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tv   News  RT  May 9, 2024 6:00am-6:30am EDT

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the 45, tragically, the collective west disregard. the russians lying aces show up their top clocks skills kind of things are just silver . moscow's like 3 day parades, all that and our special coverage commemorating the triumph of the soviet people, the platinum, are putting, admonishes the west for just storing the historical memory of world war 2. and one last thing is new naziism punches and mostly to justify the color and follow is of the nazis a part of the general productivity of the listing that leads to insight and new region licensure. listening. everybody jump most of the things and rolling alongside the troops for reading it through the red square russian instead of the
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art military vehicles, including yards and missile carriers and empty aircraft systems. the f one of the best, if not the best defenses, the honor, the live in moscow on rachel ruble, you're watching r t international. it is a special day for russia and the world marketing the 79th anniversary of the red armies defeat of naziism in the great patriotic war. today we commemorate the unwavering resilience of the soviet people in their triumph over fascism and our special coverage from our studio. at the very heart of moscow the,
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you know, when you hear that russian national on some, even for an ex spot like myself, it's still fallacy with such as census fried, just the sound of the russian national anthem. it's such a moving, moving on them, and of course, very strong words from the russian president vladimir putin, basically saying 79 years on the since the defeat of nonsense. and yet there are certain people in the world, certain players who do want to white wash the history of nazi isn't from the 2nd world here. but i will do that today. we see how some are trying to distort the truth about the 2nd world war. the truth is inconvenient for those who are used to building their colonial policy on hypocrisy in lines. they demolish memorials to the true fighters against nazis, and full well putting traitors and accomplices of the nazis on a pedestal. they erase the memory of the heroism of deliberate,
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the soldiers of the great sacrifice evangelism, mockery of history, and the desire to justify the cutter and follow is of the nazis a part of the general policy of the west. and it leads to incite new regional conflicts, ethnic and religious hospitalization. we reject the claims of any country or alliance, but exclusivity is the way we know what the, you know, what in a sea of such and patient's needs. do you go rush? i will do everything to prevent the global clash and i think, but at the same time, you could that will not allow anyone who correct unless our strategic forces are always on the alert. let's get back now to i don't called at the on 40 a, down there on red square and that you've been really getting close into a real close meet and greet for you. they will all the crews tell me what's going on. how is it that way you are? that's right. sorry. well, it's snowing on and off here, but like you said, the weather might be called, but that is not stops. anyone who wanted to come to see this a nor, mostly amazing ceremony to come and see this, but it's not gonna stop anyone who has the opportunity to see this up close because
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it's just so incredible really is a great occasion for everyone here. as well as the foreign dignitaries that have been invited to witness this as well. we're looking at, you know, the president subject to spence or madness, then bella ruth, a lot of other catholic stan as well among many others as well as for and delegations from countries outside the raising. and for a former soviet sphere. we're looking at a delegation from law allows, which is as of late to become very, very close with russia in terms of, in terms of economic and political cooperation as well as cuba. the cuban president himself is here attending this year's red square military parade in honor of 79 years of victory over fascism and he and his delegation are here, of course, enjoying this rest, taking parade that's going on behind me. so really, this is an occasion that anyone who receives an invitation,
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anyone who has the opportunity to see these military parades and on are those who fox news in the great patriotic award to free the world from fascism. anyone who has the opportunity to see something like that. okay, don't. okay, it's on. yeah, listen, it's income. the boys with that big tories right now with that with the ahmed ahmed vehicles, the post and l carriers. other times we're going to be seeing the nuclear try out today. the components of the, of on job system to the i'll be going to see the change all the hypersonic geiger attached underneath. a su, quite jets that will be flying right over red square as well. so let's, so let's learn more now because $11.00 of our colleagues is also have to the ministry expert and, and historian as well, shape bows. let's get the shape of is right now. say, i know you're right in the thick of it. you've been enjoying this as well. this is really your coverage, say for sure. what do you see where you are now? sure. well, as you can see behind me, these are sort of law, you know,
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our reconnaissance vehicles sort of where the teague are, which are lighter economy, recall since vehicle. but as you can see, how many behind us now are the years a ballistic missile cutters terriers, which are part of rush is a nuclear and fleet actually as well under escorted via, via the yard. yeah. i'm or visa roll them all saw about a month ago. they're great dismay from some people in the west suggesting that this is the sort of the strategic group. but why moscow on these are mobile mr. launchers, very difficult to track. the part of russia is very modern, nuclear deterrent. remember, rochelle probably has the biggest arsenal of nuclear weapons on earth and a probably as the most modern ones, including at disarm on this side of a recent development which can be deployed from this boss. and the water naval plate as well. these are asked for on good,
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on the way par rory. but again, the s 401 of the best, if not the best on the defensive, good or evil really. we're a little bit patriots on iris tease in your great, with the s 400 on now. the s 500, which is in developing the science system, is without the best, if not the best anti aircraft system on earth. and it provides a huge amount of cobra to tube in the symbol. let's start with your he goes down off our correspondence. tiny bond, the local airfield, who's gearing not for the fly of a go to is rory here. i hope you can hear me. okay. tell me where you are and what you're setting up for. what's it like that now? absolutely, rory we all here on an i feel just outside most go to russian aerobatics themes. the swift and the russian nights are done with the final preparations. pilots are
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in the cockpit, it's about to take off for the red square the they are among the best in the world. they both bought the piece out of the 3 of us. yeah. today make 29 and to 30th. the fighter jets well and the ultimate goal is being a couple of years since 5 digits supporting the victory, the way the red square. well, it's the rarest of sites to behold. somebody's tupelo, the blacks, the swan retrofitted a great enough to can you hear the noise?
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the . all right, joining me now in the studio as former us army officer is dennis love. it prepared, nick, uh, stuffs. great to have you been with us. you're here in the hearts of the celebration, seen it firsthand. this is my 1st year being in moscow in siena as well myself. what are your impressions and emotions of what you've seen today? well, when the march starts, so you know, it just, it, it pulls you in considering your mind to our family, fought a great picture of it for i got out of 500 years of officers. i'm the only officer didn't serve and the russian. so it pulls you in. it's, it's, it's an emotional dog. so even if you're not russian and a sofa you, when just the double, the whole scenery, the marsh, the marshal prowess. and when the banks start rolling in me, i just, it's a site, it's a, it's an experience, i think is a better word. yeah,
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absolutely. we also heard from the russian president saying that russia will not allow anyone to threaten the country and its strategic forces are always on a alert. now this comes one relations between russia and nato, are all time low with. we've seen this back and forth, escalating rhetoric do rushes on for us to provide enough of a deterrent to prevent a direct confrontation between moscow in washington and his allies that we, we hope it doesn't come to that. but what, what are your thoughts? well, if you look at the rational experts in the west, uh, they'll tell you, yes, the us army is in no position right now to us. army is never been in a position to take on russia on, on the ground nato as a whole during the height of the cold war. our mission was primarily 1st and foremost, the block of worship fact forces, and by time. right, so not any kind of mass of offensive right now, much worse. the endless war is the americans been fighting out in his gorilla wars as totally south americans that capability a fight of conventional war. they're trying to up it right now, but it takes
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a lot of time to rebuild your forces. the problem is, is the people in washington that bite in regime are absolutely devoid of any sense of reality. and one of the reasons i want to uh, things that came out of was why the administrative, international fairs notes came out with a very strong word of statements to the various ambassadors when they were called in uh was the article that came out in the us from inside or a news that said that once bite is re elected, he's finding out for the collective mind, whomever really makes the decisions, are going to sign off on the intervention and ukraine. so us army directly, the ukraine. again, this is totally devoid of realises us. army is going to give your wife down there, go into ukraine. you know, the russian president also criticized the west of distorting the historical memory of world war 2 and, and even whitewashing new naziism. do you know there's a change in narrative surrounding patches and when it comes to the great picture of
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the war and, and world war 2 in general? because i know coming from america, a lot of people don't know the role that this this'll be played in the end of world war 2. yeah. oh, you know, when i was in university of one of my close friends was a history major. and i mentioned to them that you know, the vast majority, 80 percent of german and allied uh like german forces were destroyed on the eastern front. he started laughing because that's absolutely not their problem. in the us universities in the west, in general, they're taught that the us and the western allies, one to one field, a johnny come lately, see that plan a flag and says we want, but really the best majority of fighting was an eastern and any serious historical tell you that for the white washing is incredible. first of all, when i was in the military, i knew quite a few people and, and it's been expanding this i'm in mind so that the us chose the wrong side and more were to just support of the not believe it or not. but there is a large enough problem. we even had a problem back in the early 2,
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thousands with all the tattoos that people were getting had to be categorized. why? because there's so many nazi pets as well. so outta now it's for us, because ss and so on the 8th, which is highly hitler and things like that that were getting tattooed. so that was a big problem. i'm sure the problem hasn't really gone away. and now what they're trying to do is especially the eastern europeans figure like the polls, the 1st, the allies of hitler's germany, who were germany is representative of the legal nation faith and not the one anybody to remember that the fact. but they're trying to equate the soviet union with hitler german. that was all the same. well, no, it wasn't all the same fact. oppose the polls were conduct the magic sermon, expedite exterminator, the jews, and $39.00 their jews. it wasn't the germans of the fall with civilians. and then they killed off the german civilians. in 45 to 48, they disappear, made amount of ethnic state. and they don't want anybody remember that as little
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facts and they're not the only one. so there is a big move to try to equate hostile and silence. so we do union with it or make it even worse that really it was the day were to back. so how is victory day in the soviet like a see in crushing not say, as in perceived today then in the us. yeah. nobody remembers that. or, you know, yeah, and nobody remembers, it looks like, honestly speaking as a, as a veteran in the us. nobody particular remembers even uh, were, were to periods, you know, the us finding the new generation. they know what they're talking about. anything else histories taught as a kind of one of those courses here, data system. and so we're going to give you the minimal and you need a few bates, and we'll forget all about. and you'll never use that again. her life. so sad to say, but that's those, you know, memorial day and you're the only people in the corporate world time works in the corporate world after the military. the only people that would, uh uh, thank you for your service on memorial day, where other veterans, right, right. there's nobody else remember that. so it's really sad. but why is that the
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memorization of the defeat of nazi isn't so important for russians and the world in general? well, 27000000 the casualties. 20000000 of those 1st or 7000000. those are military, 3000000 of those were killed in concentration camps for the germans between, you know, 19411942 start the death shot cetera. work the death 20000000 civilians. i mean, we're talking full scale genocide. it looks plan was to leave 20000000 people in the soviet union, west of the urals, as slaves and factory workers feel slaves of factor work and personal slaves for various german families. that was the whole goal. so we're talking about mass scale genocide. they were attempting to free and not only the germans, the romanians of in gary and there are a lot of countries that were participating. we have learned this interesting, you know, the world is again at a major turning point where you hear a lot of discussion about a multi puller world. russia's role a and versus role and that type tonic shift. and what role you can rash
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a play given us legacy of the soviet union? well, multiple roles is already here, whether the west likes to admit or not. and they don't want to admit it obviously. and particularly the west as a single buller world where washington makes all the decisions and why and worship, and sometimes them, with london, russia is playing the, the russia and china in this case, are playing the role of love we, we want to trade with you want to work with you, we're not going to dictate to you what you need to do inside your country. from the point of how you want to structure your culture to the point to how you want structure and government. that's up to you and the people in your country. so you're traditionally, you're not traditional, it's all up to you. we're not going to dictate a problem. the west is the west, has often been at, on a moral per se effect. the, you know, we've had, we've the 1st western invasion of russia within 101280 polls with the holy roman empire german. alice says that it's been costs and the address of the well being pushed with this cultural jihad toward the russia for the regents
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process. response is always been rushed as a very multi fuller world, is also a multicultural from the very beginning. so, historically speaking, so, and that is part of that culture. we're not going to tell you how you need to live . you live with the way you want to live, you want to participate in an open market. you want to work on project. sure. no problem. do what you want to do inside your own country to your decision, where not an immoral position to tell you how you should live. i should get around your own family business. all right, we're gonna leave with that. thank you so much for your perspective. former us army officer, status love cryptogenic. thank you. the russians around the world join it so called in mortal regiment events to commemorate their ancestors deeds. during the great patriotic more, it probably carried portraits of the soviet heroes who died to protect the world against nazi germany. the event is traditionally held in dozens of countries worldwide on the 8th or 9th of may. those,
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some of your p in states have banned public display of russian or soviet symbols in recent times. meanwhile, in the united states, more than a 100 people have joined to the immortal regimen event at the russian embassy in washington. the diplomatic missions, employees together with students from the embassies of school, marched through the embassy, carrying posters of the relatives, veterans of the great patriotic moore. the event ended with congratulations from the russian ambassador to the united states and a totally entered off and a performance from the missions full of children. the diplomat honor those who gave their lives for their homelands during the war, calling on their descendants to cherish the memory of their grandfathers and great grandfather's victory. james a day of immense celebration, but also reflection. knowing that triumph came as such a colossal cost, 1418 days of a titanic struggle between good and evil light and darkness, and a fight in which so many surrendered their lives so that others could live in
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freedom. and on this momentous occasion, technology is allowing us a virtual for engines the past. so that's a day on the 9th of may 2024. we can step all the way back into 1945. and the final days of the war when the soviet people from victory to the world, although paying an immense price for that privilege. on the 1st of may 79 years ago, the soviet victory banner was raised over the reichstag signaling the end of nazi germany. by then, berlin was fairly recognizable. once the beating hearts of the 3rd ranks of painful years of war had left the shattered when the soldiers had plus 3 flights st. house by comments as the nazi army tried to hold on with everything except so much sir. and this guy, as you can see, the illusion ill to round attack planes buzzing by they quickly became known as the flying along side as round base counterpart, the soviet t,
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34 battle tanks. those became iconic symbols of the great patriotic war. and the eventual victory super off 36th was just one of the t $34.00 tanks to roll for the streets and the german capital during the battle for berlin. it wasn't until the 9th of may moscow time when the nazi regime officially capitulated. when the sylvia army marshal guard is you call that signs the active military surrender in a separate buffer land. it's impossible to overestimate the total taken on this toby of people of what is the deadliest for humanities ever witnessed? $26600000.00 soviet citizens pay the ultimate price. the end during reason victory day means so much to so many sacrifice that will not and cannot ever be forgotten. on the eve of victory day of photo exhibition dedicated to the events of the great patriotic moore, was organized in ethiopia. the exhibition was arranged at the russian house. and that if you'll be in the capital to commemorate the joint efforts of both countries,
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opening the exhibition russia's ambassador to z o p, a note of the celebrations in the capital b, c o c, a take place at a special time. as a few days ago, the country marked in the vic 3 day with you in the scripts in the war over fascist italy. meanwhile, the contents of the countries ministry of defense expressed a gesture of support. if you'll be in to this for messages for russian soldiers fighting, and the don bass of all africa, remembers and honors the victory in that war. some countries, especially in the west, have seemingly struggled to remember the history lessons of the past. are 2, is marina cus, reva has more over the years the western world has been brainwashed into believing that they were the want us to defeat nazi germany. and this idea has penetrated every level of society who won world war 2. well, united states was part of that. there was other countries involved. we could start with uh, it's been a while to one. yeah. it's a,
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i guess it depends to us. but the allies, we did, we did. we did. uh, i guess russia did at the time as well. i don't know. the us the allied forces, russia, russia, the united states scraper in, um, i guess france can, hong, and russia american america. clearly there is an awareness issue with history across the pond. lab, shut all. what else are people supposed to think? when even in the movies they watch, confirm. that's false narrative. you heard about us. you probably heard wayne in the fraser taken business. we in the feeling that oh yes, yes, yes, the, well, the russians know where to be found. and hollywood also likes to portray one particular battle. as the decisive one,
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hollywood continued to turn now to move them said, touched upon the day. they will be no shadow by steven spielberg saving private ryan, by centering on my mol, her beach. however, the film caused considerable controversy by focusing mainly on american activity. hollywood mythology, around world war 2, probably started by when the war began. well, i don't think there were ever any films, maybe it's the more maybe in, in this and never during the war itself. there were some tells me that that wouldn't acknowledge the soviets in a way that was more positive. but i can't really think of the top my head of, of any films about world war 2 that ever showed to the soviets, in a positive light, with world war 2, world war 2 is a clearly good versus evil narrative. it's difficult to, it's difficult to like adolf hitler and the nazis. right. so it's very easy to create the narrative of, you know, americans of the good guys. not 6 of the bad guys in 2004 rochester side by side
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with the allies to mark the 60th anniversary of the norm and the line for the very 1st time, thoughts by then, the majority of americans and europeans have shifted their position on whose role was the game changer here. it is. how did the most to with no more us apparently definitely in their view and lack of most of their allies. and here's another pull which really shows the evolution of this brain washing what after the war ended, 57 percent of the french thought must go have contributes of the most to the war for fast forward the few decades. and it's most scope which is southerly, replaced by washington. well, let's just pause and remind ourselves over the casualties. the soviet union lost at least 20000000 people during the great patriotic war, which is how world war 2 is referred to in russia. almost every household was affected, which is why most russians know the story. so well,
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as it has been recounted by each generation, especially those who actually lived it, it was the western allies extreme of good fortune to the russians and not themselves paid almost the entire butch's bill for the freezing nazi germany excepting 95 percent of the military casualties of the 3 major powers that be grand, the lions, but those 5 sub being forgot to neva. it's the after effects of, of the cold war or. 8 a long term strategy for to your apps approach, which is most shocking as countries there are actively trying to erase and destroy anything. and that will contradict the west new narrative monuments honoring soviets. soldiers are being torn down across the e. u and the latest is in bold area, even though the monument owners soldiers, who liberated the country when it was allied with nazi germany, or some would argue that's disrespectful as this respectful, assigning it into law,
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which is exactly what be a sodium prime minister wants to do so that they can dismantle anything soviet that seems. it's particularly show to the memorials to the soviet judge of those who sacrifice show much to say, god bless you. the instructions are much better shopping, but those are not the targets. you know, this is a, an enormous ideological wall that is being waged probably go through triple metal the, the, the capital estate, there's call in europe taking the leads in the destruction of hall memorials. the kind of noise ation. so you can call it that of a function, collaborators in various countries which is showing even though the west frequently attends as rush off propaganda. they are the masters who invented it. just think of the american dream, hollywood, the land of the free democracy. everyone falls forward at one point or another,
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but it's incredible how they can seduce even the country, the ones bones. there has been no apology to japan. they did get to pay for craze, though from former us president brock obama, which they have on display at the here ocean. what peace memorial museum. and it seems that was enough because they have a new and i me, russia continues to threaten to use of nuclear weapons which has continued to add to world wide concern. that's yet another catastrophe. but i knew 3 away from you. this is a real positive, very quick reminder. the only time nuclear weapons have been used in warfare was by the united states against japan. well, that's will talk about that right or the fives. the bowman was on necessarily tens of thousands of japanese civilians killed in maine. the official narrative is
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a lie. the military leaders knew that the atomic bonds were not necessary and knew that japan was effectively defeated. that japan was looking for a way to end the war. truman knew as american italian as mis a, a. so we to invasion which began on august a do that, that was going to force the end of the war. i had, in fact, it was the soviet invasion of manchuria and beyond that did force the japanese leaders to surrender all likewise, that seems to west wants us to forget about the red armies and norma sacrifices during world war 2. and it's up to russia and its allies now to ensure that history is not river, it's an or forgotten, but honored and acknowledged. what do you stay with archie international for more of our special coverage of rushes, victory day celebrations? and throughout the day, that is all for me for now, but my colleague, karen will have much more coming up and half an hour by the
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