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tv   Documentary  RT  May 11, 2024 9:30pm-10:00pm EDT

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1st time, full of hopefully we will not have to wait until the last your brain in uh, you know, yeah, but it's time for us to leave it there. thank you very much for the thank you for having it's been a pleasure. thank. thank you for watching and hope to see you again, as well as a part of the take a fresh look around. there's a life kaleidoscopic, isn't just a shifted reality distortion by tell us to do vision with no real opinions.
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fixtures, design to simplify will confuse who really wants a better world. and is it just as a chosen for you? frank j images presented as fast. can you see through their illusion going underground can of 1941 with the nazis health relation, ultra nationalists, the you astonishes the claim, the independent state of croatia. shortly off, the seizing power. they build the scene of us concentration camp a place associated with the worst atrocities committed in yugoslavia during world war 2. use dash is used to come system to isolate and exterminate subs, roma, jews, and other non catholic minorities, and political opponents of the fascist regime. conditions in the san of us come
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with a renders the gods tortured to arise and the prisoners they send in the concentration camps. so most of them died 6 was an incredible genocide. the, the joining me is pneumonia sort of which minister of labor, employment veteran and social affairs. mr. minister, thank you for taking the time to speak to us. let's begin with present issues. visits. china is among the serbia's foreign direct investment partners. the number suggest chinese investment opportunities are currently providing 20000 jobs. what are the opportunities? does china have to offer?
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well, 1st and foremost the, let's say that the wizard of chinese president, she's in think represents both great on a and quite jolly for the people of soviet because it is the 2nd time that the chinese ladies visiting oliver, not so big country. and because during the his 1st day you were pen to or officer full 5 years, he decided to visit the only parents bellwood and both of us. and we believe that this was, is, it actually serves as a yet another proof of uh, iron clad to friendship. that's beyond china, managed to, to, to, to, to construct or establish in the previous decade. you mention some of the numbers and if you allow me, i will add to it. uh, all the 12 years ago, all our overall exports to china. we're in a range of $6789000000.00 us dollars. so very minute scale.
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and coming to the previous year, 10 to $23.00. the increase to that to 1200000000. so the multiplied our exports to china in previous 10 or so years by a factor of 450, for example. so we can over the issue of the lot during the course of all the strategic partnership and as he likes to call them both sides a room flood friendship. but this particular visit, which i could see the very important is also kind of a spring board for even further enhancement the father relation since various fields that just to mention the defense to 9 different agreements that has been inc or assigned during the course of this of this visit, so of course the most important thing that we are working on right now is the free trade agreement between serbia and china that has been signed last year. and that
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will come into effect on july the 1st. so in less then in less than 2 months, our overall trade exchange with china is around $6000000000.00 us dollars. and we really believe that after this f t a comes into effect in 2 months, we will be able to increase it to more than $10000000000.00 us dollars in a very short period of time for a country this as a sub bill. this is you can understand extremely significant, i think. and you mentioned, of course the, the many chinese investments here with no president she mentioned use the very strong and the size. it words inside that for the people's republic of china, the republic of serbia, is the most important part, the country in the whole region of central and eastern europe. and that's, you know, a, something that the mattress much when expressed by such should rates,
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world leader, you know, and those words serve also as a kind of obligation for future endeavors that don't give us some couple of examples. you know, 3 of the chinese old companies are now pop 3 exporters from so the, i'm just thinking about chinese investments that came to set being last 5 for 6 years. one of the most vivid examples concerning solving largest steel mills, steel, mill, dicks that exist bits for decades in the socialist times. and no big company with more than 5000, then please bucks, stopping the the night. the 9th is the company was struggling, and off the year 2000, we had to, to, to, to subsidize heavily on that company. yet we tried to do the privatization in the early 2 thousands us steel and major american company came in the box that the largest steel mill is sort of. yep. bought of dave are producing only losses and
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dropped a couple of years. they gave us the company back for $1.00, you know, and we still, again had to bleed hundreds of millions. so if you're us, each year to a subs those subsidies just to keep it the pro, ration of just to keep more than $5000.00 people on the paycheck and the whole city that defense. so that's the only real beaver trying to find strategic partner who could be able to invest in you with this knowledge is to preserve the jobs to preserve the ration. so that's very, very important. the company. and it's also the chinese who decided to jump in to come to serbia, to buy that company to place, preserved full employment to invest hundreds and hundreds of millions of dollars into new technologies. and now the 1st bill meal is again, one of the top 3 exporters from sub you. how are these opportunities different from the opportunities presented by say that your opinion? well, 1st and foremost, when we speak about the cooperation with the people's republic of china,
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they can see the official begging to be of some kind of a benevolent bought because of another. we speak about the economy and it makes some arrangements seem to feel that the economy there is, there are no political things attached at all. there is no political conditionality whatsoever imposed by the aging and that is a positive experience for us. i mentioned some of the examples you know, when they're needed to be some kind of a strong political decision from the top political level, the full southern companies to come to sub you have to invest. and that has proven to be very successful because those very chinese on companies are public supports us from sub yes. so all those experiences are very good yet. when we try to quantify that chinese direct investments this via now exceeds 5500000000 euros. a significant amount for serbia,
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but if we count in all the infrastructure projects that have a they come together with the chinese partners so to speak about highways about and foster holidays and so on. that overall amount goes doubled. so it is more than 10000000000, then billing years. and we told us in mind v o is, are very cautious and not to fall into any kind of for that truck. unless some of the worldwide countries which may may look the dimension at this moment. but the republicans suddenly offer level of fiber, public debt to g d. p ratio is of a below 50 percent. so they're very cautious of the are they below the most retry tyria, of the european union, united states and 60 percent that you know, talk to a public that told you to pay ratio and reveal never fall into any kind of a depth truck bots. veal of pools,
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use the preferential loans and credit arrangements to further develop all of our infrastructure and our economy. what is serbia's role in the belts and road initiative and how does this benefit serbia and china? well, you know about the, the right and the overall idea how to increase connectivity between east asia, central asia, and then of course, you are in a continent, africa as well. and you can certainly go a geographical location, the depth of the parts of that geographical area. i mean, since the dawn of time to the, the, the central parts of the bulk and spinning show of it's very, are situated was, you know, kind of a historical highway during the roman empire retail school. the i'm really thought is that during the ottoman empire, it's plus gold. uh, the stumble road, you know, and it, it has a geographical area. the beach best connects to the asia minor with the central europe. so uh, really fast forward to the present time. of course, uh, you know,
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it is the best way to connect the ports on to a g n with the central europe is actually to the territory of the republic of serbia. so when we look at the white picture that we can recognize the interest for the increased connectivity and being able to distribute to more easily, more hastily and more efficiently. older goods from example from china to central and western europe, or vice versa. for the republic of serbia, it bears with significance because to the in for us to develop into father and infrastructure, which is part of the either picture of the bell throughout the initiative, of course you to manage to, to, to, to, to increase over internal connectivity. and that will give you the best example which is very well known to our citizens. and, and that is the fact that the fees have constructed to get every dollar chinese for
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in some parts of the fast rail. they between all the 2 largest cities, capital build rate, and the city of thought is side there. i happen to live still and commute each day . so we connected with the largest cities we to fos right away, and it now makes the 35 minutes commute. so this is something that this will raise rates significance for all the country. and v are continued with the construction of that phosphate way. and hopefully by the end of the 2026, it will be finished. and the foss relatively connect, we'll connect the serbian capital build rate and hung around the capital of with this service. a strategic partnership with china seems crucial and beneficial for the country, but it is highly criticized by european politicians. why do you think that is? many of the many investment countries, including the lead, think the leading countries of the european union, united states of america, and so on. i'm definitely not happy because the republicans, so it'd be a,
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is not feeling to recognize intellectual, declared independence of causal. and b is not feelings to join the sanction or wishing him against the russian federation. so they are little they're using or x or think a lot of pressure on that or be in order to change those 2 very important political decisions regarding our price. so cost to ship and regarding our not revealing this to join sanctions against russia and they were using any pressure falling to that they can find one of the pressure point. is there dissatisfaction that which they do express with the alber cooperation with people's republic of china. but there is also a lot of people proceed in that venue just the you know, they can alter the fact that only 2 weeks ago console sol. so germany was always the thing to be g officially meeting with president sheet that just prior to the
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belt way to visit the president, she visited paris method present in the background of france and, and had the fuel commission that was a lot of fun deadlines then you just compared to the trade or tour that one gemini or one fonts, has the people's republic of china and compare it with serbia. so no trade warranty on. it is even beyond the comparison. so sometimes, and they do criticize us for all cooperation with china. then they pushed that particular pressure pressure point. you know the feel like there were douglas standards at the place and as an old latin proverb says, called the lead set to your he normally said, bully what is suitable for a gold is not suitable for an ox. they are too proud to accept, to be treated like an ox, and they never will be hungry in liter says the
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e u is abusing its power by meddling with the domestic affairs of member states and canada states. i understand that you has some conditions for serbia if it is to be accepted into the european blog such as the decision to implement chapter 35 of the board agreement. do you share similar sentiments with the hunger and leda? well is just to mention, serbia is on it's europe and pat to pass over the membership for more more than 2 decades. and these have started dollar negotiations on negotiating chapters more than 10 years ago now. and the know what are the rules of that process. but the problem is that what you're facing right now that the rules of are changing in the middle of the competition. so the rules that have insight and that for valid for all the accession countries, since the ninety's in early 2 thousands actually does not apply any more to serbia
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or some new additional rules are being trone in the game or impose over us. why is why the to mentors? why is that important to us? for example, when we speak about the, the so called alignment of the for an and security policy, there is the crete clean rule that existed when the process started. and, and normally normally speaking, it is still in place and that, that says that each exceed that the country needs to gradually align. it's for, and secure the policy all the way to the process. and then to fully 100 percent a line read the date of the full membership a. but what you're facing right now that the major you member countries are saying, no, it doesn't, it does not go that way anymore. they need all the candidate countries to 40 online right now. although we are not able to give them the accession date,
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you're not able to tell them if they're going to become members in 5 years or 10 years, or 15 years. if it's still a moving target, you know, for us, and this is something that we cannot accept for the, from the common sense point of view. on top of the fact that we see some of our neighboring countries, like with the navy, i don't know if this is the only a republican whole venue that agree to be that the approach that have 40 a line that for and security policy is including the oldest sanctions against the russian federation bots of data debt to move them closer to the membership into you . unfortunately, not so that there's also the message that we the 3 understand what that's in mind. you mentioned that famous chapter $35.00 that that exists only for serbia. all the other countries have dorothy for jeff, there is no way only that the additional chapter is easily imposed over us. and that their wish for us to somehow with police,
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the fucked to recognize intellectual success of succession or fall. the southern problem is, and i must be clear about that is something that nobody asked us about. that was a kind of unilateral imposed decision by the european union and their institutions. so of course, i can only agree with this definition provided by the hon. give them a prime minister because the old ones that, you know, there is a, that desire need vish, whatever the, to impose things, either on the u. member states like hungry or impose over the candidate countries. but still, you know, we base our fire and security policy on 2 pillars. one is full political independence and the 2nd these military neutrality it and we are not going to abandon either of these to be ours. speaking of western alliances,
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president arctic sound that will just set time and time again. his government is not interested in joining nato. why is that? they believe it is our sort of decision our southern right to choose whether they are going to join any kinds of political, military alliance or not. and the overbuilding sentiment and, you know, a decision will follow, or people who judge by the government a sub. yeah. although, of course, the government to is that the wish to remain for the sovereign and not showing on the lines in particular, not to wishing to join the nato allies. you know, in the early, 2000, for me to speak about this enlargement process with your opinion. and there was a kind of formula, nate, the 1st is 2nd, then you should have seen in the serious of cases. i mean, all the central and eastern european countries that joined you 1st,
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prior to the calculators prior, joined the nato alliance. but you see that that's kind of formula is not working anymore because in the western bolton's we see countries like montenegro like, or bane, you know, like north macedonia. joining nato a couple of years ago, but still being kind of stuck in their pockets over the european union. so we cannot be blind to that fact and that is something that's all also needs to be counted. the accounted the in the rules are changing and the belief that joining the european union would be in the best interest of favicon through an abra people. and it is closely connected with the geographic culture. reality is the position to verify the are in the very heart to do repeating confident and thoughts . but the, to the about the subject position. it is because the that, you know, if you're just politics, is that the board during 8 to different countries. there is only germany with one
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neighbors on the european soil, then not so big country as the sub yeah is. so of being connected, using all of the most interest, then they will cut the investments, then they will cut our exports v r into connected to the european union very, very much. and what we have is an actual needs for our country. novel people is convergence. convergence with all the central european surroundings, convergeone. so with the countries that like hungry cliff, public, slovakia, romania, and saw. and when i said converges, i mean both economic convergence, political convergence and converge, us security, vice. that does not mean joining nato has to be there and never do that. that is something that is rejected by the over of ethnic majority of our people. but we do not wish to treat even natal is the kind of adverse survey or enemy we are part of
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the partnership for peace program. an awful thing more than 15 years. and we have a lot of cooperation problems because for us in a to it's not just us say for example, it is a good neighbor of hunger already a good neighbor of from mania oliver. a good in the april for bo, gave me the negative. and so finally, i would like to address statements from the european commission. their argument is china is flooding the market with chinese products. they've restated the use interest and readiness to impose terrace on cheap chinese products. these developments have written down to the argument that the united states are failing to compete with china is true. and how does that use position affect relations with serbia? it is a political reality that many of the people in the european union and they're politically leads and their institutions are not happy with that, but extra and there is nothing they can do about that because there is no formal
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rule that they can impose or apply on us, because each and every free trade agreements that we make, including the free trade agreement that we have in the russian federation and the ration union, including the free trade, the green is that you're preparing right now and that, that they will be signed very soon. with the egypt to beat united arab emirates and other countries has that stipulation that they will be in effect until serv yet joins the european union as a full member. whether it's what happened in 5 years fully 15 years. cool, can say right now, unfortunately, nobody in brussels whose words do do matter, but it is only logical that when the time comes and so it'd be, it becomes the full member of the e. u as a part of the block. they will apply the same trade rules and regulations just by the rest of the european union. so, you know, again,
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we come to that kinds of hypocrisy and they criticize us for using some opportunities that are good for our country. it's a good for our people, but they're not offering the full membership. on the other hand, for membership in the, into your opinion. for us, the free trade agreement is a great spring board. great to put trinity for offer economy, you know, because right now we are facing the chinese terrace, the custom duties that are in the range from i believe turkey 8 to 62 percent for different to go is some codes. and then i'll starting to july, the 1st, some of these custom do it, these will be both the polished sounds they will be gradually have published and all are for the produce the goods are good. so they will be much, much more competitive on this huge china is china's market. but it also goes to that the other way around. it feel make
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a lot of chinese investments or new chinese investments in sub asia. but to be able, never allowed to be used our country as a stage or serve combat vend things. i'm, you know, a trade stipulations or regulations that exist between 0 opinion and the people's republic of china. and of course, because if we don't have a kind of free trade regime, the repeating unit is a candidate country, which has somebody's ation and association agreement. of course then have a chinese investor comes and produces stuff. q is being produced goods and we'll have access to the european union market. so there is nothing specific and that it is not a normal normal rule. so the game, the,
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[000:00:00;00] the revolution of 1789 in france gave hope for the liberation of the oppressed peoples in the french overseas territories. but paris did not want to part with its sources of profit. so 1st sign of the colonization was the uprising of black slaves and hating that remote island. reduced almost half of all the sugar on the planet center was made by d as in branch, isolates broad from africa scene 1791. they started an uprising against their oppressors. the black swept away the colonial administration and
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formed their own army. it was led by that charismatic leader, francois dominique tucson lever to rank sir james to regain control of the colony were unsuccessful. having jumped up, our napoleon dispatched a large expeditionary force to haiti, the french manage the caps or to saul level 2 or by defeats, but they could not suppress the rebels and suffered devastating defeats. on january 1, 18 o 418 declared the independence. the 1st one in the whole latin america. however, freedom was paid for with the blood of 200000 courageous haitians who had sacrificed their lives for the abolition of slavery on our planet. the events in haiti were the only successful uprising of slaves in history. when they not only through of slavery,
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but also began to rule their state the, [000:00:00;00] the, the, what the adoption the tv is it the thing? yes. ma'am. so facade, indeed. and therefore the window at assuming that the
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to look into in a minute. the title is the dimensions of the photo i'm seen, send the most of it to the, to be the most in the a new video of alleged abuse by an officer. today, the sheriff's deputy in columbia, south carolina, forcibly removed his student from a classroom at spring valley high school. i saw him just talking to her was printing her. and initially, you know, i didn't think is a problem because i knew that she was just this quiet student in the class. someone looks the police officer and says, here is law enforcement that is worse. clearly attacking, abusing power and influence. and then there are other is besides, this is what's wrong with those probably be on discipline. black church. he was there enforcing a lot to meet the crime, to quote,
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disturb schools in any way. that means any disturbance that any kids causes and school is huge and forces never predict but necessary. a tops people were never gonna change them out. and so people will never change their minds about video. they think i was wrong, and that's it. the i'm action or times you're welcome back to going underground, broadcasting all around the world, from the middle east, 24 hours ahead of his rails plan deadline for prisoner released by hamas. otherwise threatening. would it be as to be a total extermination of the people of gaza as the holy month of ramadan begins? all this is us, president joe biden continues to supply weapons to israel, a head of a u. s. presidential election that may very well see for my president, donald trump hardly facing for criminal trials back in the why does one of the


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