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tv   News  RT  May 9, 2024 3:00pm-3:31pm EDT

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i'm comfortable, my show is called direct impact, but again, you probably don't wanna watch it because it might just change the way and say the russian flying aces. show off the premiers to build pilot thing that yes, the last 3 day parade. oh, but a lot more in all special coverage commemorating the tribe of the survey, people like may appear to him as mona shares the west for this store. thing based oracle memory of world war 2 and white washing new york ranches in mockery of history and the desire to justify the current follows of the nazis a part of the general policy of the west. and it leads to insight new regional conflicts, ethnic and religious hostilities. and that's the thing images from the gulf. it was
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3rd most grave has been discovered at the house. she felt hospital as an idea of the tanks and to the roughest suburbs in preparation for room declaration. the 5th is all the international coming to life from las go this victory day. we've got coverage of all of the collaborations here coming up for you this. so thank you very much for joining us as well. we just want to start with some live pages of the fireworks, of the lighting up the sky and moscow on this thursday evening. this is the nation here in russia, celebrates victory day holiday. that commemorates the so be people's on way. you bring with zillions and the triumph of fascism. let's just have a look at these amazing fireworks for 2nd. the
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well, this marks the 79 sound of those 3 of the right on these to feed to not see some in the great patio table. you can see the colors back of the russian slide. go wine red and blue moon lighting up the most ago. sky in this marks of coal 79 years since then, but the very 1st fireworks display. we're actually um, hold on a to, to launch in most go on made the 9th $195.00 and it's become a tradition that's hugely anticipated. people coming up the street really wanting to get a sense of being part of that memory. this displays, i've been organized since 16 been using the russian capital b c. and it's also going to be problems in garden city, which traditionally accompanies the state holiday location. the
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well victory days, or thousands of russian troops and pieces of military equipment across most goes red square with other events being held. russia or correspondent don't quote, was back to witness the parade at the cost of the russian capital. the weather might be called, but that is not stops. anyone who wanted to come to see this and a nor, mostly amazing ceremony to come and see this. but it's not gonna stop anyone who has the opportunity to see this up close because it's just so incredible echoes of their screens that you can just hear behind me just echoes throughout red square. really gives you a sense of just how the mites and power of the russian military, especially, and it's very important time for russian people to understand that the military has
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the capability to defend themselves against the threats from all over the world. well, the parade is a true display of packed racism, pride on the ceremony. russian present as luck may appear to him to come on the in chief of russia's armed forces. inspect the parade is moved, the 9000 people in 70 pieces of equipment, travel down the country's main. square. all these shape o census. this breakdown of the weaponry on display a. behind me. these are the lawyer recognizance vehicles. so the where the tier, which are lighter economy, recall since vehicle. but as you can see just now are the years ballistic missile cutters terriers, which are part of rushes, the nuclear fleet actually as well. and they're as 40 via, via the yard. yeah. i'm or visa roll them all saw about
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a month ago. they're great dismay from some people in the west of moscow. and these are very difficult to attract the part of russia's very modern nuclear to terror. remember russia probably as the biggest are still of nuclear weapons on earth and probably as the most modern ones including at disarm on this all at a recent development were to me to products on this boss in the name of late as well. and again, the s 401 of the best, if not the best defense is really we're a little bit patriots on iris tease in your grades with the s 400 on now the s 500, which is in developing the science system, is without the best if not the best aircraft system on or
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well, despite the unseasonably cold weather because it is been snowing for the last few days in most of the clouds cleared just for a brief moment to allow russia's top flies to paint the skies white, blue and red foaming, of course the russian flag or t correspond, it goes down of watch those planes taking off from cubing to add bass and bowl. just face reports here on an i feel just outside most cool to russian aerobatics thieves. the swift and the russian nights are done with the final preparations. pilots are in the cost. it's about to say costs. so the red square, the so they are the best and the well, they both bought the you said and invest 3 this yeah. today that's like make
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$29.23 is a fighter jets well and off they go. it's been a couple of years since 5 digits to parts and evict the red square. well, it's the rarest of sites. to behold. the russian president, delayed flowers of the to move the unknown soldier. vladimir preaching was joined by the foreign leaders who traveled to moscow to celebrate this for men to stay to long sign the russian people. but $79.00 is off the history deadly as well. was one, the russian president says there was certain global plays, want to whitewash, not see isms, legacy upset today. we see how some are trying to distort the truth about the 2nd
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world war. the truth is inconvenient for those who are used to building their colonial policy on hypocrisy and lines. they demolish memorials to the true fighters against nazis and all while putting traitors and accomplices of the nazis on the pedestal. they erased the memory of the heroism of deliberate, the soldiers of the great sacrifice. revenge is a mockery of history. and the desire to justify the cutter and follow is of the nazis a part of the general policy of the west. and it leads to incite new regional conflicts, ethnics and religious hostility. 60 percent. we reject the claims of any country or alliance for exclusivity to what we know, what the, you know, what in a sea of such impressions, leads to russia will do everything to prevent the global clash. but at the same time, we will not allow anyone to threaten us. our strategic forces are always on alert. little around the globe from on tulsa could to the caucuses around asia. and of course you are russians and former soviet citizens of being rallying and sole
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authority this thursday, during the so called it moved for right to me in march. now they carry photos on their on substitute for the free to wilson fascism during the great actual take. more. many of the veterans pay the ultimate price and never live to see victory de southeast asia correspondent, rebecca, and nothing to prove. you has the details of the commemoration that have been taking place in the cost of the world, the russian embassy and the russian culture. and science center to vietnam, commemorated the 17 9th anniversary of victory and the 17th anniversary of the legendary victory of the vietnamese people at the battle of dean dean for these events, where historical turning points for the people of prussia and vietnam. the annual celebration serve to chat as for the russian people to honor it. those we gave their lives in the name of freedom and of harmony. and i see it both voss and
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vietnam. i celebrated significant dates, so we just have to con, tuning points in the history of the states in vasa to all know significant events. we plan threes as a symbol of life, a symbol of striving for new things. today's 3 ponti as a youth academy symbolizes the memory of those soldiers who did not return from the bottle fields, sacrificed their lives for freedom and independence. like the trees we belong to the town and younger generation will leave grove. i'm strengthened and noted 3 was also planned it in the museum capital jakarta, as part of the commemoration ceremony organized by the russian embassy the morning of may, 9th, so songs and homes about the 2nd world war being performed and recited. while the youth took center stage to share in the spirit through dance, joining the ceremony where the investors of feller roost cause that's time and armenia, bringing with them a message of unity despite the current world's term while diplomats and members of
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the russian d. s. for our inter card, i'll also march in the moral regiment, a traditional attribute where families on their, their relatives who fought against nazi germany. and my grandfather felt in berlin and succeeded in coming back from war. but because of the very heavy means they got at the front, he passed away quickly. my grandmother was a geography teacher. she was involved in evacuating orphanages and taught the children in the back. you ation camp. she also dedicated a lot of effort and practically all her health in life, taking care of the children who lost their parents. we are immensely grateful to these people because of whom we exist in the world today. and thanks to who we receive the right to live it songs filled the air at their russian embassy and singapore useful voices echoed the message of enhancing spiritual strength and elevating selfless giving. together with you,
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we inherited from the victorious warriors a peaceful sky, a free life, and the skill to win defeats nazis. and let's cherish this great legacy and carry it forward to a new multi polar world of russians. round the world to time to commemorate those who sacrificed their lives for those living to day. that even applies to those who are thousands of miles away from home, spread across south east asia, sharing the respect for the past and welcoming a bright future to what they're stating for a very special coverage of roles, celebrations, taking place on rushes, victory day. the well, it's hard to northern goals and now where a 3rd mass grave has been found at the al she for medical complex palestinian officials say the bodies have suffered from decomposition and so bad that they are
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on identifiable the window of the day at the football we have recovered several bodies from the cemetery in the i'll shoot for medical complexes, yard. as of now, a 3rd cemetery has been discovered about 40 to 50 victims were recovered. the majority of them are on identifiable due to the compositions and their severe conditions. we found a mass graves that helped dozens of bodies of women, children, and the elderly, had to have a lot of assistive bodies have been taken out of the cemetery. what can i do to velocity from magical complex up to this point? sometimes so that can be discovered a decompose to remain solely on shore. if they belong to bodies that have already been phones or not. we also liked the cats abilities and a ton and the exact number of bodies suppressed. and is there any forces have claimed that they eliminated 50 hum, us militants in east and rafa. and i've also discovered several tunnels show in the area. so he's fine negotiations in cairo failed 2 days earlier with how my son is
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well unable to agree on quote demands. the idea is now forcibly to space over $80000.00 palestinians from a rough and just 3 days. this is according to the u. n. release agency. we're total number of people in the area is believe to be $1500000.00. the flames reported they never stopped the folding of the densely populated rafa. one of the idea of slate destroy, killed a civilians including 3 children, and levelled a residential building back to the ground. that brings the death toll since the october 7th thomas attack to more than 38800 people as well as well, has responded in the i'm good to president biden's admission. the us weapons have been used to kill civilians in garza,
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and washington has suspended the shipment of some 3500 palms to as well. pentagon chiefly, dalston has confirmed the pause. as his report to the senate committee was interrupted by a protest as he did the pause as we re evaluated. uh uh, some of the security assistance that were providing to so we, we've been very clear senator, as you know from the very beginning that that israel should launch a major attack in or off or without accounting for and protecting the civilians that are in that battle. space and again, as we have a assess the situation, we pause one shipment of high high payload, the munitions along the way, cuz i moved by washington. the german opposition is now urging berlin to follow
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suit by holding its own arms experts to as well as the federal government must follow the example of the us and stop as delivers to his ro, immediately only to national oppressions and nom some vulgar construct. the nathan yahoo! governments from invading or far dominated the 2nd largest supplied israel up to the us. and the for shows responsibility for the dust and gaza. the federal government must know do a blessing to prevent so the civilian casualties and the full stop on exports. well that's taking the poll not discussion now with full month jem and less policy position and have the parliament men but most in those at martin. thank you very much for joining us here on us international. you're a veteran of a party that now urging berlin to stop sending weapons to is way. oh, do you think that by coal is going to be heard and even addressed by the german
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government of costs at surge, but the german government will follow it until now. or we can see, and i think it's not nearly enough because the german government must stop as nazi . i'm critical cooperation. within that time you all government, nothing. you all phrases, the leisure, richie population, these phases. i projects the best policy of genocide against the palestinians. and the german government is still supporting. nathaniel christ, i'm pretty to be fight solvable. i've been deliver confidence alverado system that been do live up like $3000.00 as a plus 2. you said you last year. so the month of sending this out to you is good candidates in accordance with the peace movement until the german government photos is i'm, i think that must be more pressure from the peaceful mind. and that must be
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a $180.00 degrees to all of you to the politics. the cross method yaller shall be i'm critically supported in many ways. it's not only the weapons, it's the security policy sort of as follow up together. see, uh, and it's even, excuse us, like, for example, if we did the rado system, google tags or crimes of businesses syndic idea because the systems of costs. so here you need to go pull that like the walls and then the momentum. they are accommodating. well, crimes by being sold on the general side on the other student population. so we have lots of problem is that the government has to make sure you tell you how to do you think so the supplies coming from germany on also, jeremy being used essentially home the support for a place where we're seeing
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a weapons being shift every day. i think one of the specifics i read is what i like every year a 1000 contain is a have deadly freight, a passing through handbook, and then heading to destinations, possibly not as well. you know, that just generally plays a big role in that role because tell me use a 2nd. so largest expo to deliver all preference to each trail. and of course we have uh like, uh, large amounts of, i mean, vision of transported to the humble thoughts like, uh, more and more through the years ends to countries like this, right? you know, as well and above all souls. so we have a problem with that, and so germany's role is, especially in accordance to the is 3, is a very bad road because of some other option which people with a lot of other students,
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especially you wish people who say the government nothing you know is committing girlfriends and then says to stuff that the german government should listen. that's in called in this to responsibility office all history because 6000000 jewish people that's in to in the state level 3 in the 2nd rug. well, i'm 27. the rest of the civilians and more and more people from other countries and know we have the responsibility to say no to any assessment of uh, a general size like some face for the moment, i think for some documents as to photo that's and for that of course for the next fall except for the stuff. and so i mean, obviously in germany and in the us and know we are in the country. so the shipping comes true is relative to the idea of the british foreign minister. this is david
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cameron has been asked for london, is planning to stop sending weapons to israel as well. i just wanna briefly take a listen to what david cameron said in response to that question. a very fundamental difference between the us situation case the us is a mess. state license is significantly less than one percent. some interesting comments that well, mister cameron claiming that the intake government doesn't actually supply almost to b r a d. yes. but as we know, that is not entirely true in fact, downing street is responsible for granting individual licenses to companies that do exports weapons to as well. so what do you make of what david cameron just said the
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joe is very look at that. the other thing we receive at this level because even what, uh, i see the less than one screen and at the moment in that role there is some kind of some bully steps. like the u. s. government says no. if you walk into rough uh, with the 6 troops, even that was the call for a ceasefire, like almost splits acceptance uh, some idea of egypt and comes up. and then the us does the stuff and that means something very good that full lips. but do there is no real pressure if that would be really pressure. oh, let's say the whole international community, the united nations, n b, s, the nation's which supply of costs. if you do licenses a full weapons and production to support this war. so there shouldn't be that
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simple credit to attempt to say we are not responsible, official be, and attempt to really make pressure on them. you know, the government to say, follow the majority of your people, follow the majority off the was population which is bringing forward and overseas. try on the amount of stopping the genocidal wolf a was just going during the direction of the general side. okay, so what we're going to have to do that. thank you very much for joining us. that's full, met german, left policy politician and how about parliament member monitoring those thank you all the best well the us government has been played by law states is patients suffering from an inherited blood disorder. and iran are fighting for access to essential medication patients on demanding material and also of moral
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compensation as washington sanctions blocked back at ortiz correspondent use of july take a closer look at this story to what's our senses are killing yvonne and civilians. that claim was made in a court hearing anyone. what's our see me a patients to be was government for were searching their access to live saving medication as a consequence of sanctions imposed 91. the case involves 4 separate. the lawsuit filed by over 420 people effected by the condition seeking compensation for material as moral damages. the plaintiffs, a patients suffering from chronic diseases, are grappling with drug shortages with international companies. has a dentist appointment essential medication. so the country as a result of the anti you're on us measures interest rather than i thought the united states this criminal country has course, numerous problems, not only for me, but for all the fellow senior patients across around. we are all struggling with
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pain and challenges in addition to the what is really do the disease itself, the harsh and i'm just, sanctions are driving us towards despair, frustration and death. employees you as compassion as individuals and members of the jury to uphold the rights and fulfill all demands. fell of simulations depend on criminal medications like this, pharaoh and jaden are to remove excess iron from their bodies without them many suffer from secondary conditions that could be fatal. error on the inside of seem is, society says 22000000 doses of these medications need to be imported annually to support with how is see me a patients in the country, but less than 2000000 doses actually reach iranian shores. the shortfall is coffee compensated by domestically produce substitutes that are less effective or resorting to the black markets or exorbitant price as prevail. since the reposition of us century is only wanting 2018 over 110-0000 of your patients have reportedly
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died due to the scarcity of a central medication, an additional $23000.00 patients without senior balance on the brink of critical health deterioration highlighting the urgent need for immediate intervention to for further loss of life, a modem which was, oh yes, the enforcement of deem appropriate punishments by america and the imposition of cruel sanctions. have been associated with diary, many tearing consequences in the wrong violating patients, dignity and basic human rights, including the right to life health, employment, education, and participation in social and cultural life. these actions have contravene to article 27 of the universal declaration of human rights. therefore, in response to these criminal acts and to prevent further and such behaviors, my clients are seeking punitive measures against the perpetrators, the lawyer of the style of see me. a patient says international pharmaceutical giants like switzerland nowhere to use this whole manufacturer of this federal as well as the french biotech company required which supplies raw materials for the
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medication are declining to supply run with critical drugs. due to concerns about potential punitive measures from the us treasury, the us claims and as exempted humanitarian items, including pharmaceuticals, from the list of its sanctions on iran, but active as of their on say, it's quote, a big lie. oh is it? yeah, it's a full switzer, a blatant lie. americas bristol myers queen as introduced as late as tell seem a medication called rebels is one of aspiration so far tell see me a patients is accessed this medicine which can significantly reduce transfusions and drastically decrease the need for installation of therapy associated with severe pains for the past 3 years, we have persistently sent emails to the company and even our contacts in europe reached out to them to provide the drugs to our patients. however, as soon as they realized that we were requesting these drugs, we ran intel see many patients they sees responded to our inquiries, which are single exports have denounced the american sanchez as nothing short so
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they can amik terrorism. here's one which has made numerous attempts to bring attention to the humanitarian consequences of the sanctions through international channels, but to no avail. while the legal action taken by divani and found a senior patients re not told the was governments accountable. it's seen here as a work of paul, so the harsh reality to be was using it wanted patients as pause. i just pulled it up on maneuvers kids i stayed top. come on the larry, is it lose me? has been appointed you questions on baset? the to the u. k, the move puts the dumping out all the d rivalry between the former general and of course president lot demand zalinski. well tensions between the 2 officials began to fast it with the stall to russia. special military operation as they disagreed over everything including t military goals and how to achieve them so loosely acknowledged rushes battlefield
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advantages. and shortly before his firing, he offered little hope for ukraine to break through the stalemate in fighting or wild precedence. lensky has been demanding more results and using every possible chance, of course, to page a positive picture to western back is what as well. western media has been closely watching the power struggle between the 2 full months now and the fail ukrainian counter offensive. oh, no funds apparently stood up the port. ultimately, the general's rising popularity coupled with the president's declining polls added to the tensions well, that's cross now to strategic affairs expert and during this time and con,
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i'm not sure the gate and joining us live from the u. k, thank you very much view towards the time here on of the international festival. want to make of this big diplomatic move and can you tell us the reasons behind this re appointment of generals illusion in maybe a little bit of history between him and presidents. the landscape oh yeah, i think i think is a very significant move, but at the same time, i don't think it's a biased move because i mean, i believe that somebody was still in the performing use you as a, as the key and the expect to anybody would expect that people will be on the front, right. it is, it is, it is not just the 2 boys if you are to a few minutes while at the other, it looks like you were on the escalated off.


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