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tv   News  RT  May 11, 2024 1:00pm-1:31pm EDT

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[000:00:00;00] the, the key, i believe, is over a 100 soldiers, with dozens, most rendering to a new russian offensive, or new queen, 2nd largest city, several sacraments in call cove of poland. and the most goes as follows. also ahead . the dominance of the united states, which started off to the end of the court of law putting today, has effectively come to the end in this foreign minister told the death knell for us had too many as washington flies to cling on, claiming it was the one room tiffany valley to buy so much oil to russia as well. strikes
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a kill at least 10 people and wounded many more as the idea of full peroration on rough as grind towards in the southern gauze and south africa appeals to the international coal. just justice trim poses measures that help restrict the audience offensive in gong, so that says libya joins the growing list of the country. supposing it's janice type case, it's james, it's well the right one. welcome to these how not to international. we've got a 40 packed program to get for it. we're going to begin no. in jeanette city where civilians have been killed and at least 9 more injured in ukrainian shelling oxy correspondent states. we need brings us a report from the ground. as you can see,
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hey, behind me, a scene of absolute cottage of to this restaurant was struck by a hime of missile the west and supplied missed on inter ukrainian attack on saturday morning. now, a, this attack took place on the anniversary, the 10th anniversary of the foundation of the throne. yet people's republic. just over the other side of the road, just behind me here is a cop hall where most of riley, celebrating the anniversary of the foundation of the republic was taking place. families and children would gather the so the scene could have been so much worse. the death toll could have been so much higher. we've seen many of these kind of attacks. in fact, we were had just a few days ago, full victory day when a motorcycle cavalcade left the exact same comp paulk making his way across the city to the don't boss defend as one boy. and then of course, there were no parades on my side of operations on victory day for this very reason that they come under attack. now, we can't be 100 percent certain, but it seems very likely that this was
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a deliberately targeted attack. i am to to disrupt those celebrations full republics that you now we see these kind of a tax exhibiting areas across the city. the people don't yet remain defiant, but it's a stock remind the don't you ex, remains very much a front 9 city. this is steve sweeney for all to in don't. yet. the russian defense industry has reported on a new offense, save with its forces capturing several url settlements near ukraine's 2nd largest city. cop call of correspondent shape bows brings a small nice well, it's important for several reasons. i suppose it's not unexpected in the blogosphere and anyone watching the conflict and ukraine, it's been some unexpected that the russian military would make a move in the region. and the map is important as well as we look at exactly what's happening on the ground. and several reasons why it's important. firstly,
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i think is the fact that the city of belgrade and the settlements around a place like she beckoned a place that i've been in. and i've been in the world, they've been attacked by ukrainian artillery. the id i think from the russian military is not the 2nd guess them is to push you finding and forces out of artillery range of these big russian townsend and settlements like dollars will be 5 in numeral civilians killed in what can only be described as terror attacks indiscriminate artillery particular from the checking vampire and the alarm system . this is one reason why i think that the russian military has made a move. the other of course, is to pain ukrainian forces to shape the battlefield. and that's very important in this conflict because as you see, you kind isn't a pressure in, in the don't that sca region in that area is a foreclosure ever seen, or resorts is being spread. and as the russian military advances taking that 5 set limits, as we've heard from the russian ministry defense losing a well over
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a 100 troops, many surrendering as well, we believe, as the russian forces move forward. we have to understand that this is part of a white, a picture, and every time the russian military makes a move, ukraine has to react. we've also heard about the defense lines being built in the area in the north. the west and media were very energetic about suggesting that ukraine has built a lot of defenses in the area. now, unfortunately, though, they don't seem to have held back the solution advance, but they're probably the significant buddy. the defenses are beyond the russian forces towards the hassles. see the region itself. so very important to move a very, an interesting development, not unexpected if you like it, but it's a space that we'll have to watch very carefully as it develops. a former pentagon senior security policy analyst micheal move says a cold, cold offensive is designed to stretch out and we can keeps forces the russian offensive is just beginning it. ready it's going to be
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a slow moving effort. this is a probing effort to, to throw the ukrainian limited very limited ukrainian forces off balance. and it's meant to do it on multiple fronts. we're not just talking about the northern region, what are the aims up in the north is to set up a buffer in the other, however, is that you'll see that there are not only multiple for rays, if you will, going on at the same time in the north, but all alone, the area of skirting a don't ask you have at least 10 other front set the russians are, are undertaking simultaneously. this is to throw the ukrainian forces off balance. it is meant, it is design, and a very slow, tedious process to, to break out here, they're everywhere. dest, by a 1000 cuts, if you will, in order to put the ukrainians on the,
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on the defensive. and that's because they have limited forces and there. yeah. and, and also the, the in do this in a way that ukrainians are unable to bring in new forces at any time soon. the post cold war, global head to many of the us is now single, the pos, this is the verdict is coming from india is foreign minister in the dominance of the united states, which started off to the end of the quarter or more, i think today has effectively come to the end will not just trace are still the, the pay me off. i what of the one. but i'm going for the idea of reasons one. you can say the next lot of colors are much closer to the united states than it used to be american officials back to defer. but the statements don't always exactly add up
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the us some boxes. india has made some bizarre claims saying that new delhi has been buying so much russian oil because that's exactly what washington wanted. this is what eric gus settee has said. his gaff also flies in the face of the western sanctions, of course, against most go. that actually aimed to strangle rushes exports. we kind of got past the ability of saying, oh, just follow america, you have to do exactly as we do. then we take the smaller victories. like actually they bought russian oil because we wanted somebody to buy russian oil at a, at a price gas. that was not a violation. i think it was actually the design of the policy cause as a commodity. we didn't want oil prices going up and they fulfilled that as well. this comes in as inputs of russian oil have had a 9 months high. in april, the south asian country bought nearly $2000000.00 barrels per day. it's the highest number since last summer. and the 19 percent increase from march, india has been guessing unprecedented volumes of russian oil since the western
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sanctions came into force back in 2022. washington has made multiple attempts to convince the valley to stop trading with russia. with indian officials have just kept pushing back to an engine diploma than former. i'm by so that i knew the street now yet says the country puts its own national interest 1st. the where knows how to stop at home being india when we started importing our own from us from restaurant. and the main purpose was to sort of indiana's interest spend the next year with providing us with substantial a good price for cover to price on that for right now. sure. is it just it pops out or is it allows you fucked up in india needs to suddenly total investment interest . and so this is simply, it's printing the stories just to satisfy the people they're in the same tax that he's talking about. but they want to know the reality that india has
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a sort of strategy, bob bruce, ultimately, you know, all the time. can we don't dig down from any country the country is more india used to before the british system during this we used to con for 27 percent of the do different. it is only the 19200 years of the british colonial rule that run thousands and try and that was the following us. and that today is a very different kind of thing. the country isn't guys going to pick clauses going economy where it sort of is going to take or uh before to panel. so. so i think that that is something that the one that's a declining power. the rest of the country is better than that. they know about it for many reasons. well, at least 10 the beloved dead and many more wounded. this is all star death strikes on the roster with the city now said to be surrounded by his ready military as a long fade ground operation, rumps up neighboring egypt has refused to coordinate a deck sivitz east through the rafa crossing. this is due to what it claims is. the
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id ex, unacceptable escalation in the own place, is where it lays again, cooling on palestinian sheltering in the city of ruffled to evacuate to more of the region. despite the excess of an estimate to, to $150000.00 people from the area since monday, the veteran town of la shari on golf, the southern coast, is being suggested as a potential safe haven, but gauze and say its all this. there were no safe places left in the only place to go to almost the dentist appointment. we received a call from the army asking us to evacuate the area. we're in, well preparing to go to ultimate was say, because they said it is a humanitarian area, but we did not know what we should go the because there's already a large number of people that have been displaced, that i don't think it will be a safe area because these rarely all me does not have
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a safe area in gaza. they targets everything. well, i'm not, i'm not in the sense in a vacation order for the entire area. what should we do here? you would wait until we all die on top of each other. so i'm well, even for the unknown and there are no safe areas at all, all the areas, but the idea of says a safe on safe. cool. well, the northern and central parts of garza have also being attacked by israeli soldiers, dozens of people. some of them children were killed. a just a warning. there are some disturbing images i had to mothers now morning i loved ones killed by id asked me so i was a palestinian state news agencies of also put the tax of a local journalist in his family journalist i crim i'll satari who joined us from rafa says palestinians have lost the right to be treated as humans
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as the person process have just infected another portion of the, the city austin and the dispos people and the citizens. i like to leave this area for major main areas and also these people are now frantically trying to grab whatever they can for the sake of leaving. so the area that was described by the compression as just the mentality. and i don't know, safe haven and other people are fully aware that they are an area of like a relatively safe either another area. but at the same time, to extremely aware that there was a paper named cause of something that is extremely trying to read the findings to dfcs. so people lost the 5 percent that people lost advice for decent access the water and puts up a lot of people lost their advice to be treated as people of the human. and the situation is continuous and no one doesn't seem to be open to bring a gun. and so there's going to be for the people of god as he's well pushing his own with it's offensive. in rafa,
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south africa has off the international court of justice to intervene with the new and the agency meshes. the escalation has sparked fears of jeopardizing and encouraging here the very survival of palestinians in gaza, of the situation brought about by the israeli assault on wrestler and the extreme risk it poses to humanitarian supplies and basic services, and to goes to the survival of the palestinian medical system until the very survival of palestinians in gauze there is a group, is not telling me an escalation of the prevailing situation, but gives rise to new fax to the closing irreparable home to the rights of the palestinian people in goza is really a defense forces of take to control all the the guards inside off or it off of border crossing. so that's because sides violations of the genocide condition and to continues to argue that the flight is now set to be the last refuge in gaza for 1500000 for the sinews from alaska. and those displaced by is really action. and so
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it can be, so i think this is by season control of the life of crossing is while is now in control and in dialect to control the full in for an exit to gaza. and that's the remaining population in medical facilities. * at risk, given the recent evidence of evacuation is always been treated as extermination zones. so that's a collage to it's complaint. the genocide complaint against it started in december of 2023. since then, more nations and regional blocks and hundreds of advocacy groups have joined the latest to being libya, which has filed a declaration of intervention in the case of choosing as well obtain, aside at the international court of justice a. it believes that at the ad, mrs. a spot is well off off of genocidal carrots. several other countries have also intervened. in the case, the case is well including turkey, which last week said it was also. i'm seeking to join. pretoria is case
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a despite repeated old as by the court is well, has not changed its conduct. in fact, it has doubled down on his genocidal aims and as including by invading the last thought, which is a very recent case such as well has repeatedly said it is acting in accordance with international noise. does that, it also says that to the case is baseless and has even accused. so that's recall functioning as the legal off come us as well in the meantime is was closest ally. this is the us is tune between disagreements. so but a tel aviv republican congressman all pushing for the impeachment now to bite in for threatening to hold us offensive. aid to is well will make a corey males argues that it resembles threats that bind and made as vice president to withhold support to ukraine. the house has no choice,
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but the beach brands include pro joe biden. as weiss, president biden was called, threatening to withhold funding and aid to ukraine unless they fly that tony general investigating police. my company financially benefited his son hunter, not to mention the 10 percent chef of the big guy himself. now joe biden, expression israel, our biggest l i in the middle east. by pausing the funding that has already been approved in the house. if they don't stop all preparations with home us, it's a very clear message. this for that to washington has of course already pause the shipment of all the 3000 bottoms to is well, this was in response to the idea of expanding its defensive into gall is the south . but that move has widened the risk between the longstanding allies oxy correspondent it goes down of explains the risk between the us and israel over garza is tending long time. love was more and more into strangers. president,
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how language has been our policy on what we do not support is a major ground operation. and rafa city now sheltering over 1000000 people since we believe there are better alternative ways to go after from us, given that 1500000 people that have simply nowhere to evacuate, bought netanyahu is on faced by the us. so position. if we have to stand alone, we will stand alone. i already said that if we have to, we will fight tooth and nail. we have much more than nails and with the same great as of mind, with god's help, we will win together. we are determined and we are united to defeat our enemy and those who seek our souls, israel and us leadership, both face public forces, tugging them in opposite directions over the gods and massacre. and they seem to be looking for different outcomes. america's support for israel is to store it
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a huge portion of the population expects washington to be the 1st to help power is its middle east partner. so the bite and administration has to deliver. i would also know that the united states has surge billions of dollars a security assistance to israel since the october 7th attacks passed. the largest ever supplemental appropriation for emergency assistance unprecedented coalition to defend israel against the run around your taxes are mentioned o'reilly, and will continue to do what is necessary to ensure is you'll get the printed. so the prentice spaces. we are also committed to ensuring israel gives every dollar supplements at the same time, america's progressive, left so passionately nurtured by the democrats overwhelmingly supports palestine.
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the joe biden and the democratic party made these people the backbone of that power, with every shipment to israel. the support dwindles, and that have been many shipments. so now washington has to make it appear as if it cares. we paused one shipment of weapons consisting of 180-2000 pound bombs, and 170500 pound bonds. we've not made a final determination on how to proceed with the shipment and, you know, not going to get into high pathetic goals. but again, we've been very clear on our views as it relates to rafa in any ground operations. there still many would argue this is too little waiting too late,
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and should have happened really quite a few 1000 guys in depth. leah, yet this is enough to create a rather unprecedented divide between the us and israel. c for netanyahu. it's larger than a diplomatic signal, his political career to is on the line here. the idea of wiping garza off the face of the f is totally not without support in israel, the bus so that if you decide to end the siege to break the siege, it will be in my opinion, a terrible this solutions because without hunger and thirst among the gauzy population, we will not be able to recruit collaborators. we will not be able to recruit intelligence. we will not be able to provide people with drink with food, with medicine. it's clear for everyone today the right wing parties were correct about the palestinian matter. today it's very simple, you're going everywhere and they tell you a nicely guys that they can put some say in the highlight them. even my attorney's office colleagues who always disagree with me and everything. they tell me mostly,
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of course we must and natalie all guidance on which i didn't tell rich voluntary migration then we should come tell them until they say they want it the war does. but it does. yeah. tomas is still holding plenty of hostages. it kept it back in october and there's an overwhelming public demand for a truce as is where the families want them back. and they get more vocal about it. by the day we demand to end the keeling credit card. i think you guys are reading magazines really hostages that are there, i live right now. we understand the process for the past. so what you base on the bank mean is there really controlling millions of people has nothing to the people it needs read. and of course they've got a lot of movies every unimpressive and a bad experience. i made it because it's time to stop with the manipulation, the die every day. and we also do something by what the government and
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that is paying the same game the way to come up and be be the only ones a lot of the great deal that by reading his rhetoric financing. yeah. who claims, he is both sides. we're on the road to total victory victories within our grass. it's not a matter of years or decades. it's a matter of months. what's the continuation of the military pressure is an essential condition for the return of the hostages. inaction though he seems to be hell bend on the ground operation in the last century for the gods and civilians who have been able to survive until now at least dead is rarely hostages. keep dying, a mouse is still going, and it seems not the american know is really does care for that. all that matches for them is how the do in the polls at home. and in this case, what works for you. yeah, cool things biden. and vice versa. well then, yeah, another example showing the do i, let's see,
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and american is ready relations the us state department has published a report claiming washington has reasonable concerns that is rev may have violated humanitarian little by using american weapons in gaza. but the review felt fairly sure to finding any specific examples given is real significant reliance on us made defense articles. it is reasonable to assess the defense articles have been used by israel, the security forces since october 7th. it is, this has been consistent with its international humanitarian law obligations, or with a stablished best practices for mitigating simply with harm. although we have gained some insight into israel's procedures and rules, we do not have complete information to verify whether us defense articles were specifically used in actions that have been alleged as violations a little so absent from that report with violation showing is well failed to provide humanitarian
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a to gaza. also opposite was the fact that there was nothing about is where a government action that could trigger american policy changes at the space at the midwest and marks institute told us the bite and these trying to win over the profile of sending an electric back cone before the november elections, it's very interesting that they can't seem to get their story straight. i think for one, the politicians are definitely feeling the pressure of all the student protests that are going on. and all the movements that are going on on the ground in the united states that are pressuring them by an administration into making a change in policy when it comes to israel. and of course, in those protests are made all the more powerful by the fact that we're in an election year and that by them is running for re election. so i think that his campaign is, is feeling the pressure and he feels the need to, if not drastically change policy,
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at least give some live service to what these protesters are saying. and what so many americans are upset about. but, you know, i think in reality the state department and the pentagon have no plans to actually change much about their policies. i think there will be consequences in terms of what they're gonna be consequences in terms of the upcoming election without bide in response to this report. and what with what this report has to say, and we'll see how it's interpreted by the american people will see how it's interpreted by the protesters. but of course we know the vast majority of the world is opposed to what israel is doing and gaza. and so i imagine this will only serve to turn public opinion further away from the us and their allies of the well, the eurovision song contest is in full swing in sweden, invoices, supporting palestine have been particularly loud. thousands of purchases gathered ahead of the contest spinal to show the barrel position to the fact that as well as
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participating purchases if it accused the popular music competition of celebrating the gen deciding does that by allowing that participation of as well. they've also accused organizes a pop quiz, see different how differently approaches of being towards is well in russia demonstrates as waves depaula, city and sides also showed pictures of the death and destruction in the own slave. your vision has resisted any cause, though to bind these ray compasses. and attacks 2024 has wrapped up in terror on this is where the innovation event was hosting technology companies from all over the world before they come for show that western sanctions have failed to cripple the rain in tech sector use if a car car devali or t correspondence filed this report for us from the event of innovation and
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technology may appear out of french for sanctions at iran. but you know, tex 2024 offers the window and to how far one has advanced and in digitizing key technologies was over 1000 companies from iran and around the world, participating in this tech event. attendees have the opportunity to force connections and showcase their groundbreaking innovations spinning from state of the art a i, applications to cutting edge robotics. this is 7 access industrial robots, the 1st fund design and for the use in your sanctions the, the funding comp i may call us use type of for the year on now we have the knowledge of the design and producing many types of products on the relate to the production line,
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this is i'm gonna talk to the printer, it 3 inside the man, the metal, the laser energy, and the metals. how the reduces display. that's and you can produce cdn, we can reduce all types of the objects and devices that you need. it's all made in your on accept the multiples even features different sections, each catering to specific demands of a star top ecosystem, including the platform that connects tar tops with investors, promising and marketable ideas will be presented to investors wanna provide fledgling businesses with a financial leg up in the market for a pause, this kind of tick event the countries innovation potential can be showcased. experts, individuals with ideas or products suitable for marketing, participating the exhibition to outlined the roadmap for advancing and commercializing the products. the event is organized by time to use technology park, which is referred to as well on silicon valley rates, housing,
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some of the leading names in the countries technology sector probably says, says the launch of, you know, tax in 2012. it has nurtured numerous emerging tech companies. companies participating in the exemption can engage in various programs, including or vers speech and other platforms, where startups compete and showcase their products. several have already secured funding and investments, enabling them to achieve success. over the past few years, more than $2500.00 uranium companies have showcase their products and services at the event. this gathering hundreds of millions of dollars in investments are expect it to flow. not only from local accelerators, but also from it was critical trade partners to rectify that prevailing investment vacuum left by the absence of western companies. leaders from technology parks and innovation centers from different countries, including russia, south africa, and china are attending the event, the dead one discounts for talents and commercialize viable tech products. the


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