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tv   Documentary  RT  May 9, 2024 11:30pm-12:00am EDT

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the, [000:00:00;00]
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the, [000:00:00;00] the eu has been following this story of what really happens to the man, women and children from cousin who was sent to us on. if it's fixed, i'm a nation, kept the thanks to a newly released asset documentation. we will be able to locate and trace what happens to that possessions, to the goals that was taken in use. some of its extermination cap the. this is the original o s s the previous asset to the c i a,
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the documents sent on the 21st of october, 1946 o. s. s agent m. as in bigelow, whose task was to locate and trace the gold looted by the nazis in world war 2 identified exactly what happened to the goal and that was taken and you can some of you actually in the independent state of croatia, he sent his report to mr harold glass, a director of mandatory was sent out to the us treasury building in washington dc. yeah, it's the full sequence content there. harold, the following report has recently been received from a reliable source in italy. it is sent to you in the belief that it may be of interest. the host to show organization, crow, sions, fascist organization headed by hand type avalanche. remove funds from yugoslavia
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estimated to total $350000000.00 swiss francs. the funds were launched in the form of gold coins above the funds brought from the 4000000 dependent crow at state where jews and serves were plundered to sup on the most issue organization in exile. an estimated 150000000 swiss francs were in pounded by british. most of all reduce the strows with frontier the balance of approximately 200000000 swiss francs was originally held in the vatican for safe keeping. and according to a ruler, a considerable portion of this liter amount has been sent to spain and argentina through the vatican's pipeline. but it is quite possible that this is merely the smoke screen to cover the fact that the treasure remains in its original repository
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. sincerely yours, emerson, bigelow, famous journalist and research. and that will look each was one of these survivor. he was a child of closer and home. she is live, keep dedicated, collecting the names of the killed children till the age of 14. so head collected, precise names over 19419 to establish names or children killed, to consider a region killed in just to know what's extermination. cap, the let's see what happens to the children of color who was sent to you, send it fits, extermination, come the only such camps that existed in world war 2.
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children aged up to 12 who was since there was a direct result of decorated venomous officer code 2 volt times successful
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operations. the. 7 busy the. 2 the . ringback the . busy busy
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the . busy the . ringback the. busy the. 6 the, the intention was to present to you, some of which is a working environment. the we actually have pictures of lots of really happened that you sent events. but these are images of $200.00 children that the most to should come under you. but mila chose to showcase
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his yes. and if it's reality to the international community, however, the truth is very different. being put in control of your son events, extermination cap. a newborn milk. does it come under in 1942. came up with an incredible monstrous and some 10 a guide. their intention was to totally conceal all traces of crimes and suggestions of genocide. so the only nazi country in europe all the world to have just like germany. so the rash, true extermination camps, but which they prefer to call concentration caps was curly sha. yes and of itself was the largest camp in all of world war 2 the most monstrous in terms of how the people detained,
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were killed. but in yes and if it's the killing was conducted in the most terrible way as they used to specially designed so called. so it'd be a knife. people were killed with sledge hamis, even expectant mothers in late pregnancy. they devised incredible ways to make victims eyes pop out because the had defeat, independent state of croatia, tablets upset by wants to start each day with a fresh plate of sub eyes. every phrase was even written in a book titled, coupled by the famous italian writer, courtesy on the part where he describes this hellish scene. on the other hand, denazi's fig creation. post a ship propaganda that he has sent of it was
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a labor camp. now they say stuff, every new special sensitive operation, how to demonstrate to the international community that all was well and how to hide the heinous crimes and genocide that took place every day and the sound of its desktop. this even involved the famous cardinal alisha snippy and it's at that time in 1941. and until the end of the war and 1945 cutting those stuff, you know, held the position of archbishop of sa grab. that was his role. and he was the only man responsible for maintaining daily contract with the vatican. he even went as far as sending daily messages and left us to pope pius the 12th unbelievably malicious step in which made his contribution by inviting one of his closest and best friends at the time, months and you are my switching to visit the
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a set of its concentration cap that visit took place in 1942. the 9th of may is a venerated day on the russian calendar in march the victory over fascism in europe in 1945. tragically the collective west just forgotten. the name of the analysis that day that he said that then you kind of fucked it
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ma'am. so facade, indeed. and therefore, the window at assuming that the, the, to the, to look into intermedia nikoto is this under photo i'm seeing send the most of the, to the, the motion of the months . and you must, sochi was meant to be the eyes and ears of the vatican. which had spiritual responsibility and was recognized throughout the world as a moral authority. great importance therefore was attached to watch the fact to consult. the highlights responded to the sound of its desk and that man stepped
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months and you must searches for cold water to carry significant weight. so louisa stepping out, she called his friend, they have studied together, they stuff together in room learning doctrine and the teachings of the catholic faith. so my sushi came once he was shown and presented with was a diametrically opposite picture to watch the camp was in reality. remember, the 20000 children should have been taken to death kept combined as to just a few of them. some 200 children who were given the mess of old gift of life. they were presented to months in your messaging and to other international authorities. even now a check. so any mention of your son of it's in the fat to consider all costs will reveal nothing, nothing more than what months any of us, which he saw happy children singing and playing. you will that there was
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a labor camp. now there is a strong incentive for the pope on the process because cardinal step in which is undergoing the process of so called beatification. and that had begun long before even the time of pope john paul. the 2nd, the question of whether the cardinal step or not, you should be proclaimed the st. the process makes it very important that we know and confirm what archbishop step in actually really did in his draw. or his letters can be found. personal messages to the pope claiming to have done a wonderful job relation catholic church having from early 1944 to this day. more than 200000 converts people who chose to face
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to change their religion from orthodox and became catholic roles. and after the episode with months, a new message is just one example. when it had become undeniably clear, that croatia was losing the wall archbishop step and was invited and received personally by the independent correlation head of state and type of village. here we see the heavy duty that he received as a mission to do his best in order to save leading political sagos and independent correlations. miller troy lead to doing the days, months and years of his tenure. and he did do his best to fill fields that mission . in that sense, i run a cli cardinal step and actually might actually be considered a saint. at least for the correlation states. the people talk political and military officials,
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he saved for being arrested and brought to justice for their unimaginable crimes. she organized so called rich channels. the arrange for top military leaders. some would say criminals to visit sicily, number 7, cecilia, and strange to be received as refugees. and even given new documents of passage to a safe haven, mostly intelligent tina, as was even managed for the head of state and the public. but this goes deeper. the question was asked, what days people live and excellent means was found. the gold taken from the teeth of his son of its victims, mostly subs in jews. and some from the roman population data, enormous quantity of gold was sent to domestic and that was another task for
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continental step in action. when it became clear that the world was lost, he organized an annual bishop's conference. and in his address to the bishops, he said, we have a special mission and we choose the most faithful among the faithful. and that's las colinas left click on image. another friend from his school days and the vatican with a non catholic doctrine together. trenice and i'm kind of which is the most faithful and specially chosen to accepted the mission and personally took the goals to the vatican. there are records, we can locate the fate of that gold because bush also already stopped and the rest of the people at the boulder. and then took, once that such an enormous amount of money was released during the subject,
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none of which took the balance of those fun is and goes straight to the vatican. now whole this has been discovered and with this gold exiled was to show organization has some would say for decades been financed throughout the postwar. yes. it might seem that the catholic church has always supported these wall criminals. the pope himself john paul, the 2nd even personally received the president of austria fall type when he experienced strong international isolation. the date was recorded a saying that well, time was a good catholic. so his position was restored. based on this knowledge, clearly cardinal stiffened up at 2 special instructions. one from the
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savvy and orthodox church. and another from the catholic church in croatia. most offering evidence by order of the vatican to look into unifying the collective positions and on whether carlton will step and us shut the college st. this document is a personal letter from extra timeouts. bishop alisha step and that's it's dated november, the 29th. but this is from 1979. just imagine that's more or less a year before croatia was officially proclaimed and recognized. just a newly formed independent state of croatia. from this measure it becomes abundantly clear that the knowledge of bishop alicia's step in us is
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a committed and notorious mtc. much simply what he did just a year before the break out of the 2nd world war was to attack the jewish sylvian populations. but is it the job of a high priest may from the highest of priests as archbishop of sa grab. so what did happen with the us on if it's extermination camps is done if it's remained active up to the very last day. you'll now see what was left and what you said if it's looked like on the day, you had to liberate us into the extend the nation come the cost to ship detain is being held in the camp, tried to escape. but in the haste, they simply wanted to bend and destroy everything they could,
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but so much evidence remained. removing or destroying it old would have been impossible. it was hell on us. the deadly i own over the ground. it was p lahardo, the smell of decaying human flesh hung in the bodies everywhere. that was the scene. the street at the 1st liberate us people who entered yourself. it's literally shocked with a so called fact raise to authorize it in the account, the the same as skin factory and another as a produced change, known as a lunch at the it was impossible to escape the river as death was everywhere. bodies had long been
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left to rock the assessed demonstrations inside red. it was the summer of 1945, the people gathered and protested loudly. the crowd was enormous. another group of people, those who had happily greeted the german soldiers with flowers. then the windows, who had lost their father's mother's brothers all assessed as they chanted, desk to the wall criminals, the victims of your son, events wanted revenge. the people with desperate they couldn't believe what it happened when it was uncovered. the full truth of the monstrous reality. if the ascent of its extermination camps,
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they sent the victims of your sentiments would one for revenge. it was class at the purchase of the innocent. i had to pay this to wal criminals. these demonstrations have never been shown. it's almost impossible to remember the reality of john grant just after the war the especially when we consider another reality that a sub in population an equal rights under the constitution. after the civil war of $95.00 disappeared, they had to lease croatia. and now no more than 2 percent of correlations,
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population is being the habits of world war 2 and the son of its continued in 1995 with an attack on the serbian population
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in sylvia in croatia. boston the, the the on the 1918. the countries of the west won the final victory over the ottoman empire. the
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sultan's government capitulated to the inside and signed the humiliating armesis, upload grove. great britain and france and italy wanted not only to destroy the ottoman empire, but also to divide the prime orderly turkish lands among themselves. in 1919, their armies began to land on turkish territory. but the west decided to choose greece as the main striking force seeking to make others realize these aggressive plans for an intervention bravo them as indignation among the turkish peoples. the national liberation struggle was led by the experienced general mustafah come on as a 3rd. in order to bear down the enemy, a bank on the mobilization of the nation, and the alliance with russia, which acted as a united front with turkish patriots. at the end of august 1922,
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the third's army want a decisive victory over the invaders. in the battle of doom, libby not and within a month liberated all asia minor from them, the impressive success of the circus army force the west to make concessions. in 1923, the loss on these treaty was signed dirty. one of the 1st countries in asia manage to defeat the colonial empires and defend its independence. becoming an example for in the millions of, via press on the planet. the almost uh almost a shay in the west, but this whole idea replied to the last refrain in some truth behind it. i mean, think about that for the american $60000000000.00 for the reason. a package small, a lot of money, a lot of money stays within the united states in terms of the defense contracts and the like, pulled out money that, you know, they buy time, they prolong the war, but keep russia busy. you know, this is the, ultimately,
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that's what the west is doing, is all about you know, trying to preserve west to take him and the, what makes tick tock. so engaging. now this is a question asked by many social media companies as they try to emulate the success . you have youtube shorts, instagram reels, facebook real snap tack has spotlight pinterest has watch. but none of them have been able to duplicate tech talks dominance. i'm 50 i'm, you're watching the cost of everything. where today we're going to be taking a closer look at tick tock and the true cost of being


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