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tv   Moscow Mules  RT  May 12, 2024 5:30am-6:01am EDT

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on people's interests ahead of you and they said demands what he's trying to do here is um, then what to cultivate those voices in your, of that one to pursue a foreign policy. that is the independence of the, the, you and nato. so he goes to hungry book, which though a member of nato, and the e. u, has expressed a considerable reservations about the direction, the nato, and e. you are doing, particularly in the confrontation with russia. soviet like hungary thinks about what is good for the. so it'd be and people know what's good for brussels. know what's good for washington, but what's good for us? so it'd be and people, and i think that this is the type of attitude that is easy and thing ones to foster in your mind. so. so what are you kidding myself like has
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policy just fluid in apartment building and the rest of the city of belgrade was divided as campbell come to the moment of the sites on the 10. so a building at least 11 people have been reported, would include infant. and then i'll say that dozens of residents may be trapped under the rubble. the city of belgrade has been under attack by you cleaning and fulls is full morning. what is the services with the spice to the side of the catastrophe? but as far as the live now to all the chorus photo see, so any steve? i would hope you'll save that, but won't, can you tell us about the incident so far? well, i'm all right, as we know so far that there are at least 5 people that are reportedly adaptive, being killed as a result of this collapse of the a 10 story building in belgrade safety this morning. this comes off the ukrainian strike. now, emergency services all working on the scene that there's many more people there are
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many multi people believed to be trapped under the rubble. so success, total and the totals. those wounded could indeed rise is in fact expected to rise. now this is the 1st strike, we say it on file growth is come under intense attack over the last 24 hours with at least 17 people wounded, including children. now of course, this comes a time when russia is making those advances in the cause of region. it sees as a buffers on to repel that these attacks bell road region has come a good intense attack. but over the last few months, we've seen a number of it in to attempt to encourage them to cost the boulder that are being repelled by the rushing full season nicole's the strong strikes. and this all strikes that we'll talk to across the region. just on monday this week we saw 7 people killed in an attack on a 2 passenger buses that were taking people to work for the people were wounded in
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n dot to attack a children were among those as well. now russia, like we said, the ministry of defense has confirmed that he is taking control of at least 5 settlements in the crock of region. and they see this as for, you, tell them kind of relieve hopefully to the people of a battle good or fish buffalos. apartment be taking place in bold trunk. this is a city that was evacuated. bother you, cried. you know sort of cheese earlier this week. pollutants of smoke being seen across the states is a 2 size exchanging all totally fine. as we said, this is a developing story where, you know, you started saw the 5 people have been killed in these ukrainian shedding, but we'll keep to up to date with the latest. yeah. but is there is a vital signs do say safe. well the, instead of it, it's somebody's being a time if it's just not on, is it anyway. thanks for that. by that onset, this and he is out. otherwise the title company here on object international. all see don't. com is the place that you can check out. all the lights are on the glove
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box. the the, the what the adoption play. you think he said that then you can put them into a facade and the and therefore the window at assuming that the
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to look into intermedia. keitel is the dimensions of the photo i'm seen. send the most of the yet it could be the most necessary yet. so i was told that there was a display of need, a weapons that would reach must go. well, all i can find is a big hunk of scrap metal with american flags stuck on it. you know, i'll see you in a studio the,
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everybody welcome back to the most come use and as you can see, it's been a busy week here in the russian capital. i'm joined tonight by my illustrious and super intelligent psychic audi. i'm going to be lifting the lead as usual on those going me, those stories that the western press on the mainstream media would rather be left where they are in the global, it'll bins and they'll spins of the europe, the united states. now, it turns out to just like your wife, we're right about absolutely everything we will write about so many things over the last number of episodes that we decided to select. a few. one of them is that uh, we highlighted the fact that boeing was going to screw itself by binding russian titanium and pirates with our planes. and it turns out that we're right. as you can see, the wall street journal even agrees that that's the case. you may say to yourself,
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it might, it should be hard for us to find videos of bits pulling off point planes and the fact that every week we can find a new bit dropping off is kind of worrying. i'll just run the video. so here's a boeing plane, which is a just per usual, uh, weekly, uh, bits dropping off the legal set on this one. the landing gear actually dropped off and screwed the page. again. you know, it looks like the life cycle for these planes is very, very well and, well, boeing aircraft are busy dropping out the skies and falling apart on their own guys . a city meanwhile, needed a bit of help and guesswork. got it. your guest did. it was from boeing who sent a 1000 and heavy ordinance bombs to israel with which to killed 15000 kids who is with us a bit later on. what else have you been right about? just like your wife, right about everything people are right about the fact that the us is screwing itself also on infrastructure. and here's another example. again,
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we shouldn't be able to find the so regularly, but we can do us has spent 11000000000 dollars on building a bridge, right? i don't road super problem is all we, which leads to nowhere change. it leaves the lower kind of like joe biden, is government that's run the video. this is great. this is just, this is the road. and then like it literally is the road to nowhere. you should have that musical. no, ma'am, they can do that. but it's just going to say the who, who actually plows is comalla harris. like what is this? this is just how can it be seen wrote to know, are the most of in the some point that somebody in the office somewhere said let's build a road between bill and bill. right. how does it actually get built if it's the road to nowhere? and anyway, you know,
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there's no point in complaining because sleepy joe, the self fail grandfather, he made it very clear that he was gonna raise your taxes. you're going to cut them well and i've got but guess why have you like me or i could have your, your tax is going to be raise not cut if you're and if you bet the benefit of that . so meanwhile, on the road to know where the bridge to know where and by the nomics is obviously going to work and show doesn't even know where he's going at the new york some way seems to be going somewhere. honestly if you go down this are really like like so having stationary slums isn't good enough. so what has come up with in the us is the most. i can me. so i'm on real on the course. the show continues of the white house and sign the uncle joe sleepy. joe, isn't that king of cringe this week? k cringes that worn out a sort of tired look. and do that used to be in one of those scifi movies for all mark humble. he seems to be getting behind all the wrong causes these days. he did
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a bit of work, a bit of pure work for joe b. one cannot be, oh cool. listen, i just wanted to say i was honored to be asked to come to the white house to meet the president of the most legislators was a successful president in my lifetime. my god are scraping the bottle now. you know, i call the industry present. he said, you can call me joe and i said, can i call your job? you want to know of a joby one cannot be moves me, i mean, range master. and then there the cringe festival continued sleepy joe, on the miserable mark decided to make a tick tock video as you do. oh jesus, run the dogs. this is just bad. and of course we were all way. oh jesus, what's that? or what? the hollow seconds? this is, this is just insane. how can the see may the 4th be with you be in any way relevant
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or funny? it's like the bridge to him or what so he could say, may the hearts be with you what it means? nothing. that's like saying, getting some catch and say may the source be with you corner all over the face of speaking with us politics for actually re appointed. julie su, labor secretary, quite a big profile job. she's worried about everything to just like we are. and just like your wife, when it comes to asking her questions about the sheets up, judy doesn't want to answer either. well, no. okay, have you ever owned a business? i said this before and i'm strongly it cut off saying it now, but i am the yes or no. this is a yes or no julie to let's did you go home late from the bar last night? not the daughter, not the mother, not the sister, not the aunt. have you ever been a member of the comments party congresswoman you asked me why have you? okay, let me try this again. so your may, did you sleep for your room?
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so last night where you play cards, i just play, why did you for mobile for you the you will be all the charges, the all set sounds familiar to me. you can't answer a simple question. she's a politician. what he expects like us going to dogs, which is the toilet money and that would help you answer the question. what do you want? is the politicians, the only place you're going to get honestly is why here on the most, camille? well, absolutely correct. and one of them, i broke out. another interesting fact about julie sue, julie decided to create our own private military force. basically, as labor secretary, what would you need to maybe to protect the road, to nowhere in california where she was in charge during this show getting built a given the gross incompetence of job items grew from the labor secretary to bringing people on to the death star sorry, into the white house to add too big him up, even though he's probably clinically dead. so surprising that the creative juices
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are flowing in the states. and an incredible musical has been launched, and it's called skill button. mm hm. this is absolutely insane. the uh the school seat. well, so what exactly do you do? the economy is going down to pine. your president is basically part of the cast from the living dead. and the infrastructure is collapsing the planes of dropping out of the sky over state. so what do you exactly do on yeah, and interesting video. now i got to make
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a disclaimer. this isn't at the annual general meeting of my ex girlfriends and wives club. it's a group of american women losing their shit because it's good for you. well, it all you, the rage has been demonized and villain nice, especially in the summer and but our secret range is what has incited so many movements created so much change on our planet. it is imperative that we allow ourselves c spaces to release this fiery hot emotion from within us so that it can no longer waste any more tax if i our internal emotional reality, not my ex girlfriends meeting annual meeting to discuss my behavior. disclaimer. i only know about 4 out of the 20 here. this all look so familiar to me. this is my house on a saturday night when i don't know what the kids to bed is and say
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what this is good. this is good. let it all hang out and that's what i'll pile lindsey graham, the peace loving, very kind, very family oriented girl, or guy who isn't gay, who also lost this this week. but because it was good for him now because he wants to see an end all wars and carnage. no, not for i to decided that it was a really bad idea that we're not going to give enough bonds to israel to kill children. if he's not stirring the pot of minced meat in ukraine, he's easily doing it now and as well. you kinda loved this guy, run it there or you're gonna tell them how to fight the war. you're going to tell them. yeah, i want to get an erection looking at the blood and guts about, i'm sure and what they can and can't use when everybody around them wants to kill all the jews. yeah, the rumors that lindsey lives in a coffin is a pipe coming in of the blended babies. and you're telling me that if we would the whole weapons in this fight, the existential fight for the life of the george state,
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it won't send the wrong signal. lindsey graham is never seen a war. he didn't want to be part of never if we stop weapons necessary to destroy the enemies of the state of israel at a time of great peril, we will pay a price. this is up say it is absurd. give israel what they need to fight the war. they can't afford to lose. so as the count enough for out to the man who sleeps in a coffin and drink splendid babies for breakfast at lindsey graham cries, because it isn't getting enough ordinance from boeing to kill the children of gaza . meanwhile, sleepy joe has tried to get a few morality points by suggesting that he's preventing the bombing of rafa by preventing bombs being delivered. i got to remember over $250000000000.00 has gone from the united states to the state of israel since its inception, with which to create the open air prison which is called gaza. and meanwhile,
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the bombing of rafa continues unabated. when the video i mean this is, this is not a war really. i mean, how can you call this a war horse between 2 armies? i mean, this is a more of a, the destruction of, of civilians right on you, this is not, it's just 2 armies fighting. what is this, the 7000 kids on the level of immunization, 7000 on in we'll of course, while uh enough for us to graham decides that he's going to have a stroke, basically screaming louder and louder for more and more bombs show you should relax because after all, it's designed as lobby that controls the united states in shape both saying that the audio, moscow, muse, that's b b himself on the video. and that's an option. i'm a slow leak,
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that should keep my mouth shut on me to kind of make sure i've got some a picture of them just to send up. if the congress get you the coffee with be sure to be sure i got it but i'm guessing dr. kotik from a couple of things i thought the country meet the needs of the function, i mean, and then it cut out a look at the loading, the face of the, from the godfather, perfect pro roll for the wizard. ho or pro. how does this proof was needed? that designers are in control in the us legislative system? look at all sen kauffman. here he suggested that any student found committing the terrible crime of protesting against genocide hope told you is going to have to pay back their entire student loan. while if you want to dress up as a lady a guy or turn yourself into an apple, it's all going to be paid off by sleepy joe. so leaving the beauty full, the territories of the united states, and we're going to head to europe. and it's the place where traditional family values and the beautiful history and culture is being celebrated. yet again,
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in mamo, in sweden. no, it's a freak show. i'm very sad to say that a person calling themselves a witch and a sickness with all sorts of stuff to it on her face is deciding to represent my country, ireland. and she represents all the values that reflect our great country around the video, you know, do you know what makes me special? it on the queer had continuing the vein to my ex wives. oh, i just don't get it. what, maybe i'm just not liberal enough. we're being told that you just gotta get more liberal. yeah. one of the, oh jesus, it's the blue hair brigade. me. she said, what does this?
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harry potter fell and dropped the stuff into a book and a post of pain. we should actually do need the oh god, water, who are these people? now of course, at the you're, a vision has become almost a mecca for the l g b t q plus x or m f t t m m p, or q plus plus, plus that community in europe. and guess who's paying for it all? we're, you're at millions and millions of euro been spent on this. and interestingly, a bond be sold, our friend from orland to proclaims yourself to be which and non binary pulse like them them. they're not a cheese on a boat, which a female child, she's of them now at them suggested that she had a message in on her body, which the european broadcasting union at the amount of debt you remove. and what did it say? it said, and the guys and genocide. meanwhile, back at the use
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a l g b t q plus plus q, x t, or am them festival, which is the eurovision song contest ukraine's the entry. why the tip to win again this year? no vote big thing going on there. what so ever decided to do a bit of orthodox christian, a binding. now to take it easy egg knocking egg buying. whoever's eggs survives wins. and just about the size of one of the g o. that took part in the do you mean both of us the festival for you guys? all the eggs that went missing? apparently a large amount of bags did go missing at the festival at i think we can see where they actually went in real time. rather early, so you go with one, i don't, i goes with the other and you do this, this is what i'm going to dress look like a fight and was like a pie to. yeah. like what you do with your boyfriend number, who gets to put on the bus kyra in the morning for some reason. this is a gear or if this is one of us can win. okay, welcome to yeah,
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you got 2 eggs in your pants, brother, and i know it ukraine winds again. surprised surprise was this is the same. this is this seeing inside the world is collapsing in front of our eyes. i and we're going to go now from mama to germany, to the deutsch is creek and fruit flocked in the house. and now i made that up. here we have the german economy minister of mine in charge of all of the facilities . the gas prices are up the, the economy's collapsing. he's doing a great job basically. but he can't even break a bottle. maybe to do that was hosting here a vision would be better because he had bigger arms than him. real. the video was not going well. no, not this time. 9 was the problem. wow . it's just more and more to try to cuz it starts to die
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out of town. surprising the poor all a while but is unable to crack a bottom of the show. i'm part of it because he doesn't have enough put in his diet . apparently, the germans aren't getting enough to eat from european power house economy to the bottom of the barrels. so of all this clause. so that's the end of the tonight show . and yet again, we've taken you want to wish to stop tour of sale, how the leads of europe in the us. those who are profiting on the grimy nexus between bombs bullets are standing. the bread from your table, particularly in germany, where the half with minister for trade and industry can't even break ups bottle. i'll see you next week. as the
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as why is it saying the 4th, instead of the 4th, i need to make the 4th. it was on the house, she thinks that's what i was asking. is it funny? now? no. the only one main thing is important for not as an internationally speaking to that is of nations, but thoughts are allowed to do anything, all the mazda races, and then you have the mine and agents who are the slaves. americans, rock, obama and others have had a concept of american exceptionalism. international law exist as long as it serves the american interest. if it doesn't, that doesn't exist by turning those russians into this dangerous boy,
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a man that wants to take over the world. that was the culture of strategy. so some of the vehicle in your english v i n b. i not finished it, often. zip on a tablet block, nato's. it's. it's ours. we move east. the reason us, hey jim, is dangerous. is it deny the sovereignty of other countries, the exceptionalism that america uses and its international war planning is one of the greatest threats to the populations of different nations. if nature, what is founded, shareholders in the united states and elsewhere in large arms companies would lose millions of millions or is business businesses good? and that is the reality of what we're facing, which especially the, [000:00:00;00]
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the, the rabbit collapse of the ottoman empire, gave the arabs hope for independence. but the colonial power. so their future differently. great britain and france agreed on the seizure of the aeroplanes under the guise of the so called mandate of the league of nations. this bible play caused particular indignation in a rack, which was to get under the control of the british. in may 1921 rest with claim for independence broke out, both assuming and that she took part in it. soon the rallies turned into a real uprising against the invaders. more than 130000 people took up arms. britons urgently began to transfer reinforcements to a rack and used aircraft radius war. secretary winston churchill birds,
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the use of chemical weapons against the rebels. and general ser, i own or heralding border, the destruction of any village where weapons were found. burning a village properly takes a long time. an hour or more according to sized paulding recalls cynically. in his memoirs, the media build girl d paid off. the revolt was crushed. however, separate is empire had to make serious concessions. in 1921, it recognized the solve the 1st as the king of a rag and gave part of the power to representatives of the local population via racket. revolt marked the beginning of the national consolidation of the country and became an important milestone on the way to final independence. the 0 new ship did it should. so with the jet alive scam,
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i don't only neil m dot gov i the that i need this dive yet. give us credit where image started, they pressed ok branch and to show us where to get ship pushing when they come or if they should have told me to put it on to a terminal for the rentals. if i gave me an estimate or a certain way real quick here that will be able to lower and i also have to visit with dukes cuz you talked to his tours to perform the product is closer to the thing i was on hold. sure. yeah. cuz i know trying to settle a september shift, but i was in deer late with courtney church. 31 area or 2 very heavy rush. fever
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has no money orders to build a junior there before in june. they take their mom on their 3. yeah. corner santori ward, the 1941 with the nazis health relation, ultra nationalist view, astonishes the claim, the independent state of croatia. shortly off, the seizing power. they build the scene of us concentration camp a place associated with the worst atrocities committed in yugoslavia during world war 2. use dash is used to come system to isolate and exterminate subs, roma, jews, and other non catholic minorities, and political opponents of the fascist regime. conditions in the scene of us comp will render the gods to which it to arise and the prisoners they send in the
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constitution camps. so most of them died 6 was incredible genocide. the are you currently in minutes? all right, just a massive up paul. the building in the russian city of those are all they need to know the will reply to the wounded, the. the few of the dividers abilities need to collect payment, to move in to a 100, you grandfathered and killed, and it doesn't run luxury. a russian offensive need pointing to the 2nd largest city, most of its folders, take control of several towns and the cost region. so the,


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