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tv   News  RT  May 10, 2024 6:00am-6:31am EDT

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marks of victory over fascism in europe. in 1945 project lead. the collective west the is really forces have struck the densely populated city of rossa. again, as the kyra seats are talks fail. meanwhile, we have to, we will flight do for the value if we have a system that we will stand with depending on suspending arms deliveries to israel . and netanyahu vows to fight on without american support. the thousands of protesters gather and sweden to show their opposition to israel presents in the eurovision song, competition pri hypocrisy over the double standards over the ukraine and the gaza conflict by a double standard when it comes to the russian. for that reason,
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i think the woman who will under the keys vigorously for them to be cool and orderly, multiple world and universally beneficial and inclusive economic globalization and visiting serbia and then hungry sheets and things as china is always open to expanding cooperation with states that put their national interest above the russell will the racial ruble live in moscow. you're watching archie international. the idea of has struck rafa once again, an area to where most displaced dozens have fled. but it shows heavy smoke rising above residential buildings in southern gaza. this tries come after cease fire negotiations in cairo failed once again with a mouse and israel unable to agree on core demands. journalist criminal satari says
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the situation in rafa is deteriorating rapidly amid the relentless bombardment from israel. the hey target seriously populated area. they conduct concurrent strides and bows, different parts of the neighborhood, the story a good theories of houses and they bought in firebirds and discharged ours. the good thing was the targeting strikes. i'm not targeting this the east area, but the other stuff was off north and off though some areas near the egyptian boulder. some either the areas near the, the beach area. so literally the bombardment depends. the type of thing is covering cold over a 100. there is no safe haven and gaza. there is no such a thing that is called say, so on, i think is it has already violated points that it lines when it comes to those stairs stones and have started to find a student has displaced them even in the areas. that's where it's supposed to be, or believes to be a saves off. the situation is extremely dire,
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wish for college. so remember that is that is now closing across. i've captured on the terminal. they're not allowing anything. there's no fluid, northwood, supplies, know what their supplies normally that concludes your mother's or medication, and that shows you include the components. now people are injured, they need some health care who's gonna need somebody to kind of consumers on medications, and people come out to access them. and hospitals conduct provide the services that people need. so that means more people will die because of that, the next to the sometime before the displacement and because of bombardment. so the situation is extremely conceivable. in the sense that you see hundreds of thousands of people going to nowhere because they're extremely confused about where to go. and they're still being targeted by there is any confusion. and now with this phone, roger of caught up with the 2 terabytes of clothes, people are unlikely even to suffer more. and the situation is getting even more to
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me while as rarely forces claim they've eliminated 50 home aust militants in rafa also discovering several tunnels in the area. c the idea of has now forcibly displaced over 80000 palestinians from rafa in just 3 days. according to the one relief agency with a total number of people in the area believed it to be 1500000. the is really military attacks palestinian targets after taking over the rock of border crossing earlier this week, deliberately to strong them with take the vehicle could be seen, maneuvering in front of an i loved as a sign of the crossing before running it over. another idea of striking on wednesday killed a civilians including 3 children and the level of the residential building. and rossa that brings the desktop since the october 7th to mazda tech, to more than 38800 people, medical staff as well as patients type of situation and hospitals is critical. well, let us show you in the i see the roof. i cannot bear to be invaded by israel. i
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don't think there are many casualties or the most of the injured and monitors that are arriving at the hospitals are women and children, and mostly displaced persons. most of the injuries are birds. we receive the seizure people in large numbers and they are arriving on the cards due to a lack of fuel. and it hasn't misled back. come, we are unable to cope with such a large number of casualties and critically airplane. she, the subsidies are severe shortage of health care professionals. i mean, we appeal to everyone. well, you know, to abandon guys, they leave it to phase this price is low. and what is the deal now is the name of the association of conflicts that putting an end to my desk and casualty similar pronounced. and people say that they love us. so has anybody of, of the medical conditions in the rough or extremely terrible. now we have to wait several hours to see a doctor, but most of the time we're unable to receive medical treatment. as a medical staff are also exhausted and unable to provide treatment of israel as a main ally, washington has voiced its concerns. over the operation and rasa the us has
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temporarily suspended the shipment of some 3 and a half 1000 bombs to the country. according to the pentagon spokesperson, the final decision on the weapons delivery is yet to be made. we paused one shipment of weapons consisting of 180-2000 pound arms, and 170500 pound bonds. we've not made a final determination on how to proceed with the shipment and, you know, not going to get into high pathetic goals. but again, we've been very clear on our views as it relates to rafa and any ground operations there. and i'll just leave it there with us. the part is where a waiver and prime minister benjamin netanyahu has promised to continue the fight, even if his country is left alone. if we have to stand alone and we will spend a little odd reason, i already said that if we have to, we will flight do some nail. but we have much more than nails and with the same
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greatness of mind, with god's help, we will win together. we are determined and we are united to defeat our enemy and those to seek our souls. in the wake of that moved by washington, the german opposition is now urging berlin to follow suit by halting is own arms, exports to israel. the federal government must follow the example of the us and stop almost delivers $30.00 immediately, only to national oppressions. a non symbolic of construct, the nathan yahoo governments from invading or foss, germany, the 2nd largest supplied israel up to the us. and the for shows responsibility for the dust and gaza. the federal government must know do a blessing to prevent so this civilian casualties and the full stop on exports. german government must stop. it's nazi. i'm critical cooperation within not telling you all government nothing. y'all freezes the leisure already to population these phases. i projects the rest of the policy of genocide against the palestinians and
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the german government is still supporting. nathaniel, quite, i'm pretty, it's me. so the mom to show me this long. if you scroll down, it's in accordance with the peace movement. but until the german government photos is i think that must be. busy a little pressure from the peace movement, and that must be a 180 degrees to lead you to politics. the british foreign minister this is david cameron, has been asked if london is planning to stop sending weapons to israel as well. i just want to briefly take a listen to what david cameron said in response to that question, what the difference between the us situation case the us is a mess state license is significantly less than one percent of the
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downing street is responsible for granting individual licenses to companies that do exports weapons to as well. so what do you make of what david cameron just said with us? we see that as a lot of people are busy and what, uh, let's say the less than let us do it in the moment in that role. and if that would be really pressure of, let's say the domestic. busy community, the united nations and the best of nations, which supply of costs if you do licenses for weapons back and production your support as well. so there shouldn't be that simple credit of time to say we are not responsible official be an attempt to really make pressure on them. you know, the government to say, follow the majority of your people, total, the majority of the world's population,
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which is bringing all of these files into my stuffing. the genocidal ball, which is going during the direction of the general side. so we'll put you back to the with the eurovision song contest in full swing and sweet invoices. supporting palestine have been very loud. thousands of protesters gather to show their opposition to israel's participation. the people were seen with signs calling to stuff the genocide in gaza. palestinian flags and pictures of the destruction and death in the enclave. despite the protest, eurovision has resisted calls to van israel. demonstrators express their anger over the countries participation in the competition. it's horrible. what's happening in ga. so right now, and i think a lot of people should be demonstrating purchasing,
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especially now when the u. s. low, but this ramp to participate in your vision button, but not the russia. and i think that's just the, it's wrong. it's really to embrace this eminence. lemme pull behind. i think it's important to show that we're against appear on the double standard when it comes to the treatment of russia. for that reason, i think it's the prophecy. we say, well, the democracy. no, nobody is doing nothing. we're all watching children are buying. people are dying. nobody's doing nothing. this can go on. there's no stop to this. people blame me telling you, but we, we need to support each other for this. this, the people are here for your vision. trying to sort of celebrate, there's nothing to celebrate. it's an ongoing war. people are killing each other children of dying from are you a secretary of state?
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hillary clinton has criticized pro palestinian protesters for not knowing much about middle eastern history. i have had many conversations that you have had with a lot of young people over the last many months now. and you're right, they don't know very much at all about the history of the middle east to leave on clinton herself while working as secretary of state did her part to contribute to the turbulence in the middle east to. she famously joked in a tv interview about the murder of former libyan leader, mo, mark adolphe. she's also been criticized as being responsible for the deaths of american diplomats. after the u. s. embassy inbound ghazi was attacked due to not taking action despite knowing there was a threat during the syrian crisis. she tried to convince congress to go along with a plan for a limited, targeted military response sent and also pushed for the removal of the syrian president. aside from power and back to a proposal to provide weapons to syrian rebels,
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palestinian analyst in his early affairs called doing bart duties says hillary clinton has no right to slam a pro palestinian protesters. this is not enough for have to say or to accuse the demonstrate that us the distance and the to the states a day that they are mistaken. they have seen on tv, what is literally happening and goes and they with and what do they, if it's even for a humanitarian, maybe it's humans or emotion of feelings and the, that's the human feeling. and then when it comes to is it. and then as a united states feels that because the right to do anything to support this, this a visitor, and by accusing that the, the, for this purpose even by being and to seem like so now they are and makes, seem to these things to give them so if you feel that the size is what i'm saying is, and then you will see the if you could, it says is that i have. and then as me will, you will be accused of being can seem like investments here. this is the, the,
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the us and boost and fullness of engine on their superior to india, on opinion, gives them that i to do anything even tracking that on people. just because they decided to stand with the following statement. the president of china has paid his 1st visit to hungary in 20 years marketing, developing relations between the countries changing, paying and prime minister victor or bond that spoke with the media highlighting the mutual goals they helped to achieve the most. but to get this going to be like right now we have a multiple, a while ago with the and one of the main colon. so this new world, although he's the people's republic of china, you know, you'd place that pretty much a role in global politics. and the condo 5 on a more modern woman, you've joined a supports hungry and playing a bigger role in the giving you and promoting great progress in china. email relations will advocate vigorously for an equal and orderly multiple world and universal, even if they show an inclusive economic globalization. so the 2 leaders also
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announced the broadening co operation on all strategic levels from reconstruction to the development of infrastructure and the nuclear industry. hungary is not only china as close as you allied, but also an important trade and investment partner. the countries assigned 18 agreements following the meeting. during his european tour, the chinese leader received a warm welcome in serbia, the 2nd country of the 3 nation european tour. according to serbian president, alexander, of which the friendship between the 2 nations is iron clad. we spoke to solve assemblage out of us, the survey, and that center for social stability, who says aging has always had close relations with eastern europe. and no western pressure can change that kind of has always had been sympathy as the chinese and the serbian people have a great connection going decades back and the serbian people in serbian states in china. so i've never had any problems. and the mutual problems in between each
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other. so this was a visits not to start some good relationship with the wind over. so it'd be about to cement the already great relations into strategic partnership that we have between the 2 countries. and the western media always tries a little bit to, you know, to criticize anyone who is cooperating with, with china. but it is interesting that they don't criticize so much that our own governments because a lot of the west of nations, a presidency, was also in, in france, cooperates really great with china. we've also had years back a good cooperation in great britain with the germany. so when those kind of that kind of compensation happens, it's not such a big theme in the western media, but when a country which is not the parts of your opinion, not the parts of any military alliance has its own independent relationship. a
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small country with china that somehow becomes a theme and that should not surprise anyone. of course it is the, it is a matter for the leads and for the ruling classes in all those countries who a wants to exert their own kind of influence. so such small countries as serbia is and i don't always concerned when we find a partners that are more suited to us and does have a good relationship with us and that we do it independently. i think that that independent segment of independence, a cooperation with china is the most concerning part for them. and to marcia smith is a former polis judge, who fled persecution in this country over his views and now resides in dollars when we got a chance to speak with tomas who told us that warsaw is waiting deeper into war against the will of the polish public he was interviewed in minutes by our to correspond that custom team for you to evaluate
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the a storm considering what you've been saying about the russian bellow. so one of the boys, what prompted you to come here? let me in your boy and the go ahead. no other choice now in poland is that abra cross since for once opinion. so i have no choice and like i have to leave poland. this is an old story itself is about 4 years ago. for me to be clear. i tried to hide my political opinions and lots express it to the public, no mentioning several of like waiting to see what my views really were. at some point it's really cold, so this home is upset hosted sophistication, began the moments i began to receive spots. my front store would be the posting for such as the fabrication document. as of you know, the to lock me off in prison. i had no other choice is i'm touching the visa, no pets assessed. what's tim uh, is this related to the case of the judge use against the b? i asked bonnie and how as i understand that they put pressure on the team enough to
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control the rate with politicians for presentations, will in fact connected with the p i. s. policy. so this is associated with the i sponsor you one of these little cups. you up when you might, as i understand from reading your comments edition, simple and still have influence on the traditional system. so if you have the guts was what i can confirm that. so this info as well as presented in different ways is of, on this was the promotion of some people in the judiciary room that was supposed to represent the bees. the p i s quantity has on and they created not a traditional system for what a political system, a product that you don't like install it. he was coming thought i did. one of the comments from boy scroll again to did you did not have any could be eligible, which was kind of the also because of the scandal might it was somebody's if you mean to support the condition we what point patients outside the cutting system and point office then your credit grove would have been higher, so you could have been a young and quite successful judge. so i cannot say the mike to me has deteriorates
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us make sense of working quotes, which and i don't want to have anything common with politicians. uh, go after the office, say you had access to secure documents, while you may be in like you to remember them telling me it was sending off. it's really, it's the all me. i mean, those hills that cause out of me, what was the connection with the all me, i'm the special services, but i didn't bring any documents here and i'm not disseminating or reporting 9600 information here. what i have access to was what i needed to deal with them, but the cases that are handled 7, my work is a judge. change bullet deal. uh, typically, it was a case 3 years ago when i came under a water cannon from border states and went bullies bought a gosh, literally exterminated migrant support anthro bellows to germany. a boy that was a good one. they started talking a lot about that one and some of the polish military and boys bought a dogs to raise these monuments as a boy citizen. indeed, you see any of this. and there's a judge who has dealt with military cases. can you say that the polish army is commuting colleagues? usually because of where i'm talking about the border crossing,
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then he has to pull his ball. the troops do not act entirely, and he calls them though, as with all this law, i'm going to repeat kind of low secret level up up in bill. it was the one that was the code sam's here, there was a little off to about the so called wine and so security forces against civilians we've seen and didn't even have a station on disagreement with the polish authorities has meant to move on. and it's not only on the states, but also with the little pressure and the initiation of 4 cases. your opinion, however, if you didn't like this one and confident sanction against civilians in europe, what am i me? i don't the lady that can use the example of poland to us. this is why i know the most. here we can, we call the soul cold fall in the process of the post special services immediately began working against the organizers and leaders. so these courses, they believe that these all ages of the kremlin, that they take money from the crumbling receives of civil insurance. and the situation concerns only economic issues forming uncontrolled, the complex warm ukraine. but as a 3 year old, simpler,
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destroyed folders for me. and that's perfectly up anymore. as far as i understand, editing the western press russian ballad, i simply scanned peoples laid claim. there is a detailed ship here that everyone is throwing the line customer even. how did you see bill it was in russia? well, we've been involved, so yeah, what was your idea bellows at the front of the school counselor use of the voice and freedom of preserved here. it comes to the cash flow. this is almost the same as you have never been to boss. so i do regionally so from boston forties, but we can speak freely on any topic of the race criticism and they decrease the size of whether or not they have divides and they speak out uh that the with this how the inside police people think about brushing bellows, or do they believe that we all have their single like us here? the plane to or i'll see you for is definitely the concept of all a light come back has been an idea. i am on posts for more than half a century for vehicles. cool, so i understand that this is an extra medication involved, but also as a mold and country exactly the same as bell. the recipes by both of these companies
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are good for business and full, leaving the money in 40. so the one point is increase needs to be on to the power that i 4 percent of its gdp spends the military. oh, they are even talking about nuclear weapons. what you see it isn't a bond afraid of seen the lot of these dragging the nation into some kind of war. love to go see if it's too. so i came here to bellows to talk about that sort of thing. indeed, those thoughts that's about it is enough to listen to what is the price of the husband ma cronsa. as i know there's a danger of the countries that support nate. so until you create the own flags and all the have the most and there's the least of all the signs for such as the danger that the troops will be officially prone in a forest or just cannot be provided with the single colleagues. i need to go to war and the next session on nobody wants dots. all the shit is going on with the, with the crane smell, there was a rush. show me some talking about wouldn't be repealed motion canada of all of this organizational pulse of super peaceful people know adjusting to new orders on
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here. there's full chess. so it turns out that the police government does not the people i took the fema somebody is of i agree, easy to ones. we don't have much of all the school choice and helpful to have 3 mind books in poland. the so called concert. it's along sort of under the i s and those policies that collaborated with that. so the civil platform that's sort of the so called fewest times long for them. and those policies that corporate with them to get hold of the 1st and 2nd policies allowing same on hopefully, exacerbating the conflict in favor of you hold on being thrown each of these content like post gift can capture your category as the person who is a judge and has legal education and that's when you say that the pollution folder have more so hopefully you don't have to actually violating the constitution, violating rights, generally while in the lowest of their own country, substantial population. i'm sick, let's just look at my example. i came here absolutely legally to beller,
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but i have never broken the law. i have no criminal records for piece of inc. typo sec. parentheses are holding media. everything was aimed to, to making me a supply your spot or offline on beller visions. but this is how democracy works in the was, is living in, if someone is a gauge, their forties absolutely destroyed. but go ahead and jump on his chest while somebody said it's now being accused of all sorts of scenes. no, here was the scene, russia, every judge has a similar reason. you do have a smoke present in volunteer money between one and what does not mean that the pay still being keys are criminal. people who have the, i'm the, how much lives i feel, i think there's such a thing to do because i did my job that honestly, i think what you want to do. but for most of us go back to you can say, let us know there's just a lot of thinks about. she must have some of the board exposure to get the most high profile case for the student. we understood approximately to level and what exactly you were doing was anybody's come, could have most of us many times without the details of going gender. of course,
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this the simplest appraisal cases of involved, the dep, probation of classified information, the probation of access to classified information. and the assessments made by the quotes was a correct slow decision made correctly. this person was deprived of access to classified information over the case is considered people who work in the intelligence services. well, someone from the a for, as a school previously had access to cost supplies information. this is with a my line of what, so i haven't done much cash. this is not total per pulse was so good to you. put in, have you had a chance to be real rush and spice, new thing and put and i was like, even though is the goal wash in spite of what the cost of volume is a little funny on a scale, right? if i can she miss me stuff before the class that i see is can spill know regarding ne mice and your feeling in general. and what is the influence of the moment the media influence across, you know, it was which i would call and i like to come out and see the most quickly just how normal we are running. uh and also what was it that you really broke you for the
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well to move was what was the key thing besides the fact that they began to pass the key and she was in the house l g, b, g, propaganda, or something else? usually control sports i. so we talk about politics then both in poland and in the west and everything is going downhill. take l g b t as an example the, the politicians talk about this topic quite seriously. it is assigned to because, you know, i was, you know, there's a division ma decided to organize with the help of our consumption. but it just, it isn't easy. okay. hold on to mount as a society that is divided within itself. the switch such as the border shows the chasing the bones is not actually occupied. they call on the breathing or the united states. it starts up a bunch of to the 2nd can, who's hands of the policy media in the, in the hands of bits, americans doing that as of well there's no, it's really was media impala is something to put, the money comes on back out on the course of the, on the self american recurring tish and on the non published interest will be manifesto immediately. so paula,
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they change the shape of the consciousness of most of your society. the part of this is one of the most dangerous political watkins for the goals of them and are concerned on the british. plus most of those, why can you recall the polish nationalist? how do i get a good sense of what was going on? these compacts are the phones for nothing other than that actually is mike foster is you know, something that i do consider myself. i publish patriots. well, that is why i came here. one, discuss what they will tell you that you sold out what, what was your salary then what could you really be bought? the, i make good money as a judge. beka an a big salary. so do you have those corruption actually exist? and the goal is to do some system put think on, you know, i don't know about that. so because i have not handled such cases like political influence when it comes to the judicial system is really big them know they are saying inclusion that i would like to ask you as i say russian spies. but that's how do you feel about pushing speaking with, assisting me is that i months of awesome supply. but if we talk about price and invite him to put in this,
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i respect him very much activities of wise mans was solved, withheld the special military operations accounting. russia had no other choice. it had his cock against the wall settles my son booth who has repeatedly chavez, people who are so excited when they also have the most include them. and so if anybody is for peace country they know the posts or frame, no, it's really difficult for them. those to boston's peak, as well as the internal politics, the crane part of the change group. i mean, that is because i haven't no special meals at all 3 by 2 that i've tried to avoid this issue here and didn't point on a business, but a lot of refugee scheme from the cradle encoding support not allowed in the polish people pacific training in general, almost because we all remember about of only mastercard and you have a choice you have for, you know, some of the will be gone. i myself was at the board, the health refugees. they also slots my own. i also have funds that echo it's not the same for you as far as new people who helps pull up some my old have open hearts out. if there is a need about able to help. there was more than 2 years of all of
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a passed. people started to take a closer look. sorry, i heard you brand new and then the boss and be spoken more in the new law sort of and i'm not really catches your why you said only ukrainian screw driver on poland . warranty expensive cause to be involved by games and gallagher, walters and sick, so called to begin to wonder what kind of war is going on. but at least of course, the majority of ukrainians. although them repeat polk single. she loved the concept because of the wall of ammonia won't, because it will tell us like you, just by the authority of i am just putting something holler jointly for a bi weekly, illegal, noticeable in the, especially those sit others will throw that money around the thumbs reliance on house phone is it because these young people should go to have that supports really happening in the concert? you know, the scope of the product uh, try to misconduct homeless uh, mostly clothes to tell me they will use the immunization advice. would you be helps cold, the authorized into lensky criminals? us if they still think of both the good thing. uh, if we talk about the international law then goals, me training and i'll forward to still doing full assets. okay. relation to the
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