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tv   Going Underground  RT  May 10, 2024 9:00pm-9:30pm EDT

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the, the action or tension. welcome back to going underground, broadcasting all around the world, from the mid least, 24 hours ahead of his rails plan deadline for prisoner released by hamas. otherwise threatening. would it be as to be a total extermination of the people of gaza as a whole, the month of ramadan begins all this is us, president joe biden continues to supply weapons to israel ahead of a u. s. presidential election that may very well see for my president, donald trump, hardly facing for criminal trials back in the white as one of the world's most famous lives who has defended julian assigned daniel's bug, donald trump, mike tyson, and will controversially jeffrey epstein harvey weinstein, and
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o j simpson, his friend of is riley pm, that in yahoo, professor island, joshua pitts, he's emeritus professor at harvard law school and his, the older 2 new books get from the threat to civil liberties, due process and our constitutional rule of law and war against the jews. how do and how much barbarism he's in miami, florida. thank you so much advertise, graduates, we're coming back on before we get to gaza. i mean, how do you feel about the state of democracy in the usa will be at the supreme court? the verdict was one you'd probably would agree with, given these attempts to prevent the u. s. is leading opposition lead a drum from being elected president lin, running in in november. i know you were supported by them in case anyone thinks your grades of what your donald trump as well uh, in my past i award bananas uh on a scale of one to 10 toward a banana republic. and i had gotten up to 6 bananas based on the 4 charges
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that were made against donald trump. but when the supreme court refreshed the colorado case, i eliminated one of the banana. so we're down to 5 now. and i hope we don't get up to 6 or 7 democracy is at risk, both from the election of donald trump and also from attempt by trump's enemies. to assure that voters can't vote for him, or that he is not on ballots or is prosecuted before the election. so i see trach from the democracy on all sides just for our international audience. explain how victoria is donald trump, but the outcome you wouldn't want to if uh, if you one like socialist eugene debs, he could still become president and pardon himself while he was in jail. but then that would be a problem if it was a federal conviction, as opposed to state conviction. what exactly happens or we said, pardon itself, mistake, conviction. and so if there is
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a conviction or even new york or fulton county, florida, he couldn't pardon himself. and the law is not clear as to whether he could pardon himself from a federal prosecution, but nobody knows the answer to that question. and it's unlikely that he would try to to do it. but he probably would not be sentenced to serve a prison term while he was president, if he was convicted of a serious offense and then elected president, he'd probably be able to serve his terms president and then faced possible imprisonment thereafter. a yeah. more unprecedented stuff. uh meanwhile, um, by doing, uh, well the authorities, the justice department, i am trying to get julian assigned to the united states despite the opposition of all the journalists all around the world, the australian government, the german government. i understand that you defended daniel's bugs the late den. elizabeth is being on this program. things worse than the 1970s given what's
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happening to julian assigned his health as he was tortured in britain, according to view and special are up to it is much worse. i was one of the lawyers on the pentagon papers case, and there at least people were treated with the degree of decency assigned has really been made a horrible martyr to free speech. and i'm honored to have been part of the is legal defense team. and if he is expedited the united states, i hope i can help him avoid prosecution. i think he has a strong case. remember he's the one who stole any secrets like daniel ellsberg did . he's more like to new york times. he publish them and the new york times wasn't even prosecuted. ellsberg was, but eventually the case was one. but i don't think our son should be prosecuted for publishing material that other people provided to him. and when he gave them to, to any of the, the, any grand jury in virginia as well. you don't get an attorney in front of the grand
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jury, but the attorney can sit outside the grand jury room and he can come out and ask up questions. um, but uh the real question is will we be, can find uh, pending uh, a resolution by the grand jury and he's been to find far too long. already i met him in england before he was confined, and he seemed to be in far better health and spirits. then he was after he went into the ecuadorian embassy and then in find and he's likely to be confined in the united states. and that would be too bad. i mean, he comes as close to being a political prisoner, as we have had in a long time in the united states. and so again, i represent many political prisoners in, in my life ranging from nelson mandela to not tundra, for ascii and ammonia, to continue to defend political prisoners of, of, of every stripe and background against the pressure of government prosecution. well actually mondale, it may be relevant here. so the usa sending accuser persecuting to tell us our
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publisher is preventing democracy as they try and attack their opposition leader being led to according to a special counsel by mentally ill, the president and. and now people across the world in the, in the not in the nato nation countries, arguably saying that the united states, as a co conspirator, in genocide you've written a new book where you talk about, you talk about the october 7th, the taxes being over, the unjustified does the book didn't mandela justify his, the bombing of restaurants as the, in the apartheid struggle as a perfectly part of the struggle that is required to over throw regimes on the basis of their apartheid systems. and he was wrong to do so, and he apologized for doing so and stopped using that kind of terrorism against civilians. i think the deliberately willfully targeting civilians,
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particularly for rate, which is what happened in when, when i'm ice cross over the boat or the u. n. is now confirmed that there were rapes and sexual atrocities, and yet there were some of the still who still denied that there would be headings . i had dinner with a man whose son was be headed and they almost opportunities tried to sell his son's head is guys up to $10000.00 before it was retrieved. so there's no comparison between what happened. yeah, the u. n. report premium, a path and this we collected no evidence to support any of the claims, unfounded, and interact, inaccurate forensic evidence is collected by on train volunteer 1st responders. there was, this would be you and report this week and that's a potentially valuable evidence, wasn't there? you an expert statement said uh well, actually, to you. and next, what seems that were particularly distressed by repose, about a simian women and girls in detention of being subjected to multiple forms of
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sexual assault. and that's what they've been headed may be story. we now know that these really government had to admit it had no evidence of what the claims by nicole is the deck of the i 24 news and repeated by, by them. but then we'll back by the, by the white as well. in the photographs that prove conclusively that women were rate, that they were shutting their vaginas, that their breasts were cut off. i've spoken to the man who is around has their photographs. yeah. their photographs and i've seen them in there. why did you know give it to the you and are they are on the way and it is really well the you and officially says there is none. there is no eyes. this does anybody, us that occurred in israel is equivalent to a holocaust than i or you cannot deny the reality. there were rapes from us, a brag about it, a moss was proud of it. and if you start denying the reality of rate
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and the reality of this young man, i'm not talking about babies. this young man 19 years old, who was be headed moosehead, was offered for sale. there's a boy, i'm under a can contradicted evidence. and as you remember, another thing the head of home are seeing why was found to have said he does not want a ceasefire. he thinks that if israel kills more civilians, that the homeless cause will be strength. and he will, i think the see fires rather than negotiations over the hostages on both on both sides. but just back to this i rape stuff because the big headed babies stuff isn't even talked about. i said above it, but it says clearly in the united nations report, it was determined by the un mission team. the crime scene had been altered by above misquoted, the bodies moved expanding. the separation of the body of the girl from the rest of the family. are you seeing or maybe you're seeing a altered photographs. gosh,
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you're just not telling the truth, the un and you you and the trust. apologies to view is for the audio coming out of that old professor judgments, but we will continue when it comes to israel because they're very anti 0. same organization that called zionism, racism, but even the un said. but it was clear and convincing evidence of right, very strong evidence of rake very. and that was after discounts. him all this. the evidence was clear. why didn't i, why become a holocaust? they're not there. why deny? that's in was watch. the use is human shields. and he wants israel to kill as many palestinian babies as possible because that helps almost to in the court of public opinion, palestinian from us leaders have bragged about the use of children and women as human shields there. okay. i just have to say, i just have a sale. i obviously i'm off to deny any of these a be headed babies. these,
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these are raped claims and i have to say the united nations. i'm reading the u. n thing here. the latest report which has they didn't find actual evidence for that, but on your human shields point, i mean, i know, and you and your book, you cool amnesty international. so i'm kind of apologised for how something but do you know that there is no evidence a tool for human shields? rent easy, and you're seeing that repeatedly said that there was no human shields. and on the bottom here would be situation and quite the opposite. it's the israel is use of human shield, palestinian human shields. you from one of the leaders are from us uh, 40 ahmad, after the power city and people, death is becoming industry which women excel as a people living on those who i'm to hold on the heads of them as i'm not talking about operatives dropped me. this is why they have formed human fields of the women, the children, the elderly, and the most. yeah. diane, in order to check alan's design is bombing machine. it is if they was saying to
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design, does that mean? what do you desire just like you desire? like there is a video tape of these words coming out of his mouth. you can be a rated i, or you can be a hawk, a snyder, but you cannot be a human shield, and i are because there are multiple leaders of them. us who have brag about the use of babies and children, and women as human shields. you take that would over, i'm to see international ass which has a conclusively, there is no evidence for these are human jails. the amnesty international filed the report of the harvard amnesty international group on october 7th, saying that the killings were all the faults of israel and that how much. oh well, i did not do anything improper. no, i don't trust them to see international at all. i trust photographs, who are you going to believe the photographs or you're lying eyes who you believe the video tape of the liter or from us. now this video tape was not used by
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understands and national when issues they denial that human shields were being used . it well letterman for you are being you. so he will know photographs that have been publicly available, but to propose or advertisements. i'll stop you that i'll just go, i'll stop you the more from the merits as professor at harvard law school and for below i have little jump engineers that are after this break, the, the 9th of may is a venerated day on the russian calendar to march the victory over fascism in europe in 1945. tragically the collective west. the in 1941 with the nazis health relation, ultram nationalist, the astonishes the claim, the independent state of croatia. shortly off, the seizing power. they build the scene of us concentration camp a place associated with the worst atrocities committed in yugoslavia during will go
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to use dash is used to come system to isolate and exterminate subs, roma, jews, and other non catholic minorities and political opponents of the fascist regime conditions in the san of us come with her renders the gods tortured to arise and the prisoners they send them the constitution temps. so most of them died. it was incredible genocide. the welcome back to the ground. i'm still here with the full, i'm a trump lawyer emeritus professor at harvard law school in alter the new book war against the jews have to end how much is barbarism, wrestler island, josh events we were talking about? well, you said you have photographic evidence. alpha the atrocities on october the 7th. but now that we have a upwards of tens of tens of thousands of children,
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palestinian skilled you haven't changed your mind at all about what is going on, even though the countries which is the buying the weapons to israel. clearly the population is vanda, populations, in the united states, daily auto running against israel, a wide stress in my view because of the numbers. let's take the numbers. let's assume the palestinian authority. that is, a mazda is right, that there are $30000.00 totally killed. they don't distinguish between civilians and come back 13000 according to israel, our direct combatants that we've 17000. we then have to deduct from that the number of the globe and killed by eric rockets. for example, the one that was sent to the hospital. we know hundreds of killed by and islamic jihad rocket. we have to take away from that civilians who would voluntarily human shields or allow their homes to be used for build tunnels or allow their homes to be used to fight how most people, if we get that down probably either or
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a foot board number of, of civilians killed and terrace killed. in other words, the ratio is probably about $12.00 to $13000.00 of each. that is the lowest ratio civilians, bigger bands in the history of urban warfare. there is never been an army that is killed, fewer civilians and fewer children. remember, children is defined by a mazda is any 119. they recruit their terrace, 131415161718. so many of the so called children are terrorist. the same thing is true of the women. just because you are a woman doesn't mean you're not a terrorist. and so many of the women who are killed were actual terrorist or complicit in terrorism. and when israel has the best ratio of civilian to lowest ratio of civilian took a band desk and that's called genocide. it shows you have no idea what the meaning
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of genocide is. genocide is the live partly willfully targeting an entire well, it really will get all the jet aside the 2nd, but hybrids, these really paper i read sociology professor to be able to do. most of israel has said that the ratio is significantly higher than the average civilian deaths tool in all conflicts around the world and the 2nd level for the 1990. this regards to lindsey called with the razor, and when you talk about children, i've got a list here. i have the actual list here of one after the other of people, children, infants, 0 years old, one years old, 2 years old, 3 years old. i mean, i got this right here, i got the names of all these people then or 80, or i'm do they have a list of the 1000 or 2000 children. but from a total of $30000.00 people killed, that still makes it the lowest ratio of civilians, 2 combatants in any history. and i challenge any, well, this is a 3 of the account phones and gaza. 2012 to 2022 ratios. civilian death tells us 44
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percent major decline to 33 percent operations yield in error in the 1st 3 weeks of this current operation and 61 percent. but let's just take, i mean, aside from all these contested by both sides, this takes the actual woods off, say, president gets i could still go. i think, you know, the president of israel, i know quotes it is an entire nation who are responsible this rhetoric about civilians. so professionally the rhetoric, both of us are arguing about supposedly not being involved is absolutely untrue. and we will fight until we break their backs. and of course he's really defenders enough to is right. god that has declared war and his real gaza is an unit. gaza is real off of who my children. so they asked the majority of guardians support, what, how much did the vast majority of the west bank did? and what president hurts of nearly said is there is responsibility in the way the german people were responsible for the nazis,
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the japanese people responsible for what happened there. and, and yes, when you elect people as the guidelines elected a mouse, and the boss acts on your behalf and committed atrocities, there is collective responsibility. that doesn't mean there should be collected punishment. that doesn't mean that there are some people should be killed. and israel goes to great lengths to avoid the killing of civilians, more than any other country. they give warnings, they tell in advance, we rather attack is going to be and the extra millions are killed because they used as human shields. when you used to realize as human shields, civilians die, as i said, there's no evidence of human fields as being they're basically saying. but i mean that argument can go on and on. yeah. but in your book, and you would just add, mentioning the 2nd world war violence, i mean the, the file bombing of tokyo with the bridge bombing of dresden, i know, used i've never heard of the being used is excuses for the war. nobody's using. i mean, if anything, these are atrocities that uh,
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i mean the film oppenheimer that may when the oscar has a, it's not so much the 0 schumer and i guess like, you were necessary. some people debate whether they should have happened to tool the bombing of dresden and so. and whereas you, again and again say they were clearly necessary in the fight against knots is a and i oppose. i was opposed to the bombing of dresden, i'm in favor of, of the bombing of hiroshima and nagasaki bombing, if the machine mercedes, more than a 100000 american lives of soldiers. you know that there was one, there was already a deal with russia as late as dorians and found or laser. when japan did in pearl harbor, you put your civilians at risk and military to make decisions. i would not have supported the decision on that. exactly. but israel doesn't do, there is real, is engaged in efforts to try to destroy how much they have the right to do that this part of american policy. that's part of british policy, this part of nato policy. israel has the right to destroy how much it should do in
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a way that how much has the right to destroy israel. then under 2334, and the right to struggle in un general assembly resolution $3743.00 rate and be head uninstalled. and kidnapped intake has told you about the beheading. there's no evidence your lawyer knew. you have to defend the evidence. and i and i saw the picture i had, i know the person is had, it's online. his head was over just for sale, for 10. that was all i is, none of this being validated by the official you in reports into a trust is and it has been validated and it's absolutely true. i sat next to the father crying his eyes out, showing me the picture of the sun. well, the white house has walked back by moves. why these around? you know, so and for $10000.00, you destroy your own credibility when you dispute that. when do you disagree the
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race? when you dispute the use of human shields, you destroy your credibility. you just will be either below clearly like the hi there. remember nazis? the $9.00 cost, the so many years and that destroyed their credibility. and anyone who says there was no rates. anyone who says there is no human feels does not deserve to be less than 2 on any other subject. their credibility is gone. okay, well, we haven't seen the evidence in new york times is working back earlier. pieces in the new york to the out, the use of rape. and quite the opposite. i read into york times that there been efforts by some radical answer. it is real people to get them to walk it back and they have refused to walk it back. they're standing by their view in the us standing by issue that there is clear and convincing evidence that is a very high, okay? and that's no evidence of rates, not only rates individually,
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but rates as a policy of, of boss, which is one of the worst. why is this folks both of whom people, it's gary rejecting these k is why is it a family of the one family over the woman who is allegedly reg said, this is not true. why the new york times publishing? there's a lot of this exposed by the gray zone, of course, max blooming tools, max only, but big ext blumenthal is a big it, these bonanza israel from the very beginning is not to be true. and there are many others who are not to be trusted. look at the photographs, the, the videotapes, the israel has produced at the times, relied on looking at what the united nations relied on. you will see clear and convincing evidence as far as the know i read the whole report and they clearly say they collected no evidence. that is the words of premier that happened this week. why? oh tunnels underneath hospitals. if they weren't using the hospitals as human shields, you know what i called pres hospitals?
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i called the mazda tunnels, under the heard of gaza. but why put guys under siege? but anyway, fundamental to all of this is the right of the palace, getting people to struggle against a, a struggle. they were offered a state and 48 and 67 in uh, 90 maybe 2, but they still have the right to um, sort of the against occupation. it dropped me. there wasn't a state in 2005 the night in 2007, 800 omer, offered them to stay on 98 percent of the west banks. a 100 percent is bizarre. levant funds and they turned it down so no, they have no right to struggle. they have a right to diplomacy. they have the right to accept a 2 state solution to argue for, but they have no right to rate at the head. agile assault as a kidnapped and to take a one year old baby and hold them hostage. we didn't even know that they used to
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live. no, they have no right to do that. how many children palestinian children are in his? riley's james? none none. mary jane. no children in these refuge rolls. yeah, there are so you. so you agree with your friend president had so what about you? i've got on there will be no electricity. there will be no food, no fuel. everything is closed. we are fighting animal people and we are acting accordingly. do we, why the well, i mean actually does, does get onto this. people have said joe biden, maybe the last pro israel president. what do you feel as a defender of his right as a friend of nothing? yahoo! knowing that you've lost the narrative now in the united states, the rest of the world clearly is not simple. we're seeing uh the a pack mugs. these really line is this, the end of it, these riley projects we approaching the end of the as rarely project of israel support among american voters is higher and very high,
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particularly among people of voting age. they have lots of support among young people, of israel is militarily strong. israel will never give up and they will always be in his role and until the palestinians recognize that and understand that until, you know, i sat across from a boss, the head of the palestinians are free and i set them over a dinner. if you will say the following words, i hear, but recognize israel as the legitimate nation state of the jewish people. i will get you to stay solution. and he said, i can't do that. i cannot recognize israel as a nation saying the jewish people. that's the problem, that's the core of the problem. i support the 2 state solution. i actually i do the everything. i don't think many experts do supported to say they want one state from the river to the city with both jews, but christians and muslims all living in and, you know, home us exception is riley states and that change of that traffic with 1967 borders
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i truly say, look in my book, i quote the charter words the word and i quote, the revised dryer. i challenge anybody to read it and tell me that her last day was it is rarely say, let me tell you if i'm isolated or would it get up and say, i favor the establishment of a nation, save the jewish people in israel. he would be assassinated immediately. no, i'm just finally and briefly then. so 50 to the majority in america, according to pollings, is against sending weapons. now, to israel, you think they being influenced by george soros and i'm just the international and do you think that's what's happened and how often do university, why is it the majority now? do you know the ending of well i think the majority probably opposes any weapons to any country in the world. there are many i salacious, but the majority support is real. a majority support. the destruction of a mosque majority support president by policy of allowing israel to destroy him,
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us getting the hostages back with less than a mentor says until they stop the attacks, no weapons to be sent. no, that's the, that's the, that's the you go. and number 2, the, the american policy is supported by most americans, and that is the structure from us getting the hostages back and trying to move toward the possibility of a tuesday solution. but they can't be a tuesday solution if i'm honest or amazing power. let me tell you the most greatest beneficiaries of israel destroying how much would be the palestinian people, the palestinian people without a moss could thrive. there could be a democracy. what is real? ended its occupation of all gods in 2005, 2006. they could have built cynthia. what was that time to continue doing about patient as we go? there was no occupation until i'm us took over on a cool joel the palestinian authority with alter that ever. rockets in
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israel said it has to guard the borders and it has to have control and it's still, there was rolled everything but the other professor, how long does you it's like you as well. thank you. let's stick to this act. okay. as right, that's it for the show continued condolences to those bereaved by u. k. u. s. a u on bombing in palestine 11 in yemen, syria and iraq will be back with more in the nature of nation war. lemme at least on monday until then keep in touch my role as social media. if it's not sensitive in your country and had to our channel, the grantee, the normal dot com, to watch, new and old upsets of going underground to you monday. the the
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the the the the.


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