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tv   News  RT  May 9, 2024 8:00am-8:31am EDT

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miss ware signs in the country gained independence after so many years of the brutal war, the russians lying ac. so off the top 12 skills, part of the thing that jack said the most goes victory day parade old lot and all special coverage commemorating beach finance that the soviet that webpage that motors is the west port is closing the historical memory of world war 2. and white portion, neo not launches a mockery of history and the desire to justify the current followers of the nazis. a part of the general policy of the west. and it leads to insight new regional conflicts, ethnic and religious hostility. time loading alongside the trips per ratings, blue red square russian station beyond military vehicles,
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including jobs and resolve carriers as an ex officer, the se handed one of the best the best defenses on or really the a very warm welcome to your watching all the international as always is great to have you with us. when i say special day for russia, i'm for the well, it's not can be $79.00. some of us do. we have to read all of these defeats of no c, as i'm in the great patriotic war. today we come on the right, the on waveland was indians of the soviet people and the triumphs of fascism in all special coverage from all studios at the very house with most of the,
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you know, when you hear that russian national on some, even for an ex spot like myself, it's still fallacy with such as census fried, just the sound of the russian national lance and it's such a moving, moving on them. and of course, very strong words from the russian president vladimir post and basically saying 79 years on the since the defeat of nonsense. and yet there are certain people in the world, certain players who do want to white wash the history of nazi isn't from the 2nd world war, but i will do a federal today. we see how some are trying to distort the truth about the 2nd world war. the truth is inconvenient for those who are used to building their colonial policy on hypocrisy in lines. they demolish memorials to the true fighters against nazis and all well putting trait isn't a compass is of the nazis on a pedestal. they erase the memory of the heroism of deliberate. the soldiers of the
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great sacrifice relaunch is a mockery of history and the desire to justify the cutter and follow is of the nazis a part of the general policy of the west. and it leads to insight new regional conflicts, ethnic and religious hostility. are we rejecting the claims of any country or alliance for exclusivity? we know what the, in order to see of such a emissions leads to russia will do everything to prevent the global clash. but at the same time, we will not allow anyone to threaten us. our strategic forces are always on alert. let's get back now to i don't called at dawn florida yet down there on red square. i bet you've been really getting close into a real close meeting. great for you. that was all the crews tell me what's going on . how is it that way you oh, that's right and all right, well it's snowing on and off here, but like you said, the weather might be called, but that is not stops. anyone who wanted to come to see this a nor mostly amazing ceremony to come and see this one is not going to stop anyone
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who has the opportunity to see this up close because it's just so incredible. we're looking at, you know, the president subject to stand, took menace, then bella roost, a lot of other cows expand as well, among many others as well as for and delegations from countries outside the raising . and for in a former soviet sphere, we're looking at a delegation from law allows, which is as of late to become very, very close with russian terms in terms of economic and political operation as well as cuba. the cuban president himself is here attending this year's red square military parade in honor of 79 years of victory over fascism. he and his delegation are here, of course, enjoying this rough taking parade that's going on behind me. so really, this is an occasion that anyone who receives an invitation, anyone who has the opportunity to see these military parades and on are those who fotz in the great patriotic award to free the world from fascism. anyone who has
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the opportunity to see something like that. okay, don't. okay, don't. a listen, it's income, the boys with that big tories right now with, with the homage on the vehicles, the post and l carriers. other times we're going to be seeing a new a triads today. the components of the long job system are these. are we going to see the change all the hypersonic geiger attached underneath the su, quite jets. that will be fine, right? of our red square as well. so let's, so let's learn more not because want one of our colleagues is also an absolutely ministry expert and on his story and as well, shape bows. let's get the shape on his right. now. shy, i know you're right in the thick of it. you've been enjoying this as well. this is really you will compensate for sure. what are you seeing where you are now? sure. well, as you can see behind me, these are sort of law, you know, our reconnaissance vehicles. some of the teague are, which are, uh, lighter economy, recalls since vehicle. but as you can see,
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me behind just now are the years. the ballistic missile cutters terriers, which are part of rush is a nuclear and fleet actually as well, other escorted via, via the yard. yeah. i'm or visa roll them all saw about a month ago. they're great dismay. and some people in the west suggesting that this is some sort of a strategic move of why moscow on these are very difficult to track. the part of russia is very modern, nuclear deterrent. remember rochelle, probably as the biggest are still of nuclear weapons on earth and a, probably as the most modern ones, including at disarm on this, on a, a recent development which can be deployed from this boss in the water naval fleet . as well as 400 a year across the way, parked as bell rory again the s 400. 1 of the best. if not the best
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defense is the owner named roy. really, we're a little bit patriots on iris t's in your great with the s 400 on now. the s 500, which is in developed defiant system, is without the the best, if not the best anti aircraft system on earth. and it provides a huge amount to cobra to tips and e s. m o crossovers. here he goes, donal fell corresponding study bond, the local f field whose deer and not for the fly of a go to is rory here. i hope you can hear me. okay. tell me where you are and what you're setting up for. what's it like then? here on an i feel just outside most go to russian aerobatics themes. the swift and the russian nights are done with the final preparations. pilots are in the cockpit . it's about to take off for the red square, the
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they are among the best and the well they both laugh at the side of the 3 this yeah. make $29.23 is a fighter jets. well, and also they go explain a couple of years in spite of just 2 parts of the victory. the blue sky is above the red square. well, it's the rarest of sites to behold. what's that noise? 0. that's the crowd that of lying just over us. we have the right of the russian light, that is coming right on top of us. whatever disappear this when the good stuff comes through it. i mean, you know, you, me love this. and when the big helicopters come over the foss, you know, find
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a job to come over. you see the big illusions as well, live in transport cross, and when you, when they come over us, you caught even who yourselves think with a technology is awesome. some of these to put all the black to the swan retrofitted upgraded not to can you hear that noise raising? what are your emotions today on this victory day? well, you cannot express of its victoria day without expressing the fact that with the the ussr, the freedom which would not be here. the implication of the ussr has a low during the east front to crush the german armies. and because the crush, the german army is the allied, were able to get into europe and to up on the west front without the east fronts that would not have been possible. and the big problem is, to me, these fact is under told in the west, i remember when it was in school just in school,
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it's during the 2nd world war. i was always told that the, yeah. the and lou americans and count against they came in the lead the right address. but once we have reach such a level of brain washing when we have reached such a level of, we're going to rewrite the key story we understanding which well we're leaving. the special ministry operation is ongoing. the western political and media landscape, they keep talking about this unprovoked, all of a sudden, russian invasion. and yet you installed in book the nato chief said, 48 hours ago. hey, this all started in 2014 guys, 2014. they really wanted it this body to train them since 2014 to pull up might on was organized by the c i. in fact, he is, it's not a military, it's not need to military success and ukraine. it's a part of the failure for everything. every kind of new building blew up a new,
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a silver bullet that they tried to break to bringing with whether it's the legal pub, whether it's the app arrives, whether it's absolutely everything is a failure and now they have a big problem. when you speak of yourself about your brain, and when we speak about victoria date is that the west never understood. one very important thing. so it is that russia is feeling that she is affect the country is attacked, the whole country would be different. the present, this russian. so yeah, this is the way it works on the west newborn. just do this. now they have slot is something that they don't know how to stop what us discuss the russian president's comments by the now with on guess we're going to close law to a down. they going to the 2nd form and 9 jerry and in presidential candidates when he, thanks for joining us on the program. lovely to see you as always. so there were some presidents, as we heard earlier, lambasted the west of distorting the historical memory of world war 2 and,
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and why washing. he said, what will she give not naziism during his victory de space or earlier today. have you noticed the change in narrative surrounding the 2nd load while yourself? as i say, we seem to have some problems with this uh you know that we ask for you help me? yes. please continue. yes, so, so just took a warranty is actually a victory, not just for the width or the full cost of it in your shop. then one day, this is paul, you can nicole, the victory was actually sick secured by door submitted to you know, the name on the people starting to go denazi's. i did restore body gum distributed in dublin. so what is this kind of stuff that you can just push on to the story? well, now most of the plans is actually admitted on your shop is doable. celebrating the,
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the actual details of the company from the what created the price to go with regards to the bus wise, which are part of the part of school because of the part of the big task or the of disapproval. so what this deli but it's not about the type of a switch it will show we did not use as opposed to russia to defend their budget. because real shirts are 20. did you find of the final blow to be not the company's been in the valley? so uh yeah, we do the printers which is actually the best thing is to see if it was ready telling is very interesting that almost every year on this occasion we take to the streets of some western countries. and we all scare every day people about they said history and, and very few people are even aware of the norm as role played by the soviets in the 2nd world war. how is the victory day on the red armies legacy, steve today,
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especially in the african continents, all they aware of the history. yes, i see where you say, you know, the media has been dominated. nobody knew where stand it published. and under, within that publish, mentor was find a way to point to the storage sheet. yeah. not a deep under the very low awareness about one of them in or the us as a and do it. i need to be 3. that's called the not the typical but you know, on the 2050 good. you're probably more than 10 minutes with him in diving. we'll shop, you know, trying to type the degree of the gender of global collision dues. do not use it for, to wipe out the you know, while studying garage the story got on the bush into the body. i think that's the measurement. besides, you're welcome to the training for different from, from, from, from properties. did you ask a lot of people do not read someone that after carlos virginia was i was given
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a did by friends on the french and would it be funded by defend a picture of the individuals with why it was a 20 dollar order this morning that one of awareness for them to know the commercial side is creating material, not people out freely, especially that zips in the very black homes, your people are growing all the time. destructed, you know, that is played by what, what is this? this should be one to the mission of georgia. i was denied live, but it didn't you want to do from the denazi's approach to white glove does. why did you under such sequentially, do the legs? can you call that eventually? the certainly disagree one or decided to come to one of the go, it was do or shows little behind most of us it goes to it. so, you know, turn on the front of the people that for the younger i was 119, which do you know? so i'm also trying to understand the history is distorted. newport news. i told you,
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wish i was too far from go didn't the deal so. so the fraternity situation that i'm show things are going to align for money as reasonable. i made thieves of a contentious times that we find ourselves and it feels like the world is supposed to gain at a turning point. we have these discussions about a change in world old or a 1000 emerging, multi polar wealth, which is growing loud to find the day. well, well do you see russia playing and they shift considering a carriage there's, there's a kolosso legacy at the soviet union. you'll see i to your sions, have to be congratulated for succeeding and having someone like it like me putting the president. i mean, she didn't need to talk the 21st century because she was, she was there club. one of them are deducting 5 of december about 1999. it did. did you need to get all sold on from that time? there's a deliberate effort to ship the order?
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well maybe can be able to quickly do as opposed to deciding or to go a little push, but i don't want a level approach, but it's structured. it wants to stay and so that everybody can beat that part. what was there was push back, which is policies do when bug to organize partners of like minds and then come back to the warden with so many searches for a little short turn out of this issue that started with the investment to know the brakes, which is more it's wonderful projects. now. i'm really anyway, i've seen that there is a 20 new water. yeah. look, look to the happened or what was well, do was clearly when the food and define the real part to the prosperity is low types. the unit for what other he's been on, what you did by the wisdom he's doing, he's actually coming to where you have what i pull up with the vision to the system
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. a new student, what do you somebody who or what, what you saw what your company was, where it was decided if it was same during that you love, what are we starting to build behind with what? not reflectors most of them. so many people on the new governor, new warranties i do is there for the driver. so this is the do work is changing. started to come on in order to be given to the to do or something to do for you. but it's fun in time from what the community as opposed to the interest of the few thanks very much, just making just today is always great to hear your thoughts. been talking to a down. they've gone to the 2nd full met 9, jerry and presidential candidate. thank you, and i just think elections around the well joined circle, the most whole regiments, events to commemorate their ancestors deeds during the great page or say, will they proudly carry poetry to the soviet harris who died to protect the world the days notice in germany event is traditionally held in dozens of countries
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worldwide on the 8th or 9th of may. so some york in states of bands public displays of russian or soviet symbols. in recent times, people in the us in china have most of joined in on the most who regiments, events more than a 100 demonstrates as much through the territory of the russian embassy in washington. the diplomatic missions, employees on the family's tired posters of the relatives, veterans of the great patriotic pools. the same events was out of the russian embassy and staging as well. within $700.00 people took part, russian citizens, a chinese residence on representatives of feller, roost conflicts down and the c. i. s countries of victory day a day of immense celebration, but also reflection. knowing that triumphs came but such a kolosso cost. 1418 days of a titanic struggle between good and evil lights and darkness and the size in which
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so many so when the bad lives. so the others cause lives in freedom. and the men says, occasion technologies allowing us to forage into the policy so that today on the 9th of may 2024. we can step all the way back into 1945. and that was final when the soviet people to fix to reach to the walls was paying them then surprised for that privilege. on the 1st of may 79 years ago, the soviet, in victoria, by the woods, raised over the ride stop signaling the end of nazi germany by then phone and was barely recognizable once the big thing hall to face the like the painful g is a go ahead, let's do the shots that really won't be as soldiers as force 353, the client house as a nazi on each side to hold on with every stage it could still must step up into size. you can see the industry to go to round the top. flames. buzzing bikes very
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quickly became known. this is flying time along side is ground space council policy soviet see 30 full basso tag, c k. my clinic symbols of the great page. we also will on the eventual victory, super all $36.00 was just one has been say $34.00 times to well, so we with the strength of the gym and toughest. so during the battle for the name, it was until the 9th of may most of the time when the nazi regime efficient associates related when the soviets on the last. okay, well, these do cops funds be access military. so when's up in a southern sense, the land, it's impossible to overestimate the toll taken on the soviet people of what is the deadliest war. semantics is as a witness. 26.6000000 soviet citizens take the ultimate prize during rings and victory, they means so much to so many a sacrifice that will not and cannot as a piece of golfing. on the eve of victory,
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a photo exhibition dedicated through the events of the grades page, you all take well was organized in ethiopia. the exhibition was arranged at the russian house and the c as in capital to commemorate the joint efforts of both countries. opening the exhibition of russia's um, boss is a sirizi. if you notice that celebrations in the capital of a c o p a take place at a special time as a few days ago, the country marks the victory de a vcr and patriots in the war, the fascist estimate. meanwhile, the cadets of the countries ministry of defense expressed a gesture of support. if your skin cadets both messages for russian soldiers fighting in the dom, well, they stay tuned for our special coverage of russians. victoria day celebrations throughout the day, a of the well, some of the news now, the usaa suspended a shipment of some 3500 bonus to israel as
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a fish. the munitions could be used against civilians in rasa. speaking confirmed by pencil and chase, lloyd austin, as his report to send it, says in washington was interrupted by process to he did pause as we re evaluated some of the security of systems that we're providing to so we, we've been very clear, senator, as you know, from the very beginning that that israel should launch a major attack in or off or without accounting for and protecting the civilians that are in that battle space. and again, as we have assess the situation, we pause one shipment of high, high payload, the munitions. it is a stunning, moved by washington, halting a shipment of some 1802000 pound bonds,
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along with other munitions to is real following. it's a salt on the crucial rafa crossing with egypt. now prior to the capture of our off, i'd be bided administrator and made clear to be being that's in yahoo, that they do not support any action in this region which puts another us ally egypt in a very difficult situation. rasa is where most aid the, the food, medical supplies, and fuel enter gaza. the white house says it's currently reviewing other proposed arms deals with israel as well as many us lawmakers review. the president for such moves, namely senator lindsey graham of south carolina, who pressed the sect, das lloyd austin on his position on this particular matter during a senate appropriations hearing on wednesday. and you're telling me you're going to tell them how to fight the war. and what they can and can't use when everybody
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around them wants to kill all the jews. and you're telling me that if we would the whole weapons in this spike the existential side for the life of the jewish day, they won't send the wrong signal. if we stop weapons necessary to destroy the enemies of the state of israel at a time of great burial, we will pay a price. this is the same. it is absurd. give israel what they need to fight the war. they can't afford to lose. this is here, ashima and nagasaki, all steroids. now that exchange between graham and austin went on for several minutes. the pentagon boss visibly an easy on how to approach each answer, defaulting to his job, being that of supporting and executing the wishes of the commander in chief. now the defense secretary and the new chairman of the joint chiefs of staff charles brown were testifying before the committee about the d. o. these fiscal 2025 budget pentagon brass are requesting a one percent increase in the budget, putting it at
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a staggering roughly $850000000000.00 mark. and while the byte in whitehouse continues to rubber stamp all 8 bills going to ukraine, it has recently been met with some resistance coming from a small contingent of g o. p. lawmakers here in washington. meanwhile, the pensive on school not top officers stays washington should look at its own track record of killing civilians in other countries before trying to increase the size as well. for during the same the fall we all get some prices and i wish people in massive numbers, innocent people with nothing to do with joe morris. it's incredible that he would acknowledge the us as a long history of war crimes, to somehow defend israel's world crimes because you know, we've never applied that logic before. it's very strange,
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but it does show how the us unconditional support of israel has just turned the, the, the, you know, the us into this kind of the abilene entity, the, you know, it's a, you know, now applies pretzel logic, the things to, to try to defend israel, there's just no defense of what's happening. and frankly, to the extent that us has been involved in war crimes and it has then it should stop supporting war crimes in palestine. and that's pretty obvious when we mall in an interview to see and then president joe biden stressed that this, the idea was to enter ralph. he would hold some shipments of american weapons to as well as the killing civilians and dogs. the civilians have been killed in gaza, so consequently those farms and other ways in which they go after population. so i
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made it clear that if i go into rafa, i haven't gone, and ralph is yet going or off, or i'm not supplying the weapons that i've been used to store credit to do or try to do with a study. said deal with the problem. well meanwhile, dudley strikes, continue to hit, gone is that almost $35000.00 palestinians have been killed during the ongoing war since october the 7th. as according to the health industry and garza on point 5000000 people, the displaced with most buildings with the survival. however, earlier the idea strikes with the spots by us officials of self defense, israel has the right to defend itself when you have thousands of rockets finding the, your territory. israel has the right indeed the obligation to defend itself. and to ensure that this never happens again, israel has the right and the obligation to defend itself combined cooperation between the between partners and allies, to,
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to work together to make. but it did a bit easier for israel to defend itself. we have some steve deal radio stands when a single commentator, and he says, find in statement is only intended to come profile us to be in protests across the us. i think the main thing that uh joe biden is trying to accomplish now is the clients of protest on american con, our time campuses, where they are, you know, streaming their anti sematic anti israel phrases. he's wanting to try and divorce himself from his real to try and play to change them. and then the same thing is true and cheap. our round states where his re election is wavering in places like minnesota and michigan that he has to carry. and the era both must one vote and in those states are critical to his face. he's trying to play down by sacrificing israel. and i don't think he's going to win votes among the american population by sacrificing israel for his campaign and hard. thanks for joining us. anyone else in
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the international offend people, updates you can check our website out to you don't. com. i will of course, be back in 30 minutes with won't see you then. the the, the beauty of the story, these last couple of them, the board are soaring yourselves originally new spots. and i said, you put a new one that should have yep. pets. the general facility based in youth periods, which are likely to ski photos than anybody's industry. kind of look at the graph at the top steel bundle ski at the at the 2 type.


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