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tv   News  RT  May 9, 2024 11:00am-11:30am EDT

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so i guess you probably don't wanna watch it because it might just change the way the russian assign cases show off the top cloth bills pilot thing. the judge said the most to victory dave raise told us no special coverage from the racing beach files of, of the soviet people. didn't want us is the west, but it's don't think the historical novel already. yes. well, go to washing the knots punches in mastery of history and the desire to apply the government follow the amount to as a part of the general policy of the wisdom that leads to insight new regional conflicts between ethnic and religious list of the things on the 420 people software installment in harris aid, the blood disorder, assuming the us government washington's house functions law. okay. randy and
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patients access to vine to medicines. we have from some of the features rather than i advertise the united states, this criminal country has course, numerous problems, not only for me, but for the tell, see me a patients across around we are all struggling with pain and challenges that, that the a very room welcome to you. you're watching all the international as always, it's great to have you with us. that was daunting with this is a special day for russia. i'm the weld, mocking be $79.00, signed of the 3 of the right domains defeats of naziism and the grades pay to us. it will. today we come on the right of the on wavering resilience of the soviet paypal on the trial, 5 of fascism and all special coverage from downtown mosca or the
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well they to a day. so of thousands of russian troops on pieces of military equipments. it crossed most goes red square with other events held through russia. a correspondent don't close it, was that to witness the parade? in the heart of the russian capital the weather might be called, but that is not the tops. anyone who wanted to come to see this enormously amazing ceremony to come and see this. what is not gonna stop anyone who has the opportunity to see this up close because it's just so incredible. we're looking at, you know, the president subject to stance or minus, then the beller roost. a lot of other cows expand as well, among many others as well. as for and delegations from countries outside the raising and for in the former soviet spear we're looking at a delegation from law allows which is as of late to become very,
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very close with russian terms in terms of economic and political operation as well as cuba. the cuban president himself is here attending this year's red square military parade in honor of 79 years of victory over fascism. but as we saw, the parade is a true display of patriotism, pride on ceremony. the russian president vladimir purse and commander in chief of russia's armed forces, inspected the parade, is more than 9000 people on 70 pieces of equipment, travel down the country's main square. and our correspondence shaped both senses. this breakdown of what was on display a behind me. these are the lawyer recognizance vehicles, sort of where the teeter, which are lighter economies recall since vehicle. but as you can see, how many behind us now are the years, the ballistic missile cutters terriers, which are part of russia's a nuclear and fleet actually as well under escorted via,
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via the yard. yeah. i'm or visa roll them all saw about a month ago. from some people in the west suggesting that the moscow on these are very difficult to track the part of russia is very modern nuclear to terror. remember rochelle, probably as the biggest arsenal of nuclear weapons on earth, and probably as the most modern ones, including at disarm of a recent development which can be deployed from this boss in the water naval fleet as well. but again, the s 401 of the best, the best defenses on are really, we're a little bit patriots on iris tease in your grades with the s 400 on now the s 500, which is in developing the science system,
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is without the best if not the best anti aircraft system on or on the fly, the extraordinary cold weather, the clouds victory around for a brief moment to allow rushes top flyers to pay the skies. why the blue red swimming the russian slag. and i'll correspond to d goes on of watch the playing, say paul. so i'm coming to based on both his face report on the, on the nashville just outside most go to russian aerobatics themes. the swift and the russian knights are done with the final preparations. pilots are in the cockpit . it's about to take off to the red square the so they are the best and the well, they both mock the you said the best 3 of us. yeah. today verifying,
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make $29.23 as a fighter jets well and also they go, it's been a couple of years since 5 digits to parts and the vic right under the red square. well, it's the rarest of sites to behold. the russian presidents laid file was at the table. all the unknown soldier died of my pace and was joined by the foreign natives who traveled to moscow to celebrate space. and the men to state alongside the russian people for 79 years off, their histories deadly as one was one that the russian president says there were certain political players who want to whitewash not seasons. his legacy today we see how some are trying to distort the truth about the 2nd world war. the truth is
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inconvenient for those who are used to building their colonial policy on hypocrisy in lines. they demolish memorial to the true fighters against oxy them all while putting traitors and encompasses of the nazis on the fed as to why didn't they erase the memory of the heroism of deliberate, the soldiers of the great sacrifice launches a mockery of history to it. and the desire to justify the cutter and follow is of the nazis a part of the game. the policy of the western elite separate the 2 inside, new regional conflict, land, ethnic and religious australia. we reject the claims of any country or alliance for exclusivity, which we know what the, you know, within a sea of such a emissions leads to russia. we'll do everything to prevent the global flash. and i think, but at the same time, we will not allow anyone who threaten us. our strategic forces are always on alert from the cold list to warm is corners at the well, the russians around the globe have come together to join the circle. they moved to a regiment. the international events come on the rates that are on sisters
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sacrifices during the grades pay to us. it will process have demonstrated probably carry quotes for the soviet heroes who dies to protect the well from long to germany. for sessions on, traditionally held in dozens of countries worldwide on the 8th or 9th of may victory day, a day of immense celebration, but also reflection known that triumph came. but such a kolosso cost. $1418.00 days of a titanic struggle between good and evil light and darkness and the size in which so many to rent that their lives. so the others could live in freedom. and all this of the men says occasion technologies allowing us to forage into the policy so that today on the 9th of may 2024. we can step all the way back into 1945. and that was final when the soviet people to fix the rates of the walls was paying
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to them, then surprise for that privilege. on the 1st of may 79 years ago, the soviet, in victoria, by the woods raised over their vice dogs signaling the ends of nazi germany by then phone and was badly recognizable once the beating heart of the 3rd, like the painful years of what had left to the shots, it really won't be as soldiers as for $35.00 street houses, nazi on each side to hold on with every stage it could still must step up into size . you can see the industry to go to for round the top lanes, buzzing. 5 very quickly became notice the flying time along side is ground space council policy, soviet say 30 full baffled tag o c k. my clinic symbols of the great page we also will on the eventual victory. super all $36.00 was just one of the say $34.00 times to well, so we with the strength of the gym and time for so during the battle for the name,
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it was until the 9th of may most of the time when the nazi regime efficient associates related when the soviet, on the last. okay. or you cops, funds be access military. so when's up in the southern sense, the live? it's impossible to overestimate the toll taken on the soviet people of what is the deadliest war team on it see it as a witness? 26.6000000 soviet citizens pay for the ultimate prize. and doing readings and victory, they means so much to so many a sacrifice that will not and cannot as a piece of golf. on the eve of victory day, a photo like submission dedicated to the events of the greats. patriotic well, was organized to be 0 peer. the russian house posted the exhibition on this um, possibly to attend to the opening to commemorate between countries and joint s's. they noted that celebrations take place of a special time where they see opinions recently marking that own victory day of
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a fascist easily nigeria and presidential candidates of 2023 has only gone to the 2nd reveals how africa awakens from the distorted west. the narrative of history was, you know, it was, it was especially with the just by friends or the french. and would it be funded by defend to pick the joke of the been digital why it was a $20.00 or whatever this more level of awareness. what know the commercial side, when it is clear to come in, what you're going to be on, people out freely, especially themselves in different platforms. do your people all the time. this project role that is played by both parties, especially the ones, the mission of georgia. i was denied liability and you want to do from the denazi's approach to wipe. oftentimes, when did you on the subsequent challenges the legs? would you call me back and then to i need to start the process of disagreeing when or decide to go to warranty or not. i forgot it was due or shows,
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little screen behind was of yes it goes to it. so you know, turn on dependent people like the yoga measurement was 192. i'm just which do you smoke? so i'm also trying to understand the safety is distorted to use. i told you, wish i was too far from enjoying the deal so. so the fraternity situation about i'm show things are going to align for money as reasonable when exactly one year before the us, i suppose victory or the know c as in on may. the 9th, since 1944 soviet troops liberated the crime in city of service, stuff was taken back to the main naval base of the black sea fleet was one of the key military turning points and the defeat of hitler's germany for the city of cyber still pool was among the 1st to be back side by bombing campaigns of to nazi germany invited the soviet union to fact is made. crime is a prime target. adult hitler's genocidal ambitions was one. he planned to enslaved
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the locals and re populate the peninsula with ethnic germans. another factor was purely strategic, so bad controlled crimea jeopardize oil fields and refineries in romania, which the nazi's way heavily dependent on. in 1941 jermel managed, i expected to sweep through the peninsula slow. it was a week into the defense of civil stop and some estoppel point hard. but the balance of power was not in favor to the stop of the residents to say the least because the black sea fleet was absent, the army that forced to defend the city still hadn't breached it. so the people that defended some stuff will work. that's mechanics and technical stuff of the nearby airfield suited for the task. and at the main line of the break through the were only a few marines and a political officer. 5 people altogether at the expense of their lives. they prevented 15 tanks from breaking through the entire 250 day defend solve, cyprus toppled his knitted with such acts of individual heroism. the german sped no
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resources. this is the good stuff, gun emboldened 3 story high railway highways. so that made it to crime in 1942, specifically sent to demolish the besiege, save a stop all along with its garrison. the shells weighed 7 tons each. any shadow of that gentleman ought to re monstrosities like the gamma of the call pails. in general, in the 2nd world war, the germans never achieved such a massive use of artillery as in the siege of sylvester. all. all that might suppose it the only source of heat this hold that counties over 200000 soldiers. thousands of both is in guns. hundreds of aircraft in tanks, a smaller small garrison, the reins pulled down to the besieged city of a desk that had to rely heavily on the help of volunteers. the people of small heroic balaclava are working and fighting side by side with the red army on the front line. mines and shells are exploding in the streets but risking their lives
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every 2nd balaclava patriots are working hard and vegetable gardens, proved vineyards. fishing and providing 1st aid to the wounded, supplying the sabbath stole garrison was an immense challenge. the soviet, mount, the city, citadel was console from the maintenance and ships were routinely sunk by nazi gomez. so every pair of hands, massett, those who didn't know how to fight helps dig fortifications. fashion it, it was terrible. bombs were being dropped all around. it was scary. this was not a war, but something else. something indescribable difficult. we were there all the time and loosely built in defensive structures. everyone worked there for morning till evening. nowadays, off iron metal sheets for spread out and crushed, stone sands cement was poured on them and water was added. concrete was made this way and the girls would carry all this on stretchers. further and further back. it
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was something like a cycle. the mounting logistical challenges and the very marks unprecedented the sold, eventually brought an end to the heroic $250.00 day defense of the crime in the city. its loss defenders had to flee on make shift ross with hopes the sea would be most of old a little did they notes in 2 years time they would once again set foot in the city, they should blood to protect so just so that the soviet soldiers literally had to inch for them, you know, by meter moving forward. and when support was already taken, but so it was stop. it was not, it liberated. panic was already beginning among the german soldiers and hispanic was due to the fact that they have nowhere to run and nothing to evacuate. and it was not possible to storm. so it was stopped immediately because of a very well prepared line of defense. that's the 1st reason. secondly, it's the effect of the old equipment and power of the german army and the allied forces was concentrated himself estoppel and the surrender of several stucco
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threatened to damage the morale and the credibility of the entire german army. it was 1941 all over again, but i have the titles tons, the nazi army that was already evacuating with a panic. the decisive push began on may the 5th. within 2 days, so the troops captured mountains of food, the dominating heights on the gateway to some estoppel on day full. it was like that for the nazis. was it on the 9th of may, the resistance was already broken because in the mind of the occupier, smelter action was no longer the priority, but rather this thought of escape. and of course, at 5 o'clock in the evening, the guardsmen of the 2nd guards army begin to 4th, the northern bay, or assistance of the knots. as soon this area was already broken. by the, even though the 9th of may, after the 3 days of decisive assaults, our troops liberate itself was stopped. at 1 o'clock in the morning on may, 9th, the festive sort of 24 salvoes was set up in moscow in honor of deliberation of the
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city. something great happened yesterday in your life and in my life and in the lives of all our people. we returned to save a snowball. we drove the germans out of our black c capital. we liberated the sea. we liberated your fathers sacred graves. today you, some estoppel is back to buddies. home, hama is a decade zone. russia is the holding. the l. o, the best sacrifice, the chart, the states you in for us special coverage off rushes, victoria day celebrations throughout the day here and i'll see international the see what the news now the us government has been play just by low suits. is patients suffering from an inherited beloved the soda in a wrong 5 for access to essential medication patients that the long thing material and moral compensation is washington sanctions blog. that cat. oh c correspondence
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. ease of july takes a closer look for us to what's our senses are killing divani and civilians that claim was made in a court hearing any want or sal see me a patients to be was government for were searching the access to live saving medication as a consequence of sanctions imposed anyone, the case involves 4 separate lawsuit filed by over 420 people effected by the condition seeking compensation for material as moral damages. the plaintiffs, a patients suffering from chronic diseases, are grappling with drug shortages with international companies. has a dentist appointment, essential medication? so the country as a result of the anti, you're on us measures interest rather than all you have to go to the united states . this criminal country has schools numerous problems, not only for me, but for all the fellow senior patients across around. we are all struggling with pain and challenges. in addition to the what is related to the disease itself, the harsh and i'm just, sanctions are driving us towards display of frustration and death. i employed you
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as compassionate individuals and members of the julie to uphold the rights and fulfill all demands. most of that, that are more, we are in desperate need of medication and treatment. my husband is also a salad. see me, a patient. he weighs only 38 kilograms and is unable to work due to the severe osteoporosis caused by his condition. we both share our worries about our pain throughout the day. i appeal to anyone who can assist us, whether in iran or any other country to help us access the necessary medications so that we can live a normal life together. our circumstances are extremely difficult. fellows seem to patients depend on colorful medications like this, pharaoh and jayden are to remove excess iron from their bodies. without them many suffer from secondary conditions that could be fatal. there wanting a fallacy, me, a society says 22000000 doses of these medications need to be imported annually to support the types of see me a patients in the country, but less than 2000000 doses actually reach iranian shores. the shortfall is
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possibly compensated by domestically produce substitutes or less effective of resorting to the black market toward exorbitant price as present. now he says, the reposition of us senses only wanting 2018 over 110-0000. of your patients have reportedly died due to the scarcity of a central medication, an additional $23000.00 patients without senior balance on the brink of critical health deterioration. highlighting the urgent need for immediate intervention to over further loss of life. emotional joys, i'll tell you the inforcement of team appropriate punishments by america and the imposition of crill sanctions have been associated with diary, monetary and consequences in the wrong is violating patients, dignity and basic human rights, including the right to life on health, employment, education, and participation. in social and cultural life, these actions have contravene to article 27 of the universal declaration of human rights. therefore, in response to these criminal acts and to prevent further and such behaviors,
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my clients are seeking punitive measures against the perpetrators of the phone. the fellow senior sessions are not the only victims of your central so called butterfly children who suffer from a rare skin condition. known as a b as well as people battling chronic illnesses such as he will feel, you are also struggling to get their hands on vital medications or be more stubborn . a says it's sanctions do not target. it was medical sector, exports a harsh becky restrictions make it almost impossible for wrong to purchase medical items from foreign sources. the lawyer of the style of seem to patient says international pharmaceutical giants like switzerland newbert, is this whole manufacturer of this world, as well as the french biotech company record which supplies raw materials for the medication are declining to supply run with critical drugs. due to concerns about potential putative measures from the us treasury. the u. s. claims it has exempted humanitarian items including pharmaceuticals, from the list of its sanctions on iran, but active as of their on say, it's quote,
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a big lie to, to the, it's a false. it served a blatant lie. america's brucell myers queen as introduced as late as tell, seem a medication called rebels. the order is one of aspiration so far tells see me a patients east accessed this medicine which can significantly reduce transfusions and drastically decrease the need for installation therapy associated with severe pains. for the past 3 years, we have for assistance. we send emails to the company and even our contacts in europe reached out to them to provide the drugs to our patients. however, as soon as they realized that we were requesting these drugs for a run in town, see my patients, they seized responded to our inquiries. legal experts have denounced the american sanchez as nothing short so they can amik terrorism these moment, which has made numerous attempts to bring attention to the humanitarian consequences of these sanctions through international channels, but to no avail. while the legal action taken by divani and our senior positions
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may not hold the us government's accountable is seeing here as a work of paul. so the harsh reality to be was using it wanted visions as pause. i just pull it up for movers, usability our to, to do a bonded, the q is a tar rates, but with american journalist took a call. so in about how she's being targeted is by the us government and forced to, to excel in russia. if there is a sealed case against you, they are investigating you for a crime. they won't tell you what the crime is, right. but it clearly is a felony. are they claimants or felony? right? correct. and i posted the sealed warrants, and that's been in the media, so the sealed warrant is visible. you can see the case number journalists have tried to look it up by attorneys tried to look it up. no one will tell them what it is. then they started coming out me in more silver ways, which was, you know, basically harassment death threats, particularly. it amped up when margery taylor green and representative mat gates
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asked me to testify and whistle blowers panel like i was going to talk about how difficult it is to be a whistle blower because i have been so targeted. why don't it goes in the state here? now is the lady herself, the senate? it's her reading, full disclosure. she is also an asi contribute. so many thanks for coming in today, sir, is lovely to see you as the way so much. so i understand that you were interviewed by type of calls, and while he was here to interview peace in um some other people as well. how did the experience of sharing your story with tucker a different from previous interviews or interactions you've had regarding the matter? well, the 1st time i was interviewed, we're more into the, you know, what actually happened. and that was at his home studio in florida. so it was a different vibe. right. and then um, you know, and then other times it was just remotely, i was on his show. so this was quite different seeing him in person and it was really nice to see him. and he was very welcoming and we've been staying in touch.
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so it was good and i feel like some parts were left out. we talked for over an hour, the interviews only 23 minutes. and one of the things i had told him was my impressions of russia and how much i like to hear. i had talked about in my book that's coming out of that. i had talked about margarita assuming young, who had really been a hero for me because i r t. i had been working for them, but then they brought me in. when all of this happens, they stood by me and she had sent me a message, tar, we will never leave you. and it was so touching, and i, i like that didn't make it into the, the interview that he released. but it was there and it's in my book, so you can read about it. and when that comes out in 2 weeks and, you know, it's really important to have gratitude. i was, you know, i remember talking to you when i 1st came here a year ago, i was in a lot of pain. be separated from my family and right now i have so much gratitude and i've really comfortable a rush of so much is that it feels so good to live here and to have
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a career here. so, you know, it's, it's, it's, it's kind of having a happier ending if you will. right. so yeah, absolutely. um, when to the calls interview, somebody is going to be watched by a lot of people. so what kind of response are you expecting to your interview with them? well, overnight it happened while i was sleeping and then so the inner a. so i saw a bunch of reaction. the overnight and call of course i've been getting some calls and whatnot, and it's all been really positive and supportive because i think people are seeing the political weapon ization of the deal. jan f, b, i against american citizens and other citizens. one of the things i also talk about publicly is there are other people here under asylum. their governments are coming after them in a weaponized way the same way. the biden administration is using intelligence to go after americans. so it's not just me, it's january 6 supporters, it's people on the left to the who are group. so it's really important for me to continue to speak out and continue my legal action against the, you know, f,
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b i d o j, which i'm doing. so is it important for you to tell your story so that others might come out and it's how that horror stories of joe biden, friends, actually, that's happened. i've been contacted a couple of times in the past by women that wanted to come forward. but because of what happened to me were too frightening, my hope was if i could testify before congress, that that would be a mechanism for them to come forward. and you know, i really was opened and shared all the details of what happened to me. but you know, in my tucker carlson and megan kelly interview and also in a former r t interview, where i discussed exactly the sexual assault that i endured. but what was worse, almost in a sense was just the having the weapon ization of, of the government coming after me. that was quite frightening and coming after my family. how would you respond to critics who question the timing of things with this you know, election? yeah. because this tends to be with talking just about your book is coming out as
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well in a couple of weeks. um, what would you say about that about? well, i mean, i told what happened to me in 1993 when i happens, the report that i filed with the senate is still sealed. and congress and mac gates was trying to get that opened right before you know, it came to russia. he was working very hard to try to open that and steal those files. so the files are still sealed in the university of delaware. and so i've been coming forward for a long time. and you know, i think that the election years just sort of bringing it to light because i think there's other corruption, you know, that needs to come to light about bite. and particularly the misconduct that he's done around ukraine and the money laundering and the other activities that he and his family have been enriched by this proxy war that the us and 8 is fighting against the rest of the ukraine. so that's coming to light. i think people in america and other nato countries are seeing the corruption, the bikes,
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the leaders of those countries, unfortunately, are still, you know, benefiting from this. so was harmony, thanks for coming in to speak to us. it's always great to hear from you last week is route to contribute to inform us that it is tar rate. thank you. thank you and thank you for joining us here on the see international is always a pleasure. does it gets to one has gotten in the top of them the, everybody i'm rick sanchez and these are the stories that you need to know about today is present in biden, calling the people of india races. why would you do that? also there's an important message, it's coming out of the berlin and guess who's back. oh my goodness. george santos has re introduced himself in drag average said she has best.


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