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tv   News  RT  May 9, 2024 7:00pm-7:31pm EDT

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the, the, [000:00:00;00] the russian flying to show a premier skills pilot thing that jet so the last goes victory day parade, boulevard, and much more the special coverage commemorating the files of the so you, people like me, a page in a loaner shoes at westwood distorting the historical memory of world war 2 and white washing knew not seem to evangelism, mockery of history and the desire to justify the color and follows of the nazis a part of the general policy of the west end. that leads to insight new regional conflicts,
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testing and religious hostility and disturbing images on guns that were a mass grave is discovered, el cheapo hospital as an idea of the tanks and the process of ups in preparation for a full ground operation. the, you're watching the international. this is the news on thanks very much for joining us. but we're going to start with what has been a very special day for russia, and indeed the world smoking, the 79th anniversary. all the right armies, the fee to not say some in the course. i feel i take full collaborations all the unwavering resilience of the associate people on the time of, of fascism have been taking place. we have had special coverage throughout the day to downtown moscow.
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the will victory day. so sizes of russian troops and pieces of military equipment across most goes red squared away. the other events being health, right? russia, a corresponding don't quote, it was bad to witness the parade. in the heart of the russian capital, the weather might be called, but that is not stops. anyone who wanted to come to see this a nor mostly amazing ceremony to come and see this. but it's not gonna stop anyone who has the opportunity to see this up close because it's just so incredible that goes up. there screams as you could just hear behind me just echoes throughout red square. really gives you a sense of just how the might and power of the russian military, especially, and it's very important time for russian people to understand that the military has
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the capability to defend themselves against the threats from all over the world. with the parade is a true display of patrick's isn't pri, then ceremony. russian president vladimir preaching his the commander in chief of russia's armed forces, inspected the parade as well. the 9000 people in 70 pieces of equipment traveled down the country's main square. all takes shape o census. this breakdown all the weaponry that was on display behind me. these are the lawyer recognizance vehicles. so the teter which are uh, light or economy, recall since vehicle. but as you can see, coming behind us now are the yars ballistic missile cutters. carriers which are part of rushes, the nuclear fleet actually as well under escorted via, via the yard. yeah. visa roll them all saw about a month ago. great dismay and some people in the west of
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moscow. and these are very difficult to track the part of russia's very modern nuclear deterrent. remember russia probably as the biggest, are still of nuclear weapons on earth. and probably as the most modern war, including at disarm on this side of a recent developers, were to me to pull it from this boss in the water naval fleet as well. but again, the s 401 of the best, the best defenses on are really, we're a little bit patriots on iris keys and you're paying for the s 400 on now the s 500, which is in developing the science system is without the best if not the best aircraft system on or las go, we've seen it so over the last few days and despite the unseasonably cold weather,
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the clouds cleared up exactly the right movement to allow rushes to applies to pay the skies white's blue and red, foaming the russian flag, all these correspondent e goes down of watch the planes take off from well to being to add base. and both just this reports a bit on the nashville just outside most cool to russian aerobatics themes. the swift and the russian nights are done with the final preparations. pilots are in the car. it's about to take off for the red square, the so they are the best and the well, they both bought the new fad and the best 3 of us. yeah. today they're flying, make $29.00 and to 30th, the fighter jets well and off they go. it's been
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a couple of years since 5 digits to parts and the victory for the conditions under the red square. well, it's the rarest of sites to be home with the russian president laid flour is that the team was the unknown soldier, log me, a preaching was joined by for me. this we traveled to most could celebrate this one minute to states alongside the russian people. but 79 years of the history is deadly as well was one the russian president says there was so. ready global slaves who want to whitewash not seasons legacy. federal today we see how some are trying to distort the truth about the 2nd world war. the truth is inconvenient for those who are used to building their colonial policy on hypocrisy and lines. they
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demolish memorials to the true fighters against nazis and all while putting traits as an accomplice is of the nazis on a pedestal. that i used the race, the memory of the heroism of deliberate. the soldiers of the great sacrifice relaunch is a mockery of history and the desire to justify the cutter and follow is of the nazis a part of the general policy of the west. and it leads to insight new regional conflicts, ethnic and religious hostility. we reject the claims of any country or alliance for exclusivity. we know what the, in order to see of such a emissions leads to russia will do everything to prevent the global clash. but at the same time, we will not allow anyone to threaten us how strategic forces are always on alert all around the globe from on top of good to the quote. this is across asia, and of course you are russians. and so it would be a full month's citizens rallied in solidarity this thursday, doing the so called a more tools regimen march. now they carried photos of their ancestors with them.
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these are those who for the free the wilson fascism during the great patio takes many of the veterans paying ultimate price in netflix and for being able to live and see the victory day. all tease, middle east, through or chief maria financial, not join defense commemorating the day is swell in mall to rent german tomorrow. it's one of the nice emotional and significant parts of russian victory de criminal ration has once again taken place here in a israel. scores of people from both russian is really background to the stories of natania and the central parts of the country bearings, flags, flowers, terrorist pictures, and full trays, and photographs of the as a separate part. they live here in the great state, 3 or 4 years. march has held them to the particular
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a significant in rush of events has been cancelled due to security reasons, the country's specialist reparation. as you find the people in the 3 monuments known as when he was arrested back in 2012. the shop. 6 was really prominent. tom explained, appreciation towards the soviet soldiers from death 10 war and a victory. such would never be forgotten. was that i fear the whole problem with nationalists and nazis. neo nazis has the surfaces today. we want to stop this and hold that we will succeed. what do you mean to keep it as it today is a great holiday. we honor this day, we pass it on to our children,
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and the older generation passes it onto their grandchildren. memory of the feats accomplished by our grandfathers and our great grandfathers must live forever. thanks to them, we are alive in the russian ambassador and israel joined victory day celebrations in natania lane, flowers and reeves at the victory monument. his father dmitri filled the rich, celebrated his 19th birthday in may, 1945 in their lead. he was them on the soviet troops conquering the knots of capital and planting the soviet flag on the roof of the reichstag. we spoke 2 other totally victory of about the significance of honoring the use of saw his role in defeating now season. and then you ran impact it has on his rarely society for the apartment due to the memory of those tragic and heroic years is still alive, is released. remember half a 1000000 jewish soldiers who fought heroically in the ranks of the red army alongside representatives of all peoples of the soviet union. a quarter of the red army fighters fell on the battlefields,
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not to mention those who later died in hospitals from injuries and damage to their health. we remember a 1000000 red army soldiers who laid down their lives in battles for the liberation of the full or partial territory of 10 european countries. and no one can change this reality, standing shoulder to shoulder with foreign investors. i usually representatives of these really foreign ministry, but not this year, like washer on israel is one of the nations that observes the victory of soviet forces of a nazi germany on may 9th, on this day, usually rallies, take place in major cities across the country. this year, as the countries warren guys are rages, victory day celebrations are limited. it is estimated that there are around $6000.00 war veterans from former soviet states, currently living in these ro, traditionally they are invited to schools to share their knowledge about the war. with a younger generation. lectures are conducted at ideas, phases across the country as well. to ensure that the lessons and memories from
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a decades ago, a kept to live through the generations. rafe and ocean are all t reporting from natania and israel. well, the west appears to be struggling with its memory of history, is it fails to acknowledge an on the suv and victory in the 2nd world war office. maureen acosta. right. has been looking at this over the years. the western world has been brainwashed into believing that they were the want us to defeat nazi germany. and this idea has penetrated every level of society who won world war 2. well, united states was part of that. there was other countries involved. we could start with uh, it's been a while to one. yeah. it's a, i guess it depends or us, but the allies, we did, we did. we did, i guess russia did at the time as well. i don't know. the us, the allied forces,
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russia, russia, the united states scraper, in, um, i guess france came from hong, and russia american america. clearly there is an awareness issue with history across the pond. what last shuttle, what else are people supposed to think? when even in the movies they watch kind of firm that falls narrative, they heard about us, you probably heard wayne in the fraser taken we in the killing that yes, yes, yes, the, well, the russians nowhere to be found. and hollywood also likes to portray one particular battle. as the decisive one, hollywood continued to turn now to move them said, touched upon the day. they will be no shadow by steven spielberg saving private ryan, by centering on my mol her beach. however,
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the film caused considerable controversy by focusing mainly on american activity. hollywood mythology, around world war 2, probably started right when the war began. well, i don't think there were ever any films. maybe it's the mom, maybe in, in the never during the war itself. there were sometimes, maybe that, that wouldn't acknowledged the soviets in a way that was more positive. but i can't really think of the top my head of any films about world war 2 that ever showed to the soviets, in a positive light, with world war 2 world war 2 is a clearly good versus evil narrative. it's difficult to, it's difficult to like adolf hitler and the nazis. right. so it's very easy to create the narrative of, you know, americans of the good guys. not 6 of the bad guys in 2004 rochester side by side with the allies to mark the 60th anniversary of the norm in the line. and for the very 1st time, thoughts by then the majority of americans and europeans had shifted their position on whose role was the game changer. if you're,
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it is how did the most to win the war. us apparently, definitely in their view and lots of most of their allies. and here's another poll which really shows the evolution of this brainwashing what after the war ended, 57 percent of the french thought must go have contributes of the most to the war effort. fast forward the few decades and it's most scope which a southerly replaced by washington. well, let's just pause and remind ourselves over the casualties the soviet union last at least, 20000000 people during the great patriarch war, which is how world war 2 is referred to in russia. almost every household was effected, which is why most russians know the story. so well, as it has been recounted by each generation, especially those who actually lived it, it was the western allies extreme of good fortune, the russians, and not themselves paid almost the entire butch's bill for defeating nazi germany.
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excepting 95 percent of the military casualties of the 3 major powers of the grand alliance. but those 5 sab being forgot said maybe it's the after effects of the cold war, or a long term strategy for to your apps approach, which is most shocking as countries there are actively trying to erase and destroy anything that will contradict the west new narrative, monuments honoring so we have soldiers are being torn down across the e u. and the latest is in bold area, even though the monument owners soldiers, who liberated the country when it was allied with nazi germany, or some would argue that's disrespectful as this respectful. assigning it into law, which is exactly what be as sonya and prime minister wants to do so that they can dismantle anything soviet that seems, is particularly short. the memorials to the soviet judge
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low to sacrifice, show much to safeco, the substances or which particularly shocked in the note that tells which you know, this is a, an enormous ideological, a wall that is being waged. probably those who should pull merrily the the capital estate this quote, and you're taking the leads in the destruction of all memorials. the kind of motivation to 3 to call it that of a function, collaborators of various countries which is showing even though the west frequently attends as rush off propaganda. they are the master's who invented it. just think of the american dream hollywood, the lines of the free democracy. everyone falls forward at one point or another. but it's incredible how they can seduce even the country, the ones bones. there has been no apology to japan, they did get to pay for craze. so from former us president brock obama,
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which they have on display at the hiroshima piece memorial museum. and it seems that was enough because they have a new and i mean, russia continues to threaten to use it when you create a weapons which has continued to add to world wide concern. that's yet another catastrophe by nuclear weapons use. this is a real positive, very quick reminder. the only time nuclear weapons have been use in warfare was by the united states against japan. well, this will talk about that rise or the 5. the bowman was unnecessary. tens of thousands of japanese civilians killed in maine. the official narrative is a lie. the military leaders knew that the atomic bounds were not necessary and knew that japan was effectively defeated. that japan was looking for a way to end the war. truman knew, as his american italian has been saying that
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a so we did invasion, which began on august a do that, that was going to force the end of the war to, hey, fact, it was the soviet invasion of manchuria and beyond. that did force the japanese leaders to surrender all likewise, that seems to west wants us to forget about the red armies and norma sacrifices during world war 2, and it's up to russia and it's allies now to ensure that history is not river, it's in or forgotten but honored and acknowledged works, it's up the most go sky on thursday night is the victory day celebrations came to an end. the nation had spent the day and walking nazi jeremy's defeat in world war 2. and remembering those who had full and the soviet union lost more than 26000000 people in the conflict. the heretic battle for you of officially ended on may 9th, 1945,
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just months ahead of japan surrender on the conclusion to fighting on the pacific funds against the access powers. the very 1st 5 works to all of the day will launch that in most go of may, 9th, 1945, and it's become a much anticipated tradition carried on. now throughout the is the let's take a look now what some of the news from across the world and we're going to start in news and gauze the 1st, where a 3rd mass grave has been found that the al, she for medical complex palestinian officials say that the bodies have suffered from decomposition and on identifiable in the window of a day the by we have recovered several bodies from the cemetery in the owl she for medical complexes, yard as of now, a 3rd cemetery has been discovered about 40 to 50 victims were recovered the
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majority of them are on identifiable due to the compositions and their severe conditions. we found a mass grave that held dozens of bodies of women. children and the elderly, had to have a look of all the fish. 2 bodies had been taken out of the cemetery. what can i do to dallas? see some magical complex up to this point sometimes. so that can be discovered a decompose remain. so we are unsure if they belong to bodies that have already been solids or not. we also liked the comfortability is to determine the exact number of bodies the best in the but is there any forces if claim they eliminated 50, how must millison same eastern rafa. and i've also discovered several tunnel shots in the area c spine negotiations in cairo. egypt has failed 2 days before that with homeless than israel, unable to agree on coal demands. the only d f has no 4, simply displaced over 18000 palestinians from rough and just 3 days. this is,
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according to the un relief agency where the total number of people in the air is believe to be 1500000 is randy will play and supposedly never stopped. simple mingled densely populated, the rafa, one of the idea of slate, to strikes, killed 8, the civilians that includes 3 children. it also levels a residential building to the ground. now that brings the death toll since fuchs hope. a 7, how much the tech to more than 38800 people. israel has responded in. i'm good to president biden's admission. the us weapons have been used to kill civilians in garza and washington has suspended the shipment of some 3 and a half 1000 palms as well. we paused one shipment of weapons consisting of 180-2000 pound bombs, and 170500 pound bonds. we've not made a final determination on how to proceed with this shipment and, you know,
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not going to get into i pathetic goals. and again, we've been very clear on our views as it relates to rafa in any ground operations there. and i'll just leave it there. in the wake of that move by washington, the jo middle position is now urging berlin to fall loose feet by halting its own alms exports to as well. the federal government must follow the example of the us and stop arms delivers $30.00 immediately, only to national oppressions, a non symbolic of can stop the nathan yahoo governments from invading or 5 germany the 2nd largest. i'm supplied israel up to the us and the for sures responsibility for the dust and gaza. the federal government must know, do everything to prevent soldiers, civilian casualties, and the full stop on exports. german government must stop it slots. the i'm critical cooperation. within that time you know government, nothing. you all freezes,
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the leisure rates you population on the side of the projects, the rest of the policy of genocide against the palestinians. and the german government is still supporting. nathaniel quite, i'm critics, me. so the month of sending this out to you is good candidates in accordance with the peace movement. but until the german government photos is i think there must be more pressure from the peaceful mens. and there must be a $180.00 degrees to lead you to the politics. the british foreign minister, this is david cameron, has been asked if london is planning to stop sending weapons to, as well as well. i just wanna briefly take a listen to what david cameron said in response to that question. between the us situation us is
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a mess stating some licenses, you know, significantly less than one percent of the downing street is responsible for granting individual licenses to companies that do export weapons to as well. so what do you make of what david cameron just said fast, we see that as a lot of people, se, and what uh, let's say the less than let us do it in the moment in that role. if that would be really pressure all, well let's say the whole intro, invest. busy community, the united nations and the best of nations, which supply of costs if you do licenses for weapons back and production your support as well. so that shouldn't be that simple credit of time to say we are not responsible, official be, and attempt to really make crash on them. you know,
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the government to say follow the majority of your people. total, the majority off the was a population which is bringing forward and overseas fight over the amount of stopping the genocidal wolf out, which is going to right in the direction of the general side. so we'll put you back to the us government has been played by law states. this is as patients suffering from an inherited blood disorder and the wrong of fighting for access to essential medication patients that demanding material and also moral compensation. this is washington sanctions. a blocking that cache or c correspondent use of july, lee takes a closer look at the story. what's our senses are killing yvonne and civilians that claim was made in a court? hearing anyone, what's out? see me
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a patients to be was governments for were searching their access to live saving medication as a consequence of sanctions imposed 91. the case involves 4 separate. the lawsuit filed by over 420 people effected by the condition seeking compensation for material as moral damages. the plaintiffs, a patients suffering from chronic diseases, are grappling with drug shortages with international companies. has a dentist appointment essential medication. so the country as a result of the anti, you're on us measures inches rather than i thought the united states this criminal country has course, numerous problems, not only for me, but for all the fellow senior patients across around. we are all struggling with pain and challenges in addition to the what is related to the disease itself, the harsh and i'm just, sanctions are driving us towards despair, frustration and death. i am blow you as compassion as individuals and members of the julie to uphold the rights and fulfill all demands. tell us senior patients depend on criminal medications like this,
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pharaoh and jaden are to remove excess iron from their bodies without them many suffer from secondary conditions that could be fatal. there wanting a fallacy in their society, says 22000000 doses of these medications need to be imported annually to support with how see me a patients in the country, but less than 2000000 doses actually reach iranian shores. the footfall is coffee compensated by domestically produce substitutes that are less effective or resorting to the black markets or exorbitant price as prevail since the reposition of us sanctions une wanting 2018 over 110-0000 of your patients have reported the dart due to the scarcity of a central medication, an additional $23000.00 patients without senior balance on the brink of critical health deterioration. highlighting the urgent need for immediate intervention to for further loss of life, a modem which was that's all yes, the enforcement of deem appropriate punishments by america and the imposition of cruel sanctions have been associated with dire humanitarian consequences in the
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wrong violating patients, dignity and basic human rights, including the right to life, health, employment, education, and participation in social and cultural life. these actions have contravene to article 27 of the universal declaration of human rights. therefore, in response to these criminal acts and to prevent further and such behaviors, my clients are seeking punitive measures against the perpetrators on the phone the, the lawyer of the style, assuming a patient says international pharmaceutical giants like switzerland newbert, is the sole manufacturer of this federal as well as french biotech company record which supplies raw materials for the medication are declining to supply run with critical drugs. due to concerns about potential putative measures from the us treasury. the us claims it has exempted humanitarian items, including pharmaceuticals, from the list of its sanctions. on iran, but active as to their on say it's quotes, the big lie. oh, is it? yeah. it's a full switzer,
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a blatant lie. americas bristol myers squibb as introduced as late as talent seem a medication called rebels is one of the aspirations of our tell see me a patients east accessed this medicine which can significantly reduce transfusions and drastically decrease the need for installation therapy associated with severe pains for the past 3 years, we have for assistance, we sent emails to the company and even our contacts in europe reached out to them to provide the drugs to our patients. however, as soon as they realized that we were requesting these drugs for a run in town, see me, a patients they sees responded to our inquiries. legal experts have been asked to be american sanchez as nothing short so they can amik terrorism. these want to come up with has made numerous attempts to bring attention to the humanitarian consequences of the sanctions through international channels or to no avail. while the legal action taken by divani and our senior patients may not hold the was government's accountable. seeing here as


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