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tv   News  RT  May 12, 2024 1:00am-1:30am EDT

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the, the oh, you're a 100, you created a folder that killed and dozens will for run the during a rush of those things in the plane. second largest city boss goods forces take control of several tiles in the hospital. police the, the takes place at candlewood and utilizing the phone contact multiple phone carlos will be in the denver, sorry. do the training classes with the police also. and also is the shape of the week. the fly over bosco's big 3 day per right. roughly 5 to apply, so the skills,
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9000 soldiers in the seventy's of mid 3 equipment take part the finished to the soviet 5 boxes. and the 2nd one is the decision paid taken fits to process a lot of europe in 5 years printing, pre savaged by the cooperation the nations that put their own interest about those move on this end of the hello. welcome to i'll change that. i shall, because even live from most was today we're looking at the story is that shape the weekend. the latest news in the defense ministry has reported a successful result from a new offensive new england 2nd largest city article was it forces took control over 5 villages, superior as it rushes belgrade region, new grains, army,
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los up to a 170 soldiers. with 13 full taken prisoner centreville, the foot west and west for me had been supplied to cuba, moved, including a vampire rocket system from the czech republic and the french seas of delivery system full of time to the security policy. either some lights on the other side of the hall club affairs. it was designed to stretch out. i'm weak and she is full. so is the russian offensive is just beginning it is. it's going to be a slow moving effort. this is a probing effort to, to throw the ukrainian limited very limited ukrainian forces off balance, and it's meant to do it on multiple fronts. we're not just talking about the northern region. what are the aims up in the north is to set up a buffer. the other however, is that you'll see that there are not only multiple for
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res, if you will, going on at the same time in the north. but all along the area skirting, don't ask if you have at least 10 other front set the russians are, are undertaking simultaneously. this is to throw the ukrainian forces off balance. it is met, it is design, and a very slow, tedious process to, to break out here, they're everywhere. dest, by a 1000 cuts, if you will, in order to put the ukrainians on the, on the defensive. and that's just because they have limited forces and their yeah and, and also the, the in do this in a way that ukrainians are unable to bring in new forces at any time soon but at least 19 people being killed and many wounded. recent is rainy raids and the on gauze enclave. alright. if
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a jet carpet bombed part, so the july, a refugee camp to the south of the reach of near that give us some more of mind. if so, said to have surrounded the city of rasa when more than 1000000 pulse is taken refuge, israel has re, it's the right, it's called for the civilians. and the, the area of the idea of appears to be preparing for a ground invasion. an estimated 150000 people fled from the city this week. the better in town of all know what i see on the cause has been suggested as a potential have been 1000 say there is no way for them to hide from is valuable to deal with sort of not doing up the fun when we received a call from the army, asking us to evacuate the area, we're in the way i'm preparing to go to all of my wasa. it'd be costa said it is a humanitarian, heavier, but we do not know with, with the gold the,
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because guys already a large number of people that have been displayed, although i don't think it will be a safe area. because these rarely all mean does not have a safe area in gaza. they targets everything. mostly, i'm not, i'm not into some of the sense in a vacation order for the entire area for them. what should we do here? you would wait until we all die on top of each other. a sudden, well, even for the unknown and there are no safe areas, it'll only areas. but the idea of says a safe is on sale. as a year is a, has some condos, rob top in sweden, global voices in support of pot assigned really loud. multiple pro, kind of seeing them inside is what detained is the class and police. the police slamming and protest to the ground, binding the timeline, carrying them away from the seats. so i'm done. and so it is at the same pride in
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watching the eyes off in new offices. you f 1st rate again. so as i said, the please of why the slightly demonstration initially being peaceful, almost separate. the call me off. say, this is so much bye for nothing. and i, and even want to ask why was being detained or squared away, they were like, you don't have to enter that, but it's so you have to i was given away the danish and police and i was not taking part of the demonstration. right to me or my husband saying anything were just silence. and he came and took us away and the motion that i was feeling is just
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a fraction of what people are experiencing. they were approved by us in the missouri says throughout the year they didn't come to us. people showed a position to is of participation in the event of the idea of tens of thousands of people in gaza. all take on to the original mazda is on the front of us. this is your vision song context is being held in sweet in the country. that's become austin, on this with muslim immigration. so when israel is included in this annual competition organized by the european alliance of public service, media outlets at a time when there's a major humanitarian crisis and gas as a result, israel trying to liquidate him, us and heating over 3000 pallets. and in so 1000000000 so far in the process, is that a wonder that euro vision, talent show, has now become the latest runs in the stand off between pro palestinian and pro is really virtue signaling battalions. it's horrible what's happening in ga. so right
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now, and i think a lot of people should be demonstrating purchasing, especially now when the u. s. low, but this ramped to participate in your vision button, but not the russia. and i think that's just the, it's wrong. it's really to embrace this eminent slumber for me, i have shown the double standard when it comes to the treatment of russia. for that reason, i think that the people are here for your revision, trying to sort of celebrate there's nothing to celebrate. it's an ongoing war. people are killing each other children or die in there because since, as early as january to ban israel from your vision, but order as a just shrugged de la, arguing that the context is a political. yeah. right. and your vision is totally not slim point or kid. she either. tomorrow we're talking about an event where participants are better known
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by their national flag than by their actual needs, making it inherently nationalist and political. which is why the geneva based european broadcasting union organizers slapped in egypt down on russia. when do you create conflict popped off? they even said and done the ukrainian president, 5 years wednesday from addressing the event last year. i guess that was a bridge to bar as it was taking place, the liver pulled at the time. they said that it was quote regrettable that they could not grant his request to speak despite his quote laudable intentions. because the quote, the possibility of making political statements as part of the contract is we prohibit the sure because political statements can only ever be done with words and not by actions like they did when they down russia. sounds like maybe they were just worried that the, with the, with high kill the vibe with his usual speech. nationalistic rivalries are exactly what your vision is about actually to that no one from gaza was by just saying in europe. contests like israel was because god has bad sure. have been out in full
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force including a mind hearing aid shift that dropped into for an increase at about $400.00 per pallet stays, porters on route to go. so this visit was apparently motivated by israel's presence in the contest even going and her ballad ended up qualifying for the top. 10 in the saturdays. big televised finale. i'm so overwhelmed with emotions. it's truly such an honor to be here on stage performing and showing our voice and representing us with pride and making it to the finals is it's, it's something crazy. so she's obviously trying to keep it all about the music. the fact that the crowd chanted free palestine during her semi final dress rehearsal and she was dude, would probably give a bit of a clue as to why that may be the case. but hey, here's is really prime minister benjamin netanyahu taking a break between bombing campaigns to hijack this is rarely performers efforts and
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make it all about him. so that's one box you've already won. not telling me all you proud, the end impressively participating in your vision of what your successfully confronts in a horrible way or found to i semitism as you're standing up to it. abrupt presenting the stage with withdrawal, with rates on some people last week and know that when they do use, we show that to you. how raw dot. i believe the technical term for b. b statement is friendly. fire, you know, bombing your own assets is, remark certainly won't do anything to help the politicize 0 version or the as rarely contest its participation. basically, maybe just rhetorically bomb bureau vision like it would come up by totally missing the target and virtually guaranteed even more blow back. well, sweden was not the only place a shake, couldn't buy, improve products in demonstrations, prices and police, and over s a good and other major cities throughout the western world,
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including paris. i'm so them and building with thousands of posts as to the cities and solidarity with the people of gaza the during the period in police custody, there was a great deal of physical, psychological info, but it doesn't students with force to st completely make it tackle blow stronger solution and insults were perpetrated. again, students, sexual assaults, more committed against the student, followed by inappropriate declarations. the
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in the us enjoy the annual a met gala in new york. let's send drama. was this up to live probe of seeing them is it is outside the venue. ponies rushed to make a rest of celebrities, politicians. i'm models, post foot cameras inside the metropolitan museum of opt. the,
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there's always, there's always room for a good fashion show, even in the midst of war. i mean, it's difficult to say that they should have canceled the events. i mean, would be for the cancel that the last couple years is i'd say because of, uh, the warranty brain. so they have canceled it, you know, for the rock for, i mean, it's, it's a life will go on. so it may, it may look ugly, but i think that the point into the protesters basically i given more that's a voice in the sense and spend time of attention because of an event like to my goal is taking place. and their protests outside of it will then bring more awareness to their costs. fundamentally, there is an outrage by, by people not just young people, others that have gathered to try to make their voice heard. and unfortunately, now the narrative becomes, oh, you see, these are extreme is they are,
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they're being paid by, by the, you know, muslim brotherhood or whoever it was or us to, it's a protest. and i think unfortunately, often times the message gets lost because of the noise around the idea that they're just only there is paid agitators in russia this week was mom was live, a lot of inputs is innovation to a news, 60 it to as president. so the most anita renewed his those of lawyers into the nation and then grab a set of money and equipment policy. the last guy he says about steroids in relation to the front of the country as in west, some pilots of his list. and so i'll stop policy. would you agree that we have to be in your and will continue to be open to strengthening and good relations? i see with all countries that to russia as a reliable and honest part of the reason we are not giving up dialogue with western states. the choice is up to that i'd be a little bit do they intend to continue trying to restrain rushes development?
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and i mean, they continue the policy of aggression upsets in assessing the pressure on the country for years. when did you go to look for a way to cooperation and p sherry? she was a conversation w including on issues of security and strategic stability as possible of the day, but not from a position of strength, just snip up without any our goodness and one's own exclusivity was much but only on equal to my youth, respecting each other's intake a little stick i together with our partners, you. so when you ration integration and other cell brain development such dryer, we will continue to work on the formation of a multi point of world where we're going to use an equal and indivisible history. in some sense. i mean, as the portion of across a set of, let's say political side, what am inputs is and all right, and the set of song signal to the world which is go through it, but some time as we find ourselves. now it means that the special news or operation and the very acute males, recently legal confrontation with the waste of the lot. so that's why when we put
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and says that we're leaving, so we milestone moment. i would say that the whole world is going to a milestone moment. it is quite obvious that the world ford is changing. we must be on top of these because it's a challenge for not just for us to look at what is happening in the united states, and they are even turn on to be. look at what is happening in europe with complex processes are taking place. therefore, this is a special noble ration in its political significance. and it is very encouraging to see especially savvy by a figure who has extensive experience between joyce versus international recognition. there's also a signal to the roles, but fortunately i live mostly state space is a signal to our enemies. they want see their dream of change and the rush of leadership come to wife words is this is a signal to our friends, the grocery stables, and it's under the leadership of a very experienced and capable person. my colleague, nicky allen,
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sat down with all the seas seen and calls on the road goes you will attend to the middle gratian and said his impressions. this is not your 1st class, and i put in no gratian that you've attended. how did today is that feel different? see what one that was a sense of purpose. i honestly, there is no other where there's, there's a sense of purpose compared to the loss mitigation, 2018, which i was also present, that this is, was considered more of a full mileage. this was considered more the statement. one of the things that surprised me, this is the only 2 in one of the 3 holds the positive. so the order gives, can you hold top of it was what was cordoned off for international diplomats. that is, i'm bassett, is deputy bassett isn't and the like. i'm going to be bossed us is, this is the 1st cool. the key key will to very she is the ambassador. as you can
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see, just a loud a lot louder than the russians. i mean, you can, you can watch the video they, they will have the cellphones out, they will approve thing. they would say they would clap and leave a chair. and these are into the actual ambassadors. perhaps the most challenging point in rushes more than a street at a time when the west will, you use passing itself on the back for isolating washer and you have all of these are bass. it is cheering, prove whose re election. i know that you've been named as a trusted representative of the president and based past election. that sounds like quite a big deal. what exactly does that entail? well, for starters, i by little, by russian. do i have to take this a bicycle to take unpaid me from work which i did because often who you are affiliated now with a cabinet, it's essentially boost campaigning. it was arguing why people is better than the communist. well, the new people, the liberal party label,
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democrats out of the bad and trying to convince people why they should boots off the also all this time. so many is a proof of why they should vote for prison again. and i can tell you, it was a so when we add to those, say, look at the state of russia. look back on the state of russia 20 years ago. when those very we're very real risk of collapse when the countries and adult them for when the country depended on humanitarian aid to feed itself. and look at the bus in that process, it is, is changing to a magic of the people. this is among the people in the system, only it leads the leads are following the will of the people and goals that would be what people said is i have given you this. yes, it is difficult. yes. also just died. yes. much of the west and loved wants to see is problem, but we have to follow through. you have a 1000 year history enduring,
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which all ads has this, persevered they, they will be cape in some mountable challenges. and what are all for you now? is a difficult part, but with victory and but with passive, it's at the end. and that person speaking earlier, he's think talks about moving forward with dignity and strength. so his 5th touch. how might this play out in your eyes to your politically speaking? you, you see this is this hobby, i'm on less than just now. right. right. criminal knology. and which they try to guess what buses thinking, what people's thinking, what, what they're going to do. and it's a choice. it's always a fake. what they come up with. it's always wrong because they need to run the start button psychology. what to promise today in a very short integration speech is essentially the road map for the next 6. he is that gonna sit there in washington and london downing street and g, c, h q, and in australia in every way. and they're going to try to guess what does he mean?
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he meant what he said, but we will overcome. but nevertheless, we don't want conflicts that the board is in the west sport. if it wants to stop, if it wants to come to its senses and bring you cranes, i q the offers the it is that simple, but it'll take them over it coming in gray and in grain. and all, i would say a patronizing attitude towards arrest. the will where they would actually as the can see, that offers the equals there's a whole so more so this 17 eyes i'm of the. see the red army is defensive knox isn't. it will to global ration is over the i'm waiting, moving with zillions of the silver and people and they try it for, oh, but i have them. so it plays a little flush up on. so you have a special coverage throughout the day from central most of the
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day. yeah. so a new rose co raise house throughout the country with the most popular one. so you can face in the very fall, so mostly on roads where following tradition the russian present deliberate a speech. if i'm the, the, his country is ready to deal with any external threat but is not seeking confrontation. but i will do today. we see how some are trying to distort the truth about the 2nd world war use, right? you have a truth is inconvenient for those who are used to building that alone, you will follow. so i don't need to talk this the in line. they demolish memorials to the types of fighters. you'd be able to know that any boy well putting traces in the compass is of the nazis on the federal body or get a race. the memory like that however, was it was deliberate to soldiers. of the great sacrifice. relaunch is the launch mockery of his brain just on the desire to adjust the followers of the nazis, which is a part of the general policy of the wisdom. it leads you to insight new regional
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conflicts of my ethnic and religious hostility button. yeah, unless we reject the claims of any country or lions for exclusivity, your, the way we know what the, you know, dentist do. you have such a emissions lead. russia will do everything to prevent a global flash. nice, but at the same time you will, we will not allow anyone to directly address our strategic forces are always on the display of paintings is behind pried about 9 a 1000 russians whose marks in little square foot right over a 1000 the veterans of the special med z opperation. they paid tribute to the soviet forces, would fold them in level 2, un austin elementary equipment rolled across a red square showcasing the country's mid and feed pounds. all cheese a shape such as this simple less than me on this way. behind me. these are the lawyer recognizance vehicles, sort of where the teeter, which are lighter economies. recall since vehicle photos you can see me behind us
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now are the years the ballistic missile cutters terriers, which are part of rushes, the nuclear fleet actually as well under escorted via, via the yard. yeah. i'm or visa roll them all saw about a month ago. they're great dismay from some people in the west, moscow, and these are very difficult to track the part of russia's very modern nuclear to terrace. remember russia probably as the biggest are still of nuclear weapons on earth and probably as the most modern war, including at disarm on this side of a recent development, which we deployed from this boss in the water naval fleet as well. but again, the s 401 of the best, if not the best defense system on or really we're
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a little bit patriots on iris tease in your grades with the s 400 on now the s 500, which didn't develop the science system is without the best, if not the best aircraft system on or this slide to the, as he used to be called was a, the clouds cleared for a brief moment to allow roses pump supplies to pay this guy as was blue and red folding a russian flag on the car as long as he goes out of those of the pines, take you off from the base. last good region, a pay on an i feel just outside most go to russian aerobatics themes. the swift and the russian nights are done with the final preparations. pilots in the cockpit, it's about to take off for the red square. the
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they are among the best in the world. they both the bad. none of us. 3 of us. yeah. today make 29 and 230 is a fighter jets well and all they go is playing a couple of years. in spite of just 2 parts of the victory. the blue sky is about the red square. well, it's the rarest of sites to behold. what's that noise? 0, that's the crowd that flying just another us we have the right of the rest of the black body is coming right on top of us. whatever disappear this one, the good stuff comes right. i mean, you know, you mean loved this and when the big helicopters come over, the fos, you know, side of jets come. busy but you see the big illusions as well. they've been transport croft and when you, when they come over as you caught even who yourself think for their technology is
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awesome. somebody's to pull off the black to the swan. retrofitted upgraded not to can you hear that noise? oh, using what all your emotions today on this victory day? well, you cannot expressed of it's victoria day without expressing the fact that with the the ussr, the free done with would not be here. the implication of the ussr has a low during the east front to crush the german armies. and because the crush the german on as the allies of were able to get into europe and to up on the west front without the east front, that would not have been possible. and the big problem is, to me, this fact is under tools in the west. i remember when it was in school just in school, it's during the 2nd world war. i was always told that the,
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yeah. the and lou americans and count against they came in the right at a desk, but once we have reach such a level of brain washing when we have reached such a level of, we're going to rewrite the q story we understanding which well will in the special ministry operation is ongoing. on the west and political and media landscape, they keep talking about this unprovoked, all of a sudden, russian invasion and yet, yet installed in book, the nato chief said, 48 hours ago. hey, this all started in 2014 guys. 2014, did they really want to do the study to train them? uh, since 2014, the pool at night on was organized by the c. i. in fact is it's not a military. it's not need to military success and ukraine. it's a ton of failure for everything, every kind of new building blew up a new, a silver bullet that they've tried to break the to bringing what, whether it's the legal problems with our it's the app arrives whether it's
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absolutely everything is a failure and now they have a big problem when you speak of yourself about your brain, and when we speak about victoria date is that the west never understood one's already can. part of the thing is that russia is feeling that she is affect the country is attacked, the whole country would be behind the present, this russian. so yeah, well this is the way it works on the west, newborn and just do this now. they have started something that they don't know how to stop or there's like the tardies further seizing paint lives in europe for the 1st time in 5 years, starting with problems getting amazing with the french is but it's kind of part of the tie. is it that read so i didn't amazing saw is on finding a solution. so you bring crisis champagne emphasize that note piece of.


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