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tv   News  RT  May 9, 2024 7:00am-7:30am EDT

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change them on something and never change their minds about video. they think i was wrong. and that's it. the russians line guys, the show of the top 12 skilled college thing that jack said the most skilled is victory day parade, obasi and also special coverage commemorating the triumph of the soviet who to the monasteries, the west oldest stores. thing the historical memory of world war 2, the white washing neo knox here with bunches and mercury of history. and the desire to be a part of the government follows up in mount q and a part of the general public safety of the what's the release to insight new regional functions. and by jim, i still think the trend rolling alongside the troops, a rating root, otherwise,
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what russian states every, all military vehicles, including jobs, mississauga, how are you? i'm on t x off the asked me a 100 not the best defensive really the it's very well come, your watching all see international as a way to it's great to have you with us. while they say special day full russia on the well mocking the $79.00, the anniversary of the red armies defeats of non c. as in the grades page will signal. today we come at a late fee on waiver and resilience of the soviet people on the triumphs i've of fascism in all special coverage from all studios at the very house of mosca. the,
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you know, when you hear about russian national on some, even for an ex spot like myself, it's still fillasy with such as census fried, just the sound of the russian national anthem. it's such a moving, moving on them. and of course, very strong words from the russian president vladimir putin, basically saying 79 years on the since the defeat of nonsense. and yet there are certain people in the world, certain players who do want to white wash the history of nazi isn't from the 2nd world war. but i will do a federal today. we see how some are trying to distort the truth about the 2nd world war. the truth is inconvenient for those who are used to building their colonial policy on hypocrisy in lines. they demolish memorial to the true fighters
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against nazis and all well putting traitors and accomplices of the nazis understood as to why didn't they a race. the memory of the heroism of deliberate to soldiers, of the great sacrifice relaunch, is a mockery of history to it. and the desire to justify the cutter and follow is of the nazis a part of the general policy of the west. and it leads to insight, new, regional conflict, ethnic and religious hostility. we reject the claims of any country or alliance for exclusivity, which we know what the, you know, what in a sea of such a emissions leads to russia will do everything to prevent the global clash. but at the same time, we will not allow anyone to threaten us. our strategic forces are always on alert. let's get back now to i don't called at the concord area down there on red square. i may even really getting close into a real close, meet and greet for you that with all the crews tell me what's going on. how is it that way you are? that's right. very well. it's snowing on and off here, but like you said, the weather might be called, but that is not stops. anyone who wanted to come to see this
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a nor mostly amazing ceremony to come and see this. but it's not gonna stop anyone who has the opportunity to see this up close because it's just so incredible. really. it's a great occasion for everyone here as well as the foreign dignitaries that have been invited to witness this as well. we're looking at, you know, the president subject to spence or madness. then bella rose a lot of other cows expand as well, among many others as well as foreign delegations from countries outside the raising . and for a former soviet sphere, we're looking at a delegation from law allows, which is as of late to become very, very close with russia in terms of in terms of economic and political cooperation as well as cuba, the cuban president himself is here attending this year's red square, military parade in honor of 79 years of victory over fascism and he and his delegation are here, of course, enjoying this rest,
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taking parade that's going on behind me. so really, this is an occasion that anyone who receives an invitation, anyone who has the opportunity to see these military grades and on are those who fought in the great patriotic award to free the world from fascism. anyone who has the opportunity to see something like that. okay, don't. okay, it's on. yeah. listen, it's income. the boys with that big tories right now with, with the homage on the vehicles, the post and l carriers. other times we're going to be seeing a nuclear, a triad today. the components of the have on job system. you the, i'll be going to see the change all the hypersonic dogger attached underneath a su, quite jets which will be flying right over red square as well. so let's, so let's learn more now because one of our colleagues is also have to the ministry expert and, and historian as well, shape bows. let's get to shape our is right now. say, i know you're right in the thick of it, even enjoying this as well. this is really your coverage,
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say for sure. what do you see where you are now? sure. well, as you can see behind me, these are sort of law, you know, our reconnaissance vehicles sort of where the teague are, which are lighter economy, recall since vehicle. but as you can see, how many behind us now are the years a ballistic missile cutters terriers, which are a part of rush, is a nuclear and fleet actually as well under escorted via b a, b, or the am or via visa roll. them all saw about a month ago. they're great dismay. and some people in the west suggesting that this is the sort of strategic move of why moscow. and these are very difficult to track. the part of russia is very modern nuclear to terror. remember, russian probably has the biggest arsenal of nuclear weapons on earth and probably as the most modern ones including at disarm on this side of a recent development which can be deployed from this boss in the water naval fleet,
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as well as 400 a year across the rory, but again, the s 401 of the best, if not the best across the defenses, the, on our own royal really, we're a little bit patriots on iris tease in your great, with the s 400 on now the s 500, which is in developing the science system is without the best, if not the best anti aircraft system on earth, and it provides a huge amount to cobra and the symbol. let's start with your he goes down off our correspondence study bond, the local f feels his gear and not for the fly of a gold. as rory here, i hope you can hear me. okay, tell me where you are and what you're setting up for. what's it like then? absolutely, rory, we all here on an i feel just outside most cool to russian aerobatics themes. the
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swift and the russian nights are done with the final preparations. pilots are in the cockpit. it's about to take off for the red square the they are among the best in the world. they both of us 3 of us. yeah. today make 29 and 230 as a fighter jets well. and the ultimate goal is paying a couple of years since 5 digits to parts of the victory. the sky is above the red square. well, it's the rarest of sites to behold. what's that noise?
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0. that's the crowd that are flying just over us. we have the right of the rest of the black body is coming right on top of us. whatever disappear this when the good stuff comes through it. i mean, you know, you mean loved this and when the big helicopters come over the fos, you know, fight it just come. busy but you see the big illusions as well live in transport cross, and when you, when they come over, as you caught even who yourselves, thing with a technology is awesome. some of these to print off the black to the swan. retrofitted upgraded not to can you hear the noise? oh, using what all your emotions today on this victory day? well, you cannot express of it's victoria day without expressing the fact that with the the ussr, the free done with would not be here. the implication of the ussr has a low during the east front to crush the german armies. and because the crash, the german army is the allies,
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were able to get into europe and to up in the west front without the east front. that wouldn't not have been possible. and the big problem is to me, these facts is under tools in the west. i remember when it was in school just as full of students in the 2nd world war. i was always told us that the. yeah. the and the american some count against they came in the right address. but once we have reached such a level of brain washing when we have reached such a level of moving to rewrite the queue story, we understanding which well will in the special ministry operation is ongoing. and the western political and media landscape, they keep talking about this unprovoked, all of a sudden, russian invasion. and yet you installed in book the nato chief said, 48 hours ago. hey, this all started in 2014 guys, 2014. that they really wanted to study to train them since 2014 the pool at night
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on was organized by the c. i. in fact is it's not a military, it's not need to military success and ukraine. it's a part of failure for everything. every kind of new building blue i have a new, a silver bullet that they're trying to break the to bring in with whether it's the legal pub, whether it's the app arrives, whether it's absolutely everything is a failure and now they have a big problem when you speak of yourself about ukraine and when we speak about victoria date is that the west never understood. one very important thing is that russia is feeling that she is a fact is that, that the whole country would be designed to present this russian. so yeah, this is the way it works in the west, newborn and just do this now to have thought is something that the don't know how to stop the progress of is around the well
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join. so called a most what you meant to bend, sticking on the rates that ancestors deeds during the great patriot. i'll say they proudly terry portraits of the soviet harris who dies to protect the world, the gates nazi germany. the event is traditionally held in dozens of countries worldwide on the 8th or 9th of may have some new york in states and fountains public displays of irrational soviet symbols in recent times. saved in the us on china have also joined in on the most who regiments, events more than a 100 demonstrates as most as through the territory and the russian embassy in washington. the diplomatic missions of police on the family's card post as if the relatives measurements of the great patriotic war. the same event was held to be russian embassy and paging as well. more than 700 people took pods, russian and citizens, chinese president zines, representatives of bela roost, cars like stuff and other c, i s countries a like it is a story day,
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a day of immense celebration, but also reflection. nothing that finds pain but such a colossal cost. 1418 days of a titanic struggle between good and evil light and darkness and the size in which so many so resident that lives so that others could live in freedom. and all this momentous occasion, technologies allowing cause of virtual voyage into the policy so that today, on the 9th of may 2024, we can step all the way back into 1945 on those final when the soviet people full fixture, each of the walls was painted and then surprised for that privilege. on the 1st of may 79 years ago, the soviet big 3 by the woods raised over the rocks, dogs signaling the ends of nazi germany. by then, so then was barely recognizable once the beating heart of the 3rd,
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like the painful years a go, i have left to the shots. it really won't be as soldiers as 4th street by street. my house, as a nazi on each side to hold on with every stake it could still must talking to size, you can see the annual student go to for round the top lanes, closing 5 very quickly became known. this is flying time along side is ground space council policy soviet see 30 full baffled tag. you both became eye clinic, symbols of the great patriotic will on the eventual victory super all 36 worst, as long as they say 34 times to well. so we were the strength of the gym and time for so during the battle for the name, it was until the 9th of may most of the time when the nazi regime efficient associates related when the soviets, on the launch. okey okey do call signs be active military so runs up in a sub the live. it's impossible to overestimate the toll taking on the soviet
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people of what as the deadliest war semantics, steve, as a witness. 26.6000000 soviet citizens take the old select prize during rings and victory, they means so much to so many a sacrifice that will notes and candles as a piece of gotten of the victory to a photo exhibition dedicated to the events also the great patriotic meal was organized in ethiopia. the exhibition was arranged to be russian house in the philippines, half as little to commemorate the joy s as in both countries. opening the expedition brushes um boss that to e c o p a, notice its celebrations and the top facilities here is he a type space and a special time also some of days ago the country mounting victory day of your compatriots and the will of a fascist meanwhile, the cadets of the countries, the ministry of defense, expressed a gesture of support into that square messages for russian sold just fine to give
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a don't boss. so we'll applicant with members and on those the victory and not for some countries, especially in the west of seemingly struggles to win them for the history lessons of the past. oddities, marina calls over by husband over the years, the western world has been brainwashed into believing that they were the want us to defeat nazi germany. and this idea has penetrated every level of society who won world war 2. well, united states was part of that. there was other countries involved we could start with uh, it's been a while to one. yes or i guess it depends of us, but the allies, we did. we did. we did. i guess russia did at the time as well. i don't know. the us, the allied forces restaurant pressure, the united states scraper, in, um,
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i guess france can, hong, and russia american america. clearly there is an awareness issue with history across the pond, but laugh, shut off. what else are people supposed to think? when even in the movies they watch kind of firm that's falls, narrative varied amount as you probably heard, wayne in the fraser taken business. we in the killing that yes, yes, yes. the, well, the russians nowhere to be found. and hollywood also likes to portray one particular battle. as the decisive one, hollywood continued to turn out wolf m said touched upon the day. they will be no shadow by steven spielberg saving private ryan, by centering on the mol her beach. however, the film caused considerable controversy. by focusing mainly on them, their connectivity, hollywood mythology, around world war 2, probably started by when the war began. well,
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i don't think there were ever any films. maybe it's the mom, maybe in, in the never during the war itself. there were some families, maybe that, that wouldn't acknowledge the soviets in a way that was more positive. but i can't really think of the top my head of, of any films about world war 2 that ever showed to the soviets, in a positive light, with world war 2, world war 2 was a clearly good versus evil narrative. it's difficult to, it's difficult to like adolf hitler and the nazis. right. so it's very easy to create the narrative of, you know, americans of the good guys. not 6 of the bad guys in 2004 rochester side by side with the allies to mark the 60th anniversary of the norm and the line for the very 1st time, thoughts. by then, the majority of americans and europeans have shifted their position on whose role was the game changer. if you're, it is how did the most to win the war to us apparently, definitely in their view and that of most of their allies. and here's another poll
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which really shows the evolution of those brain washing what after the war ended, 57 percent of the french thought must go have contributed the most to the war effort fast forward the few decades. and it's most scope which a southerly replaced by washington says, well, let's just pause and remind ourselves over the casualties. the soviet union lost at least 20000000 people during the great patriarch war, which is how world war 2 is referred to in russia. almost every household was effected, which is why most russians know the story. so well, as it has been recounted by each generation, especially those who actually lived it, it was the western allies extreme of good fortune that the russians and not themselves paid almost the entire butch's bill for defeating nazi germany. excepting 95 percent of the military casualties of the 3 major powers of the grand
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alliance. but those 5 stop being broke off. so maybe it's the after effects of, of the cold war or. 8 or a long term strategy for c, europe's approach, which is most shocking, as countries there are actively trying to erase and destroy anything that will contradict the west new narrative monuments. honorary soviets. soldiers are being torn down across the e u and the latest symbol gary, even though the monuments owners soldiers, who liberated the country when it was allied with nazi germany, or some would argue that's disrespectful as this respectful, assigning it into law, which is exactly what be a sodium prime minister wants to do so that they can dismantle anything. sylvia. that seems it's particularly sharp to the memorials, to the soviet judge, lotion sector slide show much to safeco this. again, functions are much better shopping, but those are not the targets. you know,
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this is a, an enormous ideological oh, wall that is being waged probably goes through simple metal the, the, the capital estate. there's quote, when you're taking the leads in the destruction of all memorials, the kind of noise ation. so you can call it that of a function, collaborators in various countries which is showing even though the west frequently attends as rush off propaganda. they are the master's who invented it. just think of the american dream, hollywood, the land of the free democracy. everyone falls forward at one point or another, but it's incredible how they can seduce even the country they one's bones. there has been no apology to japan. they did get to pay for craze, though from former us president brock obama, which they have on display at the hiroshima piece memorial museum. and it seems that was enough because they have a new and i me,
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russia continues to threaten to use a new career weapons which has continued to add to world wide concern. that's yet another catastrophe. but i knew 3 away from you. this is a real positive, very quick reminder. the only time nuclear weapons have been used in warfare was by the united states against japan. well, this will talk about that right. or the 5 that the bowman was on necessary. tens of thousands of japanese civilians killed in maine. the official narrative is a lie. the military leaders knew that the atomic bounds were not necessary. they knew that japan was effectively defeated, that japan was looking for a way to end the war. truman knew as an american italian has been saying that a so we to invasion, which began on august a do that, that was gonna force the end of the war. and in fact, it was
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a so we didn't vision of manchuria and beyond. that did force the japanese leaders to surrender all likewise, that seems the west wants us to forget about the red armies and almost sacrifices during world war 2, and it's up to russia and it's allies now to ensure that history is not river, it's an or forgotten but an honored and acknowledged or the stay tuned for special cost by just brushes, victory day celebrations throughout the day. the which is some of the news now the us has suspended the shipment of some 3500 bones too, as well as i say is the munitions could be used against civilians. in rafa st confirmed by pentagon chief lloyd austin as his report to senators in washington was interrupted by processors. he did pause as we re evaluated,
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uh, uh, some of the security assistance that were providing to so we, we've been very clear senator, as you know from the very beginning that that israel should launch a major attack in or off or without accounting for and protecting the civilians that are in that battle space. and again, as we have assess the situation, we pause one shipment of high, high payload munitions. it is a stunning move by washington halting a shipment of some 1802000 pound bonds, along with other munitions to is real following. it's a solved on the crucial rafa crossing with egypt. now prior to the capture of rafa, the fight in administration made clear to be nits in yahoo that they do not support any action in this region which puts another us ally, egypt in
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a very difficult situation. rafa is where most aid the, the food, medical supplies and fuel entre gaza. the white house says it's currently reviewing other proposed arms deals with israel as well as many us lawmakers review the president for such moves, namely senator lindsey graham of south carolina, who pressed the sect, das lloyd austin on his position on this particular matter during a senate appropriations hearing on wednesday and you're telling me you're going to tell them how to fight the war and what they can and can't use when everybody around them wants to kill all the jews. and you're telling me that if we with whole weapons in this spike, the existential fight for the life of the jewish day, they won't send the wrong signal. if we stop weapons necessary to destroy the enemies of the state of israel at a time of great burial, we will pay
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a price. this is up say, it is absurd. give israel what they need to fight the war. they can't afford to lose. this is here a stream and nagasaki, all steroids. now that exchange between graham and austin went on for several minutes. the pencil gone boss, visibly an easy on how to approach each answer, defaulting to his job, being data, supporting and executing the wishes of the commander in chief. now the defense secretary and the new chairman of the joint chiefs of staff charles brown were testifying before the committee about the d. o. these fiscal 2025 budget pentagon brass are requesting a one percent increase in the budget, putting it at a staggering roughly $850000000000.00 mark. and while the bite in white house continues to rubber stamp all 8 bills going to ukraine, it has recently been met with some resistance coming from
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a small contingent of g o. p. lawmakers, here in washington. well meanwhile, the pentagon school, the top officers stays motion to ensure the look at its sun trust. right. cold is killing civilians and other countries before trying to course the sizes row for doing the same. a lot of people in massive numbers, innocent people with nothing to do with joe morris. it's incredible that he would acknowledge the us as a long history of war crimes to somehow defend israel's world crimes because you know, we've never applied that logic before. it's very strange, but it does show how the us unconditional support of israel has just turned the you know, the us into this kind of the abilene entity, the, you know,
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it's now applies pretzel logic. the thing is to try to defend israel. there's just no defense of what's happening and frankly to be sent to us has been involved more crimes and it has then it should stop supporting more crimes in palestine. that's pretty obvious. meanwhile it and then to the c. c. and then pressed enjoy binding stress to this idea of if the idea goes into rafa, he would hope some shipments of american weapons to as well as the killing civilians. in garza, the civilians have been killed in gaza as a consequence of those bombs and other ways in which they go after population centers are made it clear that if i go into rafa i haven't gone on roughly yet. they go in or off, or i'm not supplying the weapons that i've been use to store credit and do what to do with a study said deal with that problem. meanwhile,
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dudley strikes continues the hit dogs. the almost $35000.00 palestinians have been killed during the ongoing war since october the 7th. as, according to the health ministry in garza 4500000 people are displaced with most buildings with these 2 rebels. however, earlier the idea strikes are described by us officials of self defense. israel has the right to defend itself when you have thousands of rockets finding the, your territory. israel has the right indeed the obligation to defend itself. and to ensure that this never happens again. israel has the right and the obligation to defend itself combined and cooperation between the, between partners and allies, to, to work together to make but it a bit easier for israel to defend itself. and we have some save deal radio host on political commentary. so you say it's binding, the statement is only intended to call the palestinian per the city and protest
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across the us. i think the main thing that uh joe biden is trying to accomplish now is to quiet the protest on american con time campuses where they're, you know, streaming, they're anti symmetric, anti israel phrases he's wanting to, to trying to force himself from his real, to try and play to take them and then the same thing is true and key battleground states where his re election is, is wavering, in places like minnesota and michigan that he has to carry. and the era, both of us, one vote in the, in those states are critical to his face. he's trying to play down by sacrificing is real. and i don't think he's going to win votes among the american population by sacrificing israel for his campaign. how many, thanks for joining us. hey, on all the international for more details on any of us stories including more information on victory dates, you can check our website. oh see.


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