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tv   News  RT  May 9, 2024 10:00am-10:31am EDT

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of direct impact, but again, it's not, we don't want to watch it because it might just change the way you say the russians line gazes. so off the top, the top skills, part of the thing that jack said on most stays the big 3 day parade. old lots and on special coverage commemorating the triumph of this message. this modest is the west of a distorting the historical memory of world war 2 as white washing neo nazis branches and mockery of history, and the desire to justify the color and follows of the nazis a part of the general policy of the wisdom that leads to insight new regional conflicts, destiny, and religious hostilities. on the 420 people suffering from an inherited beloved
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disorder disorder, assuming the us government. washington's hosp functions located radiad patients access to advise old medicines. we hear from some of the english rather than i thought that the united states this criminal country has course, numerous problems, not only for me, but for the so senior patients across the around we are all struggling with being and challenges the a very warm welcome to you, you're watching all the international allows always, it's great to happy with us. i was dancing with this because it's a special day for russia, adams, the weld mt. hang the $79.00, the anniversary of the red armies, the fate of naziism and the great pay to all table. today we come on the wave wing resilience of the soviet people in the trial, 5 of fascism and all special coverage from downtown. most guy of
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the old picture day saw thousands of russian troops and pieces of military equipment across the most goes red square with other events health throughout russia. a correspondent on close it was that to witness the parade in the heart of the russian capital. the weather might be called, but that is not the tops anyone for want it to come to see this nor mostly amazing ceremony to come and see this one is not gonna stop anyone who has the opportunity to see this up close because it's just so incredible we're looking at, you know, the presidents of subjective stance or madness and bella, ruth, a lot of other catholic stan as well, among many others as well as foreign delegations from countries outside the raising . and for in the former soviet sphere we're looking at a delegation from law allows, which is as of late to become very,
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very close with russia in terms of the, in terms of economic and political operation as well as cuba, cuban president himself is here attending this year's red square, military parade in honor of 79 years of victory over fascism and the parade. where he is a true display of patriotism followed on ceremony. the russian president vladimir putin in commander in chief of russia's on forces, inspected the parade as more than 9000 people and 70 pieces of equipment travel down the country's main scrub. and i'll correspond this a bose such as this breakdown of what was on display are these are the lawyer or reconnaissance vehicles. so the tier which are lighter economy recalls since vehicle. but as you can see, how many behind us now are the years the ballistic missile cutters terriers, which are part of rushes, the nuclear fleet actually as well under s, 40 via,
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via the yard. yeah. i'm or visa roll them all saw about a month ago. and some people in the west, moscow and these are very difficult to track the part of russia's very modern nuclear to terror. remember rochelle, probably as the biggest are still of nuclear weapons on earth, out of probably as the most modern ones, including at disarm on this side of a recent developers which can be deployed from this boss in the water naval fleet as well. but again, the s 401 of the best, if not the best defense system on our own roy. really, we're a little bit patriots on iris tease in your grade for the s 400 on now the s 500, which is in developing the science system, is without the best,
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if not the best anti aircraft system on or on just by the explosion that really cold weather today, the cloud case for a brief moment to allow russia's top fly is to paint the skies, winds blue and red folding. the russian side of correspondence equal installer wants to play and stake. awesome. could been to add these impulses, this report to pay on an i feel just outside most go to russian aerobatics themes. the swift and the russian nights are done with the final preparations. pilots are in the car. it's about to take off for the red square. the they are the best and the well they both the therapy for the best 3 this yeah. make 29 and 230 as
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a fighter. jets well. and the ultimate goal is being a couple of years since 5 digits supporting the victory. the sky is above the red square. well, it's the rarest of sites to behold. the russian presidents laid fellows at the table of the unknown soldier. lot of my parents and restoring 5, the 4 and 8 as we traveled to moscow to celebrate this momentous date alongside the russian people, the 79 years off their histories deadly as well was one. the russian president says there was some global players who want to whitewash nonsense and the legacy of that today we see how some are trying to distort the truth about the 2nd world war . the truth is inconvenient for those who are used to building their colonial policy on hypocrisy and lines. they demolish memorials to the true fighters against
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nazis and all well putting traits as an accomplice is of the nazis on a pedestal. are they a race? the memory of the heroism of deliberate, the soldiers of the great sacrifice relaunch is a mockery of history to it. and the desire to justify the color and follow is of the nazis a part of the general policy of the west. and it leads to insight new regional conflicts, ethnic and religious hostility. we reject the claims of any country or alliance for exclusivity. we know what the, you know, what in a sea of such a emissions leads to russia will do everything to prevent the global clash. but at the same time, we will not allow anyone to threaten us. our strategic forces are always on alert. so from the coldest to will miss corners of the well russians as well as the globe has come together to join the so called a most old regiments. the international events commemorates their ancestors sacrifices during the great hate to take more crowns, of demonstrates as proudly carry po,
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to accept the soviet heroes who died to protect the walls from nazi germany. for sessions this tradition, they held in dozens of countries worldwide on the 8th or 9th of mac victory day, a day of immense celebration, but also reflection. knowing that triumph came but such a colossal cost. 1418 days of a titanic struggle between good and evil lights and darkness in a fight, and which so many so resident that lives so that others could live in freedom. and on this momentous occasion, technologies allowing does a virtual voyage into the policy so that today, on the 9th of may 2024, we can step all the way back into 1945 on those fine old days off the wall. when the soviet people to fix to read to the walls, all the pain to them then surprise for that privilege. on the 1st of may 79 years
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ago, the soul begins victory by the woods raised over their vice dogs signaling the ends of nazi germany. by then phone and was fairly recognizable once the big thing hall to face the like the painful years a go have left to the shots. it really won't be as soldiers as 4th street by street . my house, as a nazi on each side to hold on with every stage it could still must up into size. you can see the industry to go to round the top flames. funding sites very quickly became known. this is flying tons. alongside is ground space council called the soviet space 30 full baffled tag. both became eye clinic symbols of the great patriotic war. on the eventual victory, the silver off 36 was to as long as they say 34 times to well. so we were the strength of the gym and capital during the battle for the name. it was until the 9th of may most of the time when the nazi regime efficient associates related when
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the soviets on the loss. ok, all these do called signs be active military so runs up in a cell the live. it's impossible to overestimate the told taken on the soviet people of what is the deadliest will seem not to exist as a witness. 26.6000000 soviet citizens paisley ultimate flies and during reason victory, they mean so much to so many a sacrifice that will not and cannot as a piece of boston. on the eve of victory day, a photo exhibition that the k to, to the event solve the grades patriotic well was organized in ethiopia. the exhibition was arranged that the russian house and the therapy and tap is old to commemorate the joint f, as in those countries opening the exhibition rushes boss of the tv therapy and no to the celebrations and the capital a v 0 peer take place at a special time as a few days ago, the country marks the victory day, at least your compatriots and the will of a fascist is in a while with
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a number of surviving veterans that the grades patriotic will decrease in ph. yes. schools and the don't. yes, we're public our team to preserve them. memory also is that steve sweeney reports from a ceremony, attended by school children, veterans, and boy scouts which still be unavailing of a new memorial and lucky after school children. and the only kid at some gathered head for the special ceremony to unveil a new memorial to those who lost their lives in the great bye to take war. mikey, after itself was occupied by nazi germany, between october 1941. on september 1943. when it was the river right, paid by the red army, but the guy who was brutal, the just 5 months, the city was declared, jew free, and the nazis executed around 500 people. measurement is a great i to, i think will alexander nikolai beach to grogan stressed the importance of victory today. but the blame does for them come rates,
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person in america for feeling today is conflict to show circle. the situation now is that the whole west is against russian, especially the polls or the closest america is probably responsible for it all as it keeps supplying them with everything. and the u. k. to, with all these weapons being brought here to be launched. well, they really shouldn't be doing all this. i think it's all in vain. many of the youngest, hey, well, we have no memory of the more with my kids coming under called cindy, crazy and shedding. that's why it's so important to preserve that link from the pulse to the present with many staying the bottles that before a few years ago. been full. and once again today, why me those for me be through the is about memories, about meeting with your family and friends, talking with them and celebrating this holiday together. memory must always be preserved, must be remembered,
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and history must be taught. if you don't know the history that there will be no memory victory died remains a key dates in the russian county, and i'm with seo veterans remaining in the don't. yes. are public schools a king to ensure that memory lives on, on the children of today? the lessons of the past that out see one really open installation and memory of that that's around the or the created patricia to the discovery of this. a solution is priceless as this house story to davis with a great decision to 9th and reverse you evict, to read in the great but true to cool. and unfortunately, the coverage in your ration and those kids who came to the 1st grade for the 1st time this year have origin learned with more is in reality in person in action. this is of course travel these a tiers. this is grease by the children from small to large, have failed and understand how great the feet of a veteran and these they know what more is the know with shelter is they know the escape routes. things about this memorial has been crafted by
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a local blacksmith using remnants from the bustle field and turning it into a tribute to those who gave their lives. and the great bye to i'll take more, there will be no celebrations, or must po, right into costs. it only has people's republic launch gatherings are security risk and foldable to attack by ukrainian forces. but the people have, remember the sacrifices made by so many as they refuse to allow histories to repeat itself again. this, it seems to me for auntie and my kids. when we us all the offices, stanislaus crap, his next is the us, is not invested in teaching, is citizens about the world war 2 and the times of analysis to honestly speaking as a, as a veteran in the us. nobody particular remembers even uh, world war 2 periods during the day you as far as the new generation, they know what the dock they don't remember anything else. histories taught as a kind of one of those courses the a guy in
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a system. and so we're going to give you the minimal and you need a few dates and we'll forget all about it, and you'll never use it again in her life, nato as a whole. during the height of the cold war, our mission was primarily 1st and foremost, to block war some fact forces. and by time. right, so not any kind of mass of offensive. right now, much worse. uh, the endless war is that americans were fighting out in his gorilla wars as totally south americans that capability afraid of conventional what they're trying to uh, put right now, but it takes a lot of time to rebuild your forces. the problem is, is that people in washington that bite in regime are absolutely devoid of any sense of reality. and one of the reasons i want to, uh, things that came out of was why the ministry of international affairs and on came out with a very strong word for word statements to the various ambassadors when they were called in uh was a article that came out in the us from inside or the news that said that once binds,
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re elected is signing off for the collect of mine. whomever really makes the decisions, are going to sign off on the intervention and ukraine. so us army directly into your credit. again, this is totally devoid of reality because the us army is going to get it wiped out, as well as cost lives to buy space to all be slow back, a national town, so the new policy, blah. how many, thanks for joining us on the program stays very good to see. now i understand that you joins the spell that prime minister and releasing dozens of peace to monkey and invest 3 or victory day. just how important is this committed ration at a time when similar events are being found in some european countries. the reason is the most important celebration in slovakia, and i've seen that the majority also like population believe that if uh so with army, the red army will don't raise us from faces rollover. you'd be slow o x as lobby nature like these today because of the ninety's class
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was to a who later boss or to inflate boss. and i'm sure that we dial to the henry's membrane are y'all's, donations all to unite the also so good. so you need to be with them exist on this this, this own, bought them something more important than whatever else. so if you really called them or a visa victoria bay, as the most the bought on the celebration and yesterday on the mail, a 8 of may. we work with the primaries, the to be saw on slide in the memory are in practice law. also to get to read the russian and best of the rules and abilities and this other and also every gonna m as in there was there because this is so important for every i would say normal nation and of all of the everybody was there except as like president, we struck with the law who she's and melanie bro receive, and the prophecy seems
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a little like, yeah, they don't respect to the history, you know, the only your memory all day. i was on funding to get a read the rest on the letter was because the chinese and visitors to come to the some big day and to be story day because of he was back in the restaurant and the rest of nation was the most the part of the, in the legal ration of our territory and iraq shop. you celebrate today's the day on my 09 awesome is about to mugs this occasion with the releasing of the dogs with the reclaimed ceremony that was held in process lava. i'm interested to know whether your country is face to any, any pressure from outside uh, from the holding, such as, or of course is on the daily basis. so that, that is a big price for because we are used to signing the buttons to ukraine. the refuse
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to send any soldiers to ukraine and you know about his plans over me. so press down the micro on from, from so be below to uh, strategies or was a full b a. and these escalations against the rest of the really want to have a be in a row. and that's why they don't like us, can imagine. so there is a bit of pressure about, you know, sort of a nation and b r peaceful nation. so we are very, it's so hopefully doesn't induce in our positions. of course, we are a part of the loop and so on. so we have to, you know, be in line and such, so that in some, uh, some aspects about embracing the piece will be a really, don't want to spread any head against the russia or any other slavic nation. and we want to continue in a good friend friendly relations to be the russian federation. so i hope that this will be the case for the future by the other main
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a is to open the eyes in the evening on the best and the leaders because we see that these guys were supposed to be is, are very, very similar to the facing there i'll talk these are for diesel in germany or in the european countries, and this is very, very dangerous. i think that our credit fathers one or bases in the history provisions and about the kind of a river or progress the faces and say like this is a back game. and these people are very similar to the eastern explain. she's in their hate speech to birds flooding nations was a roof rack shot. and these we need to refuse is such a point. getting day is needed, victory day when we take this moment to remember, histories remember our ruse. so it just makes the old almost done it in. but in some countries, i'm a cheese fascist symbols have been funds including in countries like germany, poland, ukraine, on the baltic states where they ukraine, for example,
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those who display the symbols that we're talking about. the fastest symbols they must even face criminal charges. how, what kind of countries this stuff it's so immensely during the 2nd world war takes much of stones. oh, i really don't understand those, these trends in the western europe. the way we see that there is the advice on the freedom of speech. even there is the probably be so no sound symbol is, is that i had a big problems with the police because of a civil rights army does the so right, the star and this is very, very dangerous. the thread. well i, i really, i really believe that if you need to face this already, they need to refuse this trend over writing the history. and this is very important has to be on the, on the schools. because of terry's also affordable bisnel liberals and progressives . and the results rewrite of
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a history se for the it was every task moving right to us. but everybody's like, yes, no, i noticed that the, it was the red army, especially reformation because no other nation, even though you're a sort such the sides of sufferings like um, a rest of the nation. it was measuring the of the population of soviet union, major radio, big lives in the 2nd world was, i think the russians and we need to need to respect these. and we need to say spa see by said held and say thank you for all your sacrifice. i think that of you need to. what do you mean to remember the heroes real heroes? like, well as my saw them, i mean, oldest you, my shaw calling you to go or tweak all these nice would be read to me now the hers or ever because we thought them probably the fashion would have been and probably all of the sliding nations were being slides or that, and this is something to reach every normal civilized,
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human person to respect me. i'm just wondering whether this attends, as i said, to rewrite history or res history. when did this all start? is this just something that's come hand in hand with the ukraine? conflicts over the past 2 years. is this when these un alarming political trends in europe started? or was it even be full that as well? i think that needs that started before of that it was kind of though you know me, that after 199888889, they really sound, you know, more the race on all the relations between the past and the russian federation. but originally, never really, we saw all these rights being all or or to now are you are all right, but on these there are, i think he, the russian federation and the rest of nation always the way it is not only because of these ukraine crises, it was always like, oh,
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everything will be in the rush sized bed and everything works. but this is the way these go, this kind of propaganda and i go, geez, very, very typical for the rest of the zeros and all these based on the goddess in slovakia. so i think that these, hey, teresa against russia really was the 19th century. remember not below the manual 3 man was, it was 20 century, honestly, it was germany against russia. in the 1st total thanks was nazi germany and all the euro against russia in the 2nd world war days was the cold war in the name of the 5, the guys communities in west virginia and, but i can, it was against russia. it's always it's, he's like the main, the main line of the best of the so i don't think that this is the only reason. i mean, this is a great price of prices. why it is very simple guys, so it's priced in the rest. uh and in the european union, the best deal of these, you, great crises, a how do these so to these trends that again,
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we need to do anything had good relations with organizations in the role. this is the slow, like a, just like that gives you, including russia, china, into the western countries, via another great bower. we need to have good relations with everybody, especially donations, only the right to be sure to provide the task from the fashion. exactly, and especially on days like today, it makes it all the more poignant does it that we all should be working together. many thanks for speaking to us today. i really appreciate your time. we've been talking to the vice, speak to of the slovak national cons couch, so new boss, blah. thank you. have a great day. thank you very much. thank you. so they stay tuned for us special coverage of busses, victory day celebrations throughout the day. the see what the news now the us government has been placed by law so it says patient and suffering from an inherited blood to sold in a wrong fund to access to essential medication. patients are demanding material and
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low compensation as washington's sanctions blocked by cab. honestly, correspondents use if they're not in, takes the close of the to what's their extensions are killing divani and civilians that claim was made in a court hearing any want without seeing the patients to be was governments for were searching their access to live saving medication. as a consequence of sanctions imposed on, they want. the case involves 4 separate lawsuit filed by over 420 people effected by the condition seeking compensation for material and moral damages. the plaintiffs. a patients suffering from chronic diseases are grappling with drug shortages with international companies. has a dentist appointment essential medication. so the country as a result of the anti, you're on us measures inches rather than i thought that the united states this criminal country has course, numerous problems, not only for me, but for all the cells, see me a patients across around. we are all struggling with pain and challenges in
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addition to the what is related to the disease itself, the harsh and i'm just, sanctions are driving us towards despair, frustration and death employee, u. s. compassion to individuals and members of the jury to uphold the rights and fulfill all demands. most of the government, we are in desperate need of medication and treatment. my husband is also a salad. see me, a patient. he weighs only 38 kilograms, and is unable to work due to the severe osteoporosis caused by his condition. we both share our where he's about our pain. throughout the day. i appeal to anyone who can assist us, whether in iran or any other country to help us access the necessary medications so that we can live a normal life together. our circumstances are extremely difficult. fellow simulations depend on clinical medications like this, pharaoh and jay to know, to remove excess iron from their bodies without them many suffer from secondary conditions that could be fatal. there while any of our senior society says 22000000 doses of these medications need to be imported annually to support with how see me
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a patients in the country. but less than 2000000 doses actually reach iranian shores. the shortfall is possibly compensated by domestically produce substitutes. there are less effective of resorting to the black market support. exorbitant price as present now says the reposition of us sanctions only want in 2018 over 110-0000 . of your patients have reportedly died due to the scarcity of a central medication and additional 23000 patients with the senior balance on the brink of critical health deterioration highlighting the urgent need for immediate intervention to avert further loss of life. a modem would you also tell you the enforcement of team appropriate punishments by america and the imposition of crill sanctions have been associated with diety, many tearing consequences in a run, violating patients, dignity and basic human rights, including the right to life health, employment, education, and participation in social and cultural life, these actions have contravene article 27 of the universal declaration of human
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rights. therefore, in response to these criminal acts and to prevent further and such behaviors, my clients are seeking punitive measures against the perpetrators on the policy of your patients. i'm not the only victims of your central so called butterfly children who suffer from a rare skin condition known as a b, as well as people battling chronic illnesses, such as he won't. philly are also struggling to get their hands on vital medications. while the rest of them, it says it's sanctions do not targets. it was medical sector experts, a harsh becky researches make it almost impossible for we want to purchase medical items from foreign sources. the lawyer of the snow, assuming a patient says international pharmaceutical giants like switzerland newbert, is the sole manufacturer of this federal as well as french biotech company record which supplies raw materials for the medication are declining to supply run with critical drugs due to concerns about potential putative measures from the us
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treasury, the us claims and as exempt humanitarian items, including pharmaceuticals, from the list of its sanctions on iran, but active as to their on say, it's quotes, the big lie. oh is there kids the speed so false would serve a blatant lie? america's bristol myers squibb house introduced as late as towels seem a medication called revelry, or one of the aspirations so far tells see me a patient's east, accessed this medicine which can significantly reduce transfusions and drastically decrease the need for installation of therapy associated with severe pains for the past 3 years, we have for assistance, we sent emails to the company and even our contacts in europe reached out to them to provide the drugs to our patients. however, as soon as they realized that we were requesting these drugs for a run in town, see me a patients they sees responded to our inquiries. legal experts have been out of the americans, sanchez as nothing short so they can amik terrorism. these want to come up with has made numerous attempts to attend.


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