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tv   Direct Impact  RT  May 9, 2024 10:00pm-10:31pm EDT

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as the worst drawers the everybody, i'm rick sanchez and these are the stories that you need to know about today. is president biden calling the people of india races? why would you do that? also, there's an important message. it's coming out of the berlin and guess who's back? oh my goodness. george santos has reintroduced himself. in drag average said she has this because directive back let's do it. the . so here's what i'm going to start with. a present a button has come out and essentially insulted submission of india. and by the way,
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they don't like it. they don't like what he's saying, right? he's calling them xena folds 0 phone, which is really another way of saying padget is people, maybe even bigots. i mean, those use, those words are often used interchangeably, right? but by the way, he's also including japan, in this insult. and of course, for good measure, he throws in russia and china, but then again, he says that every day when he wakes up. so so, so here's what he says, let me put it up on the screen for you and i'm gonna read it for you. here's what he says. he says, why is china stalling so badly economically? why is japan having trouble? why is russia, why is india? he says, because there's 0 phobic, they don't want immigrants, immigrants, that is what makes us strong. he goes on to say, i guess what are makes us strong. regardless. this is really fascinating.
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coming from a man who is backing, what many people around the world would be calling a genocide? i mean, what's going on in israel right now, there's a group of people were saying, we don't want you here and there bombing them and killing them to the tune of 253035000. i mean, those are my numbers. those are the official numbers. i mean, that's not 0 phobic. i just, i can't help but ask manila as we start to show 1st thoughts to so rick, we got to point out that bite and making these comments right at the start of a heritage month, right. here in the united states, this i think was another gap that left the national security spokesmen, john kirby scrambling to clean up another one of biden's message. we should point out japan and india are 2 very important us allies in asia. it's baffling,
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the biting would go on this random attack like this during a campaign event. and as of yet no immediate reaction or comments from japanese or indian official, i don't know what they would say to distract. yeah, it's, you know, it's funny that he would do something like this and do it at the very same time. that there's this question about this controversy between uh, you know, obviously the palestinians and, and the israelis and the new attacks on rock up, for example, where there are now actual pictures of this happening. it's, it's, it's, it's quite, by the way, there's a middle part to this that we probably should address. because meanwhile, the government of benjamin netanyahu, who is acting perhaps like one of the most seen in fact, the phobic countries in the world. right. i mean, again, let me just pose the question, what can be more xena phobic then alleged genocide, right. so they're being defended right now. manila as you know, but by biden,
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he's not alone. the international criminal court, as we have been reporting, is considering charging and arresting that on yahoo and others in his government have your cards and for what they call again, alleged genocide. well, a group of us senators has just come out as we're preparing the show. and they're essentially attacking the court. they're there, they're attacking the i, c, c. here's what we know. so i'm going to read it to you as, as being reported in a terse one page. water signed by 12 g o, p senators, including tom, cotton of arkansas, marco rubio, rich scott of florida, had crews of texas. what a surprise attempt scottish, south carolina, the criminal court is being informed by these dudes that any attempt. listen to this, any attempt to hold nathan, yahoo and his colleagues don't count weather actions for what they've done and gaza will be interpreted. not only as a threat to israel sovereignty,
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but to the sovereignty of the united states. these guys are actually saying that if you the international criminal court, which the us as praise many times in the past, when they've said bad things about countries, we don't like, there's like if you mess with them, you are messing with us. and we're essentially declaring, i don't know, we're on you a so rick, from, from the language of these lawmakers that they're using in defense of both israel and b. b. you would think the israel was the 51st to state. now as you say about a year ago, the icpc issued a, an arrest warrant against vladimir proving the president of russia. this was lauded by these very same congressmen. today, they are calling into question the validity, the merits of the court and its officials. that'd be house of the i'm going to
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interrupt you for just a moment there because something you said there is very fascinating. i was doing my preparation for the show as usual, like we have to do when i was reading up on what's going on right now. and ukraine and the other day, what caught my attention was this headline. i don't remember what maybe new york times or something. and it said, why shot tax 3 more cities in ukraine levels about the don it was, it was i thought, oh my god, what, what did they do? did they drop a dry and bomb on the city that are not? and then it says at the bottom, one person was injured in taken to the hospital. one civilian was affected by the then ukraine by roger. so is this big long are those like rush it is attacked all these people in the bomb, the city and they did a and i said, well, it must have been horrible. god, i hope people didn't die open. is it people didn't die. one person i think had a broken arm and had to be taken to the hospital compared to what's happening and gaza. manila, come on. yeah. yeah. and, and, and then furthermore, i mean, this is,
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this is kind of dog piling, right? because the, the house for an affairs committee chair, michael mccaul, the republican from texas says the sanctions legislation is in the works right now . and as we know, back in february, senator tom cotton of arkansas already introduced legislation to sanction icbc officials. if they even bother to open any probes more investigate, and in to us allies who are not, i, c, c members, states. so worth noting the us, russia, china, and israel are not icbc number states. that's fascinating and i'm glad you brought that up. by the way, according to twitter, something kind of fascinating may have happened overnight in the berlin, and we're trying to run this down and whether it happened officially, or unofficially, it's still something we're talking about. some creative messengers may have figured out a way to either change the iconic brandenburg date in, in berlin, which we've seen a 1000000 times and all the world war 2 movies we all grew up watching. or maybe
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they did it in such a way so that they can promote it on twitter either way it's, it's getting a lot of attention. the idea was, according to what they were intending to do, to show the soviet victory banner. and i think we do, we have a picture of it, victor speaking, a victory. here's victor showing us your picture of the victory better. thank you. victor. 1 there it is, see that the, the idea is to show the rest of the world, especially the western countries who have taken credit. i mean, if you watch any movies, if you, if you watch news of. busy the russians had nothing to do with world war 2 of the nazis were defeated by, you know, the movie directors and hollywood, steven spielberg. and, and the brits and what, what most people sometimes don't know here in the states is that it in fact, after the death and 27000000 people in russia, it was actually the russian army that went into for lynn 1st. and that's what they're trying to say with assignment that's important, right?
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yeah, i mean, this brandenburg gates thing, this image that we're looking at, it's unclear if that is some sort of a twitter hoax. but, but at the end of the day, it is victory day, or 2 days actually, maybe through 9th, the come ration days, of course, in berlin. rick and we're trying to rewrite history in berlin. authorities have banned all russian flags. the z logo, anything having to do with russia. it's unclear of this is like a temporary law. and if it's only a clickable in berlin or perhaps other surrounding territories or cities, but at least for the next few days, berlin police are authorized to make arrests on this particular matter if anybody is supporting any sort of russian emblem, good figure, freedom and democracy, right yeah, well, and by the way, look, we're here in the united states and this is not to over hyper praise, you know, the russians or their position because, you know, they,
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they make as many mistakes as anybody else does. or any other country does. for that matter, but, but this is a big deal to them. this, this is a big deal for russians because after all, they did lose 27000000 of their own citizens. when they were invaded by the nazis they had to defend their own country. we are great people in the united states and we to play them white part in world war 2. but we were never attacked by the nazis . no american ever had to deal with some nazi coming into his room or as bad or killing his wife or etc. or was children or himself right here in the continental us anyway? so here's present. i really we really would you agree that we were and we will be open to the strengthening of good relations with all countries which see and brush are faithful and honest. partner, in fact, this is the majority of the world. we do not refuse dialogue with western countries . the choice is there's whether they intend to further restrain russia's development to continue the politics of the question,
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years of assessing pressure on our country, or to look for a pass to cooperation in peace. she was a good thing. so again, look again, this is not to be, you know, super pro russia are putting on this. but the point the man is making is too many times in our history. we've been pushed around. we've been invited, we've been slaughtered, we've been massacred. our perception is it's happening again, maybe not this time by germany, but that's what we perceive what's happening in ukraine. that's what happened and other western european countries. and we're just not going to put up with that kind of stuff that that's what i hear him saying that often times is interpreted by the new york times and others as oh, he's being a bully. right. it's not only that, but he says it plainly that his telephone line has always been open for dialogue and conversation. but somehow i think that gets retransmitted out to the world as he's prank, calling us, and he's going to come drop bombs. right?
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speaking of brands, are you ready? cuz this is the highlight of the show. so you're not gonna believe this. i know many of you are watching us from all over the world and you're wondering what the hell is going on and us politics, but he's back or she knows she's back right. she's back. former us congressman george santos, who used to deny his 2nd persona, a woman named katira romaji, where she would dress as a woman, i guess. and well, the former congressman said this is hard to do. the former congressman. he is now admitting it's true that he sometimes dresses as a she, uh, under that name. so here, without further ado is a video re introducing us to, to tear up robot club condo. it's your favorite katara. after 18 years in the closet, jord santo's, pull the back out. whatever. anyway,
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i hear, you're a bunch of little freaks out there and you loved to dance all night long. like it's nobody's business. you know what? you gotta elevate it, kind of make it more risk. uh, you gotta make it more of a versus a judge. i have an advice for you. how about put some wigs on, get some blogs and go have real fun. let's see who looks you're here fast. you know, side to side, whatever, but you all have to stop being boring. dave, essentially things are boring because you will, you, once you all to be more risk, i know all the love, i hope you all enjoy it. well, when i look the users ladies 1st, i mean i, i don't know. it is all that. well, thank you rick. i'll take it so i mean what, what do we say about george santos? i mean, he is a congressman that got pushed out under some very shady circumstance. dances people compare him to like the movie the talented mister ripley character. and then now we meet this alter ego tar ravonne. she has dried named katara. i gotta admit,
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sounds really fun. i think i would rather hang out with katara over hanging out with george santos, because george santo steals money from veterans dogs for their surgery. oh, i just you. here's what i expect. here's what i think. i respect him more than i respect a lot of the people in congress who are there now. you know why? because i think very low priest and liars. sure. george santos is a thief and a liar. but at least the cops to a place where they only met said he owns it. those guys do the same thing. they just don't do it and drug last time i checked. um, thanks but no. thanks, rick. when we come back, we're going to be talking to age of strategist. so rob group, the recently said the u. s. will likely continue treating countries like india and china and others like inferiors or some time to come. what do you mean by that?
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we're going to talk about it when we come back to stay right there. the, when the world's largest democracy votes, the rest of the planet watches in an emerging multi polar world. india's voice matters. but who will be the power behind watches, almost 1000000000 people decide and billions more, react the to be the way it was. story, the luck of the other on the board or as ordering yourself. originally, you spoke to the senior boy menu on the show. you as a general for sweetie, been spring yet periods which are likely to escape photos,
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but underneath it is industry to the book on the ground of steel bundle ski at the hold at the to me, i have to go with this. when you look at the new yeah, that is, that said it was a mis leveled and everything is as c assessed, it varies from with years of experience of but that will say in nearest the blue bush and you said 90 percent of the time is that you're so busy today, it's nice because you have to just catch the same year. the part is a fascinating conversation. let me read you. what does, throughout group recently wrote, it is impossible. he says, not in possible, implausible, to expect the 200 years of anglo american dominance and
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a half millennium of western ascendancy will be seen in graciously to a culturally alien great power protagonist. what he basically is saying is the us is not going to give up, it's getting any time soon. it'd be crazy too. i mean, it's got to be the kid, right. joining us now is the guy who wrote that. busy so i'm good and by the way, he, what, when you wrote that you were referring to china. but i think nowadays with the surgeons of india and the present, united states saying indians are all big it is or whatever he called them. it kind of fits their to, doesn't it? oh it does, it does. i mean it was, i think, you know, biden is on this indiscipline that it has and it has in his talking in his references . but yeah, is also on the rise. india is behind china, but remember, i mean this among the major economies, that's the one which is going to produce the maximum growth. i mean close to 8
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percent and it's been growing. fawcett can grow faster, but it's, it is right, good up there. it's about 20 or 25 years behind china, but i mean in the largest scope of things, and i'm in a, seem across the century across a millennium. i mean, 25 years has nothing. it's got to the part. let's talk real quick about what he was trying to say and, and i get it. and i mean, here's what we as americans and as the world needs to understand the united states has gotten really old. i don't know what the average person is in the united states, but a young chicken. okay. he's an old guy or an old guy all in there in or seventy's or something like that. average american, and they're not breeding. americans aren't breathing so. busy you know, there's no new americans coming about, which means all the jobs people will have to do the work and everything from laying brett to being nurses to being doctors or immigrants that are coming in mostly from latin america. and that's cool. there's nothing wrong with that it's, it's good. india doesn't necessarily mean that because india has a very, very young population. so it's a before they can amik model. and for, for the past,
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the united states not to know, the simple thing that i just stated is somewhat disappointing. is it not? or it just isn't going to make 2 additional points. so the electric lot was full and there are still a fairly poor country. people don't give me credit to poor countries, they make great to, well the countries and they will immigrate to india down the line. because india is also an english speaking country and english is in, in some way as the language of the world. if you want to for upward mobility. so i mean people don't go to poor countries in india. so that's one of the reasons. secondly, one doesn't know it, but this huge number of illegal immigrants from neighboring countries right around india who are in india, which never gets talked about which. so it's a huge, enormous number that has been behind that much of the friction. you know, the kind of majority area and, and time, most of them frictions which are happening because a lot of them are actually,
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most of them from bangladesh was landed up any yes. and has kind of, or to the demographic complection in india's east. so that there's that dynamic code, that's what the final point that's is this, and this goes also what events regard to china. india and china have been really for much of their histories by foreign dentist is the people who came from abroad and the india then society. and just a perfectly well, this was the, they told the foreigners, you know, we, we have our society, you will be the rules of society. you hope also psyche flourish. you can be up at the top of our society. and you can lead us. and we have had african kings rule in india. now you think about it, if there was a majority of african americans and latinos, would the white people total the keys of the kingdom through them? would that be okay, so what you're saying? question plus, that's what you're saying is that not only based on the economic premises that we
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just created a moment ago that we just went through, but just as a people, the indians are no more zena phobic than the rest of a sudden we're all a little z to fall big, we all tend to stick with our own time, but you can't say it's institutionalized the president seems to suggest it is. well, absolutely. i mean, you cannot say absolutely not the institutional. and in fact, quite the opposite. as i said, these are tolerated societies, but they're also at this point of time and young societies growing societies, trying to modernize on the poor societies. and at that point of time, it's kind of a dog eat dog world and you're not that generous in terms of for me because what am i good size? i said i'm not coming at this time because they are poor societies. and therefore i think by doing was out of like, no, i understand one of the points he is saying, i think part of the brilliance of the american system is the capacity to assimilate . tendergrass' i'm the lighted states as a is a modern new age country. and i think many of these also illustrations would rather
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have useful lessons for them. and this doesn't go fine. yeah. and, and, and, and china on the, i'd say your to, to learn to be kind of not ordered civilizations, but new age nations and being trying to adapt immigrants into some of the assembly . because let's use a strand. and i mean it, at the end of the day, it also has an important the comic dynamics to it. i'm and, and, and helps gonna consolidate prosperity. but to say that these countries have natural or prejudiced, i think that's not just something that's completely off all that you don't want to, but you don't want to does. and i think it shows that he is not conscious of a movement, a thing, something that is happening in the world right now that he should know about as you and i have spoken about many times as we often talked about in the show, there's something happening in the world and it's a, it's a prominence of the global self community windows, the suddenly countries like russia and india having relations, that doesn't mean they don't have relations with other countries. but there's this
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consort in between china and india and, and russia and iran and, and saudi arabia and, and i could go on brazil. there's all these countries are forming this kind of a lions that says, god, those, you know, those, those, those gringos are those yankee so those americans are kind of silly in the way their think. and here goes to president of the united states, says this, and you know what he's doing. it's point gas on the flyer. he's giving them the gas or lee. now he's giving them more power for their own argument. and it just seems foolhardy for him to do that, or does he just not know if he not educated? you know, i think it's not. so i, i'd wish folks to was by didn't had a little bit more color in his own family. it's like white white, white, white, white was the phone. so i mean, he's not the best it's spokesperson off of that. but as he talked about also in terms of people like, like to think about the brakes. those, those 5 countries, they just became tim this year. yeah. and they brought in iran, ethiopia,
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and saudi arabia, united. i remember it's argentina was offered argentina, stepped out with a new president. it will come back at a later point. and this huge number of countries lining up the joint. think of something like the shadow i cooperation organizations. you have dyslexic countries, are they like focus on you have of course, a central issue in countries. you have a sense cynics, organization, the chinese. you have a new civilization you up in there at your, of cost russia, and then you're soon going to have at some point i'm sure talk you can joining think of it. i mean, the male launch of civilizations and it creates a natural tolerance, you know, thinking about rushing that only really. so that's why i like what you just said, creates a natural tolerance continue. i'm sorry, i want to get some natural color. and so, you know, it will impede russia when it went across and as an enron draw all the way to the pacific ocean. it's realized at that point of time, but many dyslexic subjects,
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it on there. and therefore, you have, i mean, russia is a very tolerant actually to muslims because it understands what an integral arc they are off of their society. and of course you can go all the way and try to just log in and, and, and, and marginal license. but your, i mean, working against your own interest. yeah. all right. very few people understand that the sar subjects works, but who will actually treated very beneficial, inflicts and, and, and that's what i mean. the thing that's the, that's an interesting, that's an interesting historic point. and we're out of time and i apologize or a, but i wanted to say, i like your point about our president of god. bless them not have big enough as new city. and i'm, and then i was thinking as i'm having a conversation with you that you and i probably have enough, i've missed city enough for the bunch of them. so it's great to be able to talk to you if nothing else for that reason. thank you. my friend, we'll look forward to seeing you again. you most welcome. thanks. thanks just before we go, we do want to remind you of the thing we do right. but what is our mission here,
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right? we try and try and be silo the world where we need to stop living and these are, you know, please don't live in the box for now and that's what we believe. that's our mission . and i'm rick sanchez. i'm gonna see you the next time right here when we try and make a direct in the,
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[000:00:00;00] the, the on this monday. that's it. let me see if it's that, then you can put minimum. so facade, indeed. let me put that in the car here. what do it us to me in the,
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to look into intermedia nikoto is the dimensions of the photo from seen send the most of the, to the, to the most in the the seo stuff. ation. staying with the siege to bibles for the rest of their lives . it took a long time to restore the hills. it goes up the c g 's in contact with people who managed to break out of the big brands. the what i'm doing it. so us putting yourself down your side sure of what the book of the on the view and union. i'm sorry, is of new and you go another way is that to see us we have 2 euros and frustrating your storage when they really see us. those other thing you know is good physically
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with walk, although normally with will go out. so sort of just doesn't go through a process to just i see in the house with tanya lift, the windows faced neighboring re administrator. for the buckeye that my stomach starts. let me ask you, what are the what size do you remember? the name good idea is this, but i'm a notice of a lot of things over the more than what sort of federal sort of federal ownership, but we'll start from, oh gosh. so the pasta knew you were to cut our needs. you worked with you a little bit and one was involved wishing yourself joseph at a local level of so the section of the problem in the schools and she'll introduce states and i'm not sure if i want to do credit and but also what i thought across recently, sort of that a little bit of a, it's a little i'm, i mean to, to, i'm only the most between basically there's like some just possible could be a problem. existing one can kind of do some across. and if you start pulling up any of those anything, so what have spots and comfortable with frontier secure, but also what they do is click new. sure more of
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a piece. so if don't cover dot easily and then what goods with that i get this


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