain, 450000 casualties fronts 600008 civilian and military casualties. and yet russia over 20000000. and yet when victories i use discussed when the 2nd world war is discussed in, in western countries. for some reason, when it comes to the russian contribution, you hear crickets, you just don't really hear anything. they just kind of rush it to the side. and when you look at these, hollywood movies about world war 2, where is russia? where is the soviet union in any of these, hollywood movies, you know nothing. the people forgetting that
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a while the u. s. u. k. uh, tried to open a new for on thing friends for on the sample and 1944. uh, the soviet union has the, uh, his front against the big war machine in the war. and in the heath front, the germany or the, the, the play, the more that's a to 1000000 to us millions sold this. so the biggest force of the german government, that's right. no body of the other allies fault with us against this force. so that people are forgetting the saw your students who are assisted against this big force but also, but also in today. it's because you don't get this in the hollywood movies, but it was the soviet union. the pushed, the german forces all the way back to lynn. it was the soviets, the push, the germans back to bowl and it was the other i lied for. they did come in a bit later, but it was the serve. yes,
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you love it torres and pushing the enemy back to its layer and defeating it, the now obviously under the today is a massively significant day, not just for russia, but also for the former allied forces as well. and for so many people around the world, uh we, we've seen uh there are collaborations being held across russia if you think the biggest country in the. busy at 11 time zones. so a lot of collaboration happening today. a lot of celebration as well, mocking victory day 2024, and today lucida. you, you are a war correspondent, spending your time down in south south west in russia. and we appreciate the hard work. you're doing, we appreciate you joining us here at all to international stay. we'll stick around . i will talk to you in a little while and today lucida. thank you very much. if thank you, i will continue our social coverage. you're not seen to national it is a little little bit wouldn't be right here, but we're absolutely fine dear and not for the parade. take it off at 10 am shop. hope you can stick around for us special coverage. we. i live here. it's all to you international on v day. right. and you are looking very cool and warm down there
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near red square. that was where i should say my colleagues from r t studio and the very center of the russian capital. and asbury told us, we'll be back in just about an hour as the victory they pray to gets underway here in moscow. well exactly a year before the 1st victory day on the 9th of may 1944 so that troops liberated some estoppel during the crimea and offensive. so the estoppel is the main naval base of the black sea plates. so this was one of the key military turning points in the feats of nazi germany. r t correspondence egos down off brings us more of the city of civil stapo was among the 1st to be battered by bombing campaigns of to nazi germany invaded the soviet union. 2 factors made crime me at a prime target. hazel's headless of genocidal emissions was one. he planned to to enslaved the locals and pre populate the peninsula with as many germans. another fact, it was purely strategic soviet control of crimea jeopardized oil fields and refineries
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in romania which the nazis were heavily dependent on. in 1941 general, munch dana expected to sweep through the peninsula. slow, indeed, was a week into the defense of civil stopping, and some estoppel for tart. but the balance of power was not in favor of civil stumbles residents to say the least because the blacks, the fleet was absent, the army that forced to defend the city still hadn't breached it. so the people that defendants and was talking about work at that school mechanics and technical stuff in the nearby air pillow top suited for the task. and at the main line of the break through the were only a few marines and a political officer, 5 people altogether at the expense of their lives. they prevented 15 tanks from breaking through the entire 250 day. defense of civil stop all is admitted with such acts of individual heroism. the germans sped no resources. this is the goose stuff gone. april the 3 story. hi, really, how it says it made it to find me in 1942 specifically sent to demolish the
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besieged civil stobel along with its garrison. it shows week 7 pounds each in its shadow, other german now to re monstrosities like the gamma for the call failed. in general in the 2nd world war, the germans never achieved such a massive use of artillery as in the siege of sylvester. it's mike supported the own slow till it was hoard, counted over $200000.00 soldiers, thousands of motors and guns. hundreds of ad crofton tanks me while the bleeding remains of a soviet army pulled out of the besieged city of a desk, had to rely heavily on the help of volunteers. the people of small heroic balaclava are working and fighting side by side with the red army on the front line. mines and shells are exploding in the streets but risking their lives every 2nd balaclava patriots are working hard and vegetable gardens pruned. vineyards,
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fishing and providing 1st aid to the wounded, supplying the civil stapo garrison was an immense challenge for the soviet. come on . the city citadel was cut off from the mainland, and ships were routinely sung by nazi bonus. so every pair of hands, massive, those who didn't know how to fight helps dig fortifications. actually, it was terrible. bombs were being dropped all around. it was scary. this was not a war, but something else. something indescribable difficult. we were there all the time and mostly built and defensive structures. everyone worked there for morning till evening. no days off. iron metal sheets were spread out and crushed. stone, sand cement was poured on them and water was added. concrete was made this way and the girls would carry all this on stretchers. further and further back. it was something like a cycle, but mounting logistical challenges and found box unprecedented the sold eventually
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bruce and then to the roy, $250.00 day, defense of the crime in the city. it's loss of defendants had to flee on, make shift rafts, with hopes the sea would be, must have full little did they know. in 2 years time, they would once again set foot in the city, they should blood to protect so that the soviet soldiers literally had to inch for them to buy metre moving forward. and once the food was already taken, but so it was stopped but was not yet liberated. panic was already beginning among the german soldiers. and this panic was due to the fact that they had no words runs and nothing to evacuate. and it was not possible to storm so it was stopped immediately because of a very well prepared line of defense. that's the 1st reason. secondly, it's the effect of old equipment in men power of the german army and the allied forces was concentrated himself estoppel and the surrender of several stucco threatened to damage the morale and the credibility of the entire german army. it was 1941 all over again. but, oh,
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have the tables turned the nazi germany that was already evacuating wasn't panic? the decisive push began on may the 5th within 2 days. so the troops captured mound supporting the terminating height of the gateway to serve a stop. one day for school was over for the nazis on the 9th of may. the resistance was already broken because in the mind of the occupiers military action was no longer the priority. but rather the start of escape. and of course, at 5 o'clock in the evening, the guardsmen of the 2nd guards army begin to 4th, the northern bay, or assistance of the knots. as soon this area was arranging, broken, by the evening of the 9th of may, after the 3 days of decisive assaults, our troops liberated. so we'll stop at 1 o'clock in the morning on may, 9th, a festive sort of 24 salvos was set up in moscow in honor of the, with the ration of the city. something great happened yesterday in your life. i didn't my life. i didn't the lives of all, not people. we return to semester poll. we drove the germans out of black c capital
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. we liberated the sea. we liberated your father, sacred, grave. to day service, still fall is back to buff edits. as a decades on russia is upholding that and that sacrifice the be sure to follow our special coverage of the victory day celebration is throughout the day will be bringing you all the updates of this key de, commemorating the unwavering courage and resilience of the soviet people in the great patriotic war of the as the whole country celebrates the anniversary of the defeat of naziism, ukrainian forces of shell, the russian city of belgrade and its suburban areas. shells struck residential areas of the city, setting fire to civilian vehicles and hitting residential buildings. no death were reported by 8 people were wounded,
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including an 11 year old girl. medics and emergency services were sent to the scene of the attack. the usaa suspended the shipment of some 3500 bonds to israel. of her fears, the munitions could be used against the villians, and rossa, has been confirmed by pennington, she floyd to austin as his report to senators and washington was interrupted by protesters. meanwhile, in an interview to cnn president joe biden stressed that if, if the idea of goes into a rock that he would hold some shipments of american weapons to israel as they are killing civilians in gaza. meanwhile, dudley strikes continue to head to gaza. almost $35000.00 palestinians have been killed during the ongoing war since october 7th. as, according to the health ministry of guys, the 1500000 people are displaced with most buildings reduced to rubble. however, earlier idea of strikes are described by us officials, as so defense. we heard from steve gil radio host and political commentator,
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he says, by the end statement is only intended to calm up pro palestinian protests across the u. s. i think the main thing that uh joe biden is trying to accomplish now is to quiet the protest on american con time campuses where they are, you know, screaming their anti some medic, anti israel phrases he's wanting to, to trying to force himself from his real to try and play to take them and then the same thing is true and cheap. battleground states where his re election is wavering, in places like minnesota and michigan, that he has to carry. and the air of both the muslim vote and in those states are critical to his bass. he's trying to play down by sacrificing is real. and i don't think he's going to win votes among the american population by sacrificing israel for his campaign. this day with our to international will have to for full coverage of the victory they prayed in moscow, beginning in about half an hour. bye. buy the the,
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the beauty of a story, maybe the other on the border. that's what i can use. valves originally inspected and i said, your boy really wasn't sure yet, but it's a general facility based in yet periods which are likely to escape photos, the dining theaters industry to look up over the moon, ground it ups through a bundle ski at the, at the site the goal to smith avenue. yeah, that is that side of it is leveled and everything is se assessment readiness for year of experience. but i will say in nearest the blue books and you for 90 percent of the time is happens if somebody to pick video to face because you have to just catch the senior.
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the in germany's operations on the roads or against the ssl should have left in 6 weeks notice the troops was split into 3 on the groups. no sail from santa cruz. north task was to capture leningrad in summit 1941 german propaganda boosted that the cradle of both 2 business days were numbered in 3 to 4 weeks will be ends ending grass was as good as one of the 5th of july. the 2nd 1941. why none of us took it gives it a boy widely known each does it in? yeah, i can grab the symbol. can we assist? could you also see what we gave you?
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category filler, shit though you have quite a few more. we have storage, southern yet to similarly, who is a booth for salisa in duty and then your little guys for some of the into of the one and the good. i me see, see i get as a what a score us on the problem. listen to simply for the 1st group, typically as you see, the south list of the shipment of the union city. are you able to just buy them? you want us to la. at 1st, the enemy advanced at about 25 to 70 kilometers a day. by september, german forces were barely moving a kilometer in a day. and a pair of black kia, uh, the sooner i was up with a site as close, i use a little file as you coming across the you have provided variable in the must blue see here as a blue because that's the real thing in the shortest possible time 3 lines of defense were built around leningrad, the 1st 120 kilometers from the city. the 2nd was 70 kilometers away by the 3rd literally hubs the city limits at the lowest p. i'm very easy for this. it was
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through useful so we can see show idea of a was something as ation it bug rosky presently and wishing that those people who i live on it as a passive grace improved for them as a sort of thing. basically a full play as a 5th, or if you feel a bushing slow, a success with unions, a is a normally it's like it's sort of variables. the local defence line is with an inverted residents. engage the enemy for the 1st time on yielding resistance. by the way, the melissa and oregon we citizens successfully holt at the gym in advance. we'll be a briefly meanwhile, the city was actively gearing up the defense. his preparations were made for people in factories to be evacuated with a credit silver capitalism provides you with luncheons. i look forward to meeting with you and we will bring up a store and circles up the promotional is what's going on. what's all in one person, prof. dropped in front of the internet to go for a long time. it was fast decided to evacuate the cute of plans, you know,
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because 1941. but that plan was postponed because the things it made was so unique . the risk was justified by what's above those, i'm pressing and materiel of the see was allowed to probably push the target to come with you. what was the bushes? the result of that was that she from russell and what i'm doing message from the k b 110, good. it's combat stripes. when 1st tested in battle, the been knocked out of you have to develop any tank to match it. the heavy soviet tank could only be still difficult to close range the, the kid up loud didn't stop working even for a minute. work has been days and sometimes weeks. if their machines determine to exceed production tasks, they were forced to leave the children at home alone. the good idea, the children so that it's this one good old to be a for the vin on that you less the, just myself. i'm going to put the kid us comes of would you.


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